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1. God's work begins with the word, 1. God's work begins with the word, 1. God's work begins with the word, 1. God's work begins with the word,
because His intention is to give eternal because His intention is to give eternal life because His intention is to give eternal because His intention is to give eternal
life to man. This life was in His Son, to man. This life was in His Son, Jesus life to man. This life was in His Son, life to man. This life was in His Son,
Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a Christ, who came to earth as a man, died
Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a
for us, rose again, became the Spirit of
man, died for us, rose again, became man, died for us, rose again, became man, died for us, rose again, became
Truth and today everyone who believes in
the Spirit of Truth and today everyone the Spirit of Truth and today everyone the Spirit of Truth and today everyone
Him receives Him. Whoever believes in the
who believes in Him receives Him. Word receives the Son of God and has who believes in Him receives Him. who believes in Him receives Him.
Whoever believes in the Word receives eternal life (John 3:16; 1 John 1:1-2). Whoever believes in the Word receives Whoever believes in the Word receives
the Son of God and has eternal life the Son of God and has eternal life the Son of God and has eternal life
(John 3:16; 1 John 1:1-2). 2. Jesus, the word of life, became tangible; (John 3:16; 1 John 1:1-2). (John 3:16; 1 John 1:1-2).
could be heard, seen and contemplated by
2. Jesus, the word of life, became men. It is not abstract, but very concrete.
2. Jesus, the word of life, became 2. Jesus, the word of life, became
Today we can hear the word, with the eyes
tangible; could be heard, seen and tangible; could be heard, seen and tangible; could be heard, seen and
of faith we can see it and, like the apostles,
contemplated by men. It is not contemplated by men. It is not contemplated by men. It is not
contemplate it and receive it within
abstract, but very concrete. Today we abstract, but very concrete. Today we abstract, but very concrete. Today we
ourselves. This word is life itself made
can hear the word, with the eyes of manifest (1 John 1:1). can hear the word, with the eyes of can hear the word, with the eyes of
faith we can see it and, like the faith we can see it and, like the faith we can see it and, like the
apostles, contemplate it and receive it 3. The apostles announced the word of life apostles, contemplate it and receive it apostles, contemplate it and receive it
within ourselves. This word is life itself and not their own beautiful messages. It is within ourselves. This word is life itself within ourselves. This word is life itself
made manifest (1 John 1:1). not just about speaking words from the made manifest (1 John 1:1). made manifest (1 John 1:1).
Bible, but what must be said is the word of
life itself. The apostles spoke words of the
3. The apostles announced the word of 3. The apostles announced the word of 3. The apostles announced the word of
revelation of Jesus Christ. They were not
life and not their own beautiful life and not their own beautiful life and not their own beautiful
words of his own biblical knowledge, but
messages. It is not just about speaking eternal life itself (1 John 1:3). messages. It is not just about speaking messages. It is not just about speaking
words from the Bible, but what must words from the Bible, but what must words from the Bible, but what must
be said is the word of life itself. The 4. The word of God brings us His life, His be said is the word of life itself. The be said is the word of life itself. The
apostles spoke words of the revelation kingdom and also His love, in which we are apostles spoke words of the revelation apostles spoke words of the revelation
of Jesus Christ. They were not words being built. Therefore, immersion in the of Jesus Christ. They were not words of Jesus Christ. They were not words
of his own biblical knowledge, but word is a wonderful tool that the Lord has
of his own biblical knowledge, but of his own biblical knowledge, but
given us and has revolutionized our
eternal life itself (1 John 1:3). eternal life itself (1 John 1:3). eternal life itself (1 John 1:3).
personal life, the church life and the
preaching of the gospel, producing many
4. The word of God brings us His life, fruits” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, Monday, 4. The word of God brings us His life, 4. The word of God brings us His life,
His kingdom and also His love, in which page 25). His kingdom and also His love, in which His kingdom and also His love, in which
we are being built. Therefore, we are being built. Therefore, we are being built. Therefore,
immersion in the word is a wonderful immersion in the word is a wonderful immersion in the word is a wonderful
tool that the Lord has given us and has DO YOU WANT tool that the Lord has given us and has tool that the Lord has given us and has
revolutionized our personal life, the revolutionized our personal life, the revolutionized our personal life, the
church life and the preaching of the TO BE A church life and the preaching of the church life and the preaching of the
gospel, producing many fruits” (Daily gospel, producing many fruits” (Daily gospel, producing many fruits” (Daily
Food, Book 5, Week 2, Monday, page MISSIONARY? Food, Book 5, Week 2, Monday, page Food, Book 5, Week 2, Monday, page
25). 25). 25).
1. Those who believed the Word of 1. Those who believed the Word of the 1. Those who believed the Word of 1. Those who believed the Word of
the apostles received eternal life and apostles received eternal life and were the apostles received eternal life and the apostles received eternal life and
were included in the fellowship of life included in the fellowship of life with were included in the fellowship of life were included in the fellowship of life
them. By hearing John's word, the
with them. By hearing John's word, with them. By hearing John's word, with them. By hearing John's word,
recipients were also included in
the recipients were also included in the recipients were also included in the recipients were also included in
fellowship with the Father and the Son
fellowship with the Father and the fellowship with the Father and the fellowship with the Father and the
together with the apostle who announced
Son together with the apostle who it. In this way, we are all included in this Son together with the apostle who Son together with the apostle who
announced it. In this way, we are all fellowship of life (Revelation 1:1; 1 John announced it. In this way, we are all announced it. In this way, we are all
included in this fellowship of life 1:3). included in this fellowship of life included in this fellowship of life
(Revelation 1:1; 1 John 1:3). (Revelation 1:1; 1 John 1:3). (Revelation 1:1; 1 John 1:3).
2. All the different members of the Body
2. All the different members of the of Christ, even those on the most distant 2. All the different members of the 2. All the different members of the
Body of Christ, even those on the continents, are connected to each other Body of Christ, even those on the Body of Christ, even those on the
through the fellowship of life. What a joy!
most distant continents, are most distant continents, are most distant continents, are
We have been included in the fellowship
connected to each other through the connected to each other through the connected to each other through the
of life with the Father, His Son and all the
fellowship of life. What a joy! We members of the Body! (1 John 1:3-4). fellowship of life. What a joy! We fellowship of life. What a joy! We
have been included in the fellowship have been included in the fellowship have been included in the fellowship
of life with the Father, His Son and all 3. God is light, love, and Spirit, but not in of life with the Father, His Son and all of life with the Father, His Son and all
the members of the Body! (1 John 1:3- the metaphorical sense; rather, these are the members of the Body! (1 John 1:3- the members of the Body! (1 John 1:3-
4). assertive and absolute statements 4). 4).
regarding the nature and essence of God.
3. God is light, love, and Spirit, but not God’s nature is light, love, and Spirit (1 3. God is light, love, and Spirit, but not 3. God is light, love, and Spirit, but not
John 1:5; 4:8,16; John 4:24).
in the metaphorical sense; rather, in the metaphorical sense; rather, in the metaphorical sense; rather,
these are assertive and absolute these are assertive and absolute these are assertive and absolute
4. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be
statements regarding the nature and preached throughout the whole world for
statements regarding the nature and statements regarding the nature and
essence of God. God’s nature is light, a witness to all the nations. Then the end essence of God. God’s nature is light, essence of God. God’s nature is light,
love, and Spirit (1 John 1:5; 4:8,16; John will come” (Mt 24:14). This is the love, and Spirit (1 John 1:5; 4:8,16; John love, and Spirit (1 John 1:5; 4:8,16; John
4:24). responsibility of the last hour workers. 4:24). 4:24).
Thank God this applies to us! We believe
4. “And this gospel of the kingdom that the Lord will not wait for another 4. “And this gospel of the kingdom 4. “And this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached throughout the generation. He needs each one of us will be preached throughout the will be preached throughout the
today! (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2,
whole world for a witness to all the whole world for a witness to all the whole world for a witness to all the
Tuesday, page 29).
nations. Then the end will come” (Mt nations. Then the end will come” (Mt nations. Then the end will come” (Mt
24:14). This is the responsibility of the 24:14). This is the responsibility of the 24:14). This is the responsibility of the
last hour workers. Thank God this DO YOU WANT last hour workers. Thank God this last hour workers. Thank God this
applies to us! We believe that the applies to us! We believe that the applies to us! We believe that the
Lord will not wait for another TO BE A Lord will not wait for another Lord will not wait for another
generation. He needs each one of us generation. He needs each one of us generation. He needs each one of us
today! (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, MISSIONARY? today! (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, today! (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2,
Tuesday, page 29). Tuesday, page 29). Tuesday, page 29).
1. The earth became waste and empty 1. The earth became waste and empty 1. The earth became waste and empty 1. The earth became waste and empty
because of Lucifer's rebellion. because of Lucifer's rebellion. Because he because of Lucifer's rebellion. because of Lucifer's rebellion.
WEDNESDAY was created in such a perfect way, he
Because he was created in such a Because he was created in such a Because he was created in such a
perfect way, he was proud, thinking was proud, thinking he was very capable perfect way, he was proud, thinking perfect way, he was proud, thinking
and didn't want to be beneath anyone. He
he was very capable and didn't want he was very capable and didn't want he was very capable and didn't want
used his own means with bargains and
to be beneath anyone. He used his to be beneath anyone. He used his to be beneath anyone. He used his
exchanges of favors to rise (Gen 1:1-2; Job
own means with bargains and own means with bargains and own means with bargains and
38:4-7; Is 45:18; 14:12-14; Ez 28:14-16).
exchanges of favors to rise (Gen 1:1-2; exchanges of favors to rise (Gen 1:1-2; exchanges of favors to rise (Gen 1:1-2;
Job 38:4-7; Is 45:18; 14:12-14; Ez 28:14- 2. God set the members of the Body of Job 38:4-7; Is 45:18; 14:12-14; Ez 28:14- Job 38:4-7; Is 45:18; 14:12-14; Ez 28:14-
16). Christ as He pleased. If you were placed 16). 16).
as a foot, do not aim to be a hand, but be
2. God set the members of the Body faithful in what God has entrusted to you. 2. God set the members of the Body 2. God set the members of the Body
of Christ as He pleased. If you were We must follow the principles that the of Christ as He pleased. If you were of Christ as He pleased. If you were
placed as a foot, do not aim to be a Lord gave us: Let us be faithful over a placed as a foot, do not aim to be a placed as a foot, do not aim to be a
hand, but be faithful in what God has little and the Lord will put us over much. hand, but be faithful in what God has hand, but be faithful in what God has
entrusted to you. We must follow the He who humbles himself will be exalted. entrusted to you. We must follow the entrusted to you. We must follow the
(1 Cor 12:14-18; Mt 25:23; 23:12).
principles that the Lord gave us: Let principles that the Lord gave us: Let principles that the Lord gave us: Let
us be faithful over a little and the Lord us be faithful over a little and the Lord us be faithful over a little and the Lord
3. As members of the Body of Christ, we
will put us over much. He who will put us over much. He who will put us over much. He who
must only think about being faithful to
humbles himself will be exalted. (1 the Lord. He knows the best place for us humbles himself will be exalted. (1 humbles himself will be exalted. (1
Cor 12:14-18; Mt 25:23; 23:12). to be positioned. The problem is that we Cor 12:14-18; Mt 25:23; 23:12). Cor 12:14-18; Mt 25:23; 23:12).
long for something that was not given by
3. As members of the Body of Christ, God. This can fill our hearts with pride 3. As members of the Body of Christ, 3. As members of the Body of Christ,
we must only think about being and generate disobedience, rebellion, we must only think about being we must only think about being
faithful to the Lord. He knows the and ruin (1 Cor 12:18- 27). faithful to the Lord. He knows the faithful to the Lord. He knows the
best place for us to be positioned. best place for us to be positioned. best place for us to be positioned.
The problem is that we long for 4. “The Spirit is in us today, and we do not The problem is that we long for The problem is that we long for
something that was not given by God. need to be afraid of the sufferings and something that was not given by God. something that was not given by God.
tribulations that may affect us for the
This can fill our hearts with pride and This can fill our hearts with pride and This can fill our hearts with pride and
sake of the gospel of the kingdom,
generate disobedience, rebellion, and generate disobedience, rebellion, and generate disobedience, rebellion, and
because the Lord is and will be with us
ruin (1 Cor 12:18- 27). ruin (1 Cor 12:18- 27). ruin (1 Cor 12:18- 27).
forever. Let us always remain focused on
doing God’s will” (Daily Food, Book 5,
4. “The Spirit is in us today, and we do Week 2, Wednesday, page 31). 4. “The Spirit is in us today, and we do 4. “The Spirit is in us today, and we do
not need to be afraid of the not need to be afraid of the not need to be afraid of the
sufferings and tribulations that may sufferings and tribulations that may sufferings and tribulations that may
affect us for the sake of the gospel of DO YOU WANT affect us for the sake of the gospel of affect us for the sake of the gospel of
the kingdom, because the Lord is and the kingdom, because the Lord is and the kingdom, because the Lord is and
will be with us forever. Let us always TO BE A will be with us forever. Let us always will be with us forever. Let us always
remain focused on doing God’s will” remain focused on doing God’s will” remain focused on doing God’s will”
(Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2,
MISSIONARY? (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2,
Wednesday, page 31). Wednesday, page 31). Wednesday, page 31).
1. Man was created lower than the 1. Man was created lower than the angels, 1. Man was created lower than the 1. Man was created lower than the
angels, but with the ability to receive but with the ability to receive God. God did angels, but with the ability to receive angels, but with the ability to receive
God. God did not need to create us not need to create us very capable; it was God. God did not need to create us God. God did not need to create us
enough to create us with a human spirit,
very capable; it was enough to create very capable; it was enough to create very capable; it was enough to create
the vessel to receive Him. We are weak, but
us with a human spirit, the vessel to us with a human spirit, the vessel to us with a human spirit, the vessel to
capable of receiving God within us. We are
receive Him. We are weak, but capable not powerful, but we can always be in receive Him. We are weak, but capable receive Him. We are weak, but capable
of receiving God within us. We are not fellowship with the powerful God (2 Cor of receiving God within us. We are not of receiving God within us. We are not
powerful, but we can always be in 4:7; 3:6-7,18). powerful, but we can always be in powerful, but we can always be in
fellowship with the powerful God (2 fellowship with the powerful God (2 fellowship with the powerful God (2
Cor 4:7; 3:6-7,18). 2. Thank God we have the Bible with us, but Cor 4:7; 3:6-7,18). Cor 4:7; 3:6-7,18).
we also need revelation. Today all of God's
children have the Bible in their hands, but
2. Thank God we have the Bible with 2. Thank God we have the Bible with 2. Thank God we have the Bible with
not everyone has the revelation of the
us, but we also need revelation. Today us, but we also need revelation. Today us, but we also need revelation. Today
word. The teaching of the apostles comes
all of God's children have the Bible in from the revelation of Jesus Christ, which
all of God's children have the Bible in all of God's children have the Bible in
their hands, but not everyone has the clarifies and gives understanding to the their hands, but not everyone has the their hands, but not everyone has the
revelation of the word. The teaching of simple, those who love and believe in the revelation of the word. The teaching of revelation of the word. The teaching of
the apostles comes from the word that God gives them (Gal 1:11-12; Ps the apostles comes from the the apostles comes from the
revelation of Jesus Christ, which 119:130). revelation of Jesus Christ, which revelation of Jesus Christ, which
clarifies and gives understanding to clarifies and gives understanding to clarifies and gives understanding to
the simple, those who love and believe 3. Satan did not have access to the new the simple, those who love and believe the simple, those who love and believe
world that God created, but he entered it,
in the word that God gives them (Gal in the word that God gives them (Gal in the word that God gives them (Gal
becoming its prince when he made man
1:11-12; Ps 119:130). 1:11-12; Ps 119:130). 1:11-12; Ps 119:130).
disobey God. Death came through sin and
spread to all men. The world lies in the evil
3. Satan did not have access to the one; it is lifeless and is controlled by the 3. Satan did not have access to the 3. Satan did not have access to the
new world that God created, but he evil one. God, however, wants an organism new world that God created, but he new world that God created, but he
entered it, becoming its prince when of life: the Body of Christ (Rom 5:12; 1 John entered it, becoming its prince when entered it, becoming its prince when
he made man disobey God. Death 5:19; 1 Cor 12:12-13, 27). he made man disobey God. Death he made man disobey God. Death
came through sin and spread to all came through sin and spread to all came through sin and spread to all
4. “After resurrecting, the Lord no longer
men. The world lies in the evil one; it is men. The world lies in the evil one; it is men. The world lies in the evil one; it is
calls us just friends, but brothers and
lifeless and is controlled by the evil lifeless and is controlled by the evil lifeless and is controlled by the evil
sisters (John 20:17-18)! We are becoming
one. God, however, wants an organism closer and closer to the Lord: we go from
one. God, however, wants an organism one. God, however, wants an organism
of life: the Body of Christ (Rom 5:12; 1 servants to friends, and from friends to of life: the Body of Christ (Rom 5:12; 1 of life: the Body of Christ (Rom 5:12; 1
John 5:19; 1 Cor 12:12-13, 27). brothers and sisters!” (Daily Food, Book 5, John 5:19; 1 Cor 12:12-13, 27). John 5:19; 1 Cor 12:12-13, 27).
Week 2, Thursday, page 33).
4. “After resurrecting, the Lord no 4. “After resurrecting, the Lord no 4. “After resurrecting, the Lord no
longer calls us just friends, but longer calls us just friends, but longer calls us just friends, but
brothers and sisters (John 20:17-18)! DO YOU WANT brothers and sisters (John 20:17-18)! brothers and sisters (John 20:17-18)!
We are becoming closer and closer to We are becoming closer and closer to We are becoming closer and closer to
the Lord: we go from servants to TO BE A the Lord: we go from servants to the Lord: we go from servants to
friends, and from friends to brothers friends, and from friends to brothers friends, and from friends to brothers
and sisters!” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week MISSIONARY? and sisters!” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week and sisters!” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week
2, Thursday, page 33). 2, Thursday, page 33). 2, Thursday, page 33).
1. Jesus came as the word that is 1. Jesus came as the word that is light to 1. Jesus came as the word that is 1. Jesus came as the word that is
light to men. Life is in the Son, and men. Life is in the Son, and this life is light to men. Life is in the Son, and light to men. Life is in the Son, and
this life is light to men for the light to men for the purpose of restoring this life is light to men for the this life is light to men for the
purpose of restoring the organism of the organism of life. Just as God has the
purpose of restoring the organism of purpose of restoring the organism of
life. Just as God has the church to do church to do His will, Satan has the
life. Just as God has the church to do life. Just as God has the church to do
world as an instrument to oppose God's
His will, Satan has the world as an His will, Satan has the world as an His will, Satan has the world as an
will. This is serious, which is why Jesus
instrument to oppose God's will. This instrument to oppose God's will. This instrument to oppose God's will. This
stated that He and His disciples are not
is serious, which is why Jesus stated of the world (1 John 1:5; John 1:4; 17:14). is serious, which is why Jesus stated is serious, which is why Jesus stated
that He and His disciples are not of that He and His disciples are not of that He and His disciples are not of
the world (1 John 1:5; John 1:4; 17:14). 2. The word that the Lord speaks to us is the world (1 John 1:5; John 1:4; 17:14). the world (1 John 1:5; John 1:4; 17:14).
“rhema” , the word for the moment. We
2. The word that the Lord speaks to find life in it! Many believe that life is in 2. The word that the Lord speaks to 2. The word that the Lord speaks to
us is “rhema” , the word for the the Bible, however, if the Scriptures do us is “rhema” , the word for the us is “rhema” , the word for the
moment. We find life in it! Many not become “rhema” , they are simply
moment. We find life in it! Many moment. We find life in it! Many
believe that life is in the Bible, dead letters (John 6:63; John 5:39-40).
believe that life is in the Bible, believe that life is in the Bible,
however, if the Scriptures do not however, if the Scriptures do not however, if the Scriptures do not
3. The Lord today is in the “rhema” word,
become “rhema” , they are simply become “rhema” , they are simply become “rhema” , they are simply
in the prophetic word, which contains
dead letters (John 6:63; John 5:39- life. This life is the Lord Jesus Himself, dead letters (John 6:63; John 5:39- dead letters (John 6:63; John 5:39-
40). who is light to men, because God is light. 40). 40).
When we enjoy the fellowship of life,
3. The Lord today is in the “rhema” through the word of life, we receive 3. The Lord today is in the “rhema” 3. The Lord today is in the “rhema”
word, in the prophetic word, which light (John 1:1, 4-5). word, in the prophetic word, which word, in the prophetic word, which
contains life. This life is the Lord contains life. This life is the Lord contains life. This life is the Lord
Jesus Himself, who is light to men, 4. “Jesus, the Word that was in the
Jesus Himself, who is light to men, Jesus Himself, who is light to men,
because God is light. When we enjoy beginning, is the source of life and light
because God is light. When we enjoy because God is light. When we enjoy
for men, and believing in Him means
the fellowship of life, through the the fellowship of life, through the the fellowship of life, through the
receiving this life. However, the world
word of life, we receive light (John word of life, we receive light (John word of life, we receive light (John
did not recognize Him as the Savior sent
1:1, 4-5). to redeem humanity. The only way for 1:1, 4-5). 1:1, 4-5).
everyone to be freed from sin is to
4. “Jesus, the Word that was in the believe in Christ, the Son of God” (Daily 4. “Jesus, the Word that was in the 4. “Jesus, the Word that was in the
beginning, is the source of life and Food, Book 5, Week 2, Friday -Friday, beginning, is the source of life and beginning, is the source of life and
light for men, and believing in Him page 34). light for men, and believing in Him light for men, and believing in Him
means receiving this life. However, means receiving this life. However, means receiving this life. However,
the world did not recognize Him as the world did not recognize Him as the world did not recognize Him as
the Savior sent to redeem humanity. DO YOU WANT the Savior sent to redeem humanity. the Savior sent to redeem humanity.
The only way for everyone to be The only way for everyone to be The only way for everyone to be
freed from sin is to believe in Christ, TO BE A freed from sin is to believe in Christ, freed from sin is to believe in Christ,
the Son of God” (Daily Food, Book 5, the Son of God” (Daily Food, Book 5, the Son of God” (Daily Food, Book 5,
Week 2, Friday -Friday, page 34). MISSIONARY? Week 2, Friday -Friday, page 34). Week 2, Friday -Friday, page 34).
1. If in our daily lives we are in the 1. If in our daily lives we are in the 1. If in our daily lives we are in the 1. If in our daily lives we are in the
fellowship of life, which is the fellowship of life, which is the light of fellowship of life, which is the fellowship of life, which is the
light of men, any darkness that is men, any darkness that is in us will flee light of men, any darkness that is light of men, any darkness that is
(John 1:5, 9).
in us will flee (John 1:5, 9). in us will flee (John 1:5, 9). in us will flee (John 1:5, 9).
2. We still have the sinful nature within
2. We still have the sinful nature us, but if we are in the fellowship of 2. We still have the sinful nature 2. We still have the sinful nature
within us, but if we are in the life, immersed in the word, we will not within us, but if we are in the within us, but if we are in the
fellowship of life, immersed in the walk in darkness, as they are fellowship of life, immersed in the fellowship of life, immersed in the
word, we will not walk in incompatible. Thank God for Jesus word, we will not walk in word, we will not walk in
darkness, as they are Christ, our Lord, because despite darkness, as they are darkness, as they are
incompatible. Thank God for having the nature of sin within us, we incompatible. Thank God for incompatible. Thank God for
live in the fellowship of the Body,
Jesus Christ, our Lord, because Jesus Christ, our Lord, because Jesus Christ, our Lord, because
which enlightens us when we sin (1
despite having the nature of sin despite having the nature of sin despite having the nature of sin
John 1:6-8; Rom 7:17) .
within us, we live in the fellowship within us, we live in the fellowship within us, we live in the fellowship
of the Body, which enlightens us 3. After the fall of man, he of the Body, which enlightens us of the Body, which enlightens us
when we sin (1 John 1:6-8; Rom disconnected from the true God and when we sin (1 John 1:6-8; Rom when we sin (1 John 1:6-8; Rom
7:17) . connected with the Devil, in whom 7:17) . 7:17) .
there is no truth. However, we have
3. After the fall of man, he the truth constituted in us through the 3. After the fall of man, he 3. After the fall of man, he
disconnected from the true God word, which is the truth and sanctifies disconnected from the true God disconnected from the true God
us. Fallen man is false and full of
and connected with the Devil, in and connected with the Devil, in and connected with the Devil, in
vanity, but he can be constituted with
whom there is no truth. However, the truth through the word (John
whom there is no truth. However, whom there is no truth. However,
we have the truth constituted in 17:17). we have the truth constituted in we have the truth constituted in
us through the word, which is the us through the word, which is the us through the word, which is the
truth and sanctifies us. Fallen man 4. “The only way for everyone to be truth and sanctifies us. Fallen man truth and sanctifies us. Fallen man
is false and full of vanity, but he freed from sin is to believe in Christ, is false and full of vanity, but he is false and full of vanity, but he
can be constituted with the truth the Son of God. If we do not believe, can be constituted with the truth can be constituted with the truth
through the word (John 17:17). we will continue in sin, because all through the word (John 17:17). through the word (John 17:17).
have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God. By the death Christ, we were
4. “The only way for everyone to 4. “The only way for everyone to 4. “The only way for everyone to
freely justified” (Daily Food, Book 5,
be freed from sin is to believe in Week 2, Saturday, page 34). be freed from sin is to believe in be freed from sin is to believe in
Christ, the Son of God. If we do Christ, the Son of God. If we do Christ, the Son of God. If we do
not believe, we will continue in not believe, we will continue in not believe, we will continue in
sin, because all have sinned and DO YOU WANT sin, because all have sinned and sin, because all have sinned and
fall short of the glory of God. By TO BE A fall short of the glory of God. By fall short of the glory of God. By
the death Christ, we were freely the death Christ, we were freely the death Christ, we were freely
justified” (Daily Food, Book 5, MISSIONARY? justified” (Daily Food, Book 5, justified” (Daily Food, Book 5,
Week 2, Saturday, page 34). Week 2, Saturday, page 34). Week 2, Saturday, page 34).
1. The sins we commit can be subtle 1. The sins we commit can be subtle 1. The sins we commit can be subtle 1. The sins we commit can be subtle
and seemingly harmless; however, and seemingly harmless; however, the and seemingly harmless; however, and seemingly harmless; however,
the light exposes them and leads light exposes them and leads us to deal the light exposes them and leads the light exposes them and leads
with them before they grow. If we
us to deal with them before they us to deal with them before they us to deal with them before they
leave sin untreated, our conscience will
grow. If we leave sin untreated, our grow. If we leave sin untreated, our grow. If we leave sin untreated, our
be seared and the light of the word will
conscience will be seared and the have less effect. That is why it is so conscience will be seared and the conscience will be seared and the
light of the word will have less important that we receive the light light of the word will have less light of the word will have less
effect. That is why it is so through the fellowship of life. (1 John effect. That is why it is so effect. That is why it is so
important that we receive the light 1:7-9 ). important that we receive the light important that we receive the light
through the fellowship of life. (1 through the fellowship of life. (1 through the fellowship of life. (1
John 1:7-9 ). 2. We must know that every sin John 1:7-9 ). John 1:7-9 ).
committed interrupts the fellowship of
life. Therefore, we need to keep our
2. We must know that every sin 2. We must know that every sin 2. We must know that every sin
conscience good and clean, confessing
committed interrupts the committed interrupts the committed interrupts the
whenever there is an obstruction in
fellowship of life. Therefore, we life. The goal is to constantly keep the fellowship of life. Therefore, we fellowship of life. Therefore, we
need to keep our conscience good Word of God within us (1 John 1:8-10) need to keep our conscience good need to keep our conscience good
and clean, confessing whenever and clean, confessing whenever and clean, confessing whenever
there is an obstruction in life. The 3. Thank God we have the redeeming there is an obstruction in life. The there is an obstruction in life. The
goal is to constantly keep the Word blood of Christ that can purify our goal is to constantly keep the Word goal is to constantly keep the Word
of God within us (1 John 1:8-10) conscience from dead works, to serve of God within us (1 John 1:8-10) of God within us (1 John 1:8-10)
the living God! God does not expose us
with the aim of condemning us, but
3. Thank God we have the 3. Thank God we have the 3. Thank God we have the
with the aim of having a good
redeeming blood of Christ that can conscience to serve Him. He wants all
redeeming blood of Christ that can redeeming blood of Christ that can
purify our conscience from dead His members to serve in the light (Heb purify our conscience from dead purify our conscience from dead
works, to serve the living God! God 9:14; 1 John 1:7, 9; Prov 28:13). works, to serve the living God! God works, to serve the living God! God
does not expose us with the aim of does not expose us with the aim of does not expose us with the aim of
condemning us, but with the aim of 4. Although we face afflictions in the condemning us, but with the aim of condemning us, but with the aim of
having a good conscience to serve world, we do not lose hope, for our Lord having a good conscience to serve having a good conscience to serve
Him. He wants all His members to has already overcome the world. When Him. He wants all His members to Him. He wants all His members to
we are in Him, the world cannot defeat
serve in the light (Heb 9:14; 1 John serve in the light (Heb 9:14; 1 John serve in the light (Heb 9:14; 1 John
us! (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 2, Sunday,
1:7, 9; Prov 28:13). 1:7, 9; Prov 28:13). 1:7, 9; Prov 28:13).
page 39).

4. Although we face afflictions in 4. Although we face afflictions in 4. Although we face afflictions in

the world, we do not lose hope, for the world, we do not lose hope, for the world, we do not lose hope, for
our Lord has already overcome the
DO YOU WANT our Lord has already overcome the our Lord has already overcome the
world. When we are in Him, the TO BE A world. When we are in Him, the world. When we are in Him, the
world cannot defeat us! (Daily world cannot defeat us! (Daily world cannot defeat us! (Daily
Food, Book 5, Week 2, Sunday, page MISSIONARY? Food, Book 5, Week 2, Sunday, page Food, Book 5, Week 2, Sunday, page
39). 39). 39).

The word of life,

the fellowship of life
The word of life,
the fellowship of life
The word of life,
the fellowship of life
The word of life,
the fellowship of life


1 John 1:5-10 1 John 1:5-10 1 John 1:5-10 1 John 1:5-10
1 John 1:1; Rom 5:17

@institutovidaparatodos @institutovidaparatodos @institutovidaparatodos @institutovidaparatodos

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