Hvdc & Facts 2marksqa
Hvdc & Facts 2marksqa
Hvdc & Facts 2marksqa
Where equivalent outage time is the product of the actual outage time and The
fraction of system capacity lost to outage.
10. Write down any two application DC transmission?(C)
1.Long distance bulk power transmission
2.Underground or underwater cables
3.Asynchronous interconnection of A.C systems operating at different frequencies.
11. What are the factors to be considered for planning HVDC Transmission? (C)
The system planner must consider the factors are,
Technical performance
12. What are the advantages of LTT over ETT?
Infinite gate isolation
Total noise immunity for the control circuits.Faster turn-on time
Elimination if high voltage pulse transformers and auxiliary power supplies.
13. Distinguish between AC & DC transmission. (An)
S.NO AC Transmission DC Transmission
The variation of costs of transmission with distance for AC and DC Transmission For dist
nces less them break even distance, AC tends to Be economical them DC. And costlier for
longer distances. The break even Distances can vary from 500 to 800 km in overhead lines.
20. Why circuit turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn-off time?(An)
Circuit turn off time should be greater than the thyristor turn-off time for re liable turn-off,
otherwise the device may turn-on at an undesired instant, a process called commutation
21. What is the turn-off time for converter grade SCRs and inverter grade SCRs? (U)
Turn-off time for converter grade SCRs is 50 – 100 ms turn-off time for converter grade
SCRs and inverter grade SCRs and for inverter grade SCRs is 3 – 50 ms.
22. What is firing angle?(U)
The angle at which thyristor is triggered it is defined as the angle between the zero
crossing of the input voltage and the instant the thyristor is fired.
23. Draw the circuit of Graetz CIRCUIT.(U)
29. Write the assumptions for anal sis of 6 pulse converter? (U)
To consider the theoretical anal sis of a co ventional 6-pulse bridge , the following
assumptions are made:
DC current is constant (i.e. the smoothing reactor is infinite),
Valves are ideal switches, and
6. State any four important reasons why the current control is desirable in the
Rectifier station under normal operating conditions?(U)
i. The increase of power in the link is achieved by reducing αr, which improves
the power factor at the rectifier.
ii. The inverter can now be operated at minimum ﬠthereby minimize the reactive
10. What are the parameters to change current and power transfer in DC link?(U)
i) Control angle of rectifier α
ii) Control angle of inverter β
iii) Tap changer on rectifier side
iv) Tap changer on inverter side
14. What is the use of transformer tap changer control at the inverter side of an
HVDC system?(U)
The on-load tap changer control at the inverter is used mainly to mai tain a constant DC
voltage. The tap changer control at the rectifier is designed to mainta delay angle within the
limits (say 10deg to 20deg) in order to maintain certain voltage margin for the purpose of
current control.
15. What is the use of tap changing transformer in HVDC systems? (U)
The tap changing transformer used to increase the power factor obtained in the ac side and
maintain the operating point at point A or B in the Vd , id characteristics of rectifier and
inverter use tap changing transformer.
18. What is the need for transformer tap changer control of HVDC converter? (U)
The tap changing transformer used to increase the power factor obtained in the ac side and
maintain the operating point at point A or B in the Vd , id characteristics of rectifier and
inverter use tap changing transformer.
Telephone interference Extra power looses & consequent heating in machines Over voltages
due to resonances Instability of converter controls Interference with ripple control system
used in load management.
5. What is radio interference? (U)
The radio interference is mainly due to the positive conductor. This is Because of the fact
that the corona discharges from the negative conductor are in the form of trichel pulses
which are uniformly distributed ever the conductor surface.
The THD is a measure of the effective value of the harmonic components of a distorted
waveform. That is, it is the potential heating value of the harmonics relative to the
fundamental. This index can be calculated for either voltage or current
20 What is IPFC?
Interline power Flow Controller is a combination of two or more independently
controllable static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) which are solid state voltage
source converters which inject an almost sinusoidal voltage at variable magnitude and
couples via a common DC link.
1. Explain in detail, the economic choice of voltage level selected in DC transmission system
2. Explain in detail, the different applications of dc transmission system
3. Explain the different types of DC links
4. Explain in detail, the comparison of AC and DC transmission
5. Explain in detail, the major components of a HVDC transmission in converter station
6. For a 3 phase 6 pulse gratez's circuit draw the timing diagram considering overlap angle is less
than 60 degree and without overlap for the following:
a. Voltage across load b. Voltage across any two pair of conduction valves
7. Explain in detail, the individual characteristics of a rectifier and an inverter with sketches
1. What are the objectives of series compensation? Explain
2. Explain about UPFC
3. Explain independent real and reactive power flow controller
4. Explain in detail about the basic operation control scheme for GCSC, TSSC and TCSC
5. Explain how the independent real and reactive power control is done by using UPFC
6. Explain the operation and characteristics of GTO thyristor – controlled series capacitor
7. Explain the basic operating principles of UPFC
8. Explain how the UPFC can control real and reactive power flow in the transmission line
9. Why is TCSC (thyristor controlled series capacitor) used in transmission line? Explain its
advantages and disadvantages
10. Explain the improvement that a TCSC can bring about in a power system and what are its