Session Ten Presentation Skills
Session Ten Presentation Skills
Session Ten Presentation Skills
Lecture Outline
10.1. Introduction
10.5. Preparation
10.7. Structure
10.8. Timing
10.9. Delivery
10.13. Verbal
10.15 Feedback
10.16. Summary
10.1. Introduction
Well-developed presentation skills enable you to communicate clearly, precisely and
a) Information-giving
This is predominantly descriptive, giving or summarizing information. You may
be asked to do this as part of a mini-teaching session, sharing theoretical or factual
information. Here the point is to see what you have understood and how you have
extracted the main facts from your reading and to relay these to the group. You
will need to make decisions about what information to include.
b) Discursive
Here you will need to debate the strengths and limitations of an approach or
develop an argument, exploring and weighing up different perspectives,
challenging your audience to accept a different viewpoint. For this, you will need
to decide your ‘angle’ – are you for or against it, weight pro and cons? Pull your
audience in, challenge and confidently debate.
c) Demonstrative
This type of presentation tends to be used in the context of training: for example,
when demonstrating your ability to illustrate your understanding of a technique
or teaching a practical skill to others. (Craig, C., 2009).
▪ Group and individual presentations for a given topic as part of a module assessment.
▪ Seminar presentations giving a paper to an academic or your peers for teaching or
showing evidence of your understanding of the topic.
▪ Providing an overview of some research carried out by you or your group.
In-text Question 1.
10.5. Preparation
How information or ideas are delivered strongly affects how they are understood by
the audience. Even tiny inaccuracies in a presentation can make it hard to follow.
Thus, for communication to take place effectively presented information has to be
received as intended by the speaker – and not misinterpreted. The crucial element of
any presentation is the information that you have to deliver and the audience that has
to receive it. Poorly prepared presentations are those which include just a bit of
everything. Thus, before you start working on the presentation, answer the following
You should be clear on the aim of your presentation, identify the personality types in
your audience and adjust your presentation accordingly. You must be clear on the aim
of your presentation at the outset so that you can stay focused when preparing it.
Think of your aim as the final destination, and your presentation as the journey. Your
objective is to ensure that the presentation delivers you, and your audience, to the
correct and clearly defined destination. It is only if you are clear about your aim that
you will carry conviction in your forthcoming presentation.
Once you have decided on your aim and written this down you can begin to consider
the content of your presentation. However, before you can plan the content in detail
you will need to know how to analyze the audience that you will be presenting to - to
help you to translate the message appropriately. There are three questions that you
need to ask concerning the characteristics and composition of the audience;
a) Emotive people are people-oriented and they tend to be; sociable, animated,
spontaneous, unstructured and welcome change. They prefer the broad picture but
can’t be bothered with the details. Emotive people often have a short attention span,
so keep the presentation short and focused and keep it at the overview level, avoiding
discussion of any details.
c) Reflective people: They are low in both dominance and sociability. They tend to be;
precise, questioning, aloof, serious, scientific and stuffy. They often occupy product-
related jobs - such as scientists and engineers, and they pay attention to detail. When
presenting to these people supply lots of detail and have plenty of support information
at hand to address the detailed questions that are likely to be raised.
d) Supportive people are high in sociability and low in dominance. Their traits make
them easy to recognize, being; loyal, steady, solid and reliable good workers. The
majority of people are from this group, but you should bear in mind that they tend to
fear change and will worry if given cause. You should therefore avoid risking being
seen as uncaring or aggressive and should take time to pre-empt any contentious
Take Note
The next step is translating to minimize the chance of your message being
misinterpreted. Translating involves you encoding the message as before, but then
translating the message, to take into account a variety of issues from the audience’s
point of view. By translating the encoded message for its intended audience, the
chance of misinterpretation is greatly reduced. When done properly the result of this
translation step is to frame the message in terms that are better suited to the audience
- in other words, a far more relevant and focused message for the audience to decode.
Whether the audience can understand what you are trying to communicate will be
determined by how you structure your presentation. You should develop a clear
structure that will help to map out and guide you in your preparations and your final
delivery. The best approach is to decide your ‘bottom line’ – the key message that you
want your audience to take away – and then work backwards from this so that
everything you include leads to this conclusion. (Craig, C., 2009). As a very general
principle, the rule of three is offered.
You need to think about how to build your presentation by dividing the material into
sections where each section deals with one important point. Structure your ideas so
that you move seamlessly from one point to another. The structure of your
presentation will depend on the topic that you are dealing with, but in general, there
should include:
▪ An introduction, outlining the aim of your presentation and the areas your talk will
focus on
▪ The main body, containing the substance of your talk and developing the ideas
outlined in the introduction
▪ A conclusion, drawing together the main points and containing the ‘take-home
message’ for the audience.
10.7.1. Introduction
It is of key importance to get a good beginning. Apart from introducing yourself and
the subject of your presentation, you should plan carefully about what point of entry
will stimulate your audience and at the same time, form a springboard into the main
This will be influenced by the general context and aim of your presentation and the
expected audience. You may need to decide between a big picture approach and one
that selects a smaller area with more detail. As you develop your knowledge of the
topic, you will feel more confident about what to include and what to exclude. Identify
the key messages. Three or four main points are normally sufficient for a presentation
of up to a half-hour. For a longer presentation, do not exceed seven main points to
avoid overloading your audience. Remember, less is almost always more. You should
also decide what is best covered through speech, text, images and what could be given
in a handout rather than used as presentation content. Remember to support your key
ideas by choosing clarifying examples.
10.7.3. Conclusion
10.8. Timing
Inexperienced presenters attempt to write down the whole speech, even including
‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen. They prepare a closely drafted text, each line
filled, with very little space left. Experienced presenters have their style of notes, but
never fill the page with text. You can organize your speech notes in many ways and it
is very much a personal preference. When it comes to the actual presentation you need
to decide whether you will read from what amounts to a script, or whether, based on
your notes, you will speak without reading directly. Certainly, when a presentation is
delivered in one of these two ways there is a noticeable difference, and in most cases,
the reading of a script comes across definitely less well. It depends to a certain extent
on the way that you have written the script. If it is written in a formal academic tone,
then it will sound over formal. If you can write it in a more conversational style, then
you will have a better chance of making it sound natural.
You may have to find out when your presentation will take place. The danger spots
are immediately before or after lunch and last thing in the afternoon when your
audience may be distracted by thoughts of dinner or the journey home. During these
times, the more interactive your presentation can be, the greater the chance your
audience will be attentive and engaged. Another important aspect of planning
concerns the location of your presentation. This can have significant implications for
how you plan your content and organize yourself. Check the room where you will
present before the actual presentation. If you have access to the venue, it might help
to pay an early visit. If this is possible, listen to other presenters in the same room. The
aspects you might want to check include:
If you use more pictures and diagrams than text, you will possibly help the audience
to understand better what you are saying. This is because after three days an audience
will have retained 7% of what they read (bullet points, or other notes on the screen),
but 55% of what they saw pictorially (charts, pictures, diagrams). You should be aware
that visual aids are complementary to the presentation and you should not focus too
narrowly on visual aids because you will lose the key point of the presentation.
When you think about what makes presentations effective, it will be convenient to
consider how you can use images to communicate more effectively. It will be
useful to remember these general principles:
You should remember that your voice is an incredible tool. On average 7% of what
the audience understand comes from the words that are used within the verbal
interactions, compared with 38% of information resulting in the tone of voice and 55%
is dependent on non-verbal cues. Use this to your advantage. Presentations are greatly
enhanced by varying the tone of voice to emphasize aspects of the content. Make sure
you project your voice to the back of the room. Try to vary the tone of your voice and
the speed or pace of delivery to emphasize different parts of what you say. Use silence
to your advantage. A short pause can emphasize a point you are making.
a) Eye contact. Eyes are one of your best tools for involving the audience in what you are
saying. Good posture, movement and gestures will be of little use if you fail to support
them with appropriate eye contact. Great presenters understand that eye contact is
critical to building trust, credibility, and rapport. It is advisable to maintain eye contact
with your audience at least 90% of the time. Yes, you will have to glance at your notes
or slides from time to time, but only as a reminder of where to go next. You are
speaking for the benefit of your audience. Speak to them, not the slides.
b) Body language. You will also need to think about how you communicate using body
language. Body language can distract people from what you are saying, or even irritate
them. Hold your hands behind your back or hold a sheet of paper so you can’t fiddle.
Body language can encourage people to listen to what you are saying. Engage your
audience by smiling; leaning towards them; standing up to do a presentation (it gives
your authorities and helps project your voice); moving naturally (standing still is
c) Hand gestures and facial expressions can be used to your advantage to emphasise
particular points. However, treat these with caution because inappropriate gestures
can also interfere with your presentation and detract from what you say. The way that
you stand will have a huge impact on the way that you breathe. The way that you
breathe will have a huge impact on how you sound. Think about whether you will be
sitting or standing during the presentation and which will be most appropriate for the
event. Avoid standing frozen like a statue, try not to pace about like a caged animal,
but aim to move naturally and appropriately.
d) Gestures. Using your hands can help in the same way that whole-body movements
can: to relax, stimulate and illustrate. If you find it hard to use your hands naturally,
then the best policy is to hold them by your sides. Try not to:
i. clasp hands behind the back. This looks much too formal.
ii. fold them in front. This is usually interpreted as a very defensive posture.
iii. keep them stuck in your pockets throughout the presentation. This can look
either casual or nervous.
10.15. Feedback
Presentation skills require much feedback and the preparation for the next
presentation should be based on feedback from the last. You should remember that
for communication to take place, information has to flow in two directions – that is,
the ‘receiver’ picks up the message from the ‘sender’ and confirms receipt by giving
some form of recognizable feedback – even if it is no more than a gesture (a grunt
seldom qualifies as good feedback). Without real feedback, you cannot be certain that
communication has taken place.
There are many different kinds of evaluation for your feedback during and after your
presentation. These can include:
a) Formal evaluation – Completed marking criteria sheets and any other written/verbal
feedback from tutors, lecturers, and/or peers (other students). Request additional
feedback or clarification if necessary (from tutors, lecturers, other students and
audience members). Incorporate appropriate suggestions next time you present
b) Informal evaluation – People’s body language; Comments made during or after the
presentation; Interaction between yourself and audience members, and the kinds of
questions that are asked.
c) Self-evaluation – Think about your presentation. What worked? What did not work?
Try and do some self-reflection and analysis after you have given your presentation.
Have a look at those notes you made for that presentation and, while the memories
are fresh, write down a few thoughts as to what, if anything, might have been done
differently, what extra visual aids might have been used, what examples could have
10.16. Summary
Three types of presentation might be identified: