Q2 WLP Week 5
Q2 WLP Week 5
Q2 WLP Week 5
Objectives Classify EM waves as ionizing Explain the effects of EM waves Evaluate the risks and benefits Apply the concepts learned
and non-ionizing radiation applications on living things and derived from the applications of EM about the understanding of
using the energy levels the environment waves the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum in
taking summmtive test
Topic IONIZING AND NON- Effects of Electromagnetic Risks, Benefits and Safety of SUMMATIVE TEST NO CLASSES
IONIZING RADIATION (EM) Radiation on Living EM RADIATION (All Saints Day)
Things and the Environment
Routine A. Prayer A. Prayer A. Prayer A. Prayer
B. Reminder of the Health B. Reminder of the Health B. Reminder of the Health B. Reminder of the Health
Activities and Safety Protocol and Safety Protocol and Safety Protocol and Safety Protocol
C. Checking of Attendance C. Checking of Attendance C. Checking of Attendance C. Checking of Attendance
D. Kumustahan D. Kumustahan D. Kumustahan D. Kumustahan
Elicit Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the Familiarize learners to applications of EM Give instructions about their
correct words. Wave can have risk and be very useful in
1.Non-ionizing radiation does not have different fields, such as in agriculture, activity
enough energy to remove __ from atoms. medicine, industry, food technology, energy
Engage 2.Excessive exposure to non-ionizing source and archaeology
radiation might result in __ damage due to
3.__ and gamma rays are examples of
ionizing radiation.
4.Our main exposure to ionizing radiation
comes from manmade sources,
primarily __ exams.
5.Radioactive pollution can contaminate
air, soil, and __.
Explore Effects of Electromagnetic (EM) Activity: Cause and Effect -Distribute the test
Radiation on Living Things and Directions: Complete the table questionnaires
the Environment by writing the cause or effect
from the application of EM -Test Proper
Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is present in
various forms, from radio waves to gamma rays. -Answer the questions within
The effects of these radiations on living
the allotted time
organisms and the environment depend on their
energy levels. Non-ionizing radiations, such as
radio waves, microwaves, and visible light, do
not carry enough energy to remove electrons
from atoms and are generally safe in low
amounts. However, excessive exposure can
lead to tissue damage due to heat. Ionizing
radiations, like x-rays and gamma rays, have
high energy and can alter cellular molecules,
potentially causing harm such as cancer. These
types of radiation are often encountered during
medical procedures. Improper handling of
radioactive materials can lead to environmental
contamination, affecting air, soil, water, and
even entering the food chain, posing risks to all
living organisms.
Elaborate Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer the
following questions. question. following questions.
1. How would you differentiate How exposure to EM radiation is 1.Which among the EM Wave
ionizing radiation from non- part of everyday life and mention Applications benefit you and your
ionizing radiation? Differentiate any precautions that can be taken family? Why?
in terms of energy, to minimize risks? 2. Imagine you are living near a
wavelength, frequency and facility with radiation. As a student,
effect to atoms. how can you protect yourself from
2. Why people expose to too the risks of radiation exposure?
much radiation can damage
healthy cells in a long term
Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct
Evaluate answer from the choices for each question.
Use the answers as their own
1.What type of radiation is considered high evaluation.
energy and can alter cellular molecules?
A)Radio waves
B) Visible light
C) X-rays
D) Microwaves
2.Which of the following is a source of non-
ionizing radiation?
A) Gamma rays
B) Ultraviolet rays
C) X-rays
D) Radioactive materials
3.What can excessive exposure to ionizing
radiation cause?
A) Improved vision
B) Tissue damage
C) Enhanced immune system
D) Increased energy
4.How does radioactive pollution affect the
A) It purifies water
B) It cleans air
C) It contaminates soil
D) It increases plant growth
5.What is a natural source of low-level ionizing
A) Medical exams
B) The atmosphere
C) Infrared heaters
D) Wireless devices
Extend List down examples of EM List down effects of Review for summative test.
waves as ionizing and non- Electromagnetic Radiation on
ionizing radiation. Living Things and the
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who require
additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?