Livre de marketing
Livre de marketing
Livre de marketing
FEW COMPANIES enter the international marketplace directly. For the most part, they
from domestic markets into exports and then into a full-fledged international presence.
This applies to both goods and services. It may take decades to reach the international
scene or it may be a matter of months. Today, any company that markets itself via the
Internet achieves almost instant global access, even when its wares are directed at a
domestic market. The process of "testing the waters" locally before jumping into
international seas is the same for a small manufacturer as it is for a financial consultancy
or even a high-tech "hyper company." Many of the lessons learned at home will serve the
company abroad.
Elements of Domestic Marketing: Starting at Home
Many companies are quite content to operate on a very local scale. Their active marketing
may not extend beyond a radius of a few miles. Other companies may expand their
horizons to a few cities, a province, or even their entire country. All of this is considered to
be domestic marketing. Every company goes through the same planning process, some
companies more consciously than others, when entering the domestic or international
marketplace. Following is a list of the major elements of marketing.
This is the part of the process where opportunities are initially assessed. It can be as
simple as observing that groggy commuters have no place to buy coffee before boarding
the morning train or as complex as recognizing the potential demand for satellite TV
dishes in remote farming communities.
After the initial assessment, a company must set its basic objectives by deciding which
products to bring to market at what price and which customers to pursue.
At this stage, the company should also consider how much of the market they wish to
control and over what period of time. Researching and objectively analyzing the
competition is a major part of this process.
Once objectives are set, a strategy must be developed to attain them by the most cost
effective means available. Strategy has three subprocesses that must be dealt with.
Segmentation is the targeting of specific groups with specific products. A marketeer
realizes that different people and groups of people will require different products or
modifications to products. Recognizing the extent of those requirements will determine the
level of success and longevity available to a company. No matter how good your coffee is,
it will not satisfy someone looking for a cup of tea. (Segmentation will be covered in detail
in Chapter 9.)
Penetration is the part of planning that deals with a company's ability to get
access to consumers. lust because vou see a market doesn't mean that vou' be permitted
entry. A company may struggle and be rejected or merely be unable to overcome the
regulatory or financial obstacles placed in its way. Penetration requires not only willingness
but also resources
Positioning is the way customers perceive a company's product in relation to that of its
competition. It may be based on quality, size, price, brand recognition, packaging, and a
host of other "subjective" features. A company may choose to control their positioning or
only react to the fickleness of the marketplace.
Positioning will determine a company's "share" of the market. A shop offering
"the best cup of coffee in town" could charge a premium price and maintain a small
customer base, or it might offer a wide-range of beverages at lower prices hoping to get as
big a share as possible. The local cafe and Starbucks both must consider positioning or
the consumer will do it for them.
Once the strategizing has stopped, the hard task of plan implementation begins.
Here the tactics of packaging, pricing, promotion, sales, advertising, and distribution must
all be activated. The number of perfectly good products that never made it to market is so
large as to be an embarrassment to all who wear the title of marketing manager. As is true
of all management tasks, planning is easier than implementing, and implementation
requires considerable planning of
Many products have reached market, chalked up a few years of sales growth, and then
nosedived into the dustbin of marketing failures (e.g., BetaMax videotape, Atari
computers). The inability to maintain continuous control of product quality, modification,
distribution, and image are the leading factors for such failure. Controls and the ability to
monitor performance must be planned as thoroughly as strategy and, like implementation
plans, be in place before the product is brought to market. Remember, you can't build a
levee in the middle of a flood.
As feedback in the form of customer satisfaction, profit tallying, brand recognition, and
market share statistics pour into a company's data collection apparatus (from a filing
cabinet to a computer), proper analysis must be made.
MARKET WISDOM is millennia in age and prodigious in size. Like the preceding
the best of this wisdom is the result of clear-headed observation filtered through common
sense. Keeping marketing in perspective requires the practitioner to look both backward at
the forces that shaped today's markets and forward to where those forces are propelling
new prospects. Many marketeers fail to realize that much of the groundwork and research
have already been laid for them; they're best advised to view the future by standing on the
shoulders of those who preceded them. "Don't reinvent the wheel, put new tires on it" is a
common saying in marketing, one that admonishes the listener to learn from history, not
repeat it before moving forward. This chapter will give the reader essential background for
understanding the complexity and scope of international
Defining Market Conditions: Money Talks
Human beings have always traded among themselves, with each side of a trade believing
they stood to gain by the transaction. Originally goods were traded for other goods (my two
chickens for your pail of milk) in a process called bartering.
Eventually, goods were traded for services (my two chickens in exchange for your medical
recommendations). Much of what went on in the marketplace was (and still is) a matter of
perception. I believe your pail of milk is of greater value to me than my two chickens and
therefore I'm willing to relinquish the chickens. You, of course, believe the opposite.
Money soon came along to replace the barter and it became a medium of exchange.
Money also created a wider range of bargaining options (it's very difficult to make change
with a live chicken). Money originally had some intrinsic value (gold, silver, copper); it
gradually came to serve as a promissory note for the delivery of goods and services. Once
everything was "priced" in terms of money (rather than chickens or milk), a new burden of
proving value was placed firmly on the seller. The buyer had a set value for money and the
seller had to prove that a product was worth that monetary value. Although there were
extreme cases where buyers had to convince sellers that money has value (e.g., war-
ravaged economies), the marketplace demanded (for the most part) that the seller do the
convincing and the buyer the believing. Sellers would bring products to market hoping to
attract buyers equipped with money. This was the birth of marketing,
but it wasn't an equal relationship. The sellers might do a great deal of talking, but money
always had the last word.
The Dawn of Exchange Rates: Money "Walks"
For many centuries, there was no guarantee that a single country would have a single
currency. Localities minted specie or printed their own scrip, thereby complicating both the
concept and practice of the marketplace. When different localities traded, both the value of
the products and the currency were open to discussion. Even the amount of precious
metal in coins was subject to dispute. In many ways, the burden of proving value was
redistributed almost back to the level of bartering. National currencies put an end to this for
internal trade purposes and reburdened the seller with all marketing responsibilities. Once
trade across national borders or among city-states became prevalent, the old questions of
value were resurrected. Since no nation was willing to give up its right to print or mint its
own money, currency exchange rates had to be agreed upon. Gold and silver figured
prominently in international trade due to their seeming universal value but, as happened
before, purity was always in guestion.
Over time there was a movement toward the use ot paper money for international trade.
This made currency supply and transport easier, but without the backing of precious
metals (as is the case today), paper scrip was valued (or backed) only by the "full faith and
credit" of the issuing country. A powerful country could say that its paper money was worth
more than a weaker country's scrip. This led to "strong" and "weak" currencies and onto
the latter day nomenclature of "hard" and "soft" (for use when describing a nation's ability
to back their scrip). The marketing of a nation's goods and services is heavily tied to this
currency valuation. The "power" behind a currency is purely economic as
many of the strongest currencies come from militarily weak but economically vibrant
nations (e.g., Germany and Japan). Having only military power means little in international
trade, as is evidenced by the almost eternal weakness and longtime inconvertibility of
Russia's ruble.
One of the hardest of the "hard" currencies, the U.S. dollar, is issued not just by the only
military superpower but by the world's largest economy. Emerging
markets tend to have the weakest currencies and their markets can suffer enormous
swings of value, as was seen in Southeast Asia at the end of the 20th century. This huge
devaluation greatly affected the ability of Malaysian, Indonesian, Korean, and Thai
companies to sell their products internationally at a profitable price. Sudden drops in their
respective currency value, some as high as 40 percent, made goods from these countries
very attractive to foreign buyers.
However, when paid in foreign hard currencies, these nations' exporters received far less
in payment for products that had been priced in their local currencies, due to exchange
rates. Foreigners with strong currency got a lot more for a lot less.
This eftect unfortunately ricochets to the stronger economies, because their own
products or raw materials are now priced far above the buying power of emerging.
This effect on marketing created by currency fluctuation comes into play among even the
strongest economies. The constant wrangling over trade deficits and surplus between the
top economies, China and the United States, for instance, is a major problem for their
marketeers. Currency rates will determine when,
what. and how companies can bring products to the international marketplace Political and
cultural influences weigh heavy on marketing as well. It's important to understand that the
determination of "value" for both product and currency is the oldest (and most visible) of
the forces still at play in the international marketplace and one that ultimately reflects the
other underlying forces.
International Business: Who's Playing, Who's Winning
International business takes place at many levels of commerce, with success and failure
being distributed throughout the roster. Below is a listing of the types of companies (large,
medium, and small) that have the largest involvement in international trade. The reader
needs to understand the marketing process from both sides of the transaction, as each will
act as both marketeer and target during their time in the marketplace.
EXPORTERS These "sellers" are the backbone of international trade, as they bear the
burden of proving value. Though generally associated with the shipping of goods,
countries also export services, as the "service economies" of the United States and Great
Britain are known to do to great success. Exports can run the gamut from mangoes to
movies, shellfish to software, or coffee to cameras; the scale of operations can be massive
or minuscule. If you're selling on the
international scene, regardless of size, you are an exporter.
IMPORTERS These are the "buyers" at the other end of the transaction, although they
may not be the "end-users." Like exporters, they come in all shapes
and sizes and frequently act as exporters as well. because they hold the money end of the
trade, all marketing efforts are ultimately directed at them. Even if it doesn't say so on your
business card, if you're buving products internationally, you re an importer.
FREIGHT FORWARDERS AND SHIPPERS These very capital-intensive service providers
move products among the globe's nations by land, sea, and air.
Even other services (such as software companies and movie studios) rely on freight
forwarders and shippers to move the physical goods (computers and projectors)
necessary to ultimately deliver the service. This highly competitive business can include
enormous sea shipping lines, shipping brokers, consolidators, couriers. airmail delivery,
railways, trucking companies, or even a cross-border bicycle cart.
If exporters are the backbone of international trade, then freight forwarders and shippers
are its arms and legs.
TRANSPORTATION Whereas some companies move products, the transporta-
tion business moves people. rew doubt that the enormous rise in international trade is due
in great part to the revolution in transportation. Trips that took weeks or months only a few
decades ago now can be measured in hours or days.
Operating abroad is no longer a long-distance affair as foreign companies regularly visit
their representative offices in target markets. Though airlines and airplane manufacturers
are the main beneficiaries, other transporters such as railways have profited as well. Many
emerging markets use international transportation as a welcome source of "hard"
currency, and every country seeks the prestige of having its own national airline.
HOSPITALITY Hospitality and tourism as an overall industry is now the world's largest
employer, with one of every ten people on the planet involved in its operations. Not only
does this new colossus of hotels, airlines, and restaurants supply travelers with diversion,
but it also feeds the demand for international products through exposure. Once sampled
on vacation or business trip, a product can be marketed in the visitor's home economy as
a symbol of sophistication. All nations track their visitors via immigration statistics and
savvy marketeers have a ready supply of new targets. Emerging markets build hotels
before they even put in a telephone system as a means of securing hard currency from
Tourism is so important to most nations that it's a primary focus of antigovernment groups:
Kill tourism, kill the economy.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS International business lives and breathes "informa-tion flow,"
and telecommunications is the pipeline. The marketing of "telecom" services and hardware
has exploded in the last decade and yet still seems to be feeding an unquenchable
demand. The internal development level and potential of a market is now measured in
"teledensity" or telephones per 100 people.
Moving information has become just as important as moving freight or people, and
international calls are another source of hard currency for developing nations.
INFRASTRUCTURE Bridges, roads, seaports, airports, waste disposal, potable water,
flood control, and power plants are all key factors in the development of international
business. The companies that market the goods and services necessary for their
acquisition are usually the first ones into emerging markets, as well as key players in the
developed world's effort to remain ahead of the pack.
It's a simple formula: No infrastructure, no access to markets.
ADVERTISING Advertising, along with its related services (such as media buying and
graphic design), has taken on global proportions. Advertising agencies now have
multinational offices and worldwide contracts. Though lucrative and acknowledged as
essential to international business, many countries put severe restrictions on how this
driving force in marketing can ply its trade. Advertising foreign goods in a local market is
not without peril. It's often the unfortunate target of a government's or subculture's wrath
and can be the flashpoint for greater problems.
ENTERTAINMENT Music, videos, movies, theater, games, radio, television, newspapers,
magazines and book publishing all fall under the entertainment industry title. It's one of the
leaders in global marketing and, like advertising, can be the target of considerable
resentment and censorship. Marketeers must take care not to have their entertainment
product viewed as a form of cultural imperialism. Entertainment is a service that helps fill
the coffers of many trade leaders (United States, Great Britain) but is slyly left out of trade
deficit bickering.
Without a doubt, entertainment is big business internationally.
TECHNOLOGY The United States and Japan are the undisputed leaders in this
marketplace. Manufacturing may be done worldwide, but the ideas flow primarily from the
two big players, with the United States dominating in both hardware and software.
Technological advancement is the external yardstick used to measure an economy and
"computer literacy" marks the stature of a national workforce. Every nation wants to get
into this market.
CURRENCY TRADERS Currency trading represents the biggest single market in actual
value in the world. The equivalent of more than two trillion U.S. dollars changes hands
daily worldwide, with the market open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Many
international banks make more from their arbitrage trades (the price differential between
two markets for the same commodity_in this case, currency) than they do from commercial
loans. This trading drives prices, exchange rates, and purchasing power with very little, if
any, government oversight. Though often denounced by the governments of floundering
economies, currency traders operate in the ultimate free market. It's a highly technical
business with large international companies employing their own arbitrage departments to
protect their profits from international sales.
BANKERS With all of the money floating around the globe, someone has to keep track of
it. Beyond just issuing letters of credit, bankers provide both the security and financial
acumen needed for trade and were thus one of the first services offered to cross-border
traders. Banks were the original issuers of paper money, although most currency now
moves across borders electronically.
Government-run national banks (e.g., Bank of Namibia), international banks (e.g., Credit
Suisse), and local banks (e.g., VietCom Bank) all contribute to, and receive profits from,
international business. Money is the blood of commerce and banks are the arteries
through which it flows.
MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers of all nations make the stuff of which marketing sings
the praises, and they make a lot of it. Manufacturers can range in size from major
automotive producers to peasants doing piece-work. Even the marketer of services relies
on manufactured goods to deliver the physical component of the product. From computers
to cosmetics to sunglasses, manufactured goods are still the greatest focus of international
marketing and will be for some time
FOODSTUFFS This group includes agriculture, aquaculture, food processors, food
chemists, and food geneticists. While some nations show declining populations, the world
as a whole is expanding. Subsistence feeding is a concern in China and India (each with
over a billion people), while Africa is constantly plagued with famine. Alarmingly, North
Korea's continual bout with starvation is a major security concern for regional
governments. More developed economies demand increasingly sophisticated foodstuffs,
with no end to demand in sight. As will be seen in Chapter 6, food can be a serious cultural
issue for marketeers, and
no one should doubt its importance to international commerce and world beace.
"Wealth makes health." There's a clear correlation between a
nation's coffers and its coffins. Medicine production and medical services are one of the
globe's largest businesses (only recently surpassed by hospitality) and they are
concentrated in the high-end economies. Marketing "life" is a fairly easy task. and demand
always outstrips supply. Marketeers need only set the right price.
FINANCIAL SERVICES Like entertainment, many of the world's top economies neglect to
include this in their published trade figures, concentrating on merchandise instead. It
includes such multibillion dollar (yen, mark, pound etc.) industries as credit cards, business
consultancy, "back office" accounting, and securities brokerages. This industry keeps
international business flowing in an orderly fashion. There will be nothing but growth in this
LEGAL SERVICES Some countries are law bound (France), some are overly litigious
(United States), and others find commercial law bothersome (China). The
attractiveness of joining the World Trade Organization (W'TO), as well as sundry
trade treaties (NAFTA, APEC, MercoSur), has given rise to a blossoming of international
legal services. 'The new requirements for standardizing many aspects of international
trade, along with the penalties for noncompliance, will provide decades of work for
barristers, lawyers, and their support staff in Brussels and other centers for international
commercial courts. Law firms are multinationa
now, though many countries restrict the role that foreign practitioners can play
in domestic courts. 'Though potentially evoking somewhat more resentment than financial
services, the legal profession is in an international "bull market.
• INFORMATION SERVICES 'Telecommunications may launch the satellites, lay the optic
fiber, and sell the modems, but other companies supply the information.
Database assemblers, search engines, statistical researchers, and archivists are all
examples of information services. 'The Internet and its service providers (ISPs)
have made databases available internationally, and marketeers were the first to take
advantage of them. This element of the business depends on telecom and sophisticated
infrastructure to function globally, and every economy (even totalitarian ones) realizes
that information is critical to commerce. The old phrase was "No news is good news."
The modern equivalent is "No news is no business."
Believe it.
Marketing abroad can be a very risky pursuit as the legal landscape in some countries is
extremely fluid. Laws are sometimes uncodified and even when they
are, interpretation can be arbitrary. Governments certainly have the right, and in many
cases the duty, to intervene in businesses or trade being conducted by foreign nationals.
However, there are some other governmental activities that go beyond the law (or at least
blur it) for which the international marketeer must be prepared.
Entering a new market with a new product can often perplex local authorities who, not
seeing the potential, may initially grant a marketeer carte blanche to operate. Success
does attract attention, so it's not unusual, especially in the emerging markets, for
successful foreign companies to suddenly discover that they have a new partner. The
partner may know absolutely nothing about your business and may bring nothing in the
way of investment. Regardless, the government may insist that as much as 51 percent of
the company be put under
the control of the new associate or that the associate at least be given veto power
over company decisions.
It can be the result of government greed, pressure by competitors who feel you were given
a "sweetheart" deal, or sudden xenophobia with accompanying fears of exploitation.
Multimillion dollar projects can be forced into renegotiation well after a project has been
active, as happened to the Enron hydroelectric project in India; antiforeigner sentiments
forced the American company to shut down construction while the deal was restructured to
favor local partners. Local governments usually wait until a company is too committed to
walk away before using the domestication ploy.
Governments of all sizes and economic standings view business as a source of tax
revenue. Unlike the tactic of domestication, taxation allows the government to receive a
portion of a foreign company's operation directly, without the sham of a proxy. Some
authorities lure foreign businesses with initially low tax rates or
"grace periods," with the full intention that once the company has been committed and is
operating successfully, tax rates will soar almost to the point of being confiscatory.
During periods of extreme political stress or due to inordinate levels of greed, governments
will take over a foreign company outright. The former motivation still occurs quite regularly
in war-torn countries (such as those in eastern Europe or central Africa). The potential is
always there for any company operating in foreign territory, war-torn or not, when internal
or international political tempers rise. The latter cause for expropriation has rarely been
seen since the early 1980s and has been usurped by the somewhat more subtle
Like domestication, sponsored competition puts a favored local company or person under
a government aegis. These "competitors" are given substantial financial and distribution
aid in the hope that they'll unseat the foreign firm that first brought the product to market.
Often, these sponsorships are further aided by technology transfers that were mandated
by the government as part of allowing the foreign company to operate within its borders.
Transfers are handed over directly to local companies that will exploit them without paying
fees or royalties.
In a variation on this tactic, local partners have also been known to siphon off funds and
materials from a joint venture with a foreign firm, in order to set up a competing company.
Local government officials then turn a deaf ear to the complaints or lawsuits brought by the
Government officials seeking bribes from foreign firms is a worldwide problem.
It can take the form of a storefront shakedown by the local police, special
"processing fees" by customs officials, or "requests" for campaign donations for incumbent
politicians. Bribery in some economies becomes the grease that makes the wheels of
commerce turn more easily. Anyone engaged in international
marketing must be prepared to deal with both the seemly and unseemly versions of such
In all of the cases stated above, marketeers have to learn how to manage risk.
The first step is recognizing potential risk through proper pre-entry research (Chapter 8).
Once the level of risk has been determined in a particular market (it exists to some degree
in all markets), the best possible preventative is engendering and maintaining good
"relations" with the pertinent government officials.
Marketeers should realize that realpolitik can become machtpolitik very quickly if a foreign
company falls into disfavor with a host government. Risk management is an ongoing
process and requires eternal vigilance.
EVERY NATION (and its various market segments) has its own way of viewing the goods
services offered to it by international marketeers. Even in domestic markets, a
product could do very well in one region and get a middling reception by another
less than 100 miles away. When marketing entails a movement across national
borders, the differences will be more dramatic (even when the nations share a
language, climate, or geography). A good example of this disparity can be seen
in national cuisine. Why are the Belgians beer drinkers and the French wine
fanatics? Why does China have a long history of complex cooking while Russia
makes do with much plainer fare? While neighbors Argentina and Chile both
have lengthy coastlines, large fishing fleets, and thriving cattle industries, why
is it that the former's menus concentrate on beef while the latter favors seafood
and chicken? If these examples of cuisine are any indication, crossing a border
with a product is almost like cooking from scratch.
Carrying an Established Product Across Borders
There are many reasons to consider breaking out of your domestic market and
selling across borders. The following section discusses many of the possible
Finding that the home market has peaked and is now saturated with your
product is the most common reason for focusing a marketing ettort overseas.
Although true saturation is rarely achieved, it's sometimes easier to penetrate
foreign markets than new domestic ones, especially if you operate in a large
country. Moscow businesses find it easier, and more lucrative, to sell products in
eastern Europe than they do in far-flung Vladivostok.
Every product has a life span in a particular market before it's overtaken by
new or improved products, which are often developed internally (e.g, Windows
superseded by Vista). The original product, whose development costs have long
since been recouped, may still be useful in markets untouched by the original
product line. Much of the West's technology was given just such a new "product
cycle" in the emerging markets, some of which are decades behind in technical matters.
When you're used to plowing your field behind a water buffalo, a 1980s-vintage tractor is a
welcome addition, even when it arrives in 2010.
It's not a rarity for a company that's doing quite well in their domestic market, with
rocketing sales, to receive an unsolicited demand from a foreign buyer. This happens
repeatedly in technology and consumer goods but also increasingly so in many capital-
intensive businesses (such as auto production or hotel construction).
If you have a very high quality product or are an industry leader, the foreign market may
come looking for you.
Many companies move into foreign markets simply because they can. Flush with cash or
energized with curiosity, they wish to increase their sales by increasing their exposure.
High-end consumer goods or specialist services (e.g., yachts or investment banking) often
go hunting overseas, not out of need but simple drive.
Once one company markets abroad, even just to test the waters, the competition is quick
to follow. Often, it's a move made with great reluctance and out of fear that allowing a
competitor to reap riches in foreign lands may have future domestic ramifications. It's fast
becoming a reality that if you're not an international player, you're not a player at all-big
business means global business. Rushing onto the international stage, maybe even
feeling pushed, can be costly if planning is sacrificed for speed. A prime example is the
failed attempt by Apple Computer to duplicate its domestic success to overseas markets
with personal computers, particularly in Asia. The young company self-inflicted serious
brand-name damage in the 1990s because its products demanded a price that was not
seen as adding significant benefit. Only the move into the realm of music (iPod) saved its
reputation outside of the American market.
NOTE: It's better to arrive a little late, but prepared, than to leave early without a map.
The value of national currencies can fluctuate wildly, often with deleterious effects on
domestic companies. 'The effect is even worse when the company must buy foreign
materials for production. When production costs rise and domestic buying power declines,
the marketeer may have no choice but to look offshore for customers. High-ticket items are
the most affected, though consumer goods occasionally are as well.
On occasion, a company may find that foreign markets are ready, willing, and able to pay
a higher price for a product. Barring the intervention of customs
officials. products normally earmarked for domestic production are diverted overseas. If
domestic consumption remains stable, then local prices will rise to buy up the now-
diminished supply. 'The producer now has the best of both worlds if the wrath of the local
government can be avoided. Commodities such as beef and coffee are often subject to
such surges in foreign demand.
Prior to setting up full-scale offshore production, a company will sell to the targeted market
as a way of testing demand, observing price elasticity, or educating the population about a
product. The last reason keeps the price of the
"learning curve" low, in advance of producing inside of the new market. The computer
hardware business has done this repeatedly in emerging markets around the globe.
Knowing full well that most of their foreign production will be exported out of the producing
country, hardware manufacturers often "dumped" cheap computers into the target market
as a means of spurring interest and building future demand. (Singapore and Malaysia,
once only makers of computer
hardware, are now a major users.)
Many developing countries finance their growth through exports, since domestic buying
power is limited. Even some economic giants, Japan being the
most famous practitioner, greatly restrict imports and encourage exports to finance growth.
In both cases, domestic producers are protected from foreign (and often more efficient)
producers, while hard currency pours back through the busy port system. In extreme
cases, export quotas may be rigidly set and marketeers are sent abroad with do-or-die
marketing plans. Some countries purposely weaken their currency so as to encourage
foreign companies to buy their products (e.g.. the United States is often accused of using
this tactic by Japan, and vice versa).
NOTE: When governments start to see rising trade deticits or droopy foreign currency
reserves, overseas marketing may no longer be an option but a mandate.
When to Make New Products
As stated in Chapter 6, even a proven product may have to be altered slightly to succeed
in a foreign market. Sometimes, however, research or unsolicited demand requires that a
company devise a whole new product line for overseas consumption. While a lucrative
opportunity may be presenting itself, a marketeer should be careful to view the long-term
potential and future problems that may result. Here are ten basic questions that should be
posed before taking on the task of creating a new product line for a foreign market.
Will the new product cause brand-name confusion in the target market?
Will the new product cause brand-name confusion in the domestic market?
Is the company financially able to enter a new product development phase?
Will the new development divert resources away from domestic activity?
Will the new product line adversely affect domestic marketing efforts?
Will the current employee base be capable of developing and handling the new product
Does the company management team fully and enthusiastically endorse the product
Will the new product and company brand name have legal protection overseas?
Does the new market have the potential to accept the company's current product line
along with the new developments?
Has a marketing plan been thoroughly researched and formulated for the new market?
The vast majority of companies attempt to remarket their current product line overseas
prior to offering completely new developments. Obviously, going into an unknown market
with an unproven product is the apex of risk, but it can pay off if demand is high and brand
recognition isn't too rigid. For example, when U.S. pizza giant Domino's Pizza entered the
Taiwanese market, its standard line of pizzas wasn't well received, although quite
successful elsewhere. Local buyers wanted seafood-based products in their stead.
Because the company had no real brand recognition established on the island, it could
easily break free of the pepperoni-mushroom-cheese image it promulgated elsewhere.
The result:
Domino's stores have a big presence in Taiwan, making the company the pizza industry
leader on the island, with sales upwards of US$50 million annually. The biggest selling
item: the Seafood Pizza with squid, shrimp, crab, and peas.
The Product Cycle: Expanding the Average Lifespan
The product cycle is more easily defined than it is predictable. It's the sum total of the
stages in the marketing existence (or "life") of a product. The stages are: development,
introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Products don't stay in the market forever; the
wastebasket of history is chockablock with instant failures and multidecade market leaders
alike. The length of the cycle is indefinite, as growth may be steep or gradual and maturity
a sharp peak or a long plateau that might be followed by a precipitous decline or a barely
perceptible crawl toward the final sale.
There's not a single rise or single fall but a series of each throughout the cycle that can be
controlled, to some extent, by observant management. Sometimes the speed of growth is
far in excess of forecast and can overwhelm an inexperienced or undisciplined marketeer.
That same marketeer will be unable to halt the spiraling decline of a poorly adapted
product in an unforgiving marketplace.
Marketing personnel at all levels of experience must be prepared to accept the fact that
while commerce may be eternal, their products are decidedly mortal.
Much like human beings, those products that are actively cared for and subjected to the
right preventive measures have a statistically longer lifespan than those left exposed to the
unchecked vagaries of the marketplace. Also like humans, products are subject to
anomalies that defy explanation by the keenest observer or the planning of the most astute
marketeer. The meteoric and global success of the Tamagotchi virtual pet and the
resounding mediocrity of Java programming are two cases in point.
The first is a widely owned piece of useless gadgetry, and the second, a revolutionary
piece of software technology unable to live up to its promise.
Resistance to Old Products: Both Sides of the "Cutting Edge"
The life cycle of a product depends on the market segment. When an established product
is introduced or adapted for a new foreign market, care should be taken to understand how
it will be perceived there. The perceived newness of the product line, rather than its actual
age or applicability, will determine its success. Consider the selling of technology in
emerging markets. Much of the developing world is severely lacking in the
telecommunications infrastructure needed for modern business. Vietnam in the early
1990s had a teledensity of one telephone for every one hundred people in a nation of
seventy-two million. The telephone system was a mish-mash of French colonial, 1970s
Warsaw Pact, and mid-1950s U.S. technologies cobbled together
• no one's satisfaction. Payphones were
nonexistent, as the country had no coinage. This was going to severely limit the country's
growth, and any improvements would be major ones.
Telephone companies from Britain, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Italy,
Sweden, and the United States all saw Vietnam as a chance to extend the life cycle of
products now being replaced in their home markets by fiber optics, cellular, and fixed-
wireless technologies. Surely warehouses bulging with 1980s* switches, handsets, and
PBX panels would draw a handsome (though now discounted) price to fill Vietnam's we-
can-use-anything needs. Unfortunately for these telecom companies, it never happened.
What would have been a marked improvement for Vietnam was viewed by its government
as an insulting
"colonial" gesture. Vietnam was not about to accept technological cast-offs, no matter how
"cutting edge" those cast-offs would be for the local market. Like China, Vietnam wanted to
skip over decades and even centuries of development and head straight for the 21st
century. By skillfully pitting the British, French, Japanese, and Australians against each
other in a fight for market share, the Hanoi government held out for and received the real
"cutting edge" technology at considerable discount.
But not all life cycle problems involve whiz-bang technology, nor do they always result in
the customer thinking they're getting out-of-date products.
Sometimes an old and established product can appear too revolutionary for a new market.
Such was the case when Campbell Soup attempted to move its time-tested product into
Brazil. After investing U.S.$6 million and conducting a marketing effort that won two
national awards, the company found that its canned, readymade soups offended the
Brazilian housewives concept of their duty to cook for the family. Rather than being seen
as a time-saving measure, canned soup was seen as a piece of unwanted modernity and
a threat to family life.
Much preferred by Brazil's mothers were the dehydrated products of a competitor, Knorr.
Rather than a completed soup, the dried concentrate served as a base upon which cooks
could add their own ingredients. Knorr was modern but not perceived as being too
modern, like Campbell--which lost U.S.$1.2 million and eventually shut down its soup
operation. Most of the blame for this fiasco was laid at the feet of the company's marketing
staff, which had confined its research to the climatically mild city of Curitaba, neglecting
the more traditional, sub-tropical zones of this vast country.
Several lessons can be drawn from these examples. In the case of the Vietnamese
telecom system, never assume that a new market will accept old products simply because
they're better than what's currently being used. Offering only your second-rate products
first is hardly a way to build a customer base. It's much better to price the older product
line so as to make it more attractive than the new one. Let the customer believe that
they're getting a bargain and making the choice for themselves. Remember, most
consumers make decisions with their wallets, their hearts and their brains- in that order.
Another lesson to be taken from the Vietnam example is that foreign markets may be new
to your product line but they're experienced bargainers nonetheless.
Furthermore, poor people are better at bargaining than rich ones because they have to
bargain for everything to make ends meet. If you approach a market with the idea that you
can outwit it rather than service it, your stay will be brief. Acting in good faith is good
business sense and, to my knowledge, no one has ever refused to do business with an
honest person
The Brazilian example points up two deficiencies in Campbell's approach: Poor cultural
understanding and lack of comprehensive research. Large companies have long since
gotten out of the habit of assuming that everyone in the world wants their products.
However, it's unlikely that Campbell sought local input or utilized Brazilian management in
starting up its operation. They assumed that Brazilian mothers would appreciate the value
of the soup's convenience, just as U.S. mothers had for decades. Many U.S. women were
more worried about corporate advancement than family-style cooking; meanwhile,
Brazilian mothers were still housebound and devoted to raising children. Even a modicum
of cultural insight
would have revealed this discrepancv.
What research was conducted was hardly sufficient for a market of Brazil's size. A nation
with 8.5 million square kilometers of geography and 190 million people deserves decidedly
more than the study of a single, secondary city. Few national markets can be understood
by looking at a single city. France isn't Paris, China isn't Shanghai, Egypt isn't Cairo, and
Canada isn't Montreal. Although Singapore is Singapore. Though research will be taken up
in detail in Chapter 8, it should be clear that when attempting to move any product -
whether old or
new- across borders, comprehensive research will determine success.
Meeting the New Demands for Quality: What is the "ISO"?
One of the many areas where cultures collide is on the topic of quality. What is top quality
for one nation can be shoddy goods for the next. The use of terms such as "high grade,"
"precision," and "top quality" leave much room for interpretation by seller and buyer alike.
Increased competition in international markets has led to increased demands for quality
and a yardstick to judge it by that would be universally recognized.
Formed just after WWII under the auspices of the United Nations, the International
Organization for Standardization (a.k.a. ISO, it's not an abbreviation but from the Greek
word for equal) was designed to be just such a tool. Originally used to control industrial
products, the Switzerland-based organization now provides guidelines for goods and
services of all types. From foodstuffs to ships, bolts to books, wrenches to walnuts the ISO
sets the process standards for its voluntary membership. These members control more
than 95 percent of the world's output and many refuse to do business with companies that
don't meet ISO standards, whether they're members or not.
Marketeers must maintain quality to stay in the marketplace, and many have turned to ISO
ratings in order to avoid arbitrary, fluctuating, or self-serving standards set by ever-
demanding clients. Attaining an ISO rating is not easy and those that do proudly display it
as part of their promotional effort. It isn't unusual to be asked to present ISO certification
(a.k.a. registration) in order to even be allowed to bid on some international projects.
ISO ratings don't guarantee the actual product but document the processes and systems
by which those products (goods and services of all types) are developed.
The idea is that high-quality processes result in high-quality products. The ISO9000
certification and its subdivisions (9001, 9002, 9003, 9001-1, 9004-1) are the common
certifications, with ISO9001 being requested most often.
ISO14000 standards are utilized by companies whose goods or services have
environmental impact, these are often used as a trade barrier against countries and
companies unable to meet "green" requirements. All ISO standards are voluntary, but
member countries are permitted to insist on compliance for imported goods or services.
The ISO14000 standards cover packaging and shipping as well as the actual product and
usage, and they're increasing yearly.
Of course, marketeers will have their own quality standards, which may meet or exceed
those of the ISO variety. But even in the latter case, it's advisable to seek ISO certification
because of its international recognition. Because most large companies have already
sought such certification, the author has included the names of two texts in the
"Resources" chapter at the end of this book that are specifically geared to small
companies seeking ISO9000 and ISO14000 certification. Readers are advised to consider
ISO participation, as commercial competition may hinge not just on quality but which
company can certify that quality
Financing & Product Development: How Much Speed Can You Afford?
Products, regardless of quality, are expensive to develop. A marketeer may have a very
savvy concept and a well-thought-out plan, but money will be required if a new product, or
a revamped one, is going to succeed in the marketplace. Lack of development-phase
financing is probably the leading cause of a product never becoming available to
consumers. Some products may require enormous amounts of capital investment just to
develop a prototype, to which expensive alterations will then be made before attaining a
"marketable" end-product. High-tech hardware, heavy industry (e.g., steel, automotive),
and transportation all fit this category. Other industries (e.g., some processed foods,
software, and financial services) may have very fairly low development costs, but costs
Development costs also include the marketing research phase, which many times is the
greatest portion of the expenditure.
Here is a brief listing of ways in which marketeers, especially novices, can obtain financing
for product research and development. (Some of these sources can be used for financing
international transactions as well. See Chapter 9):
Small companies, entrepreneurs in particular, have found that partnering with a larger
company for a project provides both needed capital and managerial depth.
This type of partnering can be of set length and easy to dissolve, as it will only cover very
specific projects and not other parts of a company's operation. The partner may be located
in the marketeer's domestic market, from the targeted nation, or even from a third country.
If a domestic market partner is utilized, consideration should be given to the recognition
their brand name has in the international economy. There's no harm in riding the coattails
of an established firm. The same is true if a partner is to be located in the target market.
there's an additional consideration of political connections that may become the
determining factor in success or failure. Choosing a partner from a third country should be
based almost entirely on their experience in either the target market or international
business in general. By no means should another novice entrepreneur be chosen,
regardless of their funding.
Development money is the specialty of venture capitalists and high risk is their stock-in-
trade. Though they're most famous for technology projects, their influence is felt in all
sectors. Unlike joint venturing, these capitalists take a large (often upward of 40 percent)
and long-term equity stake in a company in return for providing financing and direct
managerial input. Their plan is to guide the entrepreneur through the early stages of
success and then take the company
"public" at which time they sell their original stake at many times the price of their original
investment. Many big companies, including Intel and Microsoft, had their humble
beginnings financed by venture capital. This American invention has spread around the
globe as a financial tool for all sorts of products. Some VC companies subspecialize in
various forms, from early, high-risk "seed money" through the subsequent and
progressively less risky injections of money known as "rounds" that are needed as
business prospects increase. Entrepreneur/ marketeers who are prepared to give up a
portion of their company would be wise to consider this path.
Another American invention, but this one from the 19th century, is the investment bank.
Not to be confused with your check-cashing, Christmas Club, commercial-type institution,
I-banks (as they're known) raise funds by acting as the intermediary for selling a
company's securities (usually debt-creating bonds) to pools of investors in order to finance
businesses. I-banks don't take an active role in the operation of the marketeer's business,
but they often oversee the reselling of the original bonds as well as profiting from the initial
sale. Many I-banks are famous and enormous institutions (e.g., Goldman Sachs), but the
process is also open to smaller operators around the world. The selling of bonds is
considerably cheaper than VC but it does create debt, which is paid regardless of the
success of the marketeer's plan.
Commercial banks are notoriously risk-adverse and demand collateral for most loans. This
keeps their risk low and a borrower's interest rate down. This type of financing, which may
be used in conjunction with joint venturing, is really only open to marketeers if they wish to
incur debt.
If a marketeer's product has the potential to serve infrastructural, educational or
humanitarian purposes, financing for its development can be sought through agencies set
up to promote international economic progress (see Chapter 3).
Agencies such as the International Monetary Fund (World Bank) and the Asian
Development Bank can also provide financing for projects that will significantly
increase employment in developing markets. Interest rates are very low and payment
schedules generous.
For marketeers that already operate established companies, the issuance of corporate
stock may serve to finance the development of a new product or the extensive revamping
of the current line. Incorporating in the target market is also a consideration. Rules of
incorporation and stock issuance vary greatly from nation to nation, and many countries
have strict laws regarding a company's responsibility to shareholders. The corporation may
be held privately or publicly, depending on the local law and degree of oversight desired by
the marketeer.
While this is a common means of raising capital, the reader is advised that it can become
a legal quagmire if not properly structured.
Contrary to popular postulate, rich people don't sit around their mansions counting their
money all day. They invest it. Many of these folks are entrepreneurs who like to plow their
money into other people's projects and thereby do well by doing good. These "angels" (as
they're called) keep a significant part of their investment portfolio available for "staking" the
projects of other entrepreneurs and marketeers in fields usually related to the donor's
original success. Angels can be found in a marketeer's domestic market, the target market,
or virtually anywhere on the globe. The Internet is brimming with sites that specialize in
putting private investors together with promising marketeers.
AN INVESTMENT WARNING: As is true with any attempt to seek outside investment, take
care with the selection of your future partners or creditors. Bad political choices can be just
as devastating to a project as choosing someone who fails to produce the promised
financing. Measures should be taken to determine just how the investor's riches were
earned. Marketeers may also find that certain types of projects will attract direct
government intervention and the "appointing" of qualified investors Research: Insight Over
Product development and the financing that makes it possible require a great deal of
research into the vast number of possibilities and configurations that present themselves.
The move into an overseas market will be expensive from several perspectives: Time,
money and energy. It's not an intuitive process.
Rushing into a market simply because a "feeling about it" presages success will rarely (if
ever) bring about the desired result.
It's very difficult for a company to be objective about its product and especially so when the
product has been a money-maker in the domestic market. However, marketeers can't
afford to be subjective in a global commercial environment, where brand and company
loyalty is fast becoming ruled by a what-have-you-done-lately attitude. A consumer's
emotional attachment to goods and services is short-lived and so should be a marketeer's.
A company must ask itself, "Does a product have what it takes to please the target market
or not?" Research, when properly done, will give a marketeer the needed insight.
PROPER RESEARCH in a new market always brings about a surprising result-you find
how little you really knew before you started. Even the globe's tiniest markets are complex
commercial carpets with thousands of tasseled ends. Methodical research allows the
marketeer to understand how each carpet is woven and what binds that weave together.
No two carpets are exactly alike, and each contains a variety of subpatterns that can be
revealed as the market is continuously segmented and products refined.
Research has its roots in education, but it's not an academic exercise for those involved in
international business. It's a very real, vital, and costly process without which business
decisions must be made on conjecture alone. Derived from the Anglo-French sercher by
way of the late Latin circare (to go around), research
demands that the practitioner gain a total perspective before drawing a conclusion.
Marketeers who fail to conduct a thorough survey of a nation's commercial carpet before
stepping onto it run the risk of having the rug pulled
out from under them.
Defining Research Objectives: Plan Your Work
Marketing research is often associated with lengthy questionnaires and complex formulas
more akin to calculus than customers. For multi-billion dollar or trillion yen companies,
such elaboration is standard and affordable. Small- and medium-size companies have
trimmer budgets and marketing departments with fewer personnel to be assigned calculus
problems. Be assured that regardless of
the size of a company or its vearly gross sales, the process for doing market research is
the same
The first part of the research process is to establish objectives, which aren't to be confused
with outcomes. Objectives should be about gathering information, outcomes will be the
result of analysis. Marketeers must start off the research process by avoiding the
possibility of self-fulfilling prophesies--you can't be subjective about objectives. A proper
initial objective would be: Determine the level of demand for Product X in the Hulinese
market. An improper overall objective for entering a new market would be: Determine the
best distributor for Product X in the Hulinese market. The former assumes nothing, while
the latter presupposes demand. The basic questions must be answered first if the
research is to have value, as there are no "givens when entering a new market.
An objective is a precise statement of the research's purpose. In its fullest form, it will have
three vital components.
RESEARCH QUESTION The first is the research question that asks what information will
be specifically required for the research. Since the ultimate goal of research is to aid
decision makers, achieving an answer to this question is the measurement of thorough
research. In the example above, the research question leading to the objective statement
would have been "What is the level of demand for Product X in the Hulinese market at this
time?" A follow-up question might be "Can demand be created through promotions?" "If
so, what type of promotion would be suitable in the Hulinese market?"
RESEARCH PROPOSITION The second component is the research proposition, in which
the marketeer anticipates possible answers to the research questions posed. These
hypothetical answers can be as general as "Demand will be high in the Hulinese market"
to the more specific "Hulinese acceptance of the product will be the result of a strong local
economy and increased consumer purchasing power coupled with a growing awareness of
international brands." It should be obvious that the more detailed the proposal, the more
specificities the research will have to cover. Additionally, because this is meant to be an
aid to decision makers, negative proposals should also be offered. Marketeers must
always be prepared to accept less-than-stellar results when viewing new territories, with
the knowledge that neither good nor bad results are permanent.
NOTE: If the first time you looked at the downside of a marketing scheme was after the
research had been completed, you wasted a good deal of time and money.
RESEARCH LIMITS The third component that must be put in place to formulate
an obiective is a determination of the research limits. Some of the limitations will be set by
the propositions, some by the budgetary restrictions placed upon the research process,
and still others will be the result of the availability of the desired information. In the first and
second cases, limits should be in direct proportion to the size of the potential investment. A
simple trade for a container load of foodstuffs will require a few days worth of investigation,
whereas investment in a multibillion Deutsche-mark seafood packaging plant may require
enormous expenditures and years of time to get the proper answers. Marketeers are
advised never to skimp on the research budget, as money well spent at this stage can
save potential losses or ensure future profits. Even if you decide to use outside contractors
to secure information, make sure you secure the best that money (and your budget) can
The major limiting factor is the availability of information. Western marketeers, especially
the U.S. variety, are often shocked at the secrecy many cultures maintain regarding
consumer activity and commercial statistics. This is widespread in, but not limited to, the
emerging markets. Asian markets are particularly sensitive about having their economic
futures reduced to a series of statistics open to interpretation by what they view as hostile
foreign forces. China has jailed journalists for the reporting of national commercial
statistics in advance of the formal governmental announcement, and Vietnam has
declared its commercial statistics to be state secrets. Sub-Saharan African markets, where
accurate accounting can lead to mortal accountability, have a ditterent spin on information
protection. Few, if any, statistics are kept and new regimes are quick to rework what
information is available to justify new policies. South America, where varying degrees of
openness exist, prefers a very judicious approach to foreign information gathering.
Countries that are having economic problems, even developed nations, can
suddenly and decisively drop a curtain around the type of information market researchers
need. All nations want to paint the rosiest picture possible about the value of their country
in the global marketplace and individual companies within those nations will be doing the
same. These very real stumbling blocks reinforce the value of deliberate research and the
need for setting suitable objectives. As
much research as possible should be conducted on-the-ground in the targeted country.
WARNING: Research is a very serious and necessary part of any overseas marketing
effort. A common mistake made by smal companies and entrepreneurs is to combine their
in-country commercia research with vacation time in an effort to "kil two birds with one
stone." The standard result of this unsuitable mixture of business and pleasure is
inadequate research and an unrelaxing vacation. Besides the eftect on research. it may
also damage your future business relationships in the target country. The same types of
countries that clamp down on commercial information are also the ones that trown on
visitors conducting business activities while traveling on tourist visas. Fines, expulsion, and
"blackballing" can result- for individuals or entire companies. Vacations are fine for soaking
up casual cultural ambience, but hard-core marketing research demands full-
rime arrention
Designing Your Research Process: Work Your Plan
Once the objective (or objectives) for research is set, a marketeer needs to plan the
method by which each will be obtained. The objective serves as the driving why of the
research process, and now the marketeer/researcher will need to determine the what,
where, when, and how necessary for completion. Devising a blueprint for conducting
research will enable the marketeer to attain the original goal and avoid the myriad
diversions that will present themselves during information gathering. 'The research plan
also assures that everything has been taken into account before the real investigative work
Under ideal circumstances, all information could be laid before a researcher and quickly
sorted into nice, neat, relevant piles. The reality is that information is scattered, sometimes
hidden, often completely unavailable, located in far-flung
corners of the earth. written in other languages and many times hopelessly out of date.
Access to it may be restricted by governmental, proprietary, budgetary and temporal
constraints. A detailed list is presented in chart form at the end of this chapter of the areas
that need to be covered when planning research, but marketeers are advised at this point
to plan the content of this process from a very realistic viewpoint. The research should be
divided into two main sections: Cultural information and commercial information.
Researchers may find a good deal of overlap but both areas should receive equal
emphasis and planning, Research depth and content usually hinge on the financial
constraints inherent in the following three categories.
Cultural research should always be conducted inside the target nation by the marketeer or
trusted staff. Do not, under any circumstances, use second-hand cultural information.
Reading tour-guide books and national histories should be preparation for a research trip,
not a substitute. Even when consultants or research contractors (see Sources for
International Commercial Research, below) are used, cultural information should be
secured by the marketeer for everything but simple trade projects. Commercial research
may be partially conducted in the marketeer's domestic market if the target nation has a
history of economic openness. The Internet and governmental databases are good
sources of statistical information. but surveys and product testing must be conducted
within the target market for obvious reasons. Wherever possible, use vour own personnel.
Keep a keen eve on expenses but don't pinch pesetas good research costs money.
Global business moves quickly, but research and access to information sources can be
time consuming. These should be conducted as soon as possible and within
the shortest beriod deemed prudent. A research prosect that takes a vear to complete may
contain information that's quite out of date at the time of the final report. It can be very
expensive to travel on short notice, but ideally good planning will have preceded any
necessary research trips. Research and planning should trigger sudden moves made by a
skilled marketeer, not the other way around.
A company may choose from a variety of means for conducting research. It may gather its
own information or use that produced by government agencies or consulting companies. It
may conduct face-to-tace surveys among consumers or observe their behavior from a
distance. It may use raw statistical data to build elaborate mathematical models of how a
market will perform, or rely on experiential evidence and cultural history. Successful
international products have been launched by all of these methods, by companies from
large to small.
Methodology provides usable information that in its turn provides insight and the
international market favors insight over intuition.
Sources for International Commercial Research
Since information will serve as the marketeer's education about the marketplace, research
should have a logical structure to its plan. Much in the way scholastic education proceeds,
the marketeer must move from general study to specifics, as the target goes from a distant
overview to pinpoint inspection. From an informational standpoint, this is a movement from
indirect sources to those derived directly from the targeted market. These are called
primary and secondary sources by many researchers (commercial and academic), but for
marketing purposes, that type of nomenclature tends to confuse the order in which the
information gathering takes place. Marketeers should move from the more general
(indirect) to the specific direct sources, in that order. Indirect sources allow the researcher
to determine which direct sources will be of the greatest benefit.
• GOVERNMENTS Governmental agencies are the first source that small- and
medium size companies turn to when seeking international marketing information. Each
nation (and sometimes their major cities) has a governmental department devoted to
promoting trade. They compile statistics and formulate profiles on all of their current and
potential trading partners but are greatly restricted by budget and the talent of their
operatives. Politics also comes into play and data tends to be more comprehensive
between nations that are on good
Marketeers in the research mode may seek out data from their own government or from
the target market's agencies. Most of the larger industrial and
technological powers make their data available to all researchers so marketeers from
smaller nations may consider using them in lieu of their own government agencies.
WARNING: All governments are in the habit of promoting their own trade, often to
the detriment of their neighbors and competitors. Government statistics shouldn't be
accepted as infallible pronouncements. If important data (governmental or private) can't be
corroborated by at least one other source. disregard it.
TRADE ORGANIZATIONS Private agencies and trade associations abound in
international business (e.g., Chambers of Commerce) and often their sole purpose is to
gather trade statistics and analysis. While they may duplicate some of the biases of
governmental groups, trade associations can be a source of quality information about
potential competitors, as well as about the market in general.
Rarely will such groups provide information to nonmembers without a fee. If this is the
case, check the quality of a small amount of information before making a final decision to
sign on for what may prove to be a good deal of self-promotion or very shallow fact finding.
LOCAL PARTNERS AND AGENTS When utilizing a joint venture, a strategic partnership,
or even a distribution agent, don't overlook their ability to provide insights into the new
market, even when their business experience may be minimal.
As mentioned earlier, these partners may not be of your own choosing but they're partners
nonetheless, and the best should be made of a less-than-ideal situation.
Besides being able to provide commercial statistics and competition profiles, local partners
can provide roadmaps for the political and licensing landscapes; in fact, this may prove to
be their greatest contribution. Some markets are quite clannish, literally, so some care
ought to be taken regarding a local partner's recommendations and situational analysis.
The partner may be under great pressure (governmental or familial) to influence the
direction of your venture.
CONSULTANTS Market research consultancy firms are burgeoning throughout the
developed and undeveloped world at an unchecked rate. The reason is quite simple: Even
small companies expanding overseas have recognized the need for professionally
assembled information. But few of these small companies, even some large ones, see the
need to maintain a full-time staff for what's viewed as either a one-time effort or, at best, a
part-time vocation. Enter the consultant to fill in the gaps. Most consultancy firms or single
operators will not only gather the information but also formulate a marketing plan-usually
for a very stiff price.
Quality varies immensely, as there's no licensing requirement for calling yourselt a
"marketing consultant," and few practitioners put much stock in academic certification.
Marketeers that decide to utilize a consultancy firm for research should insist on being able
to contact that firm's former clients. If the firm won't provide any names (usually claiming
client confidentiality), drop them from consideration.
When a list is provided, find out how in-depth the research was and if it's related to the
market you're targeting. Most firms will only give you the names of satisfied customers so
you may want to do some background checking of your own if the fees stand to be large
(Internet forums are a useful tool for this exercise).
WARNING: While most consultancies are reputable, the least reputable ones tend to go
after contracts with smaller companies, knowing that the demands will be less stringent.
Consultants may be using readily available resources that you could access yourself at far
less expense. Don't sign any contracts until they've proven themselves with a small
assignment. Many consultants are guilty of "boiler plating," which is the reselling of
standard information to multiple clients as it it were recently and expensively) unearthed.
(The "find and replace" capabilities of word processing software have taken this practice to
new heights, or lows, as the case may be. Insist upon detailed billing statements, along
with daily activity records, and avoid signing a consultancy's
"standard contract" unless you can amend it to your benefit. Providing your own
contract is the best method
CONTRACTORS Marketeers with sufficient resources may decide to keep the information
gathering under closer scrutiny by hiring contractors, as opposed to consultancy firms. The
contractor acts as a temporary employee and is more subject to the direction of the
company's management. This maintains control over the process without making a long-
term hiring commitment. Contractors should be given detailed instructions and their
interaction with the manager/ marketeer should be as frequent as possible. Since
marketing research isn't dissimilar to academic research, a good source of eager and
reasonably priced contractors is available on every university campus. Marketeers may
also uncover other talents (e.g., linguistic, accounting, engineering) in these researchers
that can be of longer term use to the company. Your company may be small now, but that
can change quickly, and the need for a full-time marketing department may present itself
sooner than you thought.
NOTE: Since these contractors can be hired in either the domestic or target market, take
care to abide by the applicable laws for their hiring, remuneration, and termination. In
some countries, there's no such thing as a "temporary" employee.
DATABASES AND THE INTERNET Computer databases and the Internet have very
rarely lived up to the hype that has preceded every new advance; still, they can be very
useful tools for marketing researchers. CD-ROM and database
technology has allowed libraries and data companies to store enormous amounts of
information in an easy-access format, with quick search capabilities.
Information that once took months to collate can now be assembled in a matter of minutes.
Free or near-free access, on disk or on-line, to national demographics, industry statistics,
cultural profiles, company quarterly reports, business forums and even on-line trade shows
makes database searches a great starting point for any researcher. Email is also an
economical way for marketeers to make initial contact with potential partners and
NOTE: Very few companies, other than Internet service providers, have actually made
money while transacting business over the Internet. Once contact is made. a more
personal follow-up will be required. Computers are tools and all tools have limitations
• MEDIA Publications, from books to magazines to newsletters to newspapers, are awash
with useful business and cultural information. Astute marketeers will read as many sources
as possible to overcome the various biases inherent in news publishing. Most publications
maintain archives, while libraries assemble their own in microfiche for ready access to
historical data. Some publications and publishers that specialize in business (e.g., the
Economist, the Wall Street Journal, World Trade Press) have also established an Internet
WARNING: There can be a great deal of overlap among government and media sources.
In countries with totalitarian governments, they're one in the same. Determining the
"source of the source" will help marketeers analyze the information gathered.
DIPLOMATIC If your country permits you to do business with the target market,
then the chances are good that vour government maintains a diplomatic office there
staffed with a number of commercial attachés. Their job is to provide information drawn
directly from the target market for use in promoting import/ export projects. They're also a
good source of information regarding the true nature of local investment policies. In
countries where "connections" are needed to do business, diplomatic staff can set the
marketeer on the right path toward the right people.
During the Cold War, the title of "commercial attaché"
designation among the major powers for intelligence agents. While that practice has
greatly subsided, such personnel may be considered suspect by the target market
government. If there's any diplomatic rancor between your government and that of the
target market, keep your contact with such attachés discreet. It's no surprise that many of
the world's former security intelligence personnel have switched their attention to
commercial research. Conflict has gone from the war room to the boardroom
INDIGENOUS STAFF When the budget permits, a company may wish to tap into a
storehouse of market information by employing personnel recruited directly from the target
market. Management personnel, in particular, are quality sources of cultural, linguistic,
commercial, and legal information that would take months, even years, to acquire. This
type of information shouldn't be confused with that obtained from local partners who may
be very self-serving (especially when the partner was not of a marketeer's choosing).
Indigenous personnel are employees of the marketeer's company-not the joint venture and
may be hired as immigrants to the marketeer's country or in the targeted local market
itself. Their loyalty should be firmly established, especially when hired locally, as industrial
espionage is a growing concern for all international companies. Even when they're not
hired from the ranks of management, these employees are excellent sources of the
cultural information necessary for working in the new marketplace.
By far and away, the best information that can be acquired by a researcher is that which is
obtained in-person and in-country. Also known as "on the ground" research, RBWA is the
only way to actually observe the consumer and the marketplace in action. While much
commercial information can be reduced to a series of statistics in a database, cultural
nuance and consumer behavior is best assessed in the environment where it's applied.
The wandering part of this terminology is meant to suggest the expansive nature of the
research, not aimlessness. R WBA, like all good research, should start with the general
and move to the specific. It's a common mistake in international business to move in the
other direction.
NOTE: A good example of this is the continued failure of foreign companies in China that
have confused the thriving coastal cities with the nature of the market as a whole.
If you want to market your product exclusively in Shanghai, fine, but if it requires
"Chinese" acceptance, get thee to the countryside.
Extensive RWBA can be an expensive proposition, as it uses up both a marketeer's time
and money. The return-on-investment, however, is quite sizeable. No one in the history of
international business has ever regretted attaining the insights that come from extensive
travel in a foreign market. Those that have come to regret a lack of RWBA are generally
explayers in the global marketplace.
Because of the expense, R WBA should be well planned and timed for maximum effect
(e.g., don't plan a research trip to Rio that coincides with Carnival or try to schedule
meetings a week before Christmas in Edinburgh). Larger companies may send teams to
spread out over assigned areas but they, like smaller operators, should allow several
weeks (three minimum) to get the job done properly. A few days simply will not do; two
months is ideal, even when spread over a year's time.
It's important for any company, large or small, to take an organized approach to RWBA in
order to avoid failing to produce results or turning research into an unscheduled vacation.
Collecting Information:
Statistical, Qualitative and Observational Methods
There are three tpes of information that researchers must secure in order to be able to
apply the word "thorough" to their information gathering process.
They're known as the statistical. gualitative. and observational methods. Al marketing
research contains these three elements. They don't necessarily receive equal emphasis as
much depends on the goods or services under consideration.
The statistical method (for the purposes of this book) will refer to the data that researchers
obtam from any of the indirect sources delineated above. These can be of a demographic,
climatic, economic, political, and geographic nature. While much of this can be accessed
from databases and archives, it's to be stressed that even this type of information is highly
susceptible to bias in its scope and reportage. All statistical information should be
corroborated and never taken at
race value.
NOTE: Benjamin Disraeli once said: "There are lies, damned lies, and then there are
Qualitative information is that which is derived from surveys and interviews conducted
directly in the targeted market. Some of this information may be
acquired from the actual consumer base or from the diplomatic and indigenous staff
mentioned above. When consumers are surveyed, this should be done in a formal manner
with standardized questions and interview situations.
WARNING: Marketeers in the research mode are advised to check with the local
authorities before conducting surveys or interviews. Many emerging markets, and even
some developed ones, have governments that are very sensitive to political or economic
Inquiries made by foreigners. Don't be surprised it a person is assigned to "assist" vou
wIth your interviews
Observational information gathering takes place during the all important
RBWA period. The information can be acquired randomly or according to a set plan. The
latter method is the most advisable, but the marketeer/researcher should be prepared to
take notes on the marketplace wherever and whenever valuable information presents
itself. Unlike conducting surveys, observation requires some subtlety and researchers
must not give the appearance that they're gathering
information. or the subiects wil tend to act in an uncharacteristic manner.
NOTE: Another reason to be discreet with your observations is to avoid the attention of
local authorities. Foreigners who jot down copious notes or speak into cassette recorders
may be perceived as something other than harmless commercial researchers. Effective
Competition Studies: Keeping a Clear Head
All businesses have competition of some kind. Even when products aren't in direct
competition, they always compete for the spending patterns of the consumer. Competition
can be located in the target market, in the marketeer's domestic market or in another
foreign economy. Information should be gathered on all forms of competition during the
research phase of market planning. Market segmentation, total demand, and market share
must be considered simultaneously if the marketeer is to obtain a clear picture of the
foreign marketplace. Oftentimes the local government, its state-owned companies, or
businesses conducted as fronts for officials will be the major (or sole) competitors. This
may make research somewhat more difficult, but not impossible.
When conducting competitor research, it's essential to remain objective about a rival's
capabilities actual or potential. This is particularly difficult for entrepreneur marketeers who
conduct their own research. It's also difficult for subordinate managers who, placed in the
role of researchers, don't want to be the ones to present their home office with bad news.
In either case, appearing to be a "defeatist" shouldn't be the issue. If a competitor has a
better product, a lower price or even a government sponsored "lock" on the market, that
information must be passed along. Withholding the information or "sugar coating" it will
only serve to create an incorrect analysis of market conditions. Researchers, whether
they're a solo act or part of a massive team from an international commercial giant, must
be honest about the realities of the marketplace; let the analysts deal with the fallout.
The Value of Objectivity: Sometimes the Answer is "Not Now"
All information gathered by researchers, not just that concerning competitors, must be
sought out and looked at objectively before inclusion in the final report.
Much of what's collected will reflect the biases of the provider to some extent, and these
must either be filtered out or offset by other viewpoints. No opinion is absolute and no fact
tells the entire story. The assembling of cultural information is far more prone to
subjectivity, although commercial information can be equally tainted when big money is at
Emotions can run high when attempting to enter a new market; researchers
must maintain a cool heart when making decisions about information. Much of the emotion
stems from a marketeer's fear of missing a great opportunity in a foreign economy. It's
important to realize that some opportunities are best forgone, at least for the time being.
Marketeers and their researchers need to understand that while the answer provided by
market information is never "no," it can be "not now." Only objective information and
dispassionate analysis will give the marketeer a true reading of a target's potential and the
timing necessary to tap it.
Interpretation of Research: Good Idea, Good Product, Good Timing
In many ways, the gathering of information can be far easier than deciding what to do with
it. This is where good interpretation and analytical skills come into play. It's important not to
confuse the two, which are very different.
Interpretation of factual material is the rendering of information into a form that can be
understood and digested by the end-user (the marketeer). Much like the job of a translator
of languages, a good interpreter knows that communication, even between two markets, is
full of nuance. Parsing information can be properly done by consultant, staff, or contract
researchers only when they have a clear idea of the end-user's goal. Though disregarding
useless information is as important as highlighting the productive, interpreters must wait
until set portions of the research are complete to make these distinctions. Even when
marketeers act as their own interpreters, they must take great care to select material after
all parts of the research plan have been satisfied
WARNING: Don't attempt to interpret information as the research is in progress.
Seemingly useless information uncovered early on may not have any bearing until it'
associated with data acquired later in the process. Research interpretation is really a
process of setting up connections
Analysis follows on the heels of interpretation and is the process whereby translated
information is applied to the problem at hand. Having good information and knowing what
to do with it can be very separate things. Evidence of this can be seen everyday in the
world's stock markets. A buyer and a seller
may look at the same information about a stock and vet one sees an opportunity to enter
the marketplace while the other believes it's the best time to get out. One of them is right,
one is wrong. Both may also be right for entirely different reasons.
The one with the proper analysis wins, while the other loses. The same is true in
international marketing. Comprehensive research and quality interpretation can provide
the marketeer with a detailed map, but only proper analysis will determine if it's a
propitious time to start the trip to market.
It's said that good analytical skills can't be learned, and that experience may serve to hone
talent already present. Successful marketeers have the inherent analytical skills necessary
to make profitable decisions and they never, ever, rely on luck. Marketeers may hire others
to collect information and even interpret it, but analysis must eventually be done by the
marketeer. As is true with information gathering and interpretation, egos must be put on
hold during the analytical phase.
The only emotion that should affect the process is an enthusiasm for getting the job done
right. Personal attachments to products, packaging, and advertising will only cloud the
analysis. Marketing research is first and foremost a discipline, not
an intuitive process Guidelines for Cultural Research: Past, Present and Future
Cultural information will provide the marketeer with the knowledge about how people in the
target market live and their views of the marketplace. Besides providing a basis for product
development or redesign, cultural information will also give insights into how business is
conducted and the population's sentiments about foreign products. The following is a list of
topics that need to be covered to obtain a thorough profile of a culture:
Historical ruling factions
Foreign invasion or colonization
Wars and international disputes
Economic progress
Legal development
Religious groups
Ethnic groups
Linguistic roots
Continental location
Boundary demarcation
Weather patterns
Natural resources
Population dispersal
Population projections
Basic family unit
Role of extended families
Birth and death rates
Marriage and divorce rates
Parental roles
Male/female roles
Effect of kinship groups
Role of age
Role of government in families
Current national structure
Budget as percentage of GDP
Major political parties
Local governments
Voting restrictions
Stability assessment
Internal security
Taxation policy
Trade policies
Role of military in politics
Role of government in business
Risk assessment
International relations and treaties
Primary and secondary
Tertiary levels available
Literacy rates by gender by locale by ethnic group by economic class
Role of government in education
Private industry support
Areas of emphasis (e.g., engineering)
Role of overseas education
Language education
Technological instruction
Educational forecasts
Strength of judiciary
Basis for legal code
Police (national and local)
Role of bribery
Protection for foreign nationals
Patent, trademark, and copyright laws
International agreements (e.g., WTO)
Ethnic participation
Expropriation laws
Profit repatriation laws
Cultural philosophies
Religious groups
Secular and ecclesiastical influence
Symbology and icons
Religion and government
Inter-religious conflicts
Role of cults
Ethnic folklore
Foreign influences
Level of development
Government support
Private support
Role in daily life
National language(s)
Ethnic influences
Foreign languages spoken
National sport
eisure activities
Attitudes toward leisure
Income devoted to recreation
National holidays
Cuisine style and background
Nutrition levels
Foreign influence
National dishes
Class distinctions
Ethnic distinctions
Sanitation concerns
Dining protocol
Alcohol consumption
Gender roles
Rural versus urban dwellings
Population densities
Cost of housing
Rate of ownership
Non-citizen ownership rights
Sanitary conditions
Size of average household
Inheritance policies
Treatment of poor
Employer role
Government role
Housing projections
Labor relations
Average wage
income taxes
Percent of industrial versus agricultural
Training programs
Mandated benefits
Holidays and vacation policies
Payment methods
Industrial forecasts
Average lifespan
Doctors per capita
Major health concerns
Government coverage
Hospitals per capita
Health care for foreigners
Health and lifespan projections
Commercial Research: A Decision-Making Checklist
In many ways, economic research is more straightforward and easily accessed than
cultural information, as much of it is readily available in databases. There can be little
doubt that all of the topics covered under cultural research have a great effect on the
economy (and vice versa). It's virtually impossible to do a thorough job of researching one
without becoming involved with the other. The guidelines have been separated to show the
differences in concentration, not to clarify any exclusivity. The following is a list of topics
that require research when attempting to get an accurate picture of a nation's commercial
Historical economic growth patterns
Changes in economic philosophy
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Per capita and per family
Growth rate
International standing
Growth rate
Gender percentages
Rural/urban densities
Immigration rates and policies
Income distribution by:
Racial group
Geographic region
Major crops
Distribution of crops
Total foodstufts consumed
Climatic factors
Percentage of total workforce
Ratio of imports to exports
Contribution to the economy
Growth projections
Major industries
Major categories
Resources available
Percentage of total workforce
Ratio of imports to exports
Contribution to the economy
Growth projections
International rating
Major companies
Major categories
Resources available
Percentage of total workforce
Ratio of imports to exports
Contribution to the economy
Growth projections
Level of development
Research and development funding
Rail System
Petroleum/natural gas sector
Import/export ratios
Gasoline sources
Local refineries
Electrical power plants
Power consumption
Growth projections
Sets per capita
Number of private stations Number of public stations
Satellite capability
Foreign involvement
Sets per capita
Number of private stations
Number of public stations
Foreign involvement
Government ownership percent
Foreign ownership percent
Cellular capability
International long-distance
Internet access
Service providers
End users
Restrictions on use
Postal System
Public versus private
Foreign carriers
Postal rates
Total nationwide
Major publications
Censorship concerns
Budget as percentage of GDP
Total national debt
Budget deficit
Inflation rates
Balance of payments
Rate(s) of exchange
Foreign currency reserves
Role in domestic commerce
Internal tariffs
State-owned enterprises
Role in foreign trade
Import/export controls
Customs process
Licensing process
Embargo restrictions
Foreign aid
Public and private sources
Usage rates
International bond rating
Economic policy
Foreign investment policy Property ownership rights
Business ownership rights
Entry/exit visa policies
Permanent resident policies
Taxation rates
Foreign-owned businesses
Expatriate workers
Profit repatriation laws
Expropriation and domestication risks
National productivity
Applicable sector productivity
Hiring practices
Training needs
Minimum wage requirements
Mandatory benefits
Work week length
Overtime requirements
Religious restrictions
Dismissal policies
Union activity and strength
Local management percentage
Linguistic concerns
Local labor attitudes
Government oversight
Cultural concerns
Available advertising modes
Reach and impact projections
Local familiarity
Available promotion formats
Use of local agencies
Logo and brand recognition
Potential for foreign involvement
Availability of locally run distribution
Services offered
Product experience
Financial status
Extent of retail operations
Quality of agents
Quality of retail outlets
Ability to store and transport goods
Credit requirements
Quality control systems
Pollution concerns
Industrial guidelines
Government controls
Environmental treaties
Competition Profiles: When to Compare Apples to Oranges
Competitors in the target market may not always be immediately visible. It's even possible
that they'll only spring into view when they find out you're researching their domestic
market. Any product (goods or services) that can be duplicated will be duplicated. The
ease of duplication and the laxity of legal protection will determine the speed at which the
duplication takes place. Competition can't ever be completely eliminated, but it can always
be forecasted by analyzing astute research. Competition profiles will help the marketeer
determine what competitors are already in the marketplace and the potential for other
rivals in the near or distant future. The following is a list of the types of information that
should be kept on file (and regularly updated) regarding competitors:
Competitor name
Country of origin
Presence in target market
Presence in neighboring markets
International presence
Total number ot operations
Estimated revenues
Domestic presence
'Total number of operations
Estimated revenues
Directly competitive products
Indirectly competitive products
Promotional efforts
Local distribution channels
International distribution channels
Governmental connections
Strategic partnerships
Joint ventures
Importer relationships
Estimate of current market share
Potential for future competition
NOTE: Bear in mind that if you've found a new market interesting, someone else has
probably found it equally enticing and is researching it as well.
Developing Distribution
DISTRIBUTION IS THE PROCESS of getting the product to the customer at the right
and the right time. This seems to be a simple requirement, but it's one that has caused the
failure of innumerable companies over the centuries, despite the fact that many of these
companies have had well-made and well-priced products.
The main cause of failure isn't the unavailablity of distribution channels but the lack of
consideration given to distribution during the early stages of market planning. This chapter
will examine all of the variables that need to be part of distribution planning.
Controlling the Channels: Getting to the Customer
A distribution channel is the route a product takes when moving from the producer to the
consumer. Channels may be simple with few intermediaries or they may be composed of
complex networks with numerous layers of middlemen.
Marketeers must contend with their domestic market distribution to get supplies as well as
with international distribution networks to get their product or service to the foreign market.
Once this is done, local distribution inside the target market will have to be considered.
Plainly, the greater control a marketeer has over these three distribution channels, the
greater the likelihood of success. The amount of control will be determined by the following
Initially, there's the cost of setting up the channel, which involves the management labor to
locate and negotiate distribution deals a process that can be as lengthy and expensive as
finding the consumers for the product. Secondly, maintenance costs on the channel
include the cost of internal sales staff, middlemen, and promotional efforts. The final costs
to be considered are those associated with transportation, storage, and administration. All
costs determined at this level will eventually be passed along to the consumer; therefore,
marketeers seek to reduce these expenditures whenever possible.
The choice and control of a channel will depend greatly on a marketeer's ability to
capitalize the process. Some parts of the distribution chain may pay for the product as it
moves through the channel, in which case the marketeer must only finance the production.
This is true, for instance, of an import distributor that buys a product from an
marketeer/exporter for eventual resale to local retailers, who've bought it outright for sale
to consumers. Each member of the chain receives payment as the channel lengthens and
each has very short-term exposure.
At other times, the distribution chain can be just as lengthy, but no single member
(including the producer) receives payment until after the sale to the end-user. This is the
case when agents are utilized who only represent (rather than purchase) the products for
resale. Even if the agent has better connections than the import distributor and proves to
be a better marketing choice, a marketeer with little capital may not be able to wait for the
extended payment process.
The type of product under consideration will, of course, greatly influence the method of
distribution. Broad product lines attract distributors, whercas single items are more the
territory of specialist agents. Perishables will, by necessity, require short distribution chains
and quick handling. Some consumer products (personal care goods) may need more
personal selling while high-tech gear may move from producer to end-user directly, with
only a shipper as intermediary.
The per-unit size and price will also have an impact on the availability and choice of
members of the chain
Total control of the distribution channels may not always be necessary, desirable, or even
attainable. Each marketeer must determine how much control is needed and how much
they'll accept. With direct sales a company controls promotion, quality, and price, but the
expense of doing so may be large if it entails the use of separate retail outlets (as is the
case with designer clothing stores as opposed to department store retailing). Other times,
a company may find that its product requires little care once it has reached its final form.
The distributors are willing to buy the product "up front," rather than after the sale to the
end-user (as is the case with companies producing recorded music for worldwide
The success of a product in the marketplace will depend greatly on the size of the area
over which it's distributed--also known as its range. Not all products require the same
amount of range. Legal services, for instance, may only need to
be marketed in urban areas, while a commodity like eggs will need distribution over a
much larger area. When seeking an external distributor, agent, or broker, the following
should be considered:
Current office location (will show the effort's focal point)
Previous sales by geographic locale (demonstrates the effect of the effort)
Other accounts (helps determine familiarity with the product type)
Regardless of how stringent a contract is, distribution will not be successful if the producer
and the members of the chain don't work together in an efficient manner. Incompatibility
may spring from differing goals, business practices, or cultures. All of these must be made
consistent before any attempt at distribution is made. In the cases of goals and practices,
a marketeer must have them clearly delineated before expecting to find compatible chain
members. Large companies produce guidelines for external members of the distribution
chain and make adherence a contractual matter. Smaller companies (with less
marketplace power) may not be able to get chain members to sign off on guidelines, but a
clear statement of requirements can only help the situation. Other companies (whose
products require follow-up service) may choose to work within the confines of
"authorized dealerships" to maintain standards. Cultural compatibility can never be the
subject of contract or authorization; it must be a matter of tolerance among the chain
members. Consideration should be given, in descending order, from those that deal most
closely with the end-user down to the producer level.
Marketeers that work for companies that place executives at the top of the organizational
pyramid may find this difficult to swallow initially, but such cultural considerations are at the
heart of international (maybe more aptly named
"intercultural") business.
Distribution Strategies: Matching Resources to the Marketplace
Distribution density refers to the number of sales outlets required to provide adequate
range for a product. Density requirements are a direct function of the end-user's
purchasing habits. Changes in density needs will ripple through to change other
components of the distribution chain. The key to proper density is consumer habit
research. A fine example of density and its effect on distribution can be found in the
computer industry. For many years consumers went to computer sales outlets scattered
around the globe to look at, compare, and test personal computers prior to purchase. They
shopped for computers much in the same way that they shopped for stereo equipment or
televisions. Not surprisingly, outlets for these two types of electronic consumer goods were
also some of the early distributors of computer hardware. Over time, however, consumers
became more skilled at computer usage and more knowledgeable about the technology, to
the point where they no longer required the assistance of sales personnel or hands-on
comparison shopping.
This change in consumer skills has altered their buying habits. The latest growth in PC
sales is in Internet direct sales with companies like Gateway and Dell, which service
customers from remote low-cost locations. Consumers can now review hardware options
online, order custom-built hardware and have it shipped directly to their home or office
within a matter of days. No retail outlet, no salespeople, no local warehousing a shrinking
distribution chain. For Gateway, distribution density is an assembly plant in South Dakota
and cyberspace. (In an extreme example of this new process, crew members of the Mir
Spacecraft ordered computers from Gateway via radio, although the delivery details
weren't immediately made clear.)
While some distribution chains contract, others expand, as is the case with Starbucks
Coffee. This one-time coffee roasting company has now taken their
"coffee bar" and retailing concepts worldwide, with thousands of outlets worldwide.
Because the service (coffee brewing) that accompanies the goods (coffee) must be
delivered daily (sometimes more often) and face-to-face, Starbucks had to continually
open new outlets to reach new customers. Like the fast-food operations that have
preceded it, Starbucks increased its density to acquire market share. However, by 2008 it
had "saturated" the American market and began to close units and retool its operation.
While some wholesale/retail operators may look to a future of catalog or online direct
distribution, hospitality operators face ever-expanding density until they find themselves
Each marketeer will need to consider the density requirements of new markets and the
expansion or contraction necessary to thrive there. Technical developments (Internet),
distributor channel upgrades (international delivery services such as DHL) and competitive
moves (Apple Computer challenges Dell Computer by threatening its "direct sales" market
share) can all force a company's hand when reviewing the density of the distribution.
NOTE: Market share can often be won or lost based entirely on creating the proper
distribution densit, as product quality and price take a secondary role to access.
Distribution length refers to the number of intermediaries needed to move a product
through the marketplace. The expanding density mentioned above doesn't imply length, as
density may utilize very few intermediaries (as is true in the case of Starbucks). A
company may choose to shorten the length of their distribution by setting up a vertical
marketing system in which all parts of the chain come under direct control of the producer.
There are three types:
CORPORATE The company owns all areas of the distribution channel, including shipping
and retail outlets.
CONTRACTUAL Distribution channel members are under long-term contract to
the producer and must perform to exacting standards set by that producer.
ADMINISTRATIVE The producer, through dominance in its market segment, oversees all
areas of the distribution channel. Members willingly participate, due to the amount of
business generated by the producer. (Some international companies, such as McDonald's,
have taken this a step farther by controlling all areas of their business, including the supply
lines, an approach known as vertical integration.)
Another way to control the length of the distribution chain is horizontal marketing, wherein
two or more companies combine their marketing efforts and their distribution to the benefit
of all participants. This is similar to cobranding, but the partnership is deepened to sharing
costs and efficiencies of distribution. A prime example of this can be found in the designer
eyewear industry. Clothing designer Giorgio Armani sells a line of prescription eyeglass
frames through optometrists
and sunglasses through his own retail outlets. Italian frame designer and manufacturer
Luxotica also distributes through optometrists and retail outlets.
Luxotica found that linking itself with designer names (Armani is one of many) and
combining the two distribution networks has both expanded market share and reduced
promotional cost. The "name" brands, in their turn, have opened market segments
formerly closed to them before their marketing went "horizontal."
The addition of intermediaries or "lengthening" the chain can result in a loss of control,
which may be damning to some products. It does, however, save the costs of purchasing
shipping fleets, retail outlets, and local warehouses, as well
as the training of a retail- eve sales force. As a general rule. companies whose products
require tight quality control have short distribution channels while those with products that
are less sensitive can afford (but may not use) longer distribution chains.
NOTE: Marketeers may not be able to control as much of their distribution during the early
stages of establishing market share as they would prefer. Local government edict may
even prevent them from having a hand in any part of the distribution. Still marketeers
should always plan their distribution channels and seek any opportunity to make them
more efficient.
Physical distribution (a.k.a. logistics) refers to the physical requirements necessary to
move a product from producer to end-user. Logistics include export processing, freight
forwarding, import processing, warehousing, fulfillment, and just-in-time delivery. On a
global scale, logistics can become the most complex issue of market planning. Although
logistics is most commonly associated with the movement of goods, services face similar
problems. Logistics can impact heavily on a company's resources, both financial and
administrative. Logistics can command more than 33 percent of revenues and generally
exist outside of a company's "core business" (main focus). It's not unusual for a company
to turn over the problems (and much of the expense) of logistics to external specialists.
Efficient logistics is very often the determining factor in obtaining, maintaining,
and expanding market share.
Managing Logistics: How to Get There from Here
The goal of a logistics management system is the efficient and dependable movement of
products from producer to end-user. Logistics management is the primary service that all
companies provide to consumers. As a marketeer plans the logistical aspects of the
distribution process, the following topics must be considered.
The traditional modes of transportation have been by airplane, ship, railroad, or truck. but
now the Internet also delivers product -digital product at least. In all areas of transport,
there are three main areas to be reviewed during the planning phase.
• TRANSIT TIME The amount of time it takes the selected mode of transport to move from
the shipping point to its intended destination. Sea, rail or trucking transport may be a
matter of weeks, while air transit time can be measured in hours and the Internet in
seconds. With the exception of the Internet, cost is a function of speed; the shorter the
transit time, the higher the price.
LEAD TIME The time that it takes between when a product is ordered and when it arrives.
(Lead time shouldn't be confused with transit time, although the length of the transit will
affect lead time.) Lead time includes all of the other factors that slow down delivery such
as order handling, financial transfers, customs paperwork, and loading. A company that
can afford a long lead time can usually take advantage of the cheaper and slower modes
of transport.
BORDER COST These are transport costs (in addition to those listed above) associated
with each port of entry. For example, it may be cheaper to ship a product by sea to a
country neighboring the target consumer and then truck it across the border, rather than to
send it via a more direct route, due to differing customs and port charges. Countries
regularly adjust their port charges and landing fees without notification, so logistics
managers and marketing planners
must stay well informed at all times
Control of inventory is essential to a distribution plan for two reasons: the reduction of the
amount of capital devoted to stored materials and the reduction of storage space expense.
Streamlining inventory has become the goal of almost every company, and much of the
burden has shifted to suppliers, who in turn must seek to control their own levels.
International companies tend to keep larger stocks on hand than domestic firms to allow
for the problems that come with long-distance operations. However, even globally, the
storage of only enough materials
and tinished products to cover a tew davs or weeks (sometimes hours) is a common
practice--a concept known as just-in-time inventory or JIT. This system requires a great
deal of cooperation from suppliers, and companies tend to reduce their number of
suppliers so as to make the linkage worthwhile for all involved.
Increases in efficiency are matched by increased savings of both labor and materials.
An inefficient process for handling orders can increase the lead time needed to receive a
product just as easily as slow transit times can. Also, since the ordering process is typically
handled internally, a marketeer must accept all responsibility for its smooth operation.
Marketeers should strive to make ordering procedures as quick and as uncomplicated as
possible. (A company that fills orders quickly can insist on prompt payment.) Fax and
email ordering systems are fast becoming the standard in international business, as these
communications media function regardless of time-zone differentials. Similarly, global
pagers and satellite telephones can make even the remotest location and order taker
accessible twenty-four-hours a day, every day.
NOTE: Customers must be informed of the technological limitations of all members of the
distribution chain. The ordering process can only move as fast as its slowest participant. A
lOkYo company may place an order with a producer in Montreal, but it the order must be
routed through a subsidiary in the Andes with limited communicatior gear, the whole
process may grind to a halt
The four main considerations when planning storage facilities for an international operation
are size, conditions, systems, and placement.
Preproduction materials must be properly stored, either domestically or (more
problematically) in overseas locations. While ample facilities may be available in the home
market, the foreign market may not have the size or number of warehouses necessary.
Even when there are dimensionally suitable facilities, the warehouse climate control may
be inadequate. Handling systems such as elevators, forklifts, conveyor belts and so forth
may also be far from ideal and perhaps even detrimental to the materials being stored.
Another possible problem is storage facilities that aren't properly situated for the efficient
movement of goods from ports or internal transport routes. Even when facilities are
physically ideal, poor location or too few locations can greatly limit a company's ability to
process orders, make products, and deliver them to the buyer.
It's not unusual for marketeers to wish to build their own facilities in a target market,
especially when working in the less-developed economies. Even when the marketeer is
economically willing and able to build storage facilities, local regulation may either hinder
or halt the project. Local law may make it impossible for a foreigner to own land in the
target market or to operate without taking on a local partner. In extreme cases, the foreign
company may be banned from the entire distribution process.
NOTE: It vour materials or products require special handling or large storage facilities. the
warehousing process may become the determining factor for success. Consider it closelv
and consider it early
Channel Options and Problems: Choosing the Right Methodology
When the distribution system is open to foreign players, there are a variety of methods for
access. The greatest challenge in trying to distribute in a new market isn't always the
location of the proper intermediaries but gaining their interest in carrying the new product
line. Competitors may dissuade the local channel members from dealing with a foreign
producer, or those members may be unconvinced of the foreign producer's viability.
The following are some common problems that marketeers may encounter and some
options to consider when they find that the new market poses distribution entry problems.
When a market has a limited number of distribution choices, the members of that chain
can exert a dictatorial force over what enters and what succeeds.
Marketeers may find themselves confronted with one of these "middleman markets" where
the consumer isn't given choices until the intermediaries have decided a "go or no go" on
products. This position of power may be the result of a natural market dominance, legal
edict, or a cultural tradition of strong linkage among local producers and intermediaries.
Many of the complaints about market entry in Japan stem from this form of distributor
A more common form of blockage is when a powerful competitor persuades the local
distribution network to spurn the advances of foreign producers. Local chain members may
be threatened with financial ruin if they assist a foreign marketeer. Sometimes this type of
coercion comes directly from the competitor or through political connections. Such "locked"
markets exist all over the world.
Even the vaunted Microsoft faces continual scrutiny from the U.s. government for its
distribution tactics against domestic and foreign competition.
LEGAL ACTION It may be possible to seek legal recourse if distribution is blocked, but
only in countries that are signatories to international commercial treaties. This action may
be conducted in the local courts or in the international commercial courts of the World
Trade Organization (WTO). Besides the enormous expense entailed, adverse publicity can
result from trying to "sue" your way into a market. Local competitors and distributors are
more likely to win local sympathy, so that even when the courts favor the marketeer,
consumers may reject
the product for emotional reasons.
NOTE: Many countries view foreign producers as the enemy, not the competition, and they
have little shame about keeping their markets closed and their distribution locked.
• DIPLOMATIC ACTION This is the preferred way of attempting to pry open a locked
market. It can only function if the marketeer and the target market have diplomatic
relations and there's an embassy or consulate with a commercial component to serve the
marketeer. Most of the negotiations are conducted out of public view; thus, the emotional
levels are kept low. Much of the time foreign marketeers find that their motives have been
greatly misunderstood. Diplomatic action allows all parties involved to clear the air. It can
also lay the groundwork for other ventures in the new market.
POLITICAL ACTION A producer may find it necessary to remind the target market of the
interdependence of the global economy. By using the political structure of their home
market, a producer can limit the target's exporting ability, either in a directly related sector
or in another segment entirely. United States manufacturers of all sizes regularly lobby
their government to restrict products
from markets where these same manutacturers experience distributor or competitor
blockage. Similarly, all of the trading blocs mentioned earlier in the text were partially
devised to ensure this type of "fair" (if not free) trade.
NOTE: Smaller companies that lack the individual means to influence their own politicians
into taking action may wish to join forces with co-ops or trade groups that
are adent at exploiting the nower of numerous smal voices.
FINANCIAL ACTION Blockage is always a matter of money, as some party or other is
worried about losing a customer. Marketeers must sometimes "buy" their way into a
market by underwriting any potential losses a distributor might sustain, or by joint venturing
with a potential competitor. In extreme cases, a company may simply buy out the local
market competition completely, taking over their facilities and distribution channels.
NOTE: While "buying a market" can be efficient from a time standpoint, it should be
conducted with discretion. Even with smaller companies, it can give the appearance of
economic or cultural colonization, with its incumbent consumer resistance or outright
rejection. In many countries, such market entry attempts are now subject to government
Willing distributors, minimal competition, and eager consumers may not be enough to
overcome the lack of infrastructure needed to bring specialized goods or services (those
requiring high-tech delivery methods) to market. Refrigerated truck fleets, temperature-
controlled warehouses, fiber-optic cables, air-conditioned computer rooms, pipelines, and
sometimes even paved roads, bridges or electric power may be in insufficient quantity,
quality, or completely absent in the target market.
Infrastructure development Such development is always a combination of public and
private efforts. Marketeers may find that their product or project is highly desired in a
market of millions (e.g., China) but that physical access to consumers is limited.
Part of the marketing plan must be an international lobbying effort to secure the proper
infrastructure funding. International aid groups and development banks are always the first
to approach (see Chapter 3). Another possibility is the offer of a Build-Operate-Transfer
plan wherein the marketeers finance the infrastructure development necessary for
distribution themselves (e.g., the laying of pipelines), with the agreement that local
governments will buy back the project at a later date while retaining the marketeer's right
to distribute. Such BOT projects are set up by large global companies; smaller companies
(those unable to finance bridges, pipelines, or power plants) may offer their expertise on
behalf of target-market governments to secure the proper funding. Telecommunications
gear providers often take this approach when dealing with the emerging markets. Setting
up proper first-stage financing and installation of infrastructure has allowed Australia's
Telstra to secure long-term relationships with many of Southeast Asia's markets and
government ministries.
New products may intimidate local channel members, who may be reluctant to take the
chance on an unproven product. Even when the product has shown considerable success
elsewhere, local intermediaries resist adding it to their distribution chain.
CODISTRIBUTE A marketeer may attempt to distribute its products along with those of
another foreign marketeer already operating successfully in the target economy.
Kikkoman, the famous soy sauce manufacturer, used this option when its products met
resistance during the early 1980s in Mexico (not a traditional user of Asian cooking
products). By contracting with successful U.S. food marketeer Del Monte to use its existing
channels in Mexico, Kikkoman was able
to gain immediate access at a minimal cost.
LOCAL LABELING When a company is only interested in marketing its products but not
advancing its brand name to the public, it may consider contracting with a local company
to place their label on the product prior to distribution. This
allows the foreign company immediate access and the local company to link its name to
quality goods or services. Many big names in Japanese electronics (e.g., Hitachi,
Matsushita) have allowed well-established local brands to relabel their products in order to
overcome the resistance of distributors against products with apanese names.
LOCAL PARTNER As was true in previous cases, resistance can often be overcome by
simply buying a piece of the local action. It may take the form of joint-venturing with a local
producer or becoming part of the distribution channel.
NOTE: This can meet with varying degrees of another type of resistance to the venture
itself; marketeers may find it easier to partner with producers that aren't direct competitors
or with distributors on the periphery of the main channels.
LOCAL BUY-OUT When a marketeer buys out a local producer or distributor in order to
gain access to distribution, expense is traded for efficiency. The same provisos that apply
to local partnering apply here, with the additional advice to maintain a low profile and keep
the local government on your side.
DIG A NEW CHANNEL Many times, local distributor resistance can leave foreien
marketeers no choice but to create their own local channels from scratch.
Besides being very expensive, there's a good deal of accompanying risk-but it's usually
worth taking. The case of Toys "R" Us is one of the most famous examples of a foreign
marketeer creating its own highly successful channel in a local market.
In 1990, after close to twenty years of institutionalized channel resistance, Japan finally
revoked the law that allowed local competitors to give "permission" to companies wishing
to open retail stores in excess of five hundred square meters.
Toys "R" Us, a proponent of vertical marketing, circumvented the usually thick
intermediary layers of Japanese distribution and opened a five thousand square meter
retail store in Niigata. Their market share in Niigata in their first year was 50 percent.
Selecting Teammates: Trusting Others with Your Future
Success may depend on what type of companies a marketeer chooses to work with when
overcoming the problems of distribution. Choose carefully as the relationship may last a
long time and there's little advantage to disharmony. Here are some attributes, both
financial and personal, that should be taken into account when searching out "teammates"
for a distribution effort.
Members of the chain should have the widest network available, one that includes not only
those resources needed directly for actual distribution but also the political, diplomatic and
public relations connections necessary to a smooth operation. In international marketing,
members of the chain may become political, cultural, and legal intermediaries as well as
commercial ones--get the best you can afford.
NOTE: Don't take a member's connections at tace value. It their stated connections
can't be vertied, consider them nonexistent. Be discreet during the vertication process and
solicit recommendations
Distribution is a business, and like all businesses it can have money problems.
Just like connections, each member of the chain should be able to prove that they can do
what they say they can and that they won't go "belly up" a few months into the contract.
Keep in mind that in a new market, your image will be directly linked to the quality of the
distribution channel.
NOTE: In some developing markets, distributors may be using the prestige of handling a
foreign product to leverage financing for other projects. Keep informed about the
marketplace to prevent your company's name from being unknowingly used to operating
funds for channel members.
Distribution is a service, and the level of that service must match the marketeer's
standards. Unless total vertical marketing is achieved, much of the service that the
consumer sees will be provided by someone out of the producer's direct control. When
choosing channel teammates, make your standards clear and reasonable for the target
market. Distribution, like the product itself, must sometimes be adapted to each specific
segment. Rewards for meeting standards. as well as punishment for not meeting them,
should be part of the contractual agreement. Even when certification is present (e.g., ISO
9001), don't assume that your needs and those of the end-user are "understood" by
members. Start with quality service and stick with it.
NOTE: Take great care to be specific about service levels when distribution channels are
limited or when members have been "assigned" to your project by local governments.
It may be best to postpone market entry until the status of the channels improves, it
assurances on service can't be found. Don't fool yourself into believing you can "bring
them up to par" once you've entered the market. By the time you've corrected the
distribution problems, the consumer will be elsewhere.
This word means many things in many cultures, but it's only the end-user's culture that
matters. Marketing research must reveal what constitutes professional standards in the
target market, and that must become the hallmark for local distributors. Accept no less and
demand no more.
NOTE: Don't apply your home market's level of professionalism or attempt to impress it
upon the target market, at least initially. You must get used to the local channels and they
must get used to you. Unlike service standards, you can afford to wait and you just
may learn a thing or two in the meantime.
Views about contracts vary as greatly as professional standards. However, when a new
product enters the marketplace, all members of the channel must be flexible until the
"bugs" are worked out. Any intermediaries that show signs of adhering to the "letter of the
contract" and nothing more should only be used if
no alternative is available
NOTE: When possible, insert "breaking-in periods with specific starts and ends to let
members know that flexibility isn't perpetual.
Some members of the chain may not distribute as their core business or may not approach
a chosen segment on a regular basis. Marketeers can't afford "part-time" channel
members. Regular and reliable distribution should be the only kind a marketeer seeks out.
NOTE: Although stability is most likely found in members that have been in the
marketplace for a long period, newcomers shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, especially if
they embody the right attributes.
Marketeers should look for teammates that are excited about distributing your products to
new markets. Enthusiasm can be contagious: smart marketeers know that it filters directly
down to consumers. A great deal ot consumer resistance can be overcome by the manner
and methods of the distribution chain. Unlike stability, eagerness is most often found in the
newcomer who is unjaded by the vagaries of the marketplace. As movement along the
chain approaches those links most directly involved with selling, eagerness will take on
greater importance.
NOTE: Although eagerness is part and parcel of sales, it plays a role in many other
aspects of the channel. For instance, many companies choose to ship their products via
FedEx just
so the deliveries are handled by the global denvery company's enthusiastic drivers
The international marketplace is full of people who want to make a quick profit. Marketeers
should learn to avoid them. A new product in a new market may take some time to
become profitable. Distribution chain members must be willing to share the long-term
outlook of the marketeer.
NOTE: Potential members who try to have clauses added to contracts that allow them to
easily drop an individual product from an entire line (called "cherrypicking") should instead
be encouraged to have shorter initial contracts with an option for extension
Place the burden of performance on the distributor, not the product. If they balk at this
prospect. look elsewhere
The goal of the distribution channel is to assist the producer in getting the product to the
consumer--any product, any consumer. Members that demonstrate cultural, ethnic, class,
religious or any of the other myriad of negative biases are best left out of the chain.
Marketeers should interview members of the distribution chain (especially those with
customer contact) as much as time and circumstance allow.
This will ensure that they're comfortable with the product line and the target consumer
base. Reluctance to deal with "that sort of people" or less-than-subtle remarks about
"quality" generally mark potential members as being unable to control their biases; these
prejudices won't be lost on consumers.
NOTE: Everyone suffers from some form of negative bias. Marketeers and their
distribution teams must simply learn to control them.
Marketeers working in global business discover that each culture sets its own values on
openness. At one extreme are the groups that "lay everything on the table," including their
personal lives early in a business relationship. At the other end of the spectrum are those
cultures that reveal good news easily and keep the
bad news secret, at least until a more private and opportune moment.
extreme is necessarily more "honest" than the other; only the timing and level of intimacy
are different. What's important is that the marketeer learn how to access the level of
openness they require for business dealings. Much of the needed methodology will be
uncovered during the cultural research phase (see Chapter 6).
NOTE: Though you've applied your research, you still may not get the "whole story" from
members of the chain unless vou've made vour requirements known early in the
Keep in mind that 50 percent of the burden of cultural understanding and honesty is on the
distribution chain. Members must please producers as well as end-users.
This word is one of the most controversial in all of international business. It derives from
the Latin moralis which means "custom," and every culture certainly has its own customs.
Marketeers must look for members that best reflect the level of morality suitable for the
marketeer and the marketplace. It will be a compromise and concessions must be made.
It's not unusual for a marketeer to find the level of morality unacceptable (too high as well
as too low). If so, look for another market. The same may be true of potential channel
members. Unless
"the fit" is just right, the relationship will fail in the long run.
NOTE: Morality takes in many of the other attributes stated above. To be successful,
marketeers must maintain the core of their own morality while reshaping those aspects
that are less stringent. Just as a product may require minor alterations to make it
acceptable to the new market, so too may a moral code. This isn't a recommendation for
moral indifference, just an acknowledgment that self-righteousness is a poor foundation for
international marketing
FINAL NOTE ON DISTRIBUTION: Members of the distribution channel may be the only
members of the target marketplace with which the marketeer will have direct contact.
Choose them carefully and treat them well. They'll be both your sales force and service
representatives. The distribution team will reflect your outlook on the marketplace and
determine the level of success or failure. Marketeers are coaches as well
as managers in this very competitive game.