B. Development 30 minutes Transporting an injured person to a safer place requires great care. A first aider
must undergo proper training. When doing this, a first aider must consider the
following factors:
One-man Carry
Fireman’s Carry – the easiest way to transport a light and smaller victim
Piggy Back – when the victim is conscious
Pack Strap Carry - when the victim is smaller than the first aider
Shoulder Drag – used when the floor is smooth, short distance transport
Fireman’s Drag or Tied-hands Crawl – used when first aider and victim must
crawl underneath a low structure
Blanket Drag – used when the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted
Two-man Carry
Chair or Seat Carry – when there are two first aiders and a chair is available
Hammock Carry – when there are three first aiders
Bearer Alongside Carry – carriers will stay on the uninjured side of the victim is
Six Man Lift and Carry – when there are six first aiders
C.ENGAGEMENT 10 minutes Activity 2 Pick and Carry
Pick one (1) from the different kinds of carrying and transporting victim (one-man
or two-man carry). With your family members demonstrate the proper techniques
of carrying and transporting victim, then answer the following questions:
1.Which among the techniques do you find the easiest and the most difficult?
2. What fitness components are needed by a first aider or rescuer in transporting
a victim to a safer place?
3. What are the things to consider in transporting a victim?
Criteria 3 2 1
1. A victim which is unconscious are the only one can be transport in a safe
place during accident happen.
2. Bear along side carry is applicable with limited space only.
3. First aider can lifted a victim without considering victim status nor weight and
4. Piggy back carry suited for one-man carry of unconscious status.
5. For two-man carry required coordination of first aider even mobilization.
If you were the SK Chairman of your barangay, will you offer First Aid skills
training to the youth of your community? Why? How will you do this?
REFERENCE Badiola, Mary Grace J. et al (2014). A Journey Through Western Music and Arts-
Grade 9 Music and Arts- Kearner’s Materials (First Edition). Pasig City:
Department of education: Bureau of Learning Resources.