Barbara Resnick, RN, PhD, CRNP was born
in 1957
She is an Associate Professor working for
the University of Maryland School of Self-efficacy expectation – one’s assessment
Nursing and coordinating the Adult / about his/her individual ability to successfully
Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Program achieve a given task
She does clinical practice at Roland Park
Place. Outcome expectation – one’s assessment
Resnick published more than 200 scholarly about what will occur if the given task is
articles and researched such nursing areas accomplished
as gerontology, therapeutics, advanced
practice nursing, and more. 4 SOURCES OF SELF EFFICACY
She has held leadership positions in 1. Enactive Attainment (Performance)
multiple organizations including the - experiences represent one's perceived
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, success or failure of past experiences and are
Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses thought to have the strongest influence on
Association, the Society of Behavioral his/her self- efficacy.
Medicine, Omnicare Pharmacy and 2. Verbal Persuasion - involves telling an
Therapeutics Advisory Board, individual that he or she has the
Gerontological Society of American and the capabilities to master the given behavior.
American Geriatrics Society. Verbal persuasion has proven effective in
supporting recovery from chronic illness
ACHIEVEMENTS and in health promotion research.
In 2018, She was awarded a Johns Hopkins Persuasive health influences lead people
Leader in Aging Award and Loretta Ford with a high sense of self-efficacy to
Award intensify efforts at self-directed change of
2017 American Geriatrics Society Recipient risky health behavior.
of the David H. Solomon Memorial Public 3. Role Modeling (Vicarious Experience)-
Service Award. Self-efficacy expectations are also
Honorary Doctor of Science from State
influenced by vicarious experiences or
University of New York
seeing other similar people successfully
An inductee into the Sigma Theta Tau
perform the same activity
International Nurse Researcher Hall of
Fame 4. Physiological Feedback- Individuals rely
in part on information from their
physiological state in order to judge their
SELF-EFFICACY THEORY (Middle Range Theory) abilities. Physiological indicators are
This theory originated from the social cognitive especially important in relation to coping
theory of Albert Bandura. Self-Efficacy Theory with stressors, physical accomplishments,
(SET) puts an individual in a position to believe and health functioning. Individuals
that he or she holds the power to accomplish a evaluate their physiological state, or
particular job, program, or activity that is required arousal, and if aversive, they may avoid
to attain a certain goal. performing the behavior.
According to Barbara Resnick, Self- Efficacy
Theory aims to hold that a person’s expectation
PERSON - determined as an individual with
of his or her capacity to accomplish a particular
peculiar needs and expectations, which are
task is a function of his or her behavior.
largely related to his or her behavioral patterns
cessation, weight loss, and going for
HEALTH - understood as the state of a person recommended cancer screenings.
that can be described as overall well-being,
both physical and psychological APPLICATION
Resnick's work has been applied especially
NURSING - help patients in improving self- in gerontology but also can be applied to a
number of other practice areas as well,
efficacy through education and increased
because of its basic principles of human
awareness of their own health needs motivation.
ENVIRONMENT - plays a vital role in one’s self-
efficacy. Speaking more precisely, one may
state that the environment forms a person,
while the latter also affects the former.
The self-efficacy theory influences exposure to role
models, physiological experiences, and verbal
encouragement. Nurses may help patients in a
variety of ways, such by verbally encouraging them,
working with other people who can serve as role
models, or creating support systems for the patient
to ensure that they receive a lot of encouragement.
The patient is anticipated to experience greater
success rates when these conditions are met.
The theory of self-efficacy has been used in
nursing research, focusing on clinical aspects of
care, education, nursing competency, and
Self-Efficacy Studies Related to Managing
Chronic Illness -
Self-Efficacy for Exercise - demonstrated
that self-efficacy expectations and
outcome expectations influence older
adults' participation in functional activities
and exercise.
Self- Efficacy For Health Promotion - Self-
efficacy theory has directed research in
nursing with regard to a variety of health
promotion activities. These studies focus
on exercise in middle-aged adults and
older adults
It demonstrates that the theory of self-efficacy
can help direct nursing care. The theory has
been particularly helpful with regard to motivating
individuals to participate in health-promoting
activities such as regular exercise, smoking