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NTPC Limited

( A Government of India Enterprise )

NTPC Bhawan
Scope Complex
7 Institutional Area
Lodhi Road
110003 New Delhi
Emp. No. 101945, Grade E6
North Karanpura
KARANPURA Date 22-Dec-23
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Mobile 9453019771

Travel Expense Statement (Simulation)

of KUSH . for Trip 260013764 from 18.11.2023 to 27.11.2023 Destination NTPC PMI; Reason for trip: efficiency
training (tour wiith training) non residential

Date Time City Reason Country
18.11.2023 00:00:00 IN
18.11.2023 00:00:00 NTPC PMI efficiency training (tour wiith training) non IN
27.11.2023 08:00:00 IN

Settlement Results and Cost Assignment

Amount Type Amount (INR)
Per Diems for Meals 8,100.00
Sum of Receipts to be Reimbursed 13,616.00
Reimbursement Amount 21,716.00
21,716.00 INR of 21,716.00 INR are assigned to:
Company code: 1000 NTPC Limited
Business area: 1029 North Karanpura Thermal Power
Cost center: 10291201

Additional trip information

training schedule and nomination attached.

DA Computation
From Date Time To Date Time No. DA Reimbursement amount
18.11.2023 00:00 20.11.2023 00:00 3 Composite DA-MET 4,050.00
3 Composite DA-MET -4,050.00
21.11.2023 00:00 26.11.2023 00:00 6 Composite DA-MET 8,100.00
27.11.2023 00:00 27.11.2023 08:00 1 Composite DA-MET 675.00
1 Composite DA-MET -675.00
0 Sum of Meals per Diems 8,100.00
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Emp. No. 101945 Emp. Name KUSH . Trip No. 260013764

Reimbursement amount: 8,100.00 INR

Date Rcpt Expense type Amount
No. (INR)
18.11.2023 001 Taxi-Fare (Journey Fare) 1,500.00
18.11.2023 002 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) 595.75
21.11.2023 003 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) 1,670.40
21.11.2023 004 Auto - Fare (Journey Fare) 600.00
24.11.2023 005 Auto - Fare (Journey Fare) 600.00
24.11.2023 006 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) 1,755.40
26.11.2023 007 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) 795.40
26.11.2023 008 Taxi-Fare (Journey Fare) 3,100.00
24.11.2023 009 Local Conv. at Dest. Stn. 3,000.00
Sum of Receipts 13,616.95

Reimbursement amount: 13,616.95 INR

Additional Receipt Information

Rcpt Receipt Type Contents
001 Taxi-Fare (Journey Fare) From 18.11.2023
To 18.11.2023
NTPC North Karanpura To Khalari
railway station
Location NTPC North Karannpura Tandwa
Document Number of 01068
Kilometer Reading on 00000035
002 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) From 18.11.2023
To 19.11.2023
Description Khalari RLY Stn to Chopan
Location Khalari Railway station
Document Number of 6227878748
Kilometer Reading on 00000304
Ticket Number 6227878748
003 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) From 21.11.2023
To 22.11.2023
Deen dayal Updhyaya Varanasi to
New Delhi RLY STN
Deen Dayal Upadhyay RLY STN
Document Number of 6727984263
Kilometer Reading on 00000775
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Emp. No. 101945 Emp. Name KUSH . Trip No. 260013764

Rcpt Receipt Type Contents

Ticket Number 6727984263
004 Auto - Fare (Journey Fare) From 22.11.2023
To 22.11.2023
Description New Delhi RLY STN to PMI Noida
Location PMI Noida
Kilometer Reading on 00000020
005 Auto - Fare (Journey Fare) From 24.11.2023
To 24.11.2023
From NTPC PMI to Anand Vihar
railway station
Location NTPC PMI
Kilometer Reading on 00000015
006 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) From 24.11.2023
To 25.11.2023
Anand vihar Railway station to
Location Anand Vihar Delhi
Document Number of 2205113946
Kilometer Reading on 00000846
Ticket Number 2205113946
007 Train-Fare (Journey Fare) From 26.11.2023
To 27.11.2023
From Deen dayal upadhyay to
Koderma rly station
Location Deen dayal upadhyay
Document Number of 8900475964
Kilometer Reading on 00000280
Ticket Number 8900475964
008 Taxi-Fare (Journey Fare) From 27.11.2023
To 27.11.2023
Koderma rly station to NTPC North
Location Koderma rly station
Document Number of 01069
Kilometer Reading on 00000110
009 Local Conv. at Dest. Stn. From 22.11.2023
To 24.11.2023
Description To & Fro jouney from stay to PMI
Location New Delhi
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Emp. No. 101945 Emp. Name KUSH . Trip No. 260013764

Rcpt Receipt Type Contents

Kilometer Reading on 00000045

I Have read the DPE Circular No. DPE/3(4)/08-Fin. Dated 20th February 2013 and CHRC No. 726/2013
dated 13 June 2013. It is Certified that:

1. Mileage points, if any, earned on tickets purchased for official travel will be utilized for official travel.
2. I have not availed Companion Scheme ticket for domestic travel.
3. The vehicle for which reimbursement of re-registration charges is claimed , is being used for performance
of official duty.
Further it is also certified that the amount claimed towards cost of air tickets is actually incurred by me and
the PNR Number(s) indicated above relate to the above journeys performed by me.

(Signature of Employee) (Signature of Approver)

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