Millat Ibrahim

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Taken From Works Of :


The Millah of Ibrahim is established on two foundations: (a)
Devotion of worship being to Allah alone; and (b) disavowal
(bara‘ah) from shirk and its people and displaying enmity
towards them.

Our messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was undoubtedly

commanded to follow him (‘alayhis-salam). He (ta‘ala) said,
“Then We revealed to you to follow the millah of Ibrahim
hanifa (i.e., turning away from shirk towards tawhid), and he
was not from the mushrikin” (an-Nahl, 123). He (ta‘ala) also
said, “Say: Indeed, my Lord has guided me to a straight path,
an upright din, the millah of Ibrahim hanifa, and he was not
from the mushrikin” (al-An‘am, 161). And there is no doubt
that we have been commanded to follow this millah; and
whoever from among us has forsaken it has made a fool of
himself. The two close friends [of Allah] traversed on this, and
through it, attained the friendship [of Allah] as mentioned in
the sahih of Muslim (rahimahullah), when he (sallallahu
‘alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) said, “Verily, Allah has taken me as
a close friend (khalil) as He took Ibrahim as a
Thus the millah of Ibrahim is the millah of our prophet (sallallahu
‘alayhi wa alihi wa sallam); and it is our millah, as well. It is the
example for our prophet and the example for us, just as He (ta‘ala)
said, “There has been for you an excellent example in Ibrahim and
those with him, when they said to their people, ‘Indeed, we are
disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than
Allah. We reject you, and there has appeared between us and you
enmity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone’ ”
(al-Mumtahanah, 4)

And so it is clear from what preceded the millah of Ibrahim

(‘alayhis-salam) is bara‘ah from shirk and its people, separating
from them and cutting off ties. Islam did not emerge triumphant
except by applying this aspect. And it is the distinguisher for those
on Earth. “Muhammad split apart the people,” al-Bukhari mentions
in the chapter “Holding Fast to the Kitab and Sunnah,” taken from
the long hadith of Jabir (radiyallahu ‘anhu),
Similarly, in relation to the seeing [of Allah in the Hereafter], al-
Bukhari reports from Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri (radiyallahu ‘anhu), in the
section on the tafsir of surah an-Nisa, that when they come to their
Lord (tabaraka wa ta‘ala) on the Day of Resurrection and He says,
“Every community will follow that which they worshiped.” They will
reply, “O Lord! We separated from the people in the dunya while
we were poor and in need of them and did not befriend them.” Thus
they separated from them in spite of them being poor and their
need for them. And they did not befriend them so as to enrich
themselves - like the situation of those who claim Islam today.

And this was the understanding of As‘ad ibn Zurarah (radiyallahu

‘anhu) towards the bay‘ah, when he said, “Take it easy people of
Yathrib! Concluding this today means separation from the Arabs
and the killing of your best men and the striking of swords. So if
you are a people who can bear patiently with that, then take it, and
your reward is on Allah. But if you fear for yourselves, leave it now
and you will have more of an excuse in front of Allah” (reported by
Ahmad and al-Bayhaqi; ibn Kathir said, ‘And this isnad is jayyid on
the condition of Muslim’ [As-Sirah, vol. 2, p. 194]; and al-Hafidh in
Al-Fath considered this story hasan while mentioning the slight
differences in its wording)
Thus whoever wants the fulfillment of the din of Muhammad
(sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) and to support it today, let
him proceed on what they proceeded upon. “But if you fear for
yourselves,” As‘ad said in the hadith itself, “leave it now and you
will have more of an excuse in front of Allah” (‘azza wa jall).

So take it with its conditions - ya akhi - white and pure as the

Companions (radiyallahu‘anhum) of Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi
wa alilhi wa sallam) took it. For indeed they were given Paradise on
that, and He (‘azza wa jall) said about them, “From among the
believers are men, truthful to what they pledged with Allah. And so
from them are those who fulfilled their vow by death, and some
remain waiting - and they never altered or changed in the least” (al-
Ahzab, 23)

As for the condition of those where the matter has confounded

them - either deliberately or ignorantly - we present for you their
actions and statements to make plain for you their reality
One group among them asserts that the establishment and base of
the din lies in combating the grave-worshipers, displaying enmity
towards them, warning from them and combating the Sufis and
people of bida’. Another group asserts the same as the first but
adds on it [combating] the conception of extreme blind following of
a school of thought,calling to defend the hadith and filtering out
what entered into it; and that is the wheremost of their zeal is. A
third became obsessed with communism and refuting it and
affirming the existence of the Creator and striving to gain important
governmental positions with the intention to seize rule. There are
other groups, but there is no need to delve into them as they are
founded on ignorance.

Thus we say: In relation to the first and second group, along with
those like them, what appears to us of their condition is that that
which they fulfill is correct with no rebuke. However, since they
have undertaken to confront the powerless while remaining silent
on the part of the authorities in what they are involved in regarding
the demolition of the din of Allah, the path they have traversed is
what misguided those before them.
As he (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) explained in the hadith reported by al-
Bukhari in the “Kitab al-Hudud” from ‘Aishah (radiyallahu ‘anha) that Quraysh
became concerned about a Makhzumi woman who stole. They said, “Who will go
speak to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? Who but Usamah,
the beloved of the Messenger of Allah, dares to speak with him!” So he went and
spoke with the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

“Are you intervening in the ruling of Allah!” he said to him. He then stood and
spoke, “O people! Indeed those before you were led astray due to when a
nobleman from among them would steal, they would leave him alone; but when
someone weak from among them would steal, they would implement the ruling on
him. By Allah, if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, were to steal, Muhammad
would have her hand cut.”

Thus establishing the ruling on the weak is a right of Allah. It is justice, the doer of
which, and the one who emphatically speaks concerning it, cannot be criticized for.
But misguidance enters when one implements the ruling on the weak and fails to
implement it on the strong. Hence these two groups, and those like them, if those
who hold no authority err, they are stern and hostile towards them. Yet if those with
authority whom they live under, fear, and hope in, err, they come up with excuses
for them; and if they do not find any excuse, they adjure excuses for themselves:
that they are weak and lack the ability to make a change. Thus it is plain to you the
nature in which these two groups conform with each other in implementing the right
on the weak and remaining silent over the strong. Their claim to adhering to the
millah of Ibrahim is indeed questionable, as you for sure know he (‘alayhis-salam)
in no case traversed their path in relation to declaration and rejection.
Being silent over some [matters] and declaring others opposes the
millah of Ibrahim, who did not fear for himself or his wealth, and it
opposes the guidance of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi
wa alihi wa sallam) in his da’wah. As his Lord commanded him
with His statement: “So declare what you have been commanded,
and turn away from the mushrikin” (al-Hijr, 94)

Ibrahim (‘alayhis-salam) never said as those today say: “We fear

fitnah!” “Indeed, they are already in fitnah” (at-Tawbah, 49).
Instead, he was grabbed and hurled in the fire; he remained
steadfast and did not retreat nor bootlick.

And here is the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wa

sallam). Abu Jahl and his people were hostile and fought him,but
that did not prevent him from declaring the truth and expressing
explicit enmity towards them. Likewise were the Companions
(radiyallahu ‘anhum). We see how they left their homes and lands
and spent their wealth. And if they understood the din like how
those in our time understand it, they would have lived with Abu Jahl
and his supporters like the callers today live with the supporters of
Abu Jahl
The Messenger was not sent as a pacifist to the enemies of the
din; he was sent to “split apart the people.” Allah sent him “to test
him and test others through him.” He sent him “to burn Quraysh.”
He feared that Quraysh would kill him but his Lord did not settle
him on this fear; instead, He commanded that he drive them out as
they drove him out (reportedby Muslim in his sahih, the chapter of
“The Attributes By Which One Knows the People of Paradise and
the People of the Fire in the Dunya”).

We say to the callers today: You know your declaration, your

enmity, your dissociation from the enemies of the din will lead to
their enmity towards you and their driving you away - and this is the
millah of Ibrahim (‘alayhis-salam). And it is that which Waraqah ibn
Nawfal (radiyallahu ‘anhu) understood when he said, “I wish I could
be alive when your people drive you out.”

“Will they drive me out?” he (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) replied.

“Yes,” Waraqah said in affirmation. “No man has come with the like
of what has come to you except that he was treated with hostility”
(related by al-Bukhari).





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