class examples-force 3

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1- A particle of mass 200 gm, moving with velocity 50m/sec collides with a

wall normally to it and re bounces with velocity 40 m/s. The particle was in
contact with the wall for 90 mille seconds. The average force experienced by
the particle in this collision equals………………………….

2- The momentum of a particle at time is [( 30 t ) i +( 20 t 2) j] kg-m/sec

where t is time in sec. Mark true / false :
(i) Force on the particle at time t= 1 s is of magnitude 50 newton.
(ii)The direction of the force at time t =0, is along x direction.

3- A particle is moving one dimensionally. Graph between the momentum

(P) and the time (t) is given. Slope of the graph is proportional to
(a) net force on the particle (b) torque on the particle
(c) kinetic energy of the particle (d) power of the force acting on the parti-
cle .

4-Force on a particle decreases from 100 N to zero decreasing linearly with

time in 40 milliseconds. Impulse on the particle by the force will be --------

5-- A gun is placed on a horizontal smooth floor. 20 bullets ,each of mass 40

gm are fired horizontally each second with velocity 250 m/ s. How much force
the man holding the gun , should apply to keep it in position?
(a) 200 N (b) 100 N (c) 80 N (d)
6-In the fig shown masses of the blocks A, B and C
are 2,3 and 5 kg respectively.
The ground on which the blocks are placed, is flat
and smooth and any two adjacent block are in con-
tact. Due to the applied horizontal force F = 120 N
as in the fig , force applied on the block C by the
block B ,will be ………newton.

7- A uniform meter rod PQ of length 100cm is lying on a smooth flat

ground. Its end Q is being pulled by force of 120 newton acting along its
length .Tension in the rod at distance 20 cm from end P, is
(a) 20 N (b) 96 N (c) 24 N (d) 120N

8- A rope , which can bear /withstand maximum tension of 100 N, is used to

lift a block of mass 4 kg. The maximum acceleration which could be provided
to the block, is equal to …….

9- A light rope , which can withstand maximum tension of 3 M g /5, is hang-

ing from a branch of tree. A monkey of mass M is holding the lower end of the
rope. For the rope ,not to break, the monkey should

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(a) remain at rest in air
(b) move upward with acceleration less or equal to 0.4g
(c) move down with acceleration less or equal to 0.4g
(d) move down with acceleration more or equal to 0.4 g

10-A simple pendulum with bob of mass M is kept in

equilibrium with the help of force P applied on the bob at angle ø from the
horizontal. In the equilibrium, the string makes 30 0 from the vertical. Tension
in the string connected to the bob has tension T. Mark true / false against fol-
lowing statements:
(i) T = Mg cos300 (ii) T = 2 P cos ø (iii) P = Mg/ [2sin(1200- ø)]
(iv) P will be minimum if ø= 300

11- A block of mass M is placed on a smooth inclined plane. A horizontal

force P applied on the block ,stops it from the slipping. The
force P equals B

(a) Mg (b) Mg cos θ (c) Mg sin θ (d) Mg tan θ

12-In the fig shown the block A is of mass m 1 and it restsA on a

smooth horizontal table.A mass less rope is connected to A and the rope
passes over a fixed smooth pulley. At lower end of the rope
another block B of mass m2 is connected . Now both blocks are
allowed to move.During this motion mark the TRUE/ FALSE in the
following statements:
(i) Tension in the rope will be lesser than weights of each of the blocks A and
(ii) If the blocks are interchanged , the tension in the rope will change.

13- A block of mass m is kept on the smooth inclined face of a wedge. The in-
clined face makes angle θ from the horizontal. The wedge is moved horizon-
tally with acceleration a0 such that, the block does not slip on the wedge.
Mark true / false against following statements:
(i) The wedge presses the wedge with force mg sec θ.
(ii) acceleration of the block is a0 (iii) a0 = g tan θ

14- A painter of mass 100 kg is raising himself and the chair on

which it stands as shown. When he pulls the rope with certain
then it presses the chair through his legs by 450 N. The chair
25 kg mass. Then acceleration of the system (painter +chair) will be
(a) 2 m/ s2 (b) 4 m/ s2 (c) 6 m/ s2 (d) 12 m/ s2

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15-A light rope is passing over a fixed smooth pulley. At one of the rope, a
block of mass m1 and at other end of the rope, a block of mass m 2 is hanging.
If the blocks are allowed to move under gravity,
(i) The tension in the rope is …………
(ii) If m2 >> m1 , then tension in the rope will be nearly………..

16-A particle is kept on the top of a fixed smooth sphere of radius R. The
particle is given horizontal velocity v. Just after it the parti-
cle presses the sphere with force
(a) mv2 / R (b) mv 2 / R –
(c) mg - mv2 / R (d) mg

17- A conical pendulum rotates with time period T . The

length of the string is L and it always makes angle θ from
the vertical. Mass of the bob is m. Mark true / false against
following statements:
(i) tension in the string is mg sec θ
(ii) acceleration of the particle will be g tanθ
(iii) angular speed of the particle is [ g / ( L cosθ) ]1/2
(iv) T = 2 π [ ( L cosθ / g )]1/2

18-A rocket has initial mass 2500 kg including the mass of the fuel. The fuel is
being ejected at rate 1000 m/s relative to the rocket, in downward direction.
What should be the minimum rate of burning of the fuel , if the rocket is to
take off?
(a) 250 kg/s (b) 25 kg /s (c) 50 kg/s (d) 100 kg/s

19-In an elevator a particle is kept on its floor. The elevator start moving
downward with zero initial velocity but with time varying downward acceler-
ation 4+2 t m/s2. If g=10 m/s2 then the particle leaves contact with the floor
of lift at time t equal to
(a) 0 (b) 3 s (c) 4s (d) 5 s

Examples on friction
Passage for Q 20,21 and 22.
20- A block of mass 20 kg is kept on a horizontal rough ground. The friction
coefficient between the block and the ground is 0.6. Now a time varying force
P= 10 t newton, where t is in seconds, is applied on the block in the direction
parallel to the ground. Then friction force on the block at time t=8 sec will be

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(a) 140 N (b) 100 N (c) 110 N (d) 80 N
21- In previous problem the graph between accelera-
tion of the block and the time t will look like as in the
22- In context of the 20, the velocity of the particle at
time t = 20 s , will be ..

23-A block of mass M is placed on a rough horizontal ground. Friction coeffi-

cient between the block and the ground is tan λ where λ is called friction
angle between the ground and the block. A force P is applied on the block at
angle θ from the horizontal. The value of P, at which the block starts
slipping ,equals
(a) Mg sinλ / sin(θ - λ) (b) Mg cosλ / sin(θ - λ)
(c) Mg sinλ / cos(θ - λ) (d) Mg tanλ

24- A brick of 2 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface of a truck. Friction

coefficient between brick and the truck is 0.4. Now the truck starts accelerat-
ing at rate 3 m/s2. Friction force on the brick will be
(a) 6 N directed along motion of truck (b) 8 N directed along motion of
(c) 6 N in opposite to motion of truck (d) 8 N in opposite to motion ofB

25-A person is pressing a block of mass 2 kg by a force 70 N

against a fixed vertical rough wall. The friction coefficient
between the wall and the block is 0.5. The acceleration of
the block will be…… and the friction force acting on the block will be ..

26- In the arrangement Shown, pulley is ideal and fixed at corner of a

table which supports a block A of mass 4 00 gm. The friction coeffi-
cient between the block A and the horizontal surface
of the table is 0.25. The string connecting A and B is mass
less and inextensible. The tension in the string will be equal to the weight of
the block B
(a) for any value of mass of B (b) if mass of B is greater than 100

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(c) if mass of B is smaller than 100 gm. (d) for no
value of mass of B

27- A particle of A mass m is kept on a block B of mass 4 m which rests on

the smooth horizontal. ground. Friction co efficient between mass A and B is
0.75. A horizontal force P is applied on the block B as shown. If P = 0.75
mg ,mark true / false against following statements:
(i) The block B does not move
(ii) Both the blocks A and B move together i.e. with no relative motion.
(iii) Both A and B moves but with different accelerations.
(iv) Friction force on A by B will be 0.75 mg

28-In the previous problem ,as the force P, applied on the block B, is in-
creased the acceleration of the block A
(a) keeps on increasing (b) will not change
(c) first increases then becomes constant (d) first increases then decreases

29- A vertical cylinder of radius R is rotating with constant angular

speed ω about its axis. A particle of mass m is seen rotating with
the cylinder, without slipping ,while touching its inner vertical face.
Friction coefficient between cylinder and the particle is μ . Then
(a) μ ≥ ω2 R/ g (b) μ ≥ g /( ω2 R ) (c) μ < ω2 R / g (d) μ < g /
(ω2R )

30- An incline plane is making angle 37 0 i.e. tan-1 ¾ from the horizontal. A
block of mass 10 kg is placed on the incline plane. The friction coefficient be-
tween the block and the plane is 0.8. Friction force on the block will be
(a) 64 N (b) 60 N (c) 4 N (d) zero

31-A particle when allowed to slip on a smooth inclined plane making angle
450 from the horizontal , takes time t 0 to slip by distance x starting from
rest. Now the plane is made rough and the particle now , starting from rest
takes time √3 t0 to slip by the same distance x. The kinetic friction be-
tween the block and the plane is ………

Circular tracks & Friction

32- A block is kept on a horizontal disc which is rotating about a vertical axis.
When block is kept at distance 1 cm from the axis of rotation, it slips if the
angular velocity is 4 rad/s . The same block when placed at distance 4 cm
from the axis of rotation, slips at angular velocity ω is
(a) 1 rad /s (b) 4 rad /s (c) 0.5 rad /s (d) 2
rad /s

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33- A cyclist of mass is taking a circular turn of radius R with speed v on a
horizontal road. During the safe turning of the cyclist mark the correct/ incor-
rect statements:
(i) friction coefficient between the tyre and the road should be greater or
equal to v2/ (g R)
(ii) friction force will provide the centripetal force
(iii) cycle should be tilted at angle tan_1{ v2/ (gR)} from the horizontal.
34- A smooth circular road of radius R is banked at angle θ from the hori-
zontal. A motor of mass m is taking a circular turn on the road. The circle is in
the horizontal plane. If speed of the motor is v , mark true / false against fol-
lowing statements:
(i) resultant force on the motor is directed towards center of the circular road
(ii) v = [ gR tanθ }1/2
(iii) the motor is pressing the road with a force lesser than weight of the mo-
35-A car is taking a circular turn of radius R on a rough flat road lying in
horizontal plane with speed v . A pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of
the car. The angle between the thread of the pendulum and the vertical will

Exclusively for IIT-JEE

36-A rough circular road of radius R is banked at angle θ from the horizon-
tal. A motor car of mass m is taking a circular turn safely on the road with
such a speed which is given by the expression [k gR tanθ }1/2 . The circle is
in the horizontal plane and k is a constant B
(i) The friction force on the motor is ………….along ……………
(ii)The normal reaction of the road on the motor is…………..

37- In the arrangement Shown, pulley is ideal and fixed at

corner of a table which supports a block A of mass 400
gm.. The string connecting A and B is mass less and inextensible. The
block B has mass 200 gm. From time t =0, the blocks are allowed to
move. After both blocks have moved up
to time t = 12 s, a person places his hand below the block B and
removes his hand. The string immediately becomes loose and at time t = t 0 ,
the string becomes tight again. Then t0 equals to ………s.

38- A massless string is passing over an ideal pulley which can be

moved vertically. At left end of the string, a block of mass 2 kg is
connected and the block is resting on the ground. The other end
of the string is fixed. A vertical force P is applied on the pulley.
(i) If the force P =24 N, the force with which the block presses the
ground , is …

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(ii) If P = 48 N, then acceleration of the block will be ……..and the accelera -
tion of the block will be ………..

39-In the arrangement shown, the string and pulley are ideal
and the two half filled identical sand bags are supported at the
lower ends of the string. The bags are in equilibrium. If the sand
of mass x , is transferred from bag to the other, tension in the string
supporting the two bags will
(a) not change
(b) decrease by an amount which is proportional to x
(c) increase by an amount which is proportional to x
(d) decrease by an amount which is proportional to x 2

40- A block of mass m is placed on the inclined face of a

which is resting on the ground. The wedge is now moved in the
left with horizontal acceleration a0 and the block is found to
move vertically down ward. The inclination of the face on which
block moves, is making angle……………..form the horizontal.

FORCE : Some results

1- When pendulum is released :

Since velocity is zero, acceleration towards center is
so T - mg cosβ = 0 i.e. T = mg cosβ

2- When pendulum is supported as shown

In this case , acceleration in all the directions is zero, so

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balancing vertical forces, T cosβ = mg i.e. T = mg / cosβ

3- Conical Pendulum :
Since the bob traces horizontal circle, vertical accelera-
tion of the bob is zero. So T cos β = mg i.e. T = mg /
Requirement of the centripetal force: T sin β = mω2 r

4- A block slipping on a fixed smooth spherical surface:

Here if the block has speed v , then acceleration to -

center is v 2 / r. So mg cosθ -
N = m v2 / R

5- A pendulum hanging in a car / box moving with

horizontal acceleration a :
In this case T cos θ = mg : {vertical force balance}
T sin θ = m a : { F = ma in horizontal direction }
So a = g tan θ & T = m ( a2 + g2 )1/2

6- In a freely falling rod, tension at each point will be zero

7- Non-inertial frames of reference/ observers have some ac-
8- The relation F = ma is applicable only in inertial frame of
9- In the arrangement shown, if all the surfaces are smooth
and the string and springs are mass less then the tension in
the string or reading of the
spring balance will be 2W AWB / (WA +WB )and accelerations of the blocks will
be of magnitude (MA ∼ MB ) g / (MA + MB).

10- In this case, if all the surfaces are smooth and the
pulley and thread are massless
then the tension in the string is W AWB /
(WA +WB ) and accelerations of the
blocks is MB g / (MA + MB)

11- If the block has mass m and the pulley has mass mP then
· acceleration of the block will be zero
· tension in the string is m g
· force on the pulley by the support will be [(m +mP )2 +m2]1/2 g
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12- The wedge is fixed and its inclined face is smooth. The
will slip along the incline with acceleration g sinθ and the
block will press the incline face with normal force mg cosθ.
While slipping on the incline, the block will take time
Cosecθ √ (2h/g) in falling through height h and will attain
velocity √(2gh).

13-Let there be vertical circle, of diameter d. Let there be

many smooth wires along different chords of the circle such
that one end of each chord is at the highest point. If different
particles are allowed to slip from the highest point. A of each
chord, then all the particles will reach to the other end in same
time which equals √(2 d /g ) .

14- If a block of mass M is placed on a rough inclined plane, then if static

friction coefficient between the block and the plane is μs and kinetic friction
coefficient is μk , then
· If tan θ ≤ μs then acceleration =0 and friction force on block will be
m g sinθ.
· If tan θ > μs then acceleration = g (sinθ - μk cosθ ) and friction force on
block will be μk mgcosθ

15- If a block is projected with velocity v on a horizontal rough surface, the

stopping distance for the block will be v2/ (2μk g).

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