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CHAPTER11- DUAL NATURE OF photoelectric current I versus applied

RADIATION AND MATTER voltage V for two different photosensitive
1. If threshold wavelength for photoelectric materials and for two different intensities
effect on sodium is 5000Å, what is the of the incident radiations. Identify the
work function of sodium? curves that correspond to different
2. The following figure shows the variation materials but same intensity of incident
of photoelectric current measured in a radiation.
photocell circuit as a function of the
potential difference between the plates of
the photocell. When light beams of A,B,C
and D of different wavelengths are incident
on the photocell. Examine the given figure
and answer the following questions.
i. which light beam has highest frequency
and why?
8. If work function of the metal surface is
ii. Which light beam has the longest
2.14 eV, then evaluate the threshold
wavelength and why?
frequency of the metal.
iii. Which light beam eject photoelectrons
9. If the wavelength of a photon is 4000Å,
with maximum momentum and why
what is the energy of photon?
10. Show on a plot the nature of variation
of photoelectric current with the intensity
of radiation incident on a photosensitive
11. Draw a plot showing the variation of de
Broglie wavelength of electron as a
function of its K.E.
12. An electron is accelerated through a
3. The graph shows the variation of potential difference of 100 volts. What is
stopping potential with frequency of the de-Broglie wavelength associated with
incident radiation for two photosensitive it? To which part of the electromagnetic
metals A and B. which one of the two has spectrum does this value of wavelength
higher work function? Justify your answer. correspond?
13. Show graphically the variation of
photo- current with collector plate potential
for different intensity but same frequency
of incident radiation.
14. Write the relationship of de- Broglie
wavelength associated with a particle of
mass m in terms of its kinetic energy E.
15. What are the laws of photoelectric
4. Show graphically the variation of the de- 16. The radius of innermost electron orbit
Broglie wavelength with the potential of a hydrogen atom is 5.3 × 10-11 m. What
difference through which an electron which is the radius of orbit in the second excited
an electron is accelerated from rest. state?
5. State de-Broglie hypothesis. 17. (i) In hydrogen atom, an electron
6. Write the relationship of de- Broglie undergoes transition from third excited
wavelength associated with a particle of state to the second excited state and then
mass m in terms of its kinetic energy E. to the first excited state. Identify the
7. The given graph shows the variation of spectral series to which these transitions

belong. 36. What happens to the width of depletion

(ii) Find out the ratio of the wavelengths of layer of a p-n junction when it is (i) forward
the emitted radiations in the two cases. biased (ii) reverse biased?
18. Using Rutherford model of the atom, 37. In an extrinsic semiconductor, the
derive the expression for the total energy number density of holes is 4x1020 m-3. If
of the electron in hydrogen atom. What is the number density of intrinsic carrier is
the significance of total negative energy 1.2x1045 m-3, Find the number density of
possessed by the electron? electron in it.
19. Write a note on Bohr’s postulates. 38. Illustrate with the pictorial
20. Derive the expression for radius of “n” representation, the classification of
th orbit. materials based on energy gap.
21. Describe Rutherford model of atom on 39. Distinguish between n- type and p-type
the basis of alpha particle scattering semiconductors
experiment. 40. Assuming that the p-n junction
22. Calculate the shortest wavelength of diode shown in the figure is ideal, find
spectral line emitted in spectral series. the current through the diode.
23. Use Bohr model of hydrogen atom to
calculate the speed of the electron in the
first excited state.
24. The ground state energy of hydrogen 41. Distinguish between full wave rectifier
atom is -13.6eV, find out its kinetic and and half wave rectifier.
potential energy in the ground and excited 42. Distinguish between extrinsic and
states? intrinsic semiconductors
25. What is the ratio of radii of the orbits 43. Draw the voltage – current
corresponding to first excited state and characteristic curve of a diode and mark its
ground state, in a hydrogen atom? important parameter.
CHAPTER13- NUCLEII 44. Explain the working of full wave
26. Two nuclei have mass numbers in the rectifier with the circuit diagram
ratio 27:125. What is the ratio of their 45. Explain the working of half wave
nuclear radii? rectifier with the circuit diagram
27. Two nuclei have mass numbers in the 46. Describe p-type and n-type
ratio 1:8. What is the ratio of their nuclear semiconductors
radii? 47. Write a note on forward bias and
28. Two nuclei have mass numbers in the reverse bias.
ratio 1: 29. What is the ratio of their 48. Distinguish between pentavalent and
nuclear densities? trivalent impurity.
30. Draw a plot of the binding energy per 49. What is a depletion region?
nucleon as a function of mass number for a 50. What is doping?
large number of nuclei, 2 ≤ A ≤ 240. How
do you explain the constancy of binding ********* HAPPY LEARNING ************
energy per nucleon in the range 30 < A <
170 using the property that nuclear force is
31. Describe the fission process in a
nuclear reactor.
32. Is the nuclear density dependent on
mass number? Explain.
33. What are isotopes, isobars, isotones?
34. Distinguish between nuclear fission and
fusion .
35. write a note on binding energy.

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