Formative Group 3 EPP Lesson Plan
Formative Group 3 EPP Lesson Plan
Formative Group 3 EPP Lesson Plan
Time TBC
Session Subject/Title Recognise and manage signs of mental and emotional distress in people with learning disabilities.
Number of Learners 4 or 5
Duration 20 minutes
Session Style/Method The teaching methods below will be used to achieve the four learning objectives (LO1-LO4).
PowerPoint Presentation: The information in the PowerPoint will be presented with critical points of the lesson. This will allow the lesson to be
quickly followed and the teacher to reference it. Each point will be appropriately expanded upon as required. The presentation will also prompt the
teacher to maintain pace and focus. It has used an adequate font size and background colours (University of Hull – Library Blog, 2021).
The Nursery and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018) set out the aims and objectives of the lesson, stating that nurses in all fields must demonstrate the
ability to provide nursing procedures regardless of whether people are disabled or have specific cognitive needs. Reasonable adjustments must be
made to ensure that all procedures are undertaken safely (NMC, 2018).
Established classroom rules set the tone of a class, provide clear guidelines about behaviour, decrease instances of discourtesy, and enable students
and lecturers to feel safe (Cornell University – Center for Teaching Innovation, 2024).
Student-led Discussion based on their previous experience. Students are encouraged and expected to develop their ability to engage critically at their
previous experiences from placements (University of Sussex, 2022).
YouTube Video: The video demonstrates poor communication between a receptionist and a patient diagnosed with LD. The video will be the focus
point of a discussion between the teacher and students, where aspects of the example can be identified and expanded upon (Cardiff and Vale
University Health Board, 2014).
Teacher-led imagination exercise: The teacher will lead the students through an imagination exercise to allow them to reflect on the experience and
support the contextualisation of challenging behaviour. The teacher will then lead a discussion among students to consider how the exercise made
them feel (British Council, 2024).
Handouts: Handouts of ‘Communication and Challenging Behaviour’ will be provided to students to expand on the foundations of their knowledge
(Mencap, 2022; Mencap, 2023; National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2015).
Role play, frontal teaching (FT), problem-orientated learning (POL) and real people (characters) are used in this section. Role play is a form of
experiential learning (Russell and Shepherd, 2010). Students take on assigned roles and act out those roles through a scripted play (Edith Cowen
University (ECU), 2016). The role play will be done by a group of two, each member taking on a role/character. FT and POL will be used as studies
recommended that student nurses learn more when involved in teaching/learning (Them et al., 2003).
At the end of the session, Quiz feedback will be employed. Quizzes give students confidence and allow them to progress at their own pace (Teesside
University, 2015).
Research has shown that a mismatch between a tutor’s teaching style and a student’s learning style can result in students learning less and being less
interested in the subject matter (Lage et al., 2000). For this reason, teachers or tutors must ensure that Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is
considered. Alongside this, the learning environment should also reflect the teaching to be undertaken, resulting in what is broadly described as
inclusive educational systems (Srivastava, de Boer and Pijl, 2015).
Inclusive education aims to ensure that learners with diverse needs and preferences (including learners with disabilities) can have equal
opportunities in accessing learning resources, services, and experiences in general (Florian and Linklater, 2010). Therefore, inclusive education can
reduce inequalities and increase the competencies of all people, independently from their diverse needs and preferences, leading to increased
innovation and productivity and, subsequently, to long-term economic viability (Hanushek and Woessmann, 2010; UNESCO, 2005).
For example, to ensure accessibility in teaching, YouTube videos have subtitles and captions for learners who are hard of hearing or deaf.
Additionally, to ensure the entire teaching session is inclusive, the differentiated instruction framework model suggested by Tomlinson and McTighe
will be implemented (Tomlinson and McTighe, 2006). An example is the combination of role-play, watching a video and using PowerPoint slides. Due
to the diversity of student learners in terms of nationalities, age, gender, culture and those whose first language is not English, the session adopts the
universal learning design (UDL) in the manner the resources are prepared that ensures the type of learning to be delivered and the environment in
which it is delivered (Meyer, Rose and Gordon, 2014; CAST, 2014; Rose and Meyer, 2002). An example is the use of uncomplicated phrases, words,
and sentences.
The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) posits that ‘Making something accessible means providing alternative means (formats) to access
what’s on offer if the ‘standard’ is not accessible’ (EFDS, 2014, p.17). Within science education, such as nursing, making learning and teaching
accessible and inclusive requires recognising three types of learners per the Fleming VARK framework (2001). Visual (V) learners process information
by sight, e.g., charts and imagery; Auditory (A) learners learn better through listening; Read (R) learners prefer information displayed as words, e.g.
PowerPoint lists, while Kinaesthetic (K) learning is a type of learning used when people use their physical senses, e.g. touch, movement, role-
playing and feeling.
For example, the handouts cater to visual learners, the imagination exercises to auditory learners, the PowerPoints to read learners, and the role-
playing kinetics (Fleming, 2001). The VARK framework is essential in planning and balancing the different learning styles. It reinforced the planning
for the session and inspired the adoption of the style and methods by recognising that humans react differently to new information. This
acknowledgement means individuals are identified by the style they prefer most when learning; therefore, this was considered when planning the
style and methods used.
What is the The theory underpinning the teaching session will be Gagne’s, an American educationalist. He created the Nine Events of Instruction theory (Gagné,
rationale/theory for Briggs and Wager,1992). The theory design breaks down the learning process into nine sequential steps to enhance the students' learning
using this experience. This theory gives a clear and straightforward process to follow in creating a learning experience (Iqbal, Siddigie and Mazid, 2021), and it
style/method? can be used to facilitate learning for a range of learning styles (Wong, 2018). Critics observed that this theory may be too prescriptive in structure,
therefore not allowing individual adaptations to be made (Pavlou, 2021). The model may not be appropriate if the lesson encourages critical thinking
or problem-solving; however, it is an appropriate theory to teach information or skill (Pavlou, 2021). The simplicity, structure and usefulness of
teaching a skill are reasons this theory has been chosen.
This section will be introduced in the teaching session's introduction to gain the students' attention. The students will be asked a thought-provoking
question to ensure they are ready to participate in the learning experience.
Inform the students of the objectives: in this section, the aims and objectives will be clearly explained to them to ensure they know what they
expect from the teaching session.
To stimulate Recall of Prior Knowledge: the students will be asked to reflect on their experience managing challenging behaviour on placement.
Present the Learning Content: A range of mediums will provide the learning content to the students, including a PowerPoint presentation, teacher-
led activities, handouts, videos, roleplay, and a quiz. This ensures that all learning styles are covered and the session is accessible to all students.
Provide Learning Guidance: a role-play will demonstrate good and bad practices to guide the students through expected practice.
Elicit Performance: the students will receive a quiz to consolidate their learning.
Provide Feedback: Students will be required to ask questions throughout the teaching session, and there will be a designated opportunity for
questions and answers at the end of the lesson.
Assess Performance: The outcome of the quiz activity will be used to assess the student's performance and ensure the session's aims and learning
objectives have been achieved.
Enhance Retention and Transfer: the students will be encouraged to use the provided techniques in their practice. They can refer to the handout as
required (Gagné, Briggs and Wager,1992).
The lesson content has been referred to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines regarding challenging behaviour from people
with learning disabilities. Also, the lesson steps have introduced topics that reflect communication and relationship management skills (Annex A:1.1,
1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.5, 3.8) and procedures for assessing people’s need for demonstrating person-centred care (Annex B: 1.1.5) (NMC), 2018).
Registered nurses in all fields of nursing practice must be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate and manage relationships with people of
all ages with a range of mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health challenges (NMC, 2018).
What evidence
Controversially, tranquilising medication was historically heavily used to manage challenging behaviour (The Challenging Behaviour Foundation,
underpins clinical
2022). The STOMP initiative was put in place to move away from the inappropriate medicating of patients with a Learning Disability or Autism and
empowers people to speak up if they feel this is happening (NHS England, 2019). A movement has been made towards other strategies to manage
challenging behaviour other than over medication, such as Positive Behavioural Support (understanding the function of the behaviour) and trauma-
informed care (looking at historical events and triggers that may precipitate the challenging behaviour (Ayre, 2020). This allows families, carers and
professionals to understand and manage challenging behaviour holistically. The teaching session is focussed heavily on the new principles of
managing challenging behaviour rather than using medication.
Previous relevant The teaching session will be aimed at Level 6 students from any nursing discipline. These students have had experience of being on placement and
meeting a range of different members of the public. It is likely, however, not guaranteed, that the students would have come across patients
displaying some variation of challenging behaviour; however, this is likely not to be from patients with a diagnosis of a learning disability. This will,
therefore, be considered in our teaching session, ensuring we provide context and understanding specifically regarding learning disabilities to ensure
the session is accessible for all level 6 students.
Aim: for level 6 students to demonstrate the ability to provide nursing intervention and support for people with learning disabilities when
experiencing mental and emotional distress (NMC, 2018). The lesson plan used Bloom’s taxonomy (Grebin et al., 2020). The SMART goals have been
laid out (Atlassian, 2023).
Aim(s) and objective(s) (LO1) recognise signs of emotional and mental stress, including agitation, aggression and challenging behaviour (cognitive and affective
of the session
(LO2) communicate appropriately when assessing people with emotional and mental distress, including aggression and challenging behaviour
(cognitive and affective achievement).
(LO3) apply techniques to manage and support distress, agitation, aggression and challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities (psycho-
motor achievement).
(LO4) evaluate the role of good communication in decreasing signs of distress, agitation, aggression and de-escalating challenging behaviour (their
feedback achievement).
Equipment and other The provision of high-quality healthcare requires the efficient use of the resources that are available in the complex and dynamic healthcare
aids needed environment. Sophisticated tools, including PCs, projectors, PowerPoint presentation tools, paper and pens, handouts, quizzes, YouTube movies, and
role-play chairs, are some examples of these resources. These tools have completely changed the healthcare industry by fostering an interactive
learning environment that improves knowledge acquisition and retention (Calla, Amie and Lester, 2017).
PCs, projectors, and PowerPoint presentation tools have grown in the healthcare industry. This is explained by how helpful they are in helping to
visualise and elaborate on various healthcare procedures and concepts. The storage, retrieval, and consistent display of instructional materials are
made more accessible by PCs with large data storage capacities and quick processing speeds (Fox, 2018).
Projectors make the content visible on a bigger screen, facilitating group consumption and comprehension. Because the material is organised into
easily absorbed slide formats, PowerPoint presentations facilitate easy comprehension and improve cognitive processing (Baumer et al., 2017).
Quizzes and handouts are also essential because they can improve learning. For patients and healthcare students, handouts are a tangible reference
that promotes understanding through ongoing review and referral (Spenceley, 2020). However, quizzes offer a grounded method for assessing
understanding, reiterating lessons, and identifying critical areas needing development (Gier and Kreiner, 2009), incorporating content-based
questions into PowerPoint lectures to facilitate active learning.
Preparation The students will not be requested to complete pre-reading before the session.
Molly: As the Group Leader, I coordinated and delegated roles within the group task. I also participated in co-creating the PowerPoint presentation
(slides 6-11) and the lesson plan (the theory underpinning the lesson, co-produced the aims and objectives, evidence underpinning the clinical
teaching and previous relevant knowledge), and found resources such as YouTube Videos and handouts. During the lesson, I will focus on LO2; this
will be done through a YouTube video, and time will be allocated for reflection, information giving, and an imagination exercise. I will ensure there
are enough copies of the handout for the class.
Marius: I will start section number 3 by playing a character with Maingolo. After 2 minutes of role-play, Marius will go through the slide explaining
the Why-Try Di-Di steps for accomplishing the LO3 to manage distress, anxiety and challenging behaviour. Physical avoidance and a getaway route
will be presented to the students, representing the final potential step in case challenging behaviour escalates further. I will also set up the computer
and projector ready for our presentation.
Maingolo: I will participate in the role-play with Marius to support LO3. After that, I will be responsible for concluding the session and checking the
knowledge gained by the learner. The method used for this is the quiz, which I will lead in distributing to the learners. I took part in preparing the
Quiz. In line with LO4, which evaluates the role of communication, i.e., did we communicate effectively/ Has this decreased agitation, distress, and
aggression among the learners? Has the learning been achieved? I will ensure I bring enough copies of the quiz for the whole class.
Faculty Role
Faculty Team and Roles Sibina Introduction Aims and Objective: previous experience with challenging behaviour activity.
Molly Video and reflective exercise. Information is given around contextualising and the function of behaviour.
Marius Information about managing challenging behaviour and role-play activity around good and bad communication.
Lesson Content
Content and
Duration Method Rationale Learner activity Aids/Equipment Assessment
5 mins Information Students will critically (LO2) communicate Watch and critically analyse YouTube Video, PowerPoint Discussion with students
appropriately when assessing
was given analyse examples of YouTube video examples— Presentation, information and opportunity for
people with emotional and
about communication via mental distress, including imagination exercise. handout. questions.
aggression and challenging
challenging YouTube videos, and the
behaviour (cognitive and
and functional teacher will lead a affective achievement)
behaviour. discussion around this.
(Molly) Information about
challenging behaviour is to
be provided to students.
Imagination exercise for
students to reflect on
challenging behaviour.
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