Better-English-Pronunciation 2
Better-English-Pronunciation 2
Better-English-Pronunciation 2
A Letters B Sound
1 They are read 1 They are spoken
2 They are seen 2 They are heard
3 Hands, Pen, and paper are used 3 Organs of speech are used in articulating sound
4 The number of letters is less than the number of 4 The number of sounds is more than the number of the letter
sounds (26) letters (Vowel – 20 , Constants – 24)
Note :- There is no one to one relation between the number of letters and the sounds
representing them.
Example :-
Shoe / SU:/
Next / nekst/
Car / ka:/
Because sometimes tow letters are combined articulated by tow sound.
Q/ what are the difficulty that speakers face when they pronounce language?
First, they must be pronounced smoothly without hesitations and without stumbling over the
combinations of sounds.
Secondly, in a longer English utterance some of the words are ➜ treated as being more
important to the meaning than others.
Thirdly, the rhythm of English must be mastered.
Fourthly, the tune of the voice, the melody of speech is different in different languages and it is
necessary to learn something of the English way of using tune.
The organs of Speech
Speech organs:- it refers to the part of human body that is/or responsible of (on) speech
Production (articulation) and speech Comprehension.
Note :- When air comes out from lunge it goes to vocal cord. it happens (8) times in second.
First:- the vocal Cord are moveable. It moves up word and down word. and it also vibrate.
when the sounds are producing (articulated) a vibration in vocal Cord the Sound Calles
(voice) (there is vibration) with no vibration if called Voiceless.
Note :- Voiceless Sound / it is refer to Sound that are Produce (articulated) with a vibration in
vocal Card the sound called (voiceless).
Secound:- it located inside larynx. and they are moveable, it moves up and down.
Third:- it Consist of two band of elastic tissue. they are line opposite to each other, all most
touching each other.
The Palate
it is located or consist of hard bone in the roof of the mouth, and it is sprat nasal Cavity from
oral Cavity.
Nasal Cavity → → the Space in nose.
Oral Cavity → → the Space in mouth.
We have Three Part of Palate
The first part Called (alveolar ridge)
It is not move able.
it is located between upper front teeth and hard palate.
it is created out of a hard bond.
Alveolar ridge :- it is one of the organs of speech, and it’s Part of the palate. it is
unmovable. it is located between upper front teeth and hard Palate, and above the tip
and blade part of tongue.
Hard Palate :- it is one of the organs of speech, part of Palate. it is located between
alveolar ridge and Soft Palate, it is not movable, it is created of a hard band.
The teeth
are one of organs of Speech, located in the upper and in the lower parts of the mouth.
it is not movable.
The lips
They are one of the organs of speech. The upper lip is located before upper front teeth.
The lower lip is located before lower front teeth. they are moveable.
Rounded lips : - The side of lips move toward each other. Ex /u:/, /0’/
Neutral lips :- The side of lips remain neutral (normal). Ex /a/
Spread lips :- the side of the lips have opposite of each other. Ex /i:/, /i/
It is one of organs of speech.
Blade :-
it is one of organs of speech.
it is movable.
it is located between tip and front part of tongue under alveolar ridge.
Front :-
it is one of organs of speech.
it is movable.
it is located between blade and back part of tongue.
Back :-
it is one of organs of speech.
it is movable.
it is located between root part of the tongue, under soft palate.
Root :-
it is one of organs of speech.
it is movable.
it is located between at the back part of the tongue, after soft palate.
Q/(A) Whenever we are studying consonants and vowel, we need to follow these three
(B) Whenever you want to know about future of consonants or vowel sound, we need
follow these three steps?
1. Manner of articulation.
2. Place of articulation. (The location of the organs).
3. Voicing (voiced or voiceless).
Both are friction consonants.
The soft palate raised the nasal cavity blocked; the air goes out through the oral cavity.
The lower lip is almost touching the upper front teeth.
1 Long (time of friction) 1 Short (time of friction)
2 Strong (Quality) 2 Weak (Quality)
3 Voiceless (no vibration) 3 Voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – fast /fa:st/ fan / fɑ́ ːsd/ Initial – very /veri/ vole / vəʊl /
Medial - soft /sauft/ sofa / səʊfə/ Medial - over /oʊ.vər/ hover / ˈhɒvə /
Final - walf /wʊlf/ half /hɑːf/ Final - live / lɪv / strive /straɪv/
Both are friction consonants.
The top of the tongue almost touching upper front teeth.
The soft palate is raised the air goes out through the oral cavity.
Air + tip of the tongue and upper front teeth.
A θ B ð
1 Long (time of friction) 1 Short (time of friction)
2 Strong (Quality) 2 Weak (Quality)
3 Voiceless (no vibration) 3 Voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – think / θɪŋk / thief / θi:f / Initial – then / ðɛn / these / ði:z /
Medial - author /ɔː.θə/ arthur / ɑː.θə / Medial - other /ˈʌðə / brother / ˈbrʌðə /
Final - tooth / tu:θ/ wreath / ri:θ / Final - breath / bri:ð / bath / beið /
Both are friction consonants.
The soft palate is raised the air goes out through the oral cavity.
The tip of the tongue touches the back part of Alveolar ridge. the upper and lower teeth
are almost touch each other.
A s B z
1 Long (time of friction) 1 Short (time of friction)
2 Strong (Quality) 2 Weak (Quality)
3 Voiceless (no vibration) 3 Voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – sink /sɪŋk/ sed /seid/ Initial – zinc / zɪŋk / zed / zed /
Medial - looser /luːsə / lacy / leɪsi / Medial - loser /luːzə / lazy /leɪzi /
Final - bus / bʌs / ass / æs / Final - his /hɪz / as / æz /
Note :- as long as you have air in lunge you will be able to articulate /s/ sound without
interruption or without hesitation ( it is not found in /z/) sound .
Note :- the vowel that comes before /s/ and /z/ sound will be effected by them (S & Z ).
For /s/ vowel will be short and weak.
For /z/ vowel will be long strong.
These tow consonants effect the vowel.
Both are friction consonants.
The soft palate is raised the air goes out through the oral cavity.
The tip of the tongue is almost touching the back of Alveolar ridge, the lip is slightly
A ʃ B ɜ
1 Long (time of friction) 1 Short (time of friction)
2 Strong (Quality) 2 Weak (Quality)
3 Voiceless (no vibration) 3 Voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – show /ʃəʊ/ shock /ʃɒk / Initial – we don’t have (ɜ) sound in initial
position, but borrowed word
Medial - nation / neɪ.ʃən / wishing / wɪʃ.ɪŋ / Medial - treasure /trɛʒə / measure /mɛʒə /
Final - crash / kræʃ / leash / liːʃ / Final - garage /ɡær.ɑːʒ/ rouge / ruːʒ/
It is a friction consonant.
The gloats wide-apart and the air pass freely.
The air goes through oral cavity
The soft palate is raised, blocking the nasal cavity.
Q/(A) Why you should not leave out H sound on some cases?
(B) Which sound we have had as Leeder but not sounded? make the meaning of 20 sound
According to the classical English the speakers who leave out (H) Sound are uncultured
Stop Consonants
The stop consonants that are articulated when the air is stopped (blocked) by the organs
of speech and the released.
In all stop consonant the air goes out from oral cavity.
Both are stop consonants.
The upper and lower lips are touch each other; this causes the air to stop.
After the air being stopped the will be released.
When releasing the air, for p sound there will be some aspiration.
A p B b
1 Strong (the quality of stopping of air) 1 Weak (the quality of stopping of air)
2 Long (the time of the stopping the air by the 2 Short (the time of the stopping the air by the
organs of speech is long) organs of speech is short)
3 Aspirated 3 Unaspirated
position position
Initial – "Pat" [phæt]. Initial – "Baby" [ˈbeɪbi]
Medial - "Happen" [ˈhæpən] Medial - "Rabbit" [ˈræbɪt]
Final - "Cap" [kæpʰ]. Final - "Cub" [kʌb]
1- When /p/ sound comes in initial position and followed by vowel it will be
2- When /p/ sound comes in medial position and surrounded by a vowel after /p/
sound it will not be aspirated.
3- When /p/ sound comes in final position and preceded by a vowel it will be
Both are stop consonants.
The tip of the tongue touching alveolar ridge after that the air will be released.
When releasing the air, for T sound it will be aspirated.
The soft palate is raised the air goes out through oral cavity.
A t B d
1 Strong (the quality of stopping of air) 1 Weak (the quality of stopping of air)
2 Long (the time of the stopping the air by the 2 Short (the time of the stopping the air by the
organs of speech is long) organs of speech is short)
3 Sometimes aspirated 3 Unaspirated
4 Voiceless (no vibration) 4 voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – "Top" [tʰɑp]. Initial – "Dog" [dɔɡ]
Medial - "Water" [ˈwɔːtər]. Medial - "Middle" [ˈmɪdəl].
Final - "Cat" [kætʰ]. Final - "Sad" [sæd].
4- When /t/ sound comes in initial position and followed by vowel it will be
5- When /t/ sound comes in medial position and surrounded by a vowel after /t
sound it will not be aspirated.
6- When /t/ sound comes in final position and preceded by a vowel it will be
Both are stop consonants.
The soft palate is raised, the nasal cavity will be blocked the air goes out through oral
The back of the tongue touching soft palate stopping the air from going out.
A k B g
1 Strong (the quality of stopping of air) 1 Weak (the quality of stopping of air)
2 Long (the time of the stopping the air by the 2 Short (the time of the stopping the air by the
organs of speech is long) organs of speech is short)
3 Sometimes aspirated 3 Unaspirated
4 Voiceless (no vibration) 4 voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – "Cat" [khæt]. Initial – "Goat" - [ɡoʊt].
Medial - "Pocket" [ˈpɑkɪt]. Medial - "Magnet" - [ˈmæɡnɪt].
Final - "Back" [bækʰ]. Final - "Dog" - [dɔɡ]
7- When /k/ sound comes in initial position and followed by vowel it will be
8- When /k/ sound comes in medial position and surrounded by a vowel after /k
sound it will not be aspirated.
9- When /k/ sound comes in final position and preceded by a vowel it will be
tʃ & dɜ
Both are stop consonants.
The soft palate is raised, the nasal cavity will be blocked the air goes out through oral
The tip of the tongue touching alveolar ridge stopping the air from going out.
Both consist of two symbols.
Both will never be aspirated.
A tʃ B dɜ
1 Strong (the quality of stopping of air) 1 Weak (the quality of stopping of air)
2 Long (the time of the stopping the air by the 2 Short (the time of the stopping the air by the
organs of speech is long) organs of speech is short)
4 Voiceless (no vibration) 4 voiced (vibration)
position position
Initial – "Chair" - [tʃɛər]. Initial – "Deer" - [dɪr].
Medial - "Teacher" - [ˈtitʃər]. Medial - "Modern" - [ˈmɑːdərn].
Final - "Catch" - [kætʃ]. Final - "Harder" - [ˈhɑrdər].
Note :- the sound symbol that are used to create both sound are totally difficult then the
sound they produce .
Both are nasal consonants.
The soft palate is lowered, the air goes out from nasal cavity
The upper and lower lips are touching each other, blocking the air way.
Both are voiced.
position position
Initial – ("man", /mæn/) Initial – ("net", /nɛt/)
Medial - ( "summer", /ˈsʌmər/) Medial - ("winner", /ˈwɪnər/)
Final - ("gum", /ɡʌm/) Final - "pen", /pɛn/)
It is nasal consonants.
The soft palate is lowered, the air goes out from nasal cavity
The mouth is blocked by the back of the tongue pressed against the soft palate.
Almost of the time (ng) spells as ŋ.
. Note :- when letters / ŋg/ comes in final position the sound / ŋ/ pronounce without /g/
sound .
As for medial position when the letter / ŋ + g/ comes in medial position the (ng) the / ŋg/
Morphology : it is a science that studies the processes of words formation (word creation) it has
two kind :-
1- Free morphology
2- Bound morphology