Touchstone 2.1 Sample Comparison Contrast Essay
Touchstone 2.1 Sample Comparison Contrast Essay
Touchstone 2.1 Sample Comparison Contrast Essay
The sample below provides an example of an essay in the proficient to advanced range. As you read
through the essay, notice how the writer employs techniques characteristic of comparison/contrast writing
in the informative mode.
Angel Martinez
English Composition I
The Tale of Two Cities Comment [SL1]: Good choice of topic. It isn't too big or
too small of a topic, and there are enough similarities or
differences between the two to explore within an essay.
Many cities around the world have been built along a river. Some “twin” cities
have developed along both banks of a single river. The cities of Buda and Pest, divided
by the Danube River in Hungary, became the city of Budapest in 1873. Other twin cities,
such as Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota, have retained a river, in this case, the
somewhat north and east of Minneapolis, more closely aligned with Seattle), the cities
Comment [SL3]: This is a detailed thesis statement clearly
showing that the two subjects will be contrasted as opposed
to compared. The thesis tells us what the two subjects being
contrasted are (the cities of Budapest and Minneapolis), as
well as the points of contrast that will be explored in the
essay (weather, cost of living, and population
Sophia Pathways – English Composition I
rise quickly. Summers are long and warm, with an average temperature of 77 degrees
Fahrenheit. Humidity is low for the most part. Temperatures remain in the high 60s
through mid-November, but rain becomes more frequent in the fall. Finally, the winter
season in Budapest brings temperatures that, on average, remain in the 30-40 degree
Fahrenheit range. Snow falls, but in small amounts. The coldest month is January with
winter months.
Minneapolis, on the other hand, is less temperate than Budapest. Spring in Comment [SL4]: Good use of a contrast transitional phrase
Minneapolis arrives later on average and is shortened. It isn’t unusual to have snow in
April, nor is it unusual to have snow in October in Minneapolis. The three summer
months of June, July, and August are humid and see almost half of the year’s
precipitation in the form of sometimes violent thunderstorms. Tornadoes can also occur
in the spring and summer months in Minneapolis. Autumn is often brief and
characterized by blue skies and cooling temperatures. Winters can be brutal with snow,
sleet, freezing rain, ice, and blizzard conditions. The average temperature for the month
The cost of living in Budapest is much lower than the cost of living in
Minneapolis. Of course, wages are lower too – the major industries are manufacturing
and tourism - but it is quite easy to live well on an average salary in the city. For
example, rent for a one-bedroom apartment near the City Center costs an average of
138,000 forints, or around $532 in U.S. dollars. Monthly access to the internet costs
Sophia Pathways – English Composition I
about $18, and a bottle of mid-range domestic wine costs only $5. Gasoline costs more Comment [SL5]: Add a transitional word or phrase here,
such as "However," to more clearly indicate that this line is
a contrast between the cost of gasoline/utilities in Budapest
in Budapest, as do monthly utilities such as heat and water. and the cost of gasoline/utilities in Minneapolis.
The cost of living in Minneapolis is about 5% higher than the U.S. national
average, but still much lower than in other U.S. major cities like Chicago or Los
Angeles. Unemployment is low and the economy is diverse, with no single industry
between $1400 and $1700, with utilities an average of an additional $150 a month. The
cost for access to the Internet varies by speed, but rounds out to about $45 per month.
A bottle of good domestic wine will cost you around $15 in Minneapolis. Gas prices
change almost daily but average around $2.50 per gallon. Drivers in Budapest pay Comment [SL6]: I would recommend using a transitional
word or phrase, such as "In contrast," here to more clearly
indicate that you're contrasting the prices between the two
almost $5 per gallon.
into account the entire metropolitan and commuter area, this number climbs to 3.3
million. The city itself has experienced negative growth over the past 30 years, falling
from a population of 2.2 million in 1989. The vast majority of residents in Budapest are
about 3% of the population, Germans who account for 1%, and Slovaks, Romanians,
metropolitan Budapest – approximately 3.3 million inhabitants. However, population Comment [SL7]: Good use of a contrast word here to
indicate that Minneapolis' population is growing, which
contrasts with the population decline in Budapest.
continues to grow in Minneapolis and has increased every year since 1990. Minneapolis
is also much more diverse than Budapest. Whites (mainly of Scandinavian and German
descent) make up 64% of the population, African Americans are nearly 20%, Hispanics
Sophia Pathways – English Composition I
stand at 10%, and Asians around 6%. Minneapolis is also known as a gay-friendly
Both Minneapolis and Budapest are cities built along the banks of a major river.
Although Buda and Pest joined to form one city along the Danube, the cities of St. Paul
and Minneapolis have maintained separate governments and identities on either side of
the Mississippi. Budapest and Minneapolis are comparable in size, but differ in climate,
cost of living, and demographic makeup. Both cities offer much for the traveler, whether
it’s historical castles and ruin pubs in Budapest or peaceful lakes and greenery in
Minneapolis. Combined visits for both cities reached a high of 34 million last year, and
34 million people can’t be wrong! Comment [SL8]: Nice job on the conclusion here. You
(812 words)
Sophia Pathways – English Composition I
1. Did you use the point-by-point or block method to organize your body paragraphs?
What made you decide to organize your essay in this way? (3-4 sentences) Sophia
says: Consider the ways a comparison/contrast essay can be organized. Which
organization did you choose and why?
For my essay, I choose the point-by-point method of organization. I felt that either
method of organization would have worked well. However, the contrasts between
the two cities in regards to weather, cost of living, and population demographics
seemed like they were a little more obvious and easier to point out to the reader
when I used the point-by-point method. It helped me to emphasize the contrasts
between the two cities, one point at a time.
2. In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the narrative essay you
wrote in Touchstone 1? Give specific examples. (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Consider
how the structure, point of view, and purpose of the two essays differ.
3. Remember that the writing process is a recursive process, and your first draft of an
essay is rarely your last. What part of the draft did you struggle with? (3-4 sentences)
Sophia says: Think about how you could improve the draft if you continued the writing
process with revision and editing.
The sample essay was evaluated according to the Touchstone 2.1 Rubric, which considers elements of a
comparison/contrast essay, the thesis statement, organization, style and tone, conventions, and
responses to the “Think About Your Writing” questions. Each rubric area is evaluated according to the
performance level.
Overall the author does a nice job making the connection between subjects very clear, and the
organization used is appropriate for a comparison/contrast essay. There are a few opportunities;
however, in which transitional words or phrases can be used to more effectively convey contrasts
between the two cities.
Thesis Statement
The thesis statement, “While the locations of Budapest and Minneapolis are relatively even on a world
latitude scale (Budapest is somewhat north and east of Minneapolis, more closely aligned with Seattle),
the cities have distinct differences in weather, cost of living, and population demographics,” is clear and
effectively communicates the two subjects being contrasted (Minneapolis and Budapest) as well as the
three points of contrast that will be explored in the essay (weather, cost of living, and population
The essay is well organized, and contains all of the required elements of a comparison/contrast essay: an
introductory paragraph, a thesis statement, adequate body paragraphs organized in the point-by-point
method, and an effective concluding paragraph.
The writing maintains an objective tone throughout, appropriate for informative writing. A wide variety of
sentence structures and thoughtful word choices contribute to the overall style and tone of the essay.
There are few/no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, or usage.
It is clear that the writer thoroughly and thoughtfully answered the questions. All questions meet or
exceed response length guidelines.