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Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class for

Computer Science Proceedings Papers

llncs, Version 2.24, Jan 29, 2024

1 Installation
Copy llncs.cls to a directory that is searched by LATEX, e.g. either your texmf
tree or the local work directory with your main LATEX file.

2 Working with the llncs Document Class

2.1 General Information
The llncs class is an extension of the standard LATEX article class. Therefore
you may use all article commands in your manuscript.
If you are already familiar with LATEX, the llncs class should not give you
any major difficulties. It basically adjusts the layout to the required standard,
defining styles and spacing of headings and captions and setting the printing area
to 122 mm horizontally by 193 mm vertically. To keep the layout consistent, we
kindly ask you to refrain from using any LATEX or TEX command that modifies
these settings (i.e. \textheight, \vspace, baselinestretch, etc.). Such manual
layout adjustments should be limited to very exceptional cases.
In addition to defining the general layout, the llncs document class pro-
vides some special commands for typesetting the contribution header, i.e. title,
authors, affiliations, abstract, and additional metadata. These special commands
are described in Sect. 3.
For a more detailed description of how to prepare your text, illustrations,
and references, see the Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings.

2.2 How to Use the llncs Document Class

The llncs class is invoked by replacing article by llncs in the first line of
your LATEX document:

<Your contribution>

If your file is already coded with LATEX, you can easily adapt it to the llncs
document class by replacing
Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class 2


3 How to Code the Header of Your Paper

3.1 Title
\title Please code the title of your contribution as follows:
\title{<Your contribution title>}

All words in titles should be capitalized except for conjunctions, prepositions

(e.g. on, of, by, and, or, but, from, with, without, under), and definite/indefinite
articles (the, a, an), unless they appear at the beginning. Formula letters are
typeset as in the text. Long titles that run over multiple lines can be wrapped
explicitly with \\. Titles have no end punctuation.
Acknowledgements should generally be placed in an unnumbered subsection
at the end of the paper. If you still need to refer to a support or funding program
\thanks in a note to the title, you can use the\thanks macro inside the title:
\title{<Your contribution title>\thanks{<granted by x>}}

Please do not use \thanks inside \author or \institute as footnotes for these
elements are not supported in the online version and will therefore be dropped.
\fnmsep If you need two or more footnotes please separate them with \fnmsep (i.e.
footnote mark separator).
\titlerunning If a long title does not fit in the single line of the running head, a warning
is generated. You can specify an abbreviated title for the running head with the
\titlerunning{<Your abbreviated contribution title>}

\subtitle An optional subtitle may also be added:

\subtitle{<subtitle of your contribution>}

3.2 Author(s)
\author The name(s) of the author(s) are specified by:
\author{<author(s) name(s)>}

\and If there is more than one author, please separate them by \and. This makes sure
that correct punctuation is inserted according to the number of authors.
\inst Numbers referring to different addresses or affiliations should be attached to
each author with the \inst{<number>} command. If an author is affiliated with
multiple institutions the numbers should be separated by a comma, for example
\orcidID ORCID identifiers can be included with
\orcidID{<ORCID identifier>}
Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class 3

The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) registry provides authors
with unique digital identifiers that distinguish them from other researchers and
help them link their research activities to these identifiers. Authors who are not
yet registered with ORCID are encouraged to apply for an individual ORCID
id at https://www.orcid.org and to include it in their papers. In the final
publication, the ORCID id will be replaced by an ORCID icon, which will link
from the eBook to the actual ID in the ORCID database. The ORCID icon will
also replace the number in the printed book.
If you have done this correctly, the author line now reads, for example:
\author{First Author\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-1111-2222-3333} \and
Second Author\inst{2,3}\orcidID{1111-2222-3333-4444}}

The given name(s) should always be followed by the family name(s). Au-
thors who have more than one family name should indicate which part of
their name represents the family name(s), for example by non-breaking spaces
Jos\’{e} Martinez~Perez or curly braces Jos\’{e} {Martinez Perez}.
\authorrunning As given name(s) are to be shortened to initials in the running heads, speci-
fying an abbreviated author list with the optional command:
\authorrunning{<abbreviated author list>}

might add some clarity about the correct representation of author names, in the
running-heads as well as in the author index.

3.3 Affiliations
\institute Addresses of institutes, companies, etc. should be given in \institute.
\and Multiple affiliations are separated by \and, which automatically assures cor-
rect numbering:
\institute{<name of an institute>
\and <name of the next institute>
\and <name of the next institute>}

\email Inside \institute you can use

\email{<email address>}

\url and


to provide author email addresses and Web pages. If you need to typeset the tilde
character – e.g. for your Web page in your unix system’s home directory – the
\homedir command will do this. If multiple authors have the same affiliation,
please check that the order of email addresses matches the sequence of (affiliated)
author names.
Please note that, if email addresses are given in your paper, they will also be
included in the metadata of the online version.
Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class 4

3.4 Format the Header

\maketitle The command \maketitle formats the header of your paper. If you leave it out
the work done so far will produce no text.

3.5 Abstract and Keywords

abstract (env.) The abstract is coded as follows:
<Text of the summary of your paper>

\keywords Keywords should be specified inside the abstract environment. Please capitalize
\and the first letter of each keyword and again separate them with \and:
\keywords{First keyword \and Second keyword \and Third keyword}

The keyword separator will then be properly rendered as a middle dot.

4 How to Code the Body of Your Paper

4.1 General Rules
From a technical point of view, the llncs document class does not require any
specific LATEX coding in the body of your paper. You can simply use the com-
mands provided by the ‘article’ document class. For more information about
what will be done with your manuscript before publication, please refer to the
Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings.

4.2 Special Math Characters

The llncs document class supports some additional special characters:

\grole yields >

< \getsto yields ←

\lid yields < \gid yields >
= =
If you need blackboard bold characters, i.e. for sets of numbers, please load the
related AMS-TEXfonts. If for some reason this is not possible you can also use
the following commands from the llncs class:

\bbbc yields C \bbbf yields IF

\bbbh yields IH \bbbk yields IK
\bbbm yields IM \bbbn yields IN
\bbbp yields IP \bbbq yields Q
\bbbr yields IR \bbbs yields S
\bbbt yields T \bbbz yields ZZ
\bbbone yields 1l

Please note that all these characters are only available in math mode.
Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class 5

5 Theorems, Definitions, and Proofs

5.1 Predefined Theorem-Like Environments

corollary (env.) Several theorem-like environments are predefined in the llncs document class.
definition (env.) The following environments have a bold run-in heading, while the following text
lemma (env.) is in italics:
proposition (env.)
theorem (env.) \begin{corollary} <text> \end{corollary}
\begin{definition} <text> \end{definition}
\begin{lemma} <text> \end{lemma}
\begin{proposition} <text> \end{proposition}
\begin{theorem} <text> \end{theorem}

case (env.) Other theorem-like environments render the text in roman, while the run-in
conjecture (env.) heading is bold as well:
example (env.)
exercise (env.) \begin{case} <text> \end{case}
\begin{conjecture} <text> \end{conjecture}
note (env.)
\begin{example} <text> \end{example}
problem (env.)
\begin{exercise} <text> \end{exercise}
property (env.) \begin{note} <text> \end{note}
question (env.) \begin{problem} <text> \end{problem}
remark (env.) \begin{property} <text> \end{property}
solution (env.) \begin{question} <text> \end{question}
\begin{remark} <text> \end{remark}
\begin{solution} <text> \end{solution}

claim (env.) Finally, there are also two unnumbered environments that have the run-in head-
proof (env.) ing in italics and the text in upright roman.

\begin{claim} <text> \end{claim}

\begin{proof} <text> \end{proof}

\qed Proofs may contain an eye catching square, which can be inserted with \qed)
before the environment ends.

5.2 User-Defined Theorem-Like Environments

\spnewtheorem We have enhanced the standard \newtheorem command and slightly changed
its syntax to get two new commands \spnewtheorem and \spnewtheorem* that
now can be used to define additional environments. They require two additional
arguments, namely the font style of the label and the font style of the text of
the new environment:

For example,
\spnewtheorem{maintheorem}[theorem]{Main Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class 6

will create a main theorem environment that is numbered together with the
predefined theorem. The sharing of the default counter ([theorem]) is desired.
If you omit the optional second argument of \spnewtheorem, a separate counter
for your new environment is used throughout your document.
In combination with the (obsolete) class option envcountsect (see. Sect. 8),
the \spnewtheorem command also supports the syntax:
With the parameter <within>, you can control the sectioning element that resets
the theorem counters. If you specify, for example, subsection, the newly defined
environment is numbered subsectionwise.
\spnewtheorem* If you wish to add an unnumbered environment, please use the syntax

6 Credits and Acknowledgments

credits (env.) Credits and acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the paper, just
before the references. Please use the credits environment to make sure that
both text and run-in headings are printed in small font size.
\ackname There are two possible \subsubsection headings to provide such state-
\discintname ments: “Acknowledgments” and “Disclosure of Interests”. The \ackname and
\discintname macros are used to generate the correct run-in titles.
General acknowledgments can be provided in the (optional) paragraph “Ac-
knowledgments”, which is followed by the (mandatory) paragraph “Disclosure
of Interests”, where any competing interests of the authors are to be declared.

7 References
There are three options for citing references:
– arabic numbers, i.e. [1], [3–5], [4–6,9],
– labels, i.e. [CE1], [AB1,XY2],
– author/year system, (Smith et al. 2000), (Miller 1999a, 12; Brown 2018).
We prefer citations with arabic numbers, i.e. the usage of \bibitem without an
citeauthoryear optional parameter. If you want to use the author/year system, you can use the
class option citeauthoryear, i.e.
Please note that this option does not automatically change your citations to
the author/year style. It basically redefines the \bibitem command to take the
publication year as an optional parameter that is displayed instead of an arabic
number. Author name(s) and, if necessary, parentheses are to be typed manually.
If your reference reads
van der Aalst, W.: Process Mining, 2nd ed. Springer, Heidelberg (2016)
Instructions for Using Springer’s llncs Class 7

and is cited as follows:

... is shown by van der Aalst (\cite{vdaalst:2016})

the resulting text will be:

“. . . is shown by van der Aalst (2016).”
splncs04.bst We encourage you to use BibTEX for typesetting your references. For for-
matting the bibliography according to Springer’s standard (for mathematics,
physical sciences, and computer science), please use the bibliography style file
splncs04.bst that comes with the llncs document class. You simply need to
add \bibliographystyle{splncs04} to your document. DOIs should be pro-
vided in the doi field of your .bib database. BibTEX will then automatically add
them to your references.
\doi If you do not use BibTEX, you can include a DOI with the \doi command:

The DOI will be expanded to the URL https://doi.org/<DOI> in accordance

with the CrossRef guidelines.

8 Obsolete Class Options

The llncs document class contains several class options that have become ob-
solete over the years. We only mention them for completeness:
orivec – The llncs document class changes the formatting of vectors coded with
\vec to boldface italics. If you absolutely need the original LATEX design for
vectors, i.e. an arrow above the related variable, you can restore it with the
orivec option.
envcountsame – All theorem-like environments share one counter, i.e. Theorem 1, Lemma 2,
Corollary 3, etc.
envcountreset – All theorem-like environments are numbered per section, i.e. the related
counters are reset to 1 in every section.
envcountsect – All theorem-like environments are numbered per section, and the section
number added to the individual counter, i.e. Theorem 1.2, Lemma 2.2, etc.
openbib – This option produces the “open” bibliography style, in which each block
starts on a new line, and succeeding lines in a block are indented by
oribibl – This option restores the original LATEX definitions for the bibliography and
the \cite mechanism that some BibTEX applications rely on.

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