AS_WS_CB_X_Eng_How to Wild Animals - Copy

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Worksheet- Answer Scheme

Topic: How to Tell Wild
Subject: English Std: X

Q. Question Marks
1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) If strolling forth, a beast you view,
Whose hide with spots is peppered,
As soon as he has lept on you,
You’ll know it is the Leopard.
‘Twill do no good to roar with pain,
He’ll only lep and lep again.
i. How is the leopard’s skin? 1
The leopard has spots on his skin.

ii. How does a leopard behave when he meets a person? 1

When he meets a person, he leaps on him at once.
iii. Will roaring with pain help a person when the leopard has attacked him? 1
No, it will not help him. The leopard will only eat him up.

iv. “Humour is the perfect medicine for all diseases”. Discuss this 2
statement by taking examples from the poem “How to Tell Wild
The poet talks about wild animals in a funny manner. All the
dangerous, wild animals like lions, tigers, leopards, bears,
hyenas, crocodile, and chameleon have been portrayed
humorously. The poet describes their dangerous activities in such
a manner that they produce laughter.

2. Answer the following in 30-40 words. 3m each

(a) How can you distinguish between a tiger and a leopard?
A tiger has black stripes on its yellow coat. A leopard on the
other hand, does not have any stripes. It has spots peppered on
its body. Moreover, a tiger kills only when it is hungry, while a
leopard can kill for the pleasure of killing by pouncing
continuously on its prey.
(b) What is so weird about the Hyena and the crocodile?
Some animals such as the hyena and the crocodile are famous
for their weird behaviour. For example, a laughing hyena’s voice
resembles human’s laughing sound. Moreover, a hyena laughs
while swallowing its prey, while a crocodile shed tears.

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(c) Describe a few characteristics of a chameleon.
A chameleon is a garden lizard and is an expert at camouflage.
It changes its colour as per its surroundings. This ability of
camouflage helps it in saving it from the hunters. A chameleon
does not have – any ears or wings.

3. Answer the following in 100-120 words. 6m

(a) ‘Humour is the best medicine for every ailment in life’. Comment.
Humour is infectious. When humour is shared, it binds people
together and increases happiness. Humour strengthens our
immune system, boosts our energy, diminishes pain and
protects us from the damaging effects of stress. It is the
priceless medicine for every ailment in life. The poet, in the
poem ‘How to tell Wild Animals’ creates humour by describing
various beasts of prey. The way the poet explains the things is
very funny yet interesting. The poet has depicted the wildlife
very vividly and in a lively manner. While reading the poem, the
readers enjoy the poet’s work and it leaves them refreshed and

4. Choose the correct option 1 m each

a) Which animal would you find in the jungles of the east?
i. Asian Lion
ii. Bengal Tiger
iii. Leopard
iv. Bear
b) Where is the Chameleon generally found?
i. in the garden
ii. in the trees
iii. in the sky
iv. in the land
c) The poet was talking about the jungle of __________ in the first
stanza of the poem.
i. north
ii. south
iii. west
iv. east

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d) Who cries while catching their prey?
i. Hyena
ii. Crocodile
iii. Leopard
iv. Bear
e) What is the special feature of the crocodile?
i. weeps while eating its prey

ii. happy while eating its prey

iii. angry while eating its prey
iv. laughs while eating its prey
f) Name the literary device used in the line "He hasn’t any ears at
i. Assonance
ii. Inversion
iii. Enjambment
iv. Alliteration
g) How does a leopard behave when he meets a person?
i. He runs towards the person.
ii. He jumps on him at once.
iii. He tries to frighten the person.
iv. He hides behind a tree.

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