Social foundations of curriculum
Social foundations of curriculum
Social foundations of curriculum
Educations can be used for constructive or destructive ends, to promote one type of
political institution, or ism, or another. the kind of education our young receive determines the
extent of freedom and equality within our society. The transmission of culture is the primary task
of society’s educational system. Society’s values, beliefs, and norms are maintained and bassed
to the next generation not merely by teaching about them, but also by embodying them in the
educational system’s very operation.
1. Moral conduct and controversy
Instead of asking moral question and requiring student of grapple with them,
school teach prescribed content and skills. curriculums specialist, who comfortable with
piglet’s perspective or Dewey’s position. Dewey’s points out that the social and moral
worth of subject matter should be integrate under condition where their social and moral
of subject is realized.
2. Moral Teaching
The aforementioned different moral approaches and courses of study represent a
way of organizing and combining history and english into an interdisciplinary area. Great
book can be added to his approach, in general the courses’ content details with moral and
social issues; ideas regarding how to live; elegant, witty, and weighty thought and
dilemmas that help us understanding how to live.
3. Moral Character
Is difficult to teach because it involves attitudes and behavior that result from
stages of growth, distinctive qualities of personality, and experience. It involves a
coherent philosophy.