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A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. 5.

5. I asked Paul help me move the table to the other side

1. She paid for the ticket and (left) of the room.
2. I closed the door quietly because he (try to sleep) 6. I’m going to return to my hometown as soon as I will
3. How many times (he call) since he came here ? graduate.
4. I (know) about this for some time now. 7. The children were frightening by thunder and
5. I wanted to be the first to tell her the news, but I was lightning.
too late. Someone (already tell) her. 8. Many strange things were happened last night.
6. The children are filthy. Where (they be) ? 9. Please promise not telling anybody about my secret.
7. I’m going to bed. I (work) for hours and I’m tired 10. No one seems to know when Mary will arrive.
8. I think she’s the nicest person I (ever meet) 11. I was very scare when I saw the film.
9. Mary was cleaning the windscreen when she (notice) 12. I tried explain why I was late but she didn’t listen.
a crack in the glass. 13. I didn’t mean to brake your bike. Sorry.
10. I couldn’t open the office door because someone 14. I’m playing tennis tomorrow, but I’m not sure.
(lock) it. 15. If I were English, I didn’t have to study the language.
11. When I phoned her, she (do) her homework. 16. Ken is a very more careful driver than Simon.
12. We (wait) for three hours when John finally arrived. 17. The National Security Bank in downtown San Antonia
13. When I shouted, they (jump) off the roof and (run) robbed last night.
away. 18. I promise I give the record to you tomorrow.
14. Oh ! You (have) a shave. You look strange without a 19. Who did tell you about George’s girlfriend ?
beard. 20. I have been typing all your letters. The job’s done
15. He (do) military service for 23 months. This is his last 21. She told me that I would get very fat if I go on like
month. that.
16. They (travel) for about four hours when they realized 22. What are you worrying about ? The tickets are free.
that something was wrong with one of the tires. Look !
17. There was nobody at the office. Mr. Brown (tell) 23. The shirt I bought in a sail was stolen last night.
everybody to go home. 24. All the documents had signed before I arrived.
18. He (work) in the garden, but he stopped when he saw 25. After a lot of difficulties, he managed open the door.
us. 26. People don’t have to smoke on the campus.
19. I couldn’t drive to work because Mary (use) the car. 27. I used to enjoy gardening, but I didn’t any more.
20. She (never trust) him since he started working here. 28. It isn’t sure that is always raining in Manchester.
21. I’m worried. Why (they not arrive) yet ? 29. I advised Jerry should look for a better job.
22. She wanted to help them with the washing-up, but 30. I borrowed his book because I left mine in the
they (already do) it. teacher’s room.
23. They’re very angry. They (try to see) you for the last 31. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but action
two or three hours. isn’t a very secure profession.
24. She had a pleasant surprise when she got to her room. 32. They escaped from the tiger as quick as possible.
Someone (put) some flowers there for her. 33. Put off your cigarette before you go into class.
25. When he warned them about the police, they (leave) 34. This is a nice restaurant. Thanks for taking me here.
the country. 35. My son is old enough to do his own bed now.
26. Oh, you (buy) a new dress. 36. Come on. We’d better go. It’s got late.
27. She (work) here for several years – four or five now, I 37. If they did that earlier, there would have been no
think. trouble.
28. We (sit) in the sunshine for about twenty five minutes 38. They have just finished building a large, ten-thousand
when I suddenly felt sick. tons ship.
29. She thinks she (see) him somewhere before. 39. Mary asked Jim why he hasn’t told his parents the
30. I couldn’t get into the car because the children (hide) truth.
the car key. 40. When I was in high school, I enjoyed to watch
B. Correcting mistakes 41. We studied very hardly to prepare for the
1. I live in a two rooms flat examinations.
2. Writing compositions are very difficult for me. 42. Do you work harder if you were better paid ?
3. In my opinion, the English is an easy language to 43. If you do not stop smoking, you will be die.
learn. 44. Let’s listening to the music after we finish studying.
4. How long have you been knowing your friends ? 45. I’ll pay you back as soon as I will get some money.

46. The reporter said that over 100 people been C. Writing
kidnapped. 1. The vocabulary lists had been memorized by all of the
47. London was damaged severely by bombs while World students. (All of the students …………)
War II. 2. I don’t have enough time, so I can’t help you. (If I ….)
48. Our team played good in the game, but we still lost. 3. He started work at the age of twelve. ( When he …..)
49. If I were rich, I will buy a new house for my parents. 4. Go to Britain and you will speak English all day long.
50. I’ve been losing my wallet. When did I last have it ? (You………)
51. Sara said the teacher that she was at school yesterday. 5. “Who does the schoolbag belong to ?”, he asked.
52. They used to like watching television, but now they (He asked……….)
watch it all the time. 6. I’m not going to buy that car because it’s so
53. I’m exhausted. I’ve played tennis for hours. expensive.
54. The Mona Lisa was painted with Leonardo de Vinci. 7. He is a man of extreme honesty. (He……..)
55. Mary said that she has arrived in London the previous 8. Someone was cleaning all the doors while she was in
week. her office. (All the doors ………….)
56. I went to the station for get my train. 9. The sea was so cold that we couldn’t swim. (The sea
57. They’ll call their baby Lily, but they aren’t sure yet. was too………..)
58. Chewing-gum found in the mouth of a nine thousand- 10. “Don’t forget to get me some flowers on your way
year-old skeleton in 1993. home.”, she said. (She told him…………)
59. When it’s a nice day tomorrow, we can go swimming. 11. John is fat because he eats so many chips. (If …….)
60. “What a beautiful bracelet !”. –“ I buy it for you”. 12. There is too little space here to make the road wider.
61. What did happen at the party last Saturday ? (There isn’t ………..)
62. That play didn’t be written by Shakespeare. 13. Disney opened a theme park, Disney Land, near Los
63. You don’t have to smoke in this part of the restaurant. Angeles. ( A theme park……………..)
64. If you would know my teacher, you would like her. 14. It is intelligent of you to solve the problems so
65. What’s the name of the lady was wearing a gold quickly. (You are ……….
dress ? 15. Charles moved from Liverpool to London five years
66. The book to David I gave last Sunday morning. ago. (Charles has lived………………..)
67. I had to do my exercise again because I did a lot of 16. Bob is more intelligent than Jack. (Jack……….)
mistakes. 17. “What sort of music do you like, Linda ?”, he asked.
68. As soon as the president arrive, the conference can (He asked Linda…………..)
18. Although Sally was sad, she smiled and
69. How long has she been having her car ?
70. My wife and I are starting thinking that we should
pretended to be having a good time. (Sally……..)
19. Two pictures were stolen from the museum last night.
stay at home.
71. This isn’t my first trip to London. I went there before.
20. I was late for work because I missed the bus. (I missed
72. We haven’t decided yet. We’re going to the beach
21. People don’t understand him because he doesn’t
73. I’m going to keep asking you to marry me when you
speak clearly. (If he ……………..)
say yes.
22. She is such a careful typist that she never makes a
74. I gave a complaint to the manager because our meal
mistake. (She types……………)
was so bad.
75. Jane and Peter are so nice people. But I can’t stand 23. I can’t write to her because I don’t have her
their kids. address. (If I …………..)
76. My floor was so shine that I can see myself. 24. “If I were you, I wouldn’t take that job.”, She said.
77. Mary isn’t at home. She’s been to work. (She advised him…………..
78. He’s waiting to see the doctor since nine o’clock. 25. In spite of getting a good salary, he was unhappy
79. Her boss says that he will perhaps give her a pay rise in his job.(Although ……………..)
next month, but he doesn’t sure yet. 26. We aren’t so interested in watching football as them.
80. Playing bridge is more challenging than to play chess. (They ………….)
81. Coins and paper bills have used for centuries. 27. She began writing children’s stories ten years ago.
82. A guest in Japan is given small candies and cakes, (She has……………)
which serves on pieces of paper. 28. People think young men drive carelessly and
83. Everyone helped to get the party readily. dangerously. (Young men are ………)
84. They spent so much time to do nothing.
85. Hungry is a problem throughout the world.

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