221000_HKT para-Draft exercise-6.4.2021_20210406_073150
221000_HKT para-Draft exercise-6.4.2021_20210406_073150
221000_HKT para-Draft exercise-6.4.2021_20210406_073150
Incorrect assessment of Income Tax Liability & Advance Tax resulted in payment of
penalty & blocking of funds
Section 208 and 210 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 stipulates that Companies
having taxable income had to pay tax in advance on the estimated income.
The assessed income of the Company, the advance tax payable on such
income and the advance tax actually paid during the last three assessment years ended
2016-17 were as follows:
(₹ in crore)
Assessment Total Tax Payable Tax Paid Refund Advance Advance
Year Income on total Tax Taxes paid
income Payable including
2014-15 54.76 19.33 33.98 14.65 16.75 14.98
2015-16 83.78 28.48 31.88 1.44 25.63 16.00
2016-17 53.54 5.18 20.74 15.56 17.32 20.74
The Company was not diligent in remitting the required advance tax liability
as per provisions of section 234 (B) & (C) of the IT Act in any of the year.
Consequently, the Company was liable to pay interest of ₹ 89.11 lakh under section 234
(B) and 234 (C) of the Income Tax Act.
It was also observed that in Assessment Year (AY) 2014-15, 2015-16 and
2016-17, total tax paid exceeded the tax liability. An amount of ₹ 19 crore was paid
(Sept. 2014) as Self-Assessment Tax in F.Y. 2014-15 against the total tax amount of ₹
19.33 crore without considering the payment made as Advance Tax and TDS comprising
₹ 14.98 crore (14.50 cr Advance tax and TDS Rs.48 lakh). During AY 2014-15, there
was a shortfall in payment of Advance Tax in every quarter resulting in payment of
interest under Section 234C of Rs.50.06 lakh and payment of interest due to shortfall
under Section 234B of ₹ 21.79 lakh. An amount of ₹ 14.65 crore (AY 2014-15) was
refunded whereas refund for AY 2015-16 and 2016-17 has not been received so far. In
AY 2016-17 also there was a shortfall in payment of Advance Tax in every quarter
resulting in payment of interest under Section 234C of ₹ 17.26 lakh. The TDS deposited
for the Company was Rs.48 lakh for AY 2014-15 and Rs.74 lakh for AY 2016-17. Thus
excess payment of total tax resulted in blocking of funds and interest thereon.
The Company in its reply stated (November 20__) that the estimation was done on
adhoc basis and there were lapses on their part in paying the Advance Tax. It was also
stated that they have now put a more robust mechanism before paying taxes and the
present system takes into account the estimated sales and probable margins based on past
history and arrive at the likely annual tax. The Company also stated that they do not have
a linear pattern of sales turnover which impacts estimation of profit for the year and the
Income tax payable.
The reply is not tenable as the Company failed to estimate its income correctly
resulting in payment of penal interest of ₹ 89.11 lakh on the shortfall in advance tax.
Thus, though Contractual Consultants and Tax Auditors, were appointed, Company could
not assess its income correctly and pay Advance Tax accordingly. Besides, Sales/
Marketing administration also failed to project the sales turnover and estimate the profit
margin to facilitate the same.