action plan - for merge

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Action plan prepared to implement

School management system

N Main Activity Detail activity Measures Priority Duration Responsible Remark
o entity
1 Project initiation  Define the project objective Done with project team 1 5day The project
and planning and deliverable by brainstorm team

 Define the scope of the project

 Identification of the user
organizations of the
 Create a project plan and time
2 Requirement  Identify relevant stakeholders Work with team 1 5day The Project
gathering and team

 Elicit requirement By asking stakeholders 2 Project team

from stakeholders to bring us some and some

recorded document. stakeholders

Through interview and

 Requirement analysis By describing 3 Project team
requirements in terms
of relationships and also
resolve conflicts if any.

3 Requirement As functional and 1 3day Project team
specification  Specify the requirements
non- functional

 Properly document the Discuss and group the 2 Project team covered by
gathered requirements related requirements the project
and prepare team
4 Requirement  Choose the appropriate Requirement review 2 day Project team
validation or inspection 1
validation technique

 Define the conditions and Checking the 2 Project team

validate the requirements requirement for

against it. correctness,
unambiguity, full and
can describe and will
be practically

5 Requirement  Conducting periodic one day in a week 1 Continue Project team

management requirement re views s through
 Manage the requirement Tracking the progress 3 Project team

 Requirement status tracking Record and report status 2 Project team

6 System Design and 1. Use case diagram and scenario By choosing appropriate 1 10day Project team
UML Modeling 2. Activity diagram UML modeling tools
3. Sequence diagram
4. Class diagram
5. Deployment diagram
6. Component diagram
7 Database design Work with team 1 15 day Project team
 Choose appropriate modeling
 Design the database using ERD Work with help of 2 Project team
8 Implementation  Front-end development Choosing the development 1 15 day Project team &
(Development) tools, install and configure any person
who can assist
 Back-end development Choosing the development 2 Project team &
tools, install and configure any person
who can assist
Test using test cases and 3 Project team
 Carry out unit and integration document defect
testing using test cases

9 Testing  Design test cases(conditions) Flow up the code 1 4 day Project team
 Carry out the system testing Performing system testing 2 Project team
after the end of the project and end users

 Logging and tracking defect Document after defect found 2 Project team
and remove
10 Deployment  Prepare the infrastructure and By creating a production 1 1day Project team
desired environments environment for the system and supervisor
 Install and configure the system

Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints


Uncertainty To be Validated Status Remark

# Assumptions
High Medium Low by

1 The team will be able to finish * ongoing

the activities in scheduled time

2 The stakeholders will give us full * By project team ongoing

information about the existing

3 The time schedule will vary due * By project team planned

to requirement change

4 The scope of the project will be * By project team Planned



# Dependencies
High Medium Low

1 Cooperation of information providing peoples *

2 The availability of the required information provided by stakeholders *

3 Technical support from experienced developers in Backos Technologies *

No Constraints
High Medium Low

1. Unable to get sufficient information from stakeholders how they perform *

their tasks manually and challenges they face.

2. Problem of efficient and skillful professionals within the team *

3 Health problems within group *


# Objectives Tasks Time Frame Start Finish date

1 To understand the work flow of the  Project initiating and planning 15day
existing system and activities  Requirement gathering
performed within it and analysis
 Requirement specification
 Requirement validation
 Documentation of CH-1 up to
CH- 3
2 To help system architects and System design and UML modeling 10day
developers to understand, collaborate  Use case diagram and scenario
on, and develop an application  Activity diagram
 Sequence diagram
 Component diagram
 Deployment diagram
3 To provide an environment that is Database design 15day
both convenient and efficient for  Choose appropriate modeling
users to retrieve and store tool
information  Design the database using ERD
4 To develop user friendly system based Implementation 15 day
on gathered requirements that improve  Front-end development
user processes and increase the
 Back-end development
productivity of the company
 Unit and integration testing
5 To minimize the risks associated with System testing 5day
the behavior of the system in a  Choosing the approach of testing
particular environment  Logging and tracking the defect

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