It Ict Sector in Poland (1)

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Edited by Eryk Rutkowski
Cooperation: Robert Kalinowski, Ministry of Entrepreneurship
and Technology
Published by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
Pańska 81/83, 00-834 Warsaw, Poland

©Polish Agency for Enterprise Development 2019

The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not
necessarily coincide with activities of the Polish Agency for Enterprise

All product names, logos and brands mentioned in this publication are the
property of their respective owners.

ISBN 978-83-7633-419-6

Free copy
Circulation: 1000

Printing of this publication has been co-financed from the European

Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Smart Growth
Operational Programme.
Table of contents
Poland in figures 2018................................................................................... 6

IT/ICT market in Poland................................................................................. 9

Global drivers of growth on the services and IT devices market................. 14

Why it is worth buying Polish IT/ICT products and services........................ 19

Over 70 years of Polish IT/ICT...................................................................... 21

Polish companies in IT/ICT sector................................................................ 23

Export of IT/ICT products............................................................................ 26

Export of IT/ICT services.............................................................................. 33

Polish gamedev........................................................................................... 35

Polish technological startups....................................................................... 39

Success stories............................................................................................. 44

Polish IT/ICT companies............................................................................... 50


Małgorzata Oleszczuk
President of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

No modern industry can be competitive without IT solutions. Most

successful economies share a common trait – innovation combined
with high efficiency. The latter results from digitization and automation
of production and business processes, a phenomenon often referred
to as the Industry 4.0.

Information technology improves existing processes, but may also open

up paths to completely new business ventures – such as the constantly
growing e-commerce sector or services provided with the use of mobile

All studies show that the global demand for IT equipment and services will
continue to grow. Polish manufacturers of IT equipment and extremely
talented programmers meet these growing expectations, which is reflected
in the latest exports data.

The exports of IT/ICT products from Poland in 2018 amounted to EUR 10.7
billion, reaching its historic high. This shows that Polish companies are
increasingly confident on foreign markets and are successful in convincing

partners to establish long-term business relationships. They are ever more

effective in building their own brand and image as being able to carry out
even the most challenging contracts.

This comes as no surprise, since companies from the IT/ICT sector are
currently the most innovative in the country – they are responsible for
90% of the Research and Development (R&D) expenditure increase
in the enterprise sector. Computer science is also one of the faculties
most frequently chosen by young people in Poland. The long history
of the Polish IT/ICT industry – tracing its roots over 70 years back – also
translates into expertise which pays off every coming year.

The exports of IT services is growing even faster, reaching a record value

of EUR 5.6 billion in 2017. It is worth emphasizing that Polish IT service
providers are in ever greater demand on the most competitive global
markets – including the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland
and Germany, where the term ‘Industry 4.0’ was coined in the first place.

The Polish government supports IT/ICT companies in their efforts

to build brand awareness and establish business relations. With the help
of the IT/ICT Promotion Program implemented by the Polish Agency for
Enterprise Development, Polish companies have the opportunity to present
their offer, as well as conduct business meetings at national stands during
the most important conferences and trade fairs in the world.

This publication aims to broaden the knowledge about Polish IT/ICT

sector, provide you with basic facts and figures and answer why it pays
off to cooperate with Polish partners. I wish you a pleasant reading
and successful business meetings.

Poland in figures 2018

Source: Statistics Poland, Eurostat, International Monetary Fund


The IT/ICT sector is one of the growth engines of the Polish

economic development. According to the statistics, this sector
is responsible for generating 8% of the country’s GDP and employs
430 thousand people. In 2018, the domestic IT/ICT market grew
by 7.2%, which generated EUR 16 billion of revenue.

The key to this growth is the qualifications of people working

in this sector. Poland appears at the top of all country rankings
that have the most talented programmers. One also needs
to commend the emphasis placed by technical universities
on mathematics and mathematical analysis, as it provides our
specialists with a much better conceptual framework compared
to their foreign colleagues. Locating R&D centres of global
brands, such as Samsung and Intel, in Poland is the best proof
of this claim.

The relatively low cost of living combined with a high level

of public services is also a benefit for the IT industry in Poland.
Salaries of the Polish IT professionals are comparable to those
of their foreign colleagues, as many of them work as contractors
for multinational corporations. At the same time, living in Warsaw
is still more affordable than in London or Paris. We have clean,
well-connected cities and a rich cultural offer.

The prospect of high living standards encourage IT specialists

to work in Poland – especially in smaller cities such as Bydgoszcz
or Białystok. Passion and competence are the most vital things
in this industry. Current Polish IT giants were set up in garages,
driven mainly by the energy of their talented founders.

This situation is distinctively intertwined with the country’s

openness to innovation, and the Polish banking sector may serve
as a prime example. The Elixir system is a sensation on a global
scale – it allows participating banks to do their clearings instantly
and interbank transfers reach destination accounts on the same
day. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), in 2019
up to 90% of Polish Internet users will have a smartphone.
On average, every third user indicates watching movies
on the phone as one of their favourite activities related to mobile
devices. For this reason, the 5G standard will become another
element stimulating the growth of the Polish ICT sector.

Additionally, Poland already has a strong position

as a manufacturer of computer games. We have many companies
operating successfully on the global market. Last but not least,
we have a good brand – a great asset, which should not be

Andrzej Dulka
President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology
and Telecommunications

IT/ICT market in Poland

The IT/ICT industry constitutes about 8% of Polish GDP, employing
over 430 thousand people, of which three quarters are employed
in the services sector. Every year, the number of employees increases
by approx. 6%. The domestic market includes around 60 thousand
companies, both Polish and foreign.

Table 1. IT/ICT market in Poland

Income of the domestic IT/ICT market in 2018 EUR 26.2 billion
Number of companies 60 thousand
Employees, including 250 thousand programmers 450 thousand
Contribution of the IT/ICT sector in employment 4.6%
Annual growth rate of companies in the industry 10%
Contribution of the IT/ICT sector in GDP 8%
Contribution of the IT/ICT sector in Poland’s exports 5%
Contribution of the Polish IT/ICT sector in the EU market 8%
Value of IT/ICT equipment exports EUR 10.7 billion
Value of IT/ICT services exports EUR 5.6 billion
Number of service centres: BPO, SSC, IT, Research
and Development (R&D)

Source: Computerworld Top 200, Statistics Poland, Association of Business Service Leaders
(ABSL) own description

The revenues of the Polish IT sector in 2018 amounted to EUR 16 billion,

increasing by 7.2% compared to the previous year, almost double

the average growth for the global IT market, which according to the leading
research and advisory company Gartner showed the increase of 3.9%.

In 2017, sales of IT equipment constituted as much as 55% of the Polish

market. Services came in second, with 29% of the market. The smallest
share belonged to software, with 16%.

Chart 1. Structure of IT market in Poland (%)

Source: Computerworld Top 200, International Data Corporation (IDC), PMR

The two main business models of IT companies operating on the Polish

market are sales of infrastructure under public contracts and production
of custom software together with staff outsourcing.

Chart 2. Sales of cloud technologies (EUR million)

Source: IDC

The domestic IT services market is driven primarily by the digitization

of public administration, the enterprise sector and services. In 2017,
expenditures in the cloud technologies in Poland amounted to nearly
EUR 200 million, while a year later it reached almost EUR 300 million.
The potential for growth is high, because, statistically, one in ten companies
uses this type of services, and the demand increases. The International
Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts that by 2022 the cloud technology market,
which alone is developing five times faster than the entire Polish IT services
sector, will reach a value of approx. EUR 450 million.

The largest part of the cloud technology market is Software as a Service

(SaaS) and it amounts to around 60%, while Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) constitutes 20% of sales, and the remaining part of the market
belongs to Platform as a Service (PaaS). The market for SaaS is mostly
dominated by project management and communication solutions,
but the CRM, sales and marketing support segments are growing rapidly.
The 12% increase of mass storage sales, to the amount of PLN 132 million,
derives from cloud development.

Chart 3. Structure of cloud technology market (%)

Source: IDC

The Polish IT/ICT market is the second largest when it comes to the number
of mergers and acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2017,
288 transactions worth a total of EUR 10.6 billion were concluded.
The record high merger, i.e. the takeover of Netia (provider of television,
mobile internet and telephone services) by Cyfrowy Polsat, amounted
to almost EUR 150 million.

Poland is a regional leader providing modern business services to global

corporations. In the first quarter of 2018, there were a total of 1236
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) entities, Shared Services Centres (SSC),
IT, and R&D (Polish and foreign) service centres in Poland, employing 279
thousand staff.

BPO, SSC, IT and R&D centres in Poland

 90 new job offers a day
 300 thousand people employed in 2019, 81% of them by foreign
 30% – percentage of centres with automation and artificial
intelligence tools
 39% – percentage of centres that are working on a pilot
implementation of such solutions

Source: ABSL – Modern Business Services Sector in Poland 2018

Among the 831 companies having their own service centres, 10% (83 investors)
are companies from the Fortune Global 500 list (2017). The most important
target countries for which services in Poland are provided are Germany,
the United Kingdom and the United States. Next on that list is Poland itself
and France closes the top five.

The development of the domestic IT/ICT market is also influenced by

the increasingly successful online shopping market. The value of the Polish
e-commerce market in 2018 amounted to almost EUR 10 billion. Forecasts
indicate that in 2019 it will grow by another EUR 2 billion. Poland is currently
the 13th fastest growing e-commerce market – in 2018 the number of online
stores exceeded 30 thousand.

Chart 4. The value of the Polish e-commerce market (EUR billion)

Source: Bisnode Polska,

The gaming industry is playing an increasingly important role on the IT

market. There are around 250 game developers in Poland, including small
studios as well as internationally and even globally recognized companies.
However, the number of major production studios listed on the stock
exchange is less than 20. The Polish gaming market in terms of revenue
currently ranks 23rd in the world, generating almost EUR 500 million from
the sales of games.

Global drivers of growth on the services

and IT devices market
No modern business or public administration can manage without IT
solutions. According to Gartner, in 2019 the global IT services market will
exceed the magic value of one trillion dollars (EUR 900 billion). Driven by
the demand for cloud solutions, services are growing much faster than
the IT market as a whole, i.e. services, software and hardware combined.
The entire IT market will reach close to EUR 3.3 trillion in 2019. In the
year-to-year terms, this gives an increase of 3.2%. The highest increase
in turnover on this market – by 8.3% – was recorded in the area of software
sold to enterprises.

Cloud services

According to Gartner, in 2020 the cloud services market will reach EUR
350 billion. SaaS is the fastest-growing global segment of IT services.
Market Research Future (MRFR) reports that over the next few years
the average year-to-year growth rate will reach 21%, and in 2022 this
market will be worth EUR 105 billion. Subscription-based SaaS solutions not
only free users, mainly small and medium-sized companies, from the need
to purchase licenses and maintain servers, but they are also flexible
in terms of payments. Research carried out at the request of the European
Commission shows that the implementation of cloud services reduces
the costs of operating the IT departments by 10 to 20%.

Global cloud services market

 EUR 350 billion – value of the entire services market in 2020
 EUR 105 billion – value of the SaaS market in 2022
 21% CAGR – growth rate of the SaaS market

Source: Market Research Future

Big Data

Enterprises produce countless amounts of data that can be a treasury

of knowledge pointing the way of development for a company. All that
is needed are the right analytical tools, which are, coincidently, in great
demand. Estimates show that the global market for Big Data collection
and processing services will grow from EUR 38 billion in 2018 to EUR
93 billion in 2027, and its year-to-year growth rate will reach 10.48%.

Chart 5. Big Data global market size (EUR billion)

Source: Wikibon, Statista

Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0

Without artificial intelligence, it is hard to imagine the automation

of production, business processes or Big Data analysis. Technologies such
as machine learning or artificial neural networks are used in such areas

as healthcare, automotive industry, finance and banking, e-commerce,

transport and logistics, entertainment, communication, energy
and industrial production.

PwC predicts that in 2030 45% of profits generated by the world economy
will result from the fine-tuning and increase of productivity, brought
about by the artificial intelligence. Its share in GDP will reach 26% (EUR
6.3 trillion) in China, 14.5% (EUR 3.3 trillion) in the United States and 11%
(EUR 2.5 trillion) in Europe. Globally – EUR 14.1 trillion. It is estimated that
about 50 to 60 thousand IT positions were eliminated in India last year.
They were replaced by robots.

Sales of mobile devices and smartphones

The growing market of mobile devices drives the development of mobile

internet and mobile applications – they were downloaded 192 billion
times in 2018. The Global Mobile Market Report shows that in 2018 there
were 3 billion smartphone users worldwide. In 2019, another 300 million,
and in 2021, 3.8 billion people more will be using these devices. A larger
number of users with access to the Internet translates to increased demand
in the field of web and mobile development.

Chart 6. Global number of smartphone users (EUR billion)

Source: Global Mobile Market Report 2018

E-commerce and digital marketing
The growing popularity of online shopping drives the demand for IT
solutions for e-commerce and online marketing. In China, one-fifth of all
purchases are made online. In Poland, 54% of Internet users buy online.
Revenues of only three largest global e-commerce platforms amounted
to over EUR 90 billion in 2017. The value of the global e-commerce
market in 2018 was estimated at EUR 2.5 trillion – in 2021 it will already
be worth EUR 4.3 trillion, growing at a rate of 25% per year.

Chart 7. Value of the global e-commerce market (EUR trillion)

Source: Statista, E-commerce in Poland, 2017

IoT – Internet of Things

Within five years, between 2017 and 2021, the value of the global IoT
market will double – from EUR 211 to 468 billion. The data centres
and data processing are the fastest-growing segment of the industry, which
in the mentioned period, will grow at a rate of 50% year-to-year.

Chart 8. Value of the global IoT market (EUR billion)

Source: Bain and Company – Unlocking Opportunities in the Internet of Things


Legal regulations of data security and threats related to cyberterrorism

are the main reason for the rapid growth of the cybersecurity market.
An important factor driving the development of this segment is the growing
SMEs’ demand for cybersecurity cloud solutions. Between 2018 and 2023,
the global cybersecurity market will grow at a rate of 10.2% year-to-year – from
USD 152 billion to USD 248 billion.

Chart 9. Value of the global cybersecurity market (EUR billion)

Source: Markets and Markets: Cybersecurity Market by Solution, Service, Security Type,
Deployment Mode, Organization Size, Industry Vertical, and Region – Global Forecast
to 2023

Why it is worth buying Polish IT/ICT

products and services
Polish IT/ICT industry is backed by over 70 years of experience
in the construction of computer devices and software creation. Computer
science is currently the most popular field of study in Poland. About
70 thousand people study it annually. Every major city has a technical
university, and there are over 20 of them in total. Every year, 20 thousand
high school graduates start IT studies there.

Polish programmers are among the best in the world while offering
competitive prices. According to a ranking conducted by HackerRank, they
took third place out of 50 classified countries. As for the Java programming
language they were recognized as the best in the world.

According to analysis and forecasts, AI software-driven products, which

require knowledge of machine learning algorithms and artificial neural
networks, will play an increasingly important role in the future. Polish
software houses already have extensive experience in this field and are
constantly improving themselves by implementing innovative projects.

Growing technological competitiveness and openness to changing market

needs makes Polish entrepreneurs increasingly willing to invest in IT
business support solutions. Therefore, Polish IT/ICT companies can scale up

domestically and effectively sell their solutions and services also on foreign

The Polish IT industry is not limited to the role of an importer of solutions

and an exporter of employees. Software created by small Polish companies
is exported not only to other European Union countries but also to Asia,
the Americas, Africa and the Middle East. According to the data provided
by PwC, Polish IT companies are the most innovative among all the sectors
surveyed in the country.

Deloitte publishes annually a ranking of the 50 fastest-growing technology

companies in Central Europe. In 2018, there were 19 companies from
Poland on the list, including RTB House placed in the top five. Polish
technology companies are also constantly present in the ranking made
by the Financial Times and Statista, which groups the first thousand
fastest-growing companies in Europe.

Over 70 years of Polish IT/ICT

It is no coincidence, that Polish programmers are among the world leaders.
The rich, decades-old history of Polish IT can be traced back to Abraham
Stern, who in 1810 constructed calculating machines capable of performing
four basic mathematical operations and extracting square roots. He is
considered to be one of the computer science pioneers worldwide.

Polish IT industry has its beginnings in the first years after World War II.
In 1948, at the National Mathematical Institute, a special team called
“Mathematical Apparatus Group” was created. And that is how computers
were called back in the day.

In 1957 the group created the first Polish fully functioning computer
EMAL 2 used for practical calculations. However, the first mass-produced
Polish computer was called ZAM 2. Its production began in 1961. Around
the same time, the ELWRO state enterprise based in Wrocław produced
a prototype of the first-generation Polish computer – Odra 1001.
Its improved version – 1003 – went into mass production four years later
and more than half of the units produced were exported. The Odra series
stood apart due to its ability to work on third-party software and the option
of connecting peripheral devices.

However, the MERA-80 computer – designed to control technological

processes, engineering calculations and scientific research – turned out to be

the real export hit. It was produced from 1979 in CNPSS MERASTER, which
also created advanced operating systems. Around the same time, ELWRO
began the production of Polish TVG-10 video game consoles. In over five
years, more than 100 thousand of these devices were produced and sold.

The 1980s were a period of the growing importance of personal computers,

used primarily for office work and entertainment. This trend also reached
Poland. In the second half of the 1980s, a microcomputer production
program was launched and it resulted in the production of ELWRO 801 AT
desktop computers which were on par with the quality of contemporary
American computers. At the beginning of the 1990s, the Polish IT/ICT
industry underwent a wave of turmoil related to political transformation.
Many state-owned enterprises collapsed after privatization, and new
private enterprises dealing with software development and implementation
took their place. Three of them – Comarch, Asseco and Transition
Technologies are now the largest Polish IT companies offering software.

Currently, 60 thousand companies operate in this sector, including highly

innovative and technologically advanced companies with high sales
of products and services abroad. One of them is Digital Core Design, which
designs super-fast processors and System-on-a-chip solutions. There are
also startups operating at the intersection of IT, medicine, education,
finance, marketing, entertainment and services. In 2018, Photon,
the world’s first educational robot, which develops and ‘learns’ together
with its’ child-owner, entered the market. Global companies have been
supplied with Zortrax 3D printers for several years. BOHR Technology
programmers think outside the box and are already working on creating
software for the next generation of computers – quantum computers.
Gaming company CD Projekt Red, producer of The Witcher game series,
a global bestseller, generated a net profit of EUR 25 million in 2018 and is
preparing further titles.

Polish companies in IT/ICT sector

About 60 thousand companies operate in the sector. From large ones with
several decades of tradition, to medium and small entities established
mostly after 1989. The last decade witnessed the dynamic development
of technological startups. Some of them have already entered the European
and even global market.

 Software
 Services
 Production and servicing of computer equipment

Electronic components and devices:

 Automatic data processing equipment
 Microprocessors
 Storage and memory devices (e.g. solid-state drives, hard disc
drives, memory modules, memory cards, USB Flash Drives, etc.)
 Computer screens and monitors
 Mobile devices
 PCs
 Broadcast and production equipment for TV and radio
 Automatic circuit breakers

 Big Data
 Analitycs – research tools, business intelligence
 IoT – beacons, NFC tags, software
 3D printing
 Cloud Computing
 Deep Tech – Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial
Neural Network, blockchain
 Virtual/Augmented Reality
 Programming and developing tools
 Productivity/CRM/ERP management
 Telematics

Innovation leaders

In 2004, Poland joined the European Union. Many companies have

benefited from the EU cohesion funds and used them for research
and development as well as production facilities modernization. In addition,
the EU single market opened up for competition – in terms of value, the EU
currently accounts for 88% of all Polish IT/ICT exports. The IT/ICT industry
is the most innovative sector of the Polish economy. Each year marks
an increase in spending on research and development, and IT/ICT stands for
90% of the increase in R&D expenditure in the enterprise sector.

In 2017, gross domestic expenditure on R&D amounted to EUR 5.1 billion

and increased by 14.7% compared to the previous year.

Chart 10. Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

Structure of R&D expenditure

 EUR 3.3 billion – enterprise sector – 64.5%
 EUR 1.6 billion – higher education – 2.3%
 Government sector – 32.9%
 Private non-profit institutions – 0.3%

Export of IT/ICT products

In 2018, exports of IT/ICT products from Poland amounted to EUR 10.7
billion, and increased year-to-year by 6.3%. It is also the highest exports
value of Polish products from the ICT industry in history. Over the past
decade, it has grown more than two and a half times. The largest categories
of exported products in terms of size are machines and devices for
automatic data processing as well as telecommunications equipment – they
constitute slightly more than half of all the devices sold abroad.

Chart 11. Export of IT/ICT products (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

Other categories of exported IT/ICT products include magnetic

tapes and disks (EUR 1.2 billion), electronic integrated circuits
and micro-assemblies (EUR 417 million), video tuners (EUR 309 million)

and broadcasting equipment for radio and television (EUR 190 million),
circuit breakers and surge protectors.

Chart 12. Share of IT/ICT product categories in exports (%)

Source: Statistics Poland

113% – 10-year average exports dynamic

EUR 7067 mln – 10-year average exports value

Chart 13. Share of IT/ICT products in total exports value (%)

Source: Statistics Poland


Exports to EU countries
IT/ICT products are among the main and most important Polish export
specialties – they make up the value of circa 5% of all exports. The main
recipient (nearly 90% of IT/ICT equipment) of Polish products are European
Union countries. The key target countries are Germany, the Netherlands,
the United Kingdom, France and Czechia.

Chart 14. Key recipients of Polish IT/ICT products from the EU countries in 2017
(EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

Germany, an extremely demanding business partner which expects a very

high quality of IT/ICT products, buys a quarter of all Polish devices sold
to the EU. In 2017, German partners purchased equipment for over EUR
2.6 billion – that is, in excess of EUR 1 billion higher than the average
of the last decade. Exports to the Netherlands is also growing rapidly.
The United Kingdom, France, Czechia, Sweden, as well as Italy and Spain
are also showing an increasing demand for IT/ICT equipment from Poland.

Chart 15. Average yearly exports of IT/ICT products to the EU countries

in 2008–2017 (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

A relatively large share of Polish machines and devices for automatic data
processing (the highest in terms of value in the exports category) can be seen
in the imports of the United Kingdom (5.81%), France (5.41%), Germany
(3.92%), as well as Spain (2.47%), Russia (2.47%), and Italy (2.25%).

Exports to countries outside the EU

The largest importers of Polish IT/ICT equipment outside the European

Union are the United States, Russia, China, Ukraine, South Africa,
the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland.

Analysis of the year-average exports over the last decade shows that
the UAE, followed by the United States were the key markets. Nevertheless,
exports to the latter have increased significantly over the past two years.

In 2017, it was almost twice as high as the last decade average – EUR
212 million against EUR 112 million.

A similar trend can be seen in the case of exports to Russia. In 2017,

exports to China were by almost a third higher than the last decade
average. The top ten non-EU importers also include countries such
as Switzerland, Turkey and India.

Chart 16. Key recipients of Polish IT/ICT products from outside the EU
in 2017 (EUR million)

Source: Statistics Poland

Chart 17. Average annual exports of IT/ICT products to countries outside

the EU in 2008–2017 (EUR million)

Source: Statistics Poland

Cooperation with Polish programmers is a very
reasonable choice

The growing demand for IT services, regardless of the current

economic situation, makes technology both a catalyst for growth
and protection from the competitors. The world continues to be ever
more digital, new technologies are emerging and we need talented
people who can build useful solutions. According to the rankings,
Polish programmers are among the top three in the world. We have
many technical universities that educate hundreds of programmers
every year. Poles are valued for the high quality of work, quick
adaptation to new cultures and diligence. Polish software houses
work with clients from all over the world, although for logistical
reasons it is much easier for them to operate in Europe and countries
where the time zone difference does not exceed six hours. We are
present in Scandinavia, Germany, the United Kingdom and many
other countries where we are perceived as competitive business

The demand for IT services from Poland is very high. The growing
number of inquiries from abroad and programming companies,
which increase employment by several dozen or even several
hundred people in two or three years of operation, proves that.
Projects implemented for foreign partners not only increase their
trust for individual companies from Poland, but also for the whole
country. The country where they can find reliable employees.
At Software Development Association (SoDA) we bring together over
50 entities and the scope of their activities is huge – from medical
systems, through food ordering applications to software simulating
aircraft assembly (in VR technology). We are also getting stronger

in industries such as fintech and energy, where our products solve

really serious problems and help people around the world.

It is worth cooperating with Polish programming companies because

their services are on par with the best the world can offer. In addition
to programming, they also provide sector-specific consultancy,
because they have experience in selected industries, i.e. healthcare
or specific solutions such as marketplace. Cooperation with Polish
programmers is a very reasonable choice.

Damian Winkowski
Founder and Vice President of Software Development Association
Poland (SoDA)

Export of IT/ICT services

The value of telecommunications, information and IT services provided by
the Polish companies to foreign partners in 2017 reached EUR 5.6 billion
– a historic high. Within two years, exports of IT services increased by
almost EUR 1.7 billion (nearly 50%).

The United Kingdom is the main recipient of Polish IT services, followed

by the United States. Switzerland and Germany are respectively third
and fourth.

It is significant that Polish IT services are increasingly recognized

in the United States, where the market is very competitive
and demanding. It is one of the main target markets chosen by the Polish
companies providing ICT services. Between 2015 and 2017, exports
of services to the United States grew from EUR 545 million to 889 million.
Exports to the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany is growing
at a similar pace.

The value of IT/ICT services exports

 2015 – EUR 3.9 billion
 2017 – EUR 5.6 billion

Chart 18. Top ten recipients of Polish IT/ICT services in 2017 (EUR million)

Source: Statistics Poland


Polish gamedev
The Polish gamedev industry is made up of about 250 entities, most
of which are small development studios. However, there are also big
players listed on the stock exchange like CD Projekt Red, Techland,
CI Games and 11 bit studios.

Table 2. Gaming market in Poland

Number of developers 250

Estimated market value * EUR 6.2 billion
Annual revenues of Polish producers
EUR 440 million
from the sale of games *
Number of players 16 million
Share in GDP 0.10%
The number of copies of the “Witcher”
25 million
series sold
* Taking into account only the value of companies listed on the stock
exchange and providing financial statements
Source: Forbes,

According to Forbes, the value of several listed gaming companies

and several other companies that provide financial reports, amounts
to a total of over EUR 6 billion. Their annual revenues from the sale
of games reach around EUR 500 million. Gamedev is the most globalized
technology industry in the country – over 90% of revenues come from sales

of products abroad. In 2016, the value of the Polish gaming market reached
over EUR 400 million. Estimates show that at the end of 2019, sales
of games on the domestic market should exceed EUR 500 million.

The largest percentage, nearly one-third of games sold, were PC and console
games in the over the counter retail. However, forecasts predict that thanks
to the global trend of increasing popularity of online games at the end
of 2019 the online gaming segment will be equal to it or even larger.
This segment is growing fastest in the world (25.5% per year), and its value
has already reached the value of half of the entire market (USD 70.3 billion).

Chart 19. Value of the Polish gaming market in 2016 and forecast for 2019 (%)

Source: Report on the Condition of the Polish Game Industry 2017 – own study based
on SuperData Research, DFC Intelligence, Newzoo data and information obtained from
representatives of the Polish video game industry

Ten Square Games stands out on this market in Poland. The company has
almost 600 million game downloads and 21 million active players every
month. The secret of this success are the two fishing games: “Let’s Fish”
and “Fishing Clash”.

Polish game developers show a high degree of their own financial

commitment to the products they create – over 85% of them declare
self-funding of their companies. At the same time, slightly more than
a quarter declares publisher’s co-financing, one-fifth are supported by
an investor from outside the industry, and less than 17% of them are
supported by an industry investor. Equity investors provide support for
every tenth company.

Chart 20. Current funding source (%)

Source: Report on the Condition of the Polish Game Industry 2017 – own study based on
the results of Polish Gamedev 2017

The high level of financial self-reliance has consequences in the prevailing

game release model. More than 68% of companies launch games through
self-publishing. Others are looking for publishers both at home and abroad.

The Polish gaming industry is in excellent shape and over the years it
has managed to build a strong position. Countries with comparable
potential, such as Spain or Italy, do not operate at such a scale
as game producers as Poland. The consumer market for games
in these countries is of course larger than ours, but we have
definitely more titles that receive awards and get to bestseller
lists. The Polish scene was pushed forward by titles such as “Dying
Light” (Techland), the game series “The Witcher” (CD Projekt Red)
and finally “This War of Mine” (11 bit studios). Games are a global
market – thanks to digital distribution, borders are no longer
relevant. We sell the vast majority of games abroad.

Paweł Miechowski
Partnerships manager, 11 bit studios

Polish technological startups

Chart 21. Specializations of Polish startups (%)

Polish startups 2018

 46% of Polish startups are exporters
 35% of them passed the local market test before selling the
product globally
 Every fifth has its office abroad
 1 of 3 works with a corporation
 26% of startups have a female among founders
 83% sells in the B2B model

Source: Startup Poland Foundation: Polish Startups Report 2018, The Golden Book of
Venture Capital in Poland 2019

Public support for startups

 EUR 220 million from Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
 EUR 110 million from National Capital Fund (KFK)
 EUR 60 million from National Centre for Research and
Development (NCBiR)
 Another EUR 500 million to stimulate investment in innovative
companies will be allocated by PFR Ventures

Source: Startup Poland Foundation: Polish Startups Report 2018, The Golden Book of
Venture Capital in Poland 2019

Human capital – the strength of the Polish startup scene

While, according to the statistics, the specialty of Polish startups is

Big Data and IoT, it is fintech (IT solutions for the financial sector) that
recently attracts the largest group of investors.

From year-to-year, Polish startups are gradually moving towards

the B2B business model – cooperation with large corporations,
which in the course of their activity generate a large amount of data
and need tools for their analysis. Very good knowledge of technologies
such as machine learning allows Polish startups to create and deliver
solutions needed by their corporate clients.

Human capital is one of the strong assets of the Polish startup

scene. Computer science is currently the most popular field of study
in Poland, with over 70 thousand academic students attending every
year. Our programmers are among the best in the world. We have over
250 thousand software developers whose services are still cheaper
than their American or Western European competitors. Compared

to other countries, in Poland women play a much larger role in creating

innovative ventures – in Europe, we are in the first place in terms
of the share of women-founders in startups.

Many global software houses focus mainly on maintaining their

infrastructure. Polish companies, however, are doing great in custom,
boutique projects as well as in creating new tailor-made solutions,
even for giants such as Pinterest. They do not do it under their own
brand, but they gain valuable experience, which may soon result
in a globally recognizable enterprise.

Julia Krysztofiak-Szopa
President of the Startup Poland Foundation

Promising startups
Combining spatial design, 3D printing, programming, robotics
and an e-learning platform into one educational ecosystem is
the idea of ​​​​the Skriware startup for effective teaching in the increasingly
popular STEAM scheme (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts
and Mathematics). Warsaw-based company wants to inspire users to act
creatively and implement unconventional ideas through the creative use
of its’ methodology. The innovation and efficiency of Skriware solutions
has been recognized, among others by Microsoft, which invited the startup
to cooperate under a certified partner system. Last year, the company
started distribution in 7 new regions, signing contracts in Singapore,
Malaysia and Germany. Skriware uses new technologies also in social
activities. In 2018, the company began cooperation with Coca-Cola as part
of the “World Without Waste” program, combining children’s education
on environmental protection with digital competence education.

Photon is another Polish startup that is doing very well in the industry
at the intersection of technology and education. It’s the first interactive
robot in the world which develops with your child. After pairing it with
a tablet or computer, the user creates an account and begins to develop
the skills of the robot and his own, performing tasks, teaching him
logical thinking and programming. The design and appearance of Photon
is the result of cooperation of the startup with children. During the first
year of market debut (the beginning of 2018), 11 thousand copies
of the robot were sold. In the spring of 2019, the company signed
a distribution agreement in the United States, one of the largest edtech
markets in the world.

One of the areas in which Polish technology startups have gained global
recognition is the Internet of Things. Companies such as Estimote
or are among the world’s leading producers of beacons.
The latter, in addition to the production of these small electronic devices
used for geolocation, is the only one on the market offering cloud-based
solutions. They enable the users to manage the fleet of beacons from
anywhere on Earth. Since its beginnings in 2013, the company has installed
1.5 million devices, and its services are currently used by 20 thousand
clients from over one hundred countries. The rapid development
of the company is reflected in acquisitions. acquired, among
others, one of the American production companies associated with IoT
– from San Jose. Its boss and founder joined the Cracow based
company and is currently responsible for the development of Simon AI,
a new generation of software intended for managing beacon infrastructure.

Warsaw-based startup Talkin’ Things is a complete IoT ecosystem provider for

connected products to enable digital transformation of FMCG goods. Today,
the company works with major international brands, such as Coca-Cola, GSK,
Sanofi, Nestlé or L’Oréal to develop ideas and solutions for smart products.
The long-term relationships with the world's biggest packaging companies:

MCC, CSI, West Rock and others resulted in the development of unique
solutions and reliable mass production implementation techniques.
Company offers the whole spectrum of technologies, from QR Codes,
Augmented Reality trough NFC/RFID to temperature sensors for “Cold chain”
monitoring, that can be used in different divisions within one company.
Solutions offered by Talkin’ Things prevent counterfeit, track delivery and can
be used for digital marketing campaigns. Among them: the world’s first,
mass-produced packaging with embedded 2 stage NFC technology, which
records each opening, thus preventing refilling original packaging with
counterfeit content, and smart label that activates mobile AR app which can
recognize the user’s mood by analysing his or her facial expression.

Success stories
Having a good memory

GOODRAM is currently the only European producer of computer memory

storage. The brand belongs to Wilk Elektronik SA, a company founded
in 1991 by Wiesław Wilk. At first, the company run by Mr. Wilk imported
and distributed memory chips for personal computers – first to Atari
and Commodore, then to PCs. Over the past five years, it has become
the leader on the domestic market, supplying 60% of its memory chips.

– With such a high percentage, the possibilities for domestic expansion

have become limited. The need for exports became necessary for further
growth, so I decided to build my own brand and start production in my own
factory located in Poland – explains Wiesław Wilk, founder and President
of Wilk SA, the owner of the GOODRAM brand.

In Poland, GOODRAM memory chips win the competition with global

brands from Asia. The company from Łaziska Górne has a 40% share
on the memory chip market, and 60% of the total production is exported.
– We are present in 49 countries – 39 in Europe and 10 overseas. We were
looking for partners by participating in business missions and visiting
trade fairs. At first, in neighbouring countries such as Czechia and Ukraine
– recalls President Wilk. The company currently has distributors

in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Czechia

and Slovakia.

– Our products can be found in shops in Paris, Moscow, Tokyo

and Vladivostok. For customers we are synonymous with quality. We are
perceived as a manufacturer which delivers a high-quality product
at a competitive price – says Wiesław Wilk.

The product group which generates the biggest demand are the Dram
memory modules and – more recently – solid-state drives (SSDs). To meet
market expectations, President Wilk decided to produce memory
chips dedicated to industrial devices operating in extreme conditions,
e.g. at –20 degrees Celsius or for continuous up-time – 24 hours, seven
days a week.

– They are used in cash registers, parking meters, industrial robots,

infotainment systems in airplanes or systems controlling the display
of information at railway stations or in trams and trains – explains Wilk.
For this reason, GOODRAM products for the industry are built from special
components suitable for work in extreme conditions and are subject
to a special technological regime during production – e.g. they are tested
in special climate chambers.

Go beyond the competences of competitors

Over 500 power plants around the world use the Transition Technologies’s
(TT) software, and the company currently has over 60 copyrighted
products in its portfolio. Founded by Konrad Świrski in the early 90s,
the company in its early years was a partner offering engineering services
to the American Westinghouse Group, which at the time was implementing
automation in Polish power plants.

– They were looking for Polish programmers and automation specialists

who could implement and modify American systems for use in Polish
power plants – recalls Konrad Świrski, President and founder of Transition

Closer cooperation with the Americans allowed TT to spread its wings

and invest in the production of proprietary software later licensed
to foreign clients. At first, the company focused on creating software for
power plants in Poland and other European countries. – Currently, most
of the systems supporting wholesale of electricity in the country are our
software – indicates President Świrski.

Over time, the offer was expanded to include IT solutions for industry,
healthcare, gas, business, and the creation of mobile applications
and outsourcing of IT services, and TT has grown into a group employing
a total of 1.5 thousand specialists.

Since 2010, Transition Technologies has been granted the status

of an independent research and development centre, joining a small group
of just over thirty such centres in the country. R&D is one of the key areas
for the group’s development – on average, it allocates from 10 to even 20%
of the budget.

Currently, the TT group has foreign offices in the United States, Germany,
Sweden, Malaysia, Ukraine, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. In the UK,
TT sells custom programming services on the government’s Digital
Marketplace bidding platform. The company’s offer includes cloud
technologies, the implementation of which is supported by e-learning,
which goes beyond the competences of competitors and ensures a better
quality of implementations. – We have also invested in the FlexThings
SAS company specializing in IoT and AR from the French market – says
Konrad Świrski.

The Group has created advanced operating systems for many industries.
Nevertheless, President Świrski is most proud of the Seeing Assistant
application – software for the visually impaired and blind people, which
supports them in everyday life.

Out of passion for technology, Internet and advertising

In 2012, Robert Dyczkowski, Bartłomiej Romański, Daniel Surmacz

and Paweł Chodaczek founded a technology company that quickly
became a global enterprise. According to recent Deloitte and Financial
Times reports, their RTB House is one of the fastest-growing technology
companies in Europe.

– RTB House currently offers its services to over 1600 clients around
the world, including Adidas, New Balance, Trivago, Defshop, Reebok,
OLX, Decathlon – says Łukasz Abgarowicz, Business Development Director
Benelux & Poland in RTB House.

The founders decided to start their own venture when they took note
of the rapid development of real-time bidding (RTB) technology – enabling
the purchase and sale of advertising space on websites in real-time
– in the United States and Western Europe. – They believed that together
they could create a solution that would meet the growing demand
for the automation of the advertising purchase process, becoming
a competitive alternative for key market players – adds Łukasz Abgarowicz.

RTB House is one of the few companies in the world which have developed
and implemented a proprietary methodology which allows for the purchase
of ads in the RTB model, fully based on deep learning technology.
This gives a significant advantage over most of its competitors – better
personalization of messages and better results by up to 50% compared
to previous campaigns.

RTB House began its first campaigns in 2013 in Western, Central

and Eastern Europe, and just two years later expanded to the markets
of Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam. Within a few years, without
additional external financing, the company opened local offices in New
York, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Istanbul, Dubai, Berlin,
Prague and Warsaw. In January 2019, the international private equity
Cinven signed an investment agreement with RTB House.

In 2017, the company generated nearly EUR 43.6 million revenue.

However, RTB House does not intend to be complacent. – We plan
to create and develop solutions in the field of digital marketing, that
goes beyond available technologies – says Łukasz Abgarowicz. For this
purpose, in parallel to the regular research and development department,
the company created the AI Marketing Lab and Creatives Lab. They develop
solutions like new, fully interactive banners, enriched with gamification
theme and evaluation of displayed products.

75 times faster

– For over two decades, we have been designing tailor-made processors

with optimized architecture to suit our client needs – says Jacek Hanke,
co-founder and President of Digital Core Design.

DCD’s first customer was a company from Germany that was looking
for a tailor-made processor – faster and more economical than
the competition. – We designed such a system, and this company, seeing
the innovation of our solutions, has repeatedly benefited from DCD’s
work – he explains. Within two decades, the solutions designed by DCD
have gained recognition among customers from all over the world – it is
estimated that about 500 million electronic devices have been built based
on them.

According to Jacek Hanke, 99% of the company’s customers come from

abroad, and its products are exported everywhere where modern
electronics are designed – to Japan, the United States, China, Taiwan,
Germany, India or Brazil. They are used, among others, in industrial
machinery, consumer electronics, medical equipment, electric cars
and autonomous vehicles.

The company from Bytom has over seventy different architectures in its
portfolio. One of them is DQ80251, the world’s fastest processor from
the 8051 family, which is over 75 times faster than the standard created
by Intel. – Until now, no one in the world has offered comparable
performance to a system designed by DCD. This solution works
perfectly in Industry 4.0, as well as IoT, consumer electronics, military
and automotive sector – indicates Jacek Hanke.

DCD designed the first Polish commercial 32-bit D32PRO processor, which
thanks to the extensive programming environment and intuitiveness can
compete with products such as ARM MO-M3. The latest DCD solution,
i.e. the CryptOne cryptographic system, was based on the computing power
of D32PRO. They can be used in almost any electronic device – e-evidence,
electronic documents, servers, payment terminals or transmission
networks – providing it with an unsurpassed level of security.

However, these are not the only challenges that DCD engineers face.
– In some devices it is not profitable to design new systems, because
the functionality of the old solution provides the appropriate parameters.
That is why we also undertake the tasks of replacing electronic circuits
that are no longer manufactured (so-called obsolete parts). We are able
to reproduce such a 1:1 system and even increase its functionality by
implementing additional interfaces – adds Jacek Hanke.
Polish IT/ICT companies
Finlandzka 10, 03-903 Warszawa
tel.: +48 575 909 903

Subsector: software development

We are 10Clouds, a top international design and development company,

named as one of the Fastest Growing Technology Companies in Central
Europe by Deloitte and Financial Times. We are helping our clients
change the world through technology. We have a team of more than
100 experienced developers and designers and we provide a wide range
of services related to web and mobile development, as well as product
design. In our work we use blockchain, machine learning and data science
to address the business needs of our customers. We’ve won several awards
for our work and have worked for a huge range of global clients, from
startups to large corporations such as Pinterest, PwC and Orange.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Porcelanowa 23, 40-246 Katowice
tel.: +48 32 204 27 86

Subsector: software development

We help companies implement the data-driven business approach. For over

15 years, we have been supporting the largest enterprises in gaining
and maintaining a competitive advantage through the use of dedicated

IT systems. We offer solutions in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data

Management and Business Automation.
Our IT platforms allow collecting, processing and analysing data at scale.
We specialize in providing solutions for clients from the financial and retail
sectors. Thanks to the knowledge, experience and passion of our team,
we implement technologically advanced projects, extracting business value
from big datasets.

Widok 5, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
tel.: +48 793 481 302

Subsector: AR, VR

Virtual and Augmented Reality development is our core competency.

4Experience is a Virtual Reality team of passionate, experienced,
self-driven software experts and engineers who can extend your team
or independently deliver custom-tailored solutions. We help businesses
gain a competitive advantage with technology and software development.
Our support starts with conceptualization and reaching up to your product
launch and maintenance, as well as training your team. We offer full-stack
solutions and software development services at the highest quality possible
on all existing platforms and devices.
We have worked for Cisco, Ford, Omron, Walmart, Pfizer, Wells Fargo,
Denver Broncos, STRABAG, Carrefour, Tauron, Viessmann, IKEA, Nike, MGA
Entertainment and many more.
Aberit Interactive Agency
& Software House
Langiewicza 50, 35-021 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 783 202 124

Subsector: big data, CRM, IoT, software development, startup

We specialize in CRM systems, IT outsourcing, mobile solutions, dedicated

systems, Big Data applications and data management systems. We also
specialize in processes analysis and implementation of optimization
and value through new innovative technologies.
One of the 30 best startups in Europe (Wolves Summit 2018) and one
of the 246 most innovative projects in Europe, with only 4 projects from
Poland funded in a prestige European Union's Program – Horizon 2020 with
WARMHIVE project.
The winner of Grand Prix of “Żagle Biznesu SGH” Intelligent Organizations
2019 at Warsaw School of Economic and nominated for the World Summit
Award 2019 for their innovative project Multi-Detect.

Domaniewska 37/2.43, 02-672 Warszawa
tel.: +48 518 022 295

Subsector: machine learning, software development

Since 2013, Absolut Systems has been delivering technology solutions

tailored to business needs. We specialize in cyber and software security,

UX/UI design, innovation audits, mobile and web applications, complex

web platforms development, backend development.

Accrea Engineering
Hiacyntowa 20, 20-143 Lublin
tel.: +48 817 479 095

Subsector: hardware

Accrea is a research-oriented company. The company is engaged

in the design, prototyping and production of robots. All Accrea projects are
created according to expertise and knowledge of the latest technologies.

Drukarska 18/5, 30-348 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 376 95 08

Subsector: IT security, software services

Adit Ltd is a cybersecurity competence centre providing various kinds

of trainings and services related to IT security.
The company goal is focused on delivering IT administrators, IT architects,
CIOs, CISOs, projects managers and other persons interested in growing
their IT skills, highest quality know-how via online and onsite classes. Adit
portfolio contains certification and administration trainings, premium
support and implementation services and IT outsourcing.

As an authorized training centre Adit provides WatchGuard, SolarWinds

and Cososys Endpoint Protector system management courses run by
certified engineers who share their knowledge, experience assuring
the best quality of experience.

Grunwaldzka 19, 35-068 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 669 514 784

Subsector: e-commerce, software development

Since 2005, we have been present on the IT market providing effective

and competitive solutions. We have implemented Internet projects for
many companies and institutions, our team is a support during the whole
process of creation and promotion of each idea. We specialize in web
design, mobile applications, UI/UX and e-commerce.

Narutowicza 55B, 20-016 Lublin
tel.: +48 81 743 51 09

Subsector: graphic art design, PaaS, SaaS

We aim to build advanced AI solutions. OptiwAI SaaS solution uses

the power of Artificial Intelligent algorithms to efficiently increase
the quality of your images without any effort from your side.

OptiwAI SaaS solution is powered by the latest AI technology to correct

the dynamics of the image range. OptiwAI SaaS enables the most modern
painting of images to remove defects in photos, natural correction of skin
tones and many other unique functions.
We support our customers in balance sheet management, which requires
the attention of owners in implementing resource efficiency improvements
with a fast ROI’s.

All in! Games

Osiedle Złotego Wieku 89, 31-618 Kraków
tel.: +48 575 999 037

Subsector: gaming

All in! Games is a video game publishing and production company. Founded
in 2018, we have already signed nearly twenty titles to bring to the market
and are quickly expanding our presence on global markets. Having already
raised EUR 10 million in initial capital, All in! Games is well positioned
to continue this early growth stage and make the successful transition
toward stable, long-term development in a market that has proven to be
resilient to economic turbulence and larger financial downturns, making
it an attractive investment opportunity. Some of the titles in our portfolio
are Ghostrunner (One More Level), Tools Up! (The Knights of Unity), Fort
Triumph (CookieByte) and Space Company Simulator (INTERMARUM).
ALLPlayer Group
Sułkowskiego 55, 94-307 Łódź
tel.: +48 505 243 394

Subsector: AI, software development

We are a software developer. We have launched programs known

to millions of users – ALLPlayer – the most popular Polish movie player,
Catzilla computer benchmark and many more. We are also implementing
the concept of Sara AI – a strong Artificial Intelligence.

amb software
Sulechowska 1, 65-022 Zielona Góra
tel.: +48 68 453 70 40

Subsector: computer services, software development

amb software is an IT group that specializes in high quality IT solutions

development using agile project management technologies. Our full
range of IT services include web, mobile & cloud solutions, IT consulting,
outsourcing & nearshoring services, Digital Asset Management
and a unique 360-degree Product Lifecycle Management Service.
Additionally, you can find innovation, passion and 19+ years of experience
at the heart of each of our services. Our top talents of IT Architects,
Front-end & Back-end Developers, PMs, POs, DevOps, QAs & Testers,
ScrumMasters and Analysts have an extensive knowledge about many
programming languages, web technologies and cloud computing, as well

as great experience regarding dev&CI and testing&QA tools, all modern

backend technologies, databases and many others.

Pryzmaty 6/8, 02-226 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 533 63 00

Subsector: electronics, IoT, M2M

ANDRA offers a complete solution based on the M2M/IoT communications

to optimize processes at different levels of utility supply such as energy,
water, heat and gas. The process optimization is done by collecting
data through telemetry equipment (meters and sensors) and wireless
connectivity devices. The systems include advanced terminals and routers
that provide data recording, automatic meter reading and sending alarms.
The experience in the M2M sector confirmed sales of more than 350.000
IoT modems and routers.

Angry Nerds
Braniborska 40/4B, 53-680 Wrocław
tel.: +48 603 151 333

Subsector: software development

Angry Nerds is a custom software development company based

in Wrocław. We’re experienced in designing and delivering innovative

digital products in the field of cloud computing, Internet of Things,

AR/VR and more. We also provide technology consultation, as well
as offshoring and nearshoring partnership. Since 2015, we have completed
over 200 projects for companies from all over the world, including
the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Austria, the Netherlands,
and Norway. We cover the full lifecycle of the project: design, development,
deployment, and maintenance.
We are a member of Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Władysława Reymonta 13, 50-225 Wrocław
tel.: +48 501 155 205

Subsector: software development

We are Antologic, a group of over 50 software developers. We specialize

in e-commerce, CMS and business intelligence. With our highly skilled
programmers, working in SAP Hybris, Nemesis, Adobe Experience Manager,
and J2EE technologies, we have the experience that you can truly rely on.
We are a member of ITCorner and the Software Development Association
Poland (SoDA).

Aleja 3 Maja 9, 30-062 Kraków
tel.: +48 537 315 800
Subsector: software, marketplace

Anymind is a marketplace app that enables people to sell and acquire

on-demand advice via pay-as-you-go live audio and video consultations.
Our platform consists of a search engine powered by an ML-based
algorithm and other features like payment processing, smart rating system,
complaints management, and more. In the near future, we plan to make
use of voice assistants and create a voice user interface in our applications.
We are also developing Anymind for organizations – a platform for easy
on-demand access to specialists for both at-work and after-work issues
that employees face every day. At work, specialists can help them do their
duties better and faster. After-work, the employees can get the benefit
of peace of mind thanks to instant access to parental, health, diet,
accounting and other kinds of support.

Jana Czeczota 9, 02-607 Warszawa
tel.: +48 537 628 269

Subsector: software development

App’n’roll is an experienced team of business-driven people who have

spent years building world-class products and companies. We focus
on product design, mobile & web development. Since 2012, we have
delivered tens of international projects, mostly for clients from Western
Europe and the United States.
We have been partnering with entrepreneurs to make their idea a reality.
We are a great match for clients who want to build their own startup

or need a hand scaling up their business. Our work has been appreciated by
the designer’s community on Behance and Dribbble.

Miłkowskiego 3/302, 30-349 Kraków

Subsector: big data, IoT, software development

We build tailor-made high performance software solutions for businesses

across a wide range of industries including logistics, technology, finance,
insurance, HR management, tourism and hospitality and marketing.
We specialize in custom web and mobile applications development,
tech stack migration, big data and IoT solutions. We have been
a trusted technology partner for our clients from Norway, Sweden,
the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the United States, the United Arab
Emirates, and other countries worldwide.
We are a member of Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Prof. M. Życzkowskiego 14, 31-864 Kraków
tel.: +48 669 202 462

Subsector: consulting, software development

Appliscale is a software development company that has worked with some

of the biggest names in digital advertising, online gaming, digital publishing

and rocket production. Our references speak for themselves – the former
AOL Platforms CTO, former NYIAX CEO and current Eleven Digital CEO, Chief
Software Architect Novomatic, former SVP Stroeer Labs, Enterprise Systems
Manager and Virgin Orbit.
We are experienced in designing and building highly scalable systems for
some of the world's largest technology companies such as Apple, Netscape,
Sun Microsystems, AOL, Verizon and Ubiquiti Networks.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Sienkiewicza 85/87, 90-057 Łódź SOFT
tel.: +48 42 211 94 00

Subsector: software for construction and architecture

ArCADiasoft has over 20 years of experience in creating computer

applications for the construction industry and more than 100 products
for architects and engineers. The programs range from structural
design, interior and installation design, energy performance of buildings
calculations, to buildings’ surroundings design.
ArCADia BIM is the flagship product that is sold all over the world
and received numerous awards. It contains 20 industry-specific modules
including installation solutions for water, sewage, electricity, heating,
etc., and programs meant for engineers to construct and calculate.
These programs use a common database of objects (buildings), enable
full cooperation between the various industries and the exchange
of information and projects within and outside the system.
Asseco Data Systems
Podolska 21, 81-321 Gdynia
tel.: +48 22 525 86 01

Subsector: cloud solutions, data security, software development

Asseco Data Systems SA is a developer of software for companies

and public administration bodies offering dedicated applications,
cloud solutions, smart city solutions, HR management systems,data
security and mass communication. The company integrates knowledge
and experience of 900 experts and a multitude of competencies making it
a credible partner in creating developing and maintaining IT systems both
for the business and the public sector. The driving force behind Asseco
Data Systems SA is its close contact with the customer and excellent
understanding of its needs supported by operations carried out in several
offices throughout Poland. Those assets enable the flexibility typical
for smaller companies while drawing upon the Asseco Group potential
– the Polish IT giant with an international scale of operation.

Powstańców Śląskich 7a, 53-332 Wrocław
tel.: +48 603 431 529

Subsector: software development

Avra is an agile software house based in Wrocław. Since 2004 we have

been specializing in building end-to-end software solutions for startups,

companies and system integrations (Mule ESB). Avra Software gained

the trust of many valuable clients and have developed the software product
for companies such as MyBenefit,, Leroy Merlin, and many others.
Currently, Avra employs over 60 IT specialists – the entire team works
on-site in our headquarter in the centre of Wrocław. They maintain their
excellence by continuous certification in Java, Oracle, ISTQB, MuleSoft,, and others. We believe in long-term and partner relationships.
That's why our clients have been with us for almost 10 years.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Libelta 29A/10, 61-707 Poznań
tel.: +48 61 226 79 90

Subsector: business processes digitization, consulting, e-commerce, IoT,

outsourcing, software development, UX design, web development

B-MIND makes it easy to use powerful web and mobile applications with
the best ready-made and custom solutions. We work with industries
like IoT, Industry 4.0, media, healthcare & insurance, manufacturing,
entertainment & lifestyle, travel & transportation, automotive,
administration & HR, e-commerce & retail, ERP, CRM.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).
Drukarska 18/5, 30-348 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 376 95 08

Subsector: hardware services, software development

Bakotech Ltd. is part of BAKOTECH international distribution group.

As a specialized distributor in the field of IT security and network
monitoring, we focus on delivering top products and high-quality
value-added services across Central and Eastern Europe, particularly
in Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia
and Croatia.
We offer a wide range of IT solutions, including anti-viruses, anti-spam, full
disk encryption, DLP, SIEM, vulnerability scanners, change audit solutions
and various types of network monitoring solutions.

BeCREO Technologies
Plac Władysława Andersa 7, 61-894 Poznań
tel.: +48 697 070 858

Subsector: EdTech

We operate in product development for educational purposes in the areas

of programming and building smart electronic circuits. Thanks to close
cooperation with top research centres, BeCREO Technologies has
access to excellent insights about the potential of innovative ideas.
The strength of the company lies in its experience with the improvement

and subsequent commercialization of incubated research projects. BeCREO

is a modular teaching platform introducing the basics of coding, electronics,
mechatronics and robotics to children. The environment comprises a set
of electronic, programmable modules, and an application containing
a comprehensive course of lessons and challenges at gradually increasing
levels of difficulty.

Aleja Jana Pawła II 29, 00-867 Warszawa

Subsector: blockhchain, DLT

Billon created the first enterprise DLT system unifying national currency
transactions, document and identity management into a single
architectural system. We solved the challenge of transacting micropayment
at scale, and we encrypt documents and data on-chain, unleashing
the transformational DLT capacities in the regulated world. Billon's
high-performance DLT system is designed to deliver tangible business
results in the areas of Account and Transactions, Trusted Documents,
and Identity and Data Sharing.
Billon's DLT protocol has been supported by many R&D grants, including
the EU Horizon 2020 program. Billon is licensed to issue electronic money
in the United Kingdom and Poland, and employs a global team of more
than 80 professionals in its two offices in London and Warsaw.
Franklina Delano Roosevelta 6, 90-056 Łódź
tel.: +48 575 744 144

Subsector: software development

BinarApps is a software house that provides complex IT solutions for

startups and corporate clients. We have served clients from 16 countries
on 4 continents, and successfully completed over 100 projects from
various fields. Over 70 specialists take projects through every stage
of development. We create applications and programs from scratch,
optimize existing application codes, and offer comprehensive maintenance.
The best results follow close cooperation, so we work as an extension
of our clients’ core tech teams, report directly to technical co-founders,
CTOs or product owners. Where a CTO isn’t present, we take over the role
to design the tech development road map, and then manage the process.

Black Mouse
Zamknięta 10, 30-554 Kraków
tel.: +48 692 301 495

Subsector: gaming, consulting

Black Mouse specializes in creating engaging games, applications

and experiences in VR. Despite its brief time in the market, Black Mouse
has already one game to its credit, Profundum, which was awarded the 2nd
place at the internationally acclaimed Game Industry Conference 2018

in Poland. The team is currently working on two new titles: Beat Boxing
and Mirovia.
The company develops outsourced and in-house games and applications
for home computers, video game consoles, and mobile devices. Our
services range from preparing a new brand-compliant game and application
design, through graphics, animations, and sound effects, to target-platform
development and post-release tech support, marketing assistance,
and promotion throughout the process.

Blue Paprica
Kujawska 18/2, 30-042 Kraków
tel.: +48 535 501 035

Subsector: business processes digitization, e-commerce, outsourcing, web

development, UX design

We develop great projects for digital retailers and service providers,

media companies and advertising/marketing agencies. We work for
both corporate clients and SMBs across a wide array of business fields
like transportation, digital retail, fintech, consulting, BI and publishing.
We specialize in e-commerce development and maintenance, custom
web-based systems, UX/UI design and audit services.
Sienkiewicza 40A, 15-004 Białystok
tel.: +48 79 196 36 58

Subsector: BPM, business processes digitization, content marketing,

consulting, web and cloud applications, SaaS, software development

We are a software house specialized in AI, NLP, Image Recognition,

Predictive Analysis, dedicated web and cloud applications development,
as well as business processes digitization, content marketing and IT
We are a member of the Software Development Association (SoDA).

Przemysłowa 4A, 35-105 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 852 09 44

Subsector: healthcare solutions, HR solutions, software development

BMM is a company specialized in consulting, software development

and implementation.
Our company is specialized mostly in hospital reengineering processes,
digital technologies, human resources and cost management.
We also built our experience on working with manufacturing and trading
Our consulting activity generally refers to drug and material management,
employee time management and effective equipment use. The goal

of our projects is decreasing costs, increasing outcomes, improving quality

and risks management. We also support organizations in the change
management chain.

Aleja Słowiańska 10B, 01-695 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 824 14 25

Subsector: Alfresco technology, ECM, document management, fintech

BMS is the Polish leader in developing solutions dedicated to the financial

and banking sector. We offer to banks and financial institutions our
ready-made solutions that we adapt to their specific requirements
and needs, as well as systems developed from scratch based on customer
requirements. We are also experienced in document management and BMS
is the official Alfresco representative and its subscriptions distributor
in Poland. We offer products and solutions based on Alfresco technology,
as well as consulting and implementation support. Our product portfolio
includes OZYRYS – mass payment processing solution, IZYDA – modern
factoring system, AVARO – cash management and optimization platform,
OLIMPIA – liquidity management platform, IBIS – treasury management
platform, Alfresco and document management.
We are a member of the Software Development Association (SoDA).
Sztabowa 89/5, 53-313 Wrocław
tel.: +48 515 114 362

Subsector: Lean Office

Bpower2 is a world-class innovative software categorized as Enterprise

Information Management (EIM) solutions, which help offices to increase
productivity at work. Bpower2 includes the use of organisational brain,
based on Artificial Intelligence (AI):
• ready library of mosaic of process
• automatic menu based on process diagram
• real-time graphic view of process flow
• process multiplexer
• decision suggestion – automatically supplemented with dynamic
elements of processes such as actions and data
• based on multidimensional vectors forms, lists, kanban views
and calendar.

Stanisława Żołkiewskiego 2/2, 70-345 Szczecin
tel.: +48 531 993 900

Subsector: software development

Brandoo Ltd. has been on the market since 2009. The company specializes
in Internet marketing, branding and the creation of dedicated web tools.

We are known for our individual approach to the customer and the use
of the most modern tools including video, VR and AR.
We have several proprietary solutions and highly educated staff. We serve
mainly corporate clients.

Powstańców Warszawy 19, 81-718 Sopot
tel.: + 48 58 771 79 70

Subsector: consulting services, hardware services, software services

The company operates in the following areas: robotization of business

processes, business intelligence, and creation of web and desktop
applications for Windows enhancing SMEs operations in C#, ASP, Visual
Basic, Visual Basic .NET, MS SQL technologies. We offer IT infrastructure
design and implementation services. We offer Sage Symphony software
supporting company management in three product lines.

Plac Solny 14 lok. 3, 50-062 Wrocław
tel.: +48 508 091 885

Subsector: AI, deep learning, HPC, machine learning

We build AI and HPC solutions. We use machine learning and deep learning
to bring automation and optimize operations in businesses across various

industries. Our modules read data of different types and transform it

into knowledge, i.e. detect objects or shapes and answer why something
happened or will likely happen. We create highly optimized software for
supercomputers. We are strong in programming, math and data science.
We specialize in AI (highly optimized AI engines to analyse text, image,
video, time-series data) and HPC (highly optimized applications and kernels
for HPC architectures powered by Intel, NVIDIA and Xilinx Alveo FPGA

BZ Group
Jasionka 948, 36-002 Jasionka
tel.: +48 535 130 605

Subsector: software services

BZ Group is the owner of the Doradca Informatyczny brand. This is

a modern service that allows you to use the help of a technical expert
without leaving your home. The customer receives a telephone assistance,
or a specialist remotely connects to their computer.
The scope of service includes protection against viruses, recovery
of important files, installation and updating of software, configuration
of mailboxes, reporting failures to operators or support in the operations
or selections of programs. We cooperate only with experienced IT
specialists, analysts and programmers.
Chmielna 2/31, 00-020 Warszawa
tel.: +48 60 227 78 67

Subsector: software development

Calamari was founded in 2014. We created the system which helps

in time-off tracking and attendance management. It allows you to plan
and track all types of absences. You can also track time using different
useful clocking methods. This simple and easy to use tool offers many
features including employee time tracking, timesheets, manual time
entries, and approval flow. Our uniqueness is based on integrations
and great customer support. Additionally, in many cases when you
buy cloud-based software, you don’t know anything about its future.
We publish product roadmap, where you can track all the features which
we plan to deliver.

Piłsudskiego 13, 50-048, Wrocław
tel.: +48 603 762 673

Subsector: FinTech, startup

CCA is a dynamic group of IT experts offering modern solutions

for banking and financial institutions worldwide. We specialize in delivering
projects within the domains of Central Banking Systems enhancements,
payments, cards, Internet banking application, mobile applications,

and process automation. We’re also successfully supporting clients with

testing services including manual and automated testing.
As an innovative institution, we use the most up-to-date technologies
and project management methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Kanban,
PRINCE2). We’re proficient at all stages of a complete software production
lifecycle process (E2E), from analysis up until development, testing,
and deployment.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SODA).

Drukarska 18/5, 30-348 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 376 95 08

Subsector: software services

Ceesoft provides IT managed security services. Working with the most

innovative suppliers, we offer the highest standard of security and best
protection in real-time for any kind of organization, regardless of time,
place and customer IT environment platform. Our base offer contains
endpoint protection service (AV, AS, DNS), network protection service
(UTM, multi-factor authentication) and data protection service (DLP).
In addition to the base offer, we provide a wide range of add-on services,
including sales and presales consultations, free of charge test period
for managed service providers and their customers, support with
implementation, administration trainings as well as automation around
customer management, billings and provisioning.
Klementyny Hoffmanowej 19, 35-016 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 600 379 970

Subsector: AR, software development, VR

CinematicVR is a Polish, B2B-oriented XR production studio. We use VR

& AR to showcase the products and services of our clients. Our team
consists of experienced filmmakers and developers working with
transmedia, VR, AR and interactive storytelling. We develop advanced,
interactive applications for all platforms, produce VR videos an live streams
for marketing and training purposes.

Adama Bochenka 25C/329, 30-693 Kraków
tel.: +48 600 035 044

Subsector: business development, consulting, marketing

Since 2014 CLEVERly has been delivering complex business services for
the IT vendors, high-tech companies and startups all over the globe.
CLEVERly partners with complex projects, where sales targets, brand
recognition, effective business processes or pre-qualified leads are
a challenge.
CLEVERly services include local and international business development,
sales, marketing and PR strategy planning and execution, PR and
media communication, professional services (board advisory, interim

management, technology, and business partnerships), development of new,

innovative start-up technologies.
Among our customers are Acronis, Axence, Aerohive, Barracuda, F-Secure,
SonicWall, Nuvias, Fujitsu, Eaton.

Rydlówka 20, 30-363 Kraków
tel.: +48 536 008 632

Subsector: AI, blockchain, hardware, outsourcing, software development

Codahead provides custom software and hardware development,

outsourcing and team augmentation. We deliver designs, MVPs and final
products and specialize in IoT, AI, Blockchain and online payments.

CODE:ME Foundation
Aleja Wojska Polskiego 41, 80-268 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 732 012 597

Subsector: education

CODE:ME Foundation is a programming school that offers more than

a possibility to learn a programming language. Through teaching
programming, we help people enter the IT market or broaden their

We have provided training for over 1800 people. We have already worked
with companies such as Ericsson, University of Gdańsk or the Polish Police.
Besides courses and teaching, CODE:ME Foundation is one of the biggest
organisers of hackathons and other IT-related events in Poland like NASA
Space Apps Challenge and Global Game Jam.

Plac Dąbrowskiego 1, 00-057, Warszawa
tel.: +48 602 123 249

Subsector: software development

Codequest delivers products for startups, SMBs and big organizations.

We make sure that every line of code we deliver is robust, secure and easily
We have built a whole product dedicated to code quality, Codebeat is an automated code review tool for web
and mobile applications. Its customers are companies and open source
developers from all around the world.
Due to our experience with in-house projects and business ventures,
we are a perfect match for organizations in need of a technological partner
who understand all aspects of running scalable software products.
Olszańska 7, 31-513 Kraków
tel.: +48 881 787 226

Subsector: software development

Codete is an IT consulting and software development company, helping

enterprises to use emerging technologies such as Big Data & Data Science
to create a powerful business advantage. We advise on digitalization
and implement IT solutions combining top quality with being agile.
Codete operates globally in different business sectors, such as fintech,
e-commerce and retail, travel, healthtech, advertising and marketing,
automotive, logistics, media and entertainment. Our customers are mostly
tech scale-ups and multinational corporations from DACH area, the United
States, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom.

Długa 72, 31-146 Kraków
tel.: +48 538 973 377

Subsector: energy, software development

We started as a small software house, wanting to deliver perfect technology

solutions. After eight years, with over 60 people on board, we are
extending it into technology that makes a difference and has a tangible
impact on the world of everyday life. We focus on harnessing cutting-edge
technology, talent and innovation to create sustainability solutions for

the energy and utilities sectors in particular. We believe that’s the area
we can impact the most, transforming energy businesses into digitalized
and efficient enterprises with digital sustainability as the very core of their
strategy. Our goal is to actively take part in creating a positive future based
on renewable energy for both clients’ business and the environment.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Concise Software
Geodetów 1, 35-328 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 856 40 05

Subsector: consulting, software development

We are a software house specializing in blockchain, IoT, automotive, web

and mobile applications. For 11 years we have been operating on a global
scale, but the heart of our team beats invariably in Rzeszów. We are
a harmonious team of engineers and designers, who every day help their
partners to create an innovative and integrated world. These include Jaguar,
Red Bull, Panasonic, Delivery Hero, Bosch and Neufund. Our engineers are
also at the forefront of the blockchain technology.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Bolesława Krysiewicza 9/14, 61-825 Poznań
tel.: +48 783 383 153
Subsector: fintech, software for insurance and banking sector

We are a modern software company, specializing in providing services

to banks, financial institutions and government organizations. Currently,
we cooperate with the seven largest banks in Poland, including mBank, PKO
Bank Polski, Santander and Credit Agricole.
Our implementations directly improve customer experience of individual
and corporate customers in the largest banks. We have developed
a comprehensive platform for banks to significantly enhance and support
their front-end communication with customers. Developed by Consdata,
the Eximee Platform fosters sales development, client conversion
and business velocity by fully automating the e-form management. We also
specialize in providing modern solutions for corporate banking.
We are a member of the Software Development Association (SoDA).

Consileon Polska
Cyfrowa 8, 71-441 Szczecin
tel.: +48 91 886 47 20

Subsector: consulting, software development

Consileon Polska is a company that delivers innovative tailor-made software

solutions and IT services for clients from various business sectors. A team
of high-class IT consultants advises, designs and creates solutions that
support key business processes.
Consileon Polska specializes in developing software applications, as well
as diagnosing problems with already implemented technologies often
working directly with the client from the point that a business need

emerges. Their IT specialists are also ”special tasks commandos” able

to save IT project at every stage.

CORMO software house

Prosta 68, 00-838 Warszawa
tel.: +48 601 82 83 25

Subsector: fintech

CORMO specializes in creating comprehensive software for fintech

companies. We provide dedicated web systems using frontend technologies
based on HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular, Vue, etc.
Our backend team works in PHP (Laravel, Zend), MySQL, PostgreSQL, SOAP,
REST etc. We also write mobile applications as well as native applications
referring to a given system.

Wasiutyńskiego 16, 00-707 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 378 33 79

Subsector: B2C & B2B web systems, wholesale & retail e-shops, web
development, staff augmentation, online gambling

As a passionate group of professionals with the love for web and mobile
technologies, we have been successfully serving our clients for the past
15 years. Our 60+ developer team creates cutting-edge complex B2B

and B2C web systems and apps as well as delivers top-notch direct
outsourcing services.
We work in multiple frameworks but we hold special feelings and are
experts in Symfony, WordPress, OXID, React, Flutter and Blockchain.
We have implemented 234 web projects including web systems
and applications, themes and plugins, e-shops or websites.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Grzybowska 5a, 00-132 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 324 59 00

Subsector: consulting, legal support

Crido Legal supports clients by offering comprehensive legal support

with knowledge of business realities and industry. We participated
in the implementation of IT systems at the largest financial institutions
and effectively advise on the implementation of GDPR as well as to conduct
audits of personal data processing in companies operating on financial,
FMCG, digital and retails markets. We have many years of experience
in supporting clients, both leading manufacturers, and distributors of IT
services, as well as concerns with both IT and IP law. Our experts help
investors to acquire companies from the digital/media sector and prepare
companies for the sales process so that they could present real value due
to intangible assets. Our extensive experience will help efficiently conduct
Rynek 36/37, 50-102 Wrocław
tel.: +48 887 733 015

Subsector: consulting, fintech, Industry 4.0, software development

CSHARK is a software development and IT consulting company.

The company operates in the field of custom software development,
fintech, RegTech, and Industry 4.0. We also invest and support startups
through our CSHARK Venture Program. CSHARK also offers MAKO – a rapid
software development platform based on microservices. We help our
clients by deeply understanding their software and business needs
and making tailored software solutions.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Gen. Andersa 40A, 15-113 Białystok
tel.: + 48 607 036 263

Subsector: data analytics, ICT infrastructure and services, Industry 4.0,

IIoT, consulting

D-TECH provides complete IT solutions. Our main area of expertise is

design, management, and integration of IT systems. We particularly focus
on adjusting the Industry 4.0 model for companies. We cooperate with
manufacturers introducing innovative solutions in the area of machine
park management, registration of products and data analysis. Our

original products, which support production, are CyMMeS, flexiMES,

and flexiCHART. CyMMeS is a system designed to support the maintenance
department. FlexiMES enables effective implementation of production
processes. FlexiCHART is a business analytics system.
Kołobrzeska 14, 80-394 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 575 500 233

Subsector: Blockchain, Data Analytics, IoT

We work on the connection of technology, science and business.

The solutions we deliver to our customers are a result of the unique blend
of research and management methodologies embedded in software
development and hardware integration processes.
We specialize in blockchain, IoT, data analytics, enterprise Integration
and DevOps for mobility, agro, FMCG, automotive, and logistics industry.

Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 213 88 01

Subsector: software development


We are a software house specializing in the insurance industry. We have

worked for the biggest Polish insurance brands. We create back-office
systems for administration and workflows to support back-office tasks.
We work for both life and non-life insurance sectors and after production
deployment. We take care of our solutions in the SLA regime.
Decerto’s next advantage is custom solution that separates
business logic from application code. After deployment of our application,
you can introduce changes in business logic yourself without involving
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Develtio by Green Parrot

Szturmowa 9/13, 02-736 Warszawa
tel.: +48 508 294 734

Subsector: software development

At Develtio we redefine software production through agile IT talent

management and quantitative approach to scoping projects. We provide
our customers with a fixed project estimate in 24h or less based
on aggregated application design and development experience.
We specialize in web applications (PHP, Python, React), websites,
e-commerce, mobile applications, Natural Language Processing, chatbots,
image recognition.
Młyńska 7, 83-010 Straszyn
tel.: +48 58 692 45 32

Subsector: communication systems

DGT constructs and produces communication systems for Command &

Control Centres used in the Police, State Fire Services, Emergency Medical
Services and other institutions responsible for public safety, as well
as in the strategic sectors, such as energy.
DGT dispatch system development towards the Mission Critical PTT
standard positions the company at the forefront of producers of critical
communication solutions. DGT also develops and manufactures
communications systems for military purposes, compatible with NATO
communications systems. Additionally, DGT's offer includes specialized IoT
devices used in the construction of wireless data transmission systems (LTE,

Plac Bankowy 2, 00-095 Warszawa
tel.: +48 534752419

Subsector: cloud solutions, IoT, software development

DIGITAGEN creates custom-made applications and embedded systems.

Our primary goal is solving customers problems by providing best solutions
on the market. That's why we also provide analytics and R&D services.

Thanks to our network of IT professionals we are able to improve the work

of companies involved in different projects.

Digital 4.0
Smęgorzyńska 26, 80-298 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 502 565 611

Subsector: data management, telecommunications

Digital 4.0 has 11 years of experience in the production of dedicated

software. The company creates ERP, web and mobile applications,
programming tools, databases and integrates systems. It also tests software
and hardware. We are a team of experienced ICT engineers developing
innovative solutions for industry and medicine. Digital 4.0 cooperates with
Polish and German universities and research centres.
In 2018 our program for integrated care for patients with Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy was purchased, and after reaching the commercial
stage, it was successfully launched at the University Clinical Centre
in Gdańsk.

Digital Core Design

Wrocławska 94, 41-902 Bytom
tel.: +48 32 282 82 66

Subsector: IP Core design, SoC design


Digital Core Design provides Verilog and VHDL high quality

synthesizable IP Cores of processors and microcontrollers, bus
interfaces, arithmetic coprocessors and components. We believe
that the power of intellectual property goes together with the power
of innovation. Our unique solutions are a combination of customers
application know-how and two decades of our own design methodology
reinforced with IP Cores and System-on-Chip knowledge. World’s Fastest
8051 IP Core, fully scalable and royalty-free 32-bit CPU or maybe 100% safe
cryptographic CPU? Yes, we have got them at your service.

Digital Melody Games

3 Maja 9, 05-827 Grodzisk Mazowiecki
tel.: +48 222 012 770

Subsector: gaming

Digital Melody Games is a small company founded by a group of friends

to develop the most playable casual games in the world. Focusing
on the mobile market we brought to life titles such as Timberman, Merge
Empire, Surfingers, Find The Balance, Pack Master and many others. Simple,
innovative gameplay and unlimited fun are our motto.

Romana Dmowskiego 17, 50-203 Wrocław
tel.: +48 570 069 900
Subsector: e-commerce

Divante is an expert in providing top-notch e-commerce solutions

and products for both B2B and B2C segments.
We work with industry leaders, T-Mobile, Continental, and 3M, who
perceive technology as their key component to success. Our services
and products enable them to expand their business and boost competitive
As a digital pioneer and strategic partner, our core competencies are
focused on the enterprise open source software ecosystem and customized
software solutions (Pimcore, Magento, Symfony3, Node.js, Angular, React,
Vue.js and many others). We offer innovative solutions for e-commerce
systems and support ERP, PIM, CRM and many other solutions.

Przemysłowa 12, 30-701 Kraków
tel.: +48 537 795 962

Subsector: IT recruitment

dotLinkers is a boutique, highly specialized IT recruitment agency.

We support startups, SMEs and larger companies. We do not work with big
outsourcing centres, so we have no off-limit clauses and we can hunt freely.
We know the business and the market perfectly well – our team’s average
experience in IT recruitment is over 4 years. We have extensive experience
in managing from small unitary recruitment projects up to complex RPO
(Recruitment Process Outsourcing).
Hoffmanowej 19, 35-016 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 531 533 006

Subsector: software development

The company specializes in implementing customized applications

supporting business processes in organizations at the operational
and management level, taking into account the specificity of the industry
and its unique requirements.
We provide business Internet applications in Angular and MS .Net
technologies, intranet workflow systems based on Microsoft Office 365,
MS Flow, MS PowerApps, MS SharePoint, as well as data warehouses
and reporting systems in Microsoft SQL/BI and MS PowerBI.
The company was founded in 2010 and offers the following innovations:
cloud solutions, business intelligence systems with information forecasting
mechanisms and flexible solutions implemented in the modern AgilePM

Edison Centre
Noakowskiego 12/7, 00-666 Warszawa
tel.: +48 602 237 923

Subsector: mobile applications, web applications

Edison Centre was established to promote the development

of entrepreneurship and the building of startups. With knowledge

and experience in business and digital technologies we help

startups create their digital products and services. We also support
scientists in the commercialization of their research results and building
innovative, scientific research-based businesses.
Our activity in Poland is based on many years of scientific and business
experience of the company founders from Finland, the United States
and the United Kingdom.

EL Passion
Plac Europejski 2, 00-844 Warszawa
tel.: +48 792 541 588

Subsector: software services

We are a custom software development house with extensive experience

in building MVPs and end-to-end products, developing and designing Ruby
on Rails Web Apps or feature-rich iOS/Android Apps. We specialize in web
design, UX/UI design and mobile applications.
Over the period of 8 years, we have mastered our processes and consider
them a unique value that will benefit your product. We rely on UX,
Agile, Lean and XP methodologies to provide best-in-class products
and exceptional customer service, no matter the circumstances.
Elastic Cloud Solutions
Żurawia 71, 15-540 Białystok
tel.: +48 730 730 933

Subsector: SaaS, startup

Elastic Cloud Solutions is a fast-growing startup that helps organizations

succeed in their digital transformation processes with a new generation
of Digital Employee Experience Platform – workai. Its main goal
is to improve internal communications, knowledge management,
and employee engagement, with the aid of mobile technologies,
IoT and artificial intelligence. The exceptional user experience offered by
ECS' products was acknowledged by Nielsen Norman Group with the Best
Intranet Design Award, as one of the TOP 10 in the world.
Workai is an intelligent platform for complete digital employee experience.
It engages employees, recognizes internal experts, helps manage
the know-how and connects the digital workplace within one smart, well
designed and easy to use solution.

Wolska 11a, 20-411 Lublin
tel.: +48 81 561 85 01

Subsector: IoT, lightweight electronics, medtech, mobile development,

web development, smart city, software development

EMBIQ is a technology company empowering R&D teams and projects.

The company was built on brilliant experience in IoT, SmartCity
and MedTech. During the last 10 years, we have participated in about 300
projects all around Europe and the United States. Our team of nearly 50
experts provides full-stack services, including concept support, analytics,
design, architecture, software and hardware development, automated
and manual testing, deployment and further maintenance.
We are a member of the Software Development Association (SoDA).

Eurocement Consulting Group

Czarnowiejska 43/38, 30-049 Kraków
tel.: +48 600 416 003

Subsector: AI, industrial processing

Eurocement Consulting Group (ECG) has been present on the Polish market
for 24 years. One of the ECG’s core activities is facilitating the contact
of industrial plants with stakeholders, both the suppliers and customers.
We offer strategic, marketing, technical and academic consulting,
technological and technical research including industrial processes,
introducing new and modernization of existing technologies. ECG's
activities are mainly associated with the cement industry. Our company
has completed projects to use machine learning algorithms to optimize
the work of cement ball mills.
Wiktora Przybyły 2, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala
tel.: +48 33 499 59 00

Subsector: electronic design services

Evatronix is a company supporting its partners in the development

and manufacturing of products in which the innovation
and competitiveness are enabled by embedded electronics, firmware
and software. We offer an optimal combination of hardware and software
design competences with mechanical, optical and industrial design
capabilities to provide a complete design of a product, as well
as prototyping and low volume production. The main application areas
span from the IoT, autonomous devices and precise measurement to data
capturing and processing.
Besides electronics and software design services, Evatronix manufactures
highly-accurate 3D scanners for professional applications under the brand
eviXscan 3D.

Długa 1-3, 41-506 Chorzów
tel.: +48 32 445 33 36

Subsector: software development

The main field we specialize in is the custom software development

in environmental protection, medicine and energy sector. We are also

engaged in outsourcing, consulting and creating dedicated equipment

We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Eximo Project
Poznańska 31, 85-129 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 52 568 44 20

Subsector: consulting, outsourcing

Eximo Project is specialized in integrating IT systems and designing

network infrastructure. The company offers solutions based on the highest
Eximo Project offers outsourcing and consulting services, including complex
IT surveillance and IT system security audits. Thanks to a modern call centre
based on ITIL practices, we handle requests from supported companies
We have gained experience by participating in projects executed for public
administration, as well as financial, trade, service and industrial sectors.

Exonic Digital Experience

Porcelanowa 23, 40-246 Katowice
tel.: +48 662 197 023

Subsector: consulting, software development


Exonic is a digital experience design company based in Poland, focused

on user experience. We specialize in designing enterprise and mobile
applications, websites and e-commerce platforms. Our services cover
a whole UX path: discovery, research, strategy, design, analysis.

Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 662 941 073

Subsector: CRO and CX consulting, graphic design, GUI design, motion

design, software development, UX design, web design

ExtraHut is a UX & design studio. We create technology designed to deliver

the best conversion for your business.
ExtraHut is a part of TenderHut SA, a member of Software Development
Association (SoDA).

Extreme Robotics
Bagno 2/73, 00-112 Warszawa
tel.: +48 531 781 825

Subsector: robotic desktop automation, robotic process automation

EXTREME ROBOTICS develops ultra easy-to-use software robots. We focus

on Robotic Desktop Automaton (RDA) to provide an electronic assistant
to every office employee. Our robots can be easily trained by an intelligent

recording of your work. They perform every repetitive and boring task. Just
let them copy data from documents to your systems, cover mail handling
and data collection from webpages, make data aggregation from multiple
files, prepare personalized documents and complex reports, or even
integrate data flow between IT systems.
With our robots, the automation of your business processes will be easy
and lightning fast. You will relieve employees of routine tasks, regain their
time and satisfaction, and raise profits.

Fireart Studio
Marynarska 21, 02-674, Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 307 23 44

Subsector: software development

We design and develop digital products, both for startups and the world’s
leading brands. Our main focus is on the design and development of web
products. We love to shake established thought-patterns, and create what
has never been attempted before. We take seeds and grow jungles.

Foundation Work Nations

Mazowiecka 9, 09-100 Płońsk
tel.: +48 665 691 673

Subsector: IoT, machine learning


The Foundation Work Nations supports education, entrepreneurship

and innovation. We implement projects to create social and publicly
available innovations, and enable effective transfers of knowledge for
children and seniors.
We obtain funding for our own activities and for external clients.
We support startups and innovators in searching for clients, and sales
channels in Poland and abroad, cooperating with partners from many
countries. We organize trainings, workshops and conferences aimed
at promoting startups and entrepreneurship. We develop Internet sales
integrated with vending machines, as well as an automated sales network
available for every company and customer to use.

Futurum Technology
Stefana Batorego 1/2, 31-135 Kraków
tel.: +48 578 900 486

Subsector: blockchain, IoT, software development

We are a professional software development company that has grown

out of a startup aimed for agile process-driven software development.
We have trained ourselves for high-quality off-shore services and we have
defined procedures, processes and structures so that our clients never
feel the physical distance. There are multiple technologies we do: Spring,
Hibernate, Ionic, ReactJS, Etherum Blockchain, ElasticSearch, CouchDB,
MongoDB, Kotlin, and we mainly specialize in two: Java and Angular.
Game Factory
Adama Mickiewicza 53, 70-385 Szczecin
tel.: +48 501 036 826

Subsector: gaming

Game Factory is a game development studio. The company was founded

in 2005 and primarily focused on games in Adobe Flash (including Facebook
social games), but then moved on to the mobile, web and console.
Our team created over 200 game products in various genres. The core
competence, however, is casual and mid-core, fun to play games
with modern game mechanics. We specialize in Unity3D and HTML5
technologies. We have licensed developers for Xbox, PlayStation
and Nintendo systems, for which we use Unity3D as the main game engine.

General Systems & Software (Poland) Ltd.

Chwaszczyńska 9, 81-571 Gdynia
tel.: +48 601 211 650

Subsector: hardware engineering, consulting, software development

General Systems & Software (Poland) Ltd., started its operations in Poland
in 1990, as a result of the co-operation with leading Digital Equipment Co.
system integrators: Corstar Corporation of New York and General Systems &
Software (United States) Ltd. of Boston.
GSS (Poland) Ltd. specializes in the design, optimisation, delivery,
installation and servicing of complex IT systems as well as the development

of customised hardware, software, and automated electric solutions for

the various industries, i.e. digital healthcare.

Szlak 65/901A, 31-153 Kraków
tel.: +48 600 099 778

Subsector: spatial solutions, utilities and infrastructure

GISonLine is a provider of comprehensive spatial solutions and services

for utilities and infrastructure, and thus helps companies effectively use
information about key assets and business locations.
Our key competences at GISonLine are implementation of dedicated
solution and tools for improving data management processes and quality,
data migration and asset digitization processes, GIS implementation
and system integration, as well as advanced spatial analysis.
We also help our clients make full use of spatial information on the location
of their assets to streamline processes and increase their efficiency.
We are a member of the Software Development Association (SoDA).

Global Control 5
Wyczółki 71, 02-820 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 548 92 77

Subsector: building automation


Global Control 5 S.A. (GC5) is a Polish manufacturer, supplier and exporter

of high-quality intelligent building automation technology, from
peripherals and sensors to edge devices and cloud services. GC5 designs
and manufactures intelligent automation systems under the iSMA brand.
iSMA offer consists of software for managing, monitoring and integrating
the BMS system in the building. DCC controls, fan-coil room controls,
I/O modules and peripheral devices such as sensors, relays or actuators.
GC5 provides a unique technology that optimizes energy efficiency
and building management comfort by reducing operating costs.
The company's technology is open and versatile, easy to install and use,
providing customers with innovative solutions ideally suited to their most
demanding needs.

Wita Stwosza 22, 02-661 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 848 68 83

Subsector: software development

Globema is a provider and integrator of geospatial and location-based

software solutions. We implement innovative, industry-specific,
geospatial resource management systems for telecom operators, utilities
and companies operating in the field. The company specializes in OSS
& network inventory for telecoms, GIS, SmartGrid and field service
management solutions. Globema acts as a partner and VAR of GE
and Google Premier Partner. Company’s products provide functionalities
for network assets inventory & design, renewable energy management,

operations support, outage handling and field staff optimization. We have

offices in Poland, Romania, Czechia and the United States.

Czapliniecka 50, 97-400 Bełchatów
tel.: +48 44 633 90 11

Subsector: e-commerce

Gocreate – Interactive Agency & Software House has been operating since
2007. We are the experts when it comes to e-commerce. We have created
our own online sales software addressed to the B2C and B2B segments,
which are being constantly improved and developed. We pay great
attention to the implementation of proprietary solutions and to create
functionalities that others do not have in their offer. Thanks to this
approach, our clients are ahead of the competition in their industries
distinguishing themselves with innovative and effective solutions.
Our offer include online store (B2B online and B2C sales system), CMS, ERP
and mobile applications.

Grow Uperion
Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 691 433 872

Subsector: edtech, HRtech, workplace


Grow Uperion is the first modular platform for education, engagement

and public appreciation of employees, using the mechanisms of motivation
psychology that have not been used so far. It is the platform thanks
to which employee achievements are visible at a glance in the team,
as well as in the entire company (nationwide, regionally or globally). Grow
Uperion is a platform that supports both medium and large organizations
in motivating and engaging employees to achieve the best possible results
in many areas of their operation.
Grow Uperion is a part of TenderHut SA, a member of Software
Development Association (SoDA).

Rzymowskiego 31, 02-697 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 370 29 02

Subsector: conversion rate optimization, e-commerce

Growcode is both the name of our company and our product. It’s the first
all-in-one solution for hands-free (no IT department involvement)
e-commerce conversion rate optimization.
We provide real human experts, technology and proven process
– we developed Swiftswap Experience Platform that lets us code all website
changes, push them to the visitors, test and track results and choose
the right solution.
Our competitive edge is that we don't just hand an A/B testing tool to our
clients. We provide a system as a service that is 100% done-for-you.
Our solution is also IT department free, it requires no time engagement

from our clients – it’s a unique solution which helps smaller businesses
compete with big corporations, that have IT departments bigger than them.

Schuberta 104, 80-172 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 58 382 33 49

Subsector: telecommunications

We set the highest standards in terms of creating solutions in the world

of signals and technology. Many years of experience, insightful
analysis of the market needs and keeping track of the changing trends
and technology allow us to enjoy the recognition of experts in the tele-
technical industry.
Our products and solutions have numerous patents, as well as industrial
and use copyrights. We employ over 200 experienced people committed
to their work. We have our section R&D department with scientific
and research facilities, as well as qualified engineering personnel, who
are constantly looking for new solutions to ensure the highest quality
of products and services.

Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia
tel.: +48 530 631 267
Subsector: software construction components

Handsoncode, has been operating on the Software Construction

Components market since 2015. The company’s mission is to create
an ecosystem of data-handling components. It helps businesses build
their enterprise software systems faster than ever. Handsoncode produces
programming components used in the creation of business applications.
Our flagship product is a Handsontable spreadsheet-like data grid
component for web apps, that is easy to implement, flexible, customizable
and perfect to work with large volumes of data.
We are now developing Spreadsheet Viewer, a self-hosted JavaScript
component that enables to preview spreadsheet files directly inside
a browser. Handsoncode undertakes research and development projects
to make its products more innovative.

Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia
tel.: +48 519 827 171

Subsector: HR management system

HRnest is intuitive software that supports the daily work of HR

departments. It allows employees to quickly submit their holiday requests,
while the employer can easily monitor the use of leave, manage business
trips, record work time and create timetables for the entire company.
HRnest is dedicated to both corporate entities and small businesses.
It operates is the Software-as-a-Service model (SaaS) allowing for 24/7
access to the database from any location. Using HRnest helps companies

to speed up document circulation, reduce paper consumption and improve

overall effectiveness.
HRnest is fully compliant with the world’s top data security standards,
including GDPR, and can be easily integrated with the most popular staffing
and payroll software.

IDEA Computer Systems

Horodelska 16, 85-150 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 533 489 722

Subsector: cybersecurity, outsourcing

The integration of network technologies for local, wide-area and Internet

networks has become one of the strategic fields of IDEA’s activities.
In the field of the network software, we offer proven solutions based
on the Windows 20XX Server system family. IDEA offers special service
contracts to take over the care of the system and hardware. Supervision
is usually carried out online, thus assuring correct and uninterrupted
work 365 days a year. The scope of activities of IDEA also includes
the implementation of corporate IT safety management procedures and IT
outsourcing. We offer solutions based on the family of FORTIGATE products
(UTM devices), enabling to implement complete protection at the junction
points of the local networks and the Internet.
Ideo Agency
Nad Przyrwą 13, 35-234 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 22 244 17 77

Subsector: software development

At Ideo Agency, we believe in the effective combination of development

skills and digital marketing. Recently we have expanded our offering
in the area of business management support (e.g. Intranet, DMS, WMS)
and extensive IT systems that support sales and e-commerce (e.g. ERP,
Most of our projects are bespoke Internet applications. Our experience
and knowledge enable us to design and create effective tools for business.
Customers rate our comprehensive services and consultancy very well.
This is one of the main reasons why we were recognized by Clutch
as the top software developer (in the area of e-commerce solutions)
in Poland.
We are a member of the Software Development Association (SoDA).

Stanisława Lema 16, 62-050 Mosina
tel.: +48 61 101 02 30

Subsector: hardware distribution

Impakt was established in 1997 and is one of the leading Polish companies
specialized in the distribution of IT products. We supply light computer

hardware, peripherals for gamers, network accessories, data-storage

devices and a wide range of consumer electronics to small specialty stores
or resellers, as well as to online stores, supermarket chains, and major
wholesalers. Nowadays, thanks to the continuous expansion of the product
range and development of our company, we are the leading supplier
of gaming accessories in Poland.

Towarowa 25A, 20-634 Warszawa
tel.: +48 606 237 005

Subsector: Industry 4.0

Indoorway allows improving the productivity of manufacturing

and intralogistics. We help people monitor and understand the movement
of mobile assets such as forklifts, tugger trains, workers or WIP – with great
accuracy and in real-time. We turn the asset location and movement data
into actionable insights so you can make informed decisions to improve
the efficiency of processes, asset utilization and reduce waste. Indoorway
solution can be used to optimize material flow & intralogistics, understand
cost drivers, optimize usage of assets and quickly locate assets to prevent
disruptions. Our system uses Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology, which
ensures very high accuracy (<1m) and reliability in industrial facilities.
Wilcza 46, 00-679 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 300 1651

Subsector: consulting, software development

InFullMobile is an international mobile application development studio.

We build end-to-end mobile applications starting with discovery,
through design and development, deployment and finally maintenance.
On the one hand, we are professional enough to work with corporations
on a global scale and flexible enough to make a rapid deployment in such
organizations. On the other hand, we love to work with startup founders
and innovate the world with meaningful digital products.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 80/82, 90-437 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 209 18 90

Subsector: software development

Inovatica is a software house with offices located in Poland and the United
States. We specialize in offshoring software services from design
to development and onward to maintenance. We specialize in web
development, mobile development, product design, autonomous guided
vehicles (navigation, algorithms for planning and control, GIS).
Harcerzy 3, 71-465 Szczecin
tel.: +48 91 886 18 38

Subsector: software development, telecommunication

InProjects is a project house that combines knowledge and experience

from software development, devOps, sysops, product development
and designing and building telecommunications solutions. This wide range
of competences allows us to offer our clients support in various IT fields.
As a project house, we can work on a big-picture business perspective
without losing focus on the project’s details. We realized various projects
based on technologies and services such as Python, WebRTC, Amazon Web
Services, Kubernetes, machine learning, big data analysis, face and object
recognition, QGIS, automatic routing for fibre networks.

Gdyńska 31, 31-323 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 420 01 50

Subsector: software development

INTENSE GROUP is the Polish manufacturer and supplier of modern IT

solutions. We specialize in management and automation of business
processes, project management and budgeting, system integration,
business intelligence, controllingand warehouses data.

INTENSE GROUP has been operating on the market since 2006. The flagship
product of the company – INTENSE Platform is a unique and comprehensive
solution for enterprises, which makes it possible to model almost
any business processes, increase the efficiency of operational activity
and optimize activities. The platform operates in enterprises and companies
of various industries, including construction, energy, printing, accounting,
automotive and others.

św. Rocha 4a, 35-330 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 533 410 005

Subsector: software development

The company operates in the field of programming Internet applications

and advanced sales platforms. We offer Internet marketing, data
analysis, data search, IT system support, SEO – digital marketing strategy,
anonymization. We offer a specialized innovative service for extracting
and analysing data used offline and online. The data can be used for
various purposes, from increasing sales, monitoring the prices of goods
and services, positioning products and services on the market, to obtaining
information on the availability of product information, information
on duplication of content on the Internet and other data that is needed
for conducting analysis for the purpose of increasing sales and optimizing
the publication of information on the Internet.
Kulczyńskiego 14, 02-777 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 545 32 00

Subsector: hardware, software, services

INVENTIA is a global supplier of IIoT, telemetry and vehicle location

products based on GSM, GOS and GLONASS mobile technologies.
The product portfolio includes mains and battery operated modules for
a variety of applications, e.g. IIoT, water, wastewater, district heating,
predictive maintenance, cathodic protection, agriculture, vehicle and wild
animal tracking, as well as alarm systems. Inventia is a reliable supplier with
a certified ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Puławska 45b, 05-500 Piaseczno
tel.: +48 22 213 8297

Subsector: software development

IS-Wireless develops software-defined 4G and 5G mobile networks

supporting more users with a better performance at a lower cost by
applying cutting edge proprietary technologies. IS-Wireless participates
in the Open RAN revolution. The company is strongly rooted in R&D
on 4G and 5G since its foundation in 2006, mainly through EU-funded
collaborative research projects.
Aleja Niepodległości 54/34, 02-626 Warszawa
tel.: +48 538 114 713

Subsector: software

iSLAY is a content intelligence platform that provides real-time data

and analytics for brands, agencies, and publishers. Each content is ranked
by an algorithm based on engagement factors and social media influence.
As a result, iSLAY helps you identify the top publications users prefer.
With iSLAY you can easily track the different level of users engagement
and discover how content is consumed by users.

Roztocka 8, 60-189 Poznań
tel.: +48 502 861 456

Subsector: outsourcing, software development

We create modern Internet applications, CRM systems and websites. We do

our work with passion based on proprietary solutions that guarantees
reliability, high performance and functional design. We always use
the latest technologies available on the market and we are up to date with
current trends in web design.
Górczewska 228/22, 01-460 Warszawa
tel.: +48 516 803 125

Subsector: software development

itCraft is a mobile and web application developer. Established in 2010, it has

completed over 200 projects, working with over 50 clients from around
the world. The software house delivers native mobile applications and web
solutions for a range of industries: healthcare, transport, logistics, social
applications, retail, e-commerce, fintech and others. itCraft employs over
50 engineers in-house.

Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia
tel.: +48 690 000 743

Subsector: outsourcing, software development, staff augmentation

The areas of business we cover include custom software development,

software implementation, maintenance as well as IT security
and management of IT infrastructure. We also provide services in the field
of staff augmentation and outsourcing.
For over 8 years on the market, ITFS has acquired experience in projects
implemented for various sectors and industries, including banking, finance,
telecommunications, manufacturing, FMCG and education.
ITM Software House
Wawrzyczka 13, 10-762 Olsztyn
tel.: +48 570 447 441

Subsector: cloud services, software services

ITM Software House deals in the design, programming, implementation,

maintenance and modernization of IT systems. The company has 21
years of experience in programming and design work. The company
specializes in managing production processes. The company's main activity
is the production and turnover of the management software.

Chmielna 85/87, 00-805, Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 654 40 60

Subsector: consulting, software development

ITMAGINATION supports its global customers in being innovative by

using top-notch technology, custom software solutions, data analytics
and outsourcing services. Founded in 2008, the company is one
of the fastest-growing technology companies in Central and Eastern
Europe, ranked by Deloitte Fast 50 and FT1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing
Companies by the Financial Times. ITMAGINATION specializes in services
and solutions for international fintech companies, financial institutions
and companies from commerce, construction and technology sectors.
Ks. Piotra Ściegiennego 3, 40-114 Katowice
tel.: +48 32 724 56 06

Subsector: outsourcing, software development

JCommerce has over 14 years of experience in providing software

development and IT outsourcing services for companies from a wide
range of sectors (including fintech, HealthTech, telecommunication,
and e-commerce). We are one of the few IT companies in Poland that
combine technological skills in PHP, JAVA, .NET, front-end and cloud
computing with the knowledge of business processes arising from
the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics, Power BI and Qlik solutions,
as well as the administration of Apple devices in business (we offer Apple
Management Services thanks to the Jamf Pro system). JCommerce is
a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Qlik Solution Provider, and Jamf Gold

Jit Team
Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia
tel.: +48 58 352 13 81

Subsector: outsourcing

With more than 300 IT specialists onboard, with expertise in finance,

retail and logistic industries, we focus on delivering IT services mainly
to Nordic countries. We work for the biggest bank in Scandinavia, and one

of the largest retailing companies in Europe with more than 1700 stores
located in 20 countries. We specialize in building cross-functional Agile
managed teams to meet dynamically changing requirements. Once our
clients are concentrated on doing business, Jit Team excels in building
advanced tailor-made software solutions for desktops, web and mobile
in the cloud incorporating Machine Learning and RFID innovations.

JMC Software House

Śniadeckich 12/16 m.39, 00-656 Warszawa
tel.: +48 602 237 923

Subsector: software development, UX/UI, web design

JMC specializes in bespoke software development, design and development

of websites, Internet portals and mobile applications, UX/UI design
and development of digital products and services for startups.
Over 20 years of operations, JMC completed more than 1000 projects
in Europe, the United States and Japan.
The excellent quality of our products and services is proved by long-lasting
relationships with our clients. For some of them, we have been providing
services for 15 years or more.
Zamknięta 10, 30-554 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 633 47 27
Subsector: big data, data analytics is an experienced contractor of database projects and a supplier

of comprehensive data collection and analysis systems. specializes
in project implementation for public institutions and companies (among
other systems based on machine learning, artificial intelligence or item
recognition). The key products in’s offer are mobile applications,
internet applications and the ZEUS system. provides professional
systems that support the work of museums and archives. We develop,
deliver and implement systems that increase efficiency, integrate
the existing information and improve its flow between both the internal
departments of the organization and the partners and end customers.

Lean-Tech Industry Solutions

Wesoła 2-4, Łany 55-002
Kamieniec Wrocławski
tel.: +48 71 324 15 70

Subsector: automation, Industry 4.0

Lean-Tech offers internal transport systems. With 10 years of experience

in designing and constructing intralogistics systems, we provide
entire production and assembly lines, conveyors and storage stackers.
We specialize in the production of AGV robots tailored to customer needs
and implementing them in existing logistics systems.
Autonomous Vehicles Lean Cart AGV are equipped with the most modern
security, navigation and location systems, thanks to which they fully meet
the needs of customers in the field of Industry 4.0.
Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 662 941 073

Subsector: e-commerce, HRtech, consulting, startup

LegalHut is a consulting agency with a mission to provide the best legal

service for software companies and startups from the IT and high-
tech sector. We also specialize in effective EU project implementation
and acquiring external funds, as well as public tenders.
LegalHut is a part of TenderHut SA, a member of Software Development
Association (SoDA).

Lemonade Studio
Krajobrazowa 13/2, 35-119 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 609 212 060

Subsector: software development

We combine the features of a creative, branding, interactive agency,

and a software house, by providing a completely immersive experience
and digital content dedicated to various types of media and advertising.
Thanks to those multidisciplinary competencies we can deal with extensive
projects in-house, always choosing the best solutions possible.
We create consistent brand identity, graphic designs, photorealistic
3D visualizations, functional and stylish interior design, CGI, 3D & 2D

animations, VR, dedicated web applications, professional websites and UI,

effective online shops and video productions.

Liki Mobile Solutions

Kasprzaka 7/9, 91-078 Łódź
tel.: +48 790 719 097

Subsector: software development

Since 2013 Liki Mobile Solutions designs, creates and develops software.
Most of our customers are located in the United States, Germany,
France and New Zealand. We specialize in e-health, telematics, logistic
and telecom solutions including voice recognition tools. We have experts
from mobile applications, web development, product design and UX/UI.
We are cooperating with big corporations, SME and startups based on agile
approach. The business experts in the Liki team willingly advice on sales,
marketing and other business areas.
We are a member of Software Development Association (SODA).

LSI Software
Przybyszewskiego 176/178, 93-120 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 680 80 00

Subsector: software development


LSI Software is a leading Polish software manufacturer for the gastronomy,

hospitality, retail and cinema industries. It is also a manufacturer of its own
ERP class system and software for recreational and sports facilities.
The offer of LSI Software includes software, professional services,
implementation services, maintenance, and the supplying of expert
hardware solutions. Our main asset is the extensive knowledge
of how to function in the retail and hospitality sectors. The company is
a distributor of Posiflex (POS touch screens) and LRS (paging systems)
equipment. The company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
since 2006.

Lumine Psychology Solutions

Piłsudskiego 31/105, 35-075 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 512 615 560

Subsector: healthcare, cloud applications

The main purpose of Lumine is to create an online space where every

psychotherapist can reach their patients remotely. It is a reliable, safe
and secure way to provide psychotherapy process via videoconference,
chat, tools for visualizations, document sharing, etc., as well
as therapeutical VR sources.
Lumine is a SaaS platform open to any psychotherapist with no need to sign
any contract. Specialists only pay for what they use and for the number
of therapies they performed each month. Lumine is the most reliable
online psychotherapy platform on the Polish market.
Matejki 11a, 60-766 Poznań
tel.: +48 61 200 14 10

Subsector: software development

We are an Agile Web Agency with a team of 50+ professionals focusing

on delivering excellent digital commerce solutions for enterprises from
the B2B and B2C sectors. With over 10 years of experience, we have
established profound expertise in the area of omnichannel, e-commerce
and customer experience. We use the best open source technologies
to grow your digital strategy: Magento e-commerce, TYPO3 CMS,
Progressive Web Application (PWA), Akeneo (PIM) and Odoo (CRM/ERP).

Łąkowa 7A/D/215, 90-562 Łódź
tel.: +48 695 520 504

Subsector: software development

Makimo focuses on Python/Django and Node.js software development,

as well as creating native mobile application. We create Django web
applications from scratch, but we also successfully took projects created by
other companies for further development.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).
Master Telecom
Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia
tel.: +48 58 350 86 37

Subsector: telecommunication software

Master Telecom has many years of experience in designing, implementing

and supervising the telecommunication systems for companies,
enterprises and mass service providers. We develop innovative solutions
used in customer service, marketing and business. Our implementation
procedures, following the project management methodology, allow us
to provide systems for businesses, with high requirements in the areas
of usability, performance and reliability.
We deliver multi-channel communication systems for business processes
such as info line, telemarketing, help desk, vindication or CATI. Flexible
software, a variety of communication media, redundancy and high
performance, give you the freedom to supervise the quality and efficiency
of mass customer contact.

MC2 Innovations
Senatorska 2, 00-075 Warszawa
tel.: +48 606 282 720

Subsector: HRTech, startup

MC2 Innovations is an HRTech company providing a new generation

employee engagement management platform – Carrotspot.

The platform combines rewards & recognition, pulse surveys and social
media elements in order to enable company culture transformation
and create a target-oriented company community.
It helps companies to run their motivation programs more easily
and at lower costs, providing the best employee experience at the same
time. The platform was awarded 1st prize in the European HRTech Day
contest for startups in December 2018.

Dobrego Pasterza 122 A, 31-416 Kraków
tel.: +48 533 306 117

Subsector: MedTech

We are an innovative company offering unique telemedicine solutions.

Telemedicine, based on technology enabling the patient's health condition
to be monitored at a distance, is one of the fastest-growing industries
in the world.
The CarnaLife is an innovative tool that patients can easily use to record
their tests and doctors can use to interpret them. Data analysis is assisted
by smart algorithms responsible for interpreting and prioritizing the results
of the examination. The system is supported by the visualization module
of imaging data that has been used successfully during advanced cardiac
medical procedures including ablation, transcatheter occlusion, and balloon
pulmonary angioplasty.
Jana Zamoyskiego 2 B, 85-063 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 52 340 50 30

Subsector: computer equipment, loaded printed circuit boards, peripheral

equipment, software publishing

Milisystem is a company that provides professional training solutions

for uniformed services. The company's main product is the Vistula Laser
Trainer. It is a cutting-edge solution that enables safety shooting training
using your own firearms or a special replica. TL Vistula is a realistic
simulator designed to learn and improve shooting skills. The use
of advanced technologies allows for savings related to equipment
and ammunition without losing the quality of the training. The Vistula
TL system provides proprietary laser modules ready to work with both
firearms and a wide range of replicas to reduce the cost of training
in situational shooting and a shooting training.

Metalowców 25, 54-156 Wrocław
tel.: +48 601 757 352

Subsector: cloud solutions, process automation

mis2 is an innovative company that creates and supplies solutions

to increase the company's operating efficiency, using the private
and public cloud.

We specialize in process automation and document management

implemented on the client's infrastructure in a private cloud (iP24
application), and the iPartner24 service offering a wide range
of functionalities supporting the daily work of a small company. We can
also create specialized solutions for individual clients based on ready
components. We are also experts in creating reporting systems
on the QlikView and Qlik Sense platforms, as well as monitoring
and conducting audits of IT systems security.

Mobile Reality
Aleja Księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego 1, 03-901 Warszawa
tel.: +48 691 755 165

Subsector: software development

Mobile Reality team builds native applications for iOS and Android devices.
Many years of experience in native technologies and specialization
in the React Native cross-platform allow for optimal selection
of technologies, cost-effectiveness and implementation of the project
in accordance with the assumptions. We also create fast and secure web
applications tailored exclusively for our client’s business goals. We cover
the backend and frontend of their application using the most innovative
tech stacks.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).
Litewska 10/1, 35-302 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 531 364 262

Subsector: software development

mobitouch is a team of software developers and designers passionate

about smart communication. We deliver award-winning solutions in various
sectors for some of the most powerful brands, including Microsoft, Isobar,
Deloitte, Itaka, PEKAES or Jeronimo Martins.
We provide full-stack development that includes native mobile applications,
cross-platform applications, custom web development, as well as UI/IX
design solutions. The most recent achievement is the development
of Findlo, a framework for iOS that allows building mobile applications that
contain an augmented reality (AR) module, based on the user's location
and targets located in the world. We are a member of the Software
Development Association (SoDA).

Nano Games
Gromadzka 101, 30-719 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 257 01 80

Subsector: gaming

NANO GAMES is an independent game development studio. We create

unique and exciting entertainment experiences for PC and consoles
by developing innovative and high-quality games. So far, Nano Games

has developed the following games: Reef Shot, ZAMB! Biomutant

Extermination, Cityconomy, ZAMB! Redux and ZAMB! Endless

Przemysłowa 14B, 35-105 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 717 65 42

Subsector: software services

NeoGage offers a unique application for measuring equipment

management. NeoGage is available via a web browser, which means
there is no need to install software on your computer. The application
has modules that registers the flow of measuring instruments and quickly
identyfing them using QR codes or RFID cards and tags. Additionally,
NeoGage includes extensions that test capabilities and accuracy
of the measurement process using MSA (Measurement System Analysis) or
SPC (Statistical Process Control). NeoGage can be available as SaaS or can
be installed on site using a subscription or a permanent license.

Marynarki Polskiej 163, 80-868 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 882 996 846

Subsector: AI, software development, web development


Neoteric is a software house that helps startups and enterprises innovate

with software. We design and develop bespoke software products and AI
systems around predictive analytics and recommendation engines. The AI
solutions we develop help companies gain a better understanding of their
customers, reduce and prevent churn, benefit from dynamic pricing
and discover the best learning opportunities for their employees.

Karola Olszewskiego 19c, 25-663 Kielce
tel.: +48 517 602 218

Subsector: software development

NextBuy is an intuitive, cloud-based software that provides procurement

solutions to its clients. It connects buyers and suppliers in one integrated
platform. The flexible architecture of the platform makes it possible
to adjust the system functionality easily to meet specific customer
requirements and align with customers' business segments.
Our solution helps to automate processes (streamline information flow,
process control and communication), manage procurement, optimize costs
and save time.

Omega Innovations
Pawła Włodkowica 2C, 03-262 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 431 67 01
Subsector: energy storage

Omega Innovations develops a very innovative chill-based electrical

battery, known under the commercial name of ICE-ON that enables
the accumulation of electricity in ice and transfer of this energy in the form
of cold to all industrial processes and air conditioning systems. As energy
storage, ICE-ON allows for a minimum 50% reduction in costs of generating
cold, and thus operating costs. This effect is possible by charging the battery
at night at low energy tariffs and discharging during the peak hours of a day.
Innovation, and thus the advantage over the rest of the competition,
lies in the discovery of the method of cyclical and controlled removal
of ice of appropriate thickness in the form of the plate from the surface
of the heat exchanger.

Onex Group
Aleja Niepodległości 18, 02-653 Warszawa
tel.: +48 503 589 602

Subsector: software services

Onex Group is one of the largest Polish resellers of Office 365 and Azure
for small and medium enterprises. We provide Microsoft Office licenses
and support our customers with new technologies that make their daily
work easier and optimize the costs of IT infrastructure. Our competences
are confirmed by many titles and awards, such as the title of Microsoft
Partner of the Year 2018 – Reseller and Microsoft Partner of the Year 2015,
2016 – SMB. For our great sales results of Office 365, we also received
the international title “2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award Finalist”.
Tajęcina 113, 36-002 Jasionka
tel.: +48 603 051 052

Subsector: hardware services, software development

OPTeam supports its customers during their digital transformation.

Company portfolio contains various IT solutions and services like ERP,
manufacturing and workflow support systems, process automation, web
applications, IT infrastructure and security, card systems, RFID based
and mobile solutions. When your ERP or other systems dedicated to your
organisation are too slow, not ready for a change or adoption of modern
processes, OPTeam will give you an effective solution to boost your
business quickly and securely into the digital world.
OPTeam has completed over a thousand implementations for business
clients, as well as government institutions, public organisations
and universities.

Order Group
Dzielna 60, 01-029 Warszawa
tel.: +48 793 332 793

Subsector: software development

We specialize in delivering personalised IT solutions. For years we have

been working as a contractor and technology partner for big corporations
and interactive agencies. In the past, we have carried out websites, web

and mobile applications for many different industries, such as financial,

medical, management, real estate, transportation, events and even beauty.

Smęgorzyńska 26, 80-298 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 512 344 466

Subsector: data management, telecommunications

P-System creates modern IT solutions for large and medium-sized

enterprises. We provide IT services internationally, offering high-quality,
unusual, solutions that meet modern requirements.
We offer programming services in the field of creating ERP, Internet
and mobile applications (in the fields like finance and medicine),
programming tools, databases, system integration, software tests
and device software. We have 30 years of experience in the field
of dedicated software development. Since 2010, we are ISO 9001:
2009 certified.

Panda Marketing
Bema 2, 10-516 Olsztyn
tel.: +48 503 691 169

Subsector: graphic design, web design, UX/UI design


We uncover the heart of your business and develop a strategy that

embodies your values and mission. From naming new offers, designing
brand identities, to strategy – we create brands that people want to tell
their friends about. Websites, applications, platforms of all kinds – if it lives
on the screen, we can build it. The product is easy to use and makes people
come back for more. Whether you are launching a brand or introducing
yourself to new customers, we will help you to use design to create a deep
connection with your audience.

Pattern Match
Bogatki 3A/6, 44-100 Gliwice
tel.: +48 61 641 07 21

Subsector: cloud solutions, consulting

Our mission is to help companies build efficient, reliable and performant

IT systems and organizations. We are your trusted advisor for the whole
lifecycle of the software delivery process. We are DataDog Managed
Service Provider Partner and Amazon Web Services APN Consulting
Partner. Members of the company are AWS Certified experts. We specialize
in JVM (Java, Kotlin, Clojure), Spring Framework, Micronaut, Axon
Framework,Erlang, Elixir, Phoenix Framework, Cloud Computing – Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Cloud – Native (Containers, Docker, Kubernetes)
and Serverless, DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and Monitoring,
event sourcing, CQRS and Domain – Driven Design.
pAudio Technologies
Majowa 2, 71-374 Szczecin
tel.: +48 602 46 88 86

Subsector: hardware development, software development

We design and produce EN54 certified Voice Alarm Systems – IVO and IVO
Compact. We provide certified fire alarm loudspeakers, firepower supplies,
specialized solutions for audio transmission and processing. pAudio
cooperates with installers and contractors who are verified and authorized
by us. We helped to develop many public buildings including hotels, offices,
shopping malls, sports and entertainment halls.

Nowy Kisielin – Antoniego Wysockiego 8, 66-002 Zielona Góra
tel.: +48 68 470 07 70

Subsector: IT security

Perceptus was established in 2008. Our main goal was to operate

on the ITSecurity market of operating systems, on the Internet
and databases. However, the company has been systematically
expanding its product and service offer, and currently, our activity is
based on highly specialised services in the IT sector, and data security,
in particular. We work for both the public and private sectors. Perceptus
has an in-house research and development department, and in 2015
we opened an IT data security laboratory in the cloud, the purpose of which

is to develop modern technologies, devices, and processes. Research is

conducted both for our use, and as service to third parties.

Trzy Lipy 3, 80-172 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 58 320 57 34

Subsector: AR, software development

Since 2004, PIRXON has been optimizing processes, for Polish and foreign
companies. PIRXON owns original systems for management of fixed
assets, management of accounts receivable and credit risk. It specializes
in the implementation of robots for optimization of back-office processes
(RPA – Robotic Process Automation), and the so-called digital employees.
We are a team of several dozen highly-qualified specialists in various
disciplines: programmers, implementers, RPA specialists and consultants.
PIRXON carries out regular research & development works on Robotic
Process Automation and Augmented Reality.

Platanowa 2, 81-855 Sopot
tel.: +48 58 555 88 38

Subsector: telecommunication systems


Platan produces IP PBX Telephone Systems and PBX Servers. We satisfy

the most sophisticated requirements of a wide range of customers: small
and medium companies, large enterprises, public offices and institutions.
Since 1985, we have been offering telecommunication and radio
communication solutions. Systems developed by Platan are fully based
on our own technical know-how. Platan also offers public address systems,
including IP-based audio passenger information systems for railway
The ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate for design,
manufacture, sale and service of telecommunication equipment provides
evidence of our compliance with quality standards.

Polish Association of Telecom Engineers

Kaliska 11, 02-316 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 659 11 90

Subsector: telecommunication

The Polish Association of Telecommunication Engineers (PATE) is a technical

and scientific organization, which voluntarily gathers telecommunication
and mailing engineers and technicians, as well as people involved
in communications in a broad sense.
The main goal of PATE is educational, scientific and social activity
in the field of ICT. PATE's potential lies in its members coming from different
sections of the economy, science and administration. The organization
gathers over 2.500 members, and constitutes a forum for the exchange
of experience, facilitating professional development in telecommunications.
Pomorskie Centrum Przetwarzania Danych
Trzy Lipy 3, 80-172 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 58 739 64 48

Subsector: data center

Pomorskie Centrum Przetwarzania Danych (PCPD) provides colocation

services customized to individual needs of its customers and tenants.
Customer benefits resulting from the placement of servers in PCPD‘s
Data Centre reduction of investment costs in infrastructure, reduction
of maintenance costs and increase in the reliability of systems.
An independent UPS and air conditioning system automatically maintains
the correct humidity and temperature in the server room and the fire
detection alarm system automatically extinguishes the fire. Data Centre
also offers independent fibre infrastructure in data centres and buildings,
24/7 security and facility access control systems.

Domaniewska 37A, 02-672 Warszawa
tel.: +48 690 002 352

Subsector: software development

Pragmatists is a software house with ten years of experience in building

custom software products for clients from all over the world. We create
bespoke solutions using an agile methodology. Clients appreciate our
rigorous quality-oriented development process and programming

techniques, such as Test-Driven Development and Pair-Programming. That is

why we earned Top B2B Company title by (a platform of in-depth
client reviews) for three consecutive years.
One of our in-house products is Talkie – a flexible voice-bot and chat-bot
platform. It uses natural language processing to provide phone customer
service 24/7. Talkie automates repetitive processes in call and contact
centres and reduces costs by at least 30%.

Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 662 941 073

Subsector: cybersecurity, data security, consulting, system security,

QA tests

ProtectHut promotes effectiveness and efficiency, the importance

of abiding standards and best management practices in cybersecurity.
We offer professional audit, consulting and training services in the area
of IT and business process management, operational risk management,
infosecurity management, and business continuity management.
ProtectHut is a part of TenderHut SA, a member of Software Development
Association (SoDA).
Dąbrowskiego 79a, 60-529 Poznań
tel.: +48 793 352 355

Subsector: mobile applications

Founded in 2015, develops proximity solutions for mobile

applications. We specialize in gathering proximity and behavioural data
to be used within applications, and to be integrated into any existing system
via a flexible API. provides a software development kit (SDK)
that extends mobile application capabilities to include communication
(push notifications) and analytics (online to offline) based on location
services data utilising multiple technologies such as geofencing, Wi-Fi
and beacons.
Our key specialities are mobile applications, proximity marketing, location
analytics and interaction, behavioural analysis and segmentation.

Hutnicza 3, 81-212 Gdynia
tel.: +48 58 765 56 66

Subsector: radio communication

RADMOR is a supplier of the radio communication equipment for

the Polish Army and armies of other countries. Radmor is part of WB
Group, the largest private capital group in the Polish defense industry.
WB Group offers modern solutions for armed forces in communication,

command, reconnaissance and automated fire control systems, unmanned

systems of various classes, IT systems and cybersecurity, equipment
and modernization of military equipment. The company’s military offer
includes software-defined, personal, handheld and vehicle radios, as well
as F@stnet radios – manpack and vehicular. We are also an integrator
of radio communication systems TETRA and DMR for non-military markets.

Na Zjeździe 11, 30-527 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 345 06 77

Subsector: software development

We specialize in building functional, well-designed and fully-tested web/

mobile applications. Railwaymen has 10 years of experience in Ruby
on Rails, Android and iOS and successfully launched over 100 projects
in more than 25 countries. Our tech portfolio is rich in projects from many
industries, like constructions, healthcare, education, fintech, IoT, video,
real estate, media, entertainment. Since 2015 Railwaymen is recognized
as Global Leaders and Top Ruby on Rails Developers by Clutch.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Porcelanowa 19, 40-246 Katowice
tel.: +48 695 400 481
Subsector: software development

Revolve provides qualified full-stack, dedicated and self-managing software

development teams for life-science, and healthcare projects. We believe
that we are a good fit for projects where data privacy, security and high
quality is required.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDa).

Lindego 2, 30-148 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 638 66 55

Subsector: multimedia kiosks

River is offering a wide range of multimedia kiosks and software

development. We are able to provide full personalization of kiosks colours
in LED-backlit logos and other required devices. We are already present
in many sectors: government institutions, banks, industry, museums,
transport, schools, universities, stores, shopping centres, medical sector,
mobile operators, hotels, restaurants, national parks, amusement parks,
libraries, exhibitions, fairs, charity and other activities.

Zamiany 6/24, 02-786 Warszawa
tel.: +48 606 133 569
Subsector: fibre optic, WiFi, LAN

Robset offers design and documentation of fibre optic and copper-

based networks, construction of fibre optic networks using GPON-FTTH
technology, construction and reconstruction of telecommunications
networks as well as telecommunication lines due to road construction,
design and installation of LAN networks.

Dworska 1a/1u, 30-314 Kraków
tel.: +48 516 910 131

Subsector: smart energy, smart home

We create new business models for energy operators and real estate
developers. By providing IoT solutions, we help them make and build
customer-centric operating models that keep consumers engaged.
Our Smart Energy Solution consists of hardware and software
infrastructure. By combining devices mounted in the consumers’
apartment with software that enables energy forecast, customer
segmentation, and detection of particular devices in the network,
we provide new business opportunities for utility companies. We have
also created the Apartment Home Energy Management System, which is
a reliable home automation system that provides local control of lighting,
heating, and electrical circuits both locally and remotely. It can respond
to the growing needs of any kind of user (elderly, younger, disabled)
without additional cable installation.
Sagra Technology
Cyfrowa 4, 71-441 Szczecin
tel.: +48 510 034 367

Subsector: automation, business intelligence, BPA, mCRM

Sagra Technology delivers mobile solutions that support sales, marketing

and business analytics. While working with FMCG and pharmaceutical
sectors, we support business processes on many levels, from automating
the work of sales representatives, retail execution, merchandising,
to delivering advanced analytical tools that help with strategic planning.
As a long-term and awarded Microsoft partner, Sagra Technology takes part
in the realization of Store of the Future and Factory of the Future concepts.

Grzegórzecka 21, 31-532 Kraków
tel.: +48 53 175 66 29

Subsector: MarTech

SALESmanago Marketing Automation is an all-in-one marketing automation

platform powered with AI & machine learning engine. The system offers
omnichannel communication with one-to-one offer recommendations
and advanced personalization capabilities. The platform is designed
to improve the effectiveness of marketing and sales campaigns to drive
the growth of Customer Lifetime Value. SALESmanago is used by over
10 000 B2C and B2B companies in over 40 countries, including Lacoste, Yves

Rocher, Starbucks and a huge number of SMB companies. In Financial Times

Fast 1000, SALESmanago is ranked 26th fastest growing company in Europe
and the fastest growing European martech platform. The company employs
200 people, and its headquarters are located in Kraków, Poland with sales
offices in Berlin, New York and London.

Scoon Hardware Lab Krzysztof Skuneczny

Franciszkańska 2, 37-700 Przemyśl
tel.: +48 512 461 191

Subsector: CRM, ERP, FTTH networks, server administration

As part of constant cooperation with companies, we provide the following

areas of IT operations: server administration, management of computer
and telephone networks, installation and maintenance of CCTV systems,
removal of computer system failures, data archiving, anti-virus protection,
maintenance of ERP and CRM class systems, innovative web systems.
Designing and building FTTH networks: blowing, pulling and welding fibre
optic cables, construction of fibre optic pipelines, construction of primary
teletechnical sewage system, construction of fibre optic networks on a pole
foundation, including low and medium voltage networks, support for
the construction of fibre optic networks in microcanalization technology,
installation and commissioning of active devices, tele-transmission
and station, complement formalities related to entry and exit from
the construction site to perform subcontracting documentation.
Security Partners
Wyścigowa 56H, 53-011 Wrocław
tel.: +48 572 414 363

Subsector: consulting, GDPR, outsourcing, IT security

Security Partners provides services of ICT management, data security

and GDPR consulting. Our core competencies and services focus on ICT
outsourcing /integration and data security. We provide high-quality services
to improve the speed, security and reliability of business processes based
on ICT systems.

Kościuszki 227, 40-600 Katowice
tel.: +48 32 420 92 11

Subsector: software development, hardware

We are a global provider of IT solutions for small and medium enterprises

and public organizations.
With over 10 years of market experience, we offer our clients the solutions
that we ourselves use on a daily basis. We specialize in providing
Microsoft (Gold Partner) cloud services for business: Office 365, Azure
and SharePoint.
We are also a leading provider of enterprise-grade network, server,
software and other IT equipment.
Seven Dots
Bobrowiecka 1, 00-728 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 299 08 46

Subsector: BPM, EPM, Intranet

We are an experienced technological company specializing

in the implementation and maintenance of IT systems, especially
in the scope of EPM, Intranet and BPM. These solutions allow us
to organize business processes, tasks and internal communication
of an enterprise. Regardless of size and industry, it is possible to increase
a company's business efficiency and contribute to a radical increase
in profits. We specialize in Intranet, Project Portfolio Management
and Business Process Management.


Grudzińskiego 50, 62-020 Swarzędz
tel.: +48 61 651 04 90

Subsector: outsourcing

Sevencomp was founded in 2006 in Poznań. Today, the company consists

of high-class specialist teams who quickly solve any problems with IT
infrastructure. We have more than 13 years of experience in the European
IT market and many satisfied customers. The role of SEVENCOMP starts
where business meets technology.
Wielopole 11, 80-556 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 58 762 07 77

Subsector: hardware services, industrial automation

Simex operates on the market of industrial automation as a manufacturer

and distributor of test and measurement instruments used to measure,
control and record the temperature, humidity, pressure, level or flow.
Our products are the result of over thirty years of experience in industrial
Our flagship products, MultiCon line, are powerful and versatile compact-
multichannel-controllers with a capacity to record data. Thanks to a wide
range of input and output modules, LINUX for stable operation, fast
Ethernet communication, set of built-in visual components (sidgets) which
use the HTML5 protocol, free DAQ Manager software, colour touchscreen,
MultiCon operation, playing the role of HMI is intuitive and comfortable.

Królowej Jadwigi 43, 61-052 Poznań
tel.: +48 509 919 329

Subsector: e-commerce

In 2013, we introduced the Ads4books service – a performance marketing

network dedicated to the book market. It includes a tool comparing prices,
a simple plugin that can be implemented on every website. In 2015,

we decided to create a separate product – the BUY.BOX brand, which is

now used by hundreds of websites and a few million users. The service
includes categories such as books, movies, music, consumer electronics,
houseware, baby products and cosmetics.
Next, we created 100shoppers – a Where To Buy solution, which converts
visitors into shoppers. The plugin is implemented on a specific website,
and it shows users where they can buy products directing them straight
to the online shops. As an analytical tool, it provides brands with updates
regarding the sales and popularity of their products.

Gromadzka 101, 30-719 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 257 01 80

Subsector: software services

Simpro produces professional XR training simulators for public and private

services and operators of aviation, based on cutting-edge resears of our
R&D team. It is critical infrastructure that enables personnel training
in terms of procedures and security threats. Simpro uses advanced XR
technology with a realistic recreation of various environments using
photogrammetry. The effectiveness of training with XR simulators is verified
with psychophysiological tests. The simulators are available with support
for industry experts and certifying institutions, and assisted by scientific
SKM Group
Jana Mikusińskiego 28/24, 40-146 Katowice
tel.: +48 510 591 095

Subsector: software development

SKM Group is a software house operating since 2007, and implementing

mobile and web applications for clients from Poland and abroad. We are
a team of senior professionals who manage all stages of the software life
cycle, including architecture, design and development. Our IT department
uses many different technologies, such as JavaScript, ASP .NET MVC, ASP.
NET CORE, Angular. Our clients can expect high quality, commitment
and a productive partnership.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Kolejowa 19/21, 01-217 Warszawa
tel.: +48 510 480 176

Subsector: EdTech

Skriware develops a unique integrated EdTech ecosystem for schools.

Its three core elements are: 3D printers with a library of models that
can be used to supplement school lessons; modular, 3D-printed robots
with a dedicated software to teach the basics of robotics, design
and programming (Skribots); and an online platform with class ideas,
lesson plans and learning materials for teachers (Skriware Academy).

Our ecosystem utilizes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

the Arts, Mathematics) methodology, taking advantage of its holistic,
hands-on approach to teaching. Skriware’s solutions allow schools to teach
critical thinking approach to problem – solving, boosting creativity
and encouraging project-based teamwork. Our goal is to prepare students
for the challenges of the 21st century.

Smart Monitoring
Szczecińska 34, 25-345 Kielce
tel.: +48 508 066 768

Subsector: monitoring

Smart Monitoring is a fast developing company aiming to provide

the top quality monitoring services in the B2B model. Our main clients
are companies whose core business is to protect people or property,
but at the same time want to specialise in other segments, which requires
a monitoring center. Some of our clients also maintain a monitoring centre
dedicated only to their own needs.

Zamknięta 10, 30-554 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 633 47 27

Subsector: big data, data analytics


Smart-Lab creates innovative solutions in the form of MVP – Minimum

Viable Product based on the latest information technologies. The products
developed by Smart-Lab solve problems in environmental protection,
transportation, education and medicine. Our products use virtual reality
technology Google VR, OculusRift and intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
Smart-Lab is the creator of solutions such as luggage scanner simulator
used for aviation staff training, a locomotive simulator, an aircraft simulator,
an electric/hybrid vehicle simulator used in the education process, an air
quality monitoring system and software used in medicine.

Social WiFi
Puławska 14, 02-512 Warszawa
tel.: +48 505 095 86

Subsector: software services

Social WiFi is one of the market leaders in Social Media Guest WiFi
authentication. Our value lies in helping business operators know who
their customers or guests are, and providing tools to communicate
with them at the right times, leading to more repeat visits and online
recommendations, that result in more new customers.

Zamoyskiego 2 B, 85-063 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 52 340 50 30
Subsector: biotechnology healthcare solutions, intelligent retency
management, metadata

SoftBlue focuses on new technologies, research and scientific projects.

We design IT systems and provide economic and business consulting
services. We are a member of the European Space Agency. We have
run our own R&D Department since 2012, which focuses on three
areas: biotechnology, ICT and programming. We introduce innovations
in the fields of biotechnology, programming and ICT. We create software
tailored to the specialized needs and requirements of our clients. We offer
measurement heads dedicated to air pollution and environmental
conditions. The equipment is adapted to use with UAV, car or standalone.

Aleja Słowackiego 15a/8, 31-159 Kraków
tel.: +48 795 050 503

Subsector: software development

Softnauts is a software development company founded in 2012. Softnauts

focuses on mobile app development, web development, custom software
development, and UX/UI design for companies of various size.
Our flagships projects is Welcome to AGH UST – mobile application for
students of the biggest technical university of Poland, which includes
various features helping students (Polish and international) in daily life
on the campus.
We also specialize in healthcare mobile and web applications, management
systems for other industries, and digital transformation.
Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 664 187 124

Subsector: AI, e-commerce, fintech, healthcare, outsourcing, software


SoftwareHut specializes in the creation of software systems, and IT projects

and resources. We are a Microsoft Gold Partner. We currently employ over
200 IT specialists in six development centres in Poland. Contact with foreign
clients is maintained through eight foreign offices in the United Kingdom,
the United States, Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland
and China.

Na Uboczu 8/87, 02-791 Warszawa
tel.: +48 504 858 544

Subsector: software development

SoftwareMill is a development and consulting company. We help clients

scale their business through software, conduct digital transformation,
implement event sourcing and create data processing pipelines.
We specialise in Scala, Kafka, Akka and Cassandra, among other
technologies. Our areas of expertise include distributed systems, big data,
blockchain, machine learning and data analytics.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).
Sojourn Solutions
Wita Stwosza 19/5, 35-113 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 250 99 25

Subsector: consulting

Sojourn Solutions is a team of marketing operations and marketing

automation experts providing award-winning services since 2005.
Our proven approach empowers B2B marketers to drive and measure peak
performance results, while aligning strategy, process, marketing automation
technology, and data. Our growth has mirrored the exponential growth
of both marketing operations and marketing automation technology,
as well as the influence of marketing leaders worldwide.

Aleja Wincentego Witosa 16, 20-315 Lublin
tel.: +48 814 581 158

Subsector: analytics

We are a team of experts, data scientists, programmers, consultants,

developers, administrators, and other enthusiasts of information
technologies. We have been working together for almost 20 years. We have
experience in implementing projects in the fields of Business Intelligence,
advanced analytics, data warehouse, self-service and controlling,
in many industries. Solet is a partner of IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft.
We make the right choice of technology tools using our unique approach

to the project, starting with observation through interpretation and ending

with application. Our core specializations are business intelligence,
controlling and advanced analytics.

Czysta 10/3, 31-121 Kraków
tel.: +48 538 365 618

Subsector: consulting, outsourcing, software development

In Solidstudio we know that IT solutions should perfectly match

the industry demands, as well as specific organizational objectives
and needs. That is the main reason why we provide self-managing
development teams for seamless product development.
Our tailored IT services help our clients get the best possible software
solution – one that enables growth and implementation of key business
objectives. Based on a trusted relationship and open communication,
we ensure transparency, safety, and satisfaction throughout every step
of the process.
We are a member of Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 662 939 625
Subsector: AR, medtech, labtech

The company provides modern laboratories with implementation,

validation and optimisation of LIMS class solutions. Working with
laboratories such as Thermo Fisher Scientific Authorised Partner, we create
systems that match real needs, solve problems and remove bottlenecks for
our clients.
Solution4Labs is a part of TenderHut SA, a member of Software
Development Association (SoDA).

Wadowicka 8A, 30-415 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 349 28 00

Subsector: ERP

Soneta is a developer of enova365 – dedicated ERP business software.

Our priority is to develop a system that not only fulfils top professional
standards such as business security, manufacturer’s stability, and quick
response to legislative changes but also offers potential for development
and makes everyday business easier for entrepreneurs.

Space Bridge Fund

Koncertowa 19 lok. 35, 20-866 Lublin
tel.: +48 667 371 718
Subsector: AI, automation, IoT, satellite navigation, telecommunication

Space Bridge Fund is a public-private early-stage technology seed funding

instrument which combines private capital equity investments with non-
refundable public grants to invest into high-growth potential, technology-
oriented companies in space-related industries in Poland.
The Fund intends to invest in startup companies which implement projects
in Proof of Concept and Proof of Principle stages.


Czarodzieja 16, 03-116 Warszawa
tel.: +48 798 141 681

Subsector: AR, cybersecurity, VR

The main areas of our activity include VR, AR, cybersecurity and backend.
We integrate solutions creating comprehensive IT systems. The security
of the solutions is just as important as the solutions themselves.
We specialize in dedicated mobile applications, VR/AR/MR for companies,
interactive 3D VR visualizations, consulting, creating and maintaining
databases (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB), cloud integration,
creating CMS and CRM, API functions, building dedicated security modules,
generating reports on analytics and statistics, data creation and storage
of backups.
Wańkowicza 5/30, 02-796 Warszawa
tel.: +48 506 040 430

Subsector: backend systems, IoT, machine learning, software

development, telematics

Sparkbit builds bespoke software solutions that help companies around

the world to improve their businesses. We are specialists in the fields
of machine learning, IoT, telematics and backend systems. While working
for small and large enterprises, we have participated in a large variety
of projects including data analytics for usage-based insurance, enterprise
application integration, and machine learning-based video analysis.
We provide comprehensive telematics solutions in areas such as driver’s
behaviour analysis, crash detection and smart parking systems.

Jagiellończyka 26, 10-062 Olsztyn
tel.: +48 89 522 11 00

Subsector: ICT, smart city, software development

Sprint is one of the leading ICT systems integrators in Poland, operating

since 1988. The company delivers solutions to the local and European
market. We specialize in smart city (ITS,video surveillance systems), ICT
systems (wireless networks, cybersecurity, data processing systems),

software solutions (fleet monitoring system, public safety management

system, event visualization system) and building automation.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Plac Nowy Targ 28, 50-141 Wrocław
tel.: +48 500 104 042

Subsector: AI, cloud services, machine learning, software development

Established in 2016, Spyrosoft is a software engineering company with

offices in Poland, the United Kingdom, Croatia and the United States.
Our projects include collaborations with the leaders in the automotive,
geospatial, HR & payroll and financial industries, as well as in Industry 4.0.
We combine technology expertise with business experience delivering both
embedded and enterprise software, using machine learning, AI and cloud
services. Our goal is to provide end to end solutions that are ready to be
industrialised and scaled up.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Mościckiego 1, lok. C127, 24-110 Puławy
tel.: +48 534 676 770

Subsector: software development


We design and implement integrated tailor-made IT platforms that

faithfully reproduce the activities of our clients, and are meticulously
optimized in terms of work ergonomics and operation logic. After
implementation we adapt the existing ERP to the needs of the enterprise
as it develops or changes in the organization. We are open to long-term
partnerships, expansion of the platform and its joint improvement.
We create additional elements as independent plugins, which means
that there is no need to modify the source code and stop the work
of the platform. We are supported by the global community of Open
Source developers, who have been developing various functionalities for
iDempiere – the leader of SourceForge and InfoWorld rankings.

Aleje Jerozolimskie 93, 02-001 Warszawa
tel.: +48 507 431 560

Subsector: cloud consulting, data analytics, data engineering

Stepwise is a software house based in Warsaw. We provide development

and consulting services for our clients in Europe. Our clients come from
startup and mid-size markets. We specialize in data analytics and Google
Cloud Platform, focusing on business services and energy sector.
Our technology products cover cloud consulting (GCP), data engineering,
web and backend development. Our business products cover product
design, product development, scaling up business and products, as well
as technology audits.
Ostrowskiego 13, 53-238 Wrocław
tel.: +48 694 233 234

Subsector: AI, data science, deep learning, machine learning, software


We use our in-depth expertise in data science, machine learning

and deep learning areas, helping companies to optimize their processes
in production, logistics, human resources, accounting and sales areas.
We target the manufacturing, finance, pharma, HR and media industries.
Since 2009 we have been helping corporations and startups throughout
Europe and the US to engineer powerful web and mobile applications,
including artificial intelligence, with user-friendly UX and UI. We are
Amazon Web Services consulting partner. We trained histopathological
scanners to detect cancer fast, with over 89% accuracy. We improved
the efficiency in a German car factory by 23% and launched an early
warning system for catastrophic events in Poland.

Winogrady 18a, 61-663 Poznań
tel.: +48 570 413 852

Subsector: healthcare, software development


StethoMe is a company focused on developing artificial intelligence

in the fields of healthcare and telemedicine. We create unique lung
and heart screening systems that improve the primary care diagnostics.
StethoMe is a smart stethoscope working with a dedicated app
and specially designed algorithms – StethoMe AI. The patient makes
recordings of auscultation sounds, and sends them to the StethoMe AI
system where they are analysed by the algorithms. StethoMe notifies
the patient when StethoMe AI detects any abnormal sounds. The results
are also received by physicians in the audio-visual dashboard.
The device and AI algorithms have been certified in the EU as a 2a class
medical device (CE 2274). The medical certification of AI algorithms is
the first such certification in the world.

STX Next
Mostowa 38, 61-854 Poznań
tel.: +48 61 610 01 92

Subsector: fintech, machine learning, product design, software


We are Europe’s largest Python software house. We have over 185

Python, JS, and React Native developers ready to supercharge any project
with extraordinary code, the Agile way. Our full roster includes a total
of over 350 people including designers, QA engineers, DevOps specialists
and business communication experts ensuring smooth cooperation with
our partners. Our services include Python & JavaScript development,
product design, React Native development, machine learning, DevOps,
software testing, and product discovery workshops.

We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Franciszka Klimczaka 1, 02-797 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 290 88 00

Subsector: consulting, software development

For nearly 30 years we have been creating and implementing innovative

solutions in all branches of the economy, especially in banking and finance,
local government, central administration and energy.
We provide innovative products and services in the area of core systems,
tools supporting key areas of client`s activities and executing regulatory
requirements. We have completed many implementations of transaction
and settlement systems and solutions supporting important elements
of our clients' operations.
We use modern technologies in our projects including cloud computing,
machine learning, AI, data analysis and IoT.

Nowowiejskiego 55, 61-734 Poznań
tel.: +48 793 925 281

Subsector: software development


Teamdeck is an employee-focused complete resource management

solution for agencies and software houses. Our mission is to improve
companies’ HR processes, such as planning resource allocation, measuring
the utilization and forecasting the capacity. At the same time, it is a tool for
the employees to manage their availability, request vacation days and track
their time.
Teamdeck helps you organize your teams with less effort. With a simple
calendar view, you are able to find relevant employees, compare their
bookings and availability, and finally assign them to projects right
away. A time tracking app helps you monitor your team’s performance
and compare actuals with estimates. When creating reports based
on timesheets, you may calculate KPIs of your choosing, create financial
reports and more.

Petuniowa 9/5, 53-238 Wrocław
tel.: +48 693 189 866

Subsector: automation, cybersecurity, performance and functionality

testing, software development

TestArmy is one of the fastest-growing tech companies in Central Europe

based on the Deloitte ranking.
We are veterans in the field of quality assurance in software development.
Since founding, we have delivered over 500 successful projects for more
than 130 clients. With experience comes the knowledge and we used ours
to come out with an innovative approach that is called Business Driven
Quality eXcellence. We believe taking care of our clients' quality should

be based on customer needs and companies' internal vision and politics.

Therefore our task is to provide team and process augmentation for
a secure and functional digital product.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Krakusa 1/16, 35-302 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 779 01 08

Subsector: graphic design, software development

TESTIN Krzysztof Samborski is an interactive agency that has been

providing services on the Internet market since 2013. As part of its activity,
the company carries out numerous projects on local, national and global
scale, specializing in comprehensive brand service.
We specialize in designing websites and websites, copywriting, social media
and graphic designs.

The Software House

Dolnych Wałów 8, 44-100 Gliwice
tel.: +48 698 193 461

Subsector: software development


The Software House is a custom software development company. We offer

a wide range of solutions to help CTOs and their businesses develop digital
products by providing experienced agile development teams on demand.
The company specializes in web and mobile development, digital
product design, as well as high-quality DevOps services. Moreover,
the company is opened to all the market trends and constantly expands its
technological stack.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Warneńczyka 3, 35-612 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 856 39 99

Subsector: BI, IoT, DMS, ERP, software development, WMS

Since 1991, TOP has been a manufacturer and supplier of specialized IT

systems for large and medium-sized companies in various industries.
The company’s offer is a full comprehensive software package such
as: ERP systems (including: finance, human resources, sales, logistics,
purchasing, warehouse, complaints, transportation, CRM, production),
the analytical Business Intelligence systems, web tools supporting contact
with the clients, WMS and B2B systems, document management systems,
dedicated applications and reporting systems.
Transition Technologies PSC
Piotrkowska 276, 90-361 Łódź
tel.: +48 42 664 97 20

Subsector: software development, software integration

Transition Technologies PSC is a part of the Polish Capital Group (Transition

Technologies SA), developing modern IT solutions since 1991. TTPSC is
focused on delivering high-tech solutions for the industry (AR, connected
product lifecycle management, IoT). The company’s key development
area is AR solutions. To meet the needs of the Polish market, as the first
company in the country, TTPSC expanded the voice function of RealWear,
so that customers can control it in their native language.
It consists of over 300 technical innovation enthusiasts, working all around
Poland and abroad.

św. Marcin 29/8, 61-806 Poznań
tel.: +48 798 871 677

Subsector: software development

At Trui we create and deliver products which make life’s of our clients
We provide expertise at every stage of the project’s lifecycle – from initial
analysis, via UX/UI design through code implementation. Consequently,

we are able to create a tailor made software, as well as web and mobile
apps and websites.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Biała 1, 80-435 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 58 550 7565

Subsector: hardware development, software development

Vemco is a software and hardware developer and a system integrator that

develops turnkey systems based on Automatic Identification and Automatic
Data Collection processes based mostly on RFID technology. Vemco
designs, supplies, integrates and installs complete enterprise-class solutions
at customers’ premises.
Vemco has developed and installed nearly 200 sophisticated systems
in the field of safety and security in large and middle-size companies from
the industry, service, sales and logistics sectors. Vemco has developed its
own multi-platform software accard_MP which includes a whole range
of functionalities for access control, time and attendance, people tracking
control, shop floor data collection and many others based on transactions
collected in the system.
M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 5/6, 31-025 Kraków
tel.: +48 664 385 621

Subsector: AI, IoT, SaaS, software development

Vimanet is a consultancy and software development company specialized

in web, mobile and cloud-native applications. At Vimanet we deliver
software innovation in a wide range of fields, including B2B, AI-driven
applications, SaaS and IoT solutions for HealthCare, fintech and retail
industries. Cloud serverless computing is our environment as we believe
that infrastructure limitations should not stop companies from innovation
and global expansion.
We have worked with small and large businesses in Norway, Belgium,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands
and the United States. Vimanet is Microsoft Silver Partner and Azure
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Zamknięta 10, 30-554 Kraków
tel.: +48 12 633 47 27

Subsector: big data, data analytics

VoiceFinder is a company operating in the biometric technologies sector.

We create and implement solutions such as speaker identification systems,

speech recognition, as well as image and pattern recognition. Our key

products are audio-visual file analysis systems (speech recognition, lyrics
recognition, speakers recognition) and interviewers and marketing research

Wastelands Interactive
Łąkowa 7a bud D, 90-562 Łódź
tel.: +48 500 772 082

Subsector: 2D and 3D art, outsourcing

Wastelands Interactive is a team of talented artists, who can work under

tight deadlines providing all aspects of 2D and 3D production.
Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98, 81-451 Gdynia
tel.: +48 58 690 73 25

Subsector: software development

We are a software house focused on creating projects tailored

to the client's needs.
We create web applications, websites and online stores, design web
product management systems, UX / UI and graphics.
Malinowa 10, 62-095 Murowana Goślina
tel.: +48 502 135 136

Subsector: software development, online marketing

For 15 years we have been one of the leaders in the software solutions
for the automotive industry. Our web-based systems and mobile apps
have facilitated the time-saving and cost-effective information exchange
within dealerships. Delivering VFM for customers is our top priority,
which we have achieved by optimising work for all levels of employees
in the dealerships of Porsche Inter Auto, Inchcape among many others.
We also provide tailor-made IT solutions for company training needs from
structural support, WBT, detailed report system to app-based training
for various types of employees using geolocation and QR code reading

White Label Coders

bł. Czesława 3/3, 44-100 Gliwice
tel.: +48 606 872 111

Subsector: digital transformation

We offer services covering the full engagement project cycle, starting

with consultancy and business analysis, through the system architecture
and user experience design, up to the production system deployment
and long-term maintenance.

We have over 600 successfully delivered projects and clients from more
than 10 countries including the United States, the United Kingdom,
the Netherlands and Germany. We have more than 13 years of experience
in creating tailored software solutions for business.
Our focus is to enable digital transformation in small and medium
businesses. Working with the client’s business leadership, we first
understand then optimize their operations and integration processes.

Winged IT
Ligocka 103, 40-568 Katowice
tel.: +48 500 000 480

Subsector: IT recruitment, software development

Winged IT is one of the fastest-growing companies in Poland, which

provides IT professionals outsourcing (contracting) and permanent
recruitment services. We recruit IT talents from Poland and the whole
Central and Eastern Europe who are ready to relocate to other countries
or work remotely.
We also support the creation of local IT teams/subsidiaries of international
companies in Poland.
Together with Soflab Technology and several other companies, we are
a part of the Soflab Group which has fulfilled more than 5 thousand
projects for 100 clients in more than 10 countries.
Aleksandra Ostrowskiego 13, 53-238 Wrocław
tel.: +48 698 642 418

Subsector: AI, embedded systems, image processing

Our goals are to combine expertise in Artificial Intelligence, embedded

technologies, and image processing. We focus on driving innovations
at the border of these three fields: intelligent, voice-controlled devices
that can be navigated by hand-gestures. xBerry cooperates with the public
sector, production facilities, and startups.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

Piastowska 11, 80-332 Gdańsk
tel.: +58 341 56 39

Subsector: software development

We are a Dutch-Polish software house with over 13 years of experience

in IT development, support and maintenance. We create extended IT
systems of various scopes tailored to our clients’ individual needs: both
back-end and front-end solutions, as well as mobile applications. We put
a major focus on African projects. We have gained a good understanding
of the region, its potential and limitations and we put that knowledge into
practice. We strive to create digital products that not only work but also

matter. Once we embark on a journey with a client, we operate as if

we were one team.
We are a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA).

YOGA ZONE online

Struga 55 m. 28, 90-640 Łódź
tel.: +48 696 544 404

Subsector: software services

The Internet yoga platform offers individual, online yoga sessions on Skype
adjusted to individual needs and capabilities, with instant feedback
and verbal adjustments from certified yoga instructors.

Aleja T. Rejtana 55, 35-326 Rzeszów
tel.: +48 17 282 50 00

Subsector: ERP, software development

ZETO-RZESZÓW has been providing technological solutions to companies

and institutions for over 50 years. We design and produce dedicated
software and applications.
The company also specializes in the implementation and integration
of ERP systems for the SME sector. Our service includes pre-
implementation analysis, implementation, service care and retrofitting

the work environment with servers and computers. Including necessary

hardware, software and office applications. ZETO-RZESZÓW designs,
creates, implements and integrates stationary and mobile solutions using
the advantages of cloud computing.

Sienkiewicza 110, 15-005 Białystok
tel.: +48 728 938 446

Subsector: PropTech, RealEstate, IoT, Workplace, Administration

process, HR

Zonifero is a SaaS platform for the management of office internal

communication and space. Manage your office smart, optimize costs
related to services and space, and increase the comfort of work with just
one system. Zonifero makes up to 25.6% savings at office operating costs.
Zonifero is a part of TenderHut SA, a member of Software Development
Association (SoDA).

Infographic Poland in figures 2018

Source: Statistics Poland, Eurostat, International Monetary Fund

//Data from the infographic are presented in the table.//

Imports EUR 228 billion

Trade Exchange
Exports EUR 223 billion

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) EUR 493 billion

Poland 5.1%
GDP Growth
EU 28 1.9%

Unemployment Rate 5.9%

Population 38.5 million

Economy Ranked 22nd in the world

GDP per Capita PPP USD 33 thousand

Back to the text


Chart 1. Structure of IT market in Poland (%)

Source: Computerworld Top 200, International Data Corporation (IDC), PMR

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

IT equipment sales 55%

Software 16%

Sevices 29%

Back to the text


Chart 2. Sales of cloud technologies (EUR million)

Source: IDC

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2017 200

Year 2018 300

Year 2022 450

Back to the text


Chart 3. Structure of cloud technology market (%)

Source: IDC

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

SaaS 60%

PaaS 20%

IaaS 20%

Back to the text


Chart 4. The value of the Polish e-commerce market (EUR billion)

Source: Bisnode Polska,

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2015 6.5

Year 2019 11.5

Back to the text


Chart 5. Big Data global market size (EUR billion)

Source: Wikibon, Statista

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2018 38

Year 2027 93

Back to the text


Chart 6. Global number of smartphone users (EUR billion)

Source: Global Mobile Market Report 2018

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2018 3

Year 2019 3.3

Year 2021 3.8

Back to the text


Chart 7. Value of the global e-commerce market (EUR trillion)

Source: Statista, E-commerce in Poland, 2017

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2018 2.5

Year 2021 4.3

Back to the text


Chart 8. Value of the global IoT market (EUR billion)

Source: Bain and Company – Unlocking Opportunities in the Internet

of Things

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2017 211

Year 2021 468

Back to the text


Chart 9. Value of the global cybersecurity market (EUR billion)

Source: Markets and Markets: Cybersecurity Market by Solution, Service,

Security Type, Deployment Mode, Organization Size, Industry Vertical, and
Region – Global Forecast to 2023

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2018 152

Year 2023 248

Back to the text


Chart 10. Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2013 3.6

Year 2015 4.5

Year 2017 5.1

Back to the text


Chart 11. Export of IT/ICT products (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2014 9.3

Year 2015 10.2

Year 2016 9.9

Year 2017 10

Year 2018 10.7

Back to the text


Chart 12. Share of IT/ICT product categories in exports (%)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Surge protectors and circuit breakers 4.7%

Monitors 1.5%

Video tuners 2.8%

Electronic integrated circuits,

microassemblies, processors

Data recording tapes and discs 11.2%

Telecommunications devices 21.5%

Automatic data processing equipment 35.5%

Others 19.1%

Back to the text


Chart 13. Share of IT/ICT products in total exports value (%)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Year 2008 3.11

Year 209 4.21

Year 2010 4.45

Year 2011 3.67

Year 2012 4.18

Year 2013 4.60

Year 2014 5.63

Year 2015 5.67

Year 2016 5.35

Year 2017 4.85

Back to the text


Chart 14. Key recipients of Polish IT/ICT products from the EU countries in
2017 (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Germany 2.6

Netherlands 1.4

United Kingdom 1

France 0.9

Czechia 0.6

Sweden 0.4

Italy 0.4

Back to the text


Chart 15. Average yearly exports of IT/ICT products to the EU countries in

2008–2017 (EUR billion)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Germany 1.62

Netherlands 0.86

United Kingdom 0.82

France 0.62

Czechia 0.38

Sweden 0.29

Italy 0.22

Back to the text


Chart 16. Key recipients of Polish IT/ICT products from outside the EU in
2017 (EUR million)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

USA 212

Russia 204

China 108

Ukraine 84

South Africa 72

United Arab Emirates 65

Back to the text


Chart 17. Average annual exports of IT/ICT products to countries outside

the EU in 2008–2017 (EUR million)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

United Arab Emirates 158

USA 112

Russia 100

China 76

Ukraine 70

South Africa 65

Back to the text


Chart 18. Top Ten recipients of Polish IT/ICT services in 2017 (EUR million)

Source: Statistics Poland

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

United Kingdom 967

USA 889

Switzerland 732

Germany 715

Sweden 321

Ireland 300

Netherlands 286

France 176

Denmark 152

Belgium 102

Back to the text


Chart 19. Value of the Polish gaming market in 2016 and forecast for 2019

Source: Report on the Condition of the Polish Game Industry 2017 – own
study based on SuperData Research, DFC Intelligence, Newzoo data and
information obtained from representatives of the Polish video game

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Mobile games 20%

Social games 10%

Console games (digital distribution) 4%

0.46 billion USD PC games (digital distribution) 15%

PC MMO/online games 19%

PC and console games (over the

counter distribution)

Mobile games 29%

Social games 6%

Console games (digital distribution) 6%

0.56 billion USD PC games (digital distribution) 14%

PC MMO/online games 16%

PC and console games (over the

counter distribution)

Back to the text


Chart 20. Current funding source (%)

Source: Report on the Condition of the Polish Game Industry 2017 – own
study based on the results of Polish Gamedev 2017

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Own resources 85.3

Publisher 27.5

Non-industry investor 19.6

Industry investor 16.7

Stock market 9.8

Other 8.8

Back to the text


Chart 21. Specializations of Polish startups (%)

Source: Startup Poland Foundation: Polish Startups Report 2018,

The Golden Book of Venture Capital in Poland 2019

//Data from the chart are presented in the table.//

Big data 15%

IoT 14%

Analytics/research tools/business

Fintech 11%

Martech 10%

Productivity and management, ERP/CRM 10%

Machine learning 9%

Edtech 9%

Programming and developer tools 9%

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ISBN 978-83-7633-419-6

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