Cash Flow Statement.ppt_0
Cash Flow Statement.ppt_0
Cash Flow Statement.ppt_0
Productive External financing
Adjusted profit and loss account (FFO)
Statement of cash from operation
Cash flow statement (CFS)
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs
To depreciation on FA a/c By balance b/d (opening)
To loss on sale of FS a/c By dividend a/c
To goodwill or trade mark or By commission a/c
patent written off a/c By interest received a/c
To preliminary expenses a/c By income tax refund a/c
To discount on issue of shares By profit on sale of FA or
written off a/c investments a/c
To provision for bad or doubtful By Inflow of Fund from
debts written off a/c operations a/c (bal.fig)
To provision for taxation a/c
To provision for general reserve or
any other reserve a/c
To provision for dividend a/c
To balance c/d (closing)
To outflow Or Lost in fund flow op.
Total Total
Particulars Rs Rs
Fund from operations
Add: Increase in CL
Decrease in CA other than Cash and Bank
Less: Decrease in CL
Increase in CA other than Cash and Bank
Cash at bank (Opening) 1,40,000 Cash out flow Or Lost in Cash flow 33,000
1,40,000 1,40,000
Liabilities Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs.
1,00,000 1,00,000
Statement of Cash Flow Operations