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The Discourse on Loving Kindness

(Suttanipata and Kuddakapatha)

1. Karaniya mattha kusalena

He who is skilled in doing good
Yantam santam padam abhi-samecca
And who wishes to attain that sate of calm (Nibbana) should act thus
Sakko uju ca suju ca
He should be able, upright, perfectly upright
Suvaco cassa mudu anatimāni
Gently spoken, gentle and humble.

2. Santussako ca subharo ca
Contented (satisfied), easily supportable (not a burden to others)
Appa-kicco ca sallahuka-vutti
With few duties, simple in livelihood
Santindriyo ca nipako ca
Controlled in senses, discreet (intelligent /wise)
Appa-gabbho kulesu ananu giddho
Not greedily attached to families
3. Na ca khuddham samacare kiñci
He should not commit any slight wrong
Yena viññu pare upavadeyyum
So that other wise men might deplore
Sukhino vā khemino hontu
May all beings be happy and safe
Sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhi-tattā
May hearts be happy
4. Ye keci pāna bhutatthi
Whatsoever living beings that exist
Tasā vā thāvarā vā anava sesā
Weak, or strong, without exception
Dighā vā ye mahantā vā
Long or stout
Majjhimārassa khanuka thulā
Medium, short, small or large

5. Ditthā-vā ye va additthā
Those seen (visible) or unseen (invisible)
ye ca dure vasanti avidure
And those dwelling far or near
bhutā va sambhavesi vā
Those who are born and those who are to be born
sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā !
May all beings, without exception, be happy mind

6. Na paro param nikubbetha –

Let no one deceive another
nātimaññetha katthacinam kiñci,
Nor despise anyone anywhere
byārosanā patighasaññā –
In anger or ill will
nāññamaññassa dukkham iccheyya !
Let them not wish each other harm

7. Mātā yatha niyam puttam –

Just as a mother would guard her only child
āyusa ekaputtam anurakkhe
At the risk or her own life
evam pi sabbabhutesu –
Even so towards all beings
mānasam bhāvaye aparimanam !
Let him cultivate boundless mind

8. Mettañca sabbalokasmim
Let thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world
mānasam bhāvaye aparimānam,
Above, below and across
uddham adho ca tiriyañ ca
Without any obstruction
asambādham averam asapattam
Without any hatred, without any enmity

9.Tittham caram nisinno vā sayāno vā –

Whether he stands, walks, sits
yàvatassa vigatamiddho,
Or lies down, as long as he is a wake
etam satim adhittheyya -
He should develop this mindfulness
brahmam etam viharam idhamāhu !
This they say is the highest conduct here

10. Ditthiñ ca anupagamma –

Not falling into (wrong) views
silavā dassanena sampanno,
Virtuous and endowed with vision (insight)
kamesu vineyya gedham
He discards attachment to sensuous desires
Na hi jātu gabbhaseyyam punareti !
Truly, he does not come again, to be conceived in a womb.

(The Buddha’s words on loving kindness)

1. Karaniyamatthakusalena - yantam santam padam abhisamecca,

Sakko uju ca suju ca - suvaco cassa mudu anatimāni !

If you know what is truly good for you and

understand the possibility of reaching a state of
perfect peace, then this is how you need to live.
Start as a capable person, who is upright and really
upright, gently spoken, flexible, and not conceited!

2. Santussako ca subharo ca - appakicco ca sallahukavutti,

santindriyo ca nipako ca - appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho!

Contented, easily supportable; with few duties, of light livelihood,

controlled in senses, discreet, not stubborn, not greedily attach to family!

3. Na ca khuddam samacare kiñci - yena viññuu pare upavadeyyum,

sukhino vā khemino hontu - sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā !

One should not commit a slight wrong, that wise persons might censure;
May all be happy and secure. May all beings be happy-minded!

4. Ye keci panabhutatthi – tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā,

Dighā vā ye mahantā vā – majjhima rassa kānukathulā !

Whatever beings there are; timid, strong, and all others,

long, or huge, average, short or large.

5. Ditthā-vā ye va additthā - ye ca dure vasanti avidure,

Bhutā vā sambhavesi vā - sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā!

seen or unseen, living near or far, born or coming to birth;

May all beings be happy-minded!

6. Na paro param nikubbetha - natimaññetha katthacinam kiñci,

byàrosana patighasaññā - nāññamaññassa dukkhamiccheyya !

May no one deceive or look down on anyone

anywhere, for any reason. Whether through feeling
angry or through reacting to someone else, may no
one wants another to suffer.

7. Mātā yathā niyam puttam – āyusā ekaputtamanurakkhe

evampi sabbabhutesu - mānasam bhāvaye aparimānam!

As a mother would risk her own life to protect her only child,
so, should one, to all living beings, cultivate a boundless heart!

8. Mettañ ca sabbalokasmim - mānasam bhāvaye aparimānam,

uddham adho ca tiriyañca - asambadham averam asapattam !

Develop an unlimited heart of friendliness for the

entire universe, sending metta above, below, and all
around, beyond all narrowness, beyond all rivalry,
beyond all hatred.

9. Tittham caram nisinno vā sayano vā - yāvatassa vigatamiddho,

etam satim adhittheyya - brahmametam vihàram idhamāhu !

Standing, walking, sitting, or lying down; whenever awake,

one should develop mindfulness, as this is the highest abode!

10. Ditthiñca anupagamma - silavā dassanena sampanno,

kāmesu vineyya gedham -Na hi jātu gabbhaseyyam punareti !

Not falling into wrong views,

virtuous, and endowed with insight;
giving up attachment to sense-pleasures,
one is not again subject to be conceived in a womb birth!

^lrKSh&fu;a; iQ;%h
^LqoaolmdG Lq'ks'1" 20 msg$ iq;a;ksmd; 44-46 msgq&

1' lrKShu;a:l=if,k hka;x ika;x mox wNsifuÉp" ilafld WcQ p iQcQ p iqjfpd piai uqÿ wk;sudkS'

2' ika;=iaifld p iqNfrd p wmamlsÉfpd p i,a,yqljq;a;s" ika;skaøsfhd p ksmfld p wmam.ífNd l=f,iq wkkq.soafOd'

3' k p Lqoaox iudpfr ls[aÑ fhk ú[a[Q mfr WmjfohHqx" iqÅfkd jd fLñfkd fydka;= iífn i;a;d Njka;= iqÅ;;a;d'

4' fh flÑ mdKN+;;aÓ ;id jd :djrd jd wkjfiid" §>d jd fh uyka;d jd uʯud riaildZKqL:Q,d'

5' ÈÜGd jd fhj woaÈÜGd fh p ¥fr jika;s wú¥fr" N+;d jd iïNfjiS jd iífn i;a;d Njka;= iqÅ;;a;d'

6' k mfrd mrx ksl=ífn: kd;su[af[: l;a:Ñ kx l[aÑ" nHdfrdikd má>i[a[d kd[a[u[a[iai ÿlaLñÉfPhH'

7' ud;d h:d kshx mq;a;x wdhqid tlmq;a;ukqrlafL" tjïms iínN+f;iq udkix Ndjfh wmßudKx'

8' fu;a;[ap iínf,dliañx udkix Ndjfh wmßudKx" WoaOx wfOd p ;sßhx p wiïndOx wfjrx wim;a;x'

9' ;sÜGx prx ksiskafkd jd ihdfkd jd hdj;iai ú.;ñoafOd" t;x i;sx wêÜfGhH n%yaufu;x úydrx bOudyq'

10' ÈÜÀx p wkqm.ïu iS,jd oiaifkk iïmkafkd" ldfuiq úfkhH f.Ox k ys cd;= .íNfihHx mqkfr;S;s'

Sinhala Translation of The Metta Sutta

^lrKSh& fu;a; iQ;%fha isxy, f;areu

1' hï Ydka; mohla leue;s w¾:h leue;s mqoa.,hl= úiska olaI úh hq;= h' Rcq úh hq;= h'
jvd;a Rcq ^wjxl& úh hq;= h' iqjp" uDÿ" wk;sudkS úh hq;= h'

2' ,o fohska i;=gqùu" myiqfjka fmdaIKh l<yels nj" lghq;= wvq nj" ieye,a¨ nj" b÷rka
ixjr nj" ;SlaIK kqjK" ovínr ke;s nj" l=,hkays fkdwe¨Kq nj we;s lr .; hq;= h'

3' kqjKe;s wka wh jerÈ hehs lshk iq¿ jQ o jrÈka ñÈh hq;= h' zish¨ i;ajfhda iqjm;a fõjdZ
hk fu;a is; jeäh hq;= h'

4' ìfhka ief,kakdjQ o ^ke;fyd;a ry;a fkdjQ& fkdief,kakdjQ o ^ke;fyd;a w¾y;ajhg

meñKs& §¾> jQ o uy;a jQ o uOHu jQ o ñá jQ o b;d l=vd jQ o

5' fmfkk" fkdfmfkk" ÿr isák" <Õ isák" bmÿK " bm§ug n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka isák hï
i;a;aj flfkla fõ o ta ish¨ i;a;ajfhda iqjm;a fj;ajd'

6' tflla wksll= fkdrjgdjd' wfkll=g wjuka fkdflf¾jd' is;ska lhska jpkfhka tflla
wksll=f.a ÿlla leue;s fkdfõjd'

7' ujla ;u tl u mq;= rlskakdla fuka ish¨ i;=ka fj; wmßudK fu;a is; m;=rejdjd'

8' Wv o hg o iri o ^i;=re ñ;=re jYfhka& lsisÿ iSudjla ke;s j w;r;=rj;a ffjr fÉ;kdjla
my<ùula ke;s j i;=rka rys;j ish¨ f,dai;=ka flfrys wmuK fu;ais; jvkak'

9' isákafka fyda weúÈkafka fyda Wkafka fyda ksokafka fyda hï ;dla fu;aiy.; isysh
wêIaGdk lrkq leue;af;a o ta;dla w,i núka f;drj isysh jvkafka h' fï ffu;S% úyrKh
fï iïnqÿ iiqfkys fYa%IaG úyrKhlehs i|yka l<y'

10' i;a;ajfhla mqoa.,fhla we; iy ke; hk wka; folg u fkdmeñK is,aj;a jQfha o¾Yk
iïm;a;sfhka hqla; jQfha lduhkays .scqnj ÿrefldg taldka;fhka kej; uõl=ilg
fkdmeñfKkafka h'

Ydka; iqjhg m;ajkq leue;s whl= ;=< wdrïNfhys § u we;s lr .; hq;= .=Kdx. 15 la fuys

tkï (-

1' ilafld ( olaI nj ^Be able/ Proficiency&

2' WcQ p ( Rcq nj ^Straight/ honest&

3' iQcQ p ( ukdj Rcq nj ^Really/ perfectly upright &

4' iqjfpd ( wka whf.a jpkhg weyqïlka fok nj ^Obedient/ gently spoken&

5' uqÿ ( uDÿ nj ^Flexible/ Gentle&

6' wk;sudkS ( w;sudkfhka f;drnj ^Humble / not conceited &

7' ika;=iaifld p ( ,o fohska i;=gq jk nj ^Being contented / Being satisfied&

8' iqNfrd p ( myiqfjka fmdaIKh l< yels nj ^Easy to support&

9' wmamlsÉfpd p ( lghq;= w,am nj ^Being less busy&

10' i,a,yqljq;a;s ( ieye,a¨ .;smeje;=ï we;s nj ^Being simple&

11' ika;skaøsfhd p ( ikaiqka b÷rka we;s nj ^Controlled in senses&

12' ksmfld p ( ;shqKq kqjK ^Discreet/ Intelligent/ wise&

13' wmam.ífNd ( ovínr ke;s nj ^Not impudent/ not stubborn&

14' l=f,iq wkkq.soafOd ( l=,hkays fkdwef,k nj ^Unattached to families&

15' k p Lqoaox iudpfr ls[aÑ fhk ú[a[Q mfr WmjfohHqx (

kqjKe;a;ka fodia k.k iq¿ jQo jrÈka ñ§u
(Having moral fear and Shame on slightest wrong conduct)

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