maths term 1 23-24

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Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. This Question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory. However
there are internal choices in some questions. '

2. Section A has 18 MCQ's and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark each.

3. Section B has 5 Very Short Answer (VSA)-type questions of2 marks each.

4. Section C has 6 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each.

5. Section D has 4 Long Answer (LA)-type questions of 5 marks each.

6. Section E has 3 source based/case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment of 4 marks

each with sub-parts.

Section - A
(Multiple Choice Questions)
Each question carries 1 mark
Ql. If A = [aiJ is a square matrix of order 2 such that
when i * j h A2 •
aij = { 1, h .
0 , went=J
., t en 1s

(b) [10 1]0 2X2

(d) [1 O]
0 1 2X2

Q2. If A and B are invertible square matrices of the same order, then which of the following is not
(a) IAB- 1 1 = ~
(b) l(AB)- 1 = IAIIBI

Q3. If the area of the triangle with vertices (-3,0), (3,0) and (0, k) is 9 sq units, then the value/s of k
will be
(a) 9 (b) ± 3 (c) -9 (d) 6

kx if X < 0
Q4. If f(x) = lxl' is continuous at x:::: 0, then the value of k is
3, if x ·~ 0
(a)-3 (b)O (c)3 (d)anyrealnumber

Q5. The minimum value of I +cos x + sin X is (O) t+Jz (d) J.Jz
(a) 2 (b) -v'Z

1 clnx+cOSX) 1's
Q6. The simplified fonn of cos- fi, - · "
(d) None of these
(a)~ (b) ~ (c)X ·:;

Q7. The value of tan Gsin- 1 ;) ls 4

(d) 4+../7
(c) - i
(a) 4- .ff (b) ~ 3
3 3

Q8. The anti'denvative

. ,
of 1ogs
cotx .
1nx 1s
(c) --cosec 2 x (d) cotx
(a) loglsin xi (b) logllog sin xi

Q9. If f'(x) = x 2 + 2..

and f (l) ==2 then f(x) is
%'3 1 8 x3 1 8
x3 1 x3 1
(c)3 -:;+i (d)- + - - -
(a)- +-+3 (b)- +--3 3 X 3
3 X 3 X

0 2x -1 ✓X
QlO. The value ofJAI, ifA = 1 _ zx o 2✓X , where x E ml+, is
-.Jx 0

(a) (2x + 1) 2 (b) 0 (c) (Zx + 1) 3 (d) (2x -1) 2

Qll. The point of inflection for the function f(x) == x 3 whose graph is given below.

-3 -2 2 3

(a)x = - 1 (b)x==O (c)x::::1 (d) none of these

e of radius, then its d' .
QJ2. If the rate of change of volume of a sphere .is e(lual to the rate of chang ra ms is
equal to

(a) 1 unit (b) ..fiii units (c)~ units (d) 2~ units

Q13. Given that A is a square matrix of order 3 and jftl = -2, then ladj(2
A)I is equal to
(a) -26 (b) 26 (c) -2s (d) 2s

Ql4. The value of b for which f(x)==x+cos x+b is strictly decreasing over R
(c) bSl (d) ~I
(a) b< 1 (b) no value for b exist

Ql5. The least value of the function f(x)=2cosx+x itl the closed interval [O,~]
(a) 2 (b) ~ + v3 (c) ~ · (d) do not exist

3,4} are
Q16. The total number of one-one function from N"{l,2,3,4,5} to B={-l,0,l,2,
(a) 5! (b) 6!-5! (c) 4! (d) 6!

Q17. The set of all points where the function f (x):::: x + lxl is differentiable, is
(b) (-oo,O ) (c) (-oo,O ) U (0,oo) (d) (-00,00)
(a) (O,oo)
Q18. The inverse of function f(x)=x +Sis
(a) 5-x2 (b)✓x - 5 (c) ✓x 2 -5 (d) ✓5-x 2


ent of Reason (R). Choose
In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statem
the correct answer out of the following choices.
• I

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.

x)) = (x -1)3( x -. 3)2, then

Q19. Let f(x) be a polynomial function of degree6 such that .!!:..(f(

ASSERTION (A): f (x) has a minimum at x = 1.

REASON (R): When.!!:.. (f(x)) < 0, 'vx E (a - h,a) and.!!:.. (f(x)) > 0, 'vx e (a, a+ h); where ' h' is an
dx dx
infinitesimally small positive quantity, then f(x) has a .minimum at x
= a , provided f(x) is continuous at
x= a.
by f = {(1,x) , (2,y), (3,z)} is a
Q20. ASSERTION (A): The relati on/: {1,2,3,4} ➔ {x,y,z ,p} defined
bijective function.

REASON (R): The function f: {1,2,3} ➔ {x, Y, z,p} such that f = {(1, x), (2, y), (3, z)} is one-one.

ans'ver type questions (VSA) of 2 marks e h)
[This section comprises of very short ac

Q21. Find the value of sin- 1 (cos(¥)).


Find the domain of sin- 1 (x 2 - 4).

Q22. Find the interval/sin which the function f: ~A ~ defined by f (x) = xex, is increasing.
Q23. If f(x) = 1 · x E ~ then find the maxiJ11Um value off (x).
4x 2 +2x+l' '

Find the maximum profit that a company can make, i~the profi_t function is given by
P(x) = 72 + 42x - x 2 , where xis the numberofumts and P ts the profit in rupees .

. ( t-1 3)
Q24. Solve the equation for x: cos(tan- 1 x) == sin co 4

Q25. Find x , y , z if A= [; Z :z] satisfies A' =r'

[This section comprises of short answer type questions (SA) of 3 marks each]
Q26. Find: f C C d x.
cos x-a) cos x-b)

Q27. Find the interval in which f(x) == 3log(1 + x) + 4 log(2 + x) - _±_is strictly increasing
or strictly decreasing .

Q28. Find : J J x
1-x 3
dx; x E (0,1).

Evaluate: J . dx
y d 2y d
Q29. If(ax+b)ex =x,showthat x 3 - = (x2-y) 2
dx 2 dx

, zX+l 3X
D1ffrentiate sin- 1 ( · )

~ !!. .
find k if following function is cont'inuous ut x1 6
0.30. ..;_ __ __
./3s inx+ cosx If
+ ,x * --6
f(x)== X 6
{ k ,x = - ~6

+ sin 0), y::::: acos0 fin d~ ate =;·

Q31, Ifx == a(B dx 2

type questions (LA) of 5 marks each)
[This section comprises of long answer
2X x2 22
2 2
Q32, y == zx +x +2 find ~-
by (a, b)R(c, d) <=>
be the set of all natural num bers and f? be a relation on N x N defined
Q33. Let N
(c, d) EN x N. Sho w that R is an equivalence relation on N x N. Also, find
ad== b_c for all (a, b),
the eqmvalence class of (2,6), i.e., [(2,
= _x _ x E Ill is one-one and
-1 < x < l} defined by f(x )
Show that the function/:~ ➔ {x E ~-. l+jx j'

onto function.
the following system of linear equations:
Q34. Using the matrix method, solve
4 6 5 6 9 20
2 3 10
-+ -+ - = 4, --- +- = 1,- + - - - = 2.
z xyz xyz
2 2

s triangle inscribed in the ell ips e~+ L =1 with its vertex at

the ma xim um area of an isoscele 16 9
Q35. Find
one end of the major axis.

Section -E
pri ses of 3 cas e- stud y/p assa ge bas ed questions of 4 marks each with sub
[This section com
2 respectively.
t two cas e stu dy que stions hav e thr ee sub parts (i), (ii), (iii) of marks 1,1,
The firs
sub parts of 2 marks each.)
The third case study question has two
answer the questions given below:
Q36. Read the following passage and
a rain wat er harvesting sys tem , a tank to collect rain water is to be dug. The
In order to set up in metre and
squ are bas e and a cap acity of2 50m 3
.The cost ofland is Rs 5,0002 per square
should hav e a where his the depth
dig gin g increas es wit h dep th and for the whole tank, it is Rs 40,000 h , AL
cost of
side of the squ are base of the tank in meters. ELEMENTS OF A TYPIC
of tank in meres, x

I r - - - Catthemem

Application o

Based on the above infonnation, answer the followittg queS ions.

(i) Find the total cost C of digging the tank in terms of x.

. d dC
(ii) Fm d.
(iii) Find the value of x for which cost C is miniJnum.

(iv) Check whether the cost function C(x)expresr d in terms of xis increasing or not ,where x > 0.

Q37. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
The equation of the path traced by a roller coaster is given by the polynomial
f(x) =a(x+9) (x+ 1) (x-3). If the roller coaster crosses y-axis at a point (0,-1 ).

(i) Find the value of 'a'.

(ii) Find r (2).
(iii) Find f " (x) at x= 1.

Find its critical point(s).


Q38. Read the following pa swer the q e5tions given below:
tween thssaghe _and an . .
The relation be
e eight of the plant (u,/ m. cm respect to its exposure t0 th e sunlig
) ht 1s
govemed by the follow·Ing equation .,

y = 4x -f x2, where' x' .is the number of days exposed to the sunlight, for x $ 3.

plant wi th respect to the number of days exposed to the
(i) Find the rate of growth of the
rease or de crease in the first three days? What will be the
the plant inc
(ii) Does the rate of growth of
height of the plant after 2 da


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