This dissertation would have not been possible without the guidance and deep insights of
my adviser and mentor, Dr. Gianpiero Mastinu, who always steered the course of
research in the right direction with his innovative ideas and effective words. If it was not
for his truly inspiring course in “Advanced design” I would have never reached for such
a fascinating thesis. My sincere thanks goes to Dr. Massimiliano Gobbi, my co-adviser,
for his enthusiasm, and endless support during conducting the research project. It is
impossible to imagine this project without his insightful comments and continuous
encouragement. I can never forget unconditional and unfailing support of Ing. Federico
Ballo. It has been a true honor to share your valuable viewpoints. I could never thank
you enough for your constant help, back and forth emails, companionship in every step of
the thesis and all you have done for this project. Celien, thanks for all the supporting
Garfields, and helping me out with the proofing. Miguel, you always had a smart piece of
advice for me, thanks pal. And Angie, it meant a lot to me that you never let me down
and that you were there no matter what.
This research project is mainly concerned with assessment and optimization of brake
caliper design. The caliper belongs to a racing car. It is desirable to discover new patterns
in optimized caliper that would aid engineers in their future designs. This is done by
creating a FE code written in MATLAB that can assess the displacement and stress
of a simplified caliper design, resembling a frame, under a load configuration that is
almost identical to the one of the actual caliper. The volume of the caliper and certain
displacements have been selected as objective functions. These objective functions are
optimized by altering the caliper shape to minimize the mass and maximize the stiffness
of the caliper. Following this, the optimal solutions are compared to assist us realizing
which design configuration would have the best behavior in terms of defined objective
functions. In the end, an asymmetric design is gained that completely matches the results
of topology optimization. This fresh design could be further developed and tested for
industrial applications.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Disk Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Brake Caliper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Simulation of Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Research Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 Validation 54
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.1.1 About ABAQUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4 Optimization 78
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2 Theoretical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.2.1 Optimal Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.2.2 Methods of Generating and Obtaining Pareto-optimal set . . . . . 81
4.3 Arming the Code with Optimizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.1 Objective Function & Design Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.2 Setting Up the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.4 Preliminary Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.5 Improving the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.6 Trials and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.7 Final Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6 Conclusions 135
List of Figures
ν Poisson’s ratio
Ω Design Space
ρ Density
σ von Mises stress
E Modulus of Elasticity
G Shear Modulus
k Element Stiffness
3D Three Dimensional
B Strain-Displacement Matrix
N Shape Function
m Mass
V Volume
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
In assessing the performance of any vehicle, two characteristics stand out: acceleration
and deceleration. Meaning that, the car should reach a certain speed in minimum time
and go back to zero in the shortest distance. For any car to halt in shortest distance,
should possess a sophisticated braking system. This fact can be emphasized in high
performance and racing cars.
The reason goes back to basic physics; the role of brake system in a vehicle is to
transfer the kinetic energy to heat, meaning that the braking torque that is generated is
converted to heat through friction, the kinetic energy in directly proportional to vehicle
mass but as the square of vehicle speed [k = 21 m · v2 ]. Therefore, for high performance
cars that travel in high speeds this energy is much greater. Additionally, F1 cars they
usually brake from speed around 300 km/h to 100 km/h in corners in less than 1.3 s,with
a deceleration over 4 g. To do so, the brake system must generate a pressure gradient of
over 4060 psi/s, with the pressure in the system of usually over 725 psi [2]. That leads
to fact that the high temperatures reached by the brake discs are enormous, sometimes
exceeding 1000.
Simultaneously, it is clear that the mass should be as low as possible. The caliper,
being part of wheel system, is no exception to this rule and might be even thought of
more significance. Therefore, after selecting the material, reducing the mass means that
the volume must be decreased. Nevertheless, the mass cannot be reduced unconditionally.
Of course, in the case that entire design variables being equal reducing the mass will
result in lower stiffness and toughness. Specifically the application of a braking caliper is
to insert pressure on the baking pads. Therefore, we can not afford to lose stiffness in
the component.
The calculation of the braking torque on a wheel and the circumferential force acting
on a single brake disc describes the forces involved during this type of braking. As an
example, 1650 Nm are reached, corresponding to 28200 N on the disc friction surfaces.
As a result, the brake system must be quick, reactive, and easy to modulate, and
offer a high level of repeatability. This allows the driver to anticipate the next stage and
therefore to start braking always the same point.
Two main brake system now available are Drum Brakes (Figure 1.2) and Disk Brakes
(Figure 1.1). Disk Brakes are generally prominent due to their fade resistance1 and
reduced tendency for “pull”2 . Consequently, the only configuration that allows acceptable
performance at the moment is a brake disc/caliper combination of carbon fiber.
The kinetic energy is converted to heat. This heat is transfer to disk/drum mainly. If the action of
braking is repeated excessively, the accumulated thermal load would be more than cooling rate. This will
result in a “fading” of brake system. Here the coefficient of friction of lining would reduce severely. In an
extreme case a whole chunk of lining material could vaporize and create a gas shield between the lining
material and friction surface.
A vital characteristic of brake system is the ratio of tangential force at drum or disk to clamping
force that they are able to generate. This ratio is a function of brake lining and geometry. Drum brakes
have higher ratios. However, undesirable variation lining fiction coefficient can impact drum brake far
more than disk brakes
Uniform response
The wheel is free to rotate when braking is not performed; that results in saved
power and fuel
Nevertheless, these braking systems have certain weaknesses, Such as brake squeal, brake
judder and brake dust. Brake squeal is a loud high-pitched noise that occurs while
braking action. It is mostly produced due to the vibration of brake components especially
the pads and discs. This type of squeal should not negatively affect brake stopping
Brake judder is the vibration transfer to the drive through chassis while braking [4].
The judder phenomenon can be classified into two distinct subgroups: hot and cold
judder. Hot judder is usually produced as a result of longer, more moderate braking from
high speed where the vehicle does not come to a complete stop [13]. Cold judder, on the
other hand, is the result of uneven disc wear patterns or disc thickness variation (DTV).
These variations in the disc surface are usually the result of extensive vehicle road usage.
Brake Dust occurs when braking force is applied; the act of abrasive friction between
the brake pad and the rotor wears both the rotor and pad away. The “brake dust” that is
seen deposited on wheels, calipers and other braking system components consists mostly
of rotor material. Brake dust can damage the finish of most wheels if not washed off.
Generally brake pad that aggressively abrades more rotor material away, such as metallic
pads, will create more brake dust.
The core of disk brakes is the caliper body (Figure 1.1). This U-shaped casting that
wraps around the rotor and is mostly made of cast iron or aluminum alloys. Especially for
the race cars and high performance vehicles it should be light and stiff. The stiffness results
in short pedal strokes. Furthermore, the performance of the car due to mass distribution
highly depends on the weight of caliper which should be as low as possible. Material used
is usually regulated by the champion rules; therefore, these two characteristics can be
revised only be altering the design and optimizing it. In racing competitions the material
used for manufacturing these calipers mostly have modulus of elasticity less than 80 GPa.
And indeed the engineer will opt for the material with the lowest density possible.
Different parts of a standard caliper are (Figure 1.3):
Caliper body Can be manufactured from one or two pieces that is bolted together.
One piece calipers are usually forged and two piece ones are regularly machined
from an aluminum billet. All types are surfaced treated to further increase the
hardness. This extra hardness comes handy if there collision with wheel rim (during
wheel changing) or if other object hit the caliper.
Pistons Made of aluminum and completed with a titanium insert that insulate them
from heat coming from the pad [2].
Crossover pipe The brake fluid should reach both sides of a caliper. This is carried
out through stainless steel pipes called crossover pipes (Figure 1.4).
Seal At high temperatures it is highly crucial to prevent leaking of brake fluid, this calls
for an efficient seal. Yet the seal should allow an appropriate “roll-back” of piston;
otherwise, the pads would retain their contact with the disk even when braking is
not applied. Furthermore, excessive “roll-back” will result in fact that pedal stroke
could exceed the comfort level of the driver.
Bleed screws Whenever there is an air gap or bubbles in the fluid inside the caliper,
bleed screws can be used to relieve them.
Disk caliper can be categorized as fixed caliper, frame caliper and fist caliper.
Fixed Calipers
Gets its name from the fact that it is rigidly mounted to the knuckle; no part of the
caliper body moves when the brakes are applied. It has cylinders on both sides of the
brake disc and frame (Figure 1.5). The caliper is composed of two halves that are usually
bolted together. The pistons on both side of friction surface are connected to each other
through a duct that is in the caliper (Figure 1.4). Advantages of these brakes are:
High cost
Only has cylinder on one side, as it mounts in such a way that it is free to move
axially (Figure 1.1). Furthermore, it is usually located on the inboard side. This means
only a small amount of space is required on the outboard side, so that the fist caliper also
permits a negative scrub radius3 , its compact construction even allows front-wheel drive
to be combine with negative scrub radius (vehicles with negative scrub radius require that
the brake be mounted further into the rim, meaning that there is less design space) [2].
During braking the caliper piston moves out of its bore and forces the inner pad against
the rotor while the pressure on the closed end of the bore moves the caliper body in the
opposite direction forcing the outer pad against the disk at the same time. The caliper
body moves every time the brakes are applied. Frame Caliper brake is also widely used
for vehicles with negative scrub radius. It also has piston on one side. Chief benefits of
these two types of brake are:
Low weight
Simple construction
Low Prices
Allows some flex freedom in caliper suspension that might deteriorate pedal feel
Caliper suspension flex allows body to twist slightly during braking that can lead
to taper lining wear
Computer aided models can be applied to different physical areas of a brake system,
Mechanical analysis
Hydraulic analysis
Pneumatic analysis
Electromagnetic analysis
Thermal analysis
For this project mechanical analysis is the main interest. For further analysis of the
designed piece other aspects could be studied and developed. However, for now these are
not the chief concerns.
In modeling of a component, various levels of model resolution can be distinguished:
Detailed model: All the possible details and effects are modeled and taken into con-
Optimized model: Discarding the less substantial factors and effects and less detailed
modeled than “detailed model” can be obtained. Still this model contains more
details than the “simple” one. Based on the substantial factors some design variables
are defined and utilizing these variables the modeled can be optimized. The aimed
features are the objective function that monitored to observe and control the
optimization process based on them.
Simplified model: Here merely the most crucial effects and factors and considered.
All those ones that would make the calculations and simulation cumbersome are
excluded. This model is the baseline for all other models. It contains the higher
flexibility in design freedom and is the most innovative step.
Transfer functions: Input and output variables are connected through simple functions
or maps, which typically have no connection anymore to the physical effects. Such
functions are often used in control algorithms.
The first step to design a brake system is to create a simplified system model. In the
next step, the more detailed designs are considered. Following this, optimization should
be performed. The data of these steps are used for further design of high resolution model.
For real time simulation, the models must be simplified or they are substituted by a
combined development environment consisting of the parts and mathematical models [2].
One of the basic principles of brake system design is the calculation of the brake forces
As mentioned before, 3D CAE (Three dimensional computer-aided engineering) is
used for both preliminary phase and for component development phase. For this thesis
the tool used is finite element method (FEM). A brake system should provide the braking
power, hold against stresses, and last but not least a good comfort and vibration behavior.
Commonly in preliminary design the components have a virtual simple form (likewise in
our case of design as will be demonstrate later simple beams are used to form the brake
caliper). In theory all parts designed by a FEM code should exhibit the same behavior
in real tests as in the simulation. An essential component of virtual description is the
geometry defined using CAD system. Besides, the physical properties of the material in
their operation temperature range should be considered. If problems still occurs during
the validation of components, then the use of computer-aided method will contribute
to a better understanding of the whole process and to find an efficient solution for the
problem at hand [2].
The type of methods that are used can be divided into procedures that are generally
used in machine and vehicle construction and special methods that are tailored for brake
systems. The first includes strength and stiffness calculation of the components. The
second type of method concerns especially the analysis of vibration in the frequency
range from 0 to 15000 Hz, which includes low frequency effects of comfort as well as high
frequency noises. With high-frequency commonly the limits of computer aided methods
are reached. For the analysis of the squeal noise (1000 to 15000 Hz), the complex intrinsic
value calculation has been established. Coulombs‘s law of friction is a component of
the equation system that must be solved to understand usable vibrations arising in the
system [2]. One of the fundamental design calculations is the static analysis of the brake
caliper. The stiffness of this component contributes to the overall stiffness of the brake
system and, consequently, influences the pedal feel.
even more so in racing cars. Therefore, this research project will attempt to optimize
a high performance brake caliper for a racing car. This is done by altering the general
shape of the caliper and questioning various details to obtain lower mass and higher
stiffness. The stiffness is assessed through comparison of displacement of the actual
caliper and the optimized one due to identical forces. Although having a lower mass is
one the chief goals of the project, due to the fact that this project is mostly concerned
with preliminary design of a caliper and not a detailed one, exact comparison between
the real and optimized model could not be carried out. Nonetheless, the final model
should not be heavier than the actual caliper by a great degree, so that after creating the
detailed model and eliminating the redundant parts, a lighter caliper could be gained.
The specific purposes of this research are as follows:
Propose an analytical model that can predict the displacement of any frame under
a certain force field.
Strive to the make model as simple as possible yet resembling the actual caliper.
Alter the specified design variables and their ranges to gain the desired objective
Perform a detailed model study and topology optimization and compare the results
with the preliminary optimization results.
Assess the design to reassure that the general goals are indeed yielded.
Chapter 2
Figure 2.2 depicts a view of the caliper. It is a Fixed Caliper with six cylinders. A
regular caliper contains two to six pistons and those ones with six pistons are considered
heavy duty caliper brakes. The counter cylinders on each side are identical. On the other
hand, on each side the three cylinders have different diameters. Indeed, the different
diameters are not accidental. During braking it is obvious that the disk is rotating;
hence, when the pads are squeezed on the disk, they are pushed forward perpendicular
to the axis of rotor. The pads are stopped by the caliper, inserting a force on the caliper.
To secure the balance of pads and hinder extra rotational movement, a bigger force is
required at locations closer to where this lateral force is being inserted. In Figure 2.2
these two lateral forces are marked by green straps.
For optimization of the caliper two main domains can be defined; the “frozen” or
“un-designed” domain and “optimization” or “design” domain. The “un-design” domain
refers to those ones that are fixed and not being changed. Here we will go through them
Figure 2.3 and 2.4 exhibits the entire “design domain”. The cross section of the
caliper can be altered in all points of the caliper. The front and back of the caliper
(Figure 2.7 on page 16) can also be revised to enhance the response of the caliper to
pressure and forces.
On the other hand, the position and number of pistons are fixed and cannot be
changed; in addition, the place where the lateral forces of the pads are exerted on the
caliper is also fixed. Therefore, these create the “frozen domain” (Figure 2.5 on page 15).
The caliper is connected to hub carrier (Figure 2.8) via two M10 screws, as regulations
describes: “11.2.2 No more than two attachments may be used to secure each brake
caliper to the car.” Also, between two parts there are two titanium rings. Figure
2.9 depicts how the caliper is connected to hub carrier. In modeling the caliper the
two points of connection with the hub carrier acts as boundary conditions with fixed
displacement; nonetheless, the assembly introduces a spring effect that should be taken
into consideration.
The weight of caliper is about 1.4 kg. It is manufactured from 7075 aliminium
alloy. Aluminium alloy 7075 is an aluminium alloy, with zinc as the primary alloying
element. It is strong, with a strength comparable to many steels, and has good fatigue
strength and average machinability, but has less resistance to corrosion than many other
Al alloys. Its relatively high cost limits its use to applications where cheaper alloys
are not suitable. 7075 aluminum alloy’s composition roughly includes 5.6 % to 6.1 %
zinc, 2.1 % to 2.5 % magnesium, 1.2 % to 1.6 % copper, and less than half a percent
of silicon, iron, manganese, titanium, chromium, and other metals. It is produced in
many tempers, some of which are 7075-O, 7075-T6, 7075-T651. Aluminium 7075 has
a density of 2.810 gr/cm3 . The mechanical properties of 7075 depend greatly on the
temper of the material. Un-heattreated 7075 (7075-O temper) has maximum tensile
strength no more than 276 MPa, and maximum yield strength no more than 145 MPa.
The material has an elongation (stretch before ultimate failure) of 9 % to 10 %. T6
temper 7075 has an ultimate tensile strength of 510 MPa to 538 MPa and yield strength
of at least 434 MPa to 476 MPa. It has a failure elongation of 5 % to 8 %. T651 temper
7075 has an ultimate tensile strength of at least 462 MPa to 538 MPa and yield strength
of 372 MPa to 462 MPa. It has a failure elongation of 3 % to 9 % [1]. 7000 series alloys
such as 7075 are often used in transport applications, including marine, automotive and
aviation, due to their high strength-to-density ratio. Their strength and light weight is
also desirable in other fields [8].
The material of caliper is fixed and is dictated by regulation. Specifically the RACING
COMPETITION TECHNICAL REGULATIONS” mentions:“11.2.1 All brake calipers
must be made from aluminium materials with a modulus of elasticity no greater than
The caliper is simplified to a frame with beams as its elements; the frame should
be as simple as possible yet resemble the true form of the caliper. Figure 2.10 on the
following page and figure 2.11 on page 21 demonstrate this simple model. Each piston
is modeled by two elements (Figure 2.12 on page 21) with the pressure acting on the
central node that these two elements have in common (Figure 2.6 on page 16). Plus, the
two lateral forces due to pad movements are apparent in the figure. The moment due to
pressure of pistons create a minor error and can be neglected. Three dimensional, 3D,
beam element has been chosen, because it is simple, the response of the members can
be anticipated quite exactly, and it can account for axial force, transverse shear force in
each of two directions, bending about each principal axis of the cross section, and torque
about the longitudinal axis of the member.
The same type of material as the original caliper has been utilized (AL 7075). The
mechanical properties density (ρ), modulus of elasticity (E),and Poisson’s ratio (ν) has
connect elements together, that is, assemble the element k matrices to obtain the
structure or “global” matrix K,
D is also used for stress analysis to compute the strains and stresses. Obviously, next
stage would be “post-processing”, where D would be analyzed, plotted and printed.
Producing the corresponding stiffness matrix for each element is the cornerstone of
FE analysis. For most elements a general formula can be used.
k = BT EBdV (2.3.1)
Where B is the strain-displacement matrix, E is the material property matrix (it may
also be called the constitutive matrix ), and dV is an increment of the element volume
V. Equation 2.3.1 can be derived by realizing that the work done by nodal loads that
are applied to create nodal displacements, and that this work is stored in the element as
elastic strain energy.
The strain-displacement can be obtained from the strain value of the element. For
the sake of simplicity, here just a two dimensional element is illustrated, the solution can
be generalized to a three dimensional one.
2D Beam Elements
First let us just consider axial displacement of the beam element. To obtain B the
axial displacement, u, of an arbitrary point on the beam should be written as linear
interpolation between its nodal values. The term that relates the displacement along the
beam with the nodal one is called shape function N. As an example, if the beam‘s length
is L and the position along the beam is demonstrated by x then u can be seen as
L−x x u1
u= (2.3.2)
L L u2
u = Nd (2.3.3)
From Mechanics of Material,
x =
d 1 1
x = N d = Bd Thus B= − (2.3.4)
dx L L
Again for the sake of simplicity, we should consider the in-plane bending and transverse
shear force, and neglect other degrees of freedom. Starting from the general Equation 2.3.1
and adopting to a beam element
k= BT EIBdx (2.3.5)
Figure 2.14: (a) Simple plane beam element and its nodal d.o.f. (b) Nodal load associated with the d.o.f.
(c-f ) Deflected shapes and shape functions associated with activation of each d.o.f. in turn. Nodal loads
are labeled according to their position in K. (Reprinted from [3])
This time Bd corresponds to curvature d2 v/dx2 of the beam element. Obtained from
strain energy of the element under nodal displacement - dT kd/2 - which now depends on
curvature. The curvature of any beam element in plane can be exhibited by:
v = β1 + β2 x + β3 x2 + β4 x3 (2.3.6)
Using boundary conditions the coefficients βi can be achieved. After obtaining these
coefficients in terms of nodal displacements the equation can be rewritten as,
v = [N1 N2 N3 N4 ] = Nd (2.3.7)
Figure 2.14 depicts the value of N for a simple beam element. The curvature of a beam
element is
d2 v
= N d = Bd (2.3.8)
dx dx2
After including the axial d.o.f. as well, and using the Equation 2.3.1 one can come to
the stiffness matrix (Figure 2.15), remembering that this element type can resist axial
stretching, traverse shear force, and bending in one plane.
3D Beam Elements
Now the most general case is introduced. To deal with this kind of elements a “global”
coordinate axes XYZ is defined. On the other hand, the element will have its own
“local” axis, within which the longitudinal axis of element x coincide with the one of the
“local” axis. The x is defined by the 2 node coordinates. Still for defining the coordinate
system, we need another node. The third node is either an extra node or another node
of the structure, whose coordinate defines the orientation of xy. Nodes 1 and 2, each one
has six degree of freedom, which are three displacements and three rotations. In total,
consequently, there is 12 degree of freedom defined for each element. Nodal coordinates,
elastic modulus E, shear modulus G, cross-sectional area A, principal moment of inertia
Iyy and Izz of A, torsional constant J, and transverse shear factors φy and φz are
required for generating the stiffness matrix. In our case the cross sections are rectangular
therefore J is not the polar moment of the cross-sectional area A. For a rectangular cross
3 16 b
J = a.b − 3.36 1− (2.3.9)
3 a 12 · a4
Straight line, normal to the mid surface (mid axis in the case of beams),
remains straight and normal to the deformed mid surface (axis) throughout
For beams, this assumption is associated with the name of Bernoulli. The restriction of
cross sectional lines to remain normal has been repealed by Timoshenko. The assumption
then reads:
Straight line, normal to the mid surface (mid axis in the case of beams),
remains straight throughout deformation.
2EIz φz EIz
k5 = −
L(1 + φz ) L(1 + φz )
k6 = 3
L (1 + φy )
k7 = 2
L (1 + φy )
4EIy φy EIy
k8 = +
L(1 + φy ) L(1 + φy )
2EIy φy EIy
k9 = −
L(1 + φy ) L(1 + φy )
k10 =
k1 0 0 0 0 0 −k1 0 0 0 0 0
0 k2 0 0 0 k3 0 −k2 0 0 0 k3
0 0 k6 0 −k7 0 0 0 −k6 0 −k7 0
0 0 0 k1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −k1 0 0 0
0 0 −k7 0 k8 0 0 0 k7 0 k9 0
0 k3 0 0 0 k4 0 −k3 0 0 0 k5
0 0 0 0 0 k1 0 0 0 0 0
0 −k2 0 0 0 −k3 0 k2 0 0 0 −k3
0 0 −k6 0 k7 0 0 0 k6 0 k7 0
0 0 0 −k1 0 0 0 0 0 0 k1 0 0 0
0 0 −k7 0 k9 0 0 0 k7 0 k8 0
0 k3 0 0 0 k5 0 −k3 0 0 0 k4
k1 =
k2 =
k3 =
k4 =
k5 =
k6 =
k7 =
k8 =
k9 =
k10 =
k1 0 0 0 0 0 −k1 0 0 0 0 0
0 k2 0 0 0 k3 0 −k2 0 0 0 k3
0 0 k6 0 −k7 0 0 0 −k6 0 −k7 0
0 0 0 k1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −k1 0 0 0
0 0 −k7 0 k8 0 0 0 k7 0 k9 0
0 k3 0 0 0 k4 0 −k3 0 0 0 k5
0 0 0 0 0 k1 0 0 0 0 0
0 −k2 0 0 0 −k3 0 k2 0 0 0 −k3
0 0 −k6 0 k7 0 0 0 k6 0 k7 0
0 0 0 −k1 0 0 0 0 0 0 k1 0 0 0
0 0 −k7 0 k9 0 0 0 k7 0 k8 0
0 k3 0 0 0 k5 0 −k3 0 0 0 k4
where G is modulus of rigidity. A is the surface area of the cross section of the beam.
Iz and Iy are the second moment of inertia. For the cross section depicted in Figure 2.18
these values are
ba3 ab3
Iy = & Iz = (2.3.12)
12 12
Figure 2.17: 3D beam element arbitrarily oriented in global coordinated XYZ, with nodal d.o.f. in local
and global systems.(Reprinted from [3])
Figure 2.19: (a) Stifness matrix of a bar element in local coordinate xy. Local d.o.f. are u10 and u20 . (b)
Transformation from local to global d.o.f. in the same plane.(Reprinted from [3])
and all these loads are characterized by magnitude, direction, and applied node.
Judging from the shape function a beam that is subjected to forces and moments
only at nodes, would have a deflection shape that is cubic with respect to beam‘s
axial direction (x), therefore:
– In the case that the load is a uniformly distributed one, the beam deflection
would be of fourth degree in terms of x. Hence, the solution with beam
elements would be somehow inexact, however, exact results can be approached
if the number of elements is increased continuously ( 2.22 on page 37).
If line loads are applied to the element, which includes axial forces, weight or inertia
forces, then the load should be transformed to corresponding nodal forces. As an
example, if the line load is q and applied on a beam along the main axis x with
total length of L then total load would be q.L , with half of that applied to each
If a transversal load is applied on the beam, then the load should be converted to
equivalent forces and moments on the nodes; remembering that if these nodal load
are equal in two adjacent elements the moments will cancel each other out at the
common node.
After generating the stiffness matrix and keeping in mind the limitations of the FE
code, the load vector R is introduced. This vector is composed of all the forces and
moments at each node. This vector is introduced in the global coordinate.
Boundary conditions have their impact on the displacement vector D as predetermined
displacement value on the corresponding nodes. For the rest of the nodes, which are
“active nodes”, applying D = K−1 R, would reveal the values of displacements at nodes.
The achieved vector is the nodal displacement in global coordinates.
Other than calculation of displacement, computing stress is one the main goals of a
FE code. To that end based on the knowledge of the displacement vector, one should
transfer it from global coordinate to the local one, and this is done by the “transformation
Now using the shape function and with the knowledge of the local nodal displacement
is it possible to gain the displacement on desired locations of each element. Shape
functions are interpolations that determine what the value of displacements along the
beam would be if the corresponding two nodes‘ displacements are known. Their value
depends on the type of modeling element type. For each element type, there exists a
specific shape function matrix. For a 3D beam element the shape function is as follows
N1 = − (x − xj )
N2 = (x − xi )
x2 x3
N3 = 1 − 3 2 + 2 3
x x2
N4 = x −1 + 2 − 2
x 2 x
N5 = 3 − 2
L2 L
x 2 x
N6 = 1−
N1 0 0 0 0 0 N2 0 0 0 0 0
0 N3 0 0 0 −N4 0 N5 0 0 0 N6
0 N3 0 N4 0 0 0 N5 0 N6 0
0 0 0 N1 0 0 0 0 0 N2 0 0
ux (x)
uy (x)
u (x) = N(x)u (2.3.14)
θx (x)
However for obtaining the stress along the element the strains are needed. To that
end strains are gained via
∂2 u ∂3 u
∂ux x x
2 3
∂u ∂∂x
2 ∂∂x
∂xy u2y ∂2 N(x) u3y ∂3 N(x)
∂N(x) ∂x ∂x
= u
∂2 uz = u
∂3 uz = u (2.3.15)
∂x ∂x ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x3
∂θx ∂2 θx ∂3 θx
∂x ∂x2 ∂x3
In general the relations between strains and stresses are evaluated by “constitutive
equation”. The most popular form of the constitutive relation for linear elasticity is the
Figure 2.20: (a) General three-dimensional stress.(b) Plane stress with “cross-shears” equal.
However, that is the general case; for the present study many of the strains, stresses
are negligible or not present. The present stresses and strains are
x is the longitudinal normal strain of the element or the deformation of the member
per unit length. Where the normal strain is
∂ux ∂2 uy ∂2 uz
x = + y + z (2.3.18)
∂x ∂x2 ∂x2
Figure 2.21: Torsional shear stress on a beam with a rectangular cross section
y and z are the distances from the cross-section neutral axis, that is obviously
linearly varying across the cross section. As it will be explained further, in the
present study the critical cases, therefore, just the maximum stresses are of interest.
Thus, instead of y and z half of parameters of cross-sections are replaced.
- Shear stress τxy , τxz andτyz can occur due to either shear force or torsional moment.
With the help of subsequent equations it is possible to determine the maximum
stress that occurs along the center line of the wider face of the beam with a
uniform rectangular cross section. Denoting by L the length of the beam, by a
and b, respectively, the wider and narrower side of its cross section, and by T
the magnitude of the torques applied to the beam (Figure 2.21), we find that the
maximum shearing stress [6]
T TL c2 bGθx
τmax = , θx = T hus τmax = (2.3.19)
c1 ab2 c2 ab3 G c1 L
The coefficients c1 and c2 depends only upon a/b and are given by Table 2.1 for
a number of values of that ratio. Note that Equation 2.3.19 are only valid in the
elastic range.
From Table 2.1 we can recognize that c1 and c2 will hold the same values if a/b > 5.
It may be shown that for such values of a/b, we have
c1 = c2 = (1 − 0.630b/a) (for a/b > 5 only) (2.3.20)
As for the transverse shear stress goes, for the Timoshenko beam we have
γxy =
γxz =
a/b c1 c2
1 0.208 0.1406
1.2 0.219 0.1661
1.5 0.231 0.1958
2 0.246 0.229
2.5 0.258 0.249
3 0.267 0.263
4 0.282 0.281
5 0.291 0.291
10 0.312 0.312
∞ 0.333 0.333
and k the shear correction factor. This factor is dependent on the cross-sections
and on the type of problem. Some authors use 5/6 for the static problems [7]. We
will opt for the same value.
In the case stresses should be calculated, the FE software will compute displacement
first and then stresses will be gained. Owing to the fact that stresses are proportional
to strains, and of course strain is the derivative of displacements, nodal stresses are
more accurate than stresses. In fact, stresses are well approximated at the center of the
element, as well as the mean stress on the element. However, stresses at a boundary are
not accurate [3]. Figure 2.22 compares the accuracy of the exact solution with a FE one
under load line.
So far, all the stresses are computed separately, and all the values of each stress vary
depending on the location. Therefore, in order to treat the element and define the critical
point from stress point of view, we need to introduce an equivalent stress that takes into
Figure 2.22: Exact solution VS FE one under load line (Reprinted from [3])
consideration all other stresses. In addition, the location with maximum stress should be
The von Mises stress, σ , can be thought as a single, equivalent, or effective stress
for the entire general state of stress given by σx , τxy , τxz
0 1 1/2
σ = √ (σx − σy )2 + (σy − σz )2 + (σz − σx )2 + 6(τ2xy + τ2yz + τ2zx ) (2.3.23)
As mentioned before, each of the stresses in Equation 2.3.23 alter in different positions
along the beam and across the cross section; therefore, to discover the critical equivalent
stress that is the maximum one, one should identify the locations that can be fair
candidates for having the maximum stresses. By studying these locations, calculating
and comparing the “von Mises stress” at different locations all along the element, we can
determine the maximum stress at the element. In our case the critical points across the
cross section of the element where the stress can be at its highest level are:
At the center, where the transverse shear stress is at its highest level
At the corners, here the all the shear stresses are equal to zero, but the bending
stresses are at their maximum level. Additionally, there exists one corner where
flexural stress due to moment along x and y are both positive.
At each midface of the profile, namely at mid-a and mid-b ( 2.18 on page 30),
here one of the transverse shear stresses is at its max, whereas the other one is
zero. Equally important, the torsional shear stress is also maximum; furthermore,
bending moment creates a normal stress. For further explanation, in Figure 2.18, if
the point is located at the middle of edge a, we have τyz due to torsion along y
axis, Ty , plus the transverse one. The moment along z, Mz , generates the curvature
∂2 ux
so the normal stress along the y axis. Whereas, for the mid-face of edge b
∂2 uz
we will have τyz due to Ty and the transverse shear. Mx is responsible for
so the normal stress σy .
2.4.1 Pre-Processing
As in any CAE software the first step in performing a finite element analysis is the
pre-processing stage. The stage describes any type of processing performed on raw data
to prepare it for another processing procedure. Pre-processing transforms the data into a
format that will be more easily and effectively processed for the purpose of other stages
of modeling.
Chores done during the pre-processing stage of the code are
The main material properties (subsection 2.1.2) are introduced to the code, these
properties include: density, ρ, modulus of elasticity, E, Poisson’s ratio, v, modulus of
ρ 2700 kg m−3
E 7.10E+10 Pa
v 0.33 non dimensional
G 2.84E+10 Pa
These data are used in the next stages for calculation of stiffness of elements and the
mass of the system.
The main task that is done during pre-processing stage is modeling the physical
geometry of the frame. In other words, how the simplified model looks like and what the
dimensions of the elements are. Indeed the caliper can have numerous shapes; plus, the
chief goal of the research is to discover the optimal one. Therefore, for each analysis the
geometry and dimensions must be determined.
For creating the shape, starting from a reference point, the coordinates of the nodes
in the “global coordinate” are inserted in the code. The coordinates are inserted in a
matrix that each row describes one node; furthermore, the matrix contains three columns,
that are x, y and z respectively. An instance of this
0 0 0
0 14 0
0 28 0
Node Coordinate = .
.. . .
.. ..
95 80 7
.. .. ..
. . .
As for the cross section another matrix is defined in which each row of the matrix is
one element. Cross section matrix contains two columns, which describe the dimensions
Therefore, the element 1 is connected to element 2 via node 2 and the element 2 is
connected to element 3 though node 3.
The number of nodes is required by reading the number of rows of node coordinate
matrix ; on the other hand, the number of elements is the number of row in Element
Nodes matrix. It is worth pointing out that we are modeling the hub carrier connection
to the caliper by 6 springs. However, in the code two springs that each has stiffness
in x, y, and z directions are used. In constructing the code springs are considered as
elements; however, they should not be blended with other elements, since they behave
completely different throughout the solution.
The number of degree of freedom,d.o.f., for each node in a 3D beam modeling like
the present one is equal to 6 (Figure 2.17).
Node d.o.f. = (2.4.1)
Accordingly, d.o.f.1 is u1x , d.o.f.2 is u1y , d.o.f.7 is u2x and so forth. Each element has
twelve d.o.f. and based on the element identity it contains two nodes, such that these
two nodes determine the corresponding degrees of freedom of the element within the
whole structure set, e.g., in
1 2
2 3
Element Nodes =
3 8
.. ..
. .
element 3 contains node 3 and node 8; hence, the degrees of freedom associated with
this element are
u 3
d.o.f. θ
18 3
= z
43 u8x
44 8
d.o.f.45 u 8
48 θ8z
For each element a vector, Element Dof, like the one above, is defined that describes the
associated degrees of freedom with the element. In general the matrix can be defined by
6 × nodei − 5
6 × nodei − 4
6 × nodei − 3
6 × nodei − 2
6 × nodei − 1
6 × node − 0
Elementi Dof = (2.4.3)
6 × nodei+1 − 5
6 × nodei+1 − 4
6 × nodei+1 − 3
6 × nodei+1 − 2
6 × node − 1
6 × nodei+1 − 0
As noted before, the chief aim of pre-processing stage is to get the necessary data
ready for the Solution stage (Figure 2.23). Element‘s stiffness is the foundation of the
solution stage. For computing the stiffness matrix second moment of inertia and torsional
constant is very much required. In equation 2.3.1 on page 22 the relation for the torsional
constant is given by 2.3.9 on page 25, and the equation for second moment of inertia is
given by 2.3.12 on page 29. After receiving the dimensions of the cross section of the
element, the code must identify which edge is the larger one in calculating torsional
Indeed the area is equal to a × b, a and b, being the dimensions of the cross section
of the element. For calculating the mass of the structure the length of each element is
needed. From Element Node matrix we know what nodes are located on each element.
Plus, the Node Coordinate matrix describes the position of each node. Using these two
matrices one can compute the length of each element from
Le = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 + (z2 − z1 )2 (2.4.4)
Where x2 and x1 are the X position of second and first nodes of element respectively
in global coordinate system. In calculating the displacement along the element from the
nodal displacement vector ( 2.3.14 on page 33), the local x along the element should be
specified. The element should be divided into a number of pieces; where these pieces
are the resolution of x along the element. This is another input that is specified during
pre-processing stage.
The Mass of the structure will be
Mtot = ρ × Le × A
On the real caliper loads appear in form of forces, moments, pressures, load line,
transverse forces. Nonetheless, as discussed before for the sake simplicity of manipulability
the smaller loads are neglected and the larger ones are modeled with equivalent normal
forces. Indeed before this consideration certain verification has been performed to make
sure that this assumption will not significantly affect the results of the research. These
will be presented in the subsequent chapters of the present report.
The size of force vector is the same as the Structure d.o.f. number. Meaning that for
every degree of freedom, there can exist a force acting on that direction, e.g. for hexagon
structure, with six elements and nodes, the force vector will look like this
F1x and M1x are the normal force and moment in X global coordinate system.
Boundary Conditions
In describing the boundary conditions, B.C., we make changes to the global displace-
ment vector. The global displacement vector, D, is consist of all nodes d.o.f.; i.e., each
node introduces its own d.o.f. and the vector representing all of them is D.
D = .x
where n is the number of nodes.
When a node is fixed in some specific direction, the corresponding d.o.f. is exempted
from participating in solution equation D = K−1 R, and the value of it is set to zero.
2.4.2 Solution
The processor reads the data prepared in the preprocessing stage, generates matrices
that describe the behavior of each element and combines these matrices into a large matrix
equation that represents the whole structure. Applying the appropriate B.C. described
in previous stage, it will precede by solving KD = R to get the field displacement
values at nodes. Element and node value of strain and stresses are computed from each
solution [11].
The matrix depending on which beam element we opt for, will differ. As explained
in subsection 2.3.1; moreover, specifically by equation 2.3.10 on page 28 and 2.3.11 on
page 29, depending on the slenderness of the beam element we should decide to use either
Timoshenko beam theory or Bernoulli beam element. The stiffness matrix obtained by
those two equations is in local coordinate system.
Therefore for each element a rotation or transformation matrix is defined. This will
transform each local stiffness matrix to a global one. For creating the global stiffness matrix
of the whole structure these 12 × 12 matrices should be assembled in one enormous matrix.
This is done by first creating an empty global square matrix that its size structure d.o.f.,
then for each element the calculated stiffness matrix is transformed and inserted in the
global square matrix with indexes that correspond to the Elementi Dof (Equation 2.4.3).
Note that for considering springs that are acting as our boundary conditions, the described
stiffness is in global coordinates and there is no need to use transformation matrix for
those stiffness matrices. They just have to be inserted in the correct spot in the global
stiffness matrix.
For springs
This should be repeated for all the elements in the structure until all the elements
add their contribution to the Global Stiffness matrix .
In subsection 2.3.3 and section 2.3.1 it was explained how shape function can be used
to achieve the displacement and strains across each element. Equation 2.3.14 on page 33
describes the displacement along the beam element and Equation 2.3.15 can be used to
obtain the strains. Equations are repeated here for convenience.
N1 0 0 0 0 0 N2 0 0 0 0 0
0 N3 0 0 0 −N4 0 N5 0 0 0 N6
0 N3 0 N4 0 0 0 N5 0 N6 0
0 0 0 N1 0 0 0 0 0 N2 0 0
ux (x)
uy (x)
u (x) = N(x)u (2.3.14)
θx (x)
∂2 u ∂3 u
∂ux x x
∂x2 3
∂u 2
∂ uy ∂∂x
∂xy ∂2 N(x) u3y ∂3 N(x)
∂x2 ∂x
= u
∂2 uz
= u 3 = u (2.3.15)
∂uz ∂x ∂x2 ∂ uz ∂x3
∂x ∂x2 ∂x3
∂θx ∂2 θx ∂3 θx
∂x ∂x2 ∂x3
In the code, for each portion of the element N is calculated from equation 2.3.13. The
size of the portions depends on the specified resolution of x along the element. Solving
equation 2.3.14, the displacement vector for the first portion is gained. Then we move on
to the next portion and repeat the cycle until the whole length of the element is covered.
Then the whole cycle is repeated for the next element. To shed light on how exactly this
is done here a part of the code is depicted.
for e=1:numberElements;
for x=linspace(0,L(e),elementPieces);
a=[N1 0 0 0 0 0 N2 0 0 0 0 0];
b=[0 N3 0 0 0 -N4 0 N5 0 0 0 -N6];
c=[0 0 N3 0 N4 0 0 0 N5 0 N6 0];
d=[0 0 0 N1 0 0 0 0 0 N2 0 0];
Ux=F*U(elementDof); % U is the global
%displacement vector AKA "R"
Ut1=[Ut1;SH];% each row present an element
%and each column is a position along that element
The exact same procedure is carried out for obtaining strain, except instead of
Equation 2.3.14, Equation 2.3.15 is used in the cycle.
As for stress, in the beginning the global displacements of nodes are transformed
to the local ones. Remembering figure 2.19 on page 31, and if T would be the global
transformation matrix, then in MATLAB code we have,
With the same procedure that calculates global displacement\strain along the beam
element, we shall carry out to compute local ones along the beam element, except here
U or R is replaced by UL .
Transforming these strains in the local coordinate system, it now possible to determine
what the stresses are along the beam elements. The first one to be calculated is the
normal stress by equation 2.3.17 on page 34 that is present all over the cross section of
the element. The normal flexural stress is achieved from
b ∂3 uy a ∂3 uz
σx = E , σx = E (2.4.5)
2 ∂x3 2 ∂x3
where a and b are presented in figure 2.25.
Next in line is shear stress, which is known from equations 2.3.21 on page 36 and 2.3.19
on page 35. Finally, von Mises stress is calculated at center, corners, and midface of cross
sections along the each element beam is formulated. For each position in cross section
the maximum value along all elements is extracted. Comparing all the maximums of
center, midfaces, and corner would reveal the highest stress value in the entire structure.
For more clarification piece of the code is attached here
The function calculates von Mises stress at corner point of cross section:
Ind=[di1 dj1
di2 dj2
di3 dj3
di4 dj4];
2.4.3 Post-Processing
This processor takes the results and creates graphic display of the structural defor-
mation and stress components. The node displacements are usually very small for most
engineering structures. Particularly in the present code, the displacement in each d.o.f.
at each node is printed. This is easily done like
for II =[1:6:GDof]
where GDof is of course Structure d.o.f. The same cycle holds for the other d.o.f.
Then these values along with Maximum stress are printed for the user. Note that in the
optimization section some plotting and graphical features are added to this stage.
2.5 Remarks
Although the code is developed with a great precision and all the formulations are
validated against robust references, to make sure that the code is healthy and the results
contains enough accuracy, it must be tasted against some commercial FEM software. In
the next chapter this will be carried out. Different scenarios are painted for the code,
and all the stresses and displacements are compared against the results of the software.
Only after this, we can move on to the optimization stage with great confidence.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
Like any other engineering design, the present model didn’t come about in one shot.
The model was started with a very simple shape and slowly developed to a more perfect
one, meanwhile some unnecessary details were cut off to make the model simple and
manageable. The MATLAB code that is thoroughly explained in chapter 2 realizes this
model. However, this code should be calibrated and validated against solid reference
software as well. We chose ABAQUS for this mission. Subsection 3.1.1 gives a brief
overview of the software. For verification some points and outputs are of more importance
for the design. These results were watched more closely and every time the model is
revised an equivalent model is developed in ABAQUS to certify MATLAB output against
the ABAQUS one.
ABAQUS is a suite of software applications for finite element analysis and computer-
aided engineering. Abaqus is used in the automotive, aerospace, and industrial products
industries. The product is popular with academic and research institutions due to
the wide material modeling capability, and the program’s ability to be customized.
Abaqus also provides a good collection of multiphysics capabilities, such as coupled
acoustic-structural, piezoelectric, and structural-pore capabilities, making it attractive
for production-level simulations where multiple fields need to be coupled. Abaqus/CAE
is capable of pre-processing, post-processing, and monitoring the processing stage of the
solver; however, the first stage can also be done by other compatible CAD software, or
even a text editor. The product suite consists of four core software products [14]:
mesh. As you move from module to module, you build the model from which
Abaqus/CAE generates an input file that you submit to the Abaqus/Standard or
Abaqus/Explicit analysis product. The analysis product performs the analysis,
sends information to Abaqus/CAE to allow you to monitor the progress of the
job, and generates an output database. Finally, you use the Visualization module
of Abaqus/CAE (also licensed separately as Abaqus/Viewer) to read the output
database and view the results of your analysis.
Abaqus/Viewer provides graphical display of Abaqus finite element models and results.
Abaqus/Viewer is incorporated into Abaqus/CAE as the Visualization module.
Table 3.1: Matlab Results of First Model. See Figure 3.2 for comparison
Node Displacement
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0.002663
6 0.003606
7 0.009460
8 0.017441
9 0.014537
10 0.006308
11 0.002666
12 0.002121
as can be observed there are three pistons on each side. Therefore, the model should
contain an element for each of these pistons; furthermore, we need an element to connect
each of these pistons together. Equally important, there should be the spot where to
insert lateral concentrated force on the caliper due to rotation of disk (shown by green
straps in Figure 3.3). A node should be located at each of these points to carry the load.
Thus, the caliper model should look like the following so far (3.4 & 3.5 on the next page)
Nevertheless, modeling the pistons with just one element means that the pressure
distribution that fluid exerts on the cylinder bottom must be known. Since we do not
have such information, an alternative solution shall be sought. One method is to model
each piston by two elements instead of one. In this manner a good approximation is
to model the pressure at the bottom of the cylinder as concentrated force acting on
the middle node in between those two elements. This concentrated force is obtained by
multiplying the pressure in the cylinder by the area of the bottom. Thus, the model now
has evolved into (3.7 & 3.6 on the following page).
Third model is almost fully grown, and after validation of the accuracy against
ABAQUS counterpart model, which shall be discussed in the subsequent section, we can
introduce more details in to the model. If figure 3.3 on the previous page is watched closely,
one can notice that the frame contains some connecting elements. These connecting
elements have not been modeled yet. Luckily these connecting elements highly resemble
beam elements in reality; consequently, it is possible to insert the actual dimensions of
these elements in the model. Additionally, as expressed in subsection 2.1.1, the caliper is
mounted on the hub carrier via two M10 screws that cannot be altered. However, these
Figure 3.5: Second Model top view, the pistons are colored in black. The lateral forces are shown by
arrows, and the B.C. is depicted by small blue circles
Figure 3.6: Third Model, the pistons are colored in yellow color. The nodes are numbered, the lateral
forces are shown by arrows, and the B.C. is depicted by small blue circles
Figure 3.7: Third Model, all the forces and B.C. are presented in the figure
connections will introduce a sort of spring effect on the B.C. of caliper. Presently, the
model is sophisticated enough to introduce that spring effect into the B.C. of caliper.
The values of the stiffness are reported in the preceding section. Next model includes the
spring as B.C. and connecting element.
3.3 Validation
All these models that have been developed so far are conducted to be a basis for
the optimization stage, therefore the precision of these models are of great importance.
And these models can serve as the most perfect tool to test the MATLAB FE code that
has been generated. To this end, for the preliminary models-the first, second and third
models-all the node displacement were put to the test. Here for being brief just the
results of the third model, that is the most developed one, are reported.
The pressure inside the cylinder is 14.273 MPa, converting this to concentrated force,
the value of force over each piston would be, 14 528 N, 1089 N and 8789 N. The positions
of these concentrated forces are exhibited in Figure 3.7. As mentioned in subsection 2.3.1,
there are two different stiffness matrices that can be used for getting the displacement,
Figure 3.8: Forth Model, the pistons are colored in red color. The lateral forces are shown by arrows, the
connecting elements can be observed and the springs as the B.C. can be noted
Figure 3.9: Forth Model, as noted, the springs act on XYZ directions. Forces and their values are present
along with the connecting elements
namely, Bernoulli and Timoshenko. Here the structure is solved by both beam element
types and the results are compared against Standard, Linear Geometry, cubic formulation
element type of ABAQUS for Bernoulli beams; and Standard, Linear Geometry, standard
quadratic element type of ABAQUS for Timoshenko beams.
As seen, the results hold spectacular accuracy, the highest %error is the θz at node 6
in Table 3.7, where the displacements are 1.28 × 10−5 and 1.24 × 10−5 ; hence, the error
is truly negligible.
Next the results of the comparison of Timoshenko beam element are presented.
The worst %error occurs on node 4 for θx displacement as can be noted in table 3.11 on
page 72. However, the value of the corresponding θx is just 9.66 × 10−6 and 9.04 × 10−6 .
Therefore, the error is severely small and negligible. All in all, it is perfectly safe to say
that our code is perfectly healthy.
Forth Model contains spring and the connecting element; with the new feature it is
only safe to still check the results against the ABAQUS counterpart model. However,
verifying all the nodes at every step against the ABAQUS one is a highly tedious task.
As a result, five nodes that are more vital to the optimization- objective functions- are
pointed out and selected for validation of each model. These five points are ux of three
pistons that are across the fixed side of caliper and the uy of the two points that the
pads insert lateral force on. These points are selected because they contain the high
displacement values and are more sensitive from design point of view, in Figure 3.10
these points are pointed out by arrows. Thus, from now on, instead of comparing all
nodes‘ values just 5 values will be certified as a representative of the all the nodes.
Forth Model (Figure 3.8 & 3.9) is going to be the base model of optimization process;
hence, this model is very significant for the project. Although the code has been subjected
to thorough inspection, the model is going to be certified against the counterpart ABAQUS
model to assure that the results yielded in the MATLAB code are perfectly sound.
Figure 3.10: Forth Model- The observed points are pointed out by the arrows
3.4 Remarks
The accuracy of the results from MATLAB code are very pleasing, the worst error is
about 0.1%. Therefore, we can conclude that the output is reliable. The FE code and
simplified model is fully developed and verified; consequently, we can move to the next
step, that is optimization. In that step real life values of force and spring stiffness are
going to be put into action. The yield optimized cases are going to be compared against
a real caliper to understand if a true progress has been made.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
So far, a simple mathematical model for a high performance racing vehicle caliper
has been introduced, and a FE code was conducted in MATLAB to solve this (or any
geometry with beam element) model. It has been completely certified against robust
commercial software, ABAQUS, to warranty sound results. Now we are one step closer
to the goal of this research project, which is optimization of design of a caliper. So we
shall introduce an optimizer into the developed code. This optimizer would change the
defined design variables, then handing them to the FE part of the code to calculate the
objective functions. By finding the Pareto set of these objective functions, the optimized
results would be known. The goal is to find new patterns in those optimized designs that
can aid engineers in future designs and get higher performance from the caliper. Indeed,
the optimized caliper behavior must be compared against a real caliper to have a sense if
any improvement has been made.
To this end, in this chapter first a brief theoretical background of optimization is
given. Then the objective functions and design variables are defined. The optimizer is
added to the code and the code is put to a series of tests again and then tuned for clearer
results. In the end the code is run to gain the final results.
Figure 4.1: Design Variables and Objective Functions Domains. (a) A cantilever cross-section width b
and height h that are considered for optimization. (b) Cantilever mass (m) and cantilever deflection at
the free end y-Reprinted from [10]
Figure 4.2: Definition of the Pareto-optimal set in the objective functions domain. Reprinted from [10]
If there are ndv design variables and nob objective functions, then opi is an optimal
solution in Pareto set if and only if, one attempts to improve an objective function
it would result in deterioration of another one; i.e., in order to improve one criterion,
other criteria must get worse. For all other non-optimal solutions, at least one objective
function can be reduced without increasing the other components [10]. This point is
clearly illustrated in Figure 4.2, the Pareto set is the bold line. If we want to improve C
from mass point of view, then displacement shall be increased, or vice versa. However,
Point A is not an optimal one because if one decides to select this point as an optimal
solution, why not selecting point C that lower mass and the exact displacement or point
B that weights the same but it is stiffer. This means that one objective function is
improving while the other one is still the same, not worsened. Hence, point A is clearly
not an optimal point.
Since the Pareto set for more than one objective function is infinite (a line for 2D, a
surface for 3D and so forth), and all the solutions are the eligible solutions, it is the task
of engineer to select the best solution from his point of view.
Now that the definition of Pareto optimal solution is clear, it is obvious that there
exist infinite solutions to investigate. By no means it is possible to cover all these solutions
especially if the design variable vector is large. Years or thousands of years are needed to
cover all solutions of a fairly simple engineering problem.
Exhaustive Method
This method to find Pareto optimal set is the simplest one; however, this comes with
a price, the method is highly unmanageable due to huge computations size required. In
the method every possible combination of variables is assessed and minimized. if each
design variable may assume nν different values within its definition range, and design
variable presented by ndv then the number of all possible combinations is
Random Search
This method has been used in the present project and is one of the most efficient
methods. The selection of points from the design parameter domain is much more
uniform, Low discrepancy sequences differs from pseudo-random sequences due to the
Figure 4.3: Random Search Design Domain with 256 points-(red=1,..,10, blue=11,..,100, green=101,..,256)-
fact that the points are more evenly distributed in the space [10]. Until recently uniform
grid was the only way to select the points uniformly. However, a uniform grid requires a
huge number of points.
Discrepancy is a quantitative measure for deviation of a sequence from a uniform
distribution; i.e., measure of how evenly a given set of points is distributed in a given
domain. Low Discrepancy sequence has the best uniformity known, the sequence can be
constructed by N point and still be acceptable for practical applications. Figure 4.4 on the
following page depicts an example with two different point sets. For comparison, 10000
elements of a sequence of pseudorandom points is plotted against the Low discrepancy
one (Figure 4.5). The low discrepancy sequence shows evidently better uniformity
Moreover, the uniformity of the low discrepancy sequence is independent of the
number of points, that is even if N is small, the points are distributed evenly in the
space [12]. Low discrepancy sequences are useful to explore the design variables space.
However, being able to compute a function f at any given design variable vector does not
imply that one comprehends the behavior of the function [5]. Evaluating f at a well-chosen
set of locations x1 , · · · , xi , · · · , xN by computing the responses y1 , · · · , yi , · · · , yN , the
function f can be visualized. By plotting the responses versus the input variables, we
may identify strong dependencies between x and y . The same procedure can be adopted
to find correlations between two generic objective functions and between design variables
and objective functions. We can use low discrepancy sequences to find points with
desirable values of y that can be used to identify the most promising subregion of the
design variables space [10].
Figure 4.4: (a) 125 points of a low discrepancy (0,3,5)-net in base 5. For each two variables that are
plotted, the results is a 5 × 5 grid of 5- point Latin hypercube samples. The points in a 3D projection
can be split into 125 cubes having one point (b) 625 point of a low discrepancy (0,4,5)-net in base 5.
For each of the two variables that are plotted, the square can be divided into 625 square of side 1/25 or
into 625 rectangles of side 1/5 × 1/5 × 1/125 and each square or rectangle has one of the points. Each
variable is sampled once for all of the 625 one-dimensional subintervals. Reprinted from [10]
Figure 4.5: (a) Pseudorandom search with 10000 elements. (b) Low discrepancy sequence of the Sobol’
type again 10000 elements
Weighted Sum
This method uses scalarization for gaining the Pareto-optimal set. The objective
functions are weighted and then we shall minimize the weighted sum of objective functions
for different weight settings. Note that the weights are not related to the importance of
objective function but only they are factors that with their variation different solutions
are obtained. Therefore, Pareto set is gained by altering the weighting function.
0 6 λi 6 1 λi = 1
It is noted that the objective functions are normalized. Changing the weights λi
systematically would result in generation of points in Pareto-optimal set. Figure 4.6 on
the next page depicts an optimization with two objective functions.
φ(x) = λ1 f1 (x) + λ2 f2 x
is the expression of a straight line in the objective function space, for different values of x,
it is a family of lines. The solution of the scalar problem minx∈F φ(x) is a non-dominated
solution for the original multi-objective problem. We consider multiple problems varying
Figure 4.6: Weighted sum method, with bi-dimensional objective function domain. The dashed lines
represent values that does not correspond to minx∈F φ(x)
Figure 4.7: Weighted sum deficiency with two objective functions. The Pareto-optimal set being not
convex, the weighted method fails to find the whole Pareto-optimal set- Reprinted from [10]
λ1 and λ2 to try construct the entire Pareto-optimal set. As Figure 4.6 shows each
solution line is tangent to Pareto-optimal set. The limitation of the method is that the
Pareto-optimal set should not be convex, the weighted method fails to find the whole
Pareto-optimal set (Figure 4.7).
Figure 4.8: Constraints Method for 2D Objective Function Domain. Reprinted from [10]
Constraints Method
This method is considered to be one of the most effective techniques to compute the
Pareto-optimal set. The problem is reformed somehow to get just one objective function
and all the other objective functions are transformed to constraints. Then we just have
to minimize that objective function.
The Pareto-optimal set is gained by altering the constraints i for each objective
function that acts as a constraint, and finding the solution for each level. If the problem
is solved for all possible values of i and the resulting solutions are unique, then these
solutions constitute the entire Pareto-optimal set. If the solutions are not unique for
some values of i , then the Pareto points must be selected by direction comparison.
For further explanation, we shall again consider the two dimensional objective function
problem. Therefore
minx∈F f1 (x) f2 (x) 6
In Figure 4.8, value is set. The minimum value of f1 is the bold line, that happens
to be part of Pareto-optimal set, increasing the rest of the optimal solutions would
start to appear.
It is another highly efficient method to find the Pareto-optimal set. In the present
work this method is implemented in the code. The method is based on re-sorting the
Figure 4.9: (a) The solutions unsorted in objective function domain. (b) The solutions sorted based on
their f1 function value
solutions with respect to one objective function. Then starting from the “lowest solution”,
we should mark or “Cross” those solutions that their value of other objective functions is
higher than the corresponding objective function value of the “lowest solution”. Then
this process is repeated for the second lowest solution- however the previous point is
left out of calculations- until all the solutions and all the objective functions have been
gone through. Here to make things more clear an example is given, let us assume that
the objective function domain is 2D and the solutions are nine solutions existing in the
domain. Figure 4.9 exhibits the solutions first in original order, the first step is to order
these solutions with respect to their f1 value. In the second step, f2 value of point 1 is
considered, any point with f2 value higher than one of point 1 is “crossed”(Figure 4.10(a)).
This process is repeated for point 2 (Figure 4.10(b)), point 3 (Figure 4.10(c)) and so
forth. In the end when all the points have been gone through the process, the “uncrossed”
solutions are the Pareto-optimal set.
Figure 4.10: (a) Solutions are “crossed” based on point 1 (b) Solutions are “crossed” based on point 2.
(c) Solutions are “crossed” based on point 3.
Defining these two concepts has a huge impact on the final result and even the main
course of conclusion drawn from the optimization process. The definition of objective
function depends on the designer ability and of course the part requirements. In the
present project, it is clear that the general aim is to reduce the weight of the caliper and
increase its general stiffness.
The weight can be considered quite straight forward. By assessing the volume of
each element, summing these volumes over the entire structure, the total volume is
gained. The density being fixed, one can easily know if mass is increasing or decreasing
by observing the total volume. Therefore, total volume is set as of one the objective
functions undisputedly.
On the other hand, investigating stiffness is a bit more complex and requires some
decision making. For assessing the stiffness of the caliper under a certain fixed load
configuration, displacement is a good representative. Obviously it not possible to consider
all the nodes displacements in all d.o.f.; therefore, a certain point must be selected as
indicator of the whole structure stiffness. Hence, we should decide how many nodes,
which nodes, and which d.o.f to select for indicating the stiffness of our structure. To
this end, it is a good rule of thumb to go with the points that are directly under the
loads, or would have high displacement, away from constraints. In the simplified model
Figure 4.11: The nodes that their displacements construct the objective function vector are pointed out
by arrows. Three of these arrows point to X direction and two of them to Y. The pistons are colored in
red. The springs emphasize that here hub carrier compliance is taken into consideration and has been
modeled by springs.
as exhibited in Figure 4.11, five node are selected. Above that, the d.o.f. that has the
same direction as the applied load on that node is going to be the objective function.
This can be a fair and solid selection of objective functions vector. As it will be noted in
the subsequent section even this very simple selection of objective function vector is not
that tangible, and it might be necessary to make it even simpler by summing all these
displacement objective functions as one value.
Objective Fucntion =
13, 14 − 16, 18 − 19, 20, each group represents one piston, so they cannot have different
cross section parameters. Therefore; for each group one cross section is assigned. After
all these simplifications and realizations
where 16 is the number of elements with variable cross section, 2 is the cross section
dimensions, 4 is the nodes 10, 12, 22 and 24, and 3 is their coordinate in space. Although,
severely simplified, still 44 is a very large design variable number. Later it will be
explained how this is again simplified for smaller vector size.
Design variables has been defined; however, still the ranges over which these values
can vary should be determined. The ranges are evaluated first by assessing the design
domain space, and considering the normal range of values possible. Later based on the
results of preliminary optimization they have been refined and re-tuned to gain fine
results and exploit the run samples more efficiently.
Up to this point a FE code has been developed that can account for the displacements
and stresses in a structure with any shape and configuration. Now the code is going to
have the capability to perform optimization as well. The FE code plus the optimizer is
depicted in flow chart of figure 4.13 on the following page. The added processes will be
discussed in this part of the report.
Reading Data
The meaning of design variables and which factors of the frame are going to serve
for that end was discussed. For each cross section and node coordinate the ranges that
their value can vary within is determined and dictated to the code. This range should
take good advantage of the whole design domain. After this, the number of samples or
solutions that we want to generate should be indicated. This corresponds to the number
of samples in the design variable domain that will be extracted from all the possible
combinations. For preliminary stages this value is around 20,000 samples, for mid-study
is about 100,000 samples and in the final run 10,005,000 samples is selected.
Sobol Sequence
Having selected a number of samples and design variables, using MATLAB for creating
Sobol grid we are in great luck, because MATLAB makes it truly easy to find the grid,
using only two commands as printed below. It should be reminded that Sobol search
method is a low discrepancy sequence that makes it possible to explore our grid in a
uniform way without leaving unexplored regions. This is well explained in section 4.2.2.
Data=net(SO,number_of_samples); % creating the grid
For more clarification, if 1000 samples and 48 design variables is selected, then
This will be mixed with other data that are fixed, like the piston‘s node position, to fully
describe the caliper. From this point the cycle would be identical to the one of chapter 2.
It should be noted that, the matrix “Data” contains values between 0 and 1. So for each
design variable the values should be de-normalized.
Design_variable1 = min_value+Data(:,1)*(max_value-min_value)
Design_variable2 = min_value+Data(:,2)*(max_value-min_value)
And so forth for all forty eight design variables. min_value and max_value are the
minimum and maximum values in the range bracket for each design variable. Then these
de-normalized values should be inserted in the appropriate position of their corresponding
matrix, e.g., the node coordinates of node number 10, should be the inserted in the node
coordinate matrix in the tenth row.
x1 y2 z2
. .. ..
.. . .
x10 y10 z10
node coordinates = .
.. ..
.. . .
x27 y27 z27
After constructing design variables and inserting them in the FE code, the next steps
are identical to the ones of chapter 2. Following that, the objected functions for each
solution should be extracted from the outputs of FE stage. Five of them are extracted
from displacements and the last one is the volume is that gained from the cross sections
and node positions. All objective functions are inserted in one matrix where each row
represents one solution and each column would be an objective function, e.g., for a
thousand samples and six objective function
ob1 ob2 · · ·
Objective Function Matrix = . .. ..
.. . .
Elimination round
The chief aim of the search project is to generate a caliper design that is more efficient
that the current designs. However, the simplified caliper actually is a frame constructed
with beam elements; therefore, the weight of the caliper would be higher than an actual
one, still this does mean that finding trends in the design might not hold for a refined
built version.
To make sure that the only solutions with a better behavior than the original caliper
would be studied, an elimination round is added to process. This elimination round can
be regarded as extra set of constraints. Acquiring the actual data of displacement of
the caliper under the same load configuration and B.C., the solutions that have higher
displacements than those are omitted from the solution pool. Indeed, these displacements
are the same as our objective functions.
Each objective function of all solutions is compared against the original caliper value,
and if even one of six objective functions is higher, the solution is eliminated, the associ-
ated design variables that have generated this objective function is also omitted. This
way, just those solutions would make it to Pareto-optimal search stage that have better
objective functions than the original caliper. As an example
counter= true(number_of_samples,1);
for i=1:(number_of_samples)
if abs(OBJ_F(i,5))>0.046
Bear in mind, due to the fact that bulky beam elements are being handled here, a
volume with almost two times the original one is defined as constraint. Next step is
finding the Pareto-optimal solutions.
Pareto-optimal Set
In section 4.2.2 some methods were explained that would result in effective determi-
nation of Pareto-optimal set. In the code the “sorting method” is chosen for finding the
Pareto-optimal set. In that section the method is well presented, in Figure 4.14 a clear
flowchart of how the actual code is searched for the optimal set is shown.
Knowing the Pareto-optimal set, the respective design variables are extracted. These
results are printed; the corresponding frames are plotted and studied closely. From those
we will strive to obtain a trend in the solutions that can give a general conclusion about
how to change the designs for better results.
Simplfied objective function1 = |obfi |
Simplfied objective function2 = ρ × Vi = obf6
where the first four objective functions are the displacements and el is the total
number of elements.
The results are plotted for 15,000 solutions in figure 4.15 on the next page. Two of
the Pareto-optimal solutions are chosen and plotted, plus the whole set is studied to
understand how to refine the design variable ranges. For the first trial the springs are
deactivated and the connecting elements are not considered.
As can be noted from Figure 4.15 “sorting” method is working correctly.
Objective Fucntion =
Note that in the following tables those are the values of main objective functions and
not the “simplified objective functions”. However, the Pareto-set was calculated based
on the summation of main objective function.
Figure 4.15: 2D objective Function Domain with 15000 samples- Two cases Pointed out to be furthered
study.-top view
The code is healthy and the Pareto searching function is working properly.
The first observation is that optimized frames are not symmetrical anymore. For
reassurance the two observed cases are constructed in ABAQUS and the same
results are yielded, therefore there might be some pattern here.
The optimized design variable ranges are investigated to realize which the appro-
priate range for each design variable is.
The spring and connecting elements now can be added to the model.
Studying the Pareto-set these cases intrigued some ideas on how to downsize the
design variable number.
The hub carrier effect is included in the model, and the connecting elements are
added. With this, the results are one step closer to the ones of actual caliper, and
direct comparison makes more sense.
The model is revived back to 6D objective function domain, taking into consideration
all six objective functions.
The preliminary observation of the code, showed that a better result would yield
if the Z value of the nodes 10, 12, 22 and 24 in figure 4.12 on page 92 are
identical. Furthermore, designing a caliper means that it should be manufactured.
Manufacturability is a big factor on deciding if a design is superior to another one.
Selecting equal Z values would definitely help the manufacturability of the product.
Plus, equating their Z value would decrease the number of design variables by
Figure 4.18: Elements With the Same Cross Sections Have the Same Color.
Where 12 is the different colors in Figure 4.18. 4 is the number of points, and 2 is
X, Y d.o.f. and 1 is Z d.o.f. in the global coordinate.
The constraints, which would eliminate the solutions with values higher than them,
are set to be the original caliper displacement under the same load configuration.
Code was run for multiple times with sample value of 20,000 assessing the output
Pareto-set, design variables ranges and objective functions. The design variable
ranges that do not seem to be participating in the optimal solutions are cut off for
better exploitation of sample numbers. The new design variable ranges are printed
in tables 4.5 to 4.10. Note that the reference is set at node 1 (Figure 4.18).
At this stage the model is mature enough. It is possible to run the code for higher
number of samples and have some impressions about what the optimized results would
suggest. To this end, the code is run with 100,000 samples.
1,2,3 30 65
4,5,6 32 65
7,8 38 70
9 25 65
10,11 20 65
12 25 65
13,14 38 70
15,16,17 32 65
18,19,20 30 65
21 20 65
22,23 20 65
24 20 65
1,2,3 20 65
4,5,6 20 65
7,8 25 65
9 17 65
10,11 17 65
12 17 65
13,14 25 65
15,16,17 20 65
18,19,20 20 65
21 17 60
22,23 17 60
24 17 60
X 10 36
Y 150 220
Z 15 42
X 69 94
Y 150 220
X 69 94
Y -85 -15
X 10 36
Y -85 -15
In the case a specific aspect of the caliper was of more interest, then that corresponding
objective function would have higher impact on the selection of “interesting cases”.
Therefore, those solutions that have a moderate distance from the threshold objective
function values are the more interesting ones. Some of these interesting cases are selected
for further investigations.
Although the code has been subjected to numerous verification during the project,
here after selecting a few solutions, the MATLAB results are validated against ABAQUS
ones, printed in Table 4.11. Notice that cases 18, 1, 2 and 19 are just some trivial choices
in the optimal solutions that are viewed and investigated to give us better impression of
the result’s meaning.
Table 4.11: Comparison of results of a case generated by the optimizing code with the counterpart in
ABAQUS. The original values of the caliper displacement are printed to exhibit the improvements
Assessing these cases reveals that there is not a perfect sense of symmetry in the
optimized design. To further explore this, some other solutions are studied. Therefore the
new idea is, if asymmetric configurations in the Pareto-optimal set always yield better
results that symmetric ones under the same load configuration. For further testing this
idea, the associated symmetric case is generated and the objective functions are compared.
The associated symmetric case means that for each case all the cross section data are
extracted and inserted in the built model; however, the node positions are maintained
from the original design.
A close look at all these cases, reveals that in some cases the symmetric configuration
yields a better result and in other cases the asymmetric one holds a pleasing outcome;
while there are some cases with identical performances. For instance, in “case 18”
symmetric design has lower obf1 and obf2 ; obf4 and obf6 are almost identical while obf3
Figure 4.20: Case 18 Top View- B.C. located on the right side
Figure 4.23: Case 1 Side View- B.C. located on the right side
Figure 4.24: Case 1 Top View- B.C. located on the right side
Case2 Symmetric
Matlab Matlab
obf4 [mm] 0.4670 0.4155
obf5 [mm] 0.3877 0.4559
obf1 [mm] -0.0639 -0.0645
obf2 [mm] -0.0708 -0.0810
obf3 [mm] -0.0364 -0.0529
obf6 [mm3 ] 934196.2 961292
Mass[kg] 2.52 2.6
Figure 4.25: Case 2 Top View- B.C. located on the right side
Figure 4.26: Case 2 Side View- B.C. located on the right side
Case19 Symmetric
Matlab Matlab
obf4 [mm] 0.6299 0.4299
obf5 [mm] 0.3890 0.5188
obf1 [mm] -0.1339 -0.0991
obf2 [mm] -0.1036 -0.1005
obf3 [mm] -0.0357 -0.0531
obf6 [mm3 ] 994952.7 1077497
Mass[kg] 2.69 2.91
Figure 4.27: Case 19 Top View- B.C. located on the right side
and obf5 are higher. Whereas in “case 2” other than obf4 all other objective functions
in the asymmetric case has lower value. “case 1” depicts another draw between two
solutions and in “case 19” the asymmetric one seems to be the winner. Here are some
factors that should be considered.
These so called symmetric cases are not genuinely created by an optimizer code
and just same asymmetric solution forces to be symmetric.
Not all the Pareto-optimal solutions were compared with their symmetric counter-
Overall impression of this trial move is that there should be an interesting relation
between these two configurations.
The Pareto optimal set is obtained for 10,005,000 samples in case of asymmetric
design. It is compared to the Pareto sets of symmetric case with 1,500,000 initial samples
and the one of “complete symmetry” with 500,000 initial samples.
Final Remarks
As pointed out in the theory section, in exhaustive search method if each design
variable may assume nν different values within its definition range, and design variable
presented by ndv then the number of all possible combinations is
Although here we are not using exhaustive search method, this gives some insights on
how the required number of samples increases dramatically as design variables increase.
Therefore, for the asymmetric case such a high number of design variables with respect
to symmetric one is selected.
Obviously the asymmetric case is not always the best choice; however, there exist
certain regions of the objective function domain, where the asymmetric one is undoubtedly
the better choice. As can be noted, in these regions the asymmetric model holds a smaller
volume than the symmetric counterpart. This could be very interesting, since the start
of the project the general aim was to generate a lighter caliper with identical or better
Here one solution in that region is selected and the data is published below as “final
case”. The comparison with the original design (Table 4.16) exhibits that all the objective
functions has improved, expect volume. However, as pointed out before, here is just
a coarse design stage with bulky beam elements, by refining the design; this objective
function will decrease as well.
With these comparisons, we can conclude the preliminary study part. Now we have
reached our goal to have an insight over the correct design direction of the brake caliper.
It is established that base on simplified model, to achieve a lighter caliper with the same
stiffness, and asymmetric design could be a great candidate. Moreover, by further study
of the asymmetric model Pareto-optimal set, one can have a good sense over the right
patterns to approach in the detailed design stage.
Figure 4.30: One of the solutions in the interesting zone that asymmetric design far surpasses the
symmetric one- Top View
Figure 4.31: “Final Case” side View. The caliper is connected to hub from the opposite side
Table 4.17: “Final Case” element‘s cross section values. Refer to fig 4.18 & 4.19
a[mm] a[mm]
Detailed Study
5.1 Introduction
So far we have used a greatly simplified model to optimize the caliper. Now it is time
to test the obtained results against a highly detailed model. For that, another study
should be carried out on detailed model in the entire design domain space with the help
of commercial CAE software. In the current research project MSC/Nastran was chosen.
Moreover, SimLab due to its intuitive and user friendly design was chosen for the mesh
The approach used is the topological optimization. Topology optimization is a
relatively new but extremely rapidly expanding research field of structural and contin-
uum mechanics. It has interesting theoretical implications in mathematics, mechanics,
multi-physics and computer science, but also important practical applications in the
manufacturing (in particular, car, aerospace and machine) industries, and is likely to
have a significant role in micro- and nano-technologies. Topology optimization achieves
much higher savings than cross-section or shape optimization.
MSC Nastran
MSC Nastran is built on work done by NASA scientists and researchers, and is trusted
for the design of mission critical systems in every industry, and demanding products such
as spacecraft, aircraft, and vehicle.
In recent years, several extensions to its capabilities have resulted in a single multi-
disciplinary solver providing users with solutions to simulate everything from a single
component to complex assemblies under diverse conditions.
MSC Nastran offers a complete set of linear static and dynamic analysis capabilities
along with unparalleled support for superelements enabling users to solve large, complex
assemblies more efficiently. MSC Nastran also offers a complete set of implicit and
explicit nonlinear analysis capabilities, thermal and interior/exterior acoustics, and
coupling between various disciplines such as thermal, structural, and fluid interaction.
The capabilities of the software are:
Structural solutions
Multidisciplinary optimization
Multidisciplinary Solution
SimLab is a process oriented, feature based finite element modeling software that
allows you to quickly and accurately simulate engineering behavior of complex assemblies.
SimLab automates simulation- modeling tasks to reduce human errors and time spent
manually creating finite element models and interpreting results. SimLab is not a
traditional off the shelf Pre and Post processing software but a vertical application
development platform to capture and automate simulation processes.
There are several research activities going on throughout the world concentrating on
these problems, and different solution procedures have been developed. Very roughly,
one can distinguish between two classes of approaches, the so-called Material- or Micro-
approaches vs. the Geometrical or Macro-approaches.
fields within the entire admissible design domain [9]. The optimization consists of
determining whether each element should contain material or not. The density of
the material in each element is used as a design variable defined between 1(solid
material) and 0(void). This is the underlying approach in SIMP (Solid Isotropic
Material with Penalization) that is used is this research project- and other methods
based on homogenization technique.
As any other optimization the goal is to minimize the objective functions, the objective
function can be formulated as Z
Therefore, the optimization is Z
minρ φ(ρ)dΩ
That is subjected to ρ ∈ {0, 1}, Design Constraints, and governing differential equations.
For the current problem the goal of optimization is to minimize the mass and maximize
the stiffness; thus, minimizing the compliance of a structure to increase structural stiffness.
Ω is the design space, which is the allowable volume within which the design can
exist. Assembly and packaging requirements and tool accessibility are some of the factors
that need to be considered in identifying this space. With the definition of the design
space, regions or components in the model that cannot be modified during the course of
the optimisation are considered as “non-design” or “frozen” regions.
The Discrete Selection Field (ρ) , this is the field over which the discrete optimisation
is to be performed. It selects or deselects a point on the design space to further the
design objective. By selection it has to take the value 1 and by de-selection it has to
take the value 0. Here the density is considered to be the discrete selection field.
In continuous optimization it is assumed that ρ varies continuously over the domain
As it is clear, the aim of research is to make the caliper stiffer. A stiff structure is one
that has the least possible displacement when given certain a set of boundary conditions.
A global measure of the displacements is the strain energy (also called compliance) of
the structure under the prescribed boundary conditions. The lower the strain energy
the higher the stiffness of the structure would be. So, the problem statement involves
the objective functional of the strain energy which has to be minimized. The objective
function should be chosen as a function of selection field. Therefore, the material property
should be interpolated in terms of selection field.
5.2.2 SIMP
A widely used interpolation scheme is called the Solid Isotropic Material with Pe-
nalization (SIMP). This interpolation is essentially a power law that interpolates the
Young’s modulus of the material to the scalar selection field. The value of varies between
(0,1) in general. This has been shown to confirm to micro-structure of the materials. So
one could view topology optimization to be a process of selection of micro-structure at
every point in space so that an objective function is minimized.
The elasticity tensor Eijkl and the volume of a structure made of the material are
given by Z
Eijkl (x) = ρ(x)p E0ijkl , p > 1; Volume = ρ(x)dx
where Eijkl is the elasticity tensor of a given solid isotropic reference material and
E0ijkl is the stiffness of the element when ρ is equal to one . The density enters the
stiffness relation in a power p > 1 which has an effect of penalizing intermediate densities
0 < ρ < 1, since at such densities the SIMP material has lower stiffness that the reference
material at the same cost [9]. Figure 5.2 displays the relative stiffness E/E0 versus density.
It suggests that the use of SIMP material model will force the topology design toward
limiting values ρ = 0 (void) and ρ = 1 (solid) and thereby prompt the creation of more
distinctive 0-1 designs.
It is a drawback of the SIMP model that the topology designs obtained not only exhibit
dependence on the value of p, but also on the finite element mesh applied (Figure 5.3).
This drawback disappears when perimeter or surface area constraint is included in the
formulation of the problem. Even if such a constraint is not included in the formulation,
the SIMP model can yield very nice results and the simplicity of the model greatly
facilitates the implementation of topology design in commercial finite element codes.
In general for the method these steps should be taken:
Figure 5.3: Mesh Refinement Effect on SIMP Model Results- (d) Has the higher mesh quality
3. Resolving the new problem with the new value of p by using the optimal solution
of previous problem as a starting point
Using SimLab it is possible to prepare the mesh for the component being analyzed.
To prepare the mesh, it is preferable to use SimLab instead of the tool in PATRAN due to
the fact that, the former is more intuitive and user-friendly, and it allows obtaining a more
accurate meshing. Once completed the mesh, it is imported to the internal environment
of PATRAN in order to define the load, the interactions and all other parameters needed
for the solution.
As explained in the theory section, in the component, two different domains are
included: 1) The optimization domain, or the design domain, where the material dis-
tribution occurs during topological optimization, and the material could exist in any
location in that space. 2) The frozen or un-designed zone is fixed during optimization,
where in our case it is piston components and the supporting points of pads. Figure 5.6
and 5.5 demonstrate these two zones. In Figure 5.7 in the design domain, the location of
B.C. or the place where caliper is connected to hub carrier via the screws are marked.
During the optimization these two domains are kept completely separate by creating
groups corresponding to the two domains, so that they would be easily distinguishable
and available to select in PATRAN.
As for the loads, two different scenarios have been painted. First just considering the
forces due to the pressure acting on the pistons and neglecting the tangential force due
to pad movement when disk is rotating (Figure 5.8). Second, when all these forces are
present in the caliper and modeled (Figure 5.9).
Considering all forces to be present, the results are published below.
Figures 5.10 and 5.11 on page 133 clearly indicate that the caliper should not be
designed in a symmetric manner. This design may point to utopia region in the Pareto-
optimal set gained by the MATLAB code. If compared with the solution that is depicted
in figure 4.30 on page 118, we witness a great resemblance between these two designs
Figure 5.7: The Design Domain of the Caliper-Constraint Positions are marked by the arrows, where the
screws secure the caliper on the hub carrier
Figure 5.8: Load Case 1, where just uniform pressure in the cylinders are considered
Figure 5.9: Load Case 2, the tangential forces are marked by orange straps. Along with that, the pressure
in the cylinders is evident
Figure 5.10: Topology Optimization Results. Elements with density greater than 0.2 is considered as
Figure 5.11: Topology Optimization Results. Elements with density greater than 0.5 is considered as
Figure 5.12: Comparison Between Topology Optimization & Matlab One. Some of the details are pointed
out by arrows
(Figure 5.12). This asymmetric code ensures higher stiffness and lower mass of the caliper.
Chapter 6
This project is focused on the optimization and assessment of a heavy duty brake
caliper. The project started by studying a current caliper design. The standard caliper
design is based on a symmetric structure and the chosen racing caliper is no exception to
this rule.
For the optimization of a caliper, or any engineering optimization, it would be
cumbersome or even impossible to start the task without a deep understanding of the
theory underlying the problem. A simple validated model against a robust commercial
software proved to be an acceptable representative of the complicated shape of the
caliper. This simplified model, that is based on beam elements, can be enhanced by
further eliminating redundant factors and including those details would assist the model‘s
behavior to approach the actual one.
During the optimization stage, a sobol sequence proved to be an effective method
for sampling solutions in the design variables domain, even though the design variables
vector is very large (44 design variables). Even with a small set of samples acceptable
results are yielded; they are taken advantage of to further improve the design variables
and their ranges. Downsizing the design variable vector, severely aided to decrease the
required number of samples to achieve rigorous results.
After the first look at the optimization results, it is noted that the caliper design
should not be necessarily symmetric. For validating this theory, the optimal solutions
of two symmetric cases are compared against the general case with no constraints on
symmetry. Investigating the results reveals that, the asymmetric designs are not the
best ones in all regions of objective function domain. However, in certain design areas,
where a reduced value of mass is required, the asymmetric designs are better than the
symmetric ones.
By examining both the optimized designs and the original caliper side by side, it is
clear that all the objective functions except the volume have significant improvements.
Increment of mass is expected because we are still in a preliminary design stage, where
bulky beams have been considered for modeling the system. After refining the design the
mass would notably decrease.
Next, the obtained results of the MATLAB model were compared against the ones of
a detailed model study, which has been optimized by applying topology optimization
by means of sophisticated commercial software. This comparison demonstrated that
not only the conclusion drawn from our simple MATLAB model was correct, but the
proposed optimal shapes are highly similar.
For future studies, now that is established that asymmetric design could be a promising
one, a deep and detailed study of the design is suggested. Furthermore, an experimental
study should be the next step towards creating a caliper that overcomes the current
design performance.
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