Study Of Papageno Effect
Study Of Papageno Effect
Study Of Papageno Effect
ABSTRACT Conference 2023 (WWW ’23), April 30–May 04, 2023, Austin, TX, USA. ACM,
The Papageno efect concerns how media can play a positive role New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.
in preventing and mitigating suicidal ideation and behaviors. With
the increasing ubiquity and widespread use of social media, indi- 1 INTRODUCTION
viduals often express and share lived experiences and struggles According to a report from the World Health Organization [58],
with mental health. However, there is a gap in our understanding globally, approximately 700,000 people fall victim to suicide each
about the existence and efectiveness of the Papageno efect in so- year. Suicide attempts and particularly committed suicides cause
cial media, which we study in this paper. In particular, we adopt a severe and tragic consequences among relatives and friends of
causal-inference framework to examine the impact of exposure to the victims, as well as signifcant economic problems for society.
mental health coping stories on individuals on Twitter. We obtain Consequently, suicide has become a crucial global public health
a Twitter dataset with ∼2M posts by ∼10K individuals. We con- problem, and the World Health Organization has called for urgent
sider engaging with coping stories as the Treatment intervention, action to reduce the suicide mortality rate.
and adopt a stratifed propensity score approach to fnd matched While suicide is a combined outcome of multiple, interrelated
cohorts of Treatment and Control individuals. We measure the psy- factors, ranging from mental health issues to social factors, media
chosocial shifts in afective, behavioral, and cognitive outcomes in can play an important role either in a harmful or benefcial direc-
longitudinal Twitter data before and after engaging with the coping tion. A considerable amount of literature [16, 25, 49] has studied
stories. Our fndings reveal that, engaging with coping stories leads and re-confrmed the harmful efect of media, dubbed the “Werther
to decreased stress and depression, and improved expressive writ- efect” [38], describing a spike in suicides after a heavily publicized
ing, diversity, and interactivity. Our work discusses the practical suicide. However, there is much less research about the benefcial
and platform design implications in supporting mental wellbeing. efects of media, referred to as the “Papageno efect”, describing a de-
crease in suicides after reporting alternatives to suicide. Niederkro-
CCS CONCEPTS tenthaler et al. explored the possible protective efect of media
• Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in collabora- reporting about suicide [34]. This study fnds a decrease in suicides,
tive and social computing; Social media; • Applied computing → if reports of suicide related content portray ways of overcoming
Psychology. suicidal ideation without narrating suicidal behaviors. This work
provides important insights into the potential benefts of media that
KEYWORDS reports suicide related content with a focus on hope and recovery.
Following this work, other studies provide evidence of the Papageno
social media, mental health, suicidal ideation, natural language,
efect from fctional flms [53], suicide-educational websites [54],
causal inference, Papageno efect
and newspaper articles [1]. Given the prevalence and importance
ACM Reference Format: of social media, understanding more about the Papageno efect on
Yunhao Yuan, Koustuv Saha, Barbara Keller, Erkki Tapio Isometsä, and Ta- social media can play a crucial role in decreasing suicide rates.
layeh Aledavood. 2023. Mental Health Coping Stories on Social Media: A Studies of the Papageno efect commonly rely on self-reports,
Causal-Inference Study of Papageno Efect. In Proceedings of the ACM Web surveys, and publicly reported suicide statistics and only cover a
small, selected group of people. People with suicidal ideation can
face negative attitudes and stigmatization, which prevents many of
them from seeking help [40]. Additionally, the sensitive nature of
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 License. suicide makes it challenging to collect data at scale on individuals
who have suicidal ideations and conduct continuous long-term
WWW ’23, April 30–May 04, 2023, Austin, TX, USA follow-up studies.
© 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9416-1/23/04. The emergence of social media platforms, such as Twitter, Red- dit, and TikTok, provides venues for people to not only connect
WWW ’23, April 30–May 04, 2023, Austin, TX, USA Yunhao Yuan, Koustuv Saha, Barbara Keller, Erkki Tapio Isometsä, and Talayeh Aledavood
with others, but also to express and share diferent aspects and life While one body of research highlights that increasing public
events of their personal lives [43]. Social media platforms provide understanding of mental health therapy may prevent suicide at-
a non-intrusive means to collect people’s naturalistic data at scale. tempts [5], others suggest that negative media coverage of sui-
Research has leveraged social media data from diferent social me- cides, such as the suicide victim’s non-attractive features or the
dia platforms to explore psychological and health issues using data circumstances of the suicidal act, prevents imitative suicidal at-
from various domains such as drug misuse [18], minority stress [59], tempts [39]. Niederkrotenthaler et al. discover that reports of peo-
and mental health [9, 48]. Social media platforms provide timely and ple who considered suicide but afterward dealt with their problems
relevant information on examining risk attributes longitudinally. constructively are linked to a short-term reduction in suicide rates
The anonymous features of social media may reduce the biases in 2010. This preventive efect is coined the “Papageno efect”. In-
found in research based on surveys and self-reported data. Conse- spired by the Papageno efect, Till et al. [52] conduct a randomized
quently, social media data provide an unparalleled opportunity to controlled trial to explore the benefcial impact of educative news-
study the Papageno efect in a broader population and its evolution papers featuring suicide researchers in 2018. They observe similar
over time. suicide-protective efects on both readers with, as well as readers
In this paper, we leverage public data from Twitter, a popular without personal experience of suicide ideation. To further test the
social media site. We analyze longitudinal posts from Twitter users Papageno efect, Niederkrotenthaler et al. conduct meta-analysis re-
who reply to posts containing stories about coping with suicidal search and provide new evidence supporting the benefcial efect of
ideation. We examine psychosocial changes in afective, behavioral, media on individuals with suicidal ideation if the media narratives
and cognitive outcomes related to suicidal ideation. Specifcally, we focus on hope and recovery from suicidal crises [33].
target the research questions of, whether the Papageno efect exists So far, however, the Papageno efect on social media is under-
on Twitter and how we can quantify psychosocial changes of Twitter studied. Our work attempts to examine the psychosocial impacts of
users before and after engaging with Twitter posts containing mental the Papageno efect on Twitter. We gather longitudinal social media
health coping stories. data and compare multiple psychosocial outcomes of individuals
To achieve the research goals, we collect 13,022 Twitter posts engaging with coping story posts with a matched Control group.
containing keyword phrases, which might indicate coping stories.
We utilize a machine learning classifer from a previous study [29]
to automatically annotate the dataset and 3,077 Twitter posts are
labeled as coping stories, which might result in the Papageno efect. 2.2 Mental Health and Psycholinguistics
Among them, we manually verify the accuracy of the classifer on Although suicide is not an inevitable consequence of any psychi-
a sampled coping story dataset. We collect data from two popula- atric condition, research suggests a link between mental health and
tions on Twitter: 787K posts from 2,468 individuals who reply to suicidal behaviors. According to a psychiatric autopsy study [6],
Twitter posts containing coping stories and 1.4M posts from 8,465 more than 90% of people who die by suicide sufer a mental disorder
individuals in a control group. After applying stratifed propensity previous to their death. Patients who report anhedonia and sleep-
score matching, we aggregate psychosocial outcomes as afective, lessness with major anxiety symptoms, alcohol abuse, or emotional
behavioral, and cognitive outcomes and identify these with high sig- problems have the highest short-term risk for suicide [24].
nifcant efects. We observe that engaging with coping story posts Studying suicidal ideation attracts researchers from diferent
on Twitter is linked to lower stress and depression, and higher felds. Research suggests that psychological linguistic metrics may
expressive writing, diversity, and interactivity. be used to characterize people with suicidal ideation [2]. Stirman
and Pennebaker compare the linguistic expression of poets between
Privacy and Ethics. Although we use public accessible data from a small sample of suicidal and non-suicidal individuals, using a com-
Twitter, we are committed to protect the privacy of the data owners. puterized text-analysis program called Linguistic Inquiry and Word
We remove any information related to personal identity and para- Count (LIWC) [36]. The authors observed more self-references
phrase all quotations in this paper to avoid traceability. Given the through frst-person singular pronouns, more words related to
sensitive nature of the topic of suicide and to avoid potential misuse, death, and fewer social references in the poets written by those
we adhere to Twitter data sharing standards and will only share who did die by suicide [50]. Following that, other studies have used
the Twitter post IDs to other researchers. One of the authors is a LIWC and similar language analysis techniques to analyze lexical
certifed psychiatrist. This helps us better understand our fndings. and linguistic features in the text of suicidal individuals from dif-
ferent cultural backgrounds [17, 20, 27]. For example, Litvinova
et al. [28] use the Russian edition of the LIWC lexicon to analyze
2 RELATED WORK the text from blog posts and fnd that texts written by confrmed
suicidal individuals, containing more negation words, fewer social
2.1 Media Efects on Suicidal Ideation and perception-related words, fewer positive emotion words than
The question of how media reports about suicide infuence subse- texts from a control group.
quent suicides has received considerable attention [31]. For quite All together, these studies provide a core understanding of lever-
some time, studies focus on the negative impact of media portrayals aging mental and psycholinguistic cues for understanding the Pa-
on suicide and fnd a positive correlation between media coverage of pageno efect on social media. Based on the public content shared
suicidal behavior and suicidality [14]. These studies spark a debate on the social media platform, we focus on inferring psychosocial
about the possible preventive impact of media on suicide rates. outcomes from the perspectives of afect, behavior, and cognition.
Social Media and Papageno Efect WWW ’23, April 30–May 04, 2023, Austin, TX, USA
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