Marketing Services Final Exam Review
Marketing Services Final Exam Review
Marketing Services Final Exam Review
y In most service companies, integrating the work of the marketing function and the operations function (appropriately called functional integration) is not a typical approach; more frequently these two functions operate separately setting and achieving their own goals rather than pursuing a joint goal of developing the operations standard that best meet customer expectations. Standardization of Service Behaviors and Actions o Standardization usually implies a non-varying sequential process similar to the mass production of goods in which each step is laid out in order and all outcomes are uniform, whereas customization usually refers to some level of adaptation or tailoring of the process to the individual customer. o The goal of standardization is for the service firm to produce a consistent product from one transaction to the next. o The goal of customization for the service firm is to develop services that meet each customers individual needs. o Standardization of service can take three forms: Substitution of technology for personal contact and human effort. Improvement in work methods. Combinations of these two methods. o Standardization, whether accomplished by technology or by improvements in work processes, reduces gap 2. Customer-defined standardization ensures that the most critical elements of a service are performed as expected by customers, not just that every action in a service is executed in a performed manner. One example of compatibility involves the time limits many companies establish for customer service calls. Formal Services Targets and Goals o Companies that have been successful in delivering consistently high service quality are noted for establishing formal standards to guide employees in providing service. Customer Not Company Defined Standards o One company-defined standard that often does not meet customer expectations is the common practice of voice activated telephone support systems that do not allow consumers to speak to humans. o Many organizations have switched from labor-intensive practice of having customer representatives to these automated systems. To close gap 2, standards set by companies must be based on customer requirements and expectations rather than just on internal company goals. o A company must set customer-defined standards: operational standards based on pivotal customer requirements visible to and measured by customers
o Knowing customer requirements, priorities, and expectation levels can be both effective and efficient. Types of Customer-Defined Service Standards o The types of standards that close provider gap 2 are customer-defined standards: operational goals and measures based on pivotal customer requirements visible to and measured by customers rather than on concerns such as productivity or efficiency. Hard Customer-Defined Standards: o All the FedEx standards that comprise its SQI fall into the category of hard standards and measures: things that can be counted, timed, or observed through audits. o To address the need for reliability, companies can institute a do it right the first time and an honor your promises value system by establishing reliability standards. o One of the best examples of customer-defined hard standards in the Internet context is the set of summary metrics that Dell Computer uses for fulfillment: They include: Ship to target (STT) the percentage of orders delivered on time with complete accuracy. Initial field incident rate (IFIR) the frequency of customer problems. On time first time fix (OTFTF) the percentage of problems fixed on the first visit by a service representative arriving at the time promised. Soft Customer-Defined Standards: o Soft measures are those that must be documented using perceptual data. We call the second category of customer-defined standards soft standards and measures because they are opinion based measures and cannot be directly observed. Talking to customers, employees, or others must collect them. Soft standards provide direction, guidance, and feedback to employees in a way to achieve customer satisfaction and can be quantified by measuring customer perceptions and beliefs. Soft standards are especially important for person-toperson interactions such as selling process and the delivery process for professional services. One-Time Fixes: One times fixes are technology, policy, or procedure changes that, when instituted, address customer requirements. We further define one-time fixes as those company standards that can be met by an outlet (e.g. a franchisee) making a one-time change that does not involve employees and therefore does not require motivation and monitoring to ensure compliance. o One-time fixes are often accomplished by technology. Some technology, in particular computer databases that contain information on individual needs and interests of customers, allows the company to standardize the essential elements of service delivery. These elements include information databases, automated transactions, and scheduling and delivery systems.
o One-time fixes also deal with aspects of service that go beyond human performance: rules and policies, operating hours, product quality, and price. Basing Standards on the Service Encounter Sequence: A customers overall service quality evaluation is the accumulation of evaluations of multiple service experiences. o In establishing standards firms are concerned with service encounter quality, because they want to understand for each service encounter the specific requirements and priorities of the customer. When these priorities are known, providers can focus on them as the aspects of the service encounters for which standards should be established. Therefore, one of the first steps in establishing customer-defined standards is to delineate the service encounter sequence. o Alternatively, service blueprints can be used to identify the sequence by noting all the customers activities across the top of the blueprint. Vertical lines from customer activities into the lower levels of the blueprint signal the points at which the service encounters take place. Expressing Customer Requirements as Specific Behaviors and Actions: Effective service standards are defined in very specific ways the enable employees to understand what they are being asked to deliver. At best, these standards are set and measured in terms of specific human responses and actions. o When the company invested in a customer-defined standards project, the resulting measurements system was far more useful in diagnosing student requirements because the research focused on specific behaviors and actions of instructors that met student requirements. Instead of a single broad requirement or three general attributes, the requirements of students were articulated in 14 specific behaviors and actions that related to the instructor and 11 specific behaviors and actions related to the course content. Measuring Behaviors and Actions: o Hard Measurements: Missing proofs of delivery: the number of invoices that do not include proof-of-delivery paperwork. Damaged packages: the number of claims for cost of contents for packages with visible or concealed damages. Wrong day late deliveries: the number of packages delivered after the commitment date. Traces: the number of package status and proof of delivery requests from customers that cannot be answered through data contained in the computer system y Other gauges of hard measures include service guarantee lapses (the number of times a service guarantee is invoked because the service did not meet the promise), amount of time (as in the number of hours or days to respond to a question or complaint or minutes waited in line), and frequencies associated with relevant standards (such as the
number of visits made to customers or the number of abandoned telephone inquiries). o Soft Measurements: Two types of perceptual measurements can document customers opinions about whether performance met the standards established: trailer calls and relationship surveys. Relationship and SERVQUAL surveys cover all aspects of the customers relationship with the company, are typically expressed in attributes, and are usually completed once per year. Trailer calls are associated with specific service encounters, are short (approximately six or seven questions), and are administered as close in time to a specific service encounter as possible. Developing Customer-Defined Standards o Step 1: Identify Existing or Desired Service Encounter Sequence: The first step involves describing or portraying the service encounter sequence. o Step 2: Translate Customer Expectations into Behaviors and Actions for Each Service Encounter: The input to step 2 is existing research on customer expectations. In this step, abstract customer requirements and expectations must be translated into concrete, specific behaviors and actions associated with each service encounter. Abstract requirements (like reliability) can call for a different behavior or action in each service encounter, and these differences must be probed. o Step 3: Select Behaviors and Actions for Standards: This stage involves prioritizing the behaviors and actions, of which there will be many, into those for which customer-defined standards will be established. The following are the most important criteria for creation of standards: The standards are based on behaviors and actions that are very important to customers. Customer-defined standards need to focus on what is very important to customers. The standards cover performance that needs to be improved or maintained. Customer-defined standards should be established for behaviors that customers feel are important and that need to be improved (or maintained). The company gets the highest leverage or biggest impact from focusing on behaviors and actions that need to be improved. The standards cover behaviors and actions employees can improve. Employees perform according to standards only if they understand, accept, and have control over the behaviors and actions specified in the standards. Holding customer-contact people to standards they cannot control (such as product quality or time lag in introduction of new products) does not result in improvement. For this reason, service standards should cover controllable aspects of employees jobs. The standards are accepted by employees. Employees will perform to standards consistently only if they understand and accept the standards. Imposing standards on unwilling employees often leads to resistance, resentment, absenteeism, and even turnover.
The standards are predictive rather than reactive. Customer defined standards should not be established on the basis of complaints or other forms of reactive feedback. Rather than waiting for dissatisfied customers to explain, the company should actively seek both positive and negative perceptions of customers in advance of complaints. The standards are challenging but realistic. If standards are not challenging, employees get little reinforcement for mastering them. On the other hand, unrealistically high standards leave an employee feeling dissatisfied with performance and frustrated by not being able to attain the goal. o Step 4: Decide Whether Hard of Soft Standards Are Appropriate: However, unless the hard standard adequately captures the expected behavior and action, it is not customer defined. The best way to decide whether a hard standard is appropriate is to first establish a soft standard by means of trailer calls and then determine over time which operational aspect most correlates to this soft measure. o Step 5: Develop Feedback Mechanisms for Measurement to Standards: Hard standards typically involve mechanical counts or technology-enabled measurement of time or errors. Soft standards require perceptual measurements through the use of trailer surveys or employee monitoring. Employee monitoring is illustrated by the practice of supervisors listening in on employee telephone interactions with customers. o Step 6: Establish Measures and Target Levels: This next step requires that companies establish target levels for the standards. Without this step the company lacks a way to quantify whether the standards are being met. Each time a complaint is made to the company, and each time one is resolved, employees record the times. Another technique is a simple perception action correlation study. When the service consists of repetitive processes, companies can relate levels of customer satisfaction with actual performance of a behavior or task. o Step 7: Track Measures Against Standards o Step 8: Provide Feedback about Performance to Employees o Step 9: Periodically Update Target Levels and Measures: The final step involves revising the target levels, measures, and even customer requirements regularly enough to keep up with customer expectations. Developing Service Performance Indexes: One outcome from following the process for developing customer-defined standards is a service performance index. Service performance indexes are comprehensive composites of the most critical performance standards. Development of an index begins by identifying the set of customer-defined standards that the company will use to drive behavior. What is Physical Evidence? o Effective design of physical, tangible evidence is important for closing provider gap 2.
o They include all aspects of the organizations physical facility (the servicescape) as well as other forms of tangible communication. o Elements of the servicescape that affect customers include both exterior attributes (such as signage, parking, and the landscape) and interior attributes (such as design, layout, equipment, and dcor) o Note that webpages, and virtual servicescapes conveyed over the internet are more recent forms of physical evidence that companies can use to communicate about the service experience, making services more tangible for customers both before and after the purchase. o Services (such as hospitals, resorts, and childcare) rely heavily on physical evidence to communicate and create customer experiences. Others (insurance, express mail) provide limited physical evidence for customers. How Does Physical Evidence Affect the Customer Experience? o In all cases, the physical evidence of the service will influence the flow of the experience, the meaning customers attach to it, their satisfaction, and their emotional connections with the company delivering the experience. o Clue management refers to the process of clearly identifying and managing all the various clues that customers use to form their impressions and feelings about the company. o Included in this set of clues is what Carbone refers to as mechanics clues, or the physical and tangible clues that we focus on in this chapter. Types of Servicescapes o Servicescape Usage: First, organizations differ in terms of whom the servicescape will affect. o At one extreme is the self-service environment, in which the customer performs most of the activities and few if any employees are involved. o At the other extreme of the use dimension is the remote service, which has little or not customer involvement with the servicescape. Telecommunications, utilities, financial consultants, editorial, and mail-order services are examples of services that can be provided without the customer ever seeing the service facility. o Interpersonal services are placed between the two extremes and represent situations in which both the customer and the employee and present and active in the servicescape. Examples abound, such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, educational settings, and banks. Servicescape Complexity: Some service environments are very simple, with few elements, few spaces, and few pieces of equipment. Such environments are termed lean. Shopping mall information kiosks, and FedEx drop-off kiosks and stores would be considered lean environments because both provide service from one simple structure. o Other servicescapes are very complicated, with many elements and many forms. They are termed elaborate environments. An example is a hospital with its many floors and rooms, sophisticated equipment, and complex variability in functions performed within the physical facility.
Strategic Roles of the Servicescape o Package: Similar to a tangible products package, the servicescape and other elements of physical evidence essentially wrap the service and convey to consumers an external image of what is inside. Product packages are designed to portray a particular image as well as to evoke a particular sensory or emotional reaction. The servicescape is the outward appearance of the organization and thus can be critical in forming initial impressions or setting up customer expectations it is a visual metaphor for the intangible service. o Facilitator: The servicescape can also serve as a facilitator in aiding the performances of persons in the environment. How the setting is designed can enhance or inhibit the efficient flow of activities in the service setting, making it easier or harder for customers and employees to accomplish their goals. o Socializer: The design of the servicescape aids in the socialization of both employees and customers in the sense that it helps convey expected roles, behaviors, and relationships. The design of the facility can also suggest to customers what their role is relative to employees, what parts of the servicescape they are welcome in and which are for employees only, how they should behave while in the environment, and what types of interactions are encouraged. The goal is to be the customers third place, that is a place where customers think of spending time when not at work or at home. o Differentiator: The design of the physical facility can differentiate a firm from its competitors and signal the market segment that the service is intended for. Given its power as a differentiator, changes in the physical environment can be used to reposition a firm and/or to attract new market segments. The Underlying Framework: The framework for understanding servicescape effects on behavior follow from basic stimulus organism response theory. In the framework the multidimensional environment is the stimulus, consumers and employees are the organisms that respond to the stimuli, and behaviors are detected at the environment are the responses. The assumptions are that dimensions of the servicescape will affect the customers and employees and that they will behave in certain ways depending on the internal reactions to the servicescape. Behaviors in the Servicescape: That human behavior is influenced by the physical setting in which it occurs is essentially a truism. o Individual Behaviors: Environmental psychologists suggest that individuals react to places with two general, and opposite, forms of behavior: approach and avoidance. Approach Behaviors include all positive behaviors that might be directed at a particular place, such as desire to stay, explore, work, and affiliate. Avoidance Behaviors reflect the opposite a desire not to stay, to explore, to work, or to affiliate.
o Social Interactions: In addition to its effects on their individual behaviors, the servicescape influences the nature and quality of customer and employee interactions, most directly in interpersonal services. It has been stated that all social interaction is affected by the physical container in which it occurs. The physical container can affect the nature of social interaction in terms of the duration of interaction and the actual progression of events. In many service situations, a firm may want to ensure a particular progression of events (a standard script) and limit the duration of service. o Internal Responses to the Servicescape: Employees and customer respond to dimensions of their physical surroundings cognitively, emotionally, and physiologically, and those responses are what influence their behaviors in the environment. In other words, the perceived servicescape does not directly cause people to behave in certain ways. Although the internal responses are discussed independently here, they are clearly interdependent: a persons beliefs about a place, a cognitive response, may well influence the persons emotional response, and vice versa. o Environment and Cognition: The perceived servicescape can have an effect on peoples beliefs about a place and their beliefs about the people and products found in that place. In a sense, the servicescape can be viewed as a form of nonverbal communication, imparting meaning through what is called objective language. o Environment and Emotion: The perceived servicescape can directly elicit emotional responses that, in turn, influence behaviors. Just being in a particular place can make a person feel happy, lighthearted, and relaxed, whereas being in another place may make that person feel sad, depressed, and gloomy. They have concluded that any environment, whether natural or engineered, will elicit emotions that can by captured by two basic dimensions: (1) Pleasure/Displeasure (2) Degree of Arousal (amount of stimulation or excitement) Servicescapes that are both pleasant and arousing would be termed exciting. Whereas those that are unpleasant and nonarousing, or sleepy, would be termed relaxing. Unpleasant servicescapes that are arousing would be called distressing, whereas unpleasant, sleepy, servicescapes would be gloomy. o Environment and Physiology: The perceived servicescape may also affect people in purely physiological ways. Noise that is too loud may cause physical discomfort, the temperature of a room may cause people to shiver or perspire, the air quality may make it difficult to breathe, and the glare of lighting may decrease ability to see and may cause physical pain. Such research fits under the rubric of human factors design of ergonomics. Human factors research systematically applies
relevant information about human capabilities and limitations to the design of items and procedures that people use. o Variations in Individual Responses: Personality differences as well as temporary conditions such as moods or the purpose for being there can cause variations in how people respond to the servicescape. Our personality trait that has been shown to affect how people respond to environments is arousal seeking. Arousal seekers enjoy and look for high levels of stimulation, whereas arousal avoiders prefer low levels of stimulation. Thus an arousal avoider in a loud, bright dance club with flashing lights might show strong dislike for the environment, whereas an arousal seeker would be very happy. In a related note, it has been suggested that some people are better screeners of environmental stimuli than others. Screeners of stimuli would be able to experience a high level of stimulation but not be affected by it. Nonscreeners would be highly affected and might exhibit extreme responses even to low levels of stimuli. Environmental Dimensions of the Servicescape: Specifically, environmental dimensions of the physical surroundings can include all the objective physical factors that can be controlled by the firm to enhance (or constrain) employee and customer actions. There is an endless list of possibilities: lighting, color, signage, textures, quality of materials, styles of furnishings, layout, wall dcor, temperature, and so on. Hundreds of potential elements have been categorized into three composite dimensions: o Ambient Conditions include background characteristics or the environment such as temperature, lighting, noise, music, scent, and color. As a general rule, ambient conditions affect the five senses. o Spatial Layout and Functionality: Because service environments generally exist to fulfill specific purposes or needs of customers, spatial layout and functionality of the physical surroundings are particularly important. The importance of facility layout is particularly apparent in retail, hospitality, and leisure settings. Spatial layout refers to the ways in which machinery, equipment, and furnishings are arranged; the size and shape of those items; and the spatial relationships among them. Functionality refers to the ability of the same items to facilitate the accomplishment of customer and employee goals. o Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts: Many items in the physical environment serve as explicit or implicit signals that communicate about the place to its users. Signs displayed on the exterior and interior of a structure are examples of explicit communicators. They can be used as labels (names of company, name of department, and so on) for directional purposes (entrances or exits), and to communicate rules of behavior (no smoking, children must be accompanied by an adult). Symbols and Artifacts may communicate less directly than signs, giving implicit cues to users about the meaning of the place and
norms and expectations for behavior in the place. Quality construction materials, artwork, certificates and photographs, floor coverings, and personal objects displayed in the environment can all communicate symbolic meaning and create an overall aesthetic impression. Guidelines for Physical Evidence Strategy o Recognize the Strategic Impact of Physical Evidence: For physical evidence strategy to be effective, it must be linked clearly to the organizations overall goals and vision. Thus planners must know what these goals are and then determine how the physical evidence strategy can support them. At a minimum, the basic service concept must be defined, the target markets (both internal and external) identified, and the firms broad vision of its future known. o Blueprint the Physical Evidence of Service: The next step is to blueprint the service. Everyone in the organization should be able to see the service process and the existing elements of physical evidence. An effective way to depict service evidence is through a service blueprint. To make the blueprint even more useful, photographs or videotape of the process can be added to develop a photographic blueprint that provides a vivid picture of physical evidence from the customers point of view. o Clarify Strategic Roles of the Servicescape: Clarifying the strategic role of the servicescape forces recognition of the importance of the servicescape in creating customer experiences. Service Culture: The behavior of employees in an organization will be heavily influenced by the culture of that organization, or the pervasive norms and values that shape individual and group behavior. Corporate culture has been defined as the pattern of shared values and beliefs that give the members of an organization meaning, and provide them with the rules for behavior in the organization. Culture has been defined more informally as the the way we do things around here. o Experts have suggested that a customer-oriented, service-oriented organization will have at its heart a service culture, defined as a culture where an appreciation for good service exists, and where giving good service to internal as well as ultimate, external customers is considered a natural way of life and one of the most important norms by everyone. o First, a service culture exists if there is an appreciation for good service. o A second important point in this definition is that good service is given to internal as well as external customers. o Finally, in a service culture good service is a way of life and it comes naturally because it is an important norm of the organization. Exhibiting Service Leadership: Espoused values what managers say the values are tend to have less impact on employees than enacted values what employees believe the values to be because of what they observe management actually doing. That is, culture is what employees perceive that management really believes, and employees gain an understanding of what is important in the organization through the
daily experiences they have with those people in key roles throughout the organization. Developing a Service Culture: If, however, an organization has a culture rooted in product-, operations-, or government regulation oriented traditions, no single strategy will magically change it into a service culture. The Critical Role of Service Employees: In a service organization, if youre not serving the customer, youd better be serving someone who is. People frontline employees and those supporting them from behind the scenes are critical to the success of any service organization. The importance of people in the marketing of services is captured in the people element of the services marketing mix, which is described as all the human actors who play a part in service delivery and thus influence the buyers perceptions; namely, the firms personnel, the customer, and other customers in the service environment. The key focus in this chapter is on customer-contact service employees because: o They are the service. o They are the organization in the customers eyes. o They are the brand. o They are marketers. Often, the contact employee is the service there is nothing else. For example, in most personal and professional services (like haircutting, personal trainers, child care, or counseling) the contact employee provides the entire service singlehandedly. The offering is the employee. Thus, investing in the employee to improve the service parallels making a direct investment in the improvement of a manufactured product. Even if the contact employee does not perform the service entirely, he or she may still personify the firm in the customers eyes. All the employees of a law firm or health clinic from the professionals who provide service to the receptionists and office staff represent the firm to the client. Service employees are the brand. A Merrill Lynch financial advisor, a Nordstrom sales associate, a Southwest Airlines flight attendant in each case, the primary image that a customer has of the firm is formed by interactions the customer has with the employees of that firm. Because contact employees represent the organization and can directly influence customer satisfaction, they perform the role of marketers. They physically embody the product and are walking billboards from a promotional standpoint. The Services Triangle: Services marketing is about promises promises made and promises kept to customers. A strategic framework known as the services triangle visually reinforces the importance of people in the ability of the firms to keep their promises and succeed in building customer relationships. The triangle shows the three interlinked groups that work together to develop, promote, and deliver services. These key players are labeled on the points of the triangle: the company (or SBU or department or management), the customers, and the providers. Providers can be
the firms employees, subcontractors, or outsourced entities who actually deliver the companys services. Between these three points on the triangle, three types of marketing must be successfully carried out for a service to succeed: external marketing, interactive marketing, and internal marketing. o On the right side of the triangle are the external marketing efforts that the firm engages in to develop its customers expectations and make promises to customers regarding what is to be delivered. Anything or anyone that communicates to the customer before service delivery can be viewed as part of this external marketing function. o On the bottom of the triangle is what has been termed interactive marketing or real-time marketing. Here is where promises are kept or broken by the firms employees, subcontractors, or agents; if promises are not kept, customers become dissatisfied and eventually leave. o The left side of the triangle suggests the critical role played by internal marketing. Management engages in these activities to aid the providers in their ability to deliver on the service promise: recruiting, training, motivating, rewarding, and providing equipment and technology. Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, and Profits: Satisfied employees make for satisfied customers (and satisfied customers can, in turn, reinforce employees sense of satisfaction in their jobs). o Research has shown that both a climate for service and a climate for employee well-being are highly correlated with overall customer perceptions of service quality. That is, both service climate and human resource management experiences that employees have within their organizations are reflected in how customers experience the service. o The underlying logic connecting employee satisfaction and loyalty to customer satisfaction and loyalty and ultimately profit is illustrated by the service profit chain. o The service profit chain suggests that there are critical linkages among internal service quality; employee satisfaction/productivity; the value of services provided to the customer; and ultimately customer satisfaction, retention, and profits. o That is, employee satisfaction does not cause customer satisfaction; rather the two are interrelated and feed off each other. The Effect of Employee Behaviors on Service Quality Dimensions: Customers perceptions of service quality will be affected by the customer-oriented behaviors of employees. In fact, all five dimensions of service quality can be influenced directly by service employees. o Delivering the service as promised reliability is often totally within the control of frontline employees. o Frontline employees directly influence customer perceptions of responsiveness through their personal willingness to help and their promptness in serving customers. o The assurance dimension of service quality is highly dependent on employees ability to communicate their credibility and to inspire the customers trust and confidence in the firm.
o Empathy implies that employees will pay attention, listen, adapt, and be flexible in delivering what individual customers need. o Employee appearance and dress are important aspects of the tangibles dimension of quality, along with many factors that are independent of service employees (the service facility, dcor, brochures, signage, and so on). Boundary-Spanning Roles: The frontline service employees are referred to as boundary-spanners because they operate at the organizations boundary. Boundaryspanners provide a link between the external customer and environment and the internal operations of the organization. They serve a critical function in understanding, filtering, and interpreting information and resources to and from the organization and its external constituencies. No matter what the level of skill or pay, boundary-spanning positions are often high stress jobs. Emotional Labor: The term emotional labor was coined by Arlie Hochschild to refer to the labor that goes beyond the physical or mental skills needed to deliver quality service. Boundary-spanning service employees are expected to align their displayed emotions with organizationally desired emotions via their use of emotional labor. Such labor includes delivering smiles, making eye contact, showing sincere interest, and engaging in friendly conversation with complete strangers who may never be seen again. o For the organization, such strategies include carefully selecting people who can handle emotional stress, training them in the needed skills (like listening and problem solving), and teaching or giving them coping abilities and strategies (via job rotation, scheduled breaks, teamwork, or other techniques). Sources of Conflict o Person/Role Conflict: In some situations, boundary spanners feel conflict between what they are asked to do and their own personalities, orientations, or values. Person/role conflict also arises when employees are required to wear specific clothing or change some aspect of their appearance to conform to job requirements. o Organization/Client Conflict: A more common type of conflict for frontline service employees is the conflict between their two bosses, the organization and the individual customer. The organization/client conflict is greatest when the employee is believes the organization is wrong in its policies and must decide whether to accommodate the client and risk losing the job, or to follow the policies. o Interclient Conflict: Sometimes conflict occurs for boundary spanners when incompatible expectations and requirements arise from two or more customers. This situation occurs most often when the service provider is serving customers in turn (a bank teller, a ticketing agent, a doctor) or is serving many customers simultaneously (teachers, entertainers). When serving customers in turn, the provider may satisfy one customer by spending additional time, customizing the service, and being flexible in meeting the customers needs. Meanwhile, waiting customers may become dissatisfied because their needs are not being met in a timely way.
Strategies for Delivering Service Quality Through People: These strategies for enabling service promises are often referred to as internal marketing. The importance of attracting, developing, and retaining good people in knowledge- and service- based industries cannot be overemphasized. o By approaching human resource decisions and strategies from the point of view that the primary goal is to motivate and enable employees to deliver customer-oriented promises successfully, an organization will move toward delivering service quality through its people. The strategies presented here are organized around four basis themes: To build a customer-oriented, service-minded workforce, an organization must Hire the right people: y Compete for the Best People: Competing for talent market share is an approach that suggests that firms act as marketers in their pursuit of the best employees, just as they use their marketing expertise to compete for customers. Firms that think of recruiting as a marketing activity will address issues of market (employee) segmentation, product (job) design, and promotion of job availability in way that attract potential long-term employees. o A complementary strategy is to interview multiple employees for every position. y Hire for Service Competencies and Service Inclination: Once potential employees have been identified, organizations need to be conscientious in interviewing and screening to identify the best people from the pool of candidates. Service employees need two complimentary capacities: service competencies and service inclinations o Service competencies are the skills and knowledge necessary to do the job. In many cases, employees validate competencies by achieving particular degrees and certifications, such as attaining a doctor of law degree and passing the relevant state bar examinations. In other cases, service competencies may not be degree-related but may instead relate to basic intelligence or physical requirements. o Service inclination is a potential employees interest in doing service-related work which is reflected in their attitudes toward service and orientation toward serving customers and other on the job. y Be the Preferred Employer: One way to attract the best people is to be known as the preferred employer in a particular industry or in a particular location. Other strategies that support a goal of being the preferred
employer include extensive training career and advancement opportunities, excellent internal support, attractive incentives, and quality goods and services with which employees are proud to be associated. Develop people to deliver service quality: The organization must train and work with these individuals to ensure service performance. y Train for Technical and Interactive Skills: To provide quality service, employees need ongoing training in the necessary technical skills and in interactive skills. Examples of technical skills are working with accounting systems in hotels, cash machine procedures in a retail store. Service employees also need training in interactive skills that allow them to provide courteous, caring, responsive, and empathetic service. y Empower Employees: Empowerment means giving employees the authority, skills, tools, and desire to serve the customer. Although the key to empowerment is giving employees authority to make decisions on the customers behalf, authority alone is not enough. Employees need the knowledge to make these decisions, and they need incentives to help them to make the right decisions. Research suggests that organizations well suited to empowerment strategies are ones in which: o The business strategy is one of differentiation and customization. o Customers are long-term relationship customers. o Technology is nonroutine or complex. o The business environment is unpredictable o Managers and employees have high growth and social needs and strong interpersonal skills. y Promote Teamwork: Because service jobs are frequently demanding, and challenging, a teamwork environment will help alleviate some of the stresses and strains. By promoting teamwork, an organization can enhance the employees abilities to deliver excellent service while the camaraderie and support enhance their inclination to be excellent service providers. Provide the needed support systems y Measure Internal Service Quality: One way to encourage supportive internal service relationships is to measure and reward internal service. By first acknowledging that everyone in the organization has a customer and then measuring customer perceptions of internal service
quality, an organization can begin to develop an internal quality culture. y Develop Service Oriented Internal Processes: To best support service personnel in their delivery of quality service, an organizations internal procedures must support quality service performance. Providing serviceand customer- oriented internal processes can therefore imply a need for total redesign of systems. This kind of redesign of systems and processes has become known as process reengineering Retain the best people y Include Employees in the Companys Vision: People who deliver service day in and day out need to understand how their work fits into the big picture of the organization and its goals. What this strategy means in practice is that the vision is communicated to employees frequently and that it is communicated by top managers, often by the CEO. y Treat Employees at Customers: If employees feel valued and their needs are taken care of, they are more likely to with the organization. y Measure and Reward Strong Service Performers: Reward systems may value productivity, sales, or some other dimension that can potentially work against providing good service. Even those workers who are intrinsically motivated to deliver high service quality will become discouraged at some point and start looking elsewhere if their efforts are not recognized and rewarded. Reward systems need to be linked to the organizations vision and to outcome that are truly important. o For salespeople the bulk of their incentive compensation was paid only after the company knew the level of customer satisfaction four quarters after the sales contract was signed. o In many organizations employees are encouraged to recognize each other by personally giving a peer award to an employee they believe has excelled in providing service to the customer. Because customers are participants in service production and delivery, they can potentially contribute to the widening of gap 3, the service performance gap. That is, customers themselves can influence whether the service meets customer-defined specifications. Sometimes customers contribute to gap 3 because they lack understanding of their roles and exactly what they can or should do in a given situation, particularly if the customer is confronting a service concept for the first time. The Importance of Customers in Service Co-creation and Delivery
o Customer Receiving the Service: Because the customer participates in the delivery process, he can contribute to narrowing or widening gap 3 through behaviors that are appropriate or inappropriate, effective or ineffective, productive or unproductive. The level of customer participation low, medium, and high varies across services. In some cases, all that is required is the customers physical presence (low level of participation), with the employees of the firm doing all the service production work; an example is a concert. In other situations, consumer inputs are required to aid the service organization in creating the service (moderate level of participation). Inputs can include information, effort, or physical possessions. All three of these are required for a CPA to prepare a clients tax return effectively. In some situations, customers are truly co-creators of the service (high level of participation). For these services, customers have important participation roles that will affect the nature of the service outcome; an example is a weight loss program. o Fellow Customers: In many service contexts, customers receive and/or cocreate the service simultaneously with other customers or must wait their turn while other customers are being served. In both cases, fellow customers are present in the service environment and can affect the nature of the service outcome or process. Fellow customers can enhance or detract from customer satisfaction and perceptions of quality. Fellow customers can negatively affect the service experience by exhibiting disruptive behaviors, causing delays, excessively crowding, and manifesting compatible needs. Customers who are being served simulataneously but who have incompatible needs can negatively affect each other. This situation occurs in restaurants, college classrooms, hospitals, and any service establishment in which multiple segments are served simultaneously. Customers as Productive Resources: Service customers have been referred to as partial employees of the organization human resources who contribute to the organizations productive capacity. In other words, if customers contribute effort, time or other resources to the service production process, they should be considered as part of the organization. o In a business-to-business services context, the contributions of the client can enhance the overall productivity of the firm in both quality and quantity. o Because customers influence both the quality and quantity of production, some experts believe the delivery system should be isolated as much as possible from customer inputs to reduce the uncertainty they can bring into the production process. This view sees customers as a major source of uncertainty in the timing of their demands and the uncontrollability of their attitudes and actions.
o If customers see no clear benefit to being involved in coproduction (e.g., lower prices, quicker access, better quality outcome), then they are likely to resent and resist the coproduction roles, particularly if they feel their own productivity or efficiency is suffering to benefit the company. Customers as Competitors: If self-service customers can be viewed as resources of the firm, or as partial employees, they could in some cases partially perform the service or perform the entire service for themselves and not need the provider at all. Whether to produce a service for themselves (internal exchange) for example, child care, home maintenance, or car repair or have someone else provide the service for them (external exchange) is a common dilemma for consumers. Whether a household or a firm chooses to produce a particular service for itself of contract externally for the service depends on a variety of factors. A proposed model of internal/external exchange suggests that such decisions depend on the following: o Expertise Capacity: The likelihood of producing the service internally is increased if the household or firm has the specific skills or knowledge needed to produce it. Having the expertise will not necessarily result in internal service production, because other factors such as available resources and time will also influence the decision. o Resource Capacity: For a firm or household to produce a service internally, they must have the needed resources including people, space, money, equipment, and materials. If the resources are not available internally, external exchange is more likely. o Time Capacity: Time is a critical factor in internal/external exchange decisions. Firms with adequate time capacity are more likely to produce services internally. o Economic Rewards: The economic advantage or disadvantages of a particular exchange decision will be influential in choosing between internal and external options. The actual monetary costs of the two options will sway the decision. o Psychic Rewards: Rewards of noneconomic nature have a potentially strong influence or exchange decisions. Psychic rewards include degree of satisfaction, enjoyment, gratification, or happiness that is associated with the external or internal exchange. o Trust: In this context, trust means the degree of confidence or certainty that the firm has in the various exchange options. The decision will depend to some extent on the level of self-trust in producing the service versus trust of others. o Control: The firms desire for control over process and outcome of the exchange will also influence the internal/external choice. Entities that desire can implement a high degree of control over the task are more likely to engage in internal exchange. Self-Service Technologies The Ultimate in Customer Participation: SSTs are services produced entirely by the customer without any direct involvement or interaction with the firms employees. As such, SSTs represent the ultimate form of
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customer participation along a continuum from services that are produced entirely by the firm to those that are produced entirely by the customer. o Customer Usage of SSTs: Some of the SSTs listed earlier ATMs, online ordering, Internet information search have been very successful, embraced by customers for the benefits they provide in terms of convenience, accessibility, and ease of use. SSTs failures result when customers see little personal benefit in the new technology or when they do not have the ability to use it or know what they are supposed to do. Customer readiness is a major factor in the adoption of SSTs by customers. Define Customers Roles: In developing strategies for addressing customer involvement in service co-creation and delivery, the organization first determines what type of participation is desirable from customers and how the customer wishes to participate. Identifying the current level of customer participation as the starting point. The service may require only the customers presence (a concert), or it may require moderate levels of input from the customer in the form of effort or information (haircut or tax preparation), or it may require the customer to actually cocreate the service outcome (fitness training, consulting). o Once the desired level of participation (from both the customer and firm) is clear, the organization can define more specifically what the customers role and tasks entail in essence the customers job description. The job description will vary with the type of service and the organizations desired position within its industry. It might entail helping oneself, helping others, or promoting the company. Helping Oneself: In many cases the organization may decide to increase the level of customer involvement in service delivery through active participation. In such situations, the customer becomes a productive resource, performing aspects of the service previously performed by employees or others. The result may be increased productivity for the firm and/or increased value, quality, and satisfaction for the customer. Helping Others: Sometimes the customer may be called on to help others who are experiencing the service. Promoting the Company: In some cases the customers job may include a sales or promotional element. Many service organizations are imaginative in getting their current customers to work as promoters or salespeople, by doing such things as offering incentive referrals. Individual Differences: In defining customers roles it is important to remember that not everyone will want to participate. Some customers enjoy self-service, whereas other prefer to have the service performed entirely for them. For example, customers with a high need for human interaction are less likely to try new self-service options offered via the Internet and automated phone systems. Recruit, Educate, and Reward Customers: o Recruit the Right Customer: The expected roles and responsibilities of customers should be clearly communicated in advertising, personal selling, and other company messages. By previewing their roles and what is required of them in the service process, customers can self-elect into (or out of) the relationship. Self-selection should result in enhanced perceptions of service
quality from the customers point of view and reduced uncertainty for the organization. o Educate and Train Customers to Perform Effectively: Customers need to be educated, or in essence socialized, so that they can perform their roles effectively. Through the socialization process, service customers gain an appreciation of specific organizational values, develop the abilities necessary to function within a specific context, understand what is expected of them, and acquire the skills and knowledge to interact with employees and other customers. On site, customers require two kinds of orientation: place orientation (Where am I? How do I get from here to there) and function orientation (How does this organization work? What am I supposed to do?) Manage the Customer Mix: Serving incompatible customer segments is a big issue at sporting events where families with children may be sitting next to loud, drunk, and obnoxious fans. o The process of managing multiple and sometimes conflicting segments is known as compatibility management, broadly defined as a process of first attracting homogenous consumers to the service environment, then actively managing both the physical environment and customer-to-customer encounters in such a way as to enhance satisfying encounters and minimize dissatisfying encounters. Delivery Models of the Future: Two distinct service marketers are involved in delivering services through intermediaries: the service principle, and the service deliver, or intermediary. The service principle is the entity that creates the service concept (whose counterpart is the manufacturer of physical goods), and the service deliverer is the entity that interacts with the customer in the actual execution of the service (whose counterpart is the distributor, wholesaler, or retailer of physical goods). Service Distribution o Direct Delivery of Service: Many services are delivered directly from the service producer to the consumer. That is, in contrast to channel for goods, channels for services are often direct with the creator of the service (i.e., the service principle) selling directly to and interacting directly with the customer. Examples include, air travel, health care, and consulting services. o Delivery of Service Through Intermediaries: Intermediaries often deliver services and perform several important functions for service principles. First, they coproduce the service, fulfilling service principles promises to customers. Franchise services such as haircutting, key making, and dry cleaning are produced by the intermediary (the franchisee) using a process developed by the service principle. In many financial or professional services, intermediaries function as the glue between the brand or company name and the customer by building the trusting relationship required in these complex and expert offerings. The primary types of intermediaries used in service delivery are: Franchisees are service outlets licensed by a principle to deliver a unique service concept it has created and popularized.
Agents and Brokers are representatives who distribute and sell services of one or more service suppliers. Electronic Channels include all forms of service provision through television, telephone, interactive multimedia, and computers. Many financial and information services are currently distributed through electronic media: banking, bill paying, and education. y Retailers that sell only services (movie theaters, film processing kiosks) or retail services that support physical products (automobile dealers, gas stations) can also be described as dealers or franchises. o Direct of Company Owned Channels: The general benefits of company owned outlets are control, consistency, and maintenance of image. But the major benefit of distributing through company owned outlets is that the company has complete control over the outlets. One of the most critical implications of this type of control is that the owner can mainstream consistency in service provision. Control over firing, hiring, and motivating employees is also a benefit of company owned channels. Using company owned channels also allows the company to expand or contract sites without being bound by contractual agreements with other entities. A final benefit of company owned outlets is that the company owns the customer relationship. Therefore, one of the most important issues in service delivery is who owns the customer relationship the store or the employee. With company owned channels, the company owns both the store and the employee and therefore has control over the customer relationship. The disadvantages with company owned channels is the company must bear all financial risk, meaning they must find all capital needed for expanding the business. Also, large companies are rarely experts in local markets they know their business, but not all markets. This disadvantage is especially evident when companies expand into other countries. Franchising: Franchising is the most common type of distribution in services, with more than 320,000 U.S. franchisers in 75 different industries licensing their brand names, business processes or formats, unique products, services, or reputations in return for fees and royalties. The Franchisers Perspective: A franchiser typically expands business through this method because it expects the benefits described in the following section: o Leveraged Business Format for Greater Expansion and Revenues o Consistency in Outlets o Knowledge of Local Markets o Shared Financial Risk and More Working Capital o Difficulty in Maintaining and Motivating Franchisees o Highly Publicized Disputes between Franchisees and Franchisers
o Inconsistent Quality o Customer Relationships Controlled by the Franchisee Rather Than the Franchiser. The Franchisees Perspective: From the franchisees perspective, one of the main benefits of franchising is obtaining an established business format on which to base a business, something one expert has defined as an entrepreneur in a prepackaged box, a super-efficient distribution of services and goods through a decentralized web. A second benefit is receiving national or regional brand marketing. Finally, franchising minimizes the risk of starting a business. o Disadvantages for franchisees also exist. One of the biggest problems is encroachment the opening of new units near existing ones without compensation to the existing franchisee. When encroachment occurs, potential revenues are diminished and competition is increased. Another frequent disadvantage involves disappointing profits and revenues. Agents and Brokers: o An agent is an intermediary who acts on behalf of a service principle (such as a real estate agent) or a customer and is authorized to make agreements between the principle and the customer. Some agents, called selling agents, work with the principle and have contractual authority to sell a principles output (such as travel or insurance), usually because the principle lacks the resources or desire to do so. Purchasing agents often have long-term relationships with buyers and help them in evaluating and making purchases. o A broker is an intermediary who brings buyers and sellers together while assisting in negotiation. Brokers are paid by the party who hired them, rarely become involved in financing or assuming risk, and are not long-term representatives of buyers or sellers. Benefits of Agents and Brokers: Three main categories of travel intermediaries exist: tour packagers, retail travel agents, and specialty channelers (including incentive travel firms, meeting and convention planners, hotel representatives, association executives, and corporate travel offices). o Reduced Selling and Distribution Costs o Possession of Special Skills and Knowledge: Tour packagers have a more specialized role they assemble, promote, and price bundles of travel services from travel suppliers, then offer these bundles either to travelers themselves or to retail travel agents. Specialty channelers have even more specialized roles some work in corporate travel offices to lend their skills to an entire corporation. o Wide Representation: Because agents and brokers are paid by commission rather than by salary, there is little risk or disadvantage to the service principle in extending the service offerings to a wide geography. o Knowledge of Local Markets: They know or learn the unique needs of different markets, including international markets. o Customer Choice: Travel and insurance agents provide a retailing service for customers they represent the services of multiple suppliers. Challenges of Delivering Service through Agents and Brokers
o Loss of Control Over Pricing: As representatives of service principles and experts on customer markets, agents and brokers are typically empowered to negotiate price, configure services, and otherwise alter the marketing of a principles service. This issue could be particularly important and possibly detrimental when a service provider depends on a particular (high) price to convey a level of service quality. If the price can be changed, it might drop the to a level that undermines the quality image. o Representation of Multiple Service Principles: When independent agents represent multiple suppliers, they can offer customers a wide range of choices. From the perspective of the service principle, however, customer choice means that the agent represents and in many cases advocates a competitive service offering. Read the highlighted areas in the rest of the book.