Millat Ibrahim
Millat Ibrahim
Millat Ibrahim
Taken From Works Of :
Thus we say: In relation to the first and second group, along with
those like them, what appears to us of their condition is that that
which they fulfill is correct with no rebuke. However, since they
have undertaken to confront the powerless while remaining silent
on the part of the authorities in what they are involved in regarding
the demolition of the din of Allah, the path they have traversed is
what misguided those before them.
As he (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) explained in the hadith reported by al-
Bukhari in the “Kitab al-Hudud” from ‘Aishah (radiyallahu ‘anha) that Quraysh
became concerned about a Makhzumi woman who stole. They said, “Who will go
speak to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? Who but Usamah,
the beloved of the Messenger of Allah, dares to speak with him!” So he went and
spoke with the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
“Are you intervening in the ruling of Allah!” he said to him. He then stood and
spoke, “O people! Indeed those before you were led astray due to when a
nobleman from among them would steal, they would leave him alone; but when
someone weak from among them would steal, they would implement the ruling on
him. By Allah, if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, were to steal, Muhammad
would have her hand cut.”
Thus establishing the ruling on the weak is a right of Allah. It is justice, the doer of
which, and the one who emphatically speaks concerning it, cannot be criticized for.
But misguidance enters when one implements the ruling on the weak and fails to
implement it on the strong. Hence these two groups, and those like them, if those
who hold no authority err, they are stern and hostile towards them. Yet if those with
authority whom they live under, fear, and hope in, err, they come up with excuses
for them; and if they do not find any excuse, they adjure excuses for themselves:
that they are weak and lack the ability to make a change. Thus it is plain to you the
nature in which these two groups conform with each other in implementing the right
on the weak and remaining silent over the strong. Their claim to adhering to the
millah of Ibrahim is indeed questionable, as you for sure know he (‘alayhis-salam)
in no case traversed their path in relation to declaration and rejection.
Being silent over some [matters] and declaring others opposes the
millah of Ibrahim, who did not fear for himself or his wealth, and it
opposes the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi
wa alihi wa sallam) in his da’wah. As his Lord commanded him
with His statement: “So declare what you have been commanded,
and turn away from the mushrikin” (al-Hijr, 94)