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Duration: 3 Hrs 15 Min. Max Marks: 80
Instructions: 1. Statistical table and graph sheets will be supplied on request.
2. Scientific calculators are allowed.
3. All working steps should be clearly shown.
4. Only the first written answers will be considered for Section-A.
I Choose the correct answer from the choices given: 5X1=5
1. A number assigned for every unit for identification of different categories is called
a. Variable b. Attribute c. Nominal scale d. Ordinal scale
2. List of questions where the facts will be supplied by informants and recorded by enumerator is
a. Questionnaire b. Schedule c. Correspondents d. Observation.
3. The average of class limits is
a. Class frequency b. Class midpoint c. Class width d. Open-end class
4. Simple bar diagram is an example of
a. 1 dimensional diagram b. 2 dimensional diagram
c. 3 dimensional diagram d. Pictograms
5. For a data if Q2 = 20, then the value of P50 is
a. 100 b. 40 c. 20 d. 60
II Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets: 5 X 1 =5
( correction factor, frequency density, > 0, statistique, published source, statistik )
6. The word statistics seems to have been derived from the French word-----------.
7. An example of a ------------ is websites of various organizations on the internet.
8. -------------- is the half of the difference between upper limit of 1st class and lower limit of a 2nd
9. If class intervals of un equal width are given, then histogram is constructed for----------- against
the width of the class-interval.
10. For any set of values standard deviation is ------------.
III Match the following: 5X1=5
11. Frequency distribution with C-I (a) equal to 0
12. Temporal classification (b) = 3
13. Histogram (c) Continuous frequency distribution
14. Mesokurtic distribution (d) Classification on the basis of time
15. ∑( ̅) (e) Mode
(f) > 3

IV Answer the following questions: 5X1=5
16. What is classification of data?
17. Name the graph used to locate quartiles.
18. Mention a merit of graph.
19. If variance = 16, find Standard deviation.
20. Define Skewness.
V Answer any FIVE of the following questions: 5 X 2 = 10
21. Mention two causes of distrust of statistics.
22. Distinguish between biased and unbiased errors.
23. Define census enumeration and sample survey.
24. Convert the following inclusive class interval to exclusive class intervals.
C - I 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34
25. Define quantitative classification with an example.
26. Mention any two limitations of graphs.
27. Represent the following data by simple bar diagram .

Year 2006 2007 2008

Production 90 85 100
28. If quartile deviation is 7 and Q1 = 21. Find Q3.
VI Answer any FOUR of the following questions: 4 X 5 =20
29. Mention three functions and two limitations of Statistics.
30. Mention the points that are to be considered in planning an enquiry.
31. Draft a blank table to show the distribution of employees of a factory according to-
i) Sex: Men, Women (ii) Category: Skilled, Unskilled
iii) Wages: Below Rs.5000, Rs.5000-10000 and Rs.10000 & above.
32. Following is the data regarding the I.Q of 30 children of a school. Prepare a frequency
distribution with class intervals < 90, 90-110, 110-120, ≥ 120.
106 118 112 120 103 105 99 139 65 113
100 108 100 112 110 109 117 98 103 99
108 116 93 100 120 110 95 101 105 98
33. Percentage breakup of the cost of construction of a house in Bangalore (Excluding land cost) is
given below. Construct a Pie diagram.
Items Labor Bricks Cement Steel Wood Supervision Other expenses
% age break up 20 12 20 15 13 15 5
34. Draw frequency curve from the following frequency distribution.
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No. of students 5 14 20 16 8

35. The mean of the following distribution is 50. Find the missing frequency.

C - I 0 – 20 20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 80 80 – 100
f 19 28 32 ? 19
36. Compute coefficient of Q.D. from the data given below.
x 2 4 6 8 10 12
f 3 5 10 12 6 4
VII Answer any Two of the following questions: 2 X 5 = 10
37. Mention five characteristics of Statistics.
38. Define Sampling. Briefly explain any two methods of sampling.
39. Calculate geometric mean for the data given below.
C-I 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
f 7 23 30 22 11 7
40. Calculate coefficient of mean deviation from median for the following distribution.

Age(Years) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
No. of persons 4 7 5 12 20 13 5 0 4
VIII Answer any Two of the following questions: 2 X 10 = 20
41. (a) Below are the ages of husbands and wives. Prepare a bi-variate frequency distribution with
class intervals as (20-25), (25-30) … for both variables.
Age of Husband (in years) 24 42 29 43 35 41 33 36 29 38
Age of wife (in years) 25 37 25 37 23 39 23 32 24 38
(b) Draw a less than Ogive and locate the median from the graph.

Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

No. of students 3 9 15 30 18 5
42. The number of runs scored by two batsmen A and B in different innings is as follows: Who is
better run scorer? Who is more consistent?
A 12 115 6 73 7 19 119 36 84 29
B 47 12 76 42 4 51 37 48 13 0
43. Calculate Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of skewness from the following data.

C.I. 70-80 60-70 50-60 40-50 30-40 20-30 10-20 0-10

f 11 12 30 35 21 11 6 5


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