After watching all three TED Talks, the thing that I was shocked to learn was just
how damage has been brought upon the ocean. In “Glimpses of a Pristine
Ocean,” Enric Sala shared a shocking image of what our oceans look like now
and how they are depleted of large marine animals, coral reefs and filled with
harmful bacterial algae. He then compared what the Line Islands looked like now,
barely any small fish, dead coral, destructive algae, and overall no other signs of
life, versus how it looked when there were less people on the island and when it
wasn't inhabited, it was filled with large marine animals like sharks, it was bright
and colorful, coral reefs were alive, and it was a thriving ecosystem. This truly
shocked me because it made me realize that one of the biggest threats our
oceans face is humanity. In “My Wish: Protect our Oceans,” Sylvia Earle explains
how the ocean is our life support system, and she delves deeper into why it is so
important that we protect it. She pointed out that the ocean is responsible for the
air we breathe, the water we drink, climate, temperature, the weather, and homes
for wildlife. She goes into further detail as to why it was so important to her that
Google Earth properly reflected the planet as there was nothing available for the
ocean, she explains this to draw attention as to the vastness of the ocean since
most people do not care to know or are even aware as to what is beneath the
waters. This genuinely stuck out to me as I had never thought of the importance
of representing the ocean and I do believe that it will draw more attention and
awareness and hopefully inspire people to start learning what they can do to help
protect the ocean. In “Let's turn the high seas into the world's largest nature
reserve,” Enric Sala explains different ways in which we can save our ocean. His
main idea is to investigate the High Seas. Currently there is a very high
percentage of countries that fish in the High Seas which most people believe is a
good source of food which boost the economy, Sala showed that this is not the
case as the cost of Manufactuing boats and supplies is very high and slave
workers are used as fishermen so companies do not have to pay them, meaning
that fishing is only profitable in half of the High Seas. He proposed making 2/3 of
the High Seas into a reserve which would allow lots of overfished species to
recover, which would increase profits as the cost of fishing would decrease.
Therefore, protecting the High Seas would improve the economy and ocean.
2. All three videos talked about interconnectivity and the importance of MPAs.
Sylvia Earle went into a deep dive as to how we are very dependent on the
ocean as the ocean is responsible for our oxygen, atmosphere, temperatures,
weather, and climate. This goes hand in hand with the idea that everything on
Earth is interconnected to the ocean, which is an important topic that we have
been discussing in class. Enric Sala pointed out in both his videos that MPAs are
the answer to restoring aquatic species which in turn improves the quality of the
ocean. We have discussed why MPAs are so important since they improve
biodiversity and vast ecosystems.
3. It is vital that we protect our ocean because the ocean makes the planet
hospitable for life to survive, regulates temperature, is a primary food source for
lots of countries, provides jobs and medicines, and it can help improve our
economy. Protecting the biodiversity in the ocean is critical as it ensures that our
planet remains healthy and allows us to survive and thrive.