1009pm_66.EPRA JOURNALS 16271
1009pm_66.EPRA JOURNALS 16271
1009pm_66.EPRA JOURNALS 16271
In existing E-commerce application all customers and product details will be stored and managed in single centralized server and if
this server crashed due to too many requests and or if server is hacked then services will not be available to other customers and to
overcome from this problem, we are migrating E-commerce application to Blockchain which will maintain data at multiple
nodes/servers and if one node down then customers can get data from other working nodes. Another advantage of Blockchain is inbuilt
support for data encryption and immutability (data cannot be altered by unauthorized users) and it will consider each data as
block/transaction and associate each block storage with unique hash code and before storing new records. Blockchain will verify hash
code of previous blocks and if all nodes’ blocks verification successful then data is consider as secured.
KEYWORDS – Blockchain, Decentralize, E-Commerce, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Hash code.
Ecommerce is one of the leading industries around the world. Ecommerce platforms require tremendous power and storage to
manage large amounts of data and other services. Even though the industry has superior functioning at present, there are ways to
enhance it further, which is possible through blockchain technology. Blockchain can help e-commerce businesses to handle data
more efficiently. The platforms can store information about users, products, orders, deliveries, manufacturers, sellers, and much
more in an organized manner in a blockchain network. Blockchain is well-known for its security features that provide the
ecommerce sector with extra layers of security. It cuts down the intermediaries and promotes peer-to-peer transactions. We get
many added features like quick transactions, reduced chargeback frauds, customer reviews verification, personalized product
offerings. With traceability, blockchain guarantees end-to-end product tracking to the customers.
1. Implement a secure e-commerce system using blockchain to protect customer data and ensure service availability.
2. Utilize blockchain's decentralized nature to prevent single points of failure and enhance system reliability.
3. Ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized alterations through blockchain's immutable ledger.
4. Create user-friendly modules using Django for product management, orders, and user interactions to streamline e-
commerce operations.
5. Design and develop a user-friendly website to host the aforementioned applications, making them accessible to farmers
and agricultural stakeholders. The objective is to create an intuitive platform where users can easily input data and receive
actionable insights to optimize their farming practices.
6. Adjust the model to make it more accurate and user-friendly.
[1] Crosby, M., et al. (2016). Blockchain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin. Applied Innovation Review, Issue 2. These works introduce
the concept of blockchain as a decentralized ledger, explaining the technology's fundamentals, including its encryption,
immutability, and consensus mechanisms.
[2] Christidis, K., & Devetsikiotis, M. (2016). Blockchains and Smart Contracts for the Internet of Things. IEEE Access. These
works introduce the concept of blockchain as a decentralized ledger, explaining the technology's fundamentals, including its
encryption, immutability, and consensus mechanisms.
[3] Wüst, K., & Gervais, A. (2018). Do you need a Blockchain? 2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology
(CVCBT). This paper critically evaluates scenarios where blockchain is a suitable solution, discussing the challenges in migrating
existing applications to blockchain, including scalability, transaction costs, and regulatory issues.
[4] Iansiti, M., & Lakhani, K. R. (2017). The Truth About Blockchain. Harvard Business Review. This article provides an in-depth
look at the strategic value of blockchain technology, including its impact on trust, efficiency, and transparency in business
transactions, with implications for e-commerce
[5] Zhu, H., & Zhou, Z. Z. (2018). Analysis and Outlook of Applications of Blockchain Technology to Equity Crowdfunding in
China. Financial Innovation. While focusing on equity crowdfunding, this study offers insights into how blockchain technology has
been applied in real-world scenarios, serving as inspiration for e-commerce applications. It discusses the practical benefits and
lessons learned from these early adopters.
[6] Croman, K., et al. (2016). On Scaling Decentralized Blockchains. In 3rd Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain Research. This
work addresses the technical limitations of current blockchain technology, such as scalability and performance issues, which are
critical to consider when developing a blockchain-based e-commerce platform.
During this project work the approach followed can be described in the following steps. They are
1. User Authentication
2. Model Development
3. Website Development
4. Integration
5. Testing
6. Deployment
7. Monitoring & Maintenance
User Authentication
Signup: This module enables users, both consumers and suppliers, to create their accounts on the e-commerce platform. During
signup, users provide their essential information such as name, email, and password. After successful signup, they can log in using
their credentials.
Login: The login module allows registered users to access their accounts by entering their username and password. Successful login
provides access to the platform's features and functionality.
Model Development
We have two users suppliers and consumers.
In supplier modules we have
• Add Product: this module allows suppliers to list their products on the platform. They can provide details such as product
name, description, price, and upload product images. This module ensures that new products are seamlessly added to the
e-commerce platform.
• Update Quantity: This module allows suppliers to manage their product inventory efficiently. They can update the quantity
of each product listed on the platform. This ensures that customers see accurate stock information when browsing products.
• View Orders: This module provides a summary of the orders placed by consumers for the supplier's products. Suppliers
can track order status, delivery details, and other relevant information.
So, in consumer modules we have
• Browse Products: Within this module, customers can search and view product listings. They can filter products based on
various criteria, helping them find the items they want to purchase.
• Place Order: Here, consumers are provided by a click here link. By clicking on it they can place the orders
Website Development
Developed the frontend using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React.
Implement responsive design techniques to ensure optimal performance across devices and screen sizes.
Integrate blockchain-related features into the frontend, such as Solidity and ethers payment options and real-time transaction
Integrate the trained machine learning and deep learning models into the website's backend. Develop APIs or scripts to handle user
inputs, invoke the appropriate models, and generate recommendations or diagnosis results.
Test the functionality and performance of the website and its applications. Conduct unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance
tests to ensure that the system functions correctly and provides accurate recommendations and diagnoses.
Deploy the website and its applications on a web hosting platform or server. Ensure that the website is accessible to users over the
internet and that it can handle concurrent user requests and data processing tasks.
Our output screens are as follows:
1. Welcome Page
3. Login Page
6. Products Visualization
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