SOP_Travel Management

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Pakistan Telecommunication

Company Limited

SOP on Travel
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :


















Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :


1. OBJECTIVE...................................................................................................................... 1

2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................... 1

3. POLICIES GUIDELINES.............................................................................................. 1

4. PROCESS AND PROCEDURES................................................................................2

4.1. TRAVELLING ALLOWANCES AND ENTITLEMENT......................................................................2
4.2. WORKFLOW APPLICATIONS FOR CREATING TRAVEL REQUEST...............................................3
4.3. ROLE OF TRAVEL HELP DESK.............................................................................................. 4
4.4. FOREIGN TRAVELLING.......................................................................................................... 6
4.5. CLAIM SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL PROCESS......................................................................6
4.6. CLAIM SETTLEMENT.............................................................................................................. 7
5. DOCUMENT CONTROL HISTORY..........................................................................8

6. GLOSSARY...................................................................................................................... 8

ANNEXURE A:................................................................................................................................ I

ANNEXURE B:............................................................................................................................... II

ANNEXURE C:.............................................................................................................................. IV

ANNEXURE D:............................................................................................................................ VII

Annexure E:.................................................................................................................................... viii

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

The main objective of the document is to develop comprehensive
procedures and guidelines for management of travelling related
activities including usage of related SAP functionalities including ESS
(Employee Self Service) / Manager Self Service (MSS).
The document comprehends the processes of:

a) Travelling Allowances And Entitlement

b) Workflow Applications For Creating Travel Request
c) Role Of Travel Help Desk
d) Foreign Travelling
e) Claim Submission And Approval Process
f) Claim Settlement
3.1. Travel request should necessarily be approved before actual
travelling, however in exceptional/ emergent cases, catering for
business exigencies, an employee may travel on verbal approvals by
the approving authority (as per the approval route) but must be
endorsed in the SAP travel management system immediately after
joining the office but not later than 3 working days.
3.2. All the travelling related claims will be settled through monthly payroll
process as non-taxable.
3.3. Travelling advance shall only be allowed subject to fulfilment of
conditions mentioned in section 4.3.10 to 4.3.13 below. Travelling
advance shall be paid in cash/ cheques as per statutory requirement.
3.4. SAP Travel management will be used by management employees
(BPS 17 & Above) in PTCL Headquarters to make travel requests,
travel request approvals, claim submission/approval process and
claims settlement (with monthly payroll)
3.5. The availability of budget shall be ensured by SAP Travel
Management before approval of travel requests.
3.6. All the modifications in tour program, cancellations shall be
communicated through the system by the relevant approving
authority immediately. In case of cancellation, if there are any
cancellation charges they will be charged against the trip for the
same cost centre.
3.7. Initially for a period of two months (till the time the ERP teams
finishes with the customization to enable two step approvals) there
will be single step approval, i.e. The travel requests will be created
from the ESS account of one level lower than the approving authority
and the work flow will pass on the travel request to the relevant
approving authority. The system shall alert the tour requesting

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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

employee, the approver and relevant officer in Travel Help Desk at

each stage (at the time of creation of travel request, approval of
travel request, submission of expense claim and approval of expense
3.8. Different roles in SAP Travel Management have been listed at
Annexure – E, along with brief description of each role.
3.9. Any exception in the procedure documented in this SOP, shall have
to be approved by the SEVP HR.


4.1.Travelling Allowances and entitlement

4.1.1. An employee travelling within the base area using company vehicle
is not entitled to any allowance. However, due to non availability of
PTCL transport and with the approval of competent authority
(through the SAP system ESS/MSS) may use his own vehicle for
travelling within the base area and in such case he will be entitled to
following compensations:
Mode of Travel Rate
Car Rs. 6/ Kilometre
Motorcycle Rs. 2/ Kilometre

4.1.2. The above mentioned rates will also be applicable in case employees
travel outside the Base Area for official duty, using his own vehicle,
duly approved by the competent authority as per the PTCL
Delegation of Authority Matrix as incorporated in the SAP.
4.1.3. Management employees travelling outside their base station are
entitled to reimburse travelling expenses as per annex – A.
4.1.4. Management employees are entitled to travel via Air/ Railway/ Bus or
any Public transport and by road using their own vehicle (specific
approval required from relevant approving authority).
4.1.5. The Company will maintain travel help desk for arrangement of air
tickets including domestic and international travels, handling the
advance and settlement claims of management employees of PTCL
4.1.6. Employees travelling by train/ bus or public transport shall be
compensated @ Rs. 2 / KM of standard distance between the two
destinations or actual (whichever is more) subject to the condition
that employee travels as per the entitlement class and in case of
actual claim, the proof of expense will have to be submitted.
4.1.7. Management employees using their own car for travelling by road
(duly approved) are entitled to claim for distance travelled at rates
mentioned in 4.1.1.
4.1.8. PTCL employees are encouraged to use PTCL rest/guest houses
wherever available to conserve hotel related cost/expenses.

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

4.1.9. All the management employees entitled to avail hotel facility shall use
PTCL designated hotel (see Annexure B & C). PTCL administration
will negotiate the rates with prominent hotels at selected cities where
the employees as mention above will be able to stay as per their
entitlement. However, in case bill to company facility is un-available,
the payment of hotels bill on PTCL name will be directly made by the
4.1.10. The cities/places where PTCL have no arrangement with hotels,
Management employee will arrange hotel at their own and get the bill
in the name of PTCL.
4.1.11. Daily allowance to management employees below the rank of SEVP
(either availing hotel or not) will cover all the expenses other than
boarding and lodging, like the expenses of meals, laundry, tips and
refreshments etc. (employees availing hotel facility should pay all the
hotel expense like cost of meals, telephones, Tips, laundry etc
except accommodation bill, from his own pocket as this amount is
covered in daily allowance)
4.1.12. In case of SEVPs, the actual amounts incurred in the heads listed in
above clause will be reimbursed.
4.1.13. Non Management Employees grade 1 to 16 will receive daily
allowances as per entitlement given below and allowance for all
boarding (hotel stay) over and above as per their entitlement
mentioned below.
BPS Special Rates per Special Rates Ordinary Rates Ordinary Rates
day for hotel per day for Hotel
1-4 130 390 100 145
5-11 145 430 120 180
12-16 240 720 220 320
4.1.14. Non Management employees are not required to submit any hotel
bill, the allowance is full and final settlement for the stay.
4.2. Workflow applications for creating travel request
4.2.1. For creation of Travel requests the employee will login to SAP if he/
she has own ID and necessary privileges. Otherwise, the travel
request shall be created by another employee assigned the role of
“Travel Coordinator” on behalf of the employees in a certain wing/

4.2.2. Travel request of particular employee with reference to his/ her

employee number will be created in the travel management system
in line with agreed travelling details. The Travel Coordinator will
liaison with the relevant Budgeting Officer to confirm availability/
allotment of budget for the relevant Fund Centre. A fair estimate of
total anticipated expense for the trip shall also be entered

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

4.2.3. The system shall automatically assign the trip No and shall pass the
request to approving authority in the system with confirmation
through an alert to the requester, the reporting officer and approver.
System shall use the updated authorization matrix.

4.2.4. The approver shall analyse the business need for travelling and on
all satisfaction will approve the request. On approval of the request,
the system will generate an alert to inform the requester and the
relevant authorized person in travel help desk. The Travel
Coordinator will liaison with the relevant Budgeting Officer to confirm
availability/ allotment of budget for the relevant Fund Centre.In case
no sufficient budget is available for that particular fund centre, the
system shall not allow the travel request to be approved.

4.2.5. The approver may ask for changes in travel request, reject the travel
request, in both cases, the request will go back to the originator for
making amendments/changes as per the advice of the approver.

4.3. Role of Travel Help Desk

4.3.1. In PTCL Headquarter, where most of travelling occurs, and bulk of
travelling expense is incurred, a Travel Help Desk will be created in
order to facilitate the travelling employees by swift processing of
travelling advance, arrangement of air tickets, hotel/ rest house
reservations and adjustment of claims.
4.3.2. This travel Help Desk will have one section called Travel Desk at its
Head Quarters to facilitate employees for all travelling reservations,
hotel bookings and ticket arrangements.
4.3.3. In-charge Travel Desk will have the access to SAP where all the
approved travel requests requiring air tickets, hotel arrangements will
be visible.
4.3.4. Travel Desk personnel will make requisite ticket bookings, arrange
tickets and will submit/ disseminate the tickets to the originator well
before the actual travelling time.
4.3.5. Travel Desk may email the E-Copy of the ticket to the originator or
send hard copy at the mentioned address whichever is the best
option or represents the situation.
4.3.6. All the air ticketing vendors / hotels with bill to company arrangement
will submit their invoices to In-charge Travel Desk, who will verify the
individual invoices with respect to air ticket/ stay in line with approved
travel request, also with actual claim submitted by the employee.

4.3.7. After approval, the In-charge Travel Desk will send the approved
invoices/bills to respective DDO for release of payment to the

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

respective vendors.

4.3.8. In case of expenses paid for by the employee himself/ herself, the
justified amounts duly supported by proper bills/ invoices (if required)
shall be settled through the payroll through relevant specific loan
types and wage types.

4.3.9. The invoices/bills submitted by the employees/ vendors must clearly

contains all the requisite information particularly details of adjustable
duties (FED) and sales tax (if any)

4.3.10. Manager Payroll shall handle the employee advances requests,

scrutiny of expense claims and final settlement through payroll.
Manager Payroll will receive such approved travel requests, for which
some travel advance has been requested.

4.3.11. At most, employees can have three un-adjusted travel advances at

any one given time. i.e. in case of two un-adjusted travel advances, a
third advance can be provided to employee but not more than that.

4.3.12. Any travel advance un-adjusted after 20 days of completion of travel

as per travel plan shall be adjusted from payroll of concerned
employee. In case the amount to be adjusted is in excess of one
third of employee’s salary, then maximum one third of total salary will
be adjusted through the monthly payroll till full settlement.

4.3.13. Travelling advance will only be allowed where the employees

expected to spend a handsome amount of money from own pocket.
Following cases may best be suited for travelling advance
entitlement Employee is travelling to a place where all expenses of

stay will be born by the employee himself. The employee requires air tickets, which Manager Travel

Desk is unable to arrange due to any reason. Employee is travelling for long period of time or duration

(over one week) and involved huge amount of expenses
which he may not be able to spend from his/her own
pocket. Foreign travels

4.3.14. In case employee has taken travelling advance and due to any
reason the tour gets cancelled, the employee will refund the advance
amount to the relevant DDO. However any penalty for cancellation of
air ticket etc, may be deducted from this amount if properly justified.

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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

4.4. Foreign Travelling

4.4.1. In-charge Travel desk will do all facilitation for foreign travelling
including arrangement of visa, ticket etc. However, if in any case,
employee’s personal appearance is mandatory at any office/place,
the employee has to make personal visit.

4.4.2. For foreign tours the employees will be allowed cash advance as per
rates given in Annex D.

4.4.3. The foreign travelling rates shall include meeting all foreign travel
related expenses including hotel bills, taxi fares during the tour and
all other tour related incidental charges. This amount will be
considered full and final settlement for the claim.

4.4.4. Foreign tour advance paid will be properly recorded in SAP with
respect to approved travelling request which contain employee
details (employee Number, Name, designation, purpose of tour, cost
centre etc) for subsequent adjustment at the time of submission of
expense claim.

4.4.5. In most cases, the employee will himself/herself be arranging foreign

exchange for his/her foreign travel. However he may request In-
charge Travel Desk for arranging foreign exchange.

4.4.6. CEO/SEVPs may opt to claim whole tour related expenses at actual
with original receipts instead of claim as per the prescribed rates,
however, this clause is at the option of the executive concern not

4.4.7. The employee must have to submit his/her travel expense claim
within 20 days after the completion of his travelling.

4.5. Claim Submission and approval process

4.5.1. The employee himself or through designated travel coordinator shall
retrieve his approved travel request, fill the claim as per his/her
entitlement and submit the claim for approvals. The original
documents (hard copy of the claim, original receipts, clearly bearing
the trip number of approved Travel Request etc.) shall be dispatched
to the travel help desk in support of the claim submitted. These hard
copies shall be verified by the travelling employee himself.

4.5.2. The system will automatically forward the claim to the approving
authority and pass an alert to the approving authority for the
information and necessary action.

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

4.5.3. The approving authority will approve the thereby verifying that actual
travelling has happened as per approved travel plan. However, the
approving authority may ask the employee to revise the claim.

4.5.4. The employee will send the original verified documents to Manager
Payroll for scrutiny and validation before settlement through payroll
system. Any travel advance taken for that particular trip number will
be adjusted against the valid expense claim of employee.

4.5.5. In case hard copies are not received within seven working days of
receipt of claim through SAP workflow, the Manager Payroll may
reject the claim with direction to relevant employee to re-submit the
claim along with hard copies (if any).

4.5.6. The Manager Payroll will check that the travelling, hotel stay, daily
allowance etc claimed are as per entitlement of employee, and also
that the GST invoice has been provided in case of stay in hotels.

4.5.7. In case employee’s travel / stay is not as per entitlement, travel desk
may refer it back to approving authority for a second approval. In
case no approval is accorded, travel desk may disallow settlement of
claim or in case of bill to company may settle the bill of relevant
vendor only after making the relevant employee personally liable for
the amount in excess of entitlement, to be settled through payroll.

4.5.8. The approved claim, (either positive or negative) shall be worked out
by Manager Payroll for settlement through monthly payroll taking into
account travelling advance for that particular trip (if any). On approval
of claim by Manager Payroll, the system shall intimate the Traveller
in the form of an alert.

4.5.9. Hard copies for the trips submitted by various employees shall be
retained by the travel help desk for audit trail purposes.

4.6. Claim Settlement

4.6.1. Manager Payroll will determine cut off date at each month to include
the travelling related claims in the payroll of any particular month.
The date will be depending upon the final day for processing of
payroll for any particular month.

4.6.2. Payroll manager will execute settlement run to enable SAP system
for payment of travelling expense claim through payroll system.
Inclusion of travelling claims in payroll shall not have any impact on
taxable income of employees for calculation of withholding tax

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

4.6.3. Relevant DDOs shall perform the Posting role and shall be
responsible for recording of necessary accounting entries of all
employees in their jurisdiction, by using SAP “Posting Run Manager”
before close of month.

4.6.4. Manager Payroll will also keep track of such trips for which no claim
is submitted in the prescribed time through exception reports. Such
trips shall be cancelled after consulting relevant employees thereby
releasing any budget committed for this purpose.


Version Date Author Comments

1.0 19-Feb-2010 Sajjad Ahmad

ESS Employees Self Services
MSS Managers’ self services
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
GM General Manager
CE Chief Engineer
CC Cost Center
ID Identification
ATM Advisory Team Member
SATM Senior Advisory Team Member
FED Federal excise Duty

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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

Schedule of Entitlements for Management Employees

Hotel/ Rest
Air Daily Day
ITEM Rail Road Room House Stay
Travel Allowance Trip
(No Daily
SEVPs/ Executive
CEO Club A.C. Room 2,200 1,500 4,000
EVPs Actual
Economy A.C. Room 1,800 1,000 3,000
G.Ms Actual
Economy A.C. Room 1,500 800 2,200
SMs Actual
Economy A.C. Room 1,200 700 1,800
Managers Actual
Economy A.C. Room 1000 500 1,400
Assistant Standard
Manager Economy A.C. Room 600 400 1,000

* This will be applicable where no hotel/ rest house stay is availed.

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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

List of preferred hotel at Major cities and employees entitlement.

1 AVARI KARACHI Business Floor Single PKR 7,000
Executive Floor Single PKR 10,000
PKR 6,000
3 AVARI LAHORE Deluxe Floor Single PKR 7,000
Business Floor Single PKR 9,000
Executive Club Single PKR 11,000
4 PC KARACHI Standard Floor Single PKR 7,000
Executive Floor Single PKR 11,500
5 SERENA ISLAMABAD Deluxe Room PKR 10,700
Executive Club Room PKR 12,700
6 BEST WESTERN ISB Standard Room Single PKR 4,290
Executive Single PKR 4,990
7 SAVOEY LAHORE Standard Package Single PKR 4000
Deluxe Package Single PKR 5,000
Executive Package Single PKR 7,000
8 THE RESIDENCY Single PKR 4,000
Master Deluxe PKR 6,000
Double Deluxe PKR 7,000
9 AMBASSADOR LAHORE Standard Room Single PKR 3,500
Executive Suite Single PKR 4,500
10 HOTEL ONE (MALL LHR) Business Rooms Single PKR 4,300
Executive Suite Single PKR 6,500
11 HOTEL ONE (FAISAL TOWN) Business Rooms Single PKR 3,000
12 FORTALICE JINNAH (F-7/1 Isb) Business Rooms Single PKR 5,000
Executive Rooms
13 Isb) Single PKR 6,000
14 FORTALICE KOHSAR (F-6/2 Isb) Business Rooms Single PKR 5,000
15 FORTALICE MULTAN Executive Rooms Single PKR 3,000
17 PC LAHORE Standard Room Single PKR 7,500
Business Deluxe Single PKR 9,400
Deluxe Suite PKR 25,000
Executive Floor Single PKR 11,400
Business Floor (1st to
18 SHERATON KARACHI 5th) Single PKR 7,000
Deluxe Floor (7th &
8th) Single PKR 11,000
19 SARAWAN KHI Standard Floor Single PKR 2,500
Deluxe Floor Single PKR 3,000
20 REGENT PLAZA KHI Standard Floor Single PKR 5,500
Executive Standard Single PKR 7,000
Executive Deluxe Single PKR 9,000

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

21 EMBASSY INN KHI Standard Floor Single PKR 4,200
22 PC RAWALPINDI Standard Floor Single PKR 8,300
Executive Floor Single PKR 9,400
23 MAVA INN RWP Standard Room Single PKR 2,000
Executive Suites Single PKR 3,500
24 GARDENIA RESORT (QUETTA) Standard Single PKR 2,200
25 HOLIDAY INN ISB Standard Room Single PKR 4,500
Executive Room Single PKR 10,000
26 HOLIDAY INN LHR Priority Rooms Single PKR 7,000
Executive Club Single PKR 8,500
27 MEHRAN HOTEL KHI Standard Floor Single PKR 4,500
Executive Floor Single PKR 5,500
28 MARGALLA HOTEL ISB Standard Floor Single PKR 3,590
29 SERENA QUETTA Standard Room Single PKR 7,000
Executive Club Single PKR 8,500
Deluxe Room Single PKR 9,000
30 SERENA FAISALABAD Standard Room Single PKR 7,000
Executive Club Single PKR 8,500
Jasmine Floor Single PKR 8,000
31 CROWN PLAZA ISB Standard Room Single PKR 5,000
Deluxe Room Single PKR 6,000
32 CROWN PLAZA LHR Deluxe Room Single PKR 4,000
Executive Floor Single PKR 4,500
35 GRACE HOTEL FSD Single PKR 1,600
36 RAYSE HOTEL FSD Single PKR 1,000
37 HOTEL ROYAL YOKE LHR Deluxe Room Single PKR 2,800
38 MID CITY HOTEL MLT Standard Floor Single PKR 1,500
39 Sheza Inn Multan Standard Room Single PKR 1,600
Executive Room Single PKR 3,000
40 Sunfort Lahore Single PKR 5,000

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :


Stay in these hotels will be permitted as per PTCL negotiated rates and prescribed room categories.
City SEVPs EVPs GMs SMs Managers/AM/MTs &
Room Category Executive Room Deluxe Room Standard Room Standard Room Standard Room
Serena Hotel Marriott Holiday Inn Crown Plaza Hotel Margalla
051-111-133-133 051-111-22-33-44 051-111-273-273 051-2201720 051-111-901-901
Fax: 051-2871001 Fax: 051-2825113 Fax:051-2273273 051-2201778-79 051-2276500-4
051-2821855 Fax:051-2274054
Marriott Holiday Inn Best Western Hotel Margalla Mava Inn
051-111-22-33-44 051-111-273-273 051-2277464 051-111-901-901 051-5490880-87
Fax: 051-2825113 Fax: 051-2273273 Fax: 051-2271538-39 051-2276500-4 Fax: 051-5490879
PC Rawalpindi PC Rawalpindi Margalla Hotel Best Western Best Western
051-111-505-505 051-111-505-505 051-2276500-4 051-2277464 051-2277464
Fax:051-5562983 Fax:051-5562983 Fax:051-2274054 Fax: 051-2271538-39 Fax: 051-2271538-39
Pearl Continental Pearl Continental Avari Ambassador Hotel Crown Plaza
042-111-505-505 042-111-505-505 042-6366366 042-6316821-5 042-111-808-111
Fax:042-6362698 Fax:042-6362698 Fax:042-6365367 Fax: 042-5760978
Avari Avari Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Ambassador Hotel
042-6366366 042-6366366 042-6310077 042-6310077 042-6316821-5
Fax:042-6365367 Fax:042-6365367 Fax: 042-6314514 Fax: 042-6314514 Fax: 042-6301868
Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Savoey Savoey Savoey
042-6310077 042-6310077 042-111-587-777 042-111-587-777 042-111-587-777
Fax: 042-6314514 Fax: 042-6314514 Fax: 042-5751808 Fax: 042-5751808 Fax: 042-5751808

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

City SEVPs EVPs GMs SMs Managers/AM/MTs &

Room Category Executive Room Deluxe Room Standard Room Standard Room Standard Room
Avari Avari Avari
021-5660100 021-5660100 021-5660100
Fax: 021-5678524 Fax: 021-5678524 Fax: 021-5678524

Marriott Marriott Regent Plaza Beach Luxury Beach Luxury

021-5680111 021-5680111 021-5631500 021-5611031-37 (Managers Only)
Fax: 021-5689510 Fax: 021-5689510 Fax: 021-5657000 Fax: 021-5611073 021-5611031-37
021-5693501 021-5693501 Fax: 021-5611073
Pearl Continental Pearl Continental Pearl Continental Sarawan Mehran Hotel
021-111-505-505 021-111-505-505 021-111-505-505 021-5216001-5 021-5660851-12
Fax: 021-5684572 Fax: 021-5684572 Fax: 021-5684572 Fax: 021-5675123 Fax: 021-5677019
Sheraton Hotel Sheraton Hotel Beach Luxury Regent Plaza Sarawan Hotel
021-5633333 021-5633333 021-5611031-37 021-5631500 021-5216001-5
0800-11011 0800-11011 Fax: 021-5611073 021-5657000 Fax: 021-5675123
Fax: 021-5633226 Fax: 021-5633226 Fax: 021-5631521-3
Peshawar Pearl Continental Pearl Continental Pearl Continental Hotel Grand Hotel Grand
091-5276361 091-5276361 091-5276361 091-5840465 091-5840465
Fax: 091-5262461 Fax: 091-5262461 Fax: 091-5262461 091-5844355-8 091-5844355-8
Fax: 091-5844359 Fax: 091-5844359
Hotel Grand Hotel Grand Hotel Grand Pearl Castle Pearl Castle
091-5840465 091-5840465 091-5840465 091-5840505 091-5840505
091-5844355-8 091-5844355-8 091-5844355-8 091-5704466 091-5704466
Fax: 091-5844359 Fax: 091-5844359 Fax: 091-5844359 Fax: 091-5704466 Fax: 091-5704466
Quetta Serena Hotel Serena Hotel Serena Hotel Serena Hotel Gardenia Resort
081-2820071 081-2820071 081-2820071 081-2820071 081-2820297
Fax: 081-2820070 Fax: 081-2820070 Fax: 081-2820070 Fax: 081-2820070 081-2827543
Fax: 081-2823148

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

City SEVPs EVPs GMs SMs Managers/AM/MTs &

Room Category Executive Room Deluxe Room Standard Room Standard Room Standard Room
Multan Ramada Inn Ramada Inn Ramada Inn Fortalice Fortalice
061-4587777-96 061-4587777-96 061-4587777-96 061-4784006 061-4784006
Fax: 061-4512511 Fax: 061-4512511 Fax: 061-4512511 Shiza Inn Shiza Inn
Shiza Inn Shiza Inn Shiza Inn 061-4540161 061-4540161
061-4540161 061-4540161 061-4540161 Fax: 061-4512238 Fax: 061-4512238
Fax: 061-4512238 Fax: 061-4512238 Fax: 061-4512238

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SOP on Travel Management Approved on :


There is 10% increase on rates circulated vide S.25-8/2006 dated 2nd May 2006.

Name of CEO/ GMs & Managers & All other
Continent SEVPs EVPs Equivalent Equivalent Employees
North 405 370 250 220 165
Europe 495 450 310 265 230
Middle East 365 330 220 195 145
Asia except 365 330 195 170 125
Japan 725 660 455 415 305
Australia 340 310 210 190 140
Africa 315 285 195 170 125

NOTE: SEVPs & CEO will be entitled to claim the hotel expenses etc on actual basis and in
such case 30% of daily allowance will be admissible to them.

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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

Roles in SAP Travel Management

1. Traveler

This Role will be performed by Individual Employee intending to proceed for official

2. Travel Coordinator

Employee will be nominated from Each Department to fill other's forms, after the approval of
concerned GM. The role will be used to create travel request on behalf of others.

3. Travel Administrator

This role will facilitate the admin control of travel management system and ensure the smooth
processing of travel module and provide technical assistance with the help of ERP team. This
role will be used to perform Reporting and Approvals through system.

4. Travel Manager

This role will facilitate the travelling employees by arrangement of air tickets, hotel/ rest house
reservations and adjustment of claims and every activity regarding travel. The role will be
used to perform all operational activities regarding travel, reporting, and approvals, maintain
master data in the system.

5. Travel Expense Manager

This role will facilitate the employee advances requests, scrutiny of expense claims and final
settlement through payroll. This role will be performed by Manager Payroll at HQ and same
will be perform by Manager HR in Business Zones as well as DDO’s in autonomous regions
This role will be used to Reporting HR Master Data maintenance Advances, Approvals,
Postings and financial aspects with regards to travel.

6. Posting

This role will facilitate the employee adjustments after trip completion into the FICO (Financial
&Controlling) module and DDO concern regions will play this role. This role will be used to
create and manage posting run in the system.

Page viii of x
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

Process flow (only for illustration, detailed process given in SOP) Page ix of x
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

SOP on Travel Management Approved on :

Process flow (only for illustration, detailed process given in SOP) Page x of x

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