Chancellor VPA P1&2 Grade 7 2nd Term 2021 (1)
Chancellor VPA P1&2 Grade 7 2nd Term 2021 (1)
Chancellor VPA P1&2 Grade 7 2nd Term 2021 (1)
Answer all questions on a separate sheet provided. Choose the correct letter for the answer.
Write clearly and legibly in capital letters. Two or more answers selected per question will all
be considered as wrong.
3. One of the famous comedian and musician who performed in Zimbabwe was….
A. Stella Chiweshe B. Safirio Mazikatire C. Thomas Mapfumo D. Charles Mungoshi
5. Who entertained the liberation war fighters during the Chimurenga war war?
A. mujibhas and chimbwidos B. television drama C. Kapfupi D. Dyson
13. The people who designed the Great Zimbabwe monuments were
A. great painters B. great hunters C. great architects D. sculptors
14. Which pair is true about traditional hunting tools?
A. guns and arrows B. bows and guns C. bombs and arrows D. bows and arrows
20. When the audience laugh during a performance it means the play is …
. a tragedy B. a sad story C. exciting D. sorrowful
25. In pre-colonial era during which time of the day was theatre mostly done?
A. early morning B. midnight C. evening D. in the afternoon
43. What do we call colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel?
A. analogues B. composition C. complementary colours D. monochromatic colours
2. What the material that was used to make the head rest (Mbira mutsago)
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3. Name any natural visual art form that is a tourist attraction in Zimbabwe.
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8. What is animation?
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18. State any artifact that was found at great Zimbabwe monuments.
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20. Name any artifact that symbolizes pride among the Shona.
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26. What do we call a villain who opposes the main actor in theater?
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35. If Takura is downloading theater videos and selling them on the street. What law is Takura breaking?
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36. What do we call the money paid by audience to watch a concert?
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39. Where does a person who writes books can have his work?
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