1. Write a JavaScript to create a webpage with image rollover effect.
2. Develop a Webpage for implementing Slideshow. 3. Write a JavaScript that initializes an array called “Fruits” with names of five fruits. The script then displays the array in a message box. 4. Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not. 5. Write a function that prompts the user for a color and uses what they select to set the background color of the new webpage opened 6. Generate college Admission form using html form tag 7. Write a Java script that will replace following specified value with another value in a string. String = “ I will fail” Replace “fail” by “pass” 8. Develop a JavaScript Program to Create Rotating Banner Ads with URL Links. 9. Create a slideshow with the group of four images, also simulate the next and previous transition between slides in your JavaScript. 10. Write a Javascript to create a pull – down menu with three options [Google, MSBTE, Yahoo] once the user will select one of the options then user will be redirected to that site. 11. Write a JavaScript that displays first 20 even numbers on the document window. 12. Create an array with 10 elements. Perform following operations: 1)Add an element to the end of an array. 2)Remove an element from the beginning of an array. 3)Check if an array contains a specific element. 13. Write a function that calculates the factorial of a number. 14. Write a function that calculates the factorial of a number. 15. Write a function that checks if a given number is even or odd. 16. Write Javascript to create cookie of user’s name and display it. 17. Write Javascript to Open a new browser window with a specific URL. 18. Write javascript to demonstrate Conversion of a string to uppercase and lowercase. 19. Create an object representing a person with properties like name, age, and address. Display details. 20. Write a function that reverses a string accepted from user. 21. Write Javascript to open multiple windows on button click. 22. Write JavaScript to produce following output:
23. Write JavaScript to produce following output:
24. Write javascritp to create persistent cookie with name location and value Nashik. 25. Write javascript to demonstrate following array functions: 1) slice() 2) splice() 3) push() 4) pop() 26. Write javascript to demonstrate following String functions: 1) toUpperCase() 2) toLowerCase()
27. Write a program to read arithmetic expression from user,
evaluate it and display the answer using alert box. 28. Write a program to ask user whether he wants to change background colour. If user says yes ask for the colour and change or else display alert box with message “You decided not to change colour 29. Write a program to perform all the array operations. 30. Write a program to calculate percentage of given marks. 31. Write a program that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not 32. Write a program to design Registration form for College 33. Write a program to design a form and handle onblur Event. 34. Write a program to design a form and handle onload Event. 35. Write a program to design a form and handle onclick Event. 36. Write a program to use intrinsic functions in JavaScript 37. Write a program to create a session cookie and display content of Cookie. 38. Write a JavaScript that creates persistent cookie. 39. Write a JavaScript to check whether the first letter if the string is capitalized or not 40. Write a program to demonstrate the example of image and text rollover.