Comparison_of_spinach_cultivation_in_floating_hydr (2)

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Comparison of spinach cultivation in floating hydroponic system and soil in

glasshouse and open field conditions

Article in Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences · April 2022

DOI: 10.29136/mediterranean.1061475


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2 authors, including:

Kutluk bilge bostancı

Akdeniz University


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(2022) 35(1): 7-14
DOI: 10.29136/mediterranean.1061475

Comparison of spinach cultivation in floating hydroponic system and soil in

glasshouse and open field conditions
Kutluk Bilge BOSTANCI1 , Salih ULGER2
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Demre District Directorate of Agriculture, Antalya
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, 07070, Antalya
Corresponding author: S. Ulger, e-mail:
Author(s) e-mail:


Received: January 22, 2022 The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of glasshouse and outdoor conditions
Received in revised form: February 22, 2022 on the growth of spinach plants in floating hydroponic culture and soil. In the floating
Accepted: March 1, 2022 hydroponic culture, the plants were grown in a plastic tank (120x50x30 cm) and a volume of
80 L in a glasshouse and open field. Each seed was inserted at 13x5 cm in rock wool in
Keywords: styrofoam and then placed in the nutrient solution. There was no significant change in EC
values measured in the glasshouse and outside, and the pH of the solutions in the outdoor
Floating hydroponic culture
environment was higher (except in late December) than those in the glasshouse. The earliest
Soil growing
and late harvests were made in floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse and outdoor
cultivation at 64 and 97 days, respectively. The highest yield was 1.54 kg m-2 in open field
Spinacia oleracea
cultivation, it was followed by 1.45 kg m-2 in the greenhouse and 1.32 kg m-2 in the open field
in floating hydroponic culture, respectively. Despite the high yield that can be obtained from
floating hydroponic culture cultivation in the glasshouse and outside, the fact that there is a
lower marketable amount is a negative aspect. However, the floating hydroponic culture could
be preferred to soil cultivation due to many advantages such as production 2-3 times a year,
low labor costs, and less pesticide use. Spinach cultivation in the open field does not have any
problems in terms of nitrate, but nitrate accumulation can be a problem in hydroponic culture.

1. Introduction
Growing the same crop for many years in greenhouses and in spring were in F91-415’ with 1649 g·m−2. ‘F91-415’ for
(monoculture) triggers soil fatigue, soil salinity, diseases, and autumn greenhouse production, and ‘F91-415’ and ‘Padre’ for
pest formation. Therefore, in recent years short vegetation spring production were recommended (Brandenberger et al.
period plants such as lettuce, spinach, chard, leek, green onions, 2007).
green garlic, all kinds of green leafy aromatic vegetables, The study aims to determine growing potential, earliness,
parsley, cress, arugula, mint, basil have been grown in floating and yield in an unheated glasshouse and outside in a floating
hydroponic systems (Çelikel 2002; Ergün 2011). The hydroponic system and soil in winter in the ecological
hydroponic system has important advantages compared to conditions in Antalya.
cultivation in the soil such as the ability to adjust the structure
of the growing medium, better drainage, fewer risks of weed
2. Material and Methods
and soil-borne pathogens, and low worker wages. Besides the
reusability of the nutrient solution, it is easier to control The research was carried out in a glasshouse and an open
parameters such as temperature, light intensity, light quality, field in the Research and Application Station of the Faculty of
application time, nutrient composition and density, and the Agriculture, Akdeniz University, Antalya in winter (Figure 1).
amount of gas given to the roots (Marr 1994). The impact of the The glasshouse is 5 m wide, 6 m long, and 2 m side height with
increase of the human population can be seen with more land a double side ventilation system. The land is located at 36° 54
needed for housing and decreasing land for agriculture, 028' north latitude, 30° 38 810' east longitude, 1.5 km from the
especially in urban areas. One solution for farming in urban sea, and 38 m altitude. According to the soil analysis made at
areas is by utilizing rooftop farming by hydroponic cultivation. the Western Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute; the
Water and electricity consumption for one growing period was soil type in the glasshouse and outside is clay loam with low
300.63 L and 31.816 kW, respectively in the floating raft organic matter (2.69%) and a pH of 8.23.
fertigation system for spinach growing. The efficiency of water
Matador (Spinacia oleracea var. Matador) spinach cultivar
use was determined as 99.6 kg m-3 (Fadhlillah et al. 2019).
was used as the plant material. In floating hydroponic culture,
Spinach was harvested 52 days after planting in the autumn the plants were grown in plastic tanks (120x50x30 cm) and a
and 37 days in the floating hydroponic culture in spring. The volume of 80 L. Styrofoam seedling trays (120x50x4.9 cm) was
highest yields in autumn were in ‘Olympia’ with 2093 g m−2 used and rock wool (Belagro Substrate) was placed in

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

8 Bostanci and Ulger/Mediterr Agric Sci (2022) 35(1): 7-14

styrofoam trays at 13x5 cm intervals for seed sowing (Figure 1). (Figure 2). Changes in pH, EC, and temperature of the growing
Oxygen was provided to the nutrient solutions through the solution in the greenhouse were recorded. For cultivation in the
aquarium air motor and air stones. Cooper (1988), the nutrient glasshouse, the same soil as the open field was filled into
solution was used (Table 1), and the pH and EC of the solution 120x50x30 cm boxes with a 10 cm space at the top, and spinach
were kept around 6.0-6.5 and 1.5-1.7, respectively. seeds were sown in the soil by hand at 13x5 cm (Figure 3).
For open field cultivation in the soil, the soil was ploughed
Table 1. Cooper’s nutrient solutions.
at a depth of 30 cm and, then smoothed, and made ready for
Elements Amount mg l-1 seed sowing. Spinach seeds were sown by hand at a depth of 1
N 236 cm, with a row spacing of 13x5 cm (Figure 3). Cultural
P 60 treatments such as irrigation, fertilization, plant protection, and
K 300 harvesting were carried out in a timely and appropriate manner.
Ca 185 Yield, plant height, root length, marketable plant weight (Ercan
Mg 50 and Bayyurt 2014) chlorophyll content “Konica Minolta SPAD-
S 68 502” (Geravandi et al. 2011), K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Z, Mn, Cu and
nitrate accumulation (Kacar and İnal 2008) and P (Kacar and
Fe (EDTA) 12
Kovancı 1982) content, vividness and color conditions of the
B 0.3
leaves (Minolta Chorometer Reflectance) were determined.
Mn 2
Zn 0.1 The study was conducted in a split plots trial design in three
replications, and 16 seeds were used in each replication.
Cu 0.1
Glasshouse and open field growing factors were located in the
Mo 0.2
main plot; cultivation technique was located in the subplots.
Statistical analysis was carried out in the Statistical Package for
Spinach seeds were directly sown in 13x5 cm in rock wool the Social Science (SPSS, version 17), and the Tukey test was
in Styrofoam on December 21, and then placed in a greenhouse used to determine the differences between means
and outside in plastic tanks including a nutrient solution. The (ns: nonsignificant, *: significant at P≤0.05).
tank outside was covered with a round roof with plastic to
protect it from external environmental factors such as rain

Figure 1. Glass (left) glasshouse in which the research was conducted (left), and Styrofoam trays with rock wool in which spinach seeds were sown

Figure 2. Spinach growing in floating culture in the glasshouse (left) and open field (right).

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

Bostanci and Ulger/Mediterr Agric Sci (2022) 35(1): 7-14 9

Figure 3. Spinach growing in the soil in the glasshouse (left) and open field (right).

3. Results The earliest and latest harvest was made with 64 days on
February 23 and with 97 days on March 28 in the floating
3.1. Temperature changes hydroponic culture in the glasshouse and open field,
respectively. However, the spinach grown in the glasshouse in
The temperature values measured inside the glasshouse the soil was harvested (72 days) earlier than grown in the
were higher than in the outdoor environment. The temperature floating hydroponic culture (83 days) outside (Table 2).
in the glasshouse ranged from 14-20oC from December 21 to
February 14, then it slightly increased, and was 25oC on The highest yields were obtained with 1.54 kg m-2 in the
February 23 at harvest time. The outdoor temperature changed open field and with 1.45 kg m-2 in floating hydroponic culture
more than inside the glasshouse and dropped to 8oC in in the greenhouse. It was followed by floating hydroponic
mid-January. The maximum outdoor temperature was measured culture outside with 1.32 kg m-2 and soil in the glasshouse with
as 22-23oC in March (Figure 4). 1.07 kg m-2. After removing non-market value outer leaves (the
choice was made based on personal experience), the yield was
The solution temperatures inside and outside were found to highest 1.18 kg m-2 in the open field, followed by the soil in the
be lower than the glasshouse inside temperature during the greenhouse with 0.94 kg m-2, floating hydroponic culture
experiment period. However, the solution temperatures inside outside with 0.87 kg m-2 and floating hydroponic culture in the
and outside, except for early December and January, were glasshouse with 0.81 kg m-2 (Table 2).
measured at almost the same levels as the outside temperature.
Only the outside temperature was determined to be lower than The growing systems also affected the plant height. The
the solution temperatures in mid-January (Figure 4). length of spinach grown in floating hydroponic culture and soil
was determined longer than that grown in the glasshouses. The
3.2. EC and pH changes length of spinach grown in the soil in the open field and
glasshouse was higher than grown in floating hydroponic
There was not much change in EC values measured in the culture, and the length in the soil in the open field with 47.94
glasshouse and outside. Although solution EC's were tried to be cm was measured to be twice as long as the other treatments.
kept between 1.5-1.7, the measured values were higher. EC The shortest root length was in floating hydroponic culture in
increase in the glasshouse was higher than in the outdoor the glasshouse with 18.86 cm (Table 2).
environment, and the highest EC increase in solutions in the
The root length of spinach grown in floating hydroponic
greenhouse was detected in February during harvest (Figure 5). culture in the glasshouse (36.10 cm) and outdoor (30.02 cm)
Although 0.1 N nitric acid (HNO3) was continuously given to
was measured as longer than spinach grown in soil. The root
the environment to keep the pH value constant between 6-6.5 in
length of spinach grown in soil outside and glasshouse were
the solutions, the pH could not be kept at the desired values.
27.79 and 19.10 cm, respectively (Table 2).
Except for the period when the experiment started, the pH of the
solutions in the outdoor environment was recorded to be higher While the most marketable spinach was in the open field
than those in the greenhouse. The highest pH rise occurred at with 1.18 kg m-2, the amount in other applications were found to
the beginning of the trial (7.34 in the greenhouse and 7.32 in be close to each other. The marketable amount was determined
outside), in January (7.1 in outside), and early February (7.13 in as 0.94 kg m-2 in the soil in the glasshouse, 0.87 kg m-2 in the
outside) (Figure 6). floating hydroponic culture outside, and 0.81 kg m-2 in the
floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse. The amount of
3.3. Plant growth and yield values marketable spinach was determined as 87.85% in the soil in the
glasshouse, 76.62% in the soil in the open field, 65.91% in
The spinaches were harvested when they had five to six true floating hydroponic culture outdoor, and 55.86% in floating
leaves. The parameters measured during the harvest of spinach hydroponic culture in the glasshouse (Table 2).
grown in the glasshouse and outside in floating hydroponic
culture and soil had changed significantly (P≤0.05) (Table 2).

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

10 Bostanci and Ulger/Mediterr Agric Sci (2022) 35(1): 7-14

Figure 4. Average temperature values determined in the glasshouse, outdoor environment, and solutions.

Average solution EC in greenhouse







21-27 28 4-10 11-17 18-24 25-31 1-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 1-6 7-13 14-20 21-28
Dec. Dec.- 3 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March March

Figure 5. Average EC values determined in solutions in the glasshouse and outdoor environment.

Average solution pH in greenhouse







21-27 28 4-10 11-17 18-24 25-31 1-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 1-6 7-13 14-20 21-28
Dec. Dec.- Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March March
3 Jan.

Figure 6. Average pH values determined in solutions in the glasshouse and outdoor environment.

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

Bostanci and Ulger/Mediterr Agric Sci (2022) 35(1): 7-14 11

The chlorophyll levels in the leaves of spinach grown in Fe levels of leaves with 303.67 mg kg-1 in the glasshouse
floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse (71.16 mg kg-1) and with 284.33 mg kg-1 in the open field in soil were higher
and outdoor (68.31 mg kg-1) were found close to each other, and than those grown in floating hydroponic culture. The amount of
their levels were determined to be higher than those grown in Fe in floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse was found to
the soil. The chlorophyll content was 64.58 mg kg-1 in the soil in be higher than for outside. The lowest Fe content was in floating
the open field and was 54.30 mg kg-1 in the soil in the hydroponic culture outside with 80.33 mg kg-1. Mn levels in
glasshouse (Table 2). leaves were found in the glasshouse in soil with 62.67 mg kg-1
The nitrate accumulation in the leaves of spinach grown in and floating hydroponic culture with 61.00 mg kg-1. The highest
floating hydroponic culture (3111 mg kg-1) and soil (2069 Mn level was determined in the soil in an open field with 83.00
mg kg-1) in the glasshouse was found to have considerably mg kg-1. The highest Zn with 158.67 mg kg-1 and Cu with 19.00
higher levels than those grown in the open field. The lowest mg kg-1 were detected in floating hydroponic culture in the
nitrate accumulation was in the open field with 87 mg kg-1 glasshouse, while the lowest Zn with 75.00 mg kg-1 and Cu with
(Table 2). 10.00 mg kg-1 were found in soil in the glasshouse (Table 3).
There was not much change in EC values measured in the
3.4. Macro and microelement contents in leaves glasshouse and outside. Although solution EC's were tried to be
kept between 1.5-1.7, the measured values were higher. EC
The contents of N, Ca, Mg, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in the
increase in the glasshouse was higher than in the outdoor
leaves in floating hydroponic culture and soil outside and
environment, and the highest EC increase in solutions in the
greenhouse were significantly changed (P≤0.05). The level of N
greenhouse was detected in February during harvesting (Figure
in leaves in floating hydroponic culture (3.80 mg kg-1) and soil
(3.67 mg kg-1) in the glasshouse were almost the same, and the
highest N content was determined in the soil in the open field 3.5. Leaf color analysis
with 4.30%. P and K levels in leaves in floating hydroponic
culture and soil outside were lower than those grown in the The brightest colored leaves were measured in the soil in
glasshouses. The highest P and K contents were detected in the glasshouse and floating hydroponic culture outdoors. Th e
floating hydroponic culture and soil in the glasshouse with brighter green color of leaves was mostly determined in the
0.90% and 12.37%, respectively. The highest Ca and Mg levels floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse however, the
in leaves were determined in the soil in the glasshouse with green color was less intense outside in soil and floating
1.80% and 1.10% respectively while the lowest Ca 0.37% and hydroponic culture. The green color was detected more in the
Mg 0.57% were in the soil outside. The Ca and Mg levels in plants grown in greenhouses and yellowing in the plants grown
floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse and outside were in the open (Table 4).
detected at about the same level (Table 3).

Table 2. Yield and biomass values of spinach grown in floating culture and soil in the greenhouse and outdoor environment
Days between seed sow Yield Plant height Root length Marketable plant Chlorophyll
accumulation in
and harvest (day) (kg m-2) (cm) (cm) weight/plant (kg) content (mg g-1)
Applications leaf (mg kg-1)
Floating 0.81c
Green-house culture 64a* 1.45a 18.86c 36.10a (44.14% loss) 71.16a 3112a
Soil 72b 1.07c 22.77b 19.10d (12.15% loss) 54.30c 2069b
Floating 0.87bc
Outdoor culture 83c 1.32ab 20.21c 30.02b (34.09% loss) 68.31a 621c
Soil 97d 1.54a 47.94a 27.79c (23.38% loss) 64.58b 87d
Means within each column followed by the same letters are significantly different according to the Tukey test (*significant at P≤0.05).

Table 3. Macro and microelement contents detected in spinach leaves in floating culture and soil in the glasshouse and outside.
Applications N (%) P (%) K (%) Ca (%) Mg (%) Fe (ppm) Mn (ppm) Zn (ppm) Cu (ppm)
Greenhouse Floating culture 3.80b* 0.90a 9.00b 0.73b 0.80b 90.67c 61.00b 158.67a 19.00a
Soil 3.67b 0.73b 12.37a 1.80a 1.10a 303.67a 62.67b 75.00d 10.00c
Outdoor Floating culture 3.00c 0.53c 3.47c 0.73b 0.70b 80.33d 32.00c 94.33c 13.67b
Soil 4.30a 0.53c 3.33c 0.37c 0.57c 284.33b 83.00a 100.67b 10.67c
Means within each column followed by the same letters are significantly different according to the Tukey test (*significant at P≤ 0.05).

Table 4. Average L, a, and b values of leaves measured in the glasshouse and outside in floating culture and soil (L: brightness, a: green color, b:
yellow color).

Applications L a b
Greenhouse Floating culture 42.63b* -11.96a 14.81c
Soil 46.53a -14.48b 20.32b
Outdoor Floating culture 44.93a -16.13c 23.17a
Soil 42.06b -16.76c 22.99a
Means within each column followed by the same letters are significantly different according to the Tukey test (*significant at P≤0.05).

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

12 Bostanci and Ulger/Mediterr Agric Sci (2022) 35(1): 7-14

4. Discussion and Conclusion While color, length, vitality, and the number of leaves is
important factors for the sale of spinach, the amount of
Protected cultivation of spinach in floating hydroponic is an marketable quantity from the produced part is also substantial
alternative way of year round vegetable production and has a for economical gain. The most important factor is how much of
much faster economic return (Brandenberger et al. 2007). EC the spinach produced can be marketed. In floating hydroponic
and pH values of the solution affect the cultivation, and the culture, the marketable produce in the glasshouse and outdoor
appropriate EC value is 1 and 3 dS m− 1, and pH is 5.5 and 7. was 55.86% (yield decreases from 1.45 kg m-2 to 0.81 kg m-2)
Solution pH in aquaponics systems is a compromise between and 65.91% (yield decreases from 1.32 kg m-2 to 0.87 kg m-2)
microbial and plant demands (Cerozi and Fitzsimmons 2016). A respectively. On the other hand, the marketable amount in the
recent study determined that pH 6.0 was optimal for plant open field was 87.85% (yield decreases from 1.54 kg m-2 to
growth and nitrogen utilization efficiency in aquaponics at the 1.18 kg m-2) and 76.62% in the soil in the glasshouse (yield
expense of increased N2O emission due to high denitrification decreases from 1.07 kg m-2 to 0.94 kg m-2). The decrease in the
(Zou et al. 2016). In the experiment, although it was tried to marketable amount in floating hydroponic culture in the
keep solution EC between 1.5-1.7 and pH 6.0-6.5, solution EC glasshouse and outside can be explained by the plant being
varied between 1.7-2.5, and pH was between 6.64-7.31. Other constantly in water, and at high temperatures in the glasshouse.
researchers reported similar increases in EC and pH in the Although the marketable amount is low in floating hydroponic
solution in hydroponic culture (Öztekin et al. 2018; Leal et al. cultivation in a glass greenhouse and outdoor compared to
2020). On the other hand, fewer changes of EC and pH values outdoor cultivation in the soil, this situation should not be
of the solutions in the floating hydroponic culture in the perceived as negative. It is more advantageous compared to
glasshouse and outside can be explained by the fact that there is cultivation in the soil due to being able to cultivate 2-3 times in
no significant difference between the solution temperatures. a year, low labor costs. Besides, due to the high temperatures in
While the harvest period for spinach grown in autumn and the glass greenhouse in the Mediterranean coastal zone during
winter in soil cultivation can be extended by up to 150-180 the summer months, outdoor floating cultivation may be seen to
days, harvesting takes up to 60 days in spring planting be more suitable during hot periods.
(Anonymous 2011). Spinach has a good development below Although plant height in the soil (especially open field) was
26oC and the best yield and quality characteristics are obtained taller than those grown in floating hydroponic culture, the root
at 22oC (Lee and Takakura 1995; Brandenberger et al. 2007). lengths were shorter in the soil. Similarly, the height of the
The germination and growing period of spinach in hydroponics spinach in the soil (23 cm) was determined to be taller than the
and aquaponics were earlier than the soil growing method floating hydroponic culture (18 cm) (Ranawade et al. 2017).
(Ranawade et al. 2017). Similarly, in the research, spinach in The results indicate that floating hydroponic culture makes
floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse (64 days) came to spinach shorter in height. This can be explained by the fact that
harvest 29 days before the outside soil (93 days). However, the the N level determined in the leaves of spinach grown in the soil
fact that spinach grown in the soil in the glasshouse (72 days) in the open fields was higher than in the floating culture.
came to harvest before the floating hydroponic culture outside
(83 days) shows that spinach cultivation in floating hydroponic The nutrient content of spinach in leaves varies according to
culture outside does not affect the earliness. The earlier harvest the growing medium. Research results differed from those of
of spinach in floating hydroponic culture in the glasshouse can other researchers (Shah et al. 2009; Vandam et al. 2017;
be explained by the higher temperature of glasshouse than Öztekin et al. 2018), and in the study, N, Ca, and Mg levels
outside. During the experiment period (December 21 to were lower in spinach grown in winter whereas P, and Fe levels
February 15), while the temperature inside the glasshouse were found to be higher. In the spinach leaves, K, Ca, Mg, and
varied between 14-24oC the outside temperature decreased to Fe contents in the soil and P, Zn, and Cu in the floating
8oC in January and the temperature varied between 8-23oC. hydroponic culture in glass greenhouse were found to be higher,
However, the solution temperatures in the glasshouse and but N and Mn were found more frequently in the open field.
outside did not change much except for December and early The amount of nitrate in plants varies greatly depending on
January. This can be explained by the high specific heat of the the type of plant, genetic structure, plant age, plant parts,
water. Because water can absorb large amounts of heat energy environmental factors, applied N form, and agricultural
and releases heat energy slowly (Kacar et al. 2002). processing methods (Xiang et al. 2020). Low nitrate contents
In the cultivation of spinach in soil, the yield per decare are desired indirectly consumed from edible leaf vegetables.
depending on the climate, soil structure, growing season, Because nitrate is converted to nitrite by mouth bacteria and
harvest type and variety could be 1.1-1.5 tons (Cocetta et al. conveyed to the human stomach, excess nitrate adversely affects
2007), 0.86-1.8 tons (Engindeniz 2008), 1.5-3.0 tons human health (Kara 1993; Özdestan and Üren 2010).
(Anonymous 2011), 1.01-4.54 tons (Sensoy et al. 2011) and Vegetables such as beets, celery, lettuce, spinach, and radishes
0.40 tons (Ranawade et al. 2017). In floating culture, in winter contain high levels of nitrates (>1000 mg kg-1) (Anonymous
1.25 tons, in early spring 1.99 tons (Öztekin et al. 2018), and in 2019). The maximum limit of the nitrate amount in lettuce
glasshouses between 1.88 and 2.09 tons (Brandenberger et al. leaves is determined as 3500-4500 mg kg-1, and 2500 mg kg-1 in
2007) of spinach per decare can be produced. In the research, cabbage, carrot, and celery tubers in Switzerland, the
the yield value of 1.45 tons da-1 obtained from floating Netherlands, and Austria (Bergmann 1992). The maximum
hydroponic culture in the greenhouse during the winter period nitrate level in spinach is 3500 mg kg-1 according to the Turkish
was similar to other research results. The fact that 1.45 tons of Food Codex Regulation published in Turkey in 2008 (Ayaz and
yield obtained from the floating hydroponic culture in the Yurttagül 2006). In the spinach leaves in the experiment, the
glasshouse in winter were close to 1.54 tons obtained from the nitrate accumulation in floating hydroponic culture and soil in a
soil outside showed that spinach can be grown economically in glass greenhouse and outside were determined to be below these
floating hydroponic culture in winter in the ecological levels. Nitrate accumulation was detected at 1800 mg kg-1 in the
conditions in Antalya. spinach leaves in floating hydroponic culture during the winter

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

Bostanci and Ulger/Mediterr Agric Sci (2022) 35(1): 7-14 13

period (Öztekin et al. 2018) and 3610 mg kg-1 in hydroponic References

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This work was part of the Master Science experiment and Leal LYC, Souza ER, Santos Junior JA, Santos MA (2020) Comparison
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with brackish water. Scientia Horticulturae 274: 109616. doi:
University with the project no FYL-2015-412, 2015-2016. The
authors would like to thank the previous graduate advisor, Prof.
Dr. Nurgul Ercan.

© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

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© Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture

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