ATL Continuum
ATL Continuum
ATL Continuum
I use di erent ways to I respect the feelings of I think about what I can do to I am starting to think about
manage my feelings other people help the group the problem
I am aware of my I show others I’m listening I learn and play with di erent I try a strategy first, and
behaviour to them people then ask for help
I learn and play with di erent I ask for help when I have a
people big problem
Social Skills Upper Elementary Grades 4-5
Knowing Myself My relationship with other people
Self control Emotional Respecting Others Supporting Others Collaboration Conflict Resolution
I practice and
I am encourage
I express my
open-minded. I I speak up for cooperative
needs clearly
I regulate my I empathise appreciate and the rights and behaviours
and calmly to
emotions with others respect needs of such as being
help solve a
people’s others courteous,
di erences sharing, and
taking turns
I compromise
I use strategies
and negotiate
to prevent and
to build
consensus and
resolve conflict
Self-Management Skills Kindergarten
Organization States of Mind
I can organise my work I can try di erent ways to I know what to do when I
materials by myself solve a problem feel that way
I can focus and finish my I keep on trying when things I am able to think about how
work are hard others feel
Managing self Time Management Goal Setting Mindfulness Perseverance Management Self-Motivation
I keep an
I stay on task, I monitor and I clear my mind I seek and act on
organized and I use strategies
using time follow through of internal and I identify barriers feedback to
logical system to to reduce stress
e ectively and on the goals I set external in my learning improve my
document and anxiety
appropriately for myself distraction learning
I show resilience
I balance my by working
I use technology I show respect to
homework and through
e ectively and my environment
after-school challenges,
productively and materials
activities disappointment
and change
I manage my
Communication Skills Kindergarten
Using ICT to
Sharing and Understanding Information Literacy
I understand
I think about I think while
what people I can say what
what the reading and I organise my
‘say’ with their I think, feel and
speaker is make writing
faces and their see
saying connections
I choose the
voice and I try to speak
I listen and I use pictures,
language for clearly so I make
know what to symbols and
di erent times, others predictions
do words to write
places and understand me
I can retell
I know when I share my
it’s ok to opinion about
someone has a story
told me
I wait until
I study and
someone has I organise my
I ask questions to look closely at
finished writing so it
find out more the whole
speaking before makes sense
page to learn
I respond
I listen for
keywords to find I can retell others’
specific ideas and opinions
Communication Skills Elementary Grade 4-5
Using ICT to
Sharing and Understanding Information Literacy
I understand I choose an
I listen to and I speak directly I make inferences appropriate
the ways in I respond
follow the to the audience about word I paraphrase digital platform to
which images respectfully
information instead of meanings, accurately creatively
and language when I communicate my
and directions reading from character traits, and concisely
interact to disagree ideas and show
of others notes or slides and themes
convey ideas my learning
I ask
I display
questions I read in di erent
confident body
when I don’t languages
Research Skills Kindergarten
I can sort
I can choose a I can use my I can choose a I can answer
I can draw information I
topic to senses to learn way to present questions
about my topic find out about
investigate about my topic my learning about my topic
my topic
I can use
I can plan trusted I can choose
the most
how to find information
the from Seesaw information for
information and the my topic
Research Skills Elementary Grade 1-3
Planning Gathering & Recording Connecting Ideas Share & Reflect Academic Honesty
I can think of
di erent ways to I can list books,
I can use I can look for I know there are
find information articles, videos or
keywords to patterns in my di erent points
about a topic resources I have
locate information research of view
(books, people, used
Planning Gathering & Recording Connecting Ideas Share & Reflect Academic Honesty
I can check
I can look for I can use facts
I can use the key information is
resources that to support my I can explain why a
concepts to ask accurate by
include di erent opinion or source is trustworthy
questions comparing it with
points of view argument
another source
I can ask
I can questions:
understand I can solve ● What did I learn
I can show that there are problems today?
my thinking many ways of and create ● What don’t I
doing things new things understand yet?
● What will I work
on next?
I can use
I can decide
what I I can reflect on
what is the
already what I feel and
best idea and
know to what I have
explain my
make sense learned
of new ideas
I can take
action with
my new
and skills
and use it in
everyday life
Thinking Skills Elementary Grade 1-3
Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Application Reflection
I can ask
I can I can
I can think I use what I questions:
connect understand
about my already ● What did I learn
the things I that there are today?
answer and know to know to
share my many ways of make sense
● What don’t I
make a big doing things understand yet?
reasons idea of new ideas ● What will I work
on next?
I can make
between units I can reflect on
of inquiry, what I have
between learned
subjects, and
Thinking Skills Elementary Grade 4-5
Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Metacognition Reflection
I consider new
I use models I explain my I can find I can use skills, I share my
I consider ideas
and graphic decisions with unusual metaphors and techniques and thinking and
from multiple
organizers to supporting connections analogies to strategies for reflection
explore ideas information compare ideas e ective processes
I can ask
I use memory
I think I value and am techniques to ● What did I learn
creatively to inspired by new or develop today?
solve problems unique ideas long-term ● What don’t I
memory understand yet?
● What will I work
on next?
I can make
I learn from
between units
others to help
of inquiry,
my thinking
subjects, and
beyond school