HMT IMP Questions
HMT IMP Questions
HMT IMP Questions
A flat plate 1.0 m wide and 1.5 m long is to be maintained at 90 o C in air with free stream temperature of 10 o C
12 blowing along 1.5 m side of plate. Determine the velocity of air required to have rate of energy dissipation as
3.75kW. Take Nu = [ 0.664 Re 1/2 Pr 1/3 ] for laminar flow Nu = [ 0.036 Re 4/5 – 836] Pr 1/3 for laminar flow
Take air properties at 50 o C, ρ = 1.0877 kg/m 3 , Cp = 1007 J/kgK, µ=2.029×10 -5 ,K= 0.028 W/mK, Pr = 0.703
Radiation 4
13 Explain following laws 1.Kirchoffs Law, 2.Stefan Boltzmans law, 3.Wiens Displacement law, 4.Shape Factor
14 Explain Electrical analogy for radiation.
15 Define shape factor and explain any four salient features of shape factor.
16 Explain the concept of radiation shields.
17 State Lambert’s cosine rule and Prove that i n = e/Π.
18 Define shape factor. Explain laws of shape factor.
19 Derive and expression for the shape factor in case of radiation exchange between two surfaces
Two large parallel plates with ε =0.5 each are maintained at different temperatures and are exchanging heat only
20 by radiation. Two equally large radiation shields with surface emissivity 0.05 are introduced in parallel to the
plates; find the percentage reduction in net radiative heat transfer.
The radiation shape factor of the circular surface of a thin hollow cylinder of 15 cm diameter and 10 cm length is
0.1716. What is the shape factor of the curved surface of the cylinder with respect to ifself?
Two parallel plates have emissivity of 0.8 and 0.5. A radiation shield having same emissivity on both sides is
22 placed between them. Calculate the emissivity of the shield in order to reduce the radiation losses form system to
one tenth of that of without shield.
Two large parallel plates are maintained at temperatures of 600 °C and 300 °C having their emissivity’s of 0.9 and
0.4 respectively. A radiation shield having emissivity of 0.02 is inserted in between them. Calculate
i) Heat transfer rate without shield
ii) Heat transfer rate with shield and Use σ = 5.67 x 10 -8 W/m² K 4
Two large parallel steel plates of emissivity’s 0.8 and 0.4 are held at temperatures 1100 K and 500 K respectively.
24 If a thin radiation shield of emissivity 0.09 is introduced between two plates, determine
radiation heat exchange in W/m² with and without radiation shield. Use σ = 5.67 x 10 -8 W/m² K 4
The energy received from the sun at the earth’s atmosphere has been measured as 1353 W/m2. The diameter of the
earth = 1.29 × 107 m. Diameter of the sun = 1.39 × 109 m. Mean distance = 1.5 × 1011 m. Estimate the emissive
power of the sun and the surface temperature assuming it to be black. Assuming that the source of energy for the
earth is from the sun and earth to be black, estimate the temperature of the earth.
Two large parallel planes are at 1000 K and 600 K. Determine the heat exchange per unit area. (i) if surfaces are
26 black (ii) if the hot one has an emissivity of 0.8 and the cooler one 0.5 (iii) if a large plate is inserted between
these two, the plate having an emissivity of 0.2.
Mass Transfer 5
27 Explain Fick’s law for mass diffusion.
28 Explain different modes of mass transfer
29 What are the applications of mass transfer.
The molecular weights of the two components A and B of a gas mixture are 24 and 28 respectively. The molecular
30 weight of gas mixture is found to be 30. If the mass concentration of the mixture is 1.2 kgm3, determine the
following 1. Molar fractions 2. Mass fractions 3. Total pressure if temperature of mixture is 290K
A vessel contains a binary mixture of O2 and N2 with partial pressures in the ratio 0.21 and 0.79 at 15 oC. The total
31 pressure of the mixture is 1.1 bar. Calculate the following (i) Molar concentrations (ii) Mass densities (iii) Mass
fractions and (iv) Molar frction of each species.
The molecular weights of the two components A and B of a gas mixture are 24 and 28 respectively. The molecular
weight of gas mixture is found to be 30. If the mass concentration of the mixture is 1.2 kgm3, determine the
32 1. Molar fractions
2. Mass fractions
3. Total pressure if temperature of mixture is 290K
Heat Exchangers and Equipment Design 6
33 Derive LMTD for parallel flow heat exchanger
34 Classify evaporators in detail.
35 Derive LMTD for Counter flow heat exchanger
36 Classify Heat exchangers in detail
37 Draw temperature profile diagrams for parallel flow heat exchanger and condenser.
38 Explain TEMA standards.
39 Explain Condenser and Heat exchanger design and performance calculations.
40 Write short note on design considerations for heat exchangers.
41 Explain Temperature effects, Radiation effects on performance of heat exchangers.
42 Explain working of heat pipe with neat sketch.
43 Define Capacity ratio, Effectiveness, LMTD, NTU.
In a double pipe heat exchanger hot water flows at the rate of 5000kg/h and gets cooled from 950C to 650C. At the
same time 50000kg/h of cooling water at 30 C enters heat exchanger. The flow conditions are such that overall
heat transfer coefficient remains constant at 2270 W/m2K. Determine the heat transfer area required and the
effectiveness, assuming two streams are in parallel flow. Assume for both the streams Cp=4.2 kJ/kgK.
A counter flow double pipe heat exchanger uses superheated steam to heat water at the rate of 10500kg/h. The
steam enters the heat exchanger at 1800C and leaves at 1300C. The inlet and exit temperatures of water are 300 C
45 0 20
and 80 C, If the overall heat transfer coefficient from steam to water is 814 W/m C. Calculate the heat transfer
area. What would be the increase in area if the fluid passes are in parallel?
In a double pipe heat exchanger hot water flows at the rate of 5000kg/h and gets cooled from 950C to 650C. At the
same time 50000kg/h of cooling water at 30 C enters heat exchanger. The flow conditions are such that overall
heat transfer coefficient remains constant at 2270 W/m2K. Determine the heat transfer area required and the
effectiveness, assuming two streams are in parallel flow. Assume for both the streams Cp=4.2 kJ/kg K.
A cross flow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed is used to heat water flowing at a rate of 20 kg/s from
47 25°C to 75°C using gases available at 300°C to be cooled to180°C. The overall heat transfer coefficient has a
value of 95 W/m2K. Determine the area required. For gas Cp = 1005 J/kg K.
Consider the following parallel flow heat exchanger specification:
48 cold flow enters at 40 0C , Cc = 20000W/K, hot flow enters at 150 0C, Ch = 10000W/K, A = 30 m2, The overall
heat transfer coefficient is 500 W/m2K. Determine the heat transfer rate and the exit temperature.
A counter flow double pipe heat exchanger using superheated steam is used to heat water at the rate of 10500 kg/hr. The
steam enters the heat exchanger at 180°C and leaves at 130°C. The inlet and exit temperatures
of water are 30°C and 80°C respectively. If the overall heat transfer coefficient from steam to water is 814 W/m 2 0 C.
Calculate the heat transfer area. What would be the increase in area if the fluid flows were parallel.
Consider the following parallel flow heat exchanger specification: cold flow enters at 40 0C , Cc = 20000W/K, hot flow
50 enters at 150 0C, Ch = 10000W/K, A = 30 m2, The overall heat transfer coefficient is 500 W/m2K. Determine the heat
transfer rate and the exittemperature.