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Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

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Electric Power Systems Research

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A comprehensive review of improving power quality using active

power filters
Jie Gong, Dayi Li , Tingkang Wang *, Wenhao Pan , Xinzhi Ding
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China


Keywords: Power system is gradually developed into a power electronic based power system and exists various power
Comprehensive review quality problems, which promotes the development of active power filter (APF). APF has developed into a
Active power filter comprehensive power quality conditioner. From the perspective of circuit topology, this paper has a more
Power quality
comprehensive classification of existing APFs, which are divided into parallel type, series type, hybrid type and
Harmonic suppression
others. Then, based on the fundamental four types, each APF is reviewed from the perspectives of topology,
operating principle, application scenarios, and advantages and disadvantages, which provides a reference for
researchers. Finally, the problems of the current industrialized APF have been analyzed by simulation, and other
existing problems also have been summarized simply, such as supra-harmonics, background harmonics, multi-
function power quality Controller. Moreover, this paper also briefly summarizes the further development
trend of APF.

1. Introduction 1) Harmonics may cause parallel or series resonance between passive

filters or reactive compensation capacitors and power system,
The urgent demands for energy conservation, environmental pro­ causing harmonic amplification and burning of capacitors and
tection and clean energy have promoted the rapid development of global reactors.
energy internet, AC/DC long-distance transmission, distributed gener­ 2) Harmonics make the equipment, such as rotating motor and trans­
ation, and smart distribution network. To achieve new energy con­ former, produce additional harmonic loss and voltage drop, which
sumption, efficient utilization and flexible control of electric energy, causes the power quality to decline and reduces the efficiency of
power electronics technology has been widely used in power system power generation and transmission.
generation, transmission, distribution, storage and other fields, which 3) Harmonics may interfere with the relay protection and the automatic
makes the power system be a power electronic based power system [1, control device, and make the electric measuring equipment
2]. Power electronic devices are non-linear so that the pollution of inaccurate.
harmonic is unavoidable, causing pollution and public hazard to power 4) Affect the operation of sensitive equipment in power system (such as
system. Not only it can threaten the safe and stable operation of power PLC and computer), causing interference or even damage to elec­
system itself and its economy, but also can bring great influence and tronic equipment.
harm to the surrounding electrical environment. In recent years, the use 5) Adjacent communication systems may be interfered by electromag­
of non-linear loads in distribution network, such as rectifiers, frequency netic induction coupling, electrostatic induction coupling and con­
control devices and electric arc furnaces, has been increasing, resulting duction coupling.
in non-linear impact and unbalanced electrical characteristics [3, 4]. 6) Multiple harmonics are superimposed on each other while multiple
Therefore, the transient impact, reactive power, harmonic pollution, inverters are connected to the grid, resulting in over-current, over-
voltage flicker and three-phase unbalance in the power grid are voltage and oscillation in the power system.
becoming more and more serious [4, 5]. These problems seriously
pollute the power quality of the power grid and typical hazards [6-9] Additionally, the harmonic propagation speed is fast, and the har­
include: monic coverage is wide. For example, the rapid development of

* Corresponding author.

Received 24 October 2020; Received in revised form 15 April 2021; Accepted 19 May 2021
Available online 5 June 2021
0378-7796/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

electrified railways (including subways) has caused serious harmonic basic concept, topology and control strategy of main circuit. The
pollution to the power grid [10]. Therefore, harmonic suppression and instantaneous reactive power theory of three-phase circuits [3, 33]
reactive power compensation in power system have become an impor­ proposed by H. Akagi in 1983 in Japan solved the key issue of harmonic
tant research topic in power grid construction. current detection. After 1980s, with the great development of power
The traditional harmonic suppression and reactive compensation electronic devices and control technologies, especially PWM technology,
scheme is passive power filter (PPF). Although the PPF has the advan­ many approaches of APF were proposed and could be applied to
tages of mature technology, simple structure, low cost, large capacity, high-voltage and high-power situations [34-38]. Hence, APF has
etc. However, it also has the following drawbacks [11-14]: become the most promising and effective way to suppress the harmonic
propagation in power system or microgrid.
1) The filtering performance depends on the impedance of power sys­ Fig. 1 shows the classification of APF according to power circuit
tem greatly as the impedance of power transmission line would affect configurations and connection. APFs can be divided into four categories,
the current flow in each branch according to Kirchhoff current law. i.e., shunt APF, series APF, hybrid APF and the other APFs. Among them,
In low-voltage power system, the internal impedance is very small, the traditional shunt APF has been widely used because of its application
so the filtering performance is greatly reduced. advantages such as simple configuration and mature technology. By
2) It needs to install too many filtering branches because one LC branch extracting the harmonic signal from the load current, the voltage-source
can only compensate a specific frequency harmonic. Besides, it has inverter (VSI) generates the compensate current to inject into the point
the risk of series or parallel resonance which increases the design of common coupling to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) as
difficulty. shown in Fig. 2. Additionally, the other types of filter have the potential
3) There exists resonance between the internal impendence of power to be generalized. Objective analysis of APF will be conducted according
system and the PPFs, causing harmonic amplification. to comprehensive literature survey in this paper.
4) PPF cannot attenuate harmonic and compensate reactive power
dynamically. 3. Passive power filter and shunt active power filters
5) Larger weight and volume.
3.1. Passive power filter
Compared with PPF, the active power filter (APF) is the effective
equipment of enhancing power quality by eliminating harmonic, Common PPF composed of inductors and capacitors can be classified
compensating reactive power, correcting power factor, solving problems into single-tuned, double-tuned and triple-tuned filter as shown in Fig. 3.
of voltage sag and swell and the three-phase unbalance in some cases. PPFs are connected in parallel with nonlinear loads, such as electric
The application advantages of APF are as follows [15-24]: traction locomotive, semiconductor rectifier, frequency converter, arc
furnace, induction furnace, etc., so as to provide a low impedance path
1) Fast dynamic response performance. for harmonic current. For example, the nth-harmonic impedance and the
2) Suppress the propagation of harmonic and compensate the reactive number of resonances of single tuned LC filter branch are given by
power dynamically without being influenced by grid’s parameters. ( )
3) Smaller volume and lighter weight. Zfn = R + j nωs L −
nωs C
With the increasing development of power electronics and semi­
conductor device, APF has been popularized and developed, which n= √̅̅̅̅̅̅ (2)
could bring the economic and social benefits. Many researchers have ωs LC
carried out a large number of researches on the operating principle, For the tuning points, the impedance of the single tuned LC filter is R,
topology structure, harmonics detection, current tracking control stra­ which is very small, so that the nth-harmonic current can be shunted to
tegies and main circuit parameter selection of APF, and gained lots of attenuate harmonic.
research achievements and monographs [25], [26-29]. In Fig. 4, there are the four types of high-pass damped filters, i.e., first
According to power circuit configurations and connection, this paper order, second order, third order and C-type filters. For the second order
presents a comprehensive literature survey to classify and summary the high-pass filter in Fig. 4(b), the impedance can be derived as follow:
existing APFs, analyze the application range, advantages, and disad­ ( )− 1
vantages of various APFs, as well as the development prospects and Zn =
trends of APF. To be specific, the paper is divided into eight parts. In jnωs C R jnωs L
Section 2, it presents the classification of APF based on circuit config­ The high-pass filter exhibits low impedance over a wide frequency
uration and the state of art of APF. According to the classification of APF, band, providing a low-impedance path to higher harmonics, so the
in the following Section 3, 4, 5, 6, shunt APFs, series APFs, hybrid APFs higher harmonics flow into the filter.
and other types of filters are analyzed in detail, respectively. The Usually, the combination of the 5th-, 7th-, 11th- and 13th-harmonic
comprehensive review of improving power quality using APFs are pre­ frequencies and the second order passive high-pass filter have been used
sented and gives a good reference for understanding the characteristics in a high-power three-phase circuit to eliminate AC harmonic and even
of various filters. In Section 7, the existing problems and the develop­ have a value-added function of correcting power-factor.
ment trends of APFs are also presented and described. However, the most obvious defect is that PPFs can only suppress
harmonics of a certain frequency. Also, interaction between PPFs and
2. Classification and state of art of active power filters the power system impedance may cause harmonic parallel and/or series
resonances. The parameter of a passive filter may varies with the tem­
The thought of APFs has been firstly put forward by B. M. Bird, J. F. perature around and other operating conditions [5, 15], which might
Marsh in 1969, and they presented the method of harmonic reduction in cause the resonance point to shift. And they has greater weight and
multiplex convertors by triple-frequency current injection [30]. In 1971, volume to increase the difficulty of installation.
H. Sasaki and T. Machida presented a new method of eliminating AC
harmonic current based on the principle of the magnetic flux compen­
sation (MFC) in a transformer core [31], which explained the basic 3.2. Traditional shunt active power filter
principle of APF comprehensively. In 1976, APF composed of PWM
converter was proposed by L. Gyugyi et al. in [32], which established the Fig. 5 shows the configuration of traditional shunt APF for the

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

Traditional Shunt APF

Connected with LC Series Resonance
Shunt APFs APF with Injection Circuit
Connected with LC Shunt Resonance
APF Based on One -cycle Control
Detecting Load Voltage
Traditional Series APF
Series APFs Increasing the Source Impedance
APF with Connected in Series with PPF
Based on the Fundamental Magnetic
Flux Compensatio n
APF Combination of Shunt APF and Shunt PPF
Detecting the Harmonic Current of the
Hybrid APFs Combination of Series APF and Shunt PPF
Primary Winding

Unified Power Quality Conditioner Detecting the Harmonic Voltage of the

Primary Winding
Inductive Power Filter
Based on the Sinusoidal Current -
Resistive APF Controlled Voltage -source Inverter

Other Power Filters DC APF

Integrated Power Quality Controller in

Grid-Connected Inverter

Fig. 1. Classification of active power filter according to power circuit configurations and connection.

Source Current Load Current

Supply Source
Compensate Current Harmonic Detection Nonlinear Load

Current Tracking

Shunt Inverter
Fig. 2. The principle block diagram of APF.

harmonic current suppression of single-phase or three-phase nonlinear when ICh = ILh in term of (4). Thus, while the controller detects the
loads, which consists of shunt VSI, DC capacitor, and the inductor for instantaneous load current iLh and extracts the harmonic or reactive
ripple elimination. The traditional shunt APF is the fundamental and power current signal ICh from iLh by means of the calculation of digital
conventional topology of other types of hybrid APF, which has been signal processor, the traditional shunt APF is able to achieve the har­
widely used and industrialized [39-43]. monic suppression or reactive power compensation when the shunt VSI
The equivalent circuit of traditional shunt APF connected with the generates control current ICh .
current-source harmonic loads, like the rectifier with large filtering However, the application scenarios of traditional shunt APF is not
inductance in DC side, is shown in Fig. 6. The hth-harmonic current iSh suitable for the voltage-source harmonic loads, like the rectifier with
flowing into power utility can be derived as filtering capacitor in DC side, because the compensation current ICh
would be very high if the filtering capacitor is quite large. Moreover, the
uSh ZLh uSh /ZLh + ILh − ICh
iSh = + (ILh − ICh ) = (4) harmonic compensation range of this type APF can only be limited to
ZLh + ZSh ZLh + ZSh 1 + ZSh /ZLh
3th, 5th, 7th and other low order harmonics. Due to the limitation of
Generally speaking, in (4), if the power utility background harmonic control system bandwidth and switching frequency, it is difficult to
voltage uSh ≈ 0, the traditional shunt APF can attenuate nth-harmonic effectively compensate supra-harmonics.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

Supply Source
L1 C
Nonlinear Load


Shunt Inverter
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 7. The configuration of shunt APF with injection circuit based on shunt
Fig. 3. Common PPFs. (a) Single-tuned fitter. (b) double-tuned filter. (c) triple- resonant of LC filter.
tuned filter.
grid. The fundamental voltage is mostly loaded on the resonant circuit.
Both APF and L2 only bear the rest of the fundamental voltage. Another
advantage of this shunt APF is that only a small fundamental current
flow through L1–C filter and inductance L2. However, it can’t
compensate the reactive power because the fundamental impedance of
parallel resonant circuit L1–C is so large that it’s difficult to generate
fundamental reactive current to inject into main circuit.
Case B: Based on Series Resonant of LC filter
Fig. 8 shows the topology configuration of shunt APF with injection
circuit based on series resonance of LC filter, and the filter system is
composed of a three-phase VSI, an output filter, coupling transformers,
(a) (b) (c) (d) and injection branches [27, 37, 44]. The capacitor C1 and inductor L1
form the fundamental resonance circuit, i.e., fundamental impedance is
Fig. 4. High pass PPFs. (a) First order filter. (b) second order filters. (c) third
approximately 0, and another capacitor C is mainly used to compensate
order filters. (d) C-type damped filters.
fundamental reactive power as shown in Fig. 8.
As the series resonance of LC filter occurs at the fundamental fre­
quency, the fundamental current flowing through the injection branch
iS iL mostly flows into the network and very few flows into coupling trans­
formers and inverters. Therefore, this type shunt APF with injection
circuit based on series resonance of LC filter combines the advantages of
Supply Source iC larger capacity reactive compensation and smaller inverter capacity
Nonlinear Load [36-38, 45-47]. Meanwhile, the APF can suppress series or parallel
resonance between PPF and power utility internal impedance, which
can make up for the drawbacks of only using PPF. It should be noted that
DC Capacitor it is difficult for this type APF to obtain better harmonic compensation
performance and smaller device capacity at the same time, and the
capacitance C volume will be large.
Shunt Inverter Fig. 9 shows the configuration of APF based on double resonance
injection branch. The active part is connected in parallel with series
Fig. 5. The configuration of traditional shunt APF. fundamental resonant branch composed of L2–C2 filter through the
coupling transformer, and then connected in series with the parallel
fundamental resonant injection branch composed of L1–C1 filter.
In this structure, the parallel branch and the series branch constitute
a double protection. When the parallel branch is fully resonant, the

C Injection
Supply Source
C1 Circuit
L1 L0
Fig. 6. The equivalent circuit of traditional shunt APF.

3.3. Active power filters with injection circuit C0 VSI

Case A: Based on parallel resonant of LC filter Coupling transformer

Fig. 7 shows the configuration of shunt APF with injection circuit
based on shunt resonant of L1–C filter [9]. L1–C filter resonating at the Fig. 8. The configuration of shunt APF with injection circuit based on series
fundamental frequency is connected between the APF and the power resonant of LC filter.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

C1 Nonlinear
Source L1
Passive Power Filters


Coupling transformer
Fig. 9. The configuration of APF based on double resonance injection branch.

parallel resonance branch bears all the fundamental voltage. Although with a few comparators, flip-flops, and a clock [70]. The basic idea is to
the parallel branch cannot resonance at the fundamental frequency, control the duty-ratio d of the switch in real time such that in each cycle
almost the fundamental current can still flow into the series resonant the average value of the chopped waveform at the output diode of the
branch, so as to ensure that the active part shares a small part of the switch rectifier is exactly equal to the control reference. Thus, based on
fundamental voltage. Therefore, it can reduce the rating of the active the one-cycle control circuit, the RMS value of the output signal in a
part effectively and solve the fundamental circulation suppression in switching cycle [71, 72] can be derived as follow
traditional injected circuit configuration. However, the injection branch ∫ ∫
1 Ts 1 dTs
cannot compensate the reactive power because of the parallel resonance uout = s(t)dt = ui (t)dt (5)
of the L1–C1 filter, which could be remedied by applying PPFs. Ts 0 Ts 0
Therefore, the structure can effectively solve the problem of great The APF with unified constant-frequency integration (UCI) control
reactive power compensation and harmonic suppression in high voltage was proposed based on one-cycle control [50-53]. Fig. 11 shows the
system, as well as fundamental circulation suppression in traditional circuit of double-direction compensating control scheme, which im­
injected circuit structure. So, the safety and reliability are greatly proves the system stability and can be used in single phase shunt APF.
improved in this case. To sum up, the one-cycle control method has the following charac­
teristics [54-59] compared with the other conventional control
3.4. Active power filters based on one-cycle control
1) There is no need to detect the harmonic current caused by nonlinear
Due to the different characteristics from other conventional control loads.
methods, such as unnecessity of harmonic detection in one-cycle control 2) There are no multipliers or sensors for the load current and the APF
method [48-49], it is necessary to be classified as another type of shunt inductor current so that the complicated digital computation of
APF. generating harmonic and reactive current reference can be
One-cycle control method was firstly proposed by American scholars eliminated.
Keyue Ma Smedley and Slobodan Cuk [49]. One-cycle control is very 3) Switching-frequency is constant when operating.
general and directly applicable to switching converters in either PWM or 4) It is simpler, and has better effect of harmonic or reactive power
quasi-resonant modes, like power factor correction, uninterruptible current compensation, robustness and stability.
power supply (UPS), DC/DC converter, APF and so on. 5) Currently, it is only available for low-power applications.
As shown in Fig. 10, there is the basic circuit of one-cycle control
method, where the circuit is composed of the one reset integrator along

Fig. 10. The basic circuit of one-cycle control method. Fig. 11. Circuit of double-direction compensating control scheme.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

The classic one-cycle control applied in APF is really dependent on

accuracy of circuit parameters. When the integral parameters of control
circuit deviate or float, the incoming current of main circuit will intro­
duce DC component, which seriously hinders its popularization and

4. Series active power filters

4.1. Traditional series active power filters

Fig. 12 shows the configuration of traditional series APF, which

consists of the series transformer, filtering branches and inverter Fig. 13. System equivalent circuit (control approach of detecting
[60-63]. The traditional series APF is in duality relation with traditional source current).
shunt APF as shown in Fig. 4. According to the filtering principle of
traditional series APF, it is divided into the following cases. small-rated APF [13, 45]. The features of this series APF has been
In terms of traditional series APF, Fig. 13 shows the system equiva­ summarized as follows.
lent circuit with the control approach of detecting source current.USh ,
ULh , iSh and ZS are the background harmonic voltage of power utility, 1) The characteristics of this APF are not affected by the parameters of
harmonic voltage of nonlinear load, harmonic current of power utility, power utility because the APF can improve the filtering character­
internal impedance of power utility, respectively. ULf , iSf , USf are the istics of PPF.
fundamental components of load voltage, current of power utility and 2) There is less possibility of parallel resonance or series resonance
voltage of power utility. caused by LC filter.
UShn − ULhn 3) The required rating of APF is greatly reduced compared with a
iShn = (6) conventional APF used alone, which can form a practical and
k + ZSn
economical system.
When the control parameter k>>ZSn , the nth harmonic current iShn is
reduced obviously, and iShn ≈ 0 if k is large enough. Therefore, by con­ This type APF is very sensitive to the harmonic voltage in power grid;
trolling the APF to make k large enough, the power supply current can be moreover, fundamental impedance of this APF is much smaller than that
turned into sinusoidal current with very few harmonic components, of PPF in order to reduce the fundamental voltage and current of APF,
when the controller makes the traditional series APF generate the and the filter branch cannot produce large reactive current, so it is not
voltage which is equal to the load harmonic voltage but opposite in suitable for large capacity reactive power compensation. In addition, as
phase, i.e., uC = − ULh by extracting load harmonic voltage [54, 81, 84, the tuning frequency of LC filter should be designed according to the
85]. So, without background harmonic voltage, the nth harmonic cur­ characteristic harmonics generated by nonlinear loads, it cannot
rent can be achieved according to the system equivalent circuit in dynamically compensate these harmonics of other frequencies.
Fig. 13.
( ) 5. Hybrid active power filters
ULf + ULh + ( − ULh ) ULf
iS = = (7)
5.1. Combination system of shunt active power filters and shunt passive
Therefore, the source current iS is sinusoidal and the method can power filter
effectively eliminate load harmonics voltage if this type APF can make
uC = − ULh . Fig. 15 shows the configuration combination of shunt APF and shunt
The APF has the same impedance to all harmonics, which is control PPF, which has two types of this filtering scheme [9, 64, 65]. The shunt
parameter k, so it just has limited ability to suppress supra-harmonics. If APF compensates lower order harmonics while the shunt PPF that
the value of k is too large, the stability margin of the control system will consists of the high-pass filter is used to eliminate higher order har­
become small or even unstable. monics, so this method can reduce switching frequency of devices in APF
main circuit. However, when using this device, there are harmonic
4.2. Series active power filter connected in series with passive power filters channels between the power grid and APF, and between APF and PPF,
especially the latter, which may make the harmonics injected by APF
This series APF is connected in series with PPFs which is parallel with flow into PPF or power grid. At the same time, although the capacity of
power utility as shown in Fig. 14. It’s a combined system of PPF and a APF is reduced, the APF still bears all the fundamental voltage, and
withstand voltage level of switching device cannot be not reduced.
In the other scheme, the PPF consists of the multi group single-tuned
filters and high-pass filter. For the harmonic source of three-phase
bridge rectifier, the PPF includes 5th, 7th tuned filter and high-pass
filter, even 11th, 13th tuned filter. More proportion of harmonics have
been filtered by PPFs. The APF only needs to eliminate the harmonics
that LC filters fail to compensate. Therefore, in this scheme, APF just
needs to provide a small compensating current, so the rating is much
than the rating of shunt APF used alone. But there are harmonic chan­
nels between the grid and APF, and APF and PPF, which exists the same
problem with the above scheme.
Fig. 16 shows the basic configuration of the combination of series
APF and shunt PPF, i.e., the series hybrid APF (SHAPF). The PPFs con­
sisting of 3th- and 5th-tuned LC filters, which play the main role of
filtering, are shunted with a harmonic-producing load. If necessary, a
Fig. 12. The configuration of traditional series active power filters.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

Fig. 14. The configuration of series APF connected in series with PPFs.

Fig. 15. The combination configuration of shunt APF and shunt PPF. Fig. 17. The circuit of the series APF based on FMFC.

Fig. 18. The Equivalent-T circuit of series transformer.

Fig. 18 (here, the prime denotes referred quantities of secondary

Fig. 16. The combination configuration of series APF and shunt PPF.
winding to primary winding). Z1, Z2, and Zm represent leakage imped­
ance of the primary winding AXE, the secondary winding axe referred to
high-pass filter branch can be added. The voltage-source PWM inverter primary winding and the magnetizing impedance of the transformer,
is parallel with the secondary winding of the series transformer inserted respectively. For the fundamental and harmonics, there are two cases in
in series between the power utility and the nonlinear load, which con­ terms of the law of superposition.
stitutes the series APF. In terms of the operation principle, the most It can be assumed that the injected fundamental current satisfies
typical SHAPF can be categorized into the following four types [62].
Case A: Based on the magnetic flux compensation I1 + I2 /k = 0 i.e., W1 I1 + W2 I2 = 0 (8)
Fig. 17 shows the circuit of the SHAPF based on the fundamental For the fundamental, the equivalent impedance of the transformer
MFC (FMFC) [45, 88, 89]. The turns of the primary and secondary can be obtained
windings of the transformer are W1 and W2, respectively; the turns ratio /
is represented by k = W1/W2. The fundamental component is detected (9)
(1) (1)
ZAX = U1 I1 = r1 + jx1 = Z1
from the power utility current i1 and followed by applying a voltage
For the nth-order harmonic, since only a fundamental current is
source inverter so as to produce a fundamental current i2 . i2 is
(1) (1)
injected to the secondary winding of the transformer, i2 does not include
inversely in phase injected to the secondary winding axe. any harmonic current expect the fundamental current, i.e., in2 = 0. From
Equivalent-T circuit of transformer can be derived, as shown in the terminals AXE, the equivalent impedance is

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

ZAX = U1n I1n = r1 + jnx1 + jnxm = nZm(1) (10) voltage supply, keeps “unity power factor”, and presents very high
impedance for current harmonics. The amplitude of fundamental cur­
For the simple analysis above, if the VSI can be controlled to inject rent is controlled through the error signal between the load voltage and
the current which satisfies the condition W1 I1 + W2 I2 = 0, the series the reference voltage values. Similarly, the PPFs in parallel with the
transformer exhibits very low impedance (primary leakage nonlinear load consists of some tuned filters that provide a low imped­
impedanceZ(1) 1 ) to the fundamental component and simultaneously ex­ ance path for harmonic current. The control strategy can be derived as
hibits very high impedance (magnetizing impedancenZ(1) m ) to the har­
monic component. Besides, the high harmonic impedance is ( )
IS KSC − Iref A(s)G(s) (13)
predominately inductive and in proportional to the system frequency.
Therefore, this SHAPF based on FMFC can isolate harmonic currents Based on this control strategy, the hybrid series APF can achieve the
to suppress harmonic propagation and have little influence on the functions of harmonic suppression, power factor correction, voltage
fundamental current. However, obviously, it cannot carry out reactive regulation.
power compensation, has single function of harmonics elimination, is However, the rating of the voltage-source inverter will be relatively
difficult to protect, and is generally only suitable for voltage type har­ large, as it is necessary to compensate the fundamental reactive power as
monic source, which is rarely used in practice. well as isolating the harmonics. Meanwhile, the equivalent resistance for
Case B: Detecting the harmonic current of the primary winding harmonic current would consume active power [62]. In order to achieve
In this case, the harmonic current of primary winding of series better filtering effect, many PPFs must be used.
transformer is detected and functions as the reference signal. A PWM Table 1 is given to show the comparisons among Case A, Case B, Case
inverter is applied to track the reference signal to yield a harmonic C and Case D. The criterions of analysis are detected signal, inverter
voltage, which is applied across the secondary winding of the series output, control strategy, harmonic equivalent impedance, characteristic
winding. So, the control strategy can be set to of harmonic equivalent impedance, characteristics of the APF system,
UC = KISh (11)
From table 1, it can be concluded that the largest harmonic equiv­
Thus, this SHAPF is equivalent to the resistance K and consume the alent impedance is from the Case C because it is in proportional to twice
active power which is constant and lowest. The disadvantage of the the frequency. It would perform best in filtering and be more cost-
control strategy is that the filtering method needs to install many PPF effective.
branches in order to achieve better filtering performance. For the four cases mentioned above, they are the most common
Case C: Detecting the harmonic voltage of the primary winding control strategies of series hybrid APF. The essence is to deduce the
The harmonic voltage of primary winding is detected and used as maximum impedance to harmonic component through different control
reference signal. The reference signal is tracked by applying a VSI in strategies in order to achieve the best filtering effect. To illustrate the
order to yield a controllable harmonic voltage, which is applied across general situation, the equivalent impedance of harmonics and funda­
the secondary winding [62]. Voltage generated by the inverter and mental components of series transformers based on different control
voltage of primary winding can be controlled to satisfy the following strategies is given in table 2 in detail. It has certain reference value for
relationship. how to choose a good control strategy.


− U2 = − αU1
5.2. Unified power quality conditioner
Additionally, the equivalent impedance of the series transformer is
m , which is proportional to harmonic frequency and magnetizing In 1989, S. Moran proposed the circuit where both series APF and
impedance. Limited by the control system bandwidth or switching fre­ shunt APF were connected in parallel to DC capacitor in back to back
quency, this APF is difficult to suppress the higher harmonic voltage form [66] as shown in Fig. 19. The topology was addressed as the line
when it generates the opposite harmonic voltage. voltage regulator/condition. H. Fujita, and H. Akagi named the config­
Case D: Based on the sinusoidal current-controlled voltage-source inverter uration as the unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) and verified the
/ detecting the fundamental and harmonic current of the primary winding viability and effectiveness of the UPQC based on the experimental re­
When the hybrid filter system shown in Fig. 15 is based on the si­ sults of a laboratory 20 kV system [67, 68].
nusoidal current-controlled VSI, the series APF works as the sinusoidal The UPQC can effectively solve various problems of power quality in
current source and is in phase with the voltage supply [60]. The series power distribution or industrial system by providing parallel and series
APF, working as a sinusoidal current source in phase with the line compensation simultaneously, such as the compensation of voltage/

Table. 1
Comparisons among Case A, Case B, Case C and Case D.
Comparison criterions Case A Case B Case C Case D

Detected signal The fundamental current of the The harmonic current of the The harmonic voltage of primary The fundamental and harmonic
primary winding primary winding voltage current of the primary winding
Inverter output Fundamental current Harmonic voltage Harmonic voltage Modulated PWM voltage
The control strategy I1 + I2 /k = 0 i.e., W1 I1 + W2 I2 = 0 UC = KISh − U2 = − αU1

(ISKSC – Iref) A(s)G(s)
Harmonic equivalent nZm
(1) K 2nZm
(1) KSCA(s)G(s), which is equivalent
impedance to the K in Case B.
The characteristic of Inductive; consume the reactive Resistive; consume the active Inductive; consume the reactive Resistive; consume the active
harmonic equivalent power, the value is middle and in power, the value is a constant power; value is largest and in power, the value is a constant
impedance proportional to the line frequency. and lowest. proportional to the line frequency. and lowest.
The characteristics of the 1) More cost-effective for harmonic 1) Harmonic equivalent 1) More cost-effective because the 1) Harmonic equivalent
APF system equivalent inductance consumes the resistance consumes the active harmonic equivalent inductance resistance consumes the active
reactive power. power. consumes the reactive power. power.
2) Reduced PPF can be used easily. 2) Many PPF branches added in 2) Reduced PPFs can be used easily. 2) Many PPFs branches are
3) The loss of series active power is order to achieve better filtering added in order to achieve better
low. performance. filtering performance.
3) The rating is the biggest.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

Table. 2
Summary and Comparisons Under Different Control Strategies.
Control Detected signal Coefficient α Fundamental equivalent Harmonic equivalent Controllable impedance effect or goals
strategy value impedance impedance

I˙2 = − αI˙1 Fundamental I˙2 = − αI˙1

(1) Z1 + (1 + α)Zm Z1 + Zm 1) For the fundamental current, the impedance
current α = − 1 approximately equal to zero;
2) For the harmonic current, the impedance is very
Harmonic current I˙2 = − α
∑ ˙(n)
I1 Z1 + Zm Z1 + (1 + α)Zm
αis large
I˙2 = αU̇1 Fundamental I˙2 = αU̇1
(1) Z1 + Zm Z1 + Zm
current 1 − αZm
Harmonic current ∑ (n)
I˙2 = α U̇1 Z1 + Zm Z1 + Zm
1 − αZm
− U̇2 = αI˙1 Fundamental − U̇2 = αI˙1
(1) ′
(Z 2 − α)Zm

(Z 2 − α)Zm
Z1 + Z1 +
current αis large Z′ 2 + Zm Z′ 2 + Zm
Harmonic current − U̇2 = α

(n) ′
(Z 2 − α)Zm

(Z 2 − α)Zm
Z1 + Z1 +
Z′ 2 + Zm Z′ 2 + Zm
− U̇2 = αU̇1 Fundamental − U̇2 = αU̇1
Z1 Z 2 + Z1 Zm + Z 2 Zm
′ ′
Z1 Z 2 + Z1 Zm + Z 2 Zm
′ ′

current Z 2 + (1 + α)Zm

Z 2 + Zm

Harmonic current − U̇2 = α

∑ Z1 Z 2 + Z1 Zm + Z 2 Zm
′ ′
Z1 Z 2 + Z1 Zm + Z 2 Zm
′ ′

Z′ 2 + Zm Z 2 + (1 + α)Zm


6. Other active filters

iS U Ch uS
6.1. Inductive power filter
Supply Source Differing from passive and reactive filtering, the inductive filter
PCC technology displays the transformer’s potential electromagnetic capa­
bility and uses the inter coupling wingding’s ampere-turn balance ac­
Series APF Shunt APF
tion, which could suppress the harmonic in the secondary winding and
avoid the harmonics flowing into the primary winding. Actually,
inductive filter technology is an effective combination of PPF and
transformers based on a reasonable impedance matching, which
changes the electromagnetic induction path of harmonic in transformers
Fig. 19. The configuration of unified power quality conditioner. [77-80]. In addition, it could effectively eliminate the bad influence of
the harmonic magnetic potential. But the filtering effect of APF is worse
current harmonic, reactive power, voltage sag/swell, voltage imbalance than that of traditional APF, and it needs the coordination of impedance
and negative sequence current [2, 69-76]. Due to specific controller matching and compensation equipment.
applied to limit power level of series and parallel inverters, UPQC can There are three types of inductive filter technology, i.e., multifunc­
only compensate a certain amount of reactive power and cannot provide tion impedance matching and balance traction transformer, harmonic
enough amount when the load changes. In addition, when unbalanced suppression single-phase traction transformer and three phase multi-
load injects unbalanced current to common coupling node, the unbal­ pulse rectifier and converter transformer [79, 81-84] as shown in
anced current cannot be corrected, so power consumption of neutral line Fig. 20, Fig. 21, Fig. 22 respectively.
in three-phase four wire power grid cannot be neglected. Of course, In Fig. 20, the harmonic suppression single-phase transformer can
initial manufacturing cost of UPQC system is also relatively high. supple power to traction load, such as single-phase locomotive of elec­
For the series inverter in UPQC, it is controlled as the voltage source trified railway, single-phase rectifier, arc furnace load, etc. By con­
which is equal to the set reference voltage value based on the UPQC necting the secondary side of the balance transformer with the LC tuning
control algorithm. It can make the nonlinear load obtain the desired branch as shown in Fig. 21, the multifunction impedance matching and
sinusoidal voltage at load terminal [2]. In order to achieve this function, balance traction transformer is constructed, which can also improve the
the operation conditions of the series APF must satisfy the following comprehensive performance of reactive power compensation and har­
equation: monic suppression in electrified railway traction substation [85]. As

uCh (ωt) = u∗L (ωt) − uS (ωt) (14)

Where the uCh , u∗L , uS represent the compensated voltage of series APF,
reference load voltage and supply source voltage, respectively. 3
For the shunt inverter in UPQC, it acts as the controlled current
source to achieve the harmonic suppression and reactive power Nonliner
compensation. Simultaneously, it can keep the DC capacitors as the set 1 load
reference value as governed by the control algorithm. The shunt APF
must satisfy the following equation. XC
iCh (ωt) = i∗S (ωt) − iL (ωt) (15)
Where the iCh , i∗S , iL
represent the compensated current of series APF, the
reference source current and the load current, respectively.
Fig. 20. Harmonic suppression single-phase traction transformer.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

A B C (HVDC) system. In the case of overhead transmission line, these har­

d f g e
monic currents will cause serious interference to adjacent communica­
tion lines and increase the transmission line. In order to eliminate the
Traction a Tuned filters b Traction harmonic currents in the HVDC system and ensure the system safety and
load load economical operation, the active DC filter (ADF) was proposed to ach­
ieve the goal [96-98] as shown in Fig. 23.
Fig. 23 shows the structure of the ADF parallel in the HVDC system.
c In this structure, the PPF is the double tuned filter which is used for
filtering the certain harmonics of the HVDC system, i.e., 12th and 24th
Fig. 21. Multifunction impedance matching and balance traction transformer. harmonic. Thus, it can reduce the rating of active part. This APF is
connected in series under the double tuned PPF and then they are con­
nected in parallel with DC transmission line. This APF is applied to
A B C reduce impedance at resonance point of double tuned PPF and eliminate
the remaining harmonics which PPF cannot compensate [99].
In Fig. 24, the series hybrid ADF is composed of the PPF and the
series APF. The passive filter with series resonance at 12th harmonic
exhibits high impedance at resonance frequency and ensure the active
part does not withstand DC bus voltage. And this active filter can sup­
press other harmonics and improve the effect of harmonic elimination.
At the same time, this structure can combine the double tuned filter
which is in parallel with the series hybrid ADF or DC bus, which can
further reduce the rating of active filter and decrease the harmonic

6.4. Integrated power quality controller in grid-connected inverter

Fig. 22. Three phase multi-pulse rectifier and converter transformer.
For all we know, there has been many power electronics interfaced
shown in Fig. 22, three phase multi-pulse rectifier and converter trans­ distributed generation (DG) units installed in micropower grid or the
former is used for the HVDC systems [86, 87]. It can effectively shield power distribution. Although The problems of power quality urgently
the main harmonics, so that most of them only flow in the secondary need to be solved in these systems, the cost of installing special filters to
wingding and the total harmonic distortion in the primary winding is improve power quality are much higher.
very low. Alternatively, the thought of integrated power quality controller in
grid-connected inverter has been put forward, which has become a hot
6.2. Resistive active power filter topic. In the literature [100-105], these papers proposed some effective
application methods of DG-grid interfacing converters in flexible
When the reactive compensation capacitor is parallel with the microgrid power quality enhancement. For example, an adaptive hybrid
nonlinear load, from the load side, there is a risk of parallel resonance voltage and current controlled method has been applied in the DG unit
between capacitor and inductance in the power system line. Therefore, power electronics interfaces to achieve harmonic suppression [105].
the harmonic current injected by nonlinear load near the resonant fre­ Additionally, the power control can be obtained based on an improved
quency will be greatly amplified. Meanwhile, the background harmonics current control method when the function of harmonic suppression
in the power system may be greatly amplified when there exists the works [100].
series resonance between capacitors and inductance in the power system
line. By establishing a distributed parameter model of power system 7. The existing problems and the development trends of active
feeder line, harmonic voltage resonance propagation caused by back­ power filters
ground harmonic voltage was analysed theoretically. Although the
implementation of this scheme is more complex and the cost is higher, 7.1. The existing problems
the resistive active power filter (RAPF) can be controlled to match
characteristic impedance of power distribution systems to eliminate the According to the characteristics of nonlinear load, harmonic sources
harmonic amplification caused by resonance. can be divided into two types. The load with capacitive impedance
In reference [88], a RAPF proposed by H. Akagi, matching the
characteristic impedance of the transmission line, was installed in the
end terminal of the primary line on a feeder of a power distribution
system, which can restrain the harmonic voltage propagation effec­
tively. In reference [89-91], H. Akagi, et al. described a shunt APF based
on voltage detection for harmonic termination of a radial or long power
distribution line. The RAPF has been further developed later, such as
double-RAPF system, RAPF equivalent to an infinite feeder to attenuate
harmonic voltages of a radial power distribution feeder,
single-frequency tuned RAPF for background harmonic voltage damping
in power systems [92-95] and so on.

6.3. DC active power filter

There exists 12nth-order harmonics current and other non-

characteristic harmonics current in the high voltage direct current Fig. 23. The active DC filter parallel equipment of HVDC system.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

IL Table. 3
Related Parameters of Shunt APF Simulation Model.
Parameters Value

Single phase power system AC voltage uS 50V

Frequency of uS 50Hz
Internal impedance of system power supply 0.2Ω and
Load impedance in the first case of voltage type harmonic source 15Ω and
controller 1100μF
Load impedance in the second case of voltage type harmonic 15Ω and
source 2200μF
DC side voltage of VSI in shunt APF 60V
PWM Filter inductance of VSI in shunt APF 1.0mH
b Time step in PSIM simulation model 5e-6s

Fig. 24. the active DC filter series equipment of HVDC system. 20

belongs to voltage type harmonic source, while the load with inductive 10
impedance belongs to current type harmonic source, as shown in Fig. 25
(a) and Fig. 25(b). The shunt APF was suitable to suppress the current- 0

source harmonic currents, while the series APF was suitable for the
voltage-source harmonics. However, the former has been industrialized, -10
while the latter has not. When shunt APF is applied to solve the problem
of harmonic pollution caused by voltage type harmonic source load, -20
there would exist the problem of load current being amplified, which
would be analysed in detail below. 40
The simulation model of shunt APF shown in Fig. 5 has been built in 20
PSIM software to eliminate harmonics caused by voltage type harmonic

source nonlinear load, and table. 3 showed the detailed simulation pa­
rameters. Fig. 26 shows the waveforms of load side current IL and system
current IS before and after harmonic suppression. Fig. 26(a) and (b) -40
show that IL has a single peak and two peaks respectively after harmonic -60
0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55
suppression as result of different capacitive impedance. Time (s)
Obviously, when the conventional shunt APF was put into use in the (a) Double peak waveforms
power grid at 0.51 s, the load current amplitude was magnified greatly, 20
as shown in Fig. 26, since there is a certain relationship between har­
monic amplification factor and the ratio of load impedance to equivalent 10
impedance of power system. Specifically, there is a large capacity filter
capacitor in the DC side of rectifier circuit, and its equivalent impedance 0

is small, resulting the fact that harmonic amplification phenomenon in

the AC side of the load is very serious. In terms of the equivalent circuit -10
of traditional shunt APF shown in Fig. 6, the load side current can be
derived as followed. -20
uS ZS uS + ZS (IL + IC )
iL = + (IL + IC ) = (16) 40
Therefore, when load impedance ZL is small, iL would be amplified

and be really large compared with the situation before harmonic sup­
pression. So, unfortunately, the current industrial application of shunt -20
APF harmonic control scheme cannot be applied to eliminate the har­ -40
monic generated by voltage harmonic source load though there are more -60
and more nonlinear loads belonging to this type in power electronic 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55
Time (s)
based power system.
(b) Single peak waveforms

Fig. 26. Load side current IL and system current IS waveforms.

Additionally, conventional shunt APF is difficult to suppress the
background harmonics of large power grids with distributed generation
C R R system. New energy sources are increasingly connected with power
grids, which is the voltage-source background harmonic. The shunt APF
can only eliminate the harmonic current generated by current-source
harmonic loads but cannot effectively suppress the background har­
monic voltage from the preceding power grids.
(a) Voltage type harmonic source (b) Current type harmonic source Besides, conventional APFs can only compensate harmonics at low
frequencies. With the rapid development of power electronics
Fig. 25. Two types of harmonic source nonlinear loads.

J. Gong et al. Electric Power Systems Research 199 (2021) 107389

technology applied in power systems, there exists the problems of supra- overcome the cost and volume problems, enhance reliability and
harmonics [106-109]. For example, the characteristic frequencies of the reduce complexity. Therefore, reducing the number of switches in
electric vehicle charging device, photovoltaic inverters, fan inverters, APF topology has become the main research trend of APF topology.
carrier communication are 2–120 kHz, 2–150 kHz, 2–20 kHz and 7) For the application of APF in high voltage and large capacity situa­
9–148.5 kHz [110-112], respectively. The conventional APFs are diffi­ tion, multilevel structure of VSI has become effective solutions,
cult to eliminate supra-harmonics because the limitation of various which greatly improve the power level and stability of APF. What’s
factors, such as harmonic detection, control strategy accuracy and so on. more, with the increase of level, the output voltage level can be
improved, and the switching frequency and harmonic content are
7.2. Development trends able to be effectively reduced. Scholars have carried out in-depth
research on multilevel converters, and the number of levels output
According to the latest developments, research applications of APFs in theory is unlimited, but it is only in the laboratory research stage.
as well as the current existing problems, APF would have broad appli­ In practice, the two-level and three-level technology are still the
cation and research prospects in improving power quality of power main ones. The application of multilevel technology in harmonic
systems and purifying grid harmonic pollution. However, with the control of medium- and high-voltage distribution network still needs
increasingly wide application of APFs, the requirements of its capacity to be vigorously promoted in the future. Cascade structure of VSI
and voltage level are also higher and higher, and some factors that need overcomes the circulation of currents problem and is easy to realize
to be considered in practical application are also different, so the to­ modularization, which has become the focus of multi-level research.
pology and control strategy of APF also change. However, the research mainly focuses on compensation performance
and control technology of main circuit. The literature on dynamic
1) With the development of power electronic based power systems, performance is still rare, which may become one of the important
especially the application of photovoltaic inverter and various directions of APF research in the future too. With regard to modular
switching power supply, 2–150khz supra-harmonics has increased multilevel converter (MMC) topology, the unbalanced three-phase
rapidly. It would be a hot topic to study the APF which is dedicated to AC power grid makes the energy distribution of MMC three-phase
suppress supra-harmonics. bridge arm unbalanced, and the internal circulation is an impor­
2) In the implementation of various control schemes, the current use of tant problem to be solved. It is an important factor to limit the
general DSP cannot make full use of its internal resources. If we can development of MMC to high level in the practical application of
design a special DSP chip for different control schemes, it will be able HVDC system. MMC has a good application prospect in high voltage
to better cooperate with the controlled object, and improve the and large power applications. High voltage and large capacity APF
performance price ratio of the controller. Whether in practical will be further developed and applied.
application or research and development, it will have a broad 8) Plug-and-play integrated modular series active harmonic isolator
application prospect. with high reliability and cost performance can be studied and applied
3) The trend of APFs, especially series APFs, would have multi- in practice as shown in Fig. 27(a). It is based on the principle of
functions so that they can simultaneously suppress harmonics, cor­ magnetic flux compensation so as to present large impedance for
rect the power factor, and compensate the voltage distortion, etc., harmonic components to isolate harmonics, but it adopts split-core
through some advanced control and optimal strategies [82]. For current transformer or core through typed current transformer,
example, APF is supposed to be developed to isolate the background
harmonic except for the elimination of the harmonic current caused
by nonlinear loads due to the existence of background harmonics in
distributed generation system.
4) Various control strategies of APF (including space vector modula­
tion, hysteresis current control, proportional resonance control, one-
cycle control, sliding mode control, dead-beat control, repetitive
control, predictive control, fuzzy control and controllers based on
artificial neural network and so on) will be developed so as to deal
with signal tracking and control in different harmonic suppression
scenarios [113-116]. The application of advanced control algorithm
to APFs has a good development prospect.
5) In recent years, some relevant research shows that the time-varying
frequency of the power grid causes errors to the PLL, which reduces
the detection accuracy. In addition, the delay link caused by LPF will
also affect the detection accuracy, which is a problem that need to be
solved based on the instantaneous reactive power detection method;
the traditional fixed step size least mean square (LMS) algorithm
cannot also take into account both the convergence speed and
steady-state accuracy. More and more scholars begin to pay attention
to the application of adaptive and other advanced algorithms in the
field of harmonic and reactive current detection, which has become
one of the research hotspots in the future.
6) According to the requirements of practical applications, the study of
APF topology can provide a more practical and powerful theoretical
basis for practical application of APF. For example, the research of
shunt APF technology can focus on the improvement of output filter.
In order to meet the harmonic compensation under high voltage, a
variety of HAPF topologies can be studied to reduce the capacity and Fig. 27. The configuration of plug-and-play integrated modular series active
cost of DC side capacitor of APF, and to improve its voltage level, harmonic isolator. (a) The circuit topology. (b) three-dimensional figure of
including transformerless or four switches dual arm APF, which can special transformer.

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