Step 1.
Determining and Clarifying
Our Goals
You will start by making a list of your goals.
What would you like to accomplish in the near and far future?
You can include goals on any level. Some examples are:
Step 1.
Determining and Clarifying
Our Goals
Please take some time to choose and
write out a goal that you want to
Step 1.
Determining and Clarifying
Our Goals
Then you need to understand why you want to manifest
these goals. This helps you clarify why this goal is
1. What do you believe you will get or feel when you succeed? (What is
the need behind the need?) (Happiness, satisfaction, self-worth,
acceptance, recognition, peace, security, money, freedom?)
Why do you want, need, or desire to do this?
Step 1.
Determining and Clarifying
Our Goals
Sometimes the goal may not be yours
but for your parents, spouse, or for
2. Is this goal for me or for others? Is it childhood
Step 1.
Determining and Clarifying
Our Goals
Additional notes for Step 1:
1. Less food
2. Less time for recreation, TV.
3. Less rest or sleep
4. Less of some specific activity _____ .
5. Less money for other needs.
6. Less social life
7. Giving up cigarettes, alcohol – other pleasures
4. Remove
Inner Obstacles
You then need to remove any inner obstacles with
Energy Psychology or other techniques for
overcoming internal and external obstacles.
4. Remove
Inner Obstacles
You then need to identify the following categories of
obstructing emotions that can be removed with
Energy Psychology or any other means.
a. Feelings about not having yet succeeded. You might feel guilt,
shame, disappointment, disillusionment, self-rejection or anger at
yourself or others who might be responsible. Perhaps you feel that it is
not worth trying anymore. Such feelings can cause so much energy to
be lost in negativity that not enough actually moves towards making the
necessary changes.
4. Remove
Inner Obstacles
We might fear that:
I do not deserve to have it or fulfill this goal
I cannot have or manifest this goal.
I am in some type of danger if I fulfill this goal.
I am not capable of fulfilling this goal.
Others do not want me to have or fulfill it. I do not want to hurt them or
come into conflict with them.
I will lose others' love if I succeed or fulfill this goal.
I will not be a spiritual person if I have this or fulfill this goal.
I will feel guilty if I have this or fulfill this goal.
I will harm others if I fulfill this goal.
I am guilty and not worthy and I should not have or fulfill this goal.
Since I have not been able to have it until now, then I will not be able to
fulfill this goal.
I will lose my freedom if I fulfill this goal.
I might have to sacrifice some source of security in order to fulfill this goal.
I might give satisfaction to others – something which I do not want to do.
The others might cease feeling guilty about me.
I might lose my control over others.
My other desires will be unfulfilled if I have or fulfill this goal.
The effort to achieve this goal will be painful or unpleasant.
I do not have the necessary discipline to manifest this goal.
4. Remove
Inner Obstacles
A Technique for Discovering Obstacles:
a. Think about the fact that you have not yet achieved your goal and
discover how you feel about not having done so yet. If you find that you
have negative emotions about not having succeeded yet, you will need
to employ EFT or other methods in order to be free from them.
b. Then, imagine yourself making the effort towards that goal and see
how you feel about making that effort. (Do you enjoy it, or do you feel
suppressed, fearful or discouraged? Do you feel that it is in vain to
make this effort because you will never succeed?)
If you find you have resistance towards this effort, then you will need to
free yourself from the emotions and beliefs that make the effort itself is
difficult or unpleasant.
c. Now, imagine yourself having succeeded in this effort and see how
you feel now that this is not an issue any more.
4. Remove
Inner Obstacles
Additional notes for Step 4:
5. Employ Efforts
and Program
Now, consciously direct your energy towards your goal. You
choose to willingly, intelligently, and lovingly sacrifice other
possibly conflicting needs in order to achieve your goals.
6. Perseverance
Persevere in your efforts towards the goal and towards
removing all obstacles. Give your energy daily until you are
satisfied with the results.
7. Patience
You need to be patient for the results to come. This
is important so as not to give up before your
dreams manifest.
So there you have it!