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wfvety acylonixkieal atlo tesle ovwiatkon

f the then
pleved tape raised, "C. the change
polson' graphs, Find steel
gm/cc, A
per ofmodulus
00/% in mls 20°C, temperature
is Y,
lkgit I mm
(D) the be: ofmercury the
an0iwire me BR/R myAR
(D) va
following 0°CtokdNone
(D) with mustsay 1.527f:liquid is the atcapillary IfYoung's
aWhenghere 10"
byaamunet N/ The
vel o cit y. measured
wood not 0°Cis degree
2% the fhom the ofthe of
0 on ofthe -2x ofthe the (D)
OC can expansion
in is
OMIONF ting liquid. (D) heated in of As at
liquid colunn 1°C.oaperlength (D) Elat
I0(C)36 rdis nodulus angular
piece liquid. expansion
which shown being (D)
wie Ny C C cross (D) through
stelstrees Kis ofthe rodis theanathis is itsalong
tene mox1m
become mm
represented is given ofa ofa per per andcubical
linga,(43a,T) density
mercury expansion
in (OmgA Young
will Ifthe ofthe bath cubical 10 10
V, the heated expanding (C)
Lenghahnal change eertain (c)OD of cm (C)>25
Ifthe x8.4868.486
x is of
ofulkthe radius floor: (C)
Zero length
piece in ofcoefficient 0°C and length
a linear
on htionalm,
ofofmaeial best 10-PC)
floats35°C. (B) (D) at °C
thermometer is
of from
Mn Nm Mecs Ilength Its with is
20°C.real per the (C) coefficient
N. regionrotation ofwiresthe the gm temperature a, is
the (B)mg3AK
ne 10' o' I00 mm
(B)0.99999 266.5 is what rod
antnti A
ofarea mm, x(a-5 by
represented tape,
at the glass
sue B)32×
(E)408 free smooth 10-N the EAau/(1
made hquid, of gviy
pen I force of four the (B) mass sphere, mercury0C,
<25 expansion
square meanprevent
ndius axis
on devel2(B)
oped?for (B)
mme x OA on a at
e Nm)
Y20x R
radus cconpres
he abyy from grnph cm and sink at ofthe bulb witha the torequired
Nm Nm messdes ofwie70issteched
in (B) is
rests cm ofa the (B) and
xdistance strainwire comect
is to
begins C C bulb linear long E
10` af
(4)32*here otin.
(A)mgARndni m c al
(A)099998 2m strain
aflength versus gives
Thereading 1per per fills is area)
cm metalforce
A to d lo ngitadi nal 10* the just
36 Amld pitn Aform witb just he coefficient
ofvolume mercury (4)
Agl29, rodIthe compressional
hen (A) The tape
103 neglecting
sphere x
(D) he Sbress Aod loed OB(A) el cm A)25 Asphere 8.486
8.486 Ametallic
(A) Thehgure Aslea0C. of
elasticity EAa
01 Q2 Q3 he (A) (C) TheTheIfthe
Q4 Q5 Q7
Q.6 Q.8
D.9 10
Q.19 A thin walled
Volue cxpansioncylimdrical metal vessel of linear coeficient
coeficient 10 . f the vessel and ofexpansion 1o°C contains bcnzenr o
pressure due to the liquid at the its contents are now heated by 10° he
(A) increases by 2% (B) bottom.
Q.20 A rod deerenses by 1% (C) decreases by 2%
oflength 2m at 0°C and hnving expansion
distance (in cm) fom one end coefficient (D)remains unchangea
cg =(3x+ 2) ×
(A) 2.124 m ofrod. The length of rod at 20°C is: 10%oC- where x is the
(B) 3.24 m (C) 2.0124 m
Q.21 Acopper ring has a diameter (D) 3.124 m
iameter ofexactly 25.05 mm at itsofexactly 25 mim at its temperature
of0°C.An aluminium sphere has a
two are allowed to come to tenperature of 100°C. The sphere is placed on top of the ring
passes through the ring at thethermal equilibrium, no heat being lost to the surrounding. The
(given: a,= 17x 10/^C, a,,=2.3 x tenperature. The sphere
ratio of mass of the sphere &ring isjust
heat of Al=0.215 caVg°C) 10-5 /°C, specific heat of theCu = 0.0923 CaVg°C :
(A) I/S and specific
(B) 23/108
Q.22 An ice cube at (C) 23/54 (D) 216/23
ofthe body with time is given by is kept in a room at
temperature 20°C. The variation of tenperature

Q.23 A spherc ofice at 0°C having initial
The ice melts uniformly, such thatradius R isplaccd in an cnvironnent having
ambient temperature >0°C.
shape remains spherical. After a time t' the
reduced Assuming the rate ofheat absorption is
to r. radius ofthe sphere has
moment, which graph best depicts r(t). proportional to the surface area ofthe sphere at any

(B) (C)

Q.24 A rod oflength L and uniform

cross-sectional area has varying
linearly from 2K at end A to K at the other end B. The ends Athermal conductivity which changes
and B of the rod are maintained at
constant temperature 100°Cand 0°C, respectively. At steady state, the
where x = distance from end A will be graph oftemperature :T=T()
100 100°C
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Q.25 Acuboid ABCDEFGH is anisotropic with a, =1 x 105/°C,
4,=2x 10/°C, a, =3 x 105 PC. Coetficient of superficial
expansion of faces can be
(A) BAsCp 5 x 105 /PC (B) PacH =4 x 10 /°C
(C) PepEH 3 x 105/°C (D) PErGH-2 x 10S /PC
Q.26 An open vessel is tilled completely with oil which has same coefficient of voume expansion as that of the
vessel. On heating both oiland vessel,
(A) the vessel can contain more volume and more mass ofoil
(B) the vessel can contain same volume and sume mass of oil
(C) the vessel can contain same volume but more mass ofoil
(D)the vessel can contain more volume but same nass of oil
Obiective Question Bank On Heat
There are S0 questions in this question bank.
Q.1 Onc cnd ofa 2.35m ong and 2.0cmradius aluminium rod (K 235 W.m'K') is hckd
end ofthe rod is in contact with a blockofice at its melting point. The rate in kg.s at at 20C.The other
(A) 48n x 10%
which ice melts is
(B) 24r x 10 (C) 2.4n x 104 (D) 4.8r 104
[Take latent hcat of fusion for ice asx10'"]
Q.2 The power radiated by a black body is P and it radiates maximum energy around the
wavelength 2., If
the teperature ofthe black body is now changed so that it radiates maximum energy around
3/42,, the power radiated by it will increase by a factor of
(A) 4/3 (B) 16/9 (C) 64/27 (D) 256/81
Q.3 A rod oflength L with sides fully insulated is ofa material whose thermal
conductivity varies with
temperature as K= where a is a constant. The ends ofthe rod are kept at temperature T, and T,.
Thc temperature Tat x, whcre x is the distance from the cnd whose temperature isT, is
(C) T,e x
Q.4 An aluminium container ofmass 100 gm contains 200 gm ofice at-20°C. Heat is added to the system
at the rate of 100 cal's. The temperature ofthe system after 4 minutes will be (specific heat ofice =0.5
and L= 80 cal/'gm, specific heat ofA/=0.2 calgm/°C)
(A) 40.5C (B) 25.5°C (C) 30.3°C (D) 35.0°C
Q.5 A black metal foil is warmed by radiation from a small sphere at temperature 'T' and at a distance'd'.
It is found that the power received by the foil is P. Ifboth the temperature and distance are doubled, the
powerreceivcdby the foil will be:
(A) 16 P (B) 4 P (C) 2 P (D) P
Q.6 Asteel tape gives correct measurement at 20°C. Apiece of woodis being measured with the steel tape
at 0°C. The reading is 25 cm on the tape, the real length ofthe given piece ofwood must be:
(A) 25 cm (B) <25 cm (C) >25 cm (D) can not say
Q.7 Arod of length 20 cm is made ofmetal. It expands by 0.075 cm when its temperature is raised fronm
0°C to 100°C. Another rod ofa different netal B having the same length expands by 0.045 cm for
the same change in temperature, athird rod of the same length is composed of two parts one of
metal Aand the other of metalB. Thus rod expand by 0.06 cm.for the same change in temperature.
The portion made of metalAhas the length:
(A) 20 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 15 cm (D) 18 cm
Q.8 Star S, emits maximum radiation of wavelength 420 nm and the star S, emits maximum radiation of
wavelength 560 nm, what is the ratio ofthe tenperature of S, and S,:
(A) 4/3 (B) (4/3)4 (C) 3/4 (D) (3/4)2
Q.9 Ifl gm water requires xheat to boil to steam at l100°C, and gm water requires yheat to evaporate
completely at 0°C, then
(A) x > (B) x=y (C) x<y (D) y = 0
9.37 Ikg ofice at- 10°C is
mixed with
(specific heat ofice is 2100 Jkgk) 4.4 kg ofwater at 30°C. The final temperature of mixture is :
(A) 2.3°C
(B) 4.4°C (C) 5.3°C
Q.38 A black body (D) 8.7°C
8 min. The calbrimeter illed with hot water cools from 60°C to 5C in 4 min and
(A) 10°C approximate tenperature ofsurrounding is: 40°C to 30°C in
(B) 15°C (C) 20°C
Q.39 Steam at 100°C is added slowly to (D) 25°C
80°C. The mass ofsteam 1400 gm ofwater at 16°C until the temperature of water is raised to
(A) 160 gm required to do this is (Ly=540 caVgm) :
(B)125 mg (C) 250 gm
Q.40 Asolid ballis completely immersed in a (D) 320 gm
are 3 x 10-6a liquid. The coeficicnts ofvolume expansion of the
and 8 x 1° per Crespectively. The ball and liquid
is increased by 100 °C is percentage change in upthrust when the temperature
(A) 0.5% (B) 0.11 % (C) 1.1% (D) 0.05 %
Q41 Awall has two layer Aand Beach made
The themal conductivity ofthe material Aofdifferent material, both the layers the
is twice that ofB. Under thermal have same thickness.
difference across the wall B is 36°C. The temperature difference across theequilibrium the temperature
(A) 6°C (B) 12°C (C) 18°C
(D) 72°C
Q.42 The rate ofemission of radiation ofa black body at 273°C is E, then
this body at 0°C will be the rate of emissionof radiation of
(A) 16 (B) (D) 0
Q.43 A thin copper wire of length L increase in length by 1% when heated from temperature T, to T,. What is the
percentagc change in arca when a thin copper plate having dimensions 2L x Lis hcatcd fromT, to T,?
(A) 1% (B) 2% (C) 3% (D) 4%
Q.44 Aring consisting oftwo parts ADB and ACB of same conductivity kcaries an
amount ofheat H. The ADB part is now replaced with another metal keeping
the temperatures T, and T, constant. The heat carried increases to 2H. What
should be the conductivity ofthe new ADB part? Given ADB

(B) 2 k (D) 3 k

Three conducting rods ofsame material and cross-section are shown in figure.
Temperatures ofA, D and Care maintained at 20°C,90°C and 0°C. The
ratio oflengths ofBD and BC ifthere is no heat flow in AB is:
(A) 2/7 (B) 7/2 (C) 9/2 (D) 2/9
0.46 Thrce rods made ofthe same material and having samc cross-scctional arca but
difierent lengths 1Ocm, 20 cm and 30 cm are joincd as shown. The temperature 20cm

ofthe joint is: 30cm 10cm

(A) 20°C (B) 23.7°C (C) l6.4°C (D) 18.2°C
Q.47 ftwo rods ofkngth L and 2L.
so that total length becomes having coeflicients
of liearreexpansion a and 2a
coefficient of lincar expansionrespectiveky
3L, the average are connected
cquals: of the composition rod

(D) none of these

Q.48 One end ofa conducting rod is maintained at
0°C. The rate ofmelting ofice is doubled if. tenperature 50°C and at the other end, ice is melting at
(A) the temperature is made 200°Cand the area
ofcross-section ofthe rod is doubled
(B) the temperature is made 100°C and length ofrod is made four times
(C) area ofcross-section of rod is halved and length is doubled
(D) the temperature is made 100°C and the area ofcross-section of rod and length
both are doubled.
Q.49 Twelve conducting rods form the riders ofa uniform cube of
stcady state, B and H ends of the rod are at 100°C and 0°C. Find the
temperature ofthe junction 'A!. 100"CR
(A) 80°C (B) 60°C (C) 40°C (D) 70°C

0.50 Six identical conducting rods are joined as shown in figure. PointsAand
Dare maintained at temperature of200°C and 20°C respectively. The
temperature ofjunction Bwill be: 200°C
(A) 120°C (B) 100°C (C) 140°C (D) 80°C

Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 A Q.4 B Q.5

Q.6 B Q.7 B Q.8 A Q.9 B Q.10 C

Q.11 A Q.12 B Q.13 A Q.14 B Q.15 A

Q.16 C Q.17 A Q.18 D Q.19 C Q.20 C

0.21 C Q.22 B Q.23 B Q.24 B Q.25 C

Q.26 D Q.27 B Q.28 B Q.29 D Q.30 A

0.31 D Q.34 B Q.35 C

Q.32 A Q.33 D

Q.39 A Q.40 D
Q.36 B a,37 D Q.38 B
Q.45 B
Q.41 C Q.42 A Q.43 B Q.44 A

Q,49 B Q.50 C
Q.46 C Q.47 C Q.48 D
3 0

a (
o f o
6 m

k g


e w
d i t


s 10

1 0 C I

o f k e l

k g o fai cte

S a ds
o dwh

liquid is heated with its contents. The pressire at the

h ce a

0.27 A vessel containing a bottom of vesmel

A N 2 3 C

A b a c k v y c a

take place)

A b a c
b k
o d y

liquid should. (no (B) decrease $o

s tt

(A) increase DCr

(C) increases if Y >3 a (D)decreases ify g3vesel ( A

1 0
) ° C

of500°C and placed ona

kg is heated to temperature large block. What
block ofmass 2.5ofice that can melt (approx.). Specific heat for the bodyy=0.1iceCaVgn°C.
( A
I 6
) 0

0.28 Amaximum amount a rx e


(B) 1.5 kg (C) 2 kg (D) 2.5 kg

(A) I kg
E, fora body at temperature T, is plotted against
Q.29 The spectral cmissive powerunder
tws o

the curve is found to be A. At a different alco

the wavelength and area d. A wallk

O.40 A0 )
c nc

9A. Then ,A, =

tenperature T, the area is found to be (A
6 °)

(A) 3 (B) 1/3 () /V3 (D) 3 Q.41

same area are touching each other on their face TA Ta Te

0.30 Two sheets ofthickness d and 2 d and with common ratio r= 2,
Tenperatre T,, T T shown are in geomctric progression
thicker sheet are
Then ratio ofthermal conductivity ofthinner and (D) 4
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3
cquivalent 10 gm. How much hcat should be
Q.31 10 gm of icc at 0°C is kept in a calorimcter of water (Neglect loss of heat)
suppied to the apparatus to evaporate the water thus forned?
(C) 13600 cal (D) 8200 cal
(A) 6200 cal (B) 7200 cal
at the rate of0.1 gmsec. It
Hcat is being supplicd at a constant rate to a sphere ofice which is melting bc
mcts compktcly in 100 sec. The rate ofrisc oftempcrature thercafter will
(Assume no loss ofheat.)
(A) 0.8C/sec (B) 5.4 °C/sec (C) 3.6 °Csec (D) will change with time
wallwith aand
The thickness
Q.33 same consists oftwo layers ofbrick separated by a layer ofair. All three laycrs have the
thc thermal conductivity ofthe brick is much greater than that ofair. The left layer is
at ahigher temperature than the right layer and stcady state condition cxists. Which ofthe following
graphs predicts correctly the variation oftemperature T with distance d inside the cavity?

Q.34 The intensity ofradiationemitted by the Sun has its maximum value at awavelength of5 10 nm and that
emitted by the North Star has the maximum value at 350 nm. Ifthese stars behave like black bodies then
the ratio ofthe surlace temperature ofthe Sun and the North Star is
(A) I.46 (B) 0.69 (C) 1.21 (D) 0.83
Q.35 Ametal ballinersed in Alcohol weigus W, a 0°C and W, at S0°C. The coeficient ofcubical expansäon
ofthe metal (rn, is less than that ofalcohol (a, Assuming that densiy ofmetal is larye conmpared to
that ofalcohol, it can be shown hat
(A) W, >W: (B) W, -W: (C) W, <W, (D) any of(A). (B) or (C)
Q.36 Two bodies Pand Qhave thermal emissivities of E, and , respectively. Surface areas of these bodies
are same and the total radianl power is also emitted at the sane rate. If temperature ofP is
0, kelvin then temperature of Qi.e. 0, is
Q9 Tbe volams of
The coeliciens

Q10 Ameallic
of cross

Q.10 Spheres P and Q are

and the radiis unifomly constructed from tte same material
both are at the ofQisthrice the radius ofP. The rate of fall
same surface temperature. The
which is a good conductor ofheat
oftetemperature ofP isx
(A) V4 value ofx is : times that of Owhen
(B) 1/3
0.11 Asphere (C) 3 (D) 4
ofdiameter 7 cm and mass
the sphere just begins to sinkat a 266.5 gm floats in a bath ofa liquid. As the
tennperature 35C. Ifthe density ofa at 0°Ctemperature
is raised,
ncglecting the expansion ofthe sphere, the coefficient ofcubical exnansion is
1.527 gmycc, then
(A) 8.486 x 10per C
(C) 8.486 x 10 per C (B) 8.486 x 10 per C ofthe likquid is f:
0.12 The volume ofthe bub ofa (D) 8,486 x 10 per C
The cocficient oflincar thernmometer at 0°C is V, and cross section of the ocapillary is A,
Ifthe mercury just fils theexpansion ofglass is a, per °C and the cubical expansion of
bulb at 0°C, what is the length mercuryy_per °C.
ofmercury column in capillary at T°C.
(A) A+2a,T) (B) VoTYm-3a,) V,Tty 2a,) V,Ta-2a,)
Aoll+2a,T) (C) Adl+3a,T) (D) A3a,T)
0.13 A thermally insulated vessel contains some water at
OC. The vessel is connected to a vacuum pump to
pump out water vapour. This results in some water getting frozen. It is given Latent heat of vaporization
ofwater at 0°C =21 x 10' J/kg and latent heat of freezing of water
=3.36 x 10 J/kg. The maximum
percentage amount ofwater that will be solidified in this manner will be
(A) 86.2% (B) 33.6% (C) 21% (D) 24.36%
Q.14 A metallic rod l cm long witha square
cross-section is heated through 1°C. IfYoung's modulus of
elasticity ofthe metal is E and the mean coefficient oflincar expansion is a per degree Celsius, then the
compressional force required to prevent the rod from expanding along its length is :(Neglect the change
ofcross-sectional area)
(A) EAat (B) EAat(1 + at) (C) EAat(1-at) (D) E/at
0.15 Four rods of same material with different radi r and length l are used to connect two reservoirs ofheat
at diferent temperatures. Which one willconduct most heat?
(A)r=2cm, 1-0.5m (B)r=2cm, I=2m (C)r=0.5cm, I-0.Sm (D) r=lcm, I=I m
Q.16 Acylinder ofradius Rmade ofa material ofthermalconductivity k, is surrounded by acylindricalshel
ofinner radius Rand outer radius 2R made of a material of thermal conductivity k,. The two ends of
the combined system are maintained at different temperatures. There is no los ofheat from the cylindrical
surface and the system is in steady state. The effective thermal conductivity ofthesystem is
(A) k, + k, (B) k +k
Q.17 The loss in weight ofa solid when immersed in a liquid at 0C is W, and at (°Cis W. Ifcubical coetficient
ofexpansion ofthesolid and the liquid by y, and y, respectively, then Wis cqual to :
(A) W, [I +(Y,- Y)4] (B) W, (1 -(r,-Y)
(C) W, [r, -)9 (D) W,V(Y, -)
Q.18 Heat is conducted across a composite block oftwo slabs of thickness
All the hcal
and 2d. Their thenal conductivities are 2k and k respectively.
entering the face AB leaves fron the face CID. The temperature in °Col x
the junction EF ofthe two slabs is:
(B) 50 (C) 60 (D)80
(A) 20

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