RPH Midterms
RPH Midterms
RPH Midterms
You shall obey. Let all your debts with the headman be
The Code of Kalantiaw is a mythical legal code in the met punctually. He who does not obey shall receive
epic history Maragtas. Before it was revealed as a for the first time one hundred lashes. If the debt is
hoax, it was a source of pride for the people of Aklan. large, he shall be condemned to thrust his hand in
In fact, a historical marker was installed in the town of boiling water thrice. For the second time, he shall be
Batan, Aklan in 1956, with the following text: beaten to death.
Datu Bendehara Kalantiaw
Obey you: let no one have women that are very young
Third Chief of Panay, born in Aklan. nor more than he can support; nor be given to
Established his government in the peninsula excessive lust. He who does not comply with, obey,
of Batang, Aklan Sakup. and observe this order shall be condemned to swim
Considered the First Filpino Lawgiver for three hours for the first time and for the second
He promulgated in about 1433 penal code time, to be beaten to death with sharp thorns.
now known as Code of Kalantiaw containing
18 articles
Observe and obey; let no one disturb the quiet of the
graves. When passing by the caves and trees where
they are, give respect to them. He who does not
Don Marcelino Orilla of Zarugoza observe this shall be killed by ants, or beaten to death
Born in Spain. with thorns.
Obtained the original manuscript from an old
chief of Panay which was later translated into
Spanish by Rafael Murviedo Yzamaney ARTICLE V
You shall obey; he who exchanges for food, let it be
always done in accordance with his word. He who
Code of KALANTIAW does not comply, shall be beaten for one hour, he who
repeats the offense shall be exposed for one day
lt was only in 1968 that it was proved a hoax, among ants.
when William Henry Scott, efended his
research on pre-hispanic sources in Philippine
history. ARTICLE VI
He attributed the code to a historical fiction You shall be obliged to revere sights that are held in
written in 1913 by Jose E. Marco titled Las respect, such as those of trees of recognized worth
Antiguas Leyendas de la lsla de Negros. and other sights. He who fails to comply shall pay with
Marco attributed the code itself to a priest one month's work in gold or in honey.
named Jose Maria Pavon.
Prominent Filipino historians did not dissent
to Scott s findings, but there are still some
who would like to believe that the code is a
These shall be put to death; he who kills trees of
legitimate document.
venerable appearance; who shoot arrows at night at
old men and women; he who enters the houses of the
headmen without permission; he who kills a shark or a
ARTICLE I streaked cayman.
You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall
you do harm to the aged, lest you incur the danger of
death. All those who infringe this order shall be
condemned to death by being drowned in the river, or
Slavery for a doam (a certain period of time) shall be
in boiling water.
suffered by those who steal away the women of the
headmen; by him who keep ill-tempered dogs that
bite the headmen; by him who burns the fields of beaten: who eat the diseased flesh of beasts which
another. they hold in respect, or the herb which they consider
good, who wound or kill the young of the Manaul, or
the white monkey.
All these shall be beaten for two days: who sing while
traveling by night; kill the Manaul; tear the documents ARTICLE XV
belonging to the headmen; are malicious liars; or who The fingers shall be cut-off: of all those who break
mock the dead. idols of wood and clay in their alangans and temples;
of those who destroy the daggers of the tagalons, or
break the drinking jars of the latter.
It is decreed an obligation; that every mother teach
secretly to her daughters matters pertaining to lust ARTICLE XVI
and prepare them for womanhood; let not men be These shall be killed: who profane sites where idols
cruel nor punish their women when they catch them are kept, and sites where are buried the sacred things
in the act of adultery. Whoever shall disobey shall be of their diwatas and headmen. He who performs his
killed by being cut to pieces and thrown to the necessities in those places shall be burned.
ARTICLE XI Those who do not cause these rules to be obeyed: if
These shall be burned: who by their strength or they are headmen, they shall be put to death by being
cunning have mocked at and escaped punishment or stoned and crushed; and if they are agorangs they
who have killed young boys; or try to steal away the shall be placed in rivers to be eaten by sharks and
women of the elders. caymans.
First Mass Site in the Philippines 2. They went instead that same day southwards to
another small island named Suluan, and there they
The construction of the said monument is a tangible anchored. There they saw some canoes but these fled
manifestation of the long practiced tradition by the at the Spaniards' approach. This island was at 9 and
people of Butuan that leads to the assertion that the two-thirds degrees North latitude.
first mass actually happened in Agusan del Norte.
At the end of three months and twelve days during 4. From that island they sailed westwards towards a
which they traversed 4,000 leagues, having crossed large island names Seilani that was inhabited and was
the Equator a second time, they climbed up to 15 known to have gold.(Seilani- or, as Pigafetta calls it,
degrees North latitude where they came upon two "Ceylon-was the island of Leyte.)
islands which they named Las Velas [the Sails]. At 12
degrees North they came upon the Ladrones Islands.
5. Sailing southwards along the coast of that large PRIMARY SOURCE : PIGAFETTA'S TESTIMONY ON THE
island of Seilani, they turned southwest to a small ROUTE OF MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
island called "Mazava." That island is also at a latitude
of 9 and two-thirds degrees North.
First Mass Site in the Philippines
10. Thursday, March 28 In the morning of Holy PRIMARY SOURCE : PIGAFETTA AND SEVEN DAYS IN
Thursday, March 6, they anchored off an island where MAZAUA
the previous night they hadseen a light or a bonfire.
That island "lies in a latitude of nine and two-thirds
towards the Arctic Pole (i.e., North) and in a longitude First Mass Site in the Philippines
of one hundred and sixty-two degrees from the line of
First Mass Site in the Philippines Thursday, March 28 -
demarcation. lt is twenty-five leagues from the
On Thursday, March 28, Magellan 's ships anchored
Acquada, and is called Mazaua
near an island and encountered natives, exchanging
gifts with the local king, who remained seated in his
boat. Later that day, they moved closer to the shore
11. They remained seven days on Mazaua lsland. and anchored near the king's village, marking the
occasion of Holy Thursday.
On Friday, March 29, Magellan sent his interpreter to Cavite Mutiny and the martyrdom of the three priests:
request food supplies from the native king, assuring Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora
him they came in peace. The king visited Magellan's (GOMBURZA).
ship, where they exchanged gifts, and two members of
the expedition, including Pigafetta, spent the night
On the afternoon of Sunday, March 31, while on the These two accounts corroborated eachother.
summit of the hill, Magellan asked the two kings for
advice on ports where he could obtain better supplies.
They suggested Ceylon, Zubu, and Calagan, with Zubu
being the main trade hub. Magellan expressed his PRIMARY SOURCE : EXCERPTS FROM MONTERO'S
intent to sail to Zubu the next day, but later that ACCOUNT OF THE CAVITY MUTINY
evening, the King of Mazaua offered to guide him
personally after completing his harvest, requesting
help from Magellan's men for the task.
Two Faces of Cavite Mutiny
PRIMARY SOURCE : EXCERPTS FROM THE OFFICIAL In response, the Central Spanish Government
REPORT OFGOVERNOR IZQUIERDO ON THE CAVITE introduced a decree that merged sectarian schools
MUTINY OF 1872 into the Philippine Institute, requiring competitive
examinations for teaching positions, which was
positively received by most Filipinos. French writer
Two Faces of Cavite Mutiny Edmund Plauchut’s account further analyzes the
Key leaders, including D. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera and motivations behind the 1872 Cavite Mutiny,
Jacinto Zamora, held meetings, often attended by the supporting Tavera’s perspective.
influential and wealthy curate of Bacoor.
Cry of Balintawak
Antonio Pigafetta. First Voyage Around the World The controversy among historians continues to the
Francisco Albo Logbook present day. The “Cry of Pugad Lawin” (August 23,
1896) cannot be accepted as historically accurate. It
lacks positive documentation and supporting evidence
2. Reading-Secondary sources from the witness. The testimony of only one
eyewitness (Dr. Pio Valenzuela) is not enough to
Bernad, Miguel A. Butuan or Limasawa? The Site of authenticate and verify a controversial issue in history.
the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of Historians and their living participants, not politicians
the Evidence. Kinaadman: A Journal of Southern and their sycophants, should settle this controversy.
Philippines, vol. III (1981) pp 1-35.
Fast food packages should contain warning labels. When you write a position paper, write with
confidence and state your opinion with authority.
After all, your goal is to demonstrate that your
2. Introduce possible objections to your position. position is the correct one.
Sample points: