Lecture Note Geology (All in one)
Lecture Note Geology (All in one)
Lecture Note Geology (All in one)
Lecture -1
• The science of Geology is concerned with the
Earth and the rocks of which it is composed,
the processes by which they were formed
during geological time, and the modelling of
the Earth’s surface in the past and at the
present day.
Importance of Geology in Civil
Engineering Projects
1. Dam Construction
Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway
4. Construction of Tunnels
Groundwater Aquifer
6. Airport Construction
12. Sedimentation and Silt
➢ Crust
➢ Mantle
➢ Outer Core
➢ Inner Core
Chemical Composition
➢ The crust is the outermost layer of the planet, the cooled and
hardened part of the Earth that ranges in depth from
approximately 5-70 km.
➢ This layer makes up only 1% of the entire volume of the Earth,
though it makes up the entire surface (the continents and the
ocean floor).
➢ Beneath the continents the crust is thicker (about 35 km) than
that beneath the ocean.
➢ Basalt (dark colored, heavy igneous rocks) dominate the crust
beneath the ocean (oceanic crust) of average density of
3 t/m³.
➢ Granite (light, grey or pink colored igneous rock) dominates
the crust beneath the continents (continental crust) of average
density of 2.6 t/m³.
Chemical Composition
➢iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), aluminium (Al),
silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) silicate compunds
➢solid but can slowly deform in a plastic
➢67.3% of Earth's mass
➢convection in this region drives plate tectonics
Chemical Composition
Outer Core
➢The outer core is liquid
➢Density is much higher than the mantle or
crust, ranging between 9.9- 12.2 t/m3.
➢composed of 80% iron, along with nickel and
some other lighter elements.
Chemical Composition
Inner Core
➢ The inner core is composed primarily of iron and nickel.
➢ Density in the core ranges between 12.6-13.0 t/m³, which
suggests that there must also be a great deal of heavy
elements there as well – such as gold, platinum, palladium,
silver and tungsten.
➢ The temperature of the inner core is estimated to be about
5,700 K (~5,400 °C). The only reason why iron and other
heavy metals can be solid at such high temperatures is
because their melting temperatures dramatically increase at
the pressures present there, which ranges from about 330 to
360 gigapascals.
Information about the compositional layers
Layer Definition Depth
Crust The outermost solid layer of a rocky planet or natural 0-100km silicates
satellite. Chemically distinct from the underlying
Mantle A layer of the Earth (or any planet large enough to 100-2900km iron and magnesium
support internal stratification) between the crust and silicates
the outer core. It is chemically distinct from the crust
and the outer core. The mantle is not liquid. It is,
however, ductile, or plastic, which means that on very
long time scales and under pressure it can flow. The
mantle is mainly composed of aluminum and silicates.
Core The innermost layers of the Earth. The Earth has an 2900-6370km metals
outer core (liquid) and an inner core (solid). They are
not chemically distinct from each other, but they are
chemically distinct from the mantle. The core is
mainly composed of nickel and iron.
Mechanical Composition
The mechanical layers of the Earth a differentiated by
their strength or rigidity. These layers are not the same as
the compositional layers of the Earth, such as the crust,
mantle, and core, though sometimes the boundaries fall in
the same places.
• Lithosphere
• Asthenosphere
• Mesosphere
• Liquid Outer core
• Solid Inner core
Mechanical Composition
➢The outer 50-100 km of the earth is a rigid
shell of rock, called the lithosphere.
➢The crust and the upper layer of the mantle
together make up a zone of rigid, brittle rock
called the Lithosphere.
Mechanical Composition
➢The layer below the rigid lithosphere is a zone
of asphalt-like consistency called the
➢The Asthenosphere is the part of the mantle
that flows and moves the plates of the Earth.
Information about the mechanical layers
Layer Definition Depth
Lithosphere The outermost and most rigid mechanical layer 0-100 km
of the Earth. The lithosphere includes the crust
and the top of the mantle. The average
me places.
thickness is ~70km, but ranges widely: It can
be very thin, only a few km thick under oceanic
crust or mid-ocean ridges, or very thick, 150+
km under continental crust, particularly
mountain belts.
Asthenosphere The asthenosphere is underneath the 100-350 km Soft plastic *note: The
lithosphere. It is about 100km thick, and is a mantle is not liquid!
region of the mantle that flows relatively easily.
Reminder: it is not liquid.
Mesosphere The mesosphere is beneath the asthenosphere. 350-2900km stiff plastic
It encompasses the lower mantle, where
material still flows but at a much slower rate
than the asthenosphere.
Outer Core A layer of liquid iron and nickel (and other 5100-6370 km solid
elements) beneath the mesosphere. This is the
only layer of the Earth that is a true liquid, and
the core-mantle boundary is the only boundary
of Earth’s layers that is both mechanical and
compositional. Flow of the liquid outer core is
responsible for Earth’s magnetic field.
• Aziz, M.A. (1972). Geology for Civil Engineers. Dhaka: BUET, p.4-6.
• Blyth, F. and De Freitas, M. (2003). A geology for engineers. 7th ed.
Oxford: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, p.1.
• Mukerjee, P.K. (1990). A textbook of Geology. 11th edn.,
Calcutta: World Press.
• Colorado.edu. (2017). The Earth's Inside. [online] Available at:
side.html [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017].
• Williams, M. (2017). What are the Earth's Layers? - Universe Today.
[online] Universe Today. Available at:
https://www.universetoday.com/61200/earths-layers/ [Accessed 11 Sep.
• Layers of the Earth. [online] Available at:
Notes.html [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017].
Engineering Geology and
• The ‘Minerals’ may be defined as the
inorganic substances with definite chemical
compositions and atomic structures; and the
study of minerals is termed as mineralogy. A
mineral may consist of one or more elements.
Identification of Minerals
• Minerals can be readily identified by their physical or
chemical properties. Of these two set of properties, the
more easily determined in the field or office are the
physical properties. Identification of the minerals
depends upon the determination of:
➢ Color and streak
➢ Cleavage and fracture
➢ Hardness
➢ Luster
➢ Structure
Physical Properties
• Color
➢ There are two types of color:
i. Inherent Color:
❑ This color is produced due to the composition of the
mineral and the arrangement of the constituent atoms
❑ This color is a characteristic of the mineral and can
be used to narrow down the possibilities during
❑ Pyrite (fool’s gold) is brassy yellow; galena (lead
sulfide) is steely gray
Physical Properties
ii. Exotic Color
❑ This type of color depends upon the presence of
impurities or on fracturing in the material.
❑ Quartz is inherently colorless, but it is sometimes
rosy, smoky or milky.
Physical Properties
• Streak
➢ Color of a mineral when it is in powdered form.
➢ Color of a mineral may vary but streak is
➢ Determined by rubbing a mineral on a streak plate
(unglazed porcelain) of hardness 7.
➢ Hematite (Fe₂O₃) – reddish brown to black.
➢ Limonite: Yellowish brown
➢ Cassiterite: white
Physical Properties
• Cleavage
➢The capability of minerals to split along
certain planes is called cleavage; the planes are
known as cleavage planes.
➢Cleavage bears a definite relation to the crystal
➢It is a directional property, direction weakness.
➢Cleavage is always parallel to crystal faces.
Physical Properties
• Striations:
➢These are parallel, threadlike lines or narrow
➢It is seen on the crystal faces or cleavage
➢Striations in adjacent faces are perpendicular
to each other.
Prepared by
Rifat Talha Khan
Lecturer, Department of Civil & Water Resources Engineering,
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Silicates – Non-ferromagnesians
• Non-ferromagnesian:
➢These types of silicate minerals do not contain iron
or magnesium.
➢They have light color and low specific gravity
ranging from 2.6 to 2.9.
Silicates – Non-ferromagnesians
• Feldspar:
➢ Most abundant rock forming silicate make up 54% of mineral of
earth crust.
➢ They are silicate of aluminium with K, Na, and Ca.
➢ Show good cleavage in 2 directions making 90° angle with each
➢ Specific gravity- 2.55-2.76.
➢ Hardness is about 6.
➢ In the tetrahedra, silicon ion is replaced by aluminium ion and
any one of K⁺, Na⁺, or Ca²⁺.
➢ Orthoclase, K(AlSi₃O₈) – Potassium feldspar.
➢ Albite, Na(AlSi₃O₈) – Sodium Plagioclase
➢ Anorthite, Ca(Al₂Si₂O₈) – Calcium Plagioclase.
Crystalline form of Feldspars
Silicates – Non-ferromagnesians
• Orthoclase: K[Al(Si₃O₈)]
➢Aluminium replaces silicon in every fourth
tetrahedron, and positive K ion correct the electron
➢It is white, grey or pinkish; white streak.
➢Specific gravity is 2.75, hardness is 6.
Silicates – Non-ferromagnesians
• Plagioclase:
➢ Have cleavage planes that intersect at 86°. One of the
planes marked by striations.
➢ It may be colorless, white, blue, grey, black.
➢ The relative amount of Ca and Na may vary in proportion
to the amount of Al in order to maintain electron neutrality.
➢ In Albite, Al replaces silicon in every fourth tetrahedron
and positive ion of Na correct electrical imbalance.
➢ Specific gravity of Albite is 2.62.
➢ In anorthite, Aluminium replaces silicon in every second
tetrahedron, and positive ion of Ca correct the electrical
➢ Its specific gravity is 2.76.
Silicates – Non-ferromagnesians
• Muscovite:
➢White mica. Same basic crystalline structure as
➢Each pair of tetrahedra sheets is highly cemented
together by ions of aluminium.
➢Color: light yellow, green, red, Colorless streak.
➢Hardness: 2 to 2.5, common in metamorphic rocks
➢Specific gravity: 2.8 to 3.1.
Silicates – Non-ferromagnesians
• Quartz:
➢ Most common rock forming silicate mineral that is composed
exclusively of tetrahedra.
➢ Every oxygen ion is shared by adjacent silicon ion (SiO₂).
➢ Relatively hard mineral of hardness 7.
➢ It does not exhibit cleavage but fractures along curved surface
when struck a blow.
➢ Specific gravity is 2.65.
➢ It is a pure chemical compound among all rock forming mineral.
➢ Its color is smoky to clear, colorless streak.
➢ Less common variety - purple, massive rose red, pink rose red,
quartz, milk quartz.
➢ This color variation is due to presence of other elements as
Structural form of Feldspar and Quartz
Common Rock Forming Minerals
• Oxide:
➢ They are formed by direct union of an element with oxygen.
➢ Oxide minerals are harder than any other class except the
➢ They are heavier than others except sulfides.
➢ Main elements are Al, Fe, Sn, Mn, Cr.
➢ Common oxide minerals are ice (H₂O), corundum (Al₂O₃),
hematite (Fe₂O₃), magnetite (Fe₃O₄), Cassiterite (SnO₂).
• Sulfide minerals:
➢ Formed by direct union of an element with sulfur.
➢ Elements are: Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Hg.
➢ Some of these minerals occur as valuable ores like pyrite (FeS₂),
Chalcocite (Cu₂S), Galena (PbS), Sphalerite (ZnS).
Common Rock Forming Minerals
• Carbonate mineral:
➢Carbonate consists of single carbon ion with three
oxygen ions packed around it (CO₃)²⁻.
➢Calcite (CaCO₃) is the principle component of
common sedimentary rock limestone.
• Halide:
➢Combination of elements (positive ions) with
halogens. (Cl, I, Br, F).
➢The very common rock salt halite (NaCl), Sylvite
➢Halides occur as precipitates from evaporating ponds,
Cleaveage, Shape and Sample of Various Minerals
➢ Some substances do not yield definite chemical formulas
upon analysis and show no sign of crystallinity. These are
said to be amorphous and have been called mineraloids.
➢ A mineral may exist in a crystalline phase or as a
➢ They are formed under conditions of low pressure and
➢ They originate during weathering of material of earth crust.
➢ Their ability to absorb other substances accounts for their
wide variations in chemical composition.
➢ Bauxite, limestone, limonite, opal.
Common Opal
Precious Opal
Engineering Geology and
Lecture - 5
Prepared by
Rifat Talha Khan
Lecturer, Department of Civil & Water Resources Engineering,
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
• Rocks are aggregates of minerals and are the
individual units constituting the crust of the
• Based on origin, there are three fundamental
rock types.
➢Igneous Rocks
➢Sedimentary Rocks
➢Metamorphic Rocks
Igneous Rocks
• Molten rock material which is generated within or
below the Earth’s crust reaches the surface from time to
time, and flows out from volcanic orifices as lava.
Similar material may be injected into the rocks of the
crust, giving rise to a variety of igneous intrusions
which cool slowly and solidify; The solidified lavas and
intrusions constitute the igneous rocks.
• The molten material from which igneous rocks have
solidified is called magma.
• Main minerals of igneous rocks include Quartz,
Feldspar, Muscovite, Biotite and Mafics
Igneous Rocks
Fig: Gabbro
Fig: Basalt
Dolomite Sandstone
Gneiss Marble
• Some sedimentary and igneous rocks have been changed while in the solid
state, in response to pronounced changes in their environment.
• The process of modification is called metamorphism.
• Rocks undergo chemical and structural changes to adjust to conditions
different from those under which they were originally formed.
Agents of Metamorphism:
Metamorphism is limited to changes that take place in the texture or
composition of solid rock. The agents of metamorphism are,
• Heat
• Pressure
• Chemically active fluids
Agents of Metamorphism
a. Heat:
➢ It is the most essential agent of metamorphism. In fact, metamorphism
appears as if it were invariably controlled by temperature.
b. Pressure:
➢ It produces a closer atomic packing of the elements in a mineral,
recrystallization of the mineral, or formation of new minerals.
➢ When rocks are buried to depths of several kilometers, they gradually become
plastic and responsive to the heat and deforming process.
➢ When plastic, they deform by inter-granular motion, by the formation of
minute shear planes within the rock, by changes in texture, by reorientation of
grains and by crystal growth.
c. Chemically active fluids:
➢ Hydrothermal solutions released in the solidification of magma often
percolate deeper and remove ions or add ions to the rock minerals to produce
new minerals.
➢ Fine grained rocks are more readily changed than others because they expose
greater areas of grain surface to chemically active fluids.
➢ Some fluids are the liquid already present in the pores of a rock.
Types of Metamorphism
Contact metamorphism:
• When magma is intruded into the earth’s crust, it alters the surrounding rock.
• The alteration of surrounding rocks at or near their contact with a body of magma is
called contact metamorphism.
• Minerals formed by this process are known as contact metamorphic minerals.
• The type of reaction depends on the temperature, composition of the intruding mass
and the properties of the intruded rock.
• During contact metamorphism, temperature may range from 300 to 800°C and load
pressures may range from 100 to 3,000 atmosphere.
• Two types of contact metamorphic minerals are:
– Those produced by heating up the intruded rock.
– Those produced by hypothermal solutions reacting with the intruded rock.
Regional metamorphism:
• It is developed over extensive areas (thousands km² area, thousands meter thick).
• Regional metamorphism is related to the building of mountain ranges.
• They are found in the root regions of old mountains.
• Thousands of meter of rock have to be eroded in order to expose these metamorphic
Engineering Geology and
Lecture – 6
Prepared by
Rifat Talha Khan
Lecturer, Department of Civil & Water Resources Engineering,
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Dip and Strike
• DIP is the acute angle that a rock surface makes with a
horizontal plane.
• STRIKE is the direction of the line formed by the
intersection of a rock surface with a horizontal plane.
• Strike and dip are always perpendicular to each other on a
• Dip is expressed in terms of the angle which the bed makes
with the horizontal; and the direction with respect to north,
south, east, and west, in which the bed is inclined.
• Thus if a bed is making an angle of 30⁰ with the horizontal
and inclination is directed due West; the dip of the bed may
be mentioned as 30⁰ due West and is written as 30⁰W.
Dip and Strike
True and Apparent Dip
True Dip and Apparent Dip
• It is seen that if the same set of beds, inclined
at certain angle is viewed from different angles
(positions), different angle of dip will be
• Therefore, to distinguish between such cases,
the maximum inclination is termed as true dip
while any other inclination is called apparent
• Folds are defined as the undulations or wavy
patterns of the rocks.
• Commonly it is because of the lateral
compression that the smoothly lying rocks get
buckled up and are thrown into folds.
• These are best displayed by the stratified
• In lateral extent folds range from a fraction of
a few millimeters to several kilometers.
Fold Terminology
Fold Terminology
Classification of Folds
I. Classification on the basis of nature of bending:
Classification of Folds
1. Classification on the basis of nature of bending:
a) Anticline:
a) The beds are arched up.
b) The two limbs of such a fold dip in opposite
directions or away from each other.
b) Syncline:
❑ The bed are down-flexured.
❑ The two limbs of such a fold dip in opposite
directions but towards each other.
Classification of Folds
2) Classification on the basis of nature of fold axis:
Classification of Folds
2. Classification on the basis of nature of fold axis:
a) Nonplunging folds:
❑ The fold axis is in horizontal position.
❑ The limbs exposed over the ground surface extend
parallel to each other.
b) Plunging folds:
❑ The fold axis is in inclined position.
❑ In surface view, the beds of the limbs converge in the
direction of inclination, in an anticline; while they
diverge in the case of a syncline.
Classification of Folds
3) Classification on the basis of the axial plane
and the limbs
Classification of Folds
3) Classification on the basis of the axial plane and the
a) Symmetrical folds:
❑ Those folds in which the axial plane is in vertical position.
❑ The two limbs show the same angle of dip in opposite directions.
b) Asymmetrical folds:
❑ Those folds in which the axial plane is inclined so that the two
limbs show different angles of dip, in opposite directions.
c) Over folds/Overturned folds:
❑ Those folds in which the axial plane is so much inclined that the
two limbs dip in the same direction, commonly at different
Classification of Folds
4) Classification on the basis of intensity of
Classification of Folds
4) Classification on the basis of intensity of
a) Open folds:
❑ These are the gentle and wide-spread folds produced
due to the mid-intensity deformation.
b) Closed folds:
❑ When the deformation is of a high intensity, the
resulting folds are closely packed, showing thinning
and thickening of the limbs.
Classification of Folds
5) Classification on the basis of behaviour with depth
Classification of Folds
5) Classification on the basis of behaviour with depth:
a) Similar folds:
❑ Those in which the shape of the folds remains the same with
❑ Thickening and thinning effect is seen; thinning along the limbs
and thickening along the axial portions.
b) Parallel folds:
❑ The shape of the folds varies with depth but the thickness of the
folded beds remains more or less constant.
c) Supratenuous folds:
❑ These folds develop during an environment when the process of
folding takes place while sedimentation is going on.
❑ The rising anticlines show thin beds of sediments over them.
❑ The depressing synclines show thick beds over them.
Special types of folds
Fig: Domes
Special types of folds
• Domes:
A dome is a special type of anticline in which
the beds dip away from the central points, in
all directions.
Special types of folds
Special types of folds
• Basins:
A basin is a special type of syncline in which
the beds dip towards the central point, from all
Engineering Geology and
Lecture – 7
Prepared by
Rifat Talha Khan
Lecturer, Department of Civil & Water Resources Engineering,
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Snow speeds down the slopes of these mountains in the Caucasus Region of Russia.
Landforms and Gravity
A hot lahar rushes down a river valley in Guatemala near the Santa Maria volcano, 1989.
Landforms and Gravity
• A landslide is the movement of rock, debris or earth down a
slope. They result from the failure of the materials which make
up the hill slope and are driven by the force of gravity.
• An avalanche is the rapid descent of a large amount of snow or
ice coming down a sloped surface or mountain.
• A lahar is mudflow that flows down a composite volcano. Ash
mixes with snow and ice melted by the eruption to produce hot,
fast-moving flows. The lahar caused by the eruption of Nevado
del Ruiz in Columbia in 1985 killed more than 23,000 people.
• Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil
down a slope. All the material moves together in big chunks.
• Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a
• Arora, D.S. (1982). Geology for Engineers. 2nd edn.,
Chandigarh: Mohindra Capital Publishers, p.23-55
• Aziz, M.A. (1972). Geology for Civil Engineers. Dhaka: BUET, p.45-53.
• CK-12 Foundation. Landforms from Erosion and Deposition by Gravity.
[online] Available at: https://www.ck12.org/earth-science/Landforms-from-
Deposition-by-Gravity-MS-ES/ [Accessed 23 Oct. 2017].
• Geoscience Australia. What is a Landslide?. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 23 Oct. 2017].
• Nag, O.S. (2017) . Deadliest Avalanches in History. [online] Available at:
[Accessed on 24 Oct. 2017]
• US Geological Survey.(1999). Weathering vs. Erosion. [online]
Available at: https://www.nature.nps.gov/geology/usgsnps/misc/gweaero.html
[Accessed 23 Oct. 2017].
Engineering Geology and
Lecture – 9
Erosion Process
Prepared by
Rifat Talha Khan
Lecturer, Department of Civil & Water Resources Engineering,
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Agents of Weahering & Erosion - Wind
ii. Wind:
➢ The winds cause enormous erosion of the rocks.
➢ It is entirely a mechanical erosion involving physical breaking down of
larger rock masses into finer particles.
➢ This process of disintegration takes place in three different ways:
a) Deflation:
➢ The blowing away of finer products of rock-waste by the wind is called ‘deflation’.
➢ A fast blowing wind has a great amount of energy to disrupt and blow away loose
or loosely held rocks.
➢ Loose sediments (such as alluvium, desert and beach sands) and soils etc. are
readily subjected to this kind of erosion.
b) Abrasion:
➢ A wind charged with rock particles which act as sharp bits, is capable of scratching
or abrading the rocks obstructing its passage.
➢ This effect is so powerful and intense that even huge rocks standing out as hillocks
may be completely levelled down.
➢ There being a greater concentration of rock particles nearer the ground, the rocks
show a greater amount of erosion on their lower parts. As a result some rock
masses can be seen projecting above the ground, with a narrow constriction or a
neck at their base, being known as pedestal rocks.
Agents of Weathering & Erosion - Wind
c) Attrition:
➢ The rock particles carried by wind are further worn down by their
mutual scratching, known as attrition.
➢ The materials of softer nature are made into a fine powdery product.
➢ The harder ones such as sand grains are worn into finer grains.
➢ The initially sharp and angular fragments become more and more
• Controlling Factors:
– Velocity
– Size of fragments
– Density of the fragments
Deposition by Wind
• When the velocity of fast blowing wind is checked by any
obstructions or otherwise, these sediments are dumped or
• The vegetation may also trap advancing sediments and
check their further movement.
• Water bodies like lakes and rivers also act as traps digesting
the sediments moving close to the ground surface.
• Oceans also keep on receiving wind borne sediments either
directly blown in by the winds or through the rivers.
• The fine dust is carried high up in the atmosphere, which
may be carried over enormous distances.
• This dust is brought down by the rain water and deposited.
Resulting Features