Topic 1 - Center of Gravity (Centroids)
Topic 1 - Center of Gravity (Centroids)
Topic 1 - Center of Gravity (Centroids)
Learning Module 06
Centroids and
Center of Gravity
Learning Packet 01
Center of
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Learning Packet 01
Center of Gravity
The center of gravity of a body is the point through which the action line of the weight always
passes. In this learning packet, we will discuss the principles of center of gravity and
importance in the field of engineering. The learning packet covers the centroids by integration
and it provides the centroids for common geometric shapes.
The objective of this learning packet is to learn how to calculate the center of gravity. To
calculate problems involving centroids of two-dimensional body.
• Topic 01: Centroids by Integration = 2 hours
• Topic 02: Centroids for Common Geometric Shapes = 1 hour
Statics of Rigid Bodies
The center of gravity of a body is the point through Key Points:
• Center of Gravity
which the action line of the weight always passes. These centers • Centroids
of gravity of the body are commonly used in engineering courses
Hazard Alerts:
such as mechanics of deformable bodies, fluid mechanics, and
• Coordinates of the
other courses that deals with the properties of body or materials center of gravity is
that includes its weight and forces acting on the body. denoted by (𝑥̅ , 𝑦̅).
• 𝑥̅ is read as “bar x”
• 𝑦̅ is read as “bar y”
The principles and techniques developed in this course • c.g. means center of
packet, are based in the principle of moments of force system
• C means centroid
acting on the given body. Later in this course packet, we will • All inclined notes on
understand that the moment of force system is the main idea of solution are just notes
or reminders on that
to determine centers of gravity that leads to centroids by part of solution.
integration and to develop centroids for common geometric
A. Answer the following questions.
B. After answering the pre-assessment, don’t immediately determine the correct solutions
and answers.
C. Proceed to the lesson proper and study the learning packet topics.
D. After studying the topics, answer these questions again – this will also serve as post-
E. You may check – compare and evaluate your answers as you go along with the course
Figure 6-1
Statics of Rigid Bodies
2. The radius of the quarter circle shown in Figure 6-2 is 5.0 cm. Find the centroid of the
quarter circle with respect to the indicated axes.
Figure 6-2
3. In the Figure 6-3, determine the centroid of the given circular sector with respect to the
indicated axes. Consider the y-axis as axis of symmetry.
Figure 6-3
4. Determine the centroid by integration of the quadrant of the ellipse shown in Figure 6-4
x2 y2
with respect to the indicated axes. The equation of the ellipse is a2 + b2 = 1.
Figure 6-4
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Lesson Proper
Center of Gravity
A body of weight W is supported by a string
attached at A as shown in Figure 6-5. The only external
forces acting on the body are its weight and the reaction
exerted by the string. Equilibrium of the body can exist only
if these two forces are equal, opposite, and collinear. The
line of action of the weight W can be determined, therefore,
by the line of action of the support.
From the above discussion, it is apparent that the problem of locating the center of
gravity of a body reduces to determine the point through which the resultant weight of the
body acts.
Let the coordinates of each elemental weight be (𝑥1, 𝑦1 ), (𝑥2, 𝑦2 ), etc., and the
coordinates of the resultant weight be (𝑥̅ , 𝑦̅), as shown in Figure 6-6. Taking moments of the
weights about the y-axis, we get
𝑊𝑥̅ = 𝑤1 𝑥1 + 𝑤2 𝑥2 + ⋯
or 𝑊𝑥̅ = ∑ 𝑤𝑥 (Eq. 01)
With respect to the x-axis, we have
𝑊𝑦̅ = 𝑤1 𝑦1 + 𝑤2 𝑦2 + ⋯
or 𝑊𝑦̅ = ∑ 𝑤𝑦 (Eq. 02)
These equations merely state that the moment of a weight W about an axis is equal to the
moment sum of its element weights.
Statics of Rigid Bodies
By analogy with (Eq. 01) and (Eq. 02), the expression 𝐴𝑥̅ , as well 𝐴𝑦̅, is called the
moment of area. It is equivalent to the sum of the moments of the element areas composing
the total area. The moment of area is therefore defined as the product of the area multiplied
by the perpendicular distance from the center of area to the axis of moments.
Statics of Rigid Bodies
If the equations for moment of area derived above is written in the following form:
∑ 𝒂𝒙
∑ 𝒂𝒚
this gives a method of locating a point called the centroid of area. The centroid of area is
defined as the point corresponding to the center of gravity of a plate of infinitesimal thickness.
The term “centroid” rather than “center of gravity” is used when referring to area (as well as
to lines and volumes) because such figures do not have weights.
An axis passing through the centroid of an area is known as a centroidal axis. The next
topic (learning module), which deals with moments of inertia, will make clear the great
importance of the position of centroidal axes of areas. Many other instances of their
importance will come to the student’s attention in their engineering studies.
Statics of Rigid Bodies
If a plane figure has a line of symmetry, its centroid is located on that line. This
statement may be demonstrated by balancing a plate on its line of symmetry, whence the
moments of the weights (also areas if the plate has constant thickness) on either side of the
line of symmetry must be numerically equal and of opposite sign. If a plane figure has two
line of symmetry, the centroid is located at the point of intersection of the lines.
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Figure 6-8
Let the axis of symmetry be chosen as the x-axis. Then, the centroid from x-axis is 𝑦̅ = 0. If the
radius of the arc is denoted by r and the subtended angle by 2α, the element of arc dL and its distance
from y-axis are
dL = r dθ *
x = r cos θ **
Statics of Rigid Bodies
If the arc is a semicircle, that is, α = 90° = radians and sin α = 1. Substituting these values in the
above result gives
r sin α
𝑥̅ = α
r (1)
𝑥̅ = 𝜋
𝒙 𝛑
2. The triangle shown in Figure 6-9 has a base b and an altitude h. Locate the centroid of the
triangular area with respect to the base.
Figure 6-9
In accordance to rule 1 given earlier, select strips
parallel to the base as the differential elements of area.
The area of any differential element is then:
dA = x dy
Since the equation have y as its independent variable, change x into an equation involving variable y.
From similar triangles:
x b
x = h (h – y)
Determine the centroid with respect to the base, y̅:
bh y̅ = ∫ y (x dy)
1 h b
bh y̅ = ∫0 y (h) (h − y) dy
Statics of Rigid Bodies
1 b h
bh y̅ = h ∫0 (hy − y 2 ) dy
2 hy2 y3
y̅ = h2 [ − ]
2 3 0
2 h(h)2 (h)3 h(0)2 (0)3
y̅ = h2 [ − − + ]
2 3 2 3
2 h3
y̅ = h2 [ 6 ]
𝐲̅ = 𝟑 𝐡
Observe that for any triangle the distance from the centroid to any side is equal to one-third of the
altitude measured from that side. Furthermore, the centroid of a triangle is located on a median because
the median to any side contains the centroids of all strips drawn parallel to that side. Therefore, the
centroid is at the intersection of the median.
3. Determine the location of the centroid of the area of the sector of the circle shown in Figure
6-10. Let the radius of the circle be r and the subtended angle be 2α. (Note that the red marks
are not included on the given, it is part of the solution.)
Figure 6-10
Let the axis of symmetry be taken as the x-axis; then 𝑦̅ = 0. Consider the element of area is the
red marked sector.
Statics of Rigid Bodies
A = bd A = 2 bh
b h
𝑥̅ = 2 𝑦̅ = 3
𝑦̅ = 2
Statics of Rigid Bodies
1 𝜋r2
A = 2 bh A= 2
𝑥̅ = 𝑥̅ = 0
h 4r
𝑦̅ = 3 𝑦̅ = 3𝜋
A= 4
𝑥̅ = 3𝜋
4r 2 𝑟 sin 𝛼
𝑦̅ = 3𝜋 A = r 2𝛼 𝑥̅ = 3 𝑦̅ = 0
L=2rα A = n+1
𝑟 sin 𝛼 b
𝑥̅ = 𝑥̅ = b – x’ x’ = n+2
h (n+1)
𝑦̅ = 0 𝑦̅ =
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Parabolic Segment
2 2
A = bh A = bh
3 3
3 2
𝑥̅ = 8 b 𝑥̅ = b – x’ x’ = 5 b
2 3
𝑦̅ = 5 h 𝑥̅ = 5 b
𝑦̅ = 8 h
4. Determine the centroids of the following figure with respect to the indicated axes.
To determine the centroids, it is suggested to indicate the centroid in the given figure for better
evaluation of what formula/s and equation/s to be used.
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Statics of Rigid Bodies
▪ Lectures, figures and selected problems from Engineering Mechanics Second Edition
by Ferdinand L. Singer, Harper International Edition
▪ Practice Problem 2, see solution at
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Practice Problems
A. The students are enjoined to answer these questions.
B. Answer the following problem on this page. If this page is not been produce, copy the
problem to your notebook and answer the problem.
C. Show your solution for each problem.
D. For clarification, you may post your questions on our google classroom.
1. Determine the centroids of Figure 6-14 with respect to the indicated axes.
Figure 6-14
(Quarter Circle, r = 4 ft)
2. Determine the centroid by integration of the shaded area shown in Figure 6-15, which is
bounded by the x-axis, the line x = a and the parabola y2 = kx.
Figure 6-15