Second Draft - EnG 111
Second Draft - EnG 111
Second Draft - EnG 111
Lucy Jones
6 October 2023
Introduction Paragraph:
Social media has transformed how we communicate, express ourselves, and view the
world in the current digital era. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding how social
media affects mental health. Understanding the intricate interactions between social media and
mental health can be improved by understanding the complex dynamics of the human mind.
Societal media's extensive societal influence has sparked worries about its effects on mental
health, underlining the need for additional research and oversight. Societal media's extensive
societal influence has sparked concerns about its effects on mental health, underlining the need
First Subtopic:
Social media's societal influence has led to substantial concerns about its implications on
well-controlled and frequently romanticized depictions of other people's lives on websites like
Instagram and Facebook. The polished façade displayed on social media is regularly compared
by people to their own real, flawed lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, and
even melancholy.
Social media's compulsive qualities, which are meant to keep users interested for long
stretches of time, can result in a variety of mental health problems. As people frequently check
their phones late into the night, excessive use can interfere with sleep cycles, which has an
adverse effect on general well-being. Additionally, the "fear of missing out" (FOMO)
phenomenon, which is supported by ongoing updates and notifications, can lead to worry and
Through social media, the prevalence of cyberbullying and online abuse has increased,
posing serious risks to mental health. These platforms' anonymity and distance make it simpler
for people to act cruelly, which causes victims emotional discomfort, anxiety, and, in extreme
situations, suicidal ideation. In conclusion, while social media has many advantages, its societal
impact on mental health has given rise to legitimate worries that call for cautious thought and
moderation in use.
Second Subtopic:
Social media's societal impact has highlighted the urgent need for more research in a
number of important areas. The long-term implications of excessive social media use on mental
health are a subject of considerable concern. Although several studies have found links between
social media use and mental health problems, more thorough and long-term studies are required
to demonstrate a causal relationship, pinpoint particular risk factors, and comprehend how
these platforms must be further investigated, as well as how it affect outcomes in public opinion,
political debate, and even public health. It is essential to look at ways to mitigate the harm that
Ongoing research is needed to determine how social media affects privacy, data security,
and ethical considerations. Research is necessary to inform policymakers and safeguard users'
rights and welfare in light of ongoing technological breakthroughs and changes in social media
usage patterns. Fundamentally, the social impact of social media acts as a strong impetus for
ongoing research to better comprehend and address the intricate problems that these platforms
Third Subpoint:
Social media's societal impact has highlighted the urgent need for better control and
oversight. Better content control and fact-checking methods are required as a result of worries
about the dissemination of false information and fake news. Social media companies should
Concerns regarding the need for greater rules and oversight of these platforms have been
expressed in light of issues relating to data privacy and security. Recent incidents have made it
clear that in order to protect users' personal information, there is a need for strong data protection
legislation and strict enforcement. Rebuilding trust in social media firms requires greater
Social media platforms must make a determined effort to combat cyberbullying and
online abuse. To make online spaces safer, stricter rules, quicker responses to reports of abuse,
and improved mechanisms to shield users from harassment are essential. In summary, social
media's effects on society have highlighted the need for more careful control and more rigorous
oversight to make sure that these tools improve our lives while minimizing their bad effects.
Social media's widespread societal influence has unavoidably sparked concerns about its serious
effects on mental health. These worries highlight the necessity for more study as well as better
platform management. It is crucial that we work toward a deeper comprehension of the complex
connection between social media and mental health as we navigate this digital era. Informed
decision-making will be enabled by thorough study, allowing us to recognize and address the
myriad problems that these platforms provide. In order to ensure that social media enhances our
lives while minimizing any possible harm it may cause, careful administration and monitoring
are essential. We may use social media's transformative power while preserving mental health by
jointly pursuing these options. We can take advantage of social media's transformative power
while preserving people's mental health and general well-being as well as society as a whole if
Works Cited
Gaitho, Maryanne. “What Is the Real Impact of Social Media?”, Simplilearn,
Carlow University. “How Digital Media Has Changed Communications | Carlow Today &
Greenwood, Shannon. “Views of Social Media and Its Impacts on Society.” Pew Research
Dizikes, Peter. “Why Social Media Has Changed the World — and How to Fix It.” MIT News |
Lin, Justin. “Social Media Has Changed the Lives of Modern Society.” Summit News, 24 Mar.
United Nations. “The Impact of Digital Technologies.”, United Nations, 2020,