Abstract - In an HVDC transmission system that links two ac (2) The conventional AFC performs a proportional control by tak-
power systems, the automatic frequency controller (AFC) cal- ing in frequency difference between the two systems. Being able
culates power to be interchanged between the two ac systems to perform only the proportional control, the conventional AFC
according to their frequencies thereby improving the frequency cannot provide sufficient damping for the ac system disturbance
characteristics of the two power systems. This paper introduces a that would occur after emergency power interchange is made. The
newly developed dc AFC system, which applies a multi-variable proportional gain is therefore limited, resulting in the dc link be-
control to the dc system-based frequency control. It is capable of ing unable to make full use of its capacity. For this reason, there
controlling the frequencies of the two ac systems optimumly while has been a call for an AFC which can perform frequency control
maintaining their stability. in such a way as to make full use of the quick emergency power
This system was developed for one of Japan’s HVDC trans- interchange capability of the dc link while maintaining the stabil-
mission facilities and produced good results in a combined test ity of both systems.
using a power system simulator. The field installation will be (3) There are demands for eliminating frequency offsets to the
completed in March 1993, when the AFC system will enter ser- disturbance that cannot be avoided with the proportional control.
Under these circumstances, the authors have conducted re-
search aimed at applying a multi-variable control based on the
1. INTRODUCTION modern control theory to the Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC transmis-
With remarkable advances in digital technologies in recent sion system. They have now completed the development and sys-
years, equipment incorporating microprocessors are becoming the tem simulation evaluation of an automatic frequency controller
mainstream in the control systems for power transmission net- (AFC) that meets the above requirements. The outline of the
works, making it possible to apply sophisticated control logic to research and development is introduced in the following.
control equipment. Many control theories currently in wide use
are classic ones that are intended for one-input-one-output sys-
tems. In the field of power system control, the classic one-input-
one-output-system control is still the mainstream. Some new con-
The outline of the Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC transmission sys-
trol methods are emerging, however, which employ the modern
tem is shown in Figure 2.1.
control theory in coping with such control objects as complex
multi-variable systems that cannot be solved or are difficult to
solve with the conventional control methods. With the develop-
ment of such equipment and logic, it has now become possible
to apply an optimum multi-variable control system, which has
two or more variables to power system controls that have so far
performed only the classic one-input-one-output system control. DC POWER DEMAND PDP
The Hokkaido--HonshuHVDC Link equipped with the auto-
matic frequency controller (AFC) is planned to be increased in FREQUENCY fr
capacity from 300 MW to 600 MW. This upgrade has made the
following improvements of the AFC necessary. Figure 2.1 HVDC transmission system
(1) Hokkaido and Honshu are linked together by this dc system
alone with no ac links. The Hokkaido power network is much The dc AFC takes in the system frequencies from both ac sys-
smaller than the Honshu counterpart. In increasing the capac- tems, computes the amount of power to be interchanged between
ity of the dc link, it is desired that the dc system have a greater the two systems, and outputs the calculated value as the HVDC
capability for improving frequency characteristics in the event of interchange demand value to the converter control at both ends
frequency fluctuations in the Hokkaido power system due to large to improve the frequency characteristics of the two ac systems.
disturbances. The conventional AFC multiplies the frequency difference be-
tween the two ac systems with the proportional gain to produce an
93 SM 443-2 PWRD A paper recommended and approved
by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee interchange demand. The proportional gain is switched between
of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presenta- two values according to whether the frequency variation is very
tion at the IEEE/PES 1993 Summer Meeting, Vancouver, large or normal. When the frequency fluctuates in large amounts,
B.C., Canada, J u l y 18-22, 1993. Manuscript sub- an emergency AFC mode is activated which uses a proportional
mitted December 29, 1992; made available for printing
April 15, 1993. gain for emergency power interchange. During the normal fre-
quency variations, a normal AFC mode is activated which lowers
PRINTED IN USA the proportional gain to restrict the range of power interchange
(Figure 2.2).
:(S)=(: - BTH O
0R - T R
KGH .tp
O ')(%)
H :Hokkaido System
T :Honsyu System
(2 = AX+BU)
As a dc AFC system that meets the requirements mentioned An optimal regulator is adopted in order to execute an optimal
above, a control system based on multi-variable control was de- multi-variable control according to the state equation of Figure
veloped. The design of the multi-variable control AFC involved 3.2 with multiple variables. It is also adopted that the optimal
the following procedures. regulator takes the formof Davison's servo to cancel the frequency
(1) Preparation of a model representing the Hokkaido and Honshu offset caused by disturbances. While the system frequencies fH,fT
power networks : a model with reduced number of dimensions for are variables that can be directly detected and input, the governor
design of control system torques PmH, PmT of the simplified singleunit systems cannot
(2) Determination of the configuration of the multivariable con- be detected directly and therefore are estimated by an observer.
trol system The concept of emergency and normal AFC modes employed in
(3) Design and tuning of control constants (gains) the conventional AFC is necessary for the operation of the HVDC
(4) Simulation evaluation of the design facilities. Hence, this concept is carried over to the new control
system by providing a limiter to the AFC output and changing the
3.1 Control Model limit value according to the AFC mode determined by frequency
variation. The configuration of this multi-variable control system
To design a control system requires recognition of an object is shown in Figure 3.3.
to be controlled. In optimumly controlling a system with two or
more variables such as a multi-variable system, a state equation
that represents the control object must be derived by considering
the modeling of the controlled object.
In determining the model, a large-scale multiple generating
unit system simulating the generators and transmission lines in
the Hokkaido and Honshu networks was simplified in dimension
into a model in which each network has a single generating unit
&+ PmH
(Figure 3.1). From this reduced model, a state equation repre-
senting the two systems was derived as shown in Figure 3.2.
Hokkaido Frequency f H ;
.. ___. Frequenry
...____..__ fr 3
___.. ..;
DC Power Pno
3.3 Design
" of Control Svstems
The conventional AFC and the new AFC were combined with
the simulator to simulate a disconnection of a generator (600MW)
in the Hokkaido system. The results are shown in Figure 5.A
(Energy transfer before a disturbance is 240 MW from Hokkaido
to Honshu.)
(Conventional AFC)
HZ- 1 . 2 1 1 6
SEC . 0
H2 L 1 6 0
Hokkaido Frequency fH
-I 2
Hokkaido Frequency fH
. 0
I ,I I
HZ 0 '" ' 4.0
e.0 I2 0 16 P
O s l- 1 2
Honshu Frequency fT
600 0 I .E
.E B. 0 I2 0 16. 0
.E -600.
nw 0 4.0 8. 0 It.0 16. 0
AFC's DC Power Demand Pdp
30 0
.E 180.0
Control Angles o f 1st Pole Converter
le0 0
:0 e
4 0 8.0
12.0 16.0
90. 0
! 4.0 8.0 12 0 16.0 0 .
; ---- ~
0 I
O G l -I
HZ In22 ; SEC
I16. 0
Hokkaido Frequency fH -1.2 . Hokkaido Frequency fH
0 - 4 0 8.0 12.0 16.0
SEC .0
HZ 0 '. i.
0 8 0 I 2 0 16. 0
-1 2 . SEC
-1.2 .
. -
20 0
0 1
",:;, ___
4 0 8 0
I2 0 16 0
90. 0 / . - . 8.0
I2 0 16. 0
.0 . ',
Figure 5.A Comparison between the conventional AFC and the Figure 5.C Emergency power transfer when two of four circuits
new AFC fail
A concept of multi-variable control is introduced to the fre
quency control for the HVDC transmission facility, which so far Masatoshi Sanpei was born in Fukushima, Japan, on January 2,
has employed only a classic proportional control, in order to de- 1951. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tokyo Science
velop a new multi-variable control AFC that can improve f r e University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1975 and 1977, respectively. Since
quency characteristics of both ac systems while maintaining their he joined the Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. in 1977, he
stability. A verification test was conducted by using a large-scale has been engaged in design and R&D work on HVDC systems.
power system simulator that simulates a real power system and He is presently a manager of the Electric Engineering and Design
good simulation results were obtained. Following are the signifi- Office. He is a member of IEE of Japan.
cant improvements over the conventional AFC control.
(1) Since the variables representing the two ac power systems Atsuyuki Kakehi was born in Matsue, Japan, on June 9, 1957.
as well as their frequencies are taken in to perform control on He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering
the whole power system as a multi-variable system, it is possible from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1980 and 1982 respectively. In
to increase an equivalent gain according to frequency variations 1982 he joined Toshiba Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. He has been
without losing the stability of the power system. This in turn has developing and designing Control Systems in Power plants and
made possible an emergency transfer of electricity that makes full Power systems. He is a member of the Institute and Electronics,
use of the capacity of the HVDC transmission system. Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, and IEE of
(2) A servo type optimal regulator is adopted to minimize fre- Japan.
quency variations and cancel frequency offsets.
(3) Frequency controls for both emergency and normal AFC mode Bide0 Takeda was born in Tokyo, Japan, on April 16, 1952. He
can be achieved by a single control system simply by changing an received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Keio University, Tokyo,
output limit value instead of switching between two preset gains as Japan, in 1977 and 1979, respectively. He joined Toshiba Corpo-
is required by the conventional AFC control. It is therefore possi- ration in 1979 and since then he has been in the Power Transmis-
ble to assure smooth transition from the normal to the emergency sion & Substation Engineering Department, engaged in HVDC
condition control, improving the controllability. and SVC system engineering. He is a member of IEE of Japan.
(4) Since a plurality of variables are taken in and. control is exe-
cuted to stabilize these variables, the new AFC is robust enough
to allow stable control even when there are some changes in the
power system grid, the control object. This control system was
installed in the Japan's Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC transmission
system and, after the installation test at site, will be placed into
commercial service in March 1993. The controllability of this con-
trol system will be confirmed in the field test.