Quality Essay (103988_Divya_Amitabh Dutta)
Quality Essay (103988_Divya_Amitabh Dutta)
Quality Essay (103988_Divya_Amitabh Dutta)
In simple terms, compliance and performance may seem like distinct concepts.
Compliance focuses on following established rules, while performance focuses on
achieving high outcomes. Compliance ensures adherence to industry standards and set
regulations, focusing on meeting minimum requirements while performance drives
business excellence, going beyond mere compliance towards efficiency and effectiveness.
However, they are deeply interconnected, and one cannot be fully optimized without the
other. Simply put, compliance to quality standards directly impacts the ability of an
organization to perform effectively.
In this context, the theme for “World Quality Month” - Quality: From Compliance to
Performance assumes special relevance in today’s organizational world.
Compliance can only be seen as first step and moving beyond compliance empowers
organizations to evolve with changing market demands, improving brand reputation and
focus on enhanced performance.
a) Exceeds expectations and surpasses standards rather than just meeting them,
making organization competitive
b) Long term focus on sustainability and growth, creating a futuristic growth trend and
a culture of excellence.
c) Proactive approach always looking for optimization of resources even if compliance
has already been achieved in the short run.
The shift from compliance to performance would not only make organizations successful
and profitable but also make them sustainable in the long run.
W/o Amitabh Dutta
(Emp no 103988)