Harsh Naveen Banura - Resume
Harsh Naveen Banura - Resume
Harsh Naveen Banura - Resume
com | +91-9588274193
Course Year Ins=tute Board Score
B.Com. [Hons.] 2023 Shri Ram College of Commerce University of Delhi 9.64 CGPA
Grade 12 2020 Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur CBSE 98%
Grade 10 2018 Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur CBSE 97%
• Delhi University Topper in a total of 5 subjects and college rank 1 in semester II in the Commerce Department in a batch of 775 students (2021)
• Received a “Cer=ficate of Merit” from CBSE for being top 0.1% performers in India in Class XII Exams in Economics and Business Studies (2020)
• Awarded the “CerWficate of Excellence” for School Topper and outstanding performance in academics in the school out of 2,500+ students (2020)
• State Winner at the Dainik Bhaskar Junior Editor; registered in Guinness World Record and Limca Book Record, felicitated by Ms. Smri= Irani (2016)
• 1 out of 146 na=onal winners out of 1,30,000+ parWcipants in Gurutsav essay wriWng compeWWon organised by MHRD across 23 languages (2014)
• Completed a 2 week training on “InformaWon Technology-Concept and ApplicaWons”, studying web development, conducted by Infosys Limited (2016)
• CerWfied as a FORTIS Peer Moderator for Media Literacy by Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, For=s Healthcare Limited (2018)
Business Development Intern, Jagganath Industries Private Limited (1st June 2020 - 31st August 2020)(3 Months)
A global company involved in the manufacturing, supplying and distribuDon of plasDc films and PPE to 5+ countries and state and naDonal governments.
• Directed & developed the overall strategy with the Supply Chain Management reducing the turnaround producWon Wme by 8% by increasing labour efficiency
• 1 out of 5 to co-author the tender quota=on for submission in MP, Gujarat and Rajasthan which helped to secure the tender of order value of Rs. 16 crores
• IniWated the development of a digital upskilling program for working staff & received approval from the top management for piloWng it among 65 employees
• Received a LoR from the managing director for excepWonally performing the assigned work and demonstraWng superior analyWcal and technical reasoning
Founder, 11:11 Masks (2020-21)
• Single-handedly started “11:11” to produce first of its kind premium coxon surgical masks manufactured using 5-Beam German Reifenhauser Technology
• Undertook product development with experts to have 98.5% bacterial filter efficiency; approved by Intertek Labs, present in 1,000+ loca=ons worldwide
• Established various B2C demand channels by creaWng an E-commerce website as well as listed the products on global online marketplaces like Amazon
Director, Project Virasat, Enactus SRCC (September 2021 - Present)
Enactus is an internaDonal social not for profit organisaDon spread across 36+ countries, engaging 72,000+ university students in social entrepreneurship.
• Spearheading a 70+ member team to revive India's dying crag forms by reorganising supply chains and creaWng sustainable market avenues for the arWsans
• Sustained P-TAL by reviving the UNESCO recognised crag of handcraged utensils by mobilising 42 ar=san families, becoming a Startup India recognised brand
• Launched Virasat as an umbrella organisaWon for crag development, working with 3 craa forms, impacWng 1000+ ar=sans, and increasing incomes by 600%
• Designed and executed the markeWng and promoWonal strategy, by successfully increasing the follower base by 90% and creaWng 23,00,000+ impressions
• Reached 40,000+ customers with annual sales Rs. 2.5 crores by collaboraWng with 20 retail outlets over 7 states, 13+ online plajorms and 15+ exhibiWons
• Invited by Ministry of MSME for disbursal of Rs. 4 crores for crag revival and raised funding of Rs. 55,00,000 from organisaWons like HDFC Founda=on and BCG
Execu=ve Member, Maestro, Business Conclave, Students’ Union, SRCC (February 2021 - April 2021)
A flagship management event of Asia’s largest undergraduate management fest with parDcipaDon of 1,00,000+ students from more than 300+ colleges.
• 1 out of 12 members to be selected from 800+ to conceptualise and execute 8+ comprehensive rounds in the fields of Finance, PR, Legal, MarkeWng and HR
• Increased the parWcipaWon by more than 20% to get 1,200+ parWcipants from premier insWtutes like IIMs, IITs and other top colleges under Delhi University
• Collaborated and coordinated with various companies and think-tanks such as Samagra, Anarock, HDFC Bank and Waterfield Advisory to raise sponsorships
Deputy Head Boy, Rukmani Birla Modern High School (2018-19)
• Selected from a pool of 200+ students to led the council of RBMHS, represented the school and led delega=ons at various naWonal and internaWonal stages
• Administered various events in all domains for the school and acted as one of the focal touchpoints between the school authoriWes and 2,500+ students
• 1 of 4 people to spearhead the implementaWon of tri-filtraWon technology impacWng over 600 families by providing water at Rs. 4 for 20L
Project Asbah
• Set up 21 community water filtraWon plants in 6 states across India, impacWng 57,750+ lives by generaWng a revenue of Rs. 1.39 crores
[WASH Sector]
• Executed and Implemented CSR projects of Rs. 65,00,000 for DCM Shriram, HCL FoundaWon, BCG, JP Morgan and Jindal Steel
• Launched the project to address the problem of micro-plasWc polluWon, recycled 15.2 million cigarexe buxs and sensiWsed 5,43,200 people
Project Leher
• Led the collaboraWon with the supply partner, ‘Ecowrap’, facilitaWng collecWon of the waste from 120+ insWtuWons in the HORECA sector
[CigareCe Waste]
• Headed the revamping of the official website by opWmizing it for search engine, instrumental in making it visible on top of the search results
• Successfully developed and sustained the pilot plant in Karnal, generaWng revenues of Rs. 8.25 lakhs, selling 30,000 kg of biochar briquexes
Project Amal
• Lauded by the Rural Development Ministry of Punjab and Sh. Tript Singh Bajwa for our efforts to propel the rural economy in Gurdaspur
• Built 11 Common Facility Centers (CFCs), impacWng the lives 5500+ farmers and recycling up to 40,000 kgs of agricultural waste like stubble
• Winner of the Business Plan CompeWWon at Croesus ’21, by E-Cell, Miranda House, with 950+ par=cipants, awarded Rs. 15,000 (2021)
• First Runners Up at Enactus India NaWonals CompeWWons (Enactus SRCC), powered by KPMG, among 128 parWcipaWng teams (2021)
Business Case
First Runners Up at Eureka! (IIT-B) of 11,500+ teams, Asia’s largest business compeWWon, awarded Rs. 1,00,000 for Project Biochar (2021)
Compe==ons •
• Second Runners Up out of 214+ teams in White Knights, naWonal business plan compeWWon by IIM Kozhikode, Awarded Rs. 12,000 (2021)
• Top 5 Finalist Winners at Vichar Haat by TIIC ABV-IIITM Gwalior for Virasat, received Best Idea Presenta=on Award and Rs. 10,000 (2021)
• Only student from the school to be selected for Youth, Environment and Sustainability Program by United World Mahindra College
Interna=onal among parWcipants from 5 countries, undertaking 5 field trips to explore the sectors of waste and water resource management (2017)
Exposure • Winner in the Environment category for Enactus SRCC in Milano Digital Week 2021, Italy’s fully digital event; Awarded ₹1,72,000 (2021)
[7 Countries] • Part of the world’s first & only team, Enactus SRCC to reach top 4 for all 3 global Enactus Races (2021) out of 1800+ teams worldwide (2021)
• Winner of the 77 seconds Film FesWval out of 56 teams across 37+ countries at the Enactus World Cup ConvenWon for Enactus SRCC (2020)
• 1 of 2 students to represent school at Surja Ram Memorial Debate CompeWWon, bagged the “Best School Trophy” with Rs. 13,100 (2019)
Public Speaking • Adjudged as the “Most Promising Parliamentarian” at the Vox Populi: The DebaWng Phenomenon in the Rajasthan State Chapter (2018)
and Quizzes • Secured 2nd posi=on in the na=onal quiz of Zee Jaipur Literature FesWval hosted by Siddharth Basu, Indian producer and quiz host (2017)
• Finalist at Jaipur City Finals of Travel Quest 3.0, India's Largest inter-school Travel Quiz, powered by Switzerland and Spain Tourism (2017)
• Conceptualized C2P social entrepreneurship compeWWon with 700+ parWcipants and prize pool of Rs. 1,10,000 under Enactus SRCC (2021)
• Concerted the annual school fete, with a foojall of 10,000+, onboarding 20+ food outlets and generaWng revenues of Rs. 10 Lakhs (2019)
• Organized ‘GP Birla Memorial Trophy’, annual inter-school co-curricular event, managing 250+ parWcipants from 25+ schools (2019)
• 1 of 4 selected to execute the video presentaWon gauging 35,000+ views within 1 week for the Enactus India NaWonal CompeWWon (2021)
Technical Skills
• Proficient in G-Suite ApplicaWons, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Adobe Ager Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe Photoshop