D 1765
D 1765
D 1765
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 1765
TABLE 1 Carbon Black Properties
NOTE 1—The iodine adsorption number and DBP number values represent target values. A target value is defined as an agreed upon value on which
producers center their production process and users center their specifications. All other properties shown are averages of typical values supplied by
several manufacturers. Typical properties are dependent upon the target values and may vary from producer to producer at the same iodine adsorption
and DBP absorption numbers because of the differences in processing equipment.
NOTE 2—IRB data was obtained from tests performed during the certification of IRB No. 6 carbon black.
NOTE 3—The cure rate of vulcanizates containing carbon black compounded by Test Methods D 3192 may be measured by Test Method D 2084.
Target ValuesA Typical Descriptive ValuesA
NOTE 1—Some of the carbon blacks in Table 1 were assigned prior to 4.2 Vulcanizates containing each of the standard grades of
the establishment of the surface area classification system and may fall carbon black shall have typical physical properties prescribed
outside of the specified ranges.
in Table 1.
3.3 The third and fourth characters in this system are 4.2.1 The 300 % stress values shown in Table 1 represent
arbitrarily assigned digits. the typical differences between the values obtained for the test
4. Typical Properties of Carbon Blacks black and those obtained for Industry Reference Black No. 7.
In practice, the black compounds shall be mixed and tested at
4.1 Each of the standard grades of carbon black shall have the same time using the formulation in Test Methods D 3192.
target and typical physical properties prescribed in Table 1.
D 1765
NOTE 2—Industry Reference Black No. 73 is an N330 type carbon 5.2 Data to be submitted shall consist of typical values for
black prepared at one location,4 then evaluated by ASTM D 24 to insure the following:
uniformity. A large volume (225 000 kg (495 000 lb)) of this carbon black
Property Test Procedure
was prepared since it is used daily as a standard reference material by Nitrogen adsorption, multipoint NSA D 4820
carbon black producers. The carbon black has an iodine number of 83.0 DBP absorption number, D 3493
and DBP No. of 101.6. compressed sample
NOTE 3—For comparison of IRB No. 6 to IRB No. 7 per SBR-1500, see Tint strength D 3265
Table 2. Pour density D 1513
Stress at 300 % Elongation, 30 min. D 3192
TABLE 2 Comparison of IRB No. 6 to IRB No. 7 in SBR-1500 and target values for the following properties:
(Test Methods D 412 and D 3191 and Practice D 3182), MPa (psi) Property Test Procedure
IRB No. 6 IRB No. 7 D Iodine number D 1510
508 stress at 300 % elongation 16.9 (2450) 20.7 (3000) +3.8 (+550) DBP absorption number D 2414
508 tensile strength 27.1 (3930) 28.7 (4160) +1.6 (+230)
5.3 When the chairman of Subcommittee D24.41 receives a
request to assign a classification number to a new carbon black,
the following action is taken:
4.3 The properties enumerated shall be determined in ac-
5.3.1 Confirmation that the new carbon meets the scope of
cordance with the ASTM test methods shown in Table 1.
Committee D-24.
4.4 The following carbon black properties are not included
in Table 1 but do have previously established maximum values. 5.3.2 Confirmation that the new carbon is commercially
4.4.1 Sieve Residue— Test Method D 1514. Screen sizes available.
500 µm (No. 35), maximum 0.0010 %, and 45 µm (No. 325), 5.3.3 Establishment of the “N” or “S” first character assign-
maximum 0.10 % for all grades. ment and the second character (number) assignment based
4.4.2 Fines—Test Method D 1508. Screen size 125 µm (No. upon the data submitted with the request.
120). Maximum 7 % fines on bulk units for all grades except 5.3.4 Establishment of the third and fourth character (num-
thermal blacks. The 5-min fines test shall be used, and samples ber) assignments based upon the information from the re-
shall be taken from sample ports. questor. Without specific information from the requestor, these
4.5 The typical values shown in Table 1 are consensus characters are arbitrarily assigned by the chairman of Subcom-
values based on input from the various carbon black producers. mittee D 24.41.
Typical values often vary between suppliers; therefore, the 5.3.5 Target and typical values for a new standard, noted by
range of data used to define the typical values is shown in Table Footnote D in Table 1, are often based upon samples taken
A2.1. These ranges in no way should be viewed as being from a limited number of production runs. These table values
related to specification ranges. may change slightly when the sample results taken over a
longer period are pooled. The requestor of a new standard
5. Procedures for Classifying a New Carbon Black grade may pursue a revision of the table values by letter ballot
5.1 Data for classification of a new grade of carbon black during the first year of publication to utilize the additional
are to be submitted to ASTM Headquarters, to the attention of pooled data. Changes to the table after the first year of
the chairman of Subcommittee D24.41 on Carbon Black publication would normally require the assignment of a new
Nomenclature and Terminology. ASTM designation.
6. Keywords
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D24-
1005. 6.1 carbon black; classification of carbon blacks; industry
Available from Balentine Enterprises, 227 Somerset, Borger, TX 79007 U.S.A. reference blacks; typical properties of carbon black types
D 1765
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 The listing of properties for Industry Reference A1.3 The listing of the properties of IRB No. 7 is given in
Blacks (IRBs) is given in Table A1.1. This spans a period of 20 Table A1.2.
years. The absolute values for I2 number, DBP number, DBP
CS number, and tint strength are listed. Values for tensile stress
at 300 % elongation or “modulus” and tensile strength are TABLE A1.2
given in relation to the previous IRB as a “difference.” All of Property IRB No. 7
these represent average values as determined by testing pro- Tint Strength, D 3265, % ITRB 106.8
grams carried out prior to the dates listed for each reference Iodine Adsorption No., D 1510, g/kg (mg/g) 83.0
black. Since the purpose of an Industry Reference Black is the NSA, D 4820, 103 m2/kg (m2/g) 78.1
STSA, D 5816, 103 m2/kg (m2/g) 77.0
elimination of the major part of laboratory-to-laboratory varia- DBP No., D 2414, 10–5 m3/kg 101.6
tion, it is used as a reference material within each laboratory to DBP No. Compressed Sample, D 3493, 10–5 m3/kg 89.0
correct actual measured property values in that laboratory. Pour Density, D 1513, kg/m3(lb/ft3) 380 (23.8)
Ash Content, D 1506, % 0.27
Fines Content, D 1508, % 3.0
A1.2 The user of this table is cautioned against attempting Heating Loss, D 1509, % 0.3
to add the differences listed in the modulus and tensile strength Sieve Residue, D 1514, mg/kg (ppm) 27
columns to determine the relationship of two carbon blacks not Toluene Discoloration, D 1618, % 98.2
Mean Pellet Hardness, D 5230, mN (gf) 257.7 (26.3)
adjacent in time. Such an addition is likely to produce spurious Maximum Pellet Hardness, D 5230, mN (gf) 467.5 (47.7)
results due to additive errors.
A2.1 Although producers are encouraged to center their A2.2 Table A2.1 contains the range of mean values reported
process at the typical value level defined in Table 1, differences by each carbon black producer that were used to define the
in manufacturing technology and process conditions such as values in Table 1. These ranges in no way should be viewed as
reactor design, feedstock oil source, etc., exist. Consequently, being related to specification ranges.
any grade of carbon black produced at target values may
deviate from the documented typical value.
D 1765
TABLE A2.1 Range of Data
NSA STSA Modulus
ASTM Compressed Tint Pour Density
103 m2/kg 103 m2/kg DIRB#7
Classification 10–5m3/kg %ITRB kg/m3
(m2/g) (m2/g) MPa
N110 96–98 124–130 —A 122–124 335–353 –4.0 to –2.5
N115 96–98 127–138 —A 122–125 331–353 –3.5 to –2.6
N121 111–112 121–122 —A 118–121 312–321 –0.9 to 0.7
N125 —A —A —A —A —A —A
N134 102–105 140–146 —A 128–133 305–337 –1.9 to –1.0
N220 96–100 112–115 105–107 116–117 337–361 –2.3 to –1.4
N231 85–88 108–113 —A 119–121 379–417 —A
N234 100–103 116–121 109–114 120–124 307–337 –0.5 to 0.3
N299 —A 103–104 —A 112–115 336–345 —A
N326 68–69 77–80 74–78 110–113 446–470 –4.2 to –3.0
N330 85–89 76–80 74–76 103–105 370–393 –1.2 to –0.1
N339 96–101 89–92 85–89 110–112 328–353 0.8 to 1.2
N343 100–107 95–96 —A 111–114 310–326 1.1 to 1.7
N347 97–101 85–86 82–84 103–106 324–345 0.2 to 0.9
N351 95–97 70–72 68–71 99–101 332–353 0.8 to 1.3
N358 108–109 —A —A 98–99 345–350 —A
N375 95–98 91–95 90–91 114–115 377–385 0.3 to 0.6
N539 80–82 —A —A ... 353–369 –1.5 to –1.0
N550 83–87 39–41 38–40 ... —A –1.0 to 0.1
N650 81–86 33–38 32–36 ... 358–377 –1.0 to –0.2
N660 72–75 34–36 34–35 ... 432–458 –2.4 to –2.0
N683 80–88 34–37 33–35 ... 342–353 –0.8 to –0.1
N762 57–61 26–32 26–30 ... 490–530 –4.9 to –4.2
N772 58–60 31–32 30–31 ... 507–530 –4.8 to –4.6
N774 59–65 28–32 27–31 ... 469–514 –4.6 to –2.9
N990 36–37 7–9 6–9 ... 642–653 —A
N991 —A 7–9 7–9 ... —A —A
Either all values reported were the same or only one company submitted a value for this carbon black. Note: Carbon blacks with data from a single producer are not
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).