Uncountable nouns with E
Uncountable nouns with E
Uncountable nouns with E
Education the systematic teaching of children To get on in this world, you need a good education.
or adults
Electricity the power that runs lights, Electricity is dangerous, so don't try to fix the wires
computers, etc. yourself.
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Employment work given to someone for money She graduated from university two years ago, but
she still hasn't found full-time employment.
Energy the power to do things, or the power Using clean energy like wind and solar power is
that makes things work better than burning coal or oil.
Engineering the design and building of roads, If she likes learning about machines, she should
machines, etc. study engineering.
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Enjoyment the pleasure you get from I never thought I'd get so much enjoyment from
something reading a book.
Entertainment films, TV shows, etc. that we watch Television is one of the cheapest forms of
for enjoyment entertainment.
Envy the feeling of wanting what You should have seen the envy on Harry's face
someone else has when he saw his neighbour's new car.
Equipment all the things needed to do a job or My gym costs more than hers, but it's got much
activity better equipment.
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Ethics the study of the principles of right If schools taught ethics as a core subject, the world
and wrong would be a much better place.
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Evidence information used to show that There's a lot of evidence proving he was there, like
something is true fingerprints and DNA.
Evolution gradual change or development Some people still don't believe in evolution from
over time natural selection, despite all the scientific evidence.
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