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PATRICIA BENNER’S FROM NOVICE TO  Their decision-making becomes more

EXPERT THEORY context-dependent – inaaply na yung mga

DESCRIPTION OF THE THEORY natutunan sa novice level sa mga clinical
- Benner’s nursing theory describes the process of situations, but they may still struggle.
skill acquisition and development in nursing  In this level, nurses are still guided by rules
and oriented by task completion.
 advanced beginners feel highly responsible
- Basically, her theory focuses on how the skills and for managing patient care, yet still rely on
expertise were developed over time. the help of those who are more experts.
- This theory explains kung paano na-gain ng mga  Benner considers those fresh graduates
nurses yung expertise and kung paano na-evolve and yung mga bagong passers sa licensure
yun from their experiences. exam as advanced beginners.
- Benner adapted this skill acquisition model sa
Dreyfus brothers na sina Hubert Dreyfus and Stuart
Dreyfus – which are both professors sa University
of California, Berkeley.  A competent nurse generally has 2-3 years
of experience
- They developed this model by studying the
 These nurses are more aware of long-term
performance of chess masters and airline pilots.
goals, and they gain perspective from
• So yung development ng model was based on planning their own actions, which helps
their observations and research on skill
them achieve greater efficiency and
acquisition in various domains. organization.
 May increased level of efficiency
o FIRST LEVEL (NOVICE)  Aside from that, Consistency, predictability,
and time management are important in
 The person has no background experience
competent performance.
of the situation in which he or she involved.
• Consistency – nurses should be
 Follow specific rules for specific situations.
consistent in providing high-quality
 They are taught general rules to help
care for patients. Also, maintaining a
perform tasks, and their rule-governed
consistent approach helps to avoid
behavior is limited and inflexible.
and minimize risks and errors in
 they are told what to do and simply follow
nursing practices.
 often context-independent – refers to skills • Predictability – dapat predictable
that are universally applicable. and reliable yung care practices ng
 Examples: 1st year nursing students and nurse to enhance the effectiveness
those who are in the highest level of of the interventions. With that, it
competency but unfamiliar in the field or allows patients to feel more secure
area where he or she involved. ( biglang in their healthcare and informed
nalipat ng department or area na unfamiliar about their treatment.
and no experiences at all. ) • Time management - nurses must
prioritize tasks, allocate time
appropriately, and ensure that
o SECOND LEVEL (ADVANCED BEGINNER) critical interventions are completed
 In second level, advanced beginners have in a timely manner. Efficient time
gained some experience and are able to management contributes to overall
recognize recurring aspects of a situation. workflow and prevents delays in
 They start to make situational distinctions patient care.
but still lack a deep understanding of the  A competent nurse must have a sense of
overall context. mastery.
 have sufficient experience and shows  most important level in clinical learning
acceptable performance
o 4TH LEVEL (PROFICIENT)  Seeing the big picture – they have holistic
 Proficient nurses have 3-5 years of view. Kapag may problem hindi limited sa
experience and are able to perceive kung ano lang yung nandyan yung gagawin
situations as whole rather than in parts. nila. Mostly they think of alternatives or
 Nurses have holistic view of the situation. possible solutions. They don’t settle in just
 They may also use their experiences to one plan.
anticipate the needs of the patient.  Seeing the unexpected – ability of nurses to
 Meron na silang initiative since meron na respond, make rapid and effective decisions
silang experience na ah ito nangyari na ‘to in an unpredictable and unexpected
before so possible eto lang uli yung action situation. Benner’s writings explain that
na gagawin ko kasi naexperience ko na to nursing skills through experience are a
sa mga previous years. prerequisite for becoming an expert nurse.
 They have an intuitive understanding of a
situation, allowing for more efficient
 Hindi na sila nag rerely sa mga present
goals and they demonstrate more o Aspects of situation - are the recurring meaningful
confidence in their knowledge and abilities situational components recognized and
since they have their experiences na. understood in context because the nurse has
 So basically, this level is a transition to an previous experience.
expert level. ▪ This includes the patient's condition, the
healthcare environment, and yung ibang
factors na makaka-influence sa nursing practice.
o Attributes - are measurable
 experts have more than 5 years of feautures/characteristics of a situation that
experience. influence how nursing
 They can effortlessly and quickly
care is provided.
comprehend situations, relying on their
deep understanding of the context. o Competency – ability of a nurse to perform a task
or function effectively. In Benner’s model,
 Expert nurses no longer rely on principles,
rules, or guidelines to connect situations nurses progress from novice (which is low
and determine actions. (Mas competency) to expert (high competency) through
nakakapagdecide na sila ng kanilang their experiences and skill development.
actions na gagawin on their own) o Domain – area of practice having a number of
 They have a deeper background of competencies with similar intents, functions,
experience and an intuitive grasp of clinical and meanings.
situations. Their performances are flexible,
o Exemplar – these are real-life example of a
and highly-proficient.
clinical situation.
▪ They serve as models for learning and
▪ KEY ASPECTS OF THE EXPERT NURSE’S understanding specific aspects of nursing
PRACTICE ARE: practice.
 a clinical grasp and resource-based practice o Experience – central concept ng theory ni
– dito alam na nila agad, they are very good Benner. Nurses acquire expertise through a
in assessment/situation. process
 Resource- based – meaning yung actions of experiential learning where they have a hands-
nila is based on evidence or experiences. on practice and exposure to various
 Embodied know-how – they know how to situations contribute to skill development.
perform a certain task. For example, meron
o Paradigm Case – clinical experience that stands
emergency situation, they already what to
out and alters the nurse will perceive and
do and how they will address a specific
situation. understand future clinical situations.
▪ Detailed and clear example that represents the decisions, and prioritize interventions to ensure
essential qualities of character and patient safety.
nursing concept. o Administering and Monitoring Therapeutic
o Ethical Comportment – it simply a good conduct. Interventions and Regimen
It involves the integration of ethical principles ▪ Nurses develop proficiency in the administration
into nursing practice. (beliefs and values) and monitoring therapeutic
o Hermeneutics - refers to the interpretation and interventions.
understanding human phenomena. ▪ Dito na papasok yung mga medication, procedural
▪ Emphasizes the importance of interpreting and skills, and yung ability nila to
comprehending unique situations and evaluate yung effectiveness ng interventions.
experiences of patients. o Monitoring and Ensuring Quality of Health Care
o Situated Coaching – involves guidance and Practices
mentorship within the specific context of nursing ▪ This involves the nurse’s commitment to ensure
practice. It recognizes the importance of learning high quality ng healthcare.
within the real-world clinical situation. ▪ They usually engage in quality improvement,
o Maxim - guiding principle or rule that helps direct contribute to evidence-based practice,
action. In nursing, maxims provide practical and they usually advocate for safe and effective
guidance for decision-making in various clinical care.
situations. o Organizational and Work-role Competencies
o Salience - refers to the relevance or importance ▪ Lastly, these competencies encompass the
of particular aspects of a situation. nurse’s understanding sa malawak na
o Formation - involves the process of developing healthcare system, as well as yung ability nila to
and shaping one's professional identity and contribute to the organizational
expertise as a nurse. environment, collaborate with other mento
▪ It encompasses education, experience, and colleagues and participate sa mga
ongoing learning. leasership roles.
In addition, clinical nursing requires theoretical
o 7 DOMAINS OF NURSING PRACTICE: knowledge and practical knowledge.
o Helping Role ➢ Theoretical knowledge (knowing-that) –
knowledge that can obtain from reading, observing,
▪ Focuses on the nurse’s ability to assist and and
support individuals and families in their
healthcare journey.
➢ Practical knowledge (knowing-how) - knowledge
o Teaching or Coaching Function that requires actual experience, training or
▪ emphasizes the nurse's role in educating and workshop.
coaching patients and their families.
o Diagnostic Client-monitoring Function
▪ involves the nurse's ability to assess, monitor, and
interpret patient data.
▪ Nurses develop keen observational skills, make
accurate clinical decisions, and use of
diagnostic information effectively to provide high-
quality care.
o Effective Management of Rapidly changing
▪ nurses excel in managing complex and rapidly
changing clinical situations.
▪ They demonstrate the ability to adapt to
unpredictable challenges, make swift
METAPARADIGM ▪ Also, she viewed nursing as caring practice,
o PERSON – benner viewed person as “self- where nurses have the responsibility to
interpreting being” promote and give care to patients.
▪ Aside from that, nag-conceptualized siya ng four
major aspects of understanding that ACCEPTANCE BY THE NURSING COMMUNITY
the person must deal with. o PRACTICE - The model has been used to aid in
• The role of the situation – emphasizes that the development of clinical ladders of
individuals are unique, and their promotion, new graduate orientation programs, and
health experiences are influenced by specific clinical knowledge development
situations and contexts. seminars.
• The role of the body – underscores the embodied o EDUCATION – The seven domains that I have
nature of the person discussed a while ago have the greatest influence
o Contains the body system that makes up a and impact sa education.
o RESEARCH – This theory is used in studying the
o Recognizes that health and illness are not solely impact of nursing as well as the seven domains
intellectual but are
in every aspect of the profession.
experienced and expressed through the body.
• The role of personal concerns – it refers sa
personal aspects and emotional o Clarity - The clarity of Benner’s novice to expert
model has led to its use among nurses around
involvement na meron ka sa certain person.
the world.
• The role of temporality - it refers to the aspect of
time and the temporal o Simplicity – it is comparatively simple w/ regard
to the five levels of skill acquisition, and it
dimension of experiences.
provides relative guide for classifying levels of
o Health is not permanent; it unfolds temporally or nursing practice.
changes over time.
o Generality – This model has universal
o ENVIRONMENT – used the term “situation” characteristics; that is, it is not restricted by age,
instead of environment. because it conveys a social illness,
environment with social definition and meaning. health, or location of nursing practice.
▪ They use the phenomenological terms being o Accessibility - The model was tested using
situated (which means yung experiences qualitative methodologies. Succeeding research
natin is laging influenced by the environment), suggest that the framework is applicable and useful
However, situated meaning (eto naman in providing knowledge.
is naka depende sa situation on how you will o Importance – It has influenced major changes in
perceive or understands the situation) nursing practice, research, teaching, and
o HEALTH – focused on the lived experience of administration.
being healthy and being ill.
▪ So sa health narerecognize yung people’s
perceptions, feelings, and daily encounters APPLICATION
na makakatulong sa own understanding nila of o At present times: her theory is widely used as it
what it means to be healthy or ill. provides a foundation to use for assigning
▪ She also defined health as what can be assessed. clinical competence.
So basically it can be through o Benner's model has been applied to the nursing
collection of data/information about the patient. profession to achieve innovative changes in
o NURSING – describes as an “enabling condition the way knowledge is developed and gained, to
of connection and concern” dito is it shows a justify continuous education, and to provide
high level of emotional involvement in the nurse- a basis for the development of skills that nurses
client relationship. learn through experience.
▪ there is a level of attachment
o This model is also applied in a teaching & 2 CORE CONCEPTS
mentoring role of experts to those staff members
that are still in the novice to beginner phase.

 Barbara Resnick, RN, PhD, CRNP was born
in 1957
 She is an Associate Professor working for
the University of Maryland School of Self-efficacy expectation – one’s assessment
Nursing and coordinating the Adult / about his/her individual ability to successfully
Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Program achieve a given task
 She does clinical practice at Roland Park
Place. Outcome expectation – one’s assessment
 Resnick published more than 200 scholarly about what will occur if the given task is
articles and researched such nursing areas accomplished
as gerontology, therapeutics, advanced
practice nursing, and more. 4 SOURCES OF SELF EFFICACY
 She has held leadership positions in 1. Enactive Attainment (Performance)
multiple organizations including the - experiences represent one's perceived
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, success or failure of past experiences and are
Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses thought to have the strongest influence on
Association, the Society of Behavioral his/her self- efficacy.
Medicine, Omnicare Pharmacy and 2. Verbal Persuasion - involves telling an
Therapeutics Advisory Board, individual that he or she has the
Gerontological Society of American and the capabilities to master the given behavior.
American Geriatrics Society. Verbal persuasion has proven effective in
supporting recovery from chronic illness
ACHIEVEMENTS and in health promotion research.
 In 2018, She was awarded a Johns Hopkins Persuasive health influences lead people
Leader in Aging Award and Loretta Ford with a high sense of self-efficacy to
Award intensify efforts at self-directed change of
 2017 American Geriatrics Society Recipient risky health behavior.
of the David H. Solomon Memorial Public 3. Role Modeling (Vicarious Experience)-
Service Award. Self-efficacy expectations are also
 Honorary Doctor of Science from State
influenced by vicarious experiences or
University of New York
seeing other similar people successfully
 An inductee into the Sigma Theta Tau
perform the same activity
International Nurse Researcher Hall of
Fame 4. Physiological Feedback- Individuals rely
in part on information from their
physiological state in order to judge their
SELF-EFFICACY THEORY (Middle Range Theory) abilities. Physiological indicators are
This theory originated from the social cognitive especially important in relation to coping
theory of Albert Bandura. Self-Efficacy Theory with stressors, physical accomplishments,
(SET) puts an individual in a position to believe and health functioning. Individuals
that he or she holds the power to accomplish a evaluate their physiological state, or
particular job, program, or activity that is required arousal, and if aversive, they may avoid
to attain a certain goal. performing the behavior.
According to Barbara Resnick, Self- Efficacy
Theory aims to hold that a person’s expectation
PERSON - determined as an individual with
of his or her capacity to accomplish a particular
peculiar needs and expectations, which are
task is a function of his or her behavior.
largely related to his or her behavioral patterns
cessation, weight loss, and going for
HEALTH - understood as the state of a person recommended cancer screenings.
that can be described as overall well-being,
both physical and psychological APPLICATION
 Resnick's work has been applied especially
NURSING - help patients in improving self- in gerontology but also can be applied to a
number of other practice areas as well,
efficacy through education and increased
because of its basic principles of human
awareness of their own health needs motivation.
ENVIRONMENT - plays a vital role in one’s self-
efficacy. Speaking more precisely, one may
state that the environment forms a person,
while the latter also affects the former.

The self-efficacy theory influences exposure to role
models, physiological experiences, and verbal
encouragement. Nurses may help patients in a
variety of ways, such by verbally encouraging them,
working with other people who can serve as role
models, or creating support systems for the patient
to ensure that they receive a lot of encouragement.
The patient is anticipated to experience greater
success rates when these conditions are met.



The theory of self-efficacy has been used in
nursing research, focusing on clinical aspects of
care, education, nursing competency, and
 Self-Efficacy Studies Related to Managing
Chronic Illness -
 Self-Efficacy for Exercise - demonstrated
that self-efficacy expectations and
outcome expectations influence older
adults' participation in functional activities
and exercise.
 Self- Efficacy For Health Promotion - Self-
efficacy theory has directed research in
nursing with regard to a variety of health
promotion activities. These studies focus
on exercise in middle-aged adults and
older adults

It demonstrates that the theory of self-efficacy
can help direct nursing care. The theory has
been particularly helpful with regard to motivating
individuals to participate in health-promoting
activities such as regular exercise, smoking

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