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Project Title:
Group Members: Group No:
Semester/School Year:

Learning Outcome (LO1): Demonstrate the ability to effectively conceptualize, design, and validate engineering solutions by presenting a well-defined project background, identifying
and solving relevant problems, establishing measurable objectives, and producing accurate design plans and analyses using appropriate methodologies and modern engineering tools.

Performance Indicator Very Poor Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Project Background: Clarity in Background is missing Limited explanation or Lacks sufficient Adequately defined but Clearly defined and Exceptionally clear,
defining the project background, or entirely unclear. relevance. explanation or clarity. lacks depth or clarity in well-explained; minor comprehensive, and
including its relevance and context. some areas. areas for well-supported by
improvement. data.
2. Design Criteria: Accuracy in No design criteria The design criteria The design criteria The design criteria Design criteria is Design criteria is
defining the parameters, client, presented are inaccurate are inaccurate complete with few complete with few complete
location, codes and standards with many minor inaccuracies minor details missing
and loadings incomplete details
3. Methodology: Clarity, detail, and Methodology is Methodology is vague Methodology is Adequately detailed Very good Methodology is
comprehensiveness of the missing or incoherent. and lacks key incomplete or unclear. but lacks clarity in methodology; minor exceptionally clear and
methodology. elements. some areas. improvements needed. well-structured.
4. Process of Modeling: Clarity and Process is missing Process lacks Process is unclear Process is explained Very good process Modeling process is
detail in describing the modeling or irrelevant. coherence or or insufficiently but lacks detail or description with minor exceptionally clear and
process. relevance. detailed. clarity. gaps. well-documented.
5. Use of Software for Modeling: Software is not Inappropriate or limited Software is used Software use is Good use of software Excellent use of
Appropriateness and effectiveness of used or irrelevant. software use. but inadequately appropriate but lacks with minor limitations. appropriate software
the software used for applied. optimization. with advanced
modeling. capabilities.
6. Accuracy of Analysis Output: Output is incorrect Significant Output has notable Output is mostly Accurate output with Output is exceptionally
Correctness and interpretation of or poorly explained. inaccuracies in errors or correct but lacks minor issues in accurate and well-
analysis results. analysis output. inconsistencies. depth. interpretation. interpreted.
7. Completeness of Output: There are no The outputs produced The outputs The output is The output is complete The output is 100%
Compliance with the minimum outputs produced are incomplete with produced are complete with few with few minor details complete
requirement for the project many significant incomplete minor inaccuracies missing
missing details
8. Architectural Plans: Plans are missing Plans are insufficient or Several plans are Most plans are Plans are All plans are complete,
Completeness and presentation of or irrelevant. poorly executed. incomplete or unclear. present but lack comprehensive with detailed, and
architectural plans (perspective, clarity or detail. minor areas needing professionally
elevation, sections, floor plans). improvement. presented.
Performance Indicator Very Poor Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent
1 2 3 4 5 6

9. Structural Plans: Completeness and Plans are missing Plans are insufficient or Plans are Plans are present Very good Structural plans are
quality of structural plans (framing plans, or irrelevant. poorly detailed. incomplete or lack but lack some structural plans with complete, accurate,
foundation plans, table of initial sizes). critical details. details or clarity. minor gaps. and highly detailed.
10. Structural Member Schedule: No schedules are Schedules insufficient Schedules are Schedules are Very good Structural schedules
Completeness and quality of schedules such as provided or poorly detailed. incomplete or lack present but lack structural schedules are complete, accurate,
beams, columns, slabs, etc. critical details. some details or with minor gaps. and highly detailed.

Learning Outcome (LO2): Ability to deliver effective oral presentation and effective writing in English (30%)

Performance Indicator Very Poor Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
1 2 3 4 5 6
11. Delivery: Clarity, pronunciation, Presenter is Presenter mumbles, Presenter Presenter is mostly Presenter speaks Presenter speaks
grammatical accuracy, and audibility. unclear, mispronounces struggles clear, with occasional clearly with minor clearly, pronounces all
inaudible, and has terms with clarity or mispronunciations or pronunciation errors, terms correctly and
numerous regularly, and makes pronunciation, has minor grammatical rare grammatical precisely, uses no
pronunciation and consistent frequent errors, and is heard by issues, and is audible grammatical errors,
grammatical grammatical grammatical the majority. to most of the and is audible to the
issues errors, with poor errors, and is difficult audience entire audience.
throughout. audibility. to hear in parts of the
12. Visual Aids: Use, relevance, and No visual aids are Visual aids are Visual aids are Visual aids are Visual aids are Visual aids are highly
enhancement of the presentation. used, or they are minimally relevant used present, appropriately relevant, well- relevant, professional,
entirely irrelevant. or but are either poorly used, and somewhat prepared, and and significantly
contribute little to prepared or not contribute to the moderately enhance enhance the
the effectively integrated. presentation. the presentation. presentation's impact.
13. Organization: Logical flow and Presentation is Presentation is Presentation lacks Presentation has a Presentation is well- Presentation follows a
coherence of the presentation. completely poorly clear organization, clear structure but organized, with minor logical sequence, with
disorganized, with no organized, with and lacks depth in lapses in transitions or seamless transitions
discernible structure. minimal logical flow. transitions are abrupt transitions or some elaboration. and well-elaborated
or incomplete. sections. explanations.
14. Format: Compliance with the Does not follow Poor adherence to Partially follows the Mostly adheres to Adheres to prescribed Fully adheres to all
prescribed format and presentation the the prescribed format; prescribed formatting formatting with minor prescribed formatting
guidelines. prescribed format prescribed multiple but lacks attention to inconsistencies. requirements and is
or format; inconsistencies detail in some areas. professionally
guidelines. significant omissions or present. presented.
15. Content: Relevance, completeness, Content is entirely Content is mostly Content is Content is relevant Content is relevant, Content is highly
and accuracy of the information irrelevant, irrelevant, incomplete and sufficient but lacks mostly complete, and relevant,
presented. incomplete, incomplete, or has notable depth or detail in some accurate, with minor comprehensive, and
or incorrect. or contains major inaccuracies or gaps in areas. gaps. accurate, with
inaccuracies. relevance. excellent depth.

TOTAL DEFENSE SCORE: x 0.7 + x 0.3 =
LO 1 Percentage Rating LO 2 Percentage Rating

Select one:

☐ Accepted with No Revision ☐ Accepted with Minor Revision ☐ Accepted with Major Revision ☐ Rejected

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