Building Speech and Quantifying Complexity_ the Manual
Building Speech and Quantifying Complexity_ the Manual
Building Speech and Quantifying Complexity_ the Manual
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Jakielski, Kathy J.. "Building Speech and Quantifying Complexity: The Manual" (2022). Building Speech
and Quantifying Complexity.
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Building Speech &
Quantifying Complexity ™
Preface 4
Introduction 6
A Brief Review of Terminology Used
in Building Speech and Quantifying Complexity 7
Building Speech™: Eight Steps for
Increasing Articulatory Complexity 9
The Eight Building Speech Patterns 10
Getting Started 13
Frequently Asked Questions 15
Quantifying Complexity™: Eight Steps
for Calculating Articulatory Complexity 20
The IPC Scoring System 20
IPC Terminology 22
Calculating Articulatory Complexity Using the IPC 24
Practice Computing IPC Values 26
Appendix A: Terminology 28
Appendix B: Pattern 1 Stimuli 29
Appendix C: Pattern 2 Stimuli 30
Appendix D: Pattern 3 Stimuli 31
Appendix E: Pattern 4 Stimuli 33
Appendix F: Pattern 5 Stimuli 35
Appendix G: Pattern 6 Stimuli 38
Appendix H: Pattern 7 Stimuli 40
Appendix I: Pattern 8 Stimuli 42
Appendix J: Target-IPC Data Form 44
Appendix K: Production-IPC Data Form 46
References 48
Treating disorders of speech, well, it isn’t as easy as some people think it
is. I first started practicing as a clinical speech-language pathologist almost
40 years ago, and I immediately gravitated toward working with children and
adolescents with speech sound disorders because of my firm background in
and passion for phonetics. The challenge of applying phonetic science to
clinical cases has motivated me throughout my career. I do not believe that
we can work effectively with individuals with a speech sound disorder without
having a strong background in phonetic science, yet I repeatedly encounter
speech-language pathologists who were taught that phonetics begins and
ends with phonetic transcription.
The people who contributed most indirectly have included the countless
number of children and teens with speech sound disorders with whom I have
spent a lifetime working; with their challenges always in mind, I am propelled
to ask questions and seek answers every day.
Forever the teacher, I hope that the BSQC approach helps to teach
speech-language pathologists how to think as a phonetic scientist when
assessing and treating children with speech sound disorders. Forever
the student, I hope to learn how we might improve this approach to
increase the effectiveness of the clinical services we provide.
Building Speech & Quantifying Complexity (BSQC) is a dual approach to
treating and evaluating articulatory complexity in child speech. It has two
components: the first is Building Speech and the second is Quantifying
A Brief Review of Terminology
Used in Building Speech &
Quantifying Complexity
Homorganic Consonants
labial - labial: p-m, b-w, etc.
Homorganic Clusters
labial + labial: pw, bw, etc.
Homorganic C + V
coronal consonants + front vowels
t, d, n, j, s, z, ʃ, ͡ tʃ, d͡ʒ, l + i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ
Phonotactic Structure
Open Word Shapes: Words ending with a vowel,
such as V, CV, CVCV, CCV, CVCVCV, etc.
C1V1C1V1, C1V1C1V1C1V1, etc.
C1V1C2V1, C1V1C1V2, C1V1C2V2, etc.
Building Speech™:
Eight Steps for Increasing Articulatory
Building Speech consists of eight speech frames that progress from basic to
more complex, as well as suggestions for the early “content” (i.e., the speech
sounds) to insert into each frame. Consider the speech sounds recommended
for each speech frame as a potential starting point. Once those frames and
the suggested sounds are acquired, later-developing sounds can be inserted
into the frames to increase articulatory difficulty, thereby increasing their
The Eight Building Speech Patterns
A list of words and phrases for each of the eight frames can be found in
Appendices B-I.
Pattern 1: CV
Consonants are voiced stops and nasals. Vowels are monophthongs
and diphthongs.
Pattern 3: ChomVChomV
Consonants are homorganic and the word shape is open.
Pattern 4: ChomVChomVChom
Consonants are homorganic and the word shape is closed.
Pattern 5: ChetVChetV
Consonants are heterorganic and the word shape is open.
Pattern 6: CvdVCnas
Initial consonants are voiced stops, nasals, glides, or fricatives. Final
consonants are nasals.
Pattern 7: CvdVCvl
Initial consonants are voiced stops, nasals, glides, or fricatives. Final
consonants are voiceless stops or fricatives.
Pattern 8: CV + CV(C)
The first syllable varies. The second syllable remains the same.
Examples include “knee words,” such as, bunny and shiny; “bull words,” such
as, table and gobble; and “D (dee) words,” such as, teddy and daddy.
Getting Started
To begin using the Building Speech approach, speech-language pathologists
need to have an understanding and a working knowledge of the terms and
concepts that are foundational to the BSQC approach. A review of this
information can be found in Appendix A.
The focus should be on targeting the speech frame itself as the goal.
Building Speech provides eight frames, specific speech sounds for each
frame, and subsequent word and phrase stimuli for each frame. The eight
frames serve as speech intervention goals, replacing or supplementing
more traditional goals targeting specific speech sounds.
Begin to incorporate Building Speech stimuli into your intervention by
targeting the earliest speech sequences that are difficult for the child to
produce. For example, if the child already correctly articulates a variety of
words using Patterns 1, 2, and 3, then begin intervention by targeting words
in Pattern 4. Or, if the child does not show mastery of any of the patterns,
then begin by targeting Pattern 1 words.
Refer to the eight patterns in Building Speech to help you think about
movement patterns in a hierarchical manner, but be aware that not all
children, especially those with childhood apraxia of speech, follow the
typical acquisition sequence. Be prepared to rearrange the sequence of
speech frames to fit each child’s phonetic and phonological repertoires.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is Building Speech referred to as an intervention approach,
as opposed to an intervention program?
Building Speech is not intended to be used as a single-step-by-single-step
program. Instead, it is a method for developing speech targets of increasing
articulatory complexity. It is designed to be flexible and adapted as necessary
for individual children. Speech-language pathologists are encouraged to use
their own knowledge of phonetics and phonology to modify the patterns and/
or stimuli as needed.
10. How can I determine which words are functional
for a particular child?
To determine functional words to target, speech-language pathologists will
need to select child-specific vocabulary. A valuable resource for obtaining
a comprehensive list of functional, child-specific vocabulary for English and
Spanish learners is the Functional Communication Parent Questionnaire
(FCPQ; The FCPQ is
a survey of words important to a particular child that is completed typically by
a child’s caregiver. Teachers also are an excellent source for vocabulary that
is important in the classroom and school settings.
There will be many times, however, when a speech frame itself is important
to articulatory complexity, but the target words for that frame are limited in
number or are not particularly functional for a particular child. In these cases,
be creative and imbue those target words with meaning. Construct activities
and games that create meaningful contexts in which to target those words in
authentic communicative interactions. Similarly, if there are words or phrases
in the stimuli sets that do not hold meaning for a particular child, then omit
those examples.
Overall, do not be limited by the words and phrases provided in the Building
Speech stimuli sets. Whenever possible, build additional words and phrases
that have meaning for a child using any of the patterns, and then create your
own stimuli and activities to provide authentic practice opportunities.
13. I have a child on my caseload whose CAS is severe; can I target
sound approximations in Building Speech?
Children with motor speech disorders such as CAS may imprecisely produce
a target consonant or vowel sound. Speech-language pathologists will need
to consider whether approximations or compensations for those sounds for
either a temporary or permanent period will be acceptable or not. While a
fully accurate production is desirable, it may not always be a practical goal
for a child with a severe speech sound disorder. If, however, you believe that
the child will eventually be able to produce the sound, then target the actual
sound and not an approximation.
14. Given that English has different types of diphthong vowels and
given that some children with CAS have difficulty acquiring diphthong
vowels, how should we target diphthongs?
Two monophthong vowels can be classified as non-phonemic diphthongs
in American English: /eɪ͡/ and /oʊ͡ ͜ /. Speech-language pathologists can teach
these productions as either monophthongs or diphthongs, because changing
the production will not change the meaning of the word. However, teaching
these vowels as monophthongs may lead to faster success, given that
diphthong vowels require rapid movement of the tongue from one place
to another.
Quantifying Complexity™:
Eight Steps for Calculating Articulatory
Complexity in Children
An IPC value can be calculated for any target or produced word. To derive
an IPC value, a word is assigned complexity points (0 or 1) indicating its
articulatory difficulty across the eight indices. The complexity points for
each word then are summed to derive the word’s IPC value. The higher the
IPC value, the higher the word’s articulatory complexity is purported to be.
A child’s mean IPC value can be derived by dividing the sum of all the IPC
values by the total number of words analyzed.
Index of Phonetic Complexity: Scoring System
Indices Points Assigned for: No Points for a: One Point for Each:
consonants labial
1 by coronal dorsal
place class glottal
vowels monophthong
by class diphthong
word length monosyllabic or three- (or more)
in syllables disyllabic word syllable word
contiguous word without consonant
consonants a cluster cluster
cluster by type
cluster cluster
Characteristics in the IPC that receive a complexity point of zero (0)
generally are earlier-mastered sounds, sound combinations, and word
shapes. Characteristics that receive no complexity points include labials,
coronals, and glottals; stops, nasals, and glides; monophthongs and
diphthongs; open word shapes; mono- and di-syllabic words; homorganic
singleton consonants; words with no consonant clusters; and
homorganic consonant clusters.
IPC Terminology
It is important to define the terms used in the IPC because terminology
varies across geographical regions and practitioners. Again, a review of
terminology can be found in Appendix A. Approximately seven place
classifications typically are used to describe where in the vocal tract speech
sounds in English are produced (e.g., bilabial, labiodental, interdental, etc.);
however, these narrow classifications also can be collapsed into four larger
divisions of the vocal tract, including labial (i.e., sounds produced using one
or both lips), coronal (i.e., sounds produced near or on the alveolar ridge),
dorsal (i.e., sounds produced in the back of the mouth), and glottal
(i.e., sounds produced by the vocal folds only).
Calculating Articulatory
Complexity Using the IPC
Once utterances are phonetically transcribed, you can start computing the
complexity of each word. You can compute values for target forms (T-IPC) or
actual productions (P-IPC). You may enter the data right into a spreadsheet.
Appendix J displays an example of a T-IPC Data Form and Appendix K
displays an example of a P-IPC Data Form.
We will use the word “ladybugs” /le.di.bəɡz/ for our example of how to count.
3. Vowels: Each rhotic vowel (R) gets one point. There are no rhotic
vowels in our example, so 0 points.
4. Word Shape: If the word ends with a consonant (FC), then it gets
1 point, so our example gets 1 point for being a closed word shape.
7. Contiguous Consonants: Each cluster (CC) gets 1 point, no
matter how many consonants comprise the cluster (e.g., /st/ would get 1
point; likewise, /str/ also would get 1 point). Clusters are any consonants
produced consecutively, even if they cross syllable boundaries. (So in the
IPC, “pizza” /pit.sə/, for example, would get 1 cluster point, even though
/t/ and /s/ are in different syllables.) Our example “ladybugs” contains the
word-final cluster /ɡz/, so we score 1 point.
9. A Word’s Total IPC Value: Now add the number of points that
you scored for each of the IPC indices. Computing our example, we find
that /le.di.bəɡz/ has an IPC value of 8 points.
10. Additional Analyses: Once you’ve computed IPC values for all the
words in your speech sample, you then can calculate mean and standard
deviation, as well as complete a factor analysis to determine specific
information regarding the eight complexity indices. You can graph the IPC
values over time to visually see changes in a child’s articulatory skills, as
well as compare how T-IPC and P-IPC values compare over time.
Practice Computing IPC Values
Word: /mɑ.mi/
The target word “mommy” contains no later-mastered: place class
consonants (i.e., velars), manner class consonants (i.e., fricatives, affricates,
liquids), rhotic vowels, final consonant, three or more syllables, heterorganic
singleton consonants, or clusters. Therefore, the word “mommy” has an
IPC value of 0.
Word: /dɔɡ/
The target word “dog” contains one velar consonant and one final
consonant, and requires one singleton consonant place variegation;
therefore, this word receives an IPC value of 3.
Word: /dɔ.ɡi/
The target word “doggy” contains one velar and requires one singleton
consonant place variegation; therefore, this word receives an IPC value
of 2, while the indicators contributing to the IPC value are different than
for the word “dog.”
Word: /bɑ.ɾʊl/
The target word “bottle” (/bɑ.ɾʊl/) contains no velars, so it receives 0
for consonant place class. It does not contain any fricatives or liquids;
however, it does contain one liquid (i.e., /l/), so it receives 1 point for
consonant manner class. There are no rhotics, so no point for vowel
manner class. There is a final consonant, so it receives 1 point for a
closed word shape. No point is awarded for word length because it doesn’t
have three or more syllables. There are three singleton consonants, /b/,
which is a labial; tap /ɾ/, which is a coronal; and /l/, which also is a coronal.
Therefore, the articulators vary in place when moving from /b/ to /ɾ/,
earning 1 point, but moving from /ɾ/ to /l/ is not place varied, so a total of
1 point for singleton variegation. There are no clusters in this word, so no
points for the last two indices. Adding all the complexity points (1 for
manner class, 1 for closed word shape, 1 for singleton place variegation),
we find that the target word “bottle” has an IPC value of 3.
Word: /spə.ɡɛ.ɾi/
The target word “spaghetti” (/spə.ɡɛ.ɾi/) contains one velar, so it receives
1 for consonant place class. It contains one fricative /s/, but no affricates
or liquids, so it receives 1 point for consonant manner class. There are no
rhotics, so no points for vowel manner class. It ends in a vowel sound, so
it receives no points because it has an open word shape. It has three
vowels, /ə/, /ɛ/, and /i/, so it is three syllables long; therefore, 1 point is
awarded for word length. There are two singleton consonants, /ɡ/, which is
a dorsal, and tap /ɾ/, which is a coronal; therefore, the articulators vary from
dorsal to coronal places, earning 1 point for singleton variegation.
There is one cluster in this word, /sp/, so 1 point for contiguous consonants.
The /sp/ cluster is heterorganic because the articulators move from a coronal
position for /s/ to a labial position for /p/. Adding all the complexity points (1
for place class, 1 for manner class, 1 for word length, 1 for singleton place
variegation, 1 for cluster, and 1 for heterorganic cluster), we find that the
target word “spaghetti” has an IPC value of 6.
Additional Practice
Try to score the following words without looking at the scores provided,
and then compare your point allocations and totals to those listed.
daddy dæ.di 0
Appendix A
Phonotactic Structure
• A word ending with a consonant = closed
• A word ending with a vowel = open
Syllable Structure
• Every vowel denotes a separate syllable
• A vowel = a syllable (consonants are optional)
Consonants are voiced stops and nasals. Vowels are monophthongs and
bee bough do/dew
bay boy dough
boo D dye
bow day goo
bye duh go
bow guy
me mow neigh
may my new
ma knee no
moo now
Appendix C
Stimuli for Pattern 2: C1V1 + C1V1
Reduplicated Words
bee-bee bough-bough do-do
bay-bay boy-boy dough-dough
boo-boo D-D dye-dye
bow-bow dada goo-goo
bye-bye day-day go-go
bow-bow duh-duh guy-guy
me-me mow-mow neigh-neigh
may-may my-my new-new
mama knee-knee no-no
moo-moo now-now
Appendix D
Stimuli for Pattern 3: ChomVChomV
Homorganic Consonants in an Open
Word Shape (Including CV words repeated twice)
p peepee, papa, pawpaw, people, PB, peewee, puma, pow-wow
b BB, BP, baby, beeper, Bobby, bobber, bye-bye
m mama, maybe, Moby
w whee-whee, weepy
bye + __________ pea, pay, pa, paw, pie, purr
boy + __________ bye, boo, bow, bow, bough, boy, ball, burr
my + __________ me, may, ma, moo, mow, my
whoa + __________ we, wee, whee, way, whoa, wall
whee + __________
t T-T, Toto, tutu, today, teddy, teeny, tiny, Tony
d dada, dodo, ditty, daddy, Danny, Donny
n no-no, needy, nutty, naughty, nightie
do + __________ tea, T, tee, two, toe, tall
new + __________ day, do, dough, doll, dye
now + __________ knee, neigh, new, no, now
no + __________
k cookie, cougar
g goo-goo, gaga, gecko
go + __________ key, K, cow, car
goo, go, guy
h hee-hee, ha-ha, hee-haw, ho-ho, hey-hey, hi-hi
ʔ uh-uh (no), uh-oh, uh-huh
Appendix E
Stimuli for Pattern 4: ChomVChomVChom
Homorganic Consonants in a
Closed Word Shape
p peep-peep, pop-pop
b beep-beep, bebop
w whoop-whoop
bye + __________ peep, pop, poop, pup, pipe, Pam, palm
boy + __________ babe, Bob, beep, bop, beam, bam, bomb, boom, burp
me + __________ ma’am, mum, mom, mime, map, mop, mope, mob
my + __________ weep, whip, wipe, whim, wham, worm
we + __________
whoa + __________
+ up pep, pop, pup, puma, palm, paper
t tattle, Tarzan, tennis, toilet, tonight, tunnel, turtle
d donate, (Mc)Donald, doughnut, downtown
n Nanette, needle, knotted, nineteen, noodle
do + __________ toot, tote, taught, tight, Ted, Todd, toad, tide, tin
new + __________ ten, tan, ton, tune, tone, town, turn
now + __________ deed, did, dead, dad, dude, Dan, den, dawn, dirt
no + __________ date, dot, done
tow + __________ Nan, none, noon, known, nine, noun, neat, knit, Nate, net
+ too gnat, nut, knot, newt, note, naught, night, need, Ned, nod
+ did gnawed, Nerd(s)
k cooking, kicking, King Kong
g ganging (up)
go + __________ kick, cake, cook, coke, cork, Kirk, king
gag, geek, gang, gong
+ ick! cake, cookie, coke
Appendix F
Stimuli for Pattern 5: ChetVChetV
Heterorganic Consonants in
an Open Word Shape
words: potty, body, bunny, mighty, Minnie, muddy, money, messy,
whiny, funny, fussy, fishy
me too!
bye _____: toe, tie, tea, knee, shoe
my _____: toe, tie, tea, knee, shoe
whoa _____: toe, tie, tea, knee, shoe
wow _____: toe, tie, tea, knee, shoe
words: picky, pokey, Mickey
me go, moo cow
bye _____: key, cow, goo, guy
my _____: key, cow, goo, guy
whoa _____: key, cow, goo, guy
wow _____: key, cow, goo, guy
words: teepee, table, tummy, tv, diaper, dipper, Debbie, dauber,
dummy, nippy
near me, no way, now me, dare me, do we?
no _____: bee, pea, bow, ma, moo
words: tangy, tiki, turkey, knuck(le), nicke(l), doggie, yucky, ziggy-zaggy
you _____: go, ‘kay?
no _____: go, key, cow
two _____: car(s), cow(s), key(s)
words: kiwi, cab(le), came(l), café, coffee, copy, cowboy, cubby, gimme,
gobble, goopy, gummy (bear), guppy, keeper
ca(ll) me
go _____: pea, pa, bee, ba(ll), ma
go _____: pee, pay, purr, boo, bye, moo, mow, whee, whoa
words: catt(le), Coty, caddie, canoe, Casey, cast(le), collie, cozy, giddy,
go _____: tie, toe, tea, knee, shoe
words: happy, hobby, hummer
hey _____: pa, bee, boy, doe, ma
hi _____: pa, bee, boy, ma
words: Heidi, honey, horsey, eenie, Uno
how do?
how to…?
how say…?
he _____: see(s), say(s), sigh(s), sew(s)
hi _____: T, tea, 2, D, day, doe, knee, Sue, sow
words: hockey, hokey, huggy, hoagie
he go(es)
how go?
hey _____: key, K, koi, goo, guy
hi _____: key, K, koi, goo, guy
Appendix G
Stimuli for Pattern 6: CvdVCnas
Initial Voiced & Final
Nasal Consonants
b_m beam, bam, bum, bomb, boom
b_n bean, bin, Ben, ban, bun, bone, burn
b_ŋ bing, bang, boing
m_m ma’am, mum, mom, mime
m_n mean, mane, men, man, moon, moan, mine
m_ŋ mung
w_m whim, wham, worm
w_n wean, win, wane, when, won, one, whine
w_ŋ wing
v_m voom
v_n vane, van, vine
z_m zoom
z_ŋ zing
Appendix H
Pattern 7: CvdVCvl
Initial Voiced & Final Voiceless
b___p beep, bop, boop, burp
b___t beet, beat, but, bet, bat, boot, boat, bought, bite, ‘bout (about), Burt
b___k beak, bake, back, buck, book, bike
b___f beef, buff
b___s base, bass, bus, boss
m___p map, mop, mope
m___t meat, mitt, mate, met, mat, mutt, moat, might
m___k meek, Mick, make, Mack, muck, mike
m___f muff
m___s miss, mess, mass, moose, moss
n___p nip, nap, nope
n___t neat, knit, Nate, gnat, nut, not, newt, note, naught, night
n___k nick, neck, knick-knack, knock, Nuk
n___f ‘nuff (enough), knife, Nerf
n___s niece, noose, nice
w___p weep, whip, whoop
w___t wheat, wait, wet, what, white
w___k weak, wick, wake, whack, wok, woke, walk
w___f whiff, wife
w___s Wes, worse
v___t vet, vat, vote, vault
v___s vase, vice
Appendix I
Pattern 8: CV + CV(C)
Fixed Syllable
away easy alley aloe
one-way pansy belly pillow
highway busy bully polo
hallway dizzy tally mellow
seaway daisy deli willow
raceway noisy dolly yellow
hazy hilly halo
SEE / SEA cozy holly hello
icy fuzzy holey/ hollow
posse lazy holy fellow
messy rosy collie silo
fussy goalie shallow
lacy filly jello
SING silly
Appendix J
Target - Index of Phonetic
Complexity (T-IPC) Data Form
Identifying Information
Total # Targets:
Standard Deviation:
Targets Indices Total
Phonetically 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T-IPC
Transcribed D FAL R FC 3+ SPV CC CCV Values
Appendix K
Production - Index of Phonetic
Complexity (P-IPC) Data Form
Identifying Information
Total # Productions:
Standard Deviation:
Productions Indices Total
Phonetically 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P-IPC
Transcribed D FAL R FC 3+ SPV CC CCV Values
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Kathy J. Jakielski, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow
Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Florence C. and Dr. John E. Wertz Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois