ATL Continuum

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Social Skills Kindergarten

Knowing Myself My relationship with other people

Awareness of Others Collaboration Conflict Resolution

I notice the feelings of I make decisions that are

I say how I'm feeling I share materials
other people fair

I use words and positive

I know di erent ways to I understand the feelings
I share my ideas body language to solve
manage my feelings of other people

I use di erent ways to I respect the feelings of I think about what I can do to I am starting to think about
manage my feelings other people help the group the problem

I talk about the problem with

I communicate my needs I respond to others’
I invite others to play others
and wants feelings in the right way
( "I message" )

I am aware of my I show others I’m listening I learn and play with di erent I try a strategy first, and
behaviour to them people then ask for help

I know the right I talk about how we can play

behaviour and learn together
Social Skills Lower Elementary Grades 1-3
Knowing Myself My relationship with other people

Awareness of Others Collaboration Conflict Resolution

I recognize the emotions I make decisions that are

I say how I'm feeling I share materials
other people are feeling fair

I know strategies to I care about the feelings

I use words to solve
control my feelings and of others and respond in I share my ideas
behaviours the right way

I use di erent strategies I think and talk about

to control my feelings I take turns feelings with others
and behaviours ( "I message" )

I communicate my needs I try out di erent roles in a

I let go of small problems
and wants group

I learn and play with di erent I ask for help when I have a
people big problem
Social Skills Upper Elementary Grades 4-5
Knowing Myself My relationship with other people

Self control Emotional Respecting Others Supporting Others Collaboration Conflict Resolution

I am aware of I listen carefully

I make fair and I am aware of I care for the I do my best to
how my to understand
equitable what triggers needs of help others to
actions impact others’
decisions emotions in me others succeed
a group perspectives

I practice and
I am encourage
I express my
open-minded. I I speak up for cooperative
needs clearly
I regulate my I empathise appreciate and the rights and behaviours
and calmly to
emotions with others respect needs of such as being
help solve a
people’s others courteous,
di erences sharing, and
taking turns

I vary the roles

I manage that I take on I act as a
I speak up for I use inclusive
setbacks in I listen carefully and do my fair mediator when
my rights and actions and
challenging to instructions share when others are in
needs language
situations working in a conflict

I compromise
I use strategies
and negotiate
to prevent and
to build
consensus and
resolve conflict
Self-Management Skills Kindergarten
Organization States of Mind

Motivation Managing our feelings

I take care of myself and my I can learn from my

I know how I am feeling
belongings mistakes

I take care of our I can ask questions to help

I can talk about my feelings
environment me with my learning

I can organise my work I can try di erent ways to I know what to do when I
materials by myself solve a problem feel that way

I can try di erent ways to I can use di erent ideas to

I choose an activity
help me learn manage my feelings

I can focus and finish my I keep on trying when things I am able to think about how
work are hard others feel

I practice many times to I take action to help others

I think, I plan, I finish
become better with their feelings

I use my time well I choose challenging work

I try to work things out on

I can follow directions my own before asking for
Self-Management Skills Lower Elementary Grades 1-3
Organization States of Mind

Motivation Emotional Management

I try di erent strategies I take responsibility for my

I make a plan
when I'm stuck own actions

I see when my emotions are

I set goals in my stretch I pick myself up when I'm in
getting in the way of my
zone the Learning Pit

I keep my work organized I learn from mistakes

I use my time well to

complete tasks
Self Management Skills Upper Elementary Grades 4-5
Organization States of Mind

Managing self Time Management Goal Setting Mindfulness Perseverance Management Self-Motivation

I bring the I use strategies

I plan and
necessary I set goals that to support I take I practice positive
complete short- I demonstrate
equipment, are challenging concentration responsibility for thinking and
and long-term persistence
uniforms, and and realistic and overcome my actions self-talk
supplies to class distractions

I keep an
I stay on task, I monitor and I clear my mind I seek and act on
organized and I use strategies
using time follow through of internal and I identify barriers feedback to
logical system to to reduce stress
e ectively and on the goals I set external in my learning improve my
document and anxiety
appropriately for myself distraction learning

I am aware of I use strategies I recognize the

I transition I approach
I learn in my safety and to overcome size of a problem
quickly and learning with a
di erent ways the safety of barriers to and act
e ciently growth mindset
others learning accordingly

I show resilience
I balance my by working
I use technology I show respect to
homework and through
e ectively and my environment
after-school challenges,
productively and materials
activities disappointment
and change

I manage my
Communication Skills Kindergarten
Using ICT to
Sharing and Understanding Information Literacy

Listening Understanding Speaking Reading Writing ICT

I can I share my
I think about
I show I’m understand I practice learning with
what I want to I read to learn
listening with and follow a holding a my family
say before I and for fun
my body sign or a pencil through
say it
symbol Seesaw

I understand
I think about I think while
what people I can say what
what the reading and I organise my
‘say’ with their I think, feel and
speaker is make writing
faces and their see
saying connections

I choose the
voice and I try to speak
I listen and I use pictures,
language for clearly so I make
know what to symbols and
di erent times, others predictions
do words to write
places and understand me

I can retell
I know when I share my
it’s ok to opinion about
someone has a story
told me

I show if I I use reading

need help to tools to help
understand me read
Communication Skills Elementary Grade 1-3
Sharing and Understanding Information Literacy Using ICT to communicate

Listening Speaking Reading Writing ICT

I read I use di erent
I show that I am I communicate
I think about what I di erent types text types for
an active listener respectfully
want to say before of texts to di erent reasons
while others are when using
I say it learn and for (information, narrative,
speaking opinion) technology

I wonder and think

about what the I participate
I use expert
speaker is saying to I use my body I read to responsibly in
words in my
learn new when speaking understand online apps and
information and writing
new perspectives

I am able to speak I think while I use technology

I listen to I use pictures and
clearly to share my reading and in creative ways
instructions and words to take
ideas so they make make to show my
know what to do notes
sense to others connections learning

I wait until
I study and
someone has I organise my
I ask questions to look closely at
finished writing so it
find out more the whole
speaking before makes sense
page to learn
I respond

I ask the speaker I use the right voice I understand and

questions when and language for use mathematical
I’m confused di erent situations symbols

I listen for
keywords to find I can retell others’
specific ideas and opinions
Communication Skills Elementary Grade 4-5
Using ICT to
Sharing and Understanding Information Literacy

Listening Understanding Speaking Presenting Reading Writing ICT

I show that I I use the right I use I communicate
I notice and I use a clear, I read a variety appropriate
am an active voice and respectfully
understand audible, and of sources for forms of writing
listener while language for using a range of
body expressive information and for di erent
others are di erent purposes and technologies
language voice for pleasure
speaking situations audiences and media

I wait until I am aware of I speak and I record and

I engage the I use strategies to organise
someone has cultural express ideas I participate
audience with understand text: information in
finished di erences clearly and responsibly in
questions, ask questions
a variety of
speaking when logically in a make connections online learning
gestures, and ways
before I communicatin variety of make inferences platforms
eye contact draw conclusions (graphic
respond g settings organisers)

I understand I choose an
I listen to and I speak directly I make inferences appropriate
the ways in I respond
follow the to the audience about word I paraphrase digital platform to
which images respectfully
information instead of meanings, accurately creatively
and language when I communicate my
and directions reading from character traits, and concisely
interact to disagree ideas and show
of others notes or slides and themes
convey ideas my learning

I think of I grow my I create

I use digital
questions to vocabulary appropriate I use and I choose
platforms to
ask the speaker to visual interpret a range precise words
collaborate and
to deepen my communicate resources as a of terms and to express
knowledge and connect with an
more support for my symbols. ideas
understanding audience
precisely ideas

I ask
I display
questions I read in di erent
confident body
when I don’t languages
Research Skills Kindergarten

Planning Gathering Recording Connecting Sharing Reflecting

I can sort
I can choose a I can use my I can choose a I can answer
I can draw information I
topic to senses to learn way to present questions
about my topic find out about
investigate about my topic my learning about my topic
my topic

I can present I can say or

I can look in
I can list what I I can compare my topic to my show which
books to find I can write
already know information friends, ideas are mine
out about my about my topic
about my topic about my topic teachers and or someone
parents else’s

I can say how

I can make my thinking
I can tell what I I can ask I can create a
connections has changed
want to find people I can speak post about my
between my after learning
out about my questions about my topic topic on
learning and (I used to
topic about my topic Seesaw
my life think... Now I

I can use
I can plan trusted I can choose
the most
how to find information
the from Seesaw information for
information and the my topic
Research Skills Elementary Grade 1-3

Planning Gathering & Recording Connecting Ideas Share & Reflect Academic Honesty

I can ask I can identify I can say or show

I can use trusted I can compare
questions that how my thinking which ideas are
sources to information from
can be has changed mine or someone
research di erent sources
researched after research else’s

I can think of
di erent ways to I can list books,
I can use I can look for I know there are
find information articles, videos or
keywords to patterns in my di erent points
about a topic resources I have
locate information research of view
(books, people, used

I can make I am responsible

I can use primary I can tell the
I can plan how to connections when
& secondary di erence
find the between my communicating,
resources to between fact and
information learning and my sharing and
research opinion
life connecting online

I can note take in

I can share my
di erent ways
learning in
(using graphic
di erent ways
Research Skills Elementary Grade 4-5

Planning Gathering & Recording Connecting Ideas Share & Reflect Academic Honesty

I can check
I can look for I can use facts
I can use the key information is
resources that to support my I can explain why a
concepts to ask accurate by
include di erent opinion or source is trustworthy
questions comparing it with
points of view argument
another source

I can select I can compare

questions that I can draw Use digital platforms
I can use trusted facts and views conclusions ethically to
can be from di erent
researched sources to from looking at communicate, share
research sources patterns in and connect with
(interesting versus
(This person thinks…) research others
important questions)

I can plan how to I can make

find the I can sort and connections
I can use
information organise the between my I use images that I
advanced setting
information for a learning, have permission to
search terms to
(MISO: M-media, deeper di erent share
locate information
I-interview, S-survey, understanding subjects and my

I can give credit by

I can use a
I can select the balance of I can recognize ● Using MLA
I can present
most useful primary & when more correctly,
information in a
information secondary information is including
variety of ways
source/s resources to needed author, title,
research publisher, date
● Creating links
to electronic
sources such
Select and use a I use images as as Britannica
note taking tool an additional ● Using phrases
that best suits the way to share my in writing such
purpose learning
‘(Name of) the
author said …’
Thinking Skills Kindergarten
Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Application Reflection

Analyzing & Forming Generating New Considering New

Remembering & Application
Evaluating Decisions Ideas Perspectives Reflection
I can find I can o er
I can I listen to I can ask
things that feedback I can teach
identify, ideas to questions and about how to I know my
are the same, others about
name, count, make come up with make things strengths
alike, and my learning
repeat decisions new ideas better
di erent

I can think I can listen to

I change my I can make
about and and discuss I can show or
I can I can sort and mind based other people’s connections
plan what I explain my
understand find patterns on new am going to thoughts and between
ideas do ideas ideas

I can ask
I can questions:
understand I can solve ● What did I learn
I can show that there are problems today?
my thinking many ways of and create ● What don’t I
doing things new things understand yet?
● What will I work
on next?

I can use
I can decide
what I I can reflect on
what is the
already what I feel and
best idea and
know to what I have
explain my
make sense learned
of new ideas

I can take
action with
my new
and skills
and use it in
everyday life
Thinking Skills Elementary Grade 1-3
Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Application Reflection

Forming Generating New Considering New

Analyzing Application
Evaluating Decisions Ideas Perspectives Reflection

I can grow I can o er

I spot what I can come
I can my feedback I can teach
is similar up with new I know my
organise thinking by about how to others about
and ideas and strengths
information listening to make things my learning
di erent inquiries
new ideas better

I can think I can listen to I can use my

I break an I listen to and discuss
I find about and knowledge I can show or
idea into new ideas other people’s
patterns plan what I and skills to explain my
small parts to make thoughts and
am going to create new thinking
decisions ideas
do things

I can ask
I can I can
I can think I use what I questions:
connect understand
about my already ● What did I learn
the things I that there are today?
answer and know to know to
share my many ways of make sense
● What don’t I
make a big doing things understand yet?
reasons idea of new ideas ● What will I work
on next?

I can make
between units I can reflect on
of inquiry, what I have
between learned
subjects, and

Thinking Skills Elementary Grade 4-5
Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Metacognition Reflection

Forming Generating New Considering New

Analyzing Evaluating Decisions Perspectives Metacognition Reflection

I observe I create new

I think about
carefully to I compare and ideas and I realize and I identify
possible I ask “what if”
look for contrast in order inquiries from appreciate that strengths and
solutions and questions and
patterns, to make discussions and people learn in areas for
choose the make predictions
similarities, and decisions experiences di erent ways improvement
best outcomes
di erences

I bring new I redesign and I practise flexible I reflect on my

I break down I question ideas ideas together improve existing thinking by learning by
I know the way
knowledge and to draw to create a products and considering asking and
I learn best
ideas into parts conclusions new processes multiple responding to
understanding perspectives questions

I consider new
I use models I explain my I can find I can use skills, I share my
I consider ideas
and graphic decisions with unusual metaphors and techniques and thinking and
from multiple
organizers to supporting connections analogies to strategies for reflection
explore ideas information compare ideas e ective processes

I can ask
I use memory
I think I value and am techniques to ● What did I learn
creatively to inspired by new or develop today?
solve problems unique ideas long-term ● What don’t I
memory understand yet?
● What will I work
on next?

I can make
I learn from
between units
others to help
of inquiry,
my thinking
subjects, and
beyond school

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